Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1922, p. 1

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Vol.43, No. 10 Flesherton, Ont., August 9, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. Conservatives Meet The annuil meeting of the Centre Grey Liberal- Conservative Association heM at ttocklyo on Friday afternoon July 28:h and was lell attended by delegates from all par's of the riding. Stirling addresses were delivered by C R. McKeown, of Oran2v:i!e, and Hon I.E. Lucas, ..f Markdale. It was decided to put a candidate in the fieU at a c-.-Dvention to be held later. Robert Ferguson, of Collingwood, uc- cupied the chair and officers were elected as fullowa: President, Sei^n Peidue ; Vice-Free, Mrs. Albert Mylee ; Secretary A E. Colgan ; Treasurer, Mis. S J. Hallert. Auditors, Mrs L O. Campbell ar,d C SV. Rutledg. Vice- Presidents for the various mun- icipalities were elected us follows: EuphrasU, \Vrn. Wrijht and Mrs. John Torrie. Uspcey, J. A. Aruot aiivi Mr. J. A. Keroahau. Tnornbury, M. Sneuiuuec and Mrs. Thoi. Lowe. Co:linivod. W. A'uercroniDie acd Mr-'. David Wtuhi. Holland, A, iJilIespie atd Mrs- W. ETampton. St. Vincent, Wm. Tucker and Xr-. S jn'ey Abercrurubie. NUrkdale, T. 11. Re' urn nod M:s. \V. D. Henry Meat.'rJ, Thos. RanU.iU ind M*s. \V. T. Moore The Car Balked Oa!vj!iJy o Venice heu re'.uio;ui{ Ii-om * motor trip to 0en S ^ui.d. a F> r.l touring car, oe.l aud diiveu by Mr. John Buigess of this pUce. wen f iver in emOaukment en the roud fr nv Oweu Sound to IngUs Falls. Mr. Bur- es was coning up one of the hills for which the vicinity is famous- and his engine sCalleJ. The brakes proving in- suticient to hold the cr a the steep irade. it backed over the bank and finally backed into a trej in its path. With 51 r. Burmese, <n the car wero Mis. Bu-ge-s, her mother, Mrs. McKmiii'n, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stedinan ind baby. Son* of the occupants of the car were injured bin the irfkchitie was damped 'o the extent of having the ;ix!e and roir hnusint; beat od the party had t.i muti<r from tho Baby C.ty in rented car- Durham Chronicle. Where The Blow Will Fall Tae American. strike will like'y deliver wi rse blow tc labor lhan to any other c . The pn>lon^d cessat.on from wotK h% pretty well depleted the coal stocks on hand, and railroad* r now compelled to cancel hundred* f trains : steamships are bit.t{ tied up at the docks, t'actorw* are cli'sinn down aid industry is beinx crippled from Maine to Florida, with the r?ult that the 600,001) men rn ioied idle by trie coal strike have been increased to triple th.i; number. The f rice of coal is likely tp take a sharp advance and thus render the con- ditions of the wjrklxss more acute and the i:et re-ult of the strike will b< that jabor will n.>t have battered itself, but workmen will have lost in wanes sum believed to be .n excess of S2t.KKOOO.000 * J. L. Lnckner, proprietor of the Chesley creamery. U *" authority on iooii butter, sa)s The Enterprise. Ue informs us that buttermakers are ci-m* p\iuiug about th* effect of swet-t clover 03 butter. It hasastron, greasy davor auct Montreal buyer* c' mu it will injure (he ircod reputation of Canada butter in ' the Eoglish market. The cheese men are *Uo up in arms against sweet clover for the pasture and for wiuter fodder as it spjiU the flavor of cheuse. Sweet cVver is Rood only as f jrtiliir. It has grown so rank this yeat that the ttalks are like willow twins. Fartueis who have experimented uh swet clover re, in mot cases, goin< back to th P d ratable alfalfa. Pr. F.D, Kent, of Thoinbnry. passed away t the Oollingwood Ooiu-ral Hos- pital OD Sunday aocolog ftftv. tooie months trjU'g illo*M. Or. Kent has '*)niotiMd hii {of*wioB in Thorabwy for one thirty eight y Mrs and his MB* i* known to ail 10 that tecttoo. He w.s good doctor and nrg*on tod a public ipiiit*u citt*n nd his low in Thornbury will b* k**nly Wt. Feversham Miss M McKinley of Tjronto is visit- ing her friend, '^ueenie Kaitting. John SoiaHey, wife and family, of Collingwood, .*re visiting with ilrs Smallay's parents, Mr and Mra Joseph Barber. Mrs James Pelch and niece. Edith Ottewell, of C-jllingwood. ate visiting with the former's sister, MM Gco Ellis. Mrs Wright of ToroDto is holidaying at Ira Perigee's. Mrs (Rev) Dumeld has g->ce fcr a jQtHJh visit with her pireo's at Brac- D Freemao, wife acd family, of Mark- , were caliers at S Brownridge's on Joe McGrutheis of Markda'e was a caller in i>or village on aunday. The garden party given by the ladies of the Methodist church u Tnursday !a%t was a success aud a good crowd re- vtrded them for tbeir etiorts. The foot- bill ^ ime between Creemore and Fever- sham vas another exhibition of good, c'.can -p> rtsuiinjhip. and resulted in 4-0 ia fiv.<r >>f Fevtirshinj, but the Creemore bjya were gocd lotets and took their de'"et iu a goid. sportsmanlilie manner. C 1 C*rni'chael. M P P. uoiptred the gvue and gave universal w:isf action . Mrs Powers of Long Branch, t.hit, has raturued home after a week's visit with Mrs Colquette. She motored up frtm she ci:y on Friday atd spe^t the week end with friends in this village C.)n^ratul%tibDs to Mr aud Mrs Rott. White >ak (uee M try Juha.) ho hive turned a lit.- partnership .ind have taktu up their residence here We weicoa e them. Bjru On Au^ur l<t. t" Mr and Mis l.ui-:* McKet ^if . a son. ' CEYLON r Beckett and Oouitttble C. ok were v'Ut iu the townabip of Gleoelkt on Friday, when they had one Dau Camp- bell charged with sjlliCi! whiskey. lu- syect'-r Beckett laid the inforui-tticn. pleaded guilty and was rimd aud'costs. Ue claimed that the hootch was secured fn ui an unknown nun. Oar pastor, Mr Vose, b* isooe on bi-> ."VMvijys aud there will be u -ornc.' oil Sunday next. Uu^h Bailey aud wife vt Sbruley .-p.ut the week end with the litter's parents, Mr aud M-s D McPhatl. H J Spicer, wife aud thiee children. i:.J Mrs Norton aud three children, of Ki:i4-t.-u, are visitiug at U Su'cer's. Mrs MTOroe of Eyebrow, Sask, visited Mi G Collmsju and daughter hero last Week. Wi lie I'.i'tis.ii of Toroi.t > i* J ' 1 . i m s Alice Beutiet of Shelburue visited htr friend, Get-i^ina Mckau.-hlan, the past week. Mrs Alli3 Muir aud little, sou spent the week end with her parents at Durham Mrs (liev) JlcWhiuuoy aud sou, trv m the West visited at N Archibald's last Wfcl Mr Brown of Toronto is a ^uest at S HeiuphiU's. Archie McPhatter and wife of Owen Scuad are visuuiij their brother. Fred Wright, and other friends. Stanley White of Tonuto, ied by.his two cousins, is holioaying u : Jer the pirental roof. Miss \Vinuiui{stoii of Toronto i vigit- iuii her friend, Kuby Stone. Mr Daley of Lthlridg- spent lie week ond at Mrs A RutledgV He left Mouday, accouipauied by his little dauithter, Mary, to visit with ftieiid* a( Saruia aud .'thei petut*. Fred Chislett, wife aud sen, Claude. Uft M ;-. .iay for their home at Ltstowe), after a pleasant wek spent with the f jimdt's father and titter. Bert and Emma YVbtttaker and Mrs E R Newbauer of Canton , Oht, tue Tisit- m their patents. Myrtle Hrmphill h*i rtUPD<.M to Toronto. A rather traLe thiog W<M fouud vheo O:mtead Bto*. were cutting ahio^les trom a butternut Mock. Th* saw xiuok ooMthlag mtal and expMtiag to find a Mil, they were much turpt wed to titid a Jew'? har>> Inbeddtd in th* centre of it. Did K>a< DftVtd hn|( his harp on a tnttetnut tree and (onttt abunt i; 1 C.J. Leitch Suicided in British Columbia Residents of Fleahertcn *er-r chucked to learn of the truji- death of C.J.Leltch a- Pencicton. B. C.. the news of which came over the wire last wee!r. The de- spatch said "After spending half th- niihi miking a careful list il hi* assets an<1 liabilities, C.J.Lsitnh, Iocl tailor, stO4,d befiue a mirror and cut his -.hroit d^^ply ^o the left side. "He then drank ether, cut the arteries ii his left wrisr, ind ti'ially placed a noose iruucu his neck, mfter tyii"/ the rope to the Ced'ng of the veri:Jh. He wts iouud strangled to death. " Tats wad ill di^clu^ed i" AU ic i J c today. Leitch wife dHed bout six mouths li'j Ui-s ritwncUl irturs were in Kood oader. The deceased was a resident ^,t Flesb- erton, hivio^ spent bis youth here. The resident U and business block . -.vjed :>y the proprietor of this paper wad erec'ed by h'ci 34 >ears t^o. Suiue ^7 years ai(u he sold out aaa aiovei to Buifalo. b"r .'in there he went to Wabiif'jou, hire be was p.Miinifter, and worked it hi* trade of tailoring. Later he moved to 2eepi*u, Man., md then t Winnipett, afterwjrds C J *s in expert tailor an<l > and al*ays c .u- tuaaded ^ood WMIVS. He was, *e stand, t-,ce married, t>u: let", no The trij!c ->tfir :s deeply all who knew h.ui ill p^st yeirs. Rock Mills We extend t' e .'.-. i --- .-jmpaihy to Mr itd Mrs Ge >. J-<hus'on ia their t.d b'reaveuieat by the death jf their y> ua<- >u. fraus, ou Mjn-iiy Au 7'^ K > 1'uiilips n<l wife. t' T>T 'nt >, e 'iii-tyiui wiih Vr Dick Clark and wife. Will, George, and Le* Newell, aid T-i s Wlntmore, of Darhaui, visited with Ch^i? Newell acd wife. Mr aud Mr-* Ei"in, \.-f Toronto, gpdot the holiday with the f raided par- n ", l<aac Smith. Ue returned Tursdty, auJ his wife ai.J children reir tinea for a visit. B Field and wife vUiu-d the of t'.ie week with reUtives IM Maxwell. Alice Mclntyrt' spent the week eod with her, Saui Croft, aud wife Rev Vroooiar. aud >wo sister", of Londou, speut a day recently with John Uaritrave and w.f'-. Mrs P Gorhaiu, od sou Bu.l, of Ti>r- outo, arw visitini: " ; th her sis'.er, Mr-< L.'vi Betts. The Law'* Oddities The v it; tries of the law are peculiar, at teist to the ly mind. Receutty in Peel couuty a mau charged with mau<laui(hter haJ furnished bonds for hie appearance in court whn called upon, but before '.he tiuid set had couiruitkd tuicide. The court took no notice of the fact t hu death, but ordertd tl at the tail f the accused be estretted and hia sureties.two in ouaiber, had ech to pay n court the sum vt J5C<X). Even iu our own cvuuty we had a t^trallel case a fw years ago. A Moruin^ton farmer charge i two uieu with haviUK lobbed h in. Ue hud them apprehended, cvnvtcted aud ^.: - teuonl to a term in jtil for the offence. When he made claim for the nuney found on their person he was iti'oroid that he would have to give proof that the m.'uey iu possession f the r xu>ouexd ts HC^ualiy the mouey taken fu-iu him, although the court hid f.>undthem ;'ji / of cobbing him. This he was utitMe to do od ?ousnuen'ly wa* unable 'o i le.vTer bis property Milvetti-n Sun PRICEVILLE 42nd Successful Year operatioos will be ia full swing after >K> lij Aui 7. Mr. Davia of SimcOti Count} was in ton ..u Friday an i Saturday or last , icd ] jd^cd adds -f oats in oum- pefitioofor pt.zti, iu cunnecii:u with ch<- A jrteulucurU ? x cty here, 'i'h* bBaving ^tvcu mmcj are the prz^ wicnerv James Turuer, >4 : David Xichol, &> ; Tr.irf XicSjl, 7S ; Chis. Hudciy, 734 ; Miicji.i .McLeau, 71; Arch McCu-auj, B7 ; D n !d MicM.. ... . numher t -.-..-: from i points came into town r :'ae eavi : week, in urd-r to attend she 3ivto CeU- bration uu Monday o( th .s week . N E Ma^Kwn.n, M H . t T r, is spending a few Jiys 'n town. Mi K WtFoo. wife inJ little dauih'er, u ; T r on'..-, m -oted up tlie end -jf Nat week I-.- -p.-tiU the Civ:..- 1: ij^y hen . E7ere-r r T >roato i* Lodge Regalia Bates Burial Co. Lodges ia Phis district con- templating the purchase ot Sashes. Aprons, etc., will do well r.i get our prices estimates BUSINESS A Funeral Direct -, and Jmbalmers A complete line of .M.-isuni'.- nri'l (grange jewelery iavitee your "Tell U Your Needs" Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . Manager. Armstrong's Now is the time to senew your subscription to Flesherton, Ont. The Advance eniliuij bur vicui n with h-r par> nta ; m town. Mr Ed. W t >!. *tf -ui ch'Hr-.-, of Djrb* -si, *ei<? 4u.--:s ve- ih? week ca-*. j aui y-.'nd-y it '.h- l\ W a-* n here. T A F^f^us n * i- . L'urhru on Fr.-i-y -t l%< Toronto Line North E '>V aktM i;.d xiic >pejt i days with Owen ikurtJ fri^ - Bessie S'ewatt returned bom? oo WeducrJty. aec >inpanied y her little cous'u u .1 hi< ^h'l^:. . t > t'i ; -. Mrs Hunter t T r n- - T si . fneni. KN-ten-w Lever. T Sled, wife n j Jamil*, -pent i rew ji\~ : :h j past wtek with B-ttteau friend*. Thomas and x H*rvey iViinue. nit* 'heir wives inJ fiai:lies, >-f Toronto, Ui'e-i their sts'*r. Mrs Albert S'ewart. vid left ly tn->tor for how Thursday. J Glen Davis of Toronto i- onewin^ 'd ic'iuiinunce* on this line. Luelli Lever and Harulu Kicturdsn w<iie both successful in their Entrance Jiam*. Great credit is g'Teo to their teacher. Mr. Hoi. and. who passed his entire class of nine, three wi h h.-nors A^nes Leer 'I Torout" v ^ ted wi h ber brothers here receutly The pUsterers are busy Fred Bruwn's b 'us*. A number from h;ie tit*i--.! u -he I F O picnic a? Fever^htm ^n F.-i-Uy aud report a good time. victoria Corners Mi and Jlrs McCleiry *oU f .:i\\'y. ; T-.'roolo, are vUnn,; -t Mr A > ioson'*, and Geo Ludlows. Mr Ge3r<t> Moore and w.t'e. >3J Mr Chss Moore iud Teddy, isi'i-.l frauds and rela'ives tt Mount Albert *sid Hawk etone. Mr< Arnold of Moc:it APtert cime tck ith them. Mr Will Laid 'aw ot 4*rio>r'i<* visited his brother Jts Liidl^w, Uet Opera House p H o T O Kxp*rt inKrac- ioatructKxi This THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock First Class Program A. FLEMING. Prwd| Q. O. FLEMISO, Secttrtat, MOM M and tSc. iadudlnt AauMnmnt Tax C. E.WALDCN - MANAGER If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery score, that you are ;n nee . . YOU wiii hnd it\to your advantage t them from .is. Our stock i. up-to-date, tresh and the gocds are of the best selection. 'Shop where you are invited to shop' Prices to Suit the Purse Print*, all fust colors ^<X % per yd. Factory Cotton 1 2k' per yard Ladies' Vests 2.V. Printed Voiles :5.V - t --:i yaid ind up Orirandv in all shade fo"> Printed Orgtindy .>J)c. aiid up White Canvass stioes -^^ .y>. were < ?4 75 Fleet Foot Shoes from -^l.oo up Men's Rilbriirgau uuderwear per garment 7.V. Poabodv make Overalls ?_._.> Peabody Smocks -?:.-::> Heavy linoleum TJtt. $4.t)0 per yard prices paW (or Product? W. L. WRIGHT FLESHERTON W. J. STEWART & SONS r- Flour, Fed. Sed*. Groceries aod Confectionery Flcsherton, - Ontario b CORNER STORE, Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton

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