August THE FIESHEKTON ADVANCE PRICES TALK in THESE DAYS of CAREFUL BUYING For evetyone wLo works and wears trousers 1 have a line of good? hilly equipped with price-tags that will tell you a tale of money saved and left in your pocket if you are interested. Khaki Duck Trousers Striped Overalls . . Plain Black Ducks $2 Shirts from - $1.25 to 1.75 Troiuers work and dress And then, there is a line of suitings on the (helves from which YOU can secure a low- cost, high-quality hand-made suit. These suits come at about the cost of a ready-made suit, from $23.00 to $40.00 THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspaper published each Wednesday at the offiee.Collmgwoud Stieet, Fk-sherloii. Subscription ['rice 91 50 per annum whn pni 1 in mlvn<w ; 82.00 whn not so paid. 82.00 t<. United States. Advertising rates nil application. Circulation over HOC weekly. \V. H. THUKSTO.V KIUTOR Flesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor DURANT "Just a Real Good Car" After building more than two million automobiles W. C. DURANT has developed a culminating motor car that bears his name. All tbat this might lead you to expect, is reulixed in the car itself; now to be seen in our salesroom MODEL A--2-.'. FOUK CYLINDER TOI;RIN<J $1395, Delivered (FREIGHT AND SALFS TAX PAID) Dealer H. Down & Sons Flesherton BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES . DI.l.M >. AKTHL'K I.UU'il.. No. i , A I . i A M. iuet iu tht Maionlclisll. Arm I'rong'e Hlock Plutherton, every Friday on or before the full mort. ( . .1. Kxllamy \v. If.: R. O. Holland, Becroury (17 IllOHT, & TELI-OKD.HarrlBter, Bolicl. torB, Ac. iir,, drey v bruca Ulock, Uwon Kounil. Htandaril Hank .'Fleiihur. tou. (Saturdays) \V. H. Wriuljt. W. P. relfor;! Jr. DENTISTRY BUSINESS CARDS lir&l. KAlTTINd, lceunod Aactlcneer foi 1 the couDtli'B of liref and Hliucoe. Ktroi ami M ,i i. nnU'8 a specialty. Termi notleratii. natinfactiou guaranteed. Arrange- u*otn fur dates may be mode at UIA Advance mice, or Central lelpplmuf oB'.ce KcvtTuhaw > by nddrwmlnu UJB at l-'i-vi i tiatu. Ont. 11: t: C MURRAY U D. 8 , dental Burgeon , hit. A. Tt lIMifl.l.. H.A.. M.n .' * he nor graduate of Toronto Unlroralty and *^ from the Faculty of Medicine, I'niviiriiity leys College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario, of Toronto. Otflce Klcliantv>n HI ock, Flosli- OM admllnlterd for teeth extraction j erton. Tulephoiio as. ffice stiitidriicp. Toronto Ktrret. Kleibortot. . I A black IIHHH wan eimuht at Gold LnUc, near Mepwnrth, weighim; (i ll. l.'U ounces. Somebody nu((l>t to tnk iivny John Ii il !) o.l n - IIUU) il -. I . LEGAL UCAB 4 bENRY Harrlstara. tiollcltora, - eo.-I. H. LOCSB. K. C. : W . D., Henry, . A. Office*. M a. I .n.:.. i ofl GROUP GOVERNMENT In discussiug J. J. Morrison's group government theory a lot o: vague talking is being done. Morris SOD ln-lil his views iu 1!)19, but was apparently unable to persuade even his own ubodicnt followers that they were in auy eeusc practical. At any rate nothing was heard outside the U.F.O. caucus of any effort to secure the co operation of the other politica parties in trying out the new theory No; the U.F.O. decided to " hole the bag," when political fortune swung their way, and E.C.Drury was 'chosen. Group government was ap i parently to be tlie slogan when th ! II. P.O. is under dog. I What is this thins '' Briefly Morrison's argument is that an ' op ipositiou " is a useless clog ou Ir^isla lion, and that EVERY member o -the Legislature should be iu Lis sea ; ready to advance gane legislation | and uot to oppose it . To ensure this .EVERY PAHTY is to have repre sentatiou in the cabinet, and al 'parties will then be collectively ic sporisibic for the grist fram the legis lativi mill. It will be a glorifie 1 county council. But if, in Ottawa, Grits are to b responsible for hig-taiifl' legislation o [ the Tonee, and Tories for the low tariirieglslation of the Grits, or Pro greseivea for the military expenditure of both old parties what meanin will the various parties bold befor 'the public? If thi council system, so dear t J. J., is to he glorified in the rJous oi Commons, with Ministers chose from' all the political parties, th i parties as suoh will have their teeti 'drawn, and might as well quit befor mal-nutrition gives the undertaker a job. They will be unable to carr; out their parties' policy for whid they were elected. Then it will simmer down to a cas of electing M . P'a. on tbeir persona qualifications as to oratorical ability *r business acumen or the depth o their purse. With the political machines out o the way by leabon of tliu impossibil- ity of enforcing their platforms, auc tin inii.- carrying on as a "class' party wo eee where they could rule th iroost. without feaa of an organized opposition from hdrdoncd politica groups under trained leaders am then wo WOULD have a situation If it was uot that, it would be a government of wealthy men such us were elected in Toronto and Montreal ist I'bcember, who w^re ready to pent] upwards of $.10,000 of their wn in in y to secure election, regard- esd of i lie break-down of tbeir party machine, and who were elected for heir own personal interests. Thus, it would be a case of cither iu mi i.-. ruling absolutely, or of I'm an cial or other interests lining up be- lind individuals for tbeir own benefit a cat-o of transferred alliegance from party to individuals. We in uit have a better outline of .jroup government than any yet pre- senkd before we can see much ad- vantage over the present system, though permanent ministers, answer- able to an undivided I lousi' of Com . i..- ou a business bads, might be a 'i in advance. You Will Save Money By buying your SAMSON TRACTOR NOW As they are due for an advance in the near future The present price is $075.00 F.O.R, Oshawa, and at this remarkably low price comes fully equipped with pulley, governor, impulse smarter, air cleaner, platform and fenders. At, this price you cannot afford to do without one. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON J A few years ago they bobbed their Lbir up, an' ii was all right. But now tliat they're bobbing it DOWN, they's a lot of talk about it. Our guess is they'll go on bobbin' it just tlie way Dame Fashion decrees, no matter how ranch yuh talk. An edilor can't make a houae-to house CIOVUM for news, Imt is alwy ijUd to hvo it handed in. The Advance wants 'l the news. Just as pleased to men- tion your uueste, or yuur viiits as to mention thote of your neighbor, but utiybe your neighbor iiivts us more as- sistance in getting the f *c s. Kindly baud in your news items. The Markets Carefully Corrected Each Week Barley 70 to 70 Peas 1 25 to 1 2: Buckwheat 80 to 80 Bntter 25 to 25 Rugs 18 :o 18 Winter Wheat 1 05 to 1 06 Spring \Vheat 1 00 to 1 00 ()sU 45 to 45 Good Stock Farm For Sale 1G5 Hcrett, will tacritice for cash or sel cheap on. reasonable tonne; with or with- out crop. Situated 1 ;. miles from Pro'on villsge and C.P.ft. sUticn, near Sui(eeo Jet. On farm is rough-oust house; barn on cement wall; pig house hen house; driving shed; drilled well excellent water with wind- mill; and nerer failiof; stream crosBes back end ol farm Excellent soil and in good state of cultivation. It is going to be sold at once. V .~>r particulars ee Wm. Black- burn who resides across from farm. Write to, phne, or call gn .f . C. Wriaht, Dundalk, the owner. For Sale or Rent House and lot in Ceyluu. viight roomed brick residence ; good stable and driving shed ; hurd and soft watec, one .M I a ,M n ' i acres of liind Aj>jily to JOHN McDONALD. Ceylon, Ont. Came Astray i' CM- tip the premise! of the uiuler- igtied, lot 13, con. IU, Osprey, about July 1st, on" two \f\t old heifer Owner prove prop- ty, pay ixpensug ar.d take lame wy. JAMKS THOMPSON. Boar For Service Pure bind Registered Yorkshire Boar for Herviro Vineyard f amousj T7.~>!0 oil lot 167. 8. W. T. & S. R., Ar'e. leiia. Terms 81.. V). Sows not returned will be charged SMiie as those in \-ij.. 10,4.22 T. J. STINSOy VOTERS' LIST, 1922 TOWNSHIP OFAKTEMESIA Notice i hereby given that I transmitted or delivered tu the persons luiinliiinrf in sections h and of the Ontario Yjters' List Act, 1SH", and the aiiiei .1 iii-iii-- i Ki-irl- , the . 'ii.i > rc<|Uirt>d i<i be transmitted or delivered < -t the List, maac pursunt to the said Act, of H 1 [lersciiis nppenrii); by ihe last revi ed As '. -1,1 -i i Hull of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the municipality .it election! f^r members of the Legis- lative A8nn v iy and at Municipal Elec tions, and ihat tho - n I li- 1 was posted up iu inv i-tlici; 'it Kleshertnn on the cth d*y of Autfuif, 1922, und remains there for inspection . Electors ro c-tlled upon to i \ nun,,- said list, and ii any ommi^sion or other errors are perceived therein to Uke mum-ill it<- proceidiuci to havp the siid errors correctexl accordini! to law. -W. J. BELLAMY Clerk nf Aitrui si i. Floatation, Augunt 7. 1922 In the Estate of Henry Alex- ander Weber Tenders will be received by the under- signed Administrator of the Estate of the above named Henry Alexander Weber up to the, 'tOih day of August, 1022, for Ihe pumhase of the following lands, viz: Lot No. 24 in ihe 10th Con. of the Town- ship of ArtemeaU, 100 acres. There is tnid to lio about 30 acres of go"d fire wood timber ou same, 7 acres > f cedar, a youug orchard nf appler, pears and plums, a in. nl frame barn 40x60, a fairly good house, also a hen bouwftnd pig pen, veil watered and fenced. It ia a good firm fur pasturing cattle. A'a > three town L.Us on Kugenia Town Plot, as Mloffs: L'it 19 on North Street and IS and 10 on /mi u-o Street, said lots are aaid to contain three acres each more or less. JOHN WEBER, Administrator, 03 R R No, 4, Mark-date, One Banking by Mail Total AuU in EXC*M of * 650.000,000 T-'ARMERS and others may, if .Tthey wish, do their banking with this Bank by mail A folder on "Banking by Mail" will be sent free on application at any Branch. Hud Office) Montml Branches in all Important Centres in Savings Departments in all Branches Bank of Montreal Established Over 100 Years Warm Weather Is here at last bringing with it the ice cream season. We sell the famous Neilson's Ice Cream, none better, and our menu has been prepared to satisfy all tastes A visit to our parlour and a dish of ice cream will "hit the spot." Ice Cream, Sundaes, Sodas Fresh Chocolate*, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. ~" W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. cess* cream * f *. * - * u *- t; Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Testing Station. COME and SEE it TESTED V.WA James McLean Pattison's old Stand. Ceylon WE SELL , JT^ FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON, New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY Touch a match to the burner and it ia ready in- stantly. STEADY Set the flame where you want it. It stays there. CLEAN Does not blacken pots or pans. The long blue chimney turns every 'drop of oil into cooking heat. HOT For every cooking purpose there i always abunnance of stead* clean intenae heat. OVENS- N. P. ovens are ruperior to the ordinary ovens, quicker and more uniform remits in baking aod roastinff are secured with them. Come in and lee them, or better still, ask a uer. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton . . 'Phone24rll