in ttuA war more than in other ware the enemy has had .power to reach a man's soul. I may be mistaken; yet, if it is so, such a wound must head. I do not believe any such wound, even of the soul, can touch the real centre. "80 you have the little things all think you may be right, and 1 that's my not being able to find any of my own old before Joe came. I hunted everywhere. I did want them. I felt just as you do now. I wanted oceans of lovely things for my baby, and in my case I really had plenty, The Purple Lady :BY GEORGIA WOOD PANGBORN- airing ? How sweet and confidient they but I WAS greedy for more, and there look wLth the little sleeves spread out! wasn't a sock or a cap or a nightie Wait tiM tha arms get in them and of what I had worn. I cone-hided she begin to flap and wave! Joe wore j must have sent them to the Chicago out everything! I never saw sruch a : fire sufferers. You know a tide of o4d baby. He tfrubbedi through his long ' clothes set toward Chicago in '71, just dire&'ses just aa he did later through ' as our tihinig ail went to Belgium, his knickerbockers. It's a shame that That was the year of her death. I he didn't leave anything of has ward'- ' concluded, it was that, and left it go. robe for hiis own balby tut they never "I was only a year old when sihe think of that!" |<Med," sai'd Mrs. Ma*k, looking wist- "I do wish," eaid Altbea, "I could j fully at an ill-done crayon portrait. | have embroidered some slips. Of i "I have no memory of her at all" cours"?, the \\xoleii things arc most; She paused, and then repeated the important this weather, but I wanted tragic little story. AHihea had heard a frilly cap, too. Pour baby! He jit, and she knew that Althea had wpn't be going out much in this wea- 1 heard it, yet ahe repeated it. ther, but I'd like to see him in one. I "She -had gone out into the garden. There's nothing quite like a baby's You know in those days there was a fate with a f riM around it and a bow tongue of the real woods that came unriier tin* chin." said 'Mrs. Mack doubtfully, down between our gamden and the village. Hunters sometimes followed It PART I. | around wea a ramy afternoon, BO Joe crown. ' "it's terrible the way they get ribbon ; their game there, honestly supposing ends in their mouths. Bad fw them j there were no houses near. On thtal and hamd on ribbons. You tie them morning my faither heard shots am! the top of her head like a under one ear, not under the chiin. went out, as 'he sometimes did, to But even eo, they always get them warn them. He found four iads who md Althea were'in the attic', cuttin-- She was sitting on the floor in front and ohew them." had just got a fox and were so proud fashion ladies out of an old Godey's of the trunk, and her wide purple "V the by " said Althea stid- j of their splendid pelt! He knew the Lady's Book. That is, Althea cut out skirts made a billowy circle a'bout her denly, then stopped- with shy, sidelong j boy, and they were especial pets at the ladtw. Joe designed animals on until she was Mke some great inverted wok. my mother's^ too, and he brought yellow wrapping paper. These he flower. The trunk was open, and it! "Yes, my dar?" them all up to the garden to find her eaid, would cut the Indioe up. 'But w <s not just full of drawings and i "I wish that little trunk in the l and show her their prize. And there when the back of Ahhea'a wrist went thing*. She was taking out the love- attic . the one behind your father's she Jay * * * brought down toke a to her mouth and her eyes fixed lies* little dresses, just right for a model Are you sure there's nothing partridge! mounrf irily on him fiHed and filled, he dU nd holding them up and looking > n lt ut dtiawsng and things like j "Poor boys! After these years, I said hastily that it was only a few *t them, then folding them up iwid that? ' ; ache more fcr them even than for my of the animals who were like that. ' putting them away again, the way you ' " Ya " thinking of your old attic ' fattier and mother! Of course, they The rest were good and would protect do to see if there are moths. Clove ghost ? 0, my dear, don't get the no- knew it was one of their buMeto that the lad-ie*. Just k?t him hav hia turn pinks! Well, I should think so! There tj 5; n tftat jt w s anything more than a had killed her, though there was no at the scMore and she would see. they were at her throat, just whore phantom of your poor little hungry , way of teHireg who had fired) the shot And so, indeed, it proved, for the the tecy ruffs made a V, finished at tummy. The first thing the fakirs and not that it really mattered;. Buit AFTER! I EVERV MEAL nothing but a heap of wearing clove pinks. ... _ . . _ torn scrape*, while the ladies, quite f ways she was not quite Hke the Children always want to get into shut and be exonerated by everybody, unscathed, still stood along the floor paper lady only the way of wearing thing's, and you certainly had been Then they left town. One of them crack. Then Joe said he smelled the her hair, and the gown with Its k>vfly , fasting." ! died in the Indian fighting, and 1 an- oookies being taken out of the oven w j skirts. The material had a 1 And yet," persisted Althea, "did, other in the Spanish war. The others and went down to see. white ground aind was aU sprigged y u ever look into it clear down to : I don't know. AJ'thea was hungry. People at home * ith tin y fl were and true lovers' the bottom?" i out; were sack. People at home, though knots - Wh /' no ,i *** to ^ bottom, but[ "I believe she came back," this ahe did not know, were nearly Ajid then, whale ahe held up a tiny <v m>u ? h ^ % ! * *<* It's only . Ahhea. "She would! at their wits' end. So the kitchen at white dress between her fate and lraw , ln ?- After my mothers death borne was at sixes and sevens, and Althea, Althea saw that heir eyes, were ^, th _T J !j st P ut everything away, tihe little ccokkng done there was al- looking at her above the little outheld B , tul *,>. drawln ?f into the trunk, most inedtblc in result. Mrs. Mack dress. Her mouth was hidden, but j J a f? red the poor old model in front knew aJl about it and was terribly Althea knew it smiled. I* .* I-H . f ^P 01 . " " w ell as he sorry, and helped by hawing Althoa But just as Althea was about to over at her houE* so much tihat she speak, Joe had to come storming up tfno ' it n They just dropped id "If she could," agreed Mrs. Mock, "and now, I must see to the furnace." (To be continued.) your KIIKVTC, of it, money to i -lit and he had me to keep, he just took a book- Dye Old Curtains, Sweater or Skirt in Diamond Dyes "Diamond Dyes" add years of wear to worn, faded rklrts. waists, coats, - - , - ..v .. U^^.L over ut nnw i ifnr\w " nrwi -h^. ' stockings, sweaters, coverings, hang- to a time when Joe ifeuld no longer Mrs Mack's room, but was now hers. >fnted at h own collection ^it mf. draperies, everything Every &ttZ CHmv 'and fmH TLt m * rt, lth0 T h ^\ WaS -'"T 00 ^ HP*H tHngs If-if I could": package contains directions so .tapS <nik41<C4b aKJ lIILY <l;,~i i T <*'.,. Vt j!_LlL <l v-ll lO LLlTllOll L I'll'* nOtl'-Y* 1 Tl I n"l-** T*i'l/fcTY1 1 il- 'J itT * . _> *v pair they would make- if they carried bit of wco^flre a^Vne^eS to thrust \ 22$ 2! 'twere w,se I . any woma:i can put new. rich. fadeless out the fine promi.^ of their baby- back th^ January c^U For it ^aa S PI> SC ' l W ^ w "\be-I'd ask you toj colors Into he. worn garmontt or draperies even If she never dyed far comers of the attic were a litt: d.immer than she liked; in do we. up partvukT, the corrwr model of the machine where the Mrs. Mnck was sitting on an otto- tvl . ail logs man at Al-tliea's feet a dowager who t H,' )so aiul elbow* aixi long flruprew. It had had quite resigned her crown, but who been th.?re ever since rhe made the remained O, yiw, remahiod a power acquaiiUine of Joe's attic (wMch was behind the throne of the new queon. the same as always), and though Joe No\v, in the old queen's face, so 1'on'g had explained all alxmt it how it as it w.s unobcr\-! s was the light wouldn't go and couldn't hurt any- of battle; perhaps of df-sporuticn body sho had never quite Hkel it. Only whtn t.h<> yourtg woman's oyo; It steed in front of a littlo black were upon her then it was calm, con- trunk whx-h she had eyed long-ingly ndeot. rvassuring. tihrongh the machino'a sprawling Altfe-a turned from the froste-J levtr*. But Joe aW tb2 trunk things window to Joe's mother, weren't oM- fashioned thmga y<] "How was he when you looked in oouM drwn up in, but the machine's las'l?" things, drawing* and modob. He had "Sleeping, I think. so*ri them fnee, arn;l some day, whoa quit^t." he was a man, he was t the mcuih-ine *nd set F tSSlffn <!cnir, of you'll n't do for and pull * Dyes be any- **** Dyei no other klnJ then your mat-rial v.-ill ccme out right, because fade, or run. Tell your druggist whether the n.atcrial you wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether It fc linen. This n candy- gum delight! young and ol It "melts mouth" a center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth and throat. There are the other WRIGLEY ' friends to choose from, too: "After Every Meal" There's just one thing that makes me cotton or mixed goods. he was to have them "Well," said Ahhea confidently. e if he coul-l ran ! patient. It isn't as if I couldn't At least he was | Woman's Sphere T . ,. v , , ., ' nan K e ' rous ^ ear of Married Life. find out what it neetiwl to make it unuerstand' why he cam't bear the sight The Swedish journal "Charm" tif* kry/w thill nyu'Cri, u-i^.l no txyl/l Altlico WOITKMI ' ho ARU! THnt ti-n rt uiit ! v .* j T * i i *-rK*it -rw : nfi'twr IT . "' ous *<* of Mam*?d Life which wrrai. pruiHaW WWB* ; lie nover noul/1 rw>n,r e*ve*n amiM.1t I ... mere or less sympathy for Martha, atlld l ^^n't help wonderinir why Christ | whieh -" Article on "The Danger- j eed more pSe*ed with Mary. Why **" of to = _ us unsubstantial as th< rest, so as she about. We know how he has fought wed at it through half-dcwxl eye* .his nwkih would teM us, even if Ahhea waa not eurprisod that it we dkinH know anyway." hould thin, dissolve, .beoonve inyiadWo. i "Yes.," raid hi motflver, nod her Oh, how lovely! She had dons it! She | voice was oaJm. She even bent down had dreame:! the lady real! > uiid Yes, tint'i'e rthe was, a real Married *"** supper He sakl what He MT ReQlly ' Hc almost ***** Ifcrthft, for Hi-s comfort." ' "^ed to feel much the same way," wore a (raid of yrtfcw ha-ir ga. Year crkics, is through study of the divorce statistics, which d-icclomxl that a third, or at least a fourth, of all divorces occur in the tihird year of marriage pausing the third prospect that the ciniple will live hap-j * *" ^ v ' """ w'-raifrnienea out in my I h*ve sometimes thougTit'thllt i , But ^ y '%^ thinl ^'' ir lt * mflwt ' JJlT JS'Tlf ^ ^ ^ 'I ?" (lanirurous? The px-perls answer that ' ^ ^'' Pl at Wello^ley she used to two years of rcmantic ruJe en to her husband. 'You eat it, dear,' "Suspicion," she would say with her half-mischiev-1 "mighty often ous, wholly magnetic smile and then turn back to the girls with whom she had been talking. "One day it flashed across me how much more a Mary hostess who want- ed to be taught would mean to Mrs. Palmer than a Martha hostes'3 wlw merely placed food in front of her could possibly mean. And if that cir- cumstance wwre true of heir, how much truer it must have been of Christ, who raid, 'My meat d to do the will of Him that sent Me and to finish His work.' "Another glimpse of Martha's character i-ante from an article in writer spoke of her as hav- not a sense of duty, that grand, exalting thing, but a sense of the little niminy-pim-imy cares said Uncle Eben, consists in realizin' whut you'd be tempted to do if you had de other feller's chance." Cleaning E postman or express man will bring Parker service right to your home. Whatever you send whether it b suits, coats, dresses, lace curtains,, tapestry draperies, etc., etc. will b_! beautifully cleaned by the Parker process and speedily re- turned. m " rp Aunt Nan; "so I undir-r&tand . Aftorj Perfectly. For many ywirs Martha { there i. everv ' was a T)rp!exity to me, but at last ! Scotland Observing will livo hap-' 1>ve &>* hw at.ralwhtenwl out in mv ! f:ice f hi * daughter glimpse WAS from Dr. Patterson, our dear old preacher at home. I sat be- ' side him at a dinner the Pattessons giving for a great preacher from the harassed at the other end, inkable Underwear urable. SIShneld's shnnka! than tlcqst gves ease, sturd 'ear ineqsts in -warhith, fort, health) liirotection\and ear. It is the]*>undet my to buy. no- Made b combination* and two- piece uiti. in fufl lentth, knee and elbow length, and ileeveleM fer torn and women. Stanfield'l Adju.Me Combination* end Wtptn for .rowing children (p-t.) STANTIELD'S tuaW^J.0^ UNDERWEAR ough. life aix; as Thj hope that the ro- a ' ;>n " e owr B.c.iiK*hi>es and sitay tol*** **> me > <Sh * n - |lulK ' h or dinner. At ta'bl* she would me, doesn't s . ...... . - ---- ----- may be continued during t,h*>l f Tef lM]*ly be;mp so much interested to the girls next her that following >-ears is erroneims, unless " , , husband and wife are able to talk fihe woul(1 warcely see when a new s into an unfllesj romance. course W( set in frcm* of hr. Then, - ' sudd * t>1 realizi Ami to this arv- ud<l>:l practical W*V!_2_^f?^ rea'iz-mg that her plate was sidoraition?. Thus, for instance, ouniary worries may nasily become the causes of divorce, for it malM,' of course, a different.*! whether one, or two persons shall be supported. The first child, too, often makai a ' o'iffeiren'Ce. The child, whioh really i should bind husband and wife to each ' other, often separates bhem. And a! husband who does not possess suffi- cient income cannot always content himsertf with the wiife'a great interest in the cihUd, ror he realize* tlut 'he no longer mean* everything to hti wif* 1 . tention that she was giving to the of honor. Dr. Patters-on whisper- ' needs the Master's he, that p^or dis-' trocted diaughter of mine? But one dish M neeJful, though peril aps the Martha spirit could n-ever gr;:sp that one We pay carriage way on all orders. Writ, for fall -rticUn. Parker's Dye Works, Limited C/raiMf* aaJ Dytn 791 Yon- St. Toronto MB fact.' 'Dish?' I said in astonishment. Rupture Kills 7,000 Annually j full, she would push it aeros* the table ' Wnv t Dr - Patterson, I thought the Bible says, "But one thing ia needful." Sev "n thousand persons each yaw and that it meant the "good parti" ," e lald awa '~ the burial certlflcat* whi<4i Marj' 'had chosen. 1 ! belng marked "Rupture." Way? B*; "He smibed benignly. 'Yes' he re- cause the unfortunate ones had M- TO ' olied. 'that's one interoretation. and . themselves or had b 3 n merely of the sign (swelling) of and paylug no attention RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS A New Light on Martha. "Aunt Nan," said Beth, "I'm be- ginninig t f>el very sympathetic to- wiS'rrt Martha, the sister of Mary. I jiwt had to run over for a few minutes ami tl'k H Ixni t it." Aunt Nan mrk*l un<ler*fcanding]y. "Mis I'ottor s gwnjr to tay with you girls (luring the conference, isn't she 7 AniJ yoni ami Nell don't quite agree about the way to entertain hw? Per- haps N-eM even rofusea t> cook and duet quilo m mn.ih aj yon think ia be think that' it?' " "Ome dish, r peace and quiet ," and 1 d<vti't you way to translate Walnt, and It waa the noea_<Uy for a Re- liable Remedy tor Rheuroa tlBin that broucht Dobson'n New Lift' before the public after yeart of reaearoh, and no claim has been made for It that it* use for over 25 year* ha* not proven. IMeauii to take, doe* not up- set 'lie digeitlon, no 1 HI infill or Injurious drugs are used In this formula. O&e botllo for One Dollar; Six brttlM for Five Itollarg. At-k For (ample book, showing weight* and textures, write 8TANFIEI.D'3. LIMITED. TRURO N.S. "No-o, IK t eXHclly. Ne'.l does what i I ask IH-T to d'j, though <.'h* always j or mailed direct from >-i!j it '.*n't lie-. e-V'iry to tl.> o many thir,'2i it nil so-ve : many ixnirses and all I' i. II r.natly. Aunt Nan, some- tin -!i 1 think that NtM has no j-ense c f d.ity Uvwortl a (fc.iri^irshKd guest. And she in: >tc's tl" stiocy of Mary ami Mjv_h ;;r.1 ') <lc _ 1. I've a.lwaya had Keep i,,.i_rut Liniment in the home. vruv Druggist Boh*on BTrmVifr KrmrbyC n Wr Adilalda onta iiazue you choose to call It? At beat. , . . i the truas i.< only a raake-*h!ft- a false and w* ctmnc-e to p rop against a collapsing wa ana enjoy every minute of Miss Potter'* cannot be eipc;ted act J3 mow A-U1> ^vM.,,^^1 n^w .. Weili Aunt than a mere mech.n::al gupport. The exclaimed Beth, , . e Nan, you can tell Dr. Patterson that [binding pressure retards blood circa- that advice sounds (pood to n Mai'UiH person like me!" In the Brble. ao very wonderful." said little Sammy, after his mother had been tell'ng him the story of their Invention. "Teacher read about one In the Bible the ether "In the lilble?" exclaimed his moth er. 'Are you sure?" "Oh r yes!" replied Sammy. "She told us that Esau sold his heir.Uiip to hi* brother Jacob." poor latlon, t) us robbing the weakened muscles of tha: which they n*3d most nourishment. But science has found a way, an<: "l i iWnk flying machines are | every tru .< sufferer in tha !-nd Is in- vileil to make a test 'ight in the privacy of (heir owu home. The PL U'AO method is unu.uest:onably th. most fclentlBe. logical and su ess- ful elf treatment fo- ruptuie the world has ever l.nown. The PLAPAO PAU w'.-.ea adhering closely to (he body eannot possibly I slip or shift out of place, therefore cannot chafe or pinch. Soft as velvet easy to apply- inexpensive. To bs used whlkt you work an.l v.hilsi you aleep. No stra ^ b kls or spring attached. Learn how to close the herni No Relation. First Scholar "NVho was N'ero, Bill? Wasn't he the chap who was al- ways cold?" Second Scholar - "No. Thru was lng Bs nat re Intended so the Zero- another man altogether." j CAN'T come down. Sw. I y jur nnd ten cents. < In or sta;-.i;>s, to-day, o-;e To l>e just is a t&':k, n. for th? 1 heart, but for th* itvtctteot. Minard's Liniment For Colds, Eta. to C'O, 7S5 StUart P'.dg., 8t i ixiulfl. Mo., for trial Dapa '.<* tho ' information necessary.