Septombes 20 1022 THE FI ESHEfeTON ADVANCE AGvade forWURCar One of the five grades of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils is exactly suited to your car. Use this grade regularly and get trouble-free service from your car at the lowest possible cost for lubrication. Consult the Chart to determine the grade you should be Busing. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturer* and Marketer* of Imperial Polarine Motor OH* and Marketer* in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil. THE Flesherton Advance An independent newtpoper published C.IMI WYiiimsilny lit tho oitiee.Collingwood Stieet, KliNluTK.ii. Subscription price 91 50 pet annum whan ptid in advance ; 82 "<) when not HO paid. 92.00 t<> I'nittd 8utH. Advertising rated on ftppHutioo. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON EDITOR For Sale By Tender The following property in the town <*f Thfirnliury, will be i iff' red )>y tender up 1.1 September Mt, 122. ' The property of ihtrteoi iiil u-lialf uorts of luii). f.-ni' iree, fr.nni 1 liatn >tnd poultry Uuiliiing. An idenl rpur fur OBCbard Ot Hpinry. T. inn: A marked ch*i|Ui' fni I'l |hs'C"nt. of |Mircli.isi) price at ti:n of nale, biilarri- in iO dny. T'ic or tiny tender nut necessarily HccepH-d. Ti-nJt-rs to In addnnsdl to W. 11 Miller, liuxril, Klohertun. Farm For Sale L',t a, I'iilf 24, C.,n. 15, Proton, 150 i 'ii---. 'JO ..i-:i s of flop, liny in I' iir, 7 acres .iweet clover, fsriu iinp'eiiu*nt. Urge linn, up In date; never failing spring creek iliri.unh centre rf farm, over <'l iii-i. <!. , HII), snmll urfliard, brick vent'eri-il nou-<e ntiu wnod^hea; I-' head fat citllr, .'! o>wn and 4 clve, 2 > ,Milii,f- HiiJ 4 head of h n- - Wiil sell ii bloc or seprte. Mutit be wold In illnens. l.inii"i!i>tf poH8e-.sin, Ii .1 '. ' ,-:. K.K 1, Dundnlk HcfflW rM will b Iba tpeoiftl .ttrac- icitint tin- Fiesh.:i l- i. Kai- Pigs Came Astray (.Ume to th prt mises of the under- ', li.t "i C in '.l, Osproy, .i'wir tin: middle <.f Angum, two pig*, Owner 1 pro v.- piopeily, p.iy i^p-nses iml Uk<> jumeawiy. -S. PRICES TALK in THESE DAYS of CAREFUL BUYING For eveiyone wlio works and wears troiiHewi 1 have a line of goods Inlly equipped with price-tags that will tell you a tale of tnonry savid and left in your pocktt if you are interested. Was Crack Shot Of Grey Regiment S,!if{t. A. K liuHamy of town In 8 rpct'ivixl H Ir'ier f inn .Mj"i- Morrison of 'i.i. !; Sound, ucoirtiipinie'J I v cluuii", announcing the winning of tif>t pii/. in thf i.fliurtis hliuot U*t Mitnmcr. Following is ihe It-tier : .Dear Bellniny,- -Tin- att.'i -li.-il r'lu-'|ie h,n just In ivi r, rt-ivtil fn in iii-iid.|uai ti-ii ;iiiii in forwvdiut i' 1 want to onui I'ulitu y> ii mi i lie winninu of it We hh' uiil have had you no the lean whi'-li it';n". i .1 the Cin-yi ir (' limn wood ihih week ;ind y >u can coiiMilu yonrMlf < mukt-d nitn i< r fnlin . cvt nl8 Wij weru uiihiicce^sfiil in lifting ill BrijjidierH Cup tliih year and .!. p. niit: i'i,.|iii,,i, to the oelt'ction uM train liiK of H ttam fir n-xt you*. Your t.uU, I I- Morrison, M j Fall Fairs , Oct. . .0. iliolton Oct.ti ! Clintswurlh , j l/'lieoloy | C Hrkeburi! I DaDcUlk . . Karuu.s Khaki Duck Troutem Striped Overalls . Plain BUck Duck* . $2 Shirtafrom - $1.25 to 1.75 Trouterf work and drew And then, there i* a line of (uitinga on the (helvei from which YOU can cecure a low- cot, liii(h-<|iinlity hand-mad* uit. Theae cuiti come at about the co*t of a ready-made uit, from $23.00 to $40 00 Flesherton Tailor Shop !''! '-hc-i i .in (ii iii'l Valley Hanover ... H 'stein , KiUyth KM. n nil- Meiford.. Oct. 12. Srp',.28. Sipt..l!l Sept.. 26. Sept. 21.. Oct..J.. Sept.. 28. ..Sep'. .L'. ..Sept.. 21. ...Oct. ..*ept. . .S^pt. . ,L .28. 21. T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor Midland ............... Sept .'.'8.. Prieoville ............... ()jl..5.. Tr VV.Itcrs Kalli Wirton Oct.. II. Sept. .2U. . .Sept... 26.. Secure your rtnerve seat tiukclx fur fif concert the brt of the seaisun, . Ii H..' Btoit). ! Mr. Car Owner We carry the best Tires, Inner Tubes, Oils and other Automobile equipment. We believe in selling the best merchandise that money can buy. Our customers appreciate ii. We make a specialty of -battery repairs and guarantee a satisfactory job on any make of battery at a reasonable price. We have the best and most thoroughly experienced mechanics. Bring in your car and let us give it a careful inspection free of charge. We correct all defects effectively and inexpensively. The soonqr we do it, the less it costs, for a little defect today may mean a bigger one lomorrow. A Paint Shop Has Been Added to our Service We have recently added an up-to-date paint ' shop to our service and can make your car look like new. PROSECUTION VS . PROSECUTION A caae recently occurred ou the Qiurpli to Owen Sound highway that froai tliis distauoc appears to be worthy of corauieut. \ There ia a atupiciou tUat some o; oar laws are not tempered with jus- tice, and uiiat gome of otu- kw in teipretprs are emulating tin; demands of Shakeapoar'a 8h) bek ia exacting tha pound of lleBh. The >ouug man referred to wan driving a load of con- raband liquor from Guelph to Owen viand. He was caught and fined a huusaud dollars. Until the amount I'llcl be raised he occupied a ct-ll in ihe jail, and immediately npou seuur- ng his release by paying the line Le wus again pounced upon by the au- thorities for furious driving while tlie police were alter him, and lined another fifty dollars and coats 81084.80 in all. Extreme penalties such as Una lay our officials open to tlie charge of for revenue, and not to prevent Will such a penalty cau.e his young man to respect the la\\? Will it not rather cause him to des- pise authority while it handicaps him with a 'debk of large proportion with which to start life? An onlinarry runner of contraband from a foreign country would not be treated so severely, aui H appeaiVto u.s that some provision should be made in a very severe law whereby a certain amount of leniency uii^ht L>c shown where found advisable. Of course we do not know the yoitug man in question, and hold no bvicf for law- breakers in any form, bin ^e do It el that our laws in many case* arc loo severe and that the penalties i-xacted are apt to dt'teat aims for whioii they are purported to have hfeu made. , Incidents similar to the above are to the point. We fine a man a thone- and dollars lor carrying n c*ec of liijuor ou the puMic highway! Fc evading the duty on contraband good we seize the merchandise and let thi culpri'. go with a small due or no tine nt. ill. The law that makes this possible docs not beem to us to bo founded on justice. There should be a reasonable penalty in both cases but it appears to us that there is I parallel between them and thut as in! ii me contraband both should be treated alike. Hut chanty should til.-" i liter into the administration ol ustice and justice slonld be tempered with charity. pff Bit! .'MEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1672 "To improve the golden moment of opportunity" IHE man who kuows the value gf money, keeps a little of it put by for future ne^ds. A single soldier cannot win a battle, but the victorious army is BM Hindu up of single units brought together 'for action. The citadel of Opportunity falls to the wise general who has his forces ready ! * BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH -A. M. Cart hew, Manager SUB-BR4NCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sob-Manager WE SELL * TARM IMP! CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Bring your next job to us whether it be for equipment, re- pairing, painting, oil or gas and get the same satisfaction we are giving our steadily growing list of customers. D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet and McLaughlfn Motor Cars Tractors - Newcomhe Pianos Samson White Rose Gas. i Credit AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implement!, Etc. L'hu ii Ml. i -i_;iu'il .mi i ii Hi- ur hs been instructed l>y ANDY PALLISTER .. -all hy public .tuciiim <m 1.0T U, CON. 7. OSt'UEY, one lot Wi-t. uf Maxwell on Fiid3y, September 22, 1922 tho : I mil in_; chattels, miuoly . - K.UtM STOCK He:vy \\taa ! Id, l.. 1. y Ii ii.-..' 7 ) I )d, O.'lt i IMIH; '.' i us nli), Htfvd mate, c.iw !l yis supposut ii ralf, cuiv '' > i -. -.n|.|j . . i! in -ii i, cow 6 is Huiipon'il m .-.lit, co 6 yn. aiippottd ii 'Hi. heifer 'J years . uji|> i iu oolf, I'ifer _' \ is u| .i. >s, ,i in ,-iii, " hrit i , 1 i"u I I. I* ! lii. ii hull 15 inns old, steer year <>'ii, K store pin", 3 |uii>t; . i!\ i .-, rood tow due to farrow (taut 28, 21 Uck.l, L' I llfli'. IMl'I.KMKNTS, KTO.-Lwd roll.r, at li!vy hums-, set simile huruess, 2 H inch collarH, h ill acre uf turnips, li.ilt n- of r.iin, -Hi bu l-iilry and mis iKfil, Mi it i' m ^. i itove new, set of lidding tuu)iH, |iiiiiiin^r>i>li tnd number f record*, M>u*ey Him- l.'i h<u< drill, Y II .riis binder ti ft cut gond 08 >, Matsoy Harria cultivaior nearly , "Fanner Friend" riding plow, grain ickler. "Young" iruok. ba^ holder, top nearly new, gnud democrat, cutter ew with doors, wagon aud box, Pritnroaa Mi'jt'Hviinr, Wilkmsna Rang plow, huy rack, 2000 Ib wale*, drire ihed 22 \ 34, lurkyoko and numerous other article*. Everything mint be told m the owner li'is rented tli ' f.u m. Sale at 1 u'otock TI -U MS A',1 MIIIM uf 910 and under, C,ish ; over that amount 13 uuuithh' I'lriht wiil l>e given ou approved joint / a nil 1 for cash in liou of notes, WM. KUTTINO, Auclioneir. BOAR for SERVICE New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY Touch a match to the (turner and it in ready in- stall! ly. STEADY Sat the Ilmiie where you w-iiit if. It s'sys there. CLEAN Dues not bUcktn pots or pann. The long .blue chimney (urns every drup of oil into cooking heat. HOT -- For erery cooking purpose there ia always ahunmnce of steady clean intense hett. OVENS X. P. oven* me superior to the ordiury ovens, ijuicker vnd more uniform retails in Ink;;: ml rua^tine are secured with them. Come in and tee them, or better still, ask a uier. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 1 1 DURANT "Just a Real Good Car" After building more than two million automobiles W. C. DURANT has developed a culminating motor car that bears his name. All that this might lead you to expeot, is realized in the car itself; now to be seen in our salesroom. MODEL A-SS. Koru CYLINDER TOUKINV, $1395, Delivered (FREIGHT AND 8ALKS T-AX PAID) Dealer H. Down & Sons Flesherton A Superior School ELLIOTT. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto In wi-ll kni'wn thioUKhout Can- ad for its lik;h grade work. Its couritu are unsuriatsed Bntur now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Tenders For Wood Tho undttrsyiml will rec.-ivc tender* up to Saturday, September U'th, For YOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY because our instruction ia Indivut- >jal. V mi are taught as fast ai you can learu at the Catalogue Free C. A. FLEMING, F.C.A.. Principal ninoe Q. D. FLEMING, SwrsUry. I'uroliii'd TamwM'th Ror fur sertice T-jiiiis 1 uO. Sows nut rutiirnod will i to be delivered ut th| high iclioel, j Gond purees ar bing ifl'iwecl S olnufltU aine an tho-ie in pig. . i,'i cs hcrt>n, as ^er *rr*ui nt with the 'horee races at Kleshrtou Kr Soit i -T. J.s-lNH 'N Ptapl I^rd." -W. J. BeHamy, Sec. 'utl 29. fur as