Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1922, p. 1

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I I t Vol. 43, No.20 Have Done Nobly For Fire Sufferers Maxwell Correspondence Flesherton, Ont., October 18, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. The merry hum of the threshing ma- chine is still heard in our vic'uity. Ker- ton's and SornberRcr'd machines are finishing up ine last jobs of the eeaeon. The Me*odist church held their aiimver-.iry services on Sunday. Rev. J. Phimister of Collingwoud, a former pastor on tliis circuit, pread.eJ boih m >rning and evening to good ("zed con-^ gregttions. The ladies of the chunch are preparing for their annual meat supper this Tuesday evening. The ladies of this neighborhood hive packed boxes valued at over four hun- dred dollars and sent tliem to the peop'e of th north who suffered from the tire. The boxes contained clothing donated and also clothing made from material bought with money collected. The ladies spent two daya sewing at the |.u.-, .u ._>_ They thank Mi.s Duttield for so kindly loading her hutne for the work. Ths members of the Anglican church fctvi- lecently had the interior - their church decorated. They have aleo shingled the roof aud did other work to the Mterior of tha church and are pre- paring for further improvements nest kumiuer. The I'rcsbytenaus have also had a r.i'w roof put on their church the past week. Rev Vrooman is visiting his parents at Londou. The school was clcsed Thursday and Friday this week while our teacher, Mi*s J-j\\ty, afended the 1\- ushers' G nvun- tion at Meaford. The young peaple of the Presbyterian church are practising for thtir annual Fowl Supper which will be held in the near future. MreWH. Hall spent the past two weeks in London, the guest of Mrs. Vrooman. Our Temperance house ii again epen after bein? closed for ionic mouths. Mr Andy Fillister is the new proprietnr. We wish both he and his wife success in thftir new undertaking. Successful Concert Cupid Is Busy Kimberlcy Correspondence A very pleaaing event took place in Markdale on Tues., Oct 10th, when Elda Arietta, youngest dughter of Mrs Jas Lawrence "f this pliice was married to Earl Cliftbid Dillon, son of Mr and Mis Ma'.hew Dillon of Thombury. Thi bride looked cbar:uin>; in a navy velour uit trimmed with bnaver and bUck hat. After the ceremony the bridal party motored to the bride's house where din- ner was served tatho immediate relatives. Later Mr and Mrs Dillon left for an extended itip to Thcrbury, Barrie and Allendale. We j in with their many friends in wishing them a pleasant jour- i.ey through life. The play " The tJhost Story ' on Tuesday night, given by the girls of the basket-ball teiim aud rive boys, w>>s a decided success, all acting tbeir prts well but special mention of Ueor^e and Ai.r:i should be made because they had eo much to memorize and did their paits well. Owing to rains the audience was u t large. The entire concert is well worth repeating. Uev Mr am* Mrs V, ,N and master Briiuley motoied to Thornbury on Thursday and spent over night with Dr and Mrs McKee. Miss Edna Burrett is spending a week with her sitter, M: - D A Urahitm. A number from hero took iu Markdale fair itnd report a good fair. The W M S held their regular mouth'y meeting at the home of Mrs Abercrom* bi, on Wed . Miss Mary Stafford WHI appointej delegate to the convention i! Chatsworth Oct. J8. We are sorry tc> heat Mrs E Gilbeit while picking apples fell from the tree and U dungeiously butt. Dr Leids is in Rock Mills Jas Dargavel, wife and family spent the week end with relatives at Dornoch. Charlie Stafford returned home from the West last week and looks as if the Western climate agreed with him. John Porteous and wife visited over Sunday with their son, Art, at Maxwell. Mr and Mrs Robt Clark spent Sunday with their son, Dick, and family. The Orangemen hclJ a meeting on Fruay night and decided to have their annual hunt on Nov. 5rh. Mr and Mrs Calvin Boycehave moved to the mill, into one of the houses be- longing to the D. F. Co. Ned Croft, wife and son visited recent- ly with relatives at Fevcrsham. E Binnington of Maxwell visited with his niece, Mrs C Newell. We are glad to report Mr. R. AKitt improving. The Hydro Situation It is u it aiilticitiit to say thai the mun- icipalities servttl by the Eugenia Hydio development are be'ler c tf than they were under private ownership. It is true enough that we are belter off, but w* expected this one plant can surely supply cheaper power than d> zen plants. The priucip*! of the thiug is thai Outuios natural recourses wrater- ftlls should be developed entirely for the public tenetir, and this should te done just as efficiently and economically n pus.ible. \Ve|Jo not oelieve in "set- MX the uea'her on tire " over a d >IUr < r tw , nor do we " nagging " ilie Hydro Cooimitsi' n continually over minor mailers. There i.-s more import- ant work to do. The town of, Atthur has a rate pet horsepower that ig mant- f i s ry too high, aud if they cm get 'ne power cheaper from Niagara dttrtlopmont, why nut facilitate a chane' Eugenia is now tunning almost to capacity, aud if the load increases huw can the extra power be tecuied to the best advantage! The EugenU Hjiho Elcctii: Association can do useful work on behalf of the municipalities intcirst- ed improvements mi^ht have been had this orgaiiizttion been in force sio:e the Eusjenia development was started uid they will no doubt be considered :i i will have a voice in future matters concerning Euaeaia. At the ur^an- :.-, itirii iiicL't.ui;, aud also when they appealed l>*fore the Gregory Imjuuy Coimrssiou at Toronto recently, it was readily seen that there are men behind the Ainociaiiuii who are shiewd, aggres- sive and enthusiastic supporters of public ownership of this great natural resource men whom their towns CAM well be proud of. Hanover Post. A Dictionary, Please ! Definition of Blush A temporary ery- thema aud calorific tttu'igence of the pbystogucmy, aetealu^ized by the p*t ceptiveness of the sensorium, in d pre- dicant nt of ineimililirity, from a sense of shame, anger or other ciuse, eventual iii in a paresis of the vase-motorial, miiscu- filaments of the fteial capillaries, whereby, beins; divested of their e'asti city, they become suffused with a radiance emanating from n intimidated pr cordia. Is Moving To Toronto Mr. C C. Jeunett, who has been in tha Standard B^nk here fur the past two years and a half, has received a muvc t( Avenue Road-Dupnt branch in T"i onto and will leave oo Friday. Mr. C W. ll,-i v of Toronto is releavin^. We are sorry to lose Mr. Jennett us he was I popular with everyone, but we wish him i the best Tif luck in his new position. At '. the same time we welcome Mr. Histy to town and hope his sojourn wi'h us iril mike fur himself a host of tiew Pretty Wedding Near Ceylon Ceylon Corretpondence A very pretty autumn %vedding was solemnix.ed on Wednesday of last week when Emma Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. \Vhittaker, was united in marriage to Dr. Stephen Everard Thomas West of Angus. Rev. N Bowes, pastor of Markdale Methodist churcfi. conducted the ceremony in the presence of only the immediate rcla- ives. The bride looked charming in a eautiful gown of white charmcusc and ace, carrying a beautiful bouquet of American". Beauty roses, and leaning on he arm of her father, entered the [rawing room, which was beautifully lecoratcd for the occasion. The \vetid- ng march was played by Miss Jclley of helburnc. A dainty buffet lunch was served after which the happy couple left on- the afternoon train for Toronto and If cw Liskeard. On their return Dr. and Mrs. West will reside at Angus. The jood wishes of the community go with :hcm for a long and happy life. Austin Mc.Mullan of Toronto \isitc--.l lis mother, who is very ill, on Saturday. Mrs. McNVilliam and little son arc visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Camp- sell, in Proton. Mr and Mrs H McArthur and Mrs \V y Cook of Ebordale visited at R Cook's ast week. .Mr and Mrs Ross and children of Tor- onto visited with Mrs. L.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs A Mc.Muilcn- Bert \Vhittakcr of Akron, Ohio, is r'isiting his parents. Mrs Coleman, Miss Irclton motored down andjvisitcd.'at I" Collmson's. Mrs Arch e Sinclair visited friends at Harriston last week. .Mr and Mrs Jas Ashdown were at Owen Sound last week. Mrs Rev F Stevens of \Vinnipegvisit- eJ the rirst of the week, and .Miss Evc- mc of Ebordale is this week with Miss M Cook. .*-;>p'o picking U well uudef .iy, Mr W T Ellis has about half his picked and packed, having 'Jfer MOO tbls Co pick. Mr Eliis .1 a member of the "Fruiu drawers ' and hi u!e lor the unin part of tho crop. R. H. Robinson, a leading Orangcvillc grocer for the last 30 years, died, while at the Wcston Orangcvnlc lacrosse j match on IdyKvyld Park WeJncs- i day afternoon. Mr. Robinson was j about 58 years old. and his death is attri butcd to excitement, as deceased had < weak heart. He leaves no family, ex- cept his widow, who was formerly Miss Nettie Kearns. When the sudden cal came .Mr. Robinson was in his automo- bile. He was a prominent Masor, anil .11 f nthitsjcstic bowler Held Over Last Week Mr Bone of Minnesota it a visitor at MrT Chislett's. Albert Gotik of \Valkeiton visited ttt R. Cook's this week, Mrs .1 - Katlison of Toronto is visiting Mr and Mrs Haw Mis Lorten Hoi ley of Markdak- < yuest of Mii-s Irene Stewart list week. Mr Snare of Walkerton was a visitor U Mr N Archibalds last week. Mr and Mrs Gibbs and babe, 51rs Cherry and daughter tirace, of Toronto, motored up frum Toronto and visited at I'eier Muir's a couple of ilys last week. Mis Allie Muir .-md little sun. who have been visiting her parents at Dur- ham, returned ho.iie Monday. Sadie McLean of Sa'em visited a few days 1 "! week with her friend, Miss Kttie Chisletl. Mr J Doseet ot Portland, Leeds Co., Spent Saturday at H Pipers. Mrrf Whittaker of Toronto is visiting hei fa'. her. H Stune. I.evi Cuutts anil his mother visited Maxwell friends the tusl of the week. Mis John Stewart was on Oct. :! ^ivtn very pleasant sui prise, it bein^ this ejteumed lady's birthday. A number of the lelativeti cme and f-pent a most en- jeya,ble uveniuu, Icavin); her w;ih yifts and many good wishes. Residence Destroyed Feversham The potato crop is harvested in this locality and a very nalisfsc'ory yield is reported. Threshing is also uvaring com- pletion and an excellent yield all around this year. Mrs lioyecand daughter, Bracebrid^t', Muikoka, are viiiting with the former's daughter, Mr^ (Rev.) A E Duftieid, at Maxwell. Miss Mary >,-ei-r has returned home after a week's visit with fiiends at C'eyli n and Flesherton. Ed Croft and wife of Rock Mills ^eut Saiidy with friends in this vilUge. A Dumber from here atteudeu the fauer*! of the Kite Miss H-uriel Myi-rs t Providenca cemeteiy en \Vd. latt ' James Fhimister of Culliagwoi d the anniversary -nvi -i-s in the Methodist church on Sunday ;ast. Rev Phmiister was f inner pastor of the Makwnll circuit and w-is greeted by nuny Wdrm frieiiils t the eveninu service. .Mr A Brook* his twn s -in uid their wives motored dowa from 'i.r.u s,,.)i and spout Sunday wi:h Mr u;i> Mis Robert Alexander. Kirc on Monday afternoon, complet- ely destroyed the l'j;c frame house "on Mr. Neil Morrison's farm near \\':iltcrs Falls. .Mr- Morrison \vas on his way to a neighbors when he happened to looU back and noticed his house in flumes. Help was summoned but the fire made Such hcaJway that littk- of the contents was saved No one was in the house at the time and the only source of the disaster is attributed to over-heated stove pipes. It will mean a serious loss, especially at this time of year. The building was partly covered with insurance. Owen Sound Advertiser Another Mystery Barn Fire "Say It With Jewelry" Flowers Wilt W, A. Armstrong JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct) 3 and Embalmen Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road 1 Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew; your subscription to The Advance R. H. McGrath of 28O siJeroad, Me-, about H miles north of Me- lancthon station, sulTcrci! a severe loss from tire curly on Thurstlaj nioniit'.g of last week when his two bank barns, 4.s\ 50 and -5\5O, with their entire contents, as well as his brick residence, \\crc dc- stroycd. The fire was first noticed about '1 o'clock in the morning, the to barns then being :i mass of flames. The barns contained the entire season's crop of grain and hay and most of his ia:'m implements. The brick residence which later took rirc was also destroyed but most of the household goods were saved but were badiy damaged in getting them to safety, Mr. McOvath carried an in- surance of $:(5tH) on the barn and house. and *'J7iX) on the contents No eausc can be Assigned for the fire, which was of a decidedly mysterious nature. J. \V. Poynton of the Virc Jlai^.n'l's office Toronto was in town on Tuesday of this week and in conversation llic Free Press intimated that an investigation would likely be held to inquire into the matter Free Press. Grind Valley business men ," I a n-\ tin- !-car tm Friday afteni ">n when spi>ii:rtfeou. coiubuaiiun siartiM a tire in some oil-so.iked planks and b"\-* again- st the sou'.h end of the storehouse ;f the rear of James .) Reiih's "'.A store. Master Uex Hughes noticed tho ^iimke ii:st, and in a moment the Hry hoards crackms; sendii'i; the rtunes > jht feet above the roof. A faw p-*ils >i \vatr. hup; lly rii;ht at hand, soon ex'in^uiiihed the bUxe but not without some n-il cun- corn by the I'lisiness men liec^ii f ihe nest of frame building ^irounu. There is BU doubt about tlu- urirfiii of t!.o tire, as ihe fierce heat of the sun till c eU by some broken alass wnsnuite sulti.>-nt to starlit. This is but another 11111114 iifl he niter unsurtieieney "f ur lire protection. Str. Farm For Sale Or Rent I,i:t 4. Con 4. Knphrisia. 1-"''' ur ha'.f mile from Kunlierley. .*lu~t s,)ld at hariniu. Apply '" -' Smith, Rob H.n P.O. House and Lot For Sale Good tut containing 23 ucree, gocd frame bonve nnd kitchen, small orchnrJ, .'* ei --.(< premises Close to school and ckorvli, between Fleshertou an.) Oetlon. -*pply to ---J. FAWCBT't, Fkishertou. Shotguns - WBE- ** Game! You can get it just as well with the Stevens No. 181 HarriTir-rlcss as with the moat expensive gun on the market. "* It's a finely built gun with barrel and lug forged in one piece, and fore-end that will always keep the barrel tight, made in 12, 16, 20 or .410 gauge. ... > m m "**|f^ '^-' Ask to see the No. 181, or for free cetalog. J. STEVENS ARMS COMPANY Cbiep* Fall*, MOM., U. S. A. People's Grocery Whatt ver It May Be, ,ihv;t\ ~ try to keep in stock what you require Fruits are now in season We al w:\ys carry a full stock of fresh _TO'.'eri3s. and men rind our tobaccos. i^ar.s and nipcs to be of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Get the habit to shop here FEED All kinds of feed. A carload of Five Roses Flour has just arrived. Get your's now. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed. Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario MILLINERY Muliuery We have a selceiaU Mock of ()] mm: up to date hats shown, a hat to kuit every lady. X-whit* con.iun in every week. J-.i-st jjive ui eaii. We will lu pleased to show them. \Y. I.. Wright " C'uner :i,ire, entraoce iie la r : ti. site C'Uyfon'i! shoe ste-re. Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER ^ There is no food e<|ual to Bread in food value. A full line ofX-frocerne, also (.'armed Goods . . :;"". .... PHONE 8 F RED FINDER, Flesherton

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