Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1922, p. 1

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' -'I Tfc ^ 4 i ^ I Vol.43, No. 18 Autos on Rampage A Sudden Death Feversham Correspondence Th<^_Eli7:abeth Fords of this vfcinity :-cm to have gone on a rampage lately. Murphy's car turned turtle west of Rav- enna, a short time ago, smashing the top and windshield. Conn's car did the same trick on Friday last north of Ravenna with same results, atyi Colquette's lizzie headed down the rocks last week, but fitopped short on the brink. Nobody was hurt. The sad news reached here this (Mon day), morning of the death of Mrs Sam Roberts Mrs Roberts took sick Sunday evening about six o'clock and passed away about one o'clock Monday a. in. The heartfelt sympathy of the whole commtjmfy is extended to the bereaved husband and family. \Vm Ross of Toronto is visiting with 'Jlis brother-in-law, J H Perigo. Mr and Mrs Smith of Hamilton visited with Oco \Vhitcoak and family Jast week. Chas P.rigo, \\itcand baby, Betty, of D Arcy, Sask., are visiting with the former's parents here. A Stewart and wife, Fiesherton. spcn* 1 Sunday with the latter s parents, Mr and Mrs I H Perigo. A number of our villagers attended the East tlrcy fall fair at Fiesherton and re- port a good crowd and a gcod showing in all el asses. Mrs YVm Clinton of Toronto visited at S Brownndge's last week. Mr and Mrs H Alexander spent Sun- day with Rev and .Mrs DufflclJ itt Maxwell, Thos Davidson of Rcgiiia, Sask., is visiting w:th his brothers and sisters htrc. Hugh Davidson of Toronto is holiday- ing here, at present. Flesherton, Ont., October 4, 1922 W. H. Thurstan, Editor & Prop. Ceylon Ailie Mu.r left last week fur Uarrie nd other | n. - to judge at fins. Mr John McDonald moved his family to Durham, wh*re he has secured a nood pojili' n with the Durham Furciture Co. They will be much mused here. but we h'>p they wilt be happy in their now home. ROM McMmleo left on Muudky for Guelph. Dr Wet of Angus spent the week end at K. Wbittaker's, Born To Mr and Mrs Geo Biuks. Sept -7ih, a >on. Congratulations. Mn H Piper spent a few days with her dangler > Ltunston. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. R Whittaki-r in the lou uf tiiii barn by 6r on Friday Usi. The origin of tha 6re i- a mystery. Mrs Cole-man, who li.-n been visiting member F uf her family out West foi ome time, has returned UK! is spending it tv i days with her daujbter, Mrs V J Collinioo, before leaving for I;, i honi in Owes Sound. Mrs Allie Muir and linle - in aie vis- iting her parents at v Opera House H o T O This Thursday Commencing at 8 o'clock ms PRICE VILLE I The fair and warm weather during las ; week waa very favorable for potato diggini?. We expect to hve a good full fair on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 3 and . The exhibits will likely be numeious, and with lunch and refreshment booths on the ground, also aeveral tenta contain- in;; amusement games, etc.. have bern promised for the midway on Friday. It wai expected that water could !> secured at a depth of about Iti feet the fox ranch, but indications are that double thtt dep'X, will be rc<iuirea t > get supply. The beautiful black foxes liriaguuui- rons visitors to the village, itne OD business others sight seeing. The three children t Mr and Mrs Gartield Whyte wece quite ill duriui; the pist tw wecki, but seemed to be im- proving at the end of !*st week. Mis Jones of Artemesia it. l:.n been under the care of Dr A E Carr for lonie days Mrs T A Ferguson, who has been ill fer two areek.t, is improving a little beiijg able to -i io a c!,;ur part time nil Friday and Saturday of last week. The village ia full of exciteiner.l today in hopes uf seeing a basketball game !.. wuni B .o'hville mid Din Im in, Friday the at the fall f<iir here. Toronto Line North Mrs rh-ed lirowu spent a lew Jays :n Owun Seutul with lier nm'.her who i serioun'y ill. Herb I'uuuii'^htm, wife and two r.liiU dren. >f I'almeKti n. vibited Mrs L' . - two smteis, Mrs J A Lever and Mrn Fred Mathewson. Lillian Lever, teacher at Moorttie'd s.'ent Sumy with her pm-on'S here. K Wickens and wife visited Mr aud Mm Beecroft, Owen bound, recently. W H Davis, wife tud twu dough'crs and Js Sinclair of Slayner, cpenc it day at T Sled '. Chas Martin, wife and children of Btigeoi*, were visitors at Thos Lever's. Mist Annie Riehardnou of Toronto is holidnyii'i; with her brother here-. Geo Stewart and wifx spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Chi* Mooro, Brmnp- tou. 1 . *^ 1$ "THE SHEIK" A George Melford Fro duction Paramount Magazine Travelogue P Prk 55c. and 30c. includinf m*mnt tax Monday. October 9th "MYSTERIOUS MOCK" IXXUCATIONAL COMEDY nd i5c. AmuMm.Dt C ,E. WAllHEN **:' ^, X-J ks ; *V. ,**$<* ' '&. -"* ' "' v " " >-'-^-. ::*-" *^fc;: ^f- . *. An Anomaly in Law That a thief inty be convicted of rob- bing a nun's pockets aud yet* be allowed to keep the plundtr through the inabil- ity of the. victim to identify the cash, was demorMtiateel in > i-<- conducted before Judge lireig in \VlUeitun on Tu*dy las', gays the Hetald Times. Nelson Tawsc, a former laborer mi the new biihultthic roadwuy hete.had $100 itnlen fiooi the pockeu ol his trousers * they huiiK in his n -in. tud Wm. Uickle, a fellow boaider. was f >und guilty and sentenced for the theft. When oapturcu Mickle had rive 910 pank uf Commerce billt hidden in the peak of Im ctp, aod au the victim of the robbeiy w*s unable to identify the money other than tb wad which he lust > composed of ten Rank of Commerce i?l ' bil's, the J5U found ou the priioiirr will, it saju,* according to the present law, ravrrt to the culprit on the tnn.sli of hio seuteuce, The ui-411 who was robbed Ins therefore not only lost the hundred, but Iv.s alto been out time aud expenie coming up from Tor> uto, where he DOW lire*, to fiend the trial aud asit (in the piosa- culiou of the accused, and hence he would have been in pocket had Ita never pquealed to the police or assisted the authorities to nail the culprit. - Mr. K. J. McL*au. Uih lino, has i one year old turkey hen .of which he is jnstly proud. This turkey lion ha* laid 76 e<{g* tin* eaK>n aud apparently IMS no notiou of* going' on strike for son* time yet. She hat urver ottered to Mt aud i leaf nit? the hatching end of the buaioeM to her big tiitei*, .- ih feel* that she can xive better secVice to the household .through the ptMuotioo of m*. Several neighbor* live Wen sup- plied with eggs for hatching from ibis ! hti ai,d they h*ve turned uilt 100 per oest. .-fficient. If any ptjrucn can be> Uiw lecora we would be please 1 to hjt; front theti. No doubt wheu the gobbtor i-ea4tiHhe will call ( .;r thin record sAOAt U s.oal is icarc, MM} ild wither M no ttaia for iuorinc> t he fatuity to as ajcrHkittjr ittx Meafcrd Bx- *v KIMBERLEY The frame of Mr Frank Weber s barn was raised on Su'urday Ust. A Uige crowd t both ladies and jeutluineu were pri Mviit. The ctptainc weia Mr D L Weber und Mr Wallace Graham, the former's tide winning Th baiket ball club H putting on a concert in '.lie conimuutty hill ou 1'im.iy, October lith. Mr *ud Mrs Fred Suabray, Master Gordon md Mies Beruice aro visiting friends lire and are the guests of Mr and Mrs S Burritt. Mrs Wm Laursou and children of Wodehousu are gpHnding i fe.w day< with Mrs Tlio Abercrnmbie. \\ e are sorry to rep >rt Sirs Ferguson very ill agaiu. l'i McKee has taken her to Coliingwood hospital. Mrs Ja9 Lawrence -mil Mra Burritt accompanied Mr and Mm Subray to Clarksburg. Mrs Flood C'f Th 'rnbut-y i viaitiug her it'll, Wm Flood . Mrs Plewis is with her lUughter. Mrs Andrews, of H.EP.C., who is ill. Rock Mills .Mr and Mrs John Portcous and son, and Mrs Art Portcous motored to Coll- inKwood to sec the luttcr'a husband, who unkerwentaa operation in the hospital there recently. Mr. Porteous was able to return home with them on Sunday. ("has Phillips of Toronto is visiting with his parents, Mr .uiJ .Mis Tucker Phillips and other friends here. The Rock Mills Ladies Am will hold a box social in the chnrch on Fri., Oct. 6. Dick Cl-irk, wife and family motored to Owen Sound on Sunday and visited wi'.h relatives there. (juite a number from here took in the fair at Fiesherton and report a good time. Miss Hinl.s of Pnce\ iUc was the of Mrs John Portcous on Friday last. Honour Roll KLKSHERTON I'lBLIC SC 4th K McCal'um. M Sled, M Falton, J Nuho, i Bella M InKster. Si 3id -C McK*ddi,, M Stuarl. H Ueird, J Cr({-/e, K Bettn J Stuait, E Jr 3rd L Kcrrin, D Woods. O Mc- Fudden. H Thompson, H Weltuu, L Carrinutun, I Tlmuipion, E Fen wick. Sr 2nd -A Lvr, A Heaid, B Flton, B Phillipii. G Slod, G Casnidy :ind I Lewii (.-jal) W Colgtn, K Ktnwiuk, G Stuwt- Jr :' D d- M Bibby, r W.ltoD. L Batty, M h n :'.. G McMivr. lit Ai{oe Irwin ai,d J M r' .il.i.-n (o.{Ul) K Paituii. H Best, B Sled E Kisher, E McKillop K McMulUn E Biown. Sr Pr X Fowler, C Brown, B \Veltun, C Tnistlethwi'e, I > McKaddeo and D Mv.Mulleii (e.|UHl ) KI\BJKl<LRy 1'CBLIf Jr j.-'d -r-M H%iiimoiid, Canuuk, R lUuuii. L i. L Liwmice, R Stuart (*b.) Ji 2nd D Berry, E Webt i, M Corn- Bel^ M Flood, S KM s, S HrTey. Jr lt J Abaicruiiibie, 1 rUrric, O Weber. Sr Pr B IWry, K H*rvey, M Flood, C Soul. Jiv Pi M Stuait. l.J Turin r, A VN'ickcns. Pr .t T D Beny, G Coititield, H Hn.v. K Flood. K R. HutchiDson. u.-nchcr S S .No. s. Sr I h f McKev, K Jv3ru- I Si 2nd L Fiobvr, 'A Chapot^n, S Skinner. H Blake*. Jr 2nd T Skinner, G tioi/ris, (J Blaki-y, G Bidgeruv. Si 1st M Fisher, K Shearduwa . Jt t* E Fwl.ei-, P McVulk H M BUuk, H Skmaor. H -1 A. Owwell. VANDELEUR Mr and Mrs Will Buchanan and babe have returned fj Uuelpli after a month's visit with Mr and Mrs Jo? Buchanan. Mi -- Nellie i; !..ii i spent u couple of weeks with friends in Toronto recently. Mr J I Gr.ihaiu acted as jude at the 'iangeville fiiir recenily. Albert Buchanan .- a' tending colleg- iate in O.ven Sound. Messrs F <.iruy mJ W McEaclinie.and Misses I'. Uorley and M. Beard, uf Mnrkdale, viaited with Mr ;tr.d Mrs F R Biland and family recently. Misses Hill, .tlso MJDS Jt'iin Sinclair and friend of Owen Sound vere the guests of Mr and Mrs S H^ Buchanan recently. Rev H E Wellwood of B-irrie, a uier pastor here, occupied the pulpit in the ctiutch here on Sunday afternoon. Mr Hu"h GIas!ifor>1 of Caledon visited recent!., with Sir and Mrs ./ J MuGee and family. Rev Dr Ij-tldwell of M^u;it Albert preached anniversary uiuious in the church here Sunday week, afternoon m.d evening. I )u Monday eveume a tupptr 1:1.'. cjncert w t.-, tiiven in tlio church under >he au.^piceii f t' e I^,j,s' Aid. The proceeds for jhe evening were about fifty dolUin. Old-Fashioned Husking Bee Kendal and Bertie Hawkens "f ihe > h line weie host and ii -; -- when thuy tfnve a huiikiiij fcea nml coin feast to a j 'lly party i f then yuurj;' irieuj- Frid.iy evfiiiiiij, Kept . 22. Tlio mvita- i! m.- read . If y ' i are Canadian born. Come and have your fill uf c iru At K., >i _:!> H Dell at half [> i.- 1 scv^n ; C ue spend the tini*) until it ev e'eren, No matter ou else you ve reckoner; 1 '(!'! on Friday, the twen'y itcond. To the girfa : I'm sure every girl that ever wis born C iuld i.end an oveinnjj; ent n^ nice sweet corn And as you are one of the f ,v,irod few. Come to Evergreen Ddll on Fiiday, '2- 1'leisi- remember, don t t > Lite, WB would want you here between 7 and S They had a hue big bun tire >tna i ^niiitt of hide and siek ip the shadows of it. Prizes were awarded, one to the boy or i-u-l who ate the niott curn, and one to the boy or ^-ri who ate the le.>,<U Thin cauttd some inerrimeni, an the rirst was a i v m hern, the latter a small dolly, accompanied by the following rhyme*: Sow you can blow your hoiu bec*useyou have excelled m eating corn. I .1 sure your mind will be ID a linl, When you try to .htc ihii dcr little mrl. Who will be nesi ' We think tliis the right spirit. Give the boys . <l girls plenty 01 fun and keep them .11:1. home Nottawasaga Barn Burned On Wednesday of lait week a tine Urge hrn uwoed by Mr. Audie-w Jardiua of NottawNt; . uoinpletoly Jeslroyed by tire, to- gether with the crop Iroiu three luintiied acres of Itud aud a number of p>i!. Tlie loss fur Mr. Jardiue is > patUcularly large one and the sevvii-1 timo he has been vi^ittJ in this way in tha \*i few years. They hail been eus;"^ 4 ! '" tlireshing for two days am) had gut well suited on Ueiini.--a.iy. when tho eiigioeei nlnle oiling the engine got hiu iinock c.iu^ht in the governor aud ! m.i - inini> dtately leaped from the *tck uud were driven by the wind directly into the burn. Tha HinitMi spnn'J fo ripidly that t.l)u in the in hJ difficulty in escaping The loss will aoiouut toabuut |10,CK)), the b*ru ittclf heiDK valued at $5,000. The cjnteuts included 1,400 bushels of wheat., about 3,0<>J In: he!." of oat* anil 50 ( > bushels of barley, besides hainees fid o'her farm equipiOtDt, alto a number of pig*. I ' >' 1 '"> l8 p*rtly cnvix>d by insurance. The IM: n o .it. built ix years ago .n i took the i-1-..-e of another that i dcs- ti.^yei by tire. It'a QinioDiioui nere 40x86 fwt. wi:b tone st t )ling hena*' h. H ALBERT- UILL-In Mai-UKl., ,n Wodneadar* St -t. 30th, lWf t by Rov. W. A. Ricbudaoo. Sll Rlena, tcro'Mr. Wa. Hill - *-,>* t of Big Ben Little Ben i Big Ben's Son ) Big Ben Makes a Noise- Little Ben Runs Ain't we got fun? Buy one from ARMSTRONG JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Fiesherton, * - Ont. j Bates Burial Co.] BUSINESS AS TSCAL Funeral Direct) .'i and Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road "' Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . .Manager. m Now is the time to renew: your subscription to The Advance People's Grocery Whatever It May Be, always try to keep in stock what you require. Fruits are now in season We always tarry a full stock of fresh * yroverias, and men tind our tobacco^T ligarsmul pipes to be of the besc.iuality and at reasonable prices. Get the habit to shop here FEED All kinds of teed. A carload of Five Roses Flour has just arrived. (Jet yoty's now. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Feed. Stcd*. Groceries and Confectionery Fiesherton, - Ontario ', MILLINERY Mulinery We have a K,. : , ,--,; stock cf Ihe roiHl up :o date h!s sbowo, a hat to f,uit every lady. New lute cniuini! in every wtek. Just giv u * call. We will i)e pleased to nhow :: o.. W. I.. Wright ' cornel stre, entraucb aide door I'j'pmite CUyli-u !n> e mote. Try Finder's Bread - NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in foot! value. ~ * A full line of Groceries, also Canr.ed Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER,

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