Augnsfci 1922 t THE ^FLESHEfiTON ADVANCE More Cattle TF yoqr progressive ideas for cattle raising * are beyond the financial resources at your command, talk the matter over with the local Manager of this Bank. STANDARD SERVICE aUt Pntuaitt Fnfrtu THE STANDARD BANK Or CANAAt W FLESHERTON BRANCH, C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches also at Williamsford and Holland Centre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station Cars Collided Two cars collided just east of the j luge at the Little Mill junction with vil- the trains allows : Going Sonth 7.55a.m. *- 80 P- m - The mails are &B , Collingwood gravel, Friday evening last. I Both ears were equally damaged but no- Going North j body was hurt, and most people think 11.52 a.m. [ t he responsibility was divided between 9.30p. m. , the driverfi of both calg Thig ig a bad Flesherton 18 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south j and Mrs Gibson of Ceylon were at the mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. J wheel- Two beot axles, running board the main VICINITY CHIPS and fenders d image. smashed was Mrs. Hoary Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish Hamilton last week. Mr. E. D. Bentham of Hamilton IB holidaying at his home here. Mrs John Bellamy is visiting with frieuds and relatives in Toronto. Master Fied Thompson of Stouffville is visiting with hia cousin, Ted McDonald. Mr. W. Stewart is in Toronto this week. U. F. 0. picnic at Feversham Friday afternoon of this week, August 4th. Methodist garden party at Feveraham Thursday of this week, Aiigust Srd. Monday of next wek will be Civic Holiday. Mesrs. J. Wright and T. Brady mot- ored to Lions Head on Friday last. Miss Florence Phillips of Toronto is visiting her grandparents here. Mr. Fred Mathewson and lady friend i shall return, and come of Toronto are visiting friends here. Jack Carrington left on Saturday for Detroit. Miss Mafte Madill of Gleuside, Sask., is visiting relatives here. Miss Owen Quinn of Beamsvilla is visiting her friend, Miss Evada Wilson. Mrs. A. S. ThursUm and two children of Toronto are on a couple in m'hs' visit here. Mist- L hel Gilchrist of the telephone central is holidaying for :i couple of weeks at Southampton. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Olintou of To- ronto attended the funeral cl Mrs. Jos. Clintcu. Mr. W. E. Bieuian of Toronto has joiud the staff of the Standard Bank here. Mr. 1". Loujks returned en S-ttuiday from visiiinv; his re'atives, at Russell. Out, narO:uw. Mrs W. H. Tnurstoii is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. N. H. Durrani, at Mitchell. Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto WHS here lust week on her vacation and is at W*sa; Beach at present. Mr. und Mrs. McAleer and daughter, M.H-IOII, of Hammond, lad., motored over and ure visiting with Mr Geoige Mitchell aud family. The bnuil instruments were taken to Toronto last week by F. W. Duncau and Mrs. Henry Wilson, who has been a patient sufferer from cancer for the past four years, passed t* her rest on Thurs- day morning of last week. The deceased lady was a daughter of the late Ch trim | LeGard and was born at Flesherton in 1 1856. She married Mr. Henry Wilson and moved with him, to Cold water. For twelve years they lived at Coldwater and Sutton, then came to Flesberton, where they have resided ever since. She had been a member of the Methodist church for 42 yean and until her illness waa always a faithful worker. She leaves no family eicept her sorrowing husband, who has the deep sympathy of a large circle of friends The remaics were taken to the Methodist church, Saturday afternoon, where Rev. Mr. Uke preacned n impressive sermon frcm Isaiah 35 ir:d 10 : " And the ranscmed of the Lord to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon (heir heads ; they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow acd sighing shall dee away." Interment was made in Ifleeharton ceme- tery. \V. A. Armstrong. Jos. Blakely, Thos Clayton. Ed. Beet, Robt. Waller and Thos. Bentham acted s pallbearer*. Mrs. Joseph Clinton MM. Joseph Clinto'n passed away at her home here un Friday morning laat at the age of 77 years. She was born in Renfrew County, Outario, in 1845 ar.d imrried Wm. Fairey, by whom she btd two sons, William and Dock, who survive j her. In 1900 as a widow she married : Joseph Clinton of Osprey and four years ; liter moved to Kleshertcn with her I second husband, where they have since re- ! sided. The funeral wus held on Sunday [afternoon from the Methodist church ! to Flesherton cemetery. Her paskr, | Rev. Mr. Oke, preichvd an impressive < lermon from Second Timothy, 4 and 7: i " I have fought a good tight I have tin-. ^ ishtfd my Course, I have kept the fai'.h. " i Tlu deceased lady as an enthueUs*,ic worker in church and Sunday school end i her place will te difficult to till. lu social work she also always did her shaie. Suuduy school and evening service in the church were withdrawn. CENTRE GREY LEAGUE' Team Dundalk... Ceylon Mark dale.. Vandeleur. Flesherton . Won 5 4 3 3 2 Loit 2 3 9 3 8 PC .714 .571 .500 .500 .250" Dundalk 15, Ceylon. 7 Games this week Thursday Ceylon at Vandeleur Dundalk 15, Ceylon 7 Dundalk is the undisputed leader of he Centre Grey Ball League after the ;rae on their own grounds when they trimmed Ceylon 157. Gibson pitched Ceylon while Armstrong twirled for Dundalk In his usual good style. After the second inning it was a case of how big a score Duudalk could put across in trim- ming Ceylon, as they landed heavily on Gibson's offerings, as the Ceylon fielding was not air tight the hits counted for runs. Ceylon started acoring in the, first )y one run while not a Dundalk man reached firs: base. Their next counters were two in the 5th and when Armstrong eased up in the 9th they secured four more runs. Dundalk was only bhanked in three innings ae will be seen in the score by innings below, Score by innings Dundalk 02401053x -15 'ylon 1000200041 Line-up: Ceylon Muir, fr'arragher, & McLeod, S Pedlar, J McLeod, Gibson, McUulles, Arrowsmith, D McLeod. L'undiik Cluidge, Blackwell, Me- Alister, Armstrong M Thompson, Ken- dall, C Thompson, Russell, Farrell. M. irk. i ilt; protested the game where they weie trimmed by Flesherton 14 12, twu weeks ago and this will be threshed cut at the Executive meeting next week. The protest was on the grounds i the umpire aud of Chas. Howard, whom, they say, cannot play in two leagues as Summer Grocery Specials Dyson's Chow Pickles, 2 1-2 Ib. tins Lux, 2 packages Lenox Soap, 5 large bars Tomato Catsup, 25c. size, 2 bottles Krinkle Corn Flakes, 3 packages 23cts 25cts 25cts 35cts 2 Sets JAPANESE FANCY CHINA New designs for Souvenirs and Presents Bon Bon Dishes, Cream and Sugar Sets, Butter Dishes, Cake Plates, Salad Bowls, Berry Sets, Biscuit Jars, Chocolate Sets, All reasonably priced. Special 40 piece Japanese China Tea Set, new design, beautiful col- oring on high glazed white stock. SPECIAL $9.50. Display OF TEA SETS See the display of Tea Sets in our windows, priced at $9.50, $13.50 and $15.00 Unusual Offering in Japanese China Cups, Saucers Six colorings in a beautifully shaped cup and saucer, full size, clear white body, highly glazed. Regular 50c. each, Special 28c F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO A Good School Fcr almost twenty years the Canada Business College, Oiangeville, has been training acd placing in the best positions expert stenographers, bookkeepers, civil he was signed up with Kimberley in the servants, accountants and salesmen. Over Beaver Valley League. twelve hundred delighted graduates.who have been tested and tried In leading If Dundalk wins the gam* again.t . Canadian and American cities, recom- Marudale, on the latter', diamond, they > mend us to 7"? P 60 ? 1 * deslrlD ? the > . _ i ; ._ j _ *.!_:_ will be the champions of the Centre Grey League for 1922. best in business college is affiliated ! Business College, C DIED CLINTON In Flesherton on Friday, July 28th, 1922, Mrs. Jos Clinton, Bged 77 years. ^. WILSON In Flesherton on Thurs., July 27th, 1922, Mrs Henry Wilson, ued lio years. Robert McClyment of Glenelg, uear Dornoch, dropped <.l?iul while preparing to draw in hy. education. As this with the Canada liege and Spadina, Torooto, all graduates-tjf the Orangeville branch are guaranteed positions in the Queen City. Mail courses for those who wish to learn while they earn. Special correspondence courses for Farmers' sons and others with th> privilege of attending any of our colleges during the all and winter months. If it is mure convenient to attend elsowhere advise us, as we have colleges in almost every important town and city. Write today for particulars. Fi!l term opens Tues- day, September 5th. Advt. ^^^^^ __ ^_ ^' le P*^*"W wera members nf her C. J. Bellamy. They ate to be repaired o \$ Sunday School class : Wm. Miller, and put into playing shape. Thos. Bentbaiu, Robt. Waller, Robt. Mr. and Mi.s Clitf BUkely and SOD, accompanied by Mrs. Cummins, who was visiting her daughter here, motored to I Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCarthy at d son, Walter, of Niagara Falls, Out., aud friend Durye* Caldy of Toronto are visit- 6 rton. in at T. J. Stinsou's. The ladies of the Methodist Church will conduct a refreshment booth on the agricultural grounds on Civic Holiday at Priceville and will seive lunch for 25c- Richardson and S. Hemphill. Civic Holiday 1 hereby appoint Monday, August 7tl', ai civic holiday for the village of FU'i-h- D 1 McTavish, Reeve Cargoe Miss Allie NorrU and Louie 9 vUitir.g fiieuds iu Durham. Mr. Win Stewart has bean remodel- Mr. T.C. Batty manager of the Stand- j ling his house on Collingwood street and Td Band here, left Saturday to relieve it is a big improvement. the manager at Oshawa for the month of The p t . es byteriau Ladles' Aid will hold August. Mrs. Batty and Miss Lorine accompanied him. Mr. Peter Ra.nage and sister, uf the Durham Review, were interesting callers at The Advance office Tuesday, while on their way to Wasaga Beach as members of a picnic party composed of the Dur- ham Presbyterian Choir. A few years ago the Oddfellow Lodge w is removed from Flesherton to Dundalk. O,i Sunday last rive carloads from the Dundalk lodge came up and decorated the graves of comrade* wh are resting in the cemetery here. A garden party will be given t Fever, *iam this Thuwday, AUR. 3rd, under the auspice* of the Methodist Ladies' Aid A great feature will be a football match between Creemore and Feversham, to be umpired by Col. Catnaichael, M. L. A. See bills. a tea on Friday evening, August in Memorial Park. Tea sewed 5 to 8 o'clock. lltb, from Sow Strayed Came to the premises of the under- signed, one sow, Owner is ^requested to pay expenses and Uke same away. ALX CAMERON, EugenU. Fall Term Open* Aug. 28th Oh! Honey! Honey, I 1 've you ! That's what they sny. You -,--t the ri^ht proo'uct For just the riwht pay. In ten pound [mils Tweoly-lw-' cents per pound If i o.n A. E. Buchanan FLESHERTON, - ONT. Tonsorial Pkrlors \Ve Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday ' niuht, delivery Fiio.*y ev vJLK V.N'LN J aul DYE ISO- vVe -ir agents for Parker's Dy \Vorks-Clothee '...mad and Jyi?*!. fVithers rejuvenate T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR* Tonge and Charles Streets, Toronto STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Graduates readily obtain employment. It pays to attend the best. Catalogue tree. W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL Civic Holi Demonstration and Concert PRICEVILLE MON., AUG. 7th Grand Calithumpian Procession 10 a.m. BASEBALL FOOTBALL 2.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. Walkerton vs Ceylon Feversham Dromore Attractive prizes for usual FIELD SPORTS Every provision made for visitors. Meals provided by hotels and Presbyterian church CONCERT Best talent obtainable has been secured to give a high-class concert. A big crowd is expected. Seating accommodation for over 1000 people. See large bills. Electrical Goods Our stock includes the well known Hotpoint line, also Canadian Beauty appliances. Domestic Irons, Toasters, Grills Fans, Percolators, "Easy" Wash ing Machines, Curling Tong Heaters, Etc. Other electrical needs such as Table Lamps, Floor Lamps, Boudoir Bulbs all sizes, Sockets, Rosettes and Cord always in stock. Repairs will receive prompt attention W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON, - ONT. J Feversham's Busy Store We are agent for the Standard Designer Pattern Leave your order and have us send for your patterns MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FEVERSHAM, - OlSfT. For Sale or Rent Boar For Service House and lot in Caylon, eight roomed brick residence j good stable and driving shed ; bard and soft water* one and a quarter acres of land. Apply to JOHN McDONALD, Ceylon, Ont. j 10,4,22 I Pre bred Ueglsterea Yorkshire Boat for service Vineyard Famous 77530 on lot 167, S. W. T. & S. R., ArteneiM. Terms |1.50. Sows not returned will bo charged same is those in pit:. T. J. STINSON.