October tl 1922 THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE . i - ' ' - . . . . . ^ * The Investor's Safeguard CAFETY is the first consideration in every pha* of this Bank's business and we are in a position to render a complete investment service- Our nearest Manager can give you information regarding any securities you may contemplate purchasing Ut STANDARD SERVICE be your Invtttmtnt Safeguard THE 383* STANDARD BANK Or CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches also at Williamtford and Holland Centre. CANADIAN i P/vcino C. P. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave FleRherton Station as allows : Going South Going North ".55 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.30 p.m. 9..'jOp. m. The mails re oaea at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.aud p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south i mail close at 9 p. m. tho previous evg. Local Chaff Mr. and Mrs, Tiemp left last week to reside in Hanover. Mrs. F. W. Nicholson of Toronto ! visittd with friends in town last week. Mr. R. A. Baillie returned to Detroit after spending a couple of week's wnh Mr. aud Mrs. Mack Stewait. Miss Maud Riohardscn has returned to Toronto after spending a few with friends here. Advertise in The Advance. It pays. Dr. Fred Murrry of Toronto is visiting his brother here. It only c ts 20 cents per day to live iu Oweu Sound goal. Let's go up. Mis. Thos. Blake'y has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Henry and little son aud Mri. \V. I. Henry spent the eek end at (iranton*. Mr- and Mrs. Jetf Thi.-tlethwaite and children returned to Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Frewiny and twu children of Toronto are visiting at the home of Robert Best this week. W. F. Orr, lot 2'J, con. 14, Arteme.sia, will hold an auction sale on Tues., Oct. I". See advt. in this issue Lost Tan and blue gcarf between Singhwmpton and Vandeleur. Finder please leave at this oth'ce. Flesherton High School went tu Murk- dale on Friday last for a bull name with the M-irkd-ile High School aud came home with the short uiui of a .">-i! TCOI-H. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewson and weeks Daughter, Freda, accompanied by Mis? Vera and Wilfred Lever, visited relatives A \Yalkertuu partridge t!ew against a ! iu Palmerston on Sunday. window ,11 U broke its neck. The liquor inspector fur t'.ruce ought lo inquire into this. J. Patton of town knows how to grow potatoes. He chose at random live potatoes that weighed H Ibs. 8 ox One Mrs. Milk Stewart and Mrs. Aaclue j tuber weighed two pounds eight ounces. Stewart went u loionio Saturdiy to Mr. John Boyce, thresher, got a fully visit their sinter, Mr*. Uenlhan., who is | grown ecare one day last week. He had seriously ill. ! backed his separator into Ed. Fisher ' Mr. Chas. Hoppar, son of Mr. Win. | barn on the Collingwood griyel when Hopper on the 8th line, Artemesia, in m New Lisk heard, part of which wa burned, but. etc sped unscathed. Ihe fall rains appear to have set alter wseks of the most beautiful autumn weather ever experienced. The change came on Saturday. Swlen-The pity's uame has been sin ike was observed issuing from its interior. The tire wag easily exting- ! uished but rt was a narrow escape. A i u j nark from the engine while travelling on the t0itl1 had 8et fi ' e t 'ts "innards' ndit w " 8 not noticed unti! the separ alor Wlii P l8ced in tlla b " n - Os P re y fal1 fair tts *>" Attended on Utely secured wlu stole n ovcot out j Wedneaday of last week, and the show Was it a Quibble ? The Public to Judge Kurly in September The Advance made ;i charge that the Department of Game 2nd Fisheries had issued permits to some of its friends to fish in the closed hydro pond at Kugeniu. All tho Toronto dailies took the matter up and interviewed the Deputy Minister, who denied that snch permits had been is- sued by his Department. The Globe saia that " contradictory explanations had been made at the Parliament build- ings yesterday, one being that the Pre- mier had negotiated a permit for the party, and the other that no permit had been granted and that the party of Guelph men were poaching. 1 ' Before going into this matter The Advance mude sure of its ground and we cannot rest under the imputation of having supplied false information. After quoting the following letters we will leave the public to judge whether our charges arc borne out by the facts. Sil- ence is sometimes more eloquent than words ; Toronto, September Ulst, 1922 Dear Sir, The Department's atten- tion has been drawn to an article ap- pearing in your paper on the IMth inst. headed " Fishing on a permit.' 1 As it is the Department's intention to strictly enforce the provisions of llu: Order-in-Council setting aside certain properties at Eugenia as a Crown Game and Fish Preserve, 1 jivould appreciate haying you furnish the names of the parties whom it is alleged have been fishing recently :it the Eugenia preserve. Upon receipt of this information im- mediate action will be taken. Yours Tjruly, i>. MCDONALD, Deputy Minister of Gamo and Fisheries. The Kditor Flesherton Advance, Flesherton, Ont. Our reply : D. McDonald, Ksq.. Uep. .Minister Game and Fisheries : Dear Sir. Replying to \our favor of Sept Ulst 1 would say that before giv- ing the information you desire it will be necessary for me to have .Mr. Mills' de- nial that he issued such a permit. \Vhcn that is forthcemir.g and I am satisfied that forgery has been committed you may count on my assistance. \' pres- ent I cannot believe that it was a case of forgery, as the gentleman who held the permit was a paid' servant of the Government and would scarcely be one who would indulge in such a dangerous pastime. .My informant's word is also and the facts were given us in 25 Years Ago Advance" Me of Oct. 14, 1897 The Advance then was a live column, eiuht pae paper. Potatoes selling for 40 cents a bag: butter 14 and eagi 14 cents. About three weeks ago Kobt VVyville, j a young mini living near Markdale, fell ' overboard from a sailing vessel while on hm way from Parry Soitud to Thornbury and was drowned. DIED In Flesherton , on .Sunday, October I0th Martha Wright, relict of the lite Wm. Wright, in her tUst year. Mr. John Hudson had a phenoneral ' growth of wheat, recently On Sept. 14, j tlnee and a half weeks after being sown, j the wheat averaged twelve inches nvcr i the whole h'eld. Osprey and Piiceville fall faias were bold last week. Good crowds were at | both shows. _ The former's gate receipt* I amounted to 80. I Al. Chisletr, now of Cleveland, was; held up by foot pads ouu uiulit last week, i tit', made a break fur liberty mid got ' away, but not until a couple of pistol ' Dalls had come uncomfortably near. Miss Annie Kiclurdson cf this place has won for barge' f an enviable reputa'-' ion, while in Knuland, is .m elocutionist, j She gave a recital recently at I'ennth i 0'). Cumberland, mid the two pupers- speak in jjlowint! terms of her wi.ik. Forest Fires In the North One of the wurst fore-it tires iu the history of ihe north occurred lust week when b'xty liven wer<! lust ud property to thi? value :A four or tivo million dollars was destroyed. The ert'ects of the tire w.ii lirst felt here on Tnursdiy, the light wind brought the em-ika from tbat dlhtrict and i' hung like a pill ull over. Robert bond, his wife, their eight chil Iren and his wife'a brother sought refuge in a root house at Heaslip and ail were sulloented, Mis I' ml was a -i -;IT of lira J >hu Bellamy uf Fletherton. Relief work was undertaken at once by the Ontario Government and several instil ut ions. Just you and a Victrola When you are all bv yourself, with no place in particular to go*nd nothing in par- ticular to do, what a joy it is to get into your bis arm chair and let the world's greatest artists entertain you on the Victrola ! With a Victrola and "His Master's Voice" -Victor Records in your home you have always at your beck and call the music you enjoy best. Come in and let us show you the Victrola you would like for your home. VV. A. Armstrong Music Dealer- Flesherton Ont. III! School Grant For Grey Ijreat detail. 1 understand from the of a buggy in church shed at Priceville i ln most departments was on a par with Globe that you sent a man to Guelph to , lothsr years. Ooo e*ceptioD, llm of -:---- ; horses, was t matter of general comment, ' there beinu no competition iu any of the o with the scarcity of eijuine motors. _. iN6ar ou night of slow. Leave at Kaistedt's ; tore at tne.>. Winter Applet For Sale On lot 24, j Con..(.,Artemc 31 a,any day after Ihi*?* ^ to Jri teMd^temi *, 15th October, .9- Prices per bag, in l 480 ;^*"* 1 '^ ^ o.ed f, r te the orchard -All varieties $. per bag.- ; "" ' lsut h< > tse * ' h " *' Wc.l ; fall day and many motors were in evid- Joseph vonNVcbcr .5 Eugenia P. C , ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ A tire was discovered burning merrily ^ to d< in some leaves in a lane near the Melh- ! wlist church oil Friday last by W. Moore. ' Evidently sume careless individual had; dropped a match, aud the dry weather ! of last week did the rest. Mr. T. Mercer's barn and building*, Mr. Roy Best of tho O. D R. captured j 018t b " k ''"*- Mf Murk-dale, had an ufox alive aud unhurt ..D Mcnd.y. ' "'""ly nirrow escape from desu-uc- As he was plowing his dog rail the fox j tlon ^ hre <"> Wednesday of last week, out f the bush aud coralled it in a fence Mr. Morcn- was aay from home at comer, wlnnH.y succeeded in ciptur-j^ ckl y^ lr - On his return he found ing it without injuiy. It IB alive nd 'I.*:-, well. Mr. YVealvy Smith, who le.im.d the punt-ing trade ir. this ollice, and for the past 16 years has bt-wu half ivnf r cf a i HitUeford paper, has S)ld out his inter- i cst 114.1 ha* puivhaied a uewpper at Silve* C.uek, N Y. Wefl was a steady, level-headei boy, aud wu wish him eon- tinasd -ueoeas Services in the Methodist ehur,ch next Sunday will be Uken by Rev. Kiglo of Holland Cen're in the morning and Uev. Wvkefield, soperannuttUd, in the even- ing. Rev. Oks will take the anniversary sarviciiS at Uarkaway aflarnoon and top of manure pfle outside , his stable and surrounding dry stuff burned up. His daughters, who were at home had noticed th fire and h*d ex- tinguiwhed it with water before It owutjht in tin- biu-n. Without dmibt it was a cise 'f spontaneous combustion in the iHinure pile. Hd no pcrs.-n been at home the tine building and live stock therein would prob.ibly all hve gm> up in smoke and the catastrophe would have been charged to iari.soi. make inquiry and the party interrogated denied having been here " on that date. " Would you mind telling me who the gentleman was that was inter- viewed ': You have officers on the ground to look after these things, and as apparently the lishcrmcn made ro secret of having the permit, issued by .Mr. Mills, surely these officers would know who they were, Awaiting Mr. Mills' statement I am Yours smccrclr. -W. H.THL'KSTON. This last letter was written on sept. 25, and up to tnc present no reply has been forthcoming. \Vc are therefore justilied I'M assuming that the denials from the Department are soiucthiujj in the nature of a quibble. But how couU thcj,hcad of a department issue such a permit without the Department itself becoming responsible tor his act ': An Inhuman Act evening Kev Eagle will preach a t | Mr Find Mathewson of town Inform., | us that some pcrton administered a dose ,.,i llt{ ,j i f ground ulasn 10 his collio don last ' week, with the rvsiilt tliti it lingered in great pain for several days aud finally died. We did not think Flenhertcn contained any individual .so friendiahly iucliued, nud wu are yet loth to Lelievo it- Auy parson who would thus treat a dumb auiniat is beyond the pale. If Marshal Sauuders is correct in her u .HIM that there is a dog heaven, tho per- petrator of such a crime need not af meeiimi his victim t here. Memorial Opening Yaudeleur in the afternoon. Miss Mbel Claik has been app editor at th Cfinton News-Recwrd . Miss Clark i.< a daughter of the late Wm. Clark if Flewherton and si^tar of Mr. Joe Clark of the Toronto S ar staff, Mi-is Clark baa bean local reporter on i be Nws-Recrd for some years. She did her Ural uewsraper work on The Advaoce aud ws are proud of her. A FlewhertoM gentleman while motor- ing to Toronto caught up to aud passed i motor luneiM this side of Itrampton He later received a ttmnnons to appear in the Brampton police eaurt for a breach of the motor law. The case was dismissed. Thre is a difference been The MWh mortuary chapel WM raeetin* and pisMtij? a funeral. The law ' dedicated ou Sunday last, iu the presence ays when roseting a funeral a er musti"* large gathering, A provecsloa of atop and wait until it passes, but there ! "oldiers. school children and cadets ii no taw against pasgiog an overtaken : marched to the cemetery, headed by tho funeral if you do not go too fast. i bnd. After Hie unveiliug of the tho CAM'BLRON-LEGARD lo Toronto on Thurs., S?f t. 21st, 1922 by tlie Uev Dr. Patterson, pus'ur ol Cook.s churcb, Almeda LcG^rd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H LeGari of Toronto, formerly of FleAerton, to AHau Cmeron, ateo of Toronto. The best mishfs f a liost of friends here accompany the bride, who st, one time resided here. Failed to Pay Fine Jailed for Six Mos. (,'i)ok nf Crylon, a^sisti-d by liis[x;ctoi Beckett and I'rovimi'il < 'tticer L'.lo.jd, arrehted William Bennet if tlw Tuwuihip of Kuphraxt'i and t( (jk him ( Owtn Sound the lirnt of ihe wtok, wheia he will spoid the next six inontl.s whh bar 1 Ubiir fi;r a branch of the Tnland Revenue Acr and f:ii!ura to pay hi llue, Wood Lever Or, Thursday, October fjth.. at 2 .'iO D iu. :in iiu'.uinii weildint; took place Bt the (I'lrsuiiHgo, Flcbhcrtun, when Gladys throj lobltts liy Hon. D P. P., an -<n iidj"urnmeut was made to the irmouries where C>1. McFurleud nJ Gapt El'-t>tt, and Uuv. Richardaoil MM-, tl.n serip uiM. reading. Theiuoit uiry cbapel is a credit to tho si*ter town aud brought irrto n iir,- largely tbrouiih tho elfwrts of Mr. C. W Kutlcdge, wh<) iu-b'y to lhi ond. Maude, third daughter of Mr. and Mis. Thus. U. Lever, TtH'jnto Lina North, was am 'fd iu llie holy bonds of mat- rimony to Roy Stanley Wood, son of M'.'iud Mis . I imos \\Yod, F.as' Hack Lino. Rev J. H. Oku was tho oflic-, ia!in,{clfipyiiiiu'. Mi. Uaymontl Wood of Wudnhouse, nephew of Ihe groum, "6 mid Miss (.jortiudu Levi-i, sistet of tho budt), a.sRJutcd tlie jounn c 'up'e. 'Ph* liri !o lo.jkci cl)urm;iij, attired in a I e- coniiiig costume of " new blue ailk i Miilily tiiminud wi h silver beads. After the cfiemony the you g couple le ton i ho aiieinom 'raiu uinid showers of confetti, and oogrutulatious, to spend their honeymoon with frieucs in Tor- ( uin. They will reside on 'he 9th line, EiiphrisiH, and bo ut hi.m* lo their fiiendis fcficr Nov. 1 We v\iiihlhe<na i' 'i-py ; 'iu, ley through lifp. A (': ." \ moi-uBhiner uam^J Louis NOM.IIIO W.MS finoa 6300 for mn<,iL-tiir- mg iPiolt b"oz*. or ihri'e nont'is in j-iil. Hi- is UOW '.!, i" ffOHl Us il>. its ill the UoLUly r. .-I, ii>u-e. :.i,J will nut 'ike pit i in iiry Ohri<jttj>iH fetliviiies this T" r Mr. John Parker, C ,unty Treasurer, received a ...-.. on Monday from the Provinoiul UoverniuL'iit coveriua the rur;il public school let-islalive yrunt for the year. The chtijue is the largest ever received by Grey County fur the purpose, , amountiui! to St)",40o Oil. L-s- ye.ir'a ytant was only about 340,000, and the y*tu- previous about $2r),lMiO. The mc.ney is distributed to the various schorl ec- lionf, through the township treasure-is. 'u would not think that summoiiH to police court would be necessary to teic'i . parents not to leave children alone in the houie. Vet such a case caino before ihe Osliawi police uiagis-ruie rocently nhen parents were charuod with leaving their two children, one nf them II monihs old, 'tlone in the liouH tiutil after midnight. They had none out t.> a dano. Alter beitiij Kjvernly luciurutl hy the niayiiitrate, the ,iir-nder were let go on sutpen :ed senfenci- upnn ptytnuut of cost a and giv- iii'.' i-fc.igni/.-ince for ihrir future t"i <1 behavior, II 1*1 iMi !< II Ml The Drudgery of Wash Day is a thing of the past when you put in a 1900 Electric or Gasoline Power Washer, or Hand Power Gravity and Wringer, all kept for sale by S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Agent for Beatty Hay Carrier goods, Steel Stalls and Stan- chions and Stable Fittings, Pumps, Churns, Brantford Wind Mills and Gasoline En- gines. Pump repairing is promptly attended to. A call is solicited. CUIMPC 3561 DRESS 3713 PATTERNS _ ar provitUA i%r tito*e BUTTERICK DESIGN* Dress Goods Special 50 inch Serge all-wool Englwh Dress Serir", wimdtrful (|imlky in a pretty sb 'de of navy. Splendid for dresses and skirts. Good $1.75 value, rt QQ Special por p;inl P * Fancy flannels for one-piece dreses in Brown, Navy, Cadet, Jade and other popular colors- Tricotines and Botany Serge suitings in Navy and Black. Prices from $1 50 to $4.50 FALL COATINGS All wool Blanket Cloths 54 in. wide for Children's C'oths in Navy. Cadet, Cardinal and white. Tho celebrated ITawthorn all-wool Velours in Fawn, Brown, Navy, Taupe and Heather mixtures tor Ladies' ( 'oats. I Millinary Department A god display of Sfcyli*!) MMi'mery at reasonable prices. Special values in Men's Overcoats and Boys' School Suit*. Ladies' Heather Cashmere Hose Kig ranjje of popular shades. 75 cts. to $1.50 Stanfield's Underwear for Men Watson's Underwear for Ladies F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO