August 2 THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE 9 THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service Just laid iu a new stock of ready-made WORK& DRESS TROUSERS Best grade obtainable altci- ed to fit. At lowest prices. Come MI and look them over. Overalls and Work Shirts T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor THE Flesherton Advance An independent nowpper published each Wednesday at the otiiee.Collingwood Street, Flmhorton. Subscription price $1 50 | ,11 iiniiuni when |,u 1 in advance ; 82.00 whcix not so paid. 82.00 to I mi I'd States. Advertising rates on application. Circulation . ovur HOC weekly. W. H. THUKSTON KDITOH DURANT "Just a Real Good Car" After building more than two million automobiles W. C. DURANT has developed a culminating motor car that bears his name. All that this might lead you to expect, is realized in the car itself; now to be seen iu our salesman. MODEL A-.. rout CVLIXDER T<URIN<J $1395, Delivered (FREIGHT AND S\LKS TAX PAID) Dealer H. Down & Sons Flesherton A STORY OF FIFTY YEARS The Mail & Empire has issued an lanniversaiy number to commemorate its fiftieth anniversary. This IB in 'magazine form with heavy cover and 1 is a valuable contribution to the his- 'tory of Canada. It is profuswly illus trated with choice engravings, carry | ing one back to the days ot "muddy 1 York" ami covering many phases of our commercial life. I Among the engravings are half pag reductions of the Mail & Empire covering such historic incidents a the sinking of the Titanio, death o Queen Victoria, ending of the hit war and the Bourn African war. I > TLe book is well worthy of a place tin our Canadian archives. It sells for one dollar. MONEY LEFT TO SPEND Walkertouians ire great en Chat auquas, and persistently employ tin iu 'year after year, although just as per Isistently the finances go behind each jfjime. Probably the Walkertou in ti'IU-i-i inquires pabulum of this I description once a year as a stimulus; and, anyway, th taxes have nob hit them so hard but what they have a little surplus to spend on small things like that. They just dote on deficits. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES DKINCK AKTHUK L.ODC1K. No. :W, A 1 ' A * A. M, 01 KIOHT, & TDI.FOIlD.Harrletor, Holicl. torn, Ac. (lilici-. (in-y i Kruco Dlnck, Owon Hound. Standard H/u,k ,'FkBlier- 'ton. (Hatiiniayt). W. H. Writ-lit. W. l r . I'lOford Jr. . meets In tht Uaioulc hall. Arm ronft Hloek FlmtiertOD. uvnrv Friday op or iiefnrr tb lull rnoco. C'. J. Bellamy W. M ; K. O. Holland. Becri>'.Hry DENTISTRY BUSINESS CAKUS WM. KAITTINO. leennod Aactlcneer foi the conntloB of liroy and hlincnr i''riu and Htock ealca a Kpoolalty. Toruie noderate. eatisfiictlou guarantied. Art-new j)*ntH for dates may tic uiaOe at tlin A<lVBiioe >muf, or Cclitrnl telni'tionn office Fovoratiain irbyaddrcBslni) mo at FBVPI haw, Dot. ft. C MURRAY U D. B . dental .iir K u.,i, ..^oof KuKliwti- of Torouto UolTrilty and a CollS ol Dental Burgeon* of Ontario, ifcl ! - A. TI'UMin.I.. H.A.. M.u . Rrmlnato . aao.lflnitrwl for teeth extraction M ~ I'"'" U- Knoulu .,( .Mc.<!i,'ii,...l'i.n, i -i'y e Tcrouto htrtet. Kli-i-tifrtor. of Toronto, OBIco JUchar<loii HI ock, Kl^s-li- rl . T. 1, 1'l.niie :O. LEGAL UCAH. * UKNItV llarmten. Hollcltcit. ' c. -t. li. Kr.rnu. K. :.; \V. 1). Hrmy. .. A. Olll;.^. Marl ) -."< l<\r,?.t. I' ./. Km' i ' - i PiiRdalk ivurt Duiba . K. McKemi "f i\VKruii'-< nulls had < I Hnr-iHK vlilc.ii ot ?IOO ilrowii in tin in 1 )! ( rni.l ul T).i-nlii>ry. A QUESTION of COWS Flesbcrtnu still allows its cows to ri.. at large and gardens are oontin< Uiilly sull'uring as a consequence Just v, i j this mediaeval arrangement should be allowed to continue until 'the present day is hard to explain. Probably uo other town of our size aud pretinsions allows this sort ol thing. Two years ago we wert promised a vote ou tLe question, but eomebpdy blocked it. With the dep- redations and unsightly decorations that Lave been urpetrattd lately sotncthing rnaj coiua of iu In any event, and until it is stopped, The Advance is going to let the world know of our disgrace. A urrUiii farmer, wl o kept n lurgo immbur of CMWS, wan nnteil fi.r his rxcel- lent liuller ami client-. One niyht he a vnllcd up 1,1.1 inforuieo 1 :h . one of hm hHt cows had ot . turnip tuck in ,i--i,i,.,i lit- hastily (Irciscil -Hid went down to his ttftble tod uxHinmocl nil his coivi Inn t 'iiii.l tint' u 'in. of Ihem lii'l iiiiytliinu tin' inatlrr vith it, HO In- went b\ck t., lii-. I. very inuoJl put out 'it rmvinx , tu'i'ii called up tor nothing \Vlnn In- ^,,t up n.'M morning he went to fttcli :i . H'unc water, anil found a turnip stuck in rl the |niiii(i iniirh In lii-< tst.,iiithiii'.<iit nd You Will Save Money Still After Coal The lJuili rin Coal Mining Company, T Touto, capital f500,000, notice of the Dcorporation of which appeared last wi-.4 , 'ui- been organized, so it in stated 'or the purpose of pursuing the search 'or coal deposits in the Shelburne neighborhood. According to Mr. A.F.A Coyne, Coneuliing Geologist," Toronto who WHS here pgain last week, the new company, which haa considerable Tor- onto capital to back it up, will put dowc Feveral core boles in this vicinity to " provu out " the location of Ihe ooa fhey relieve to be here, <nd nod whethe 01 not 11 is in commercial quantities By buying your SAMS TRACTOR NOW As they are due for an advance in the near future I The present price is $<!7f>.00 F.O.H., Oshawa, and at this remarkably low price comes fully equipped with pulley, governor, impulse starter, air cleaner, platform and fenders. At this price you cannot afford to do without one. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON Lest We Forget While there is a great kick orer the increased county tax each year the rate wi'l never come down so long as circum- stances continue as they are. Years apo the municipalities were largely respon- sible for road making and now we gen rnlly hand it over to the county. ID the long past we earad locally for th< poor and unfortunate, and now we sent them to county homes for the indigent Educationally we used to pay schoo expenses almott wholly in the munici pality, but now we expect sheaves o grants to th.i high schools, continuation schools and a hundred and one instil u 1 1 ,IH that county councillors place re quests for at county councils We per haps often forget that the County Tress urer does not own a mint, but in dm courts all these grants have to be reim huned by the local taxpayeri. " LCB we forget "we often require these IB ui in !<! Durham Chronicle Fall Fairs Alliston Arthur Ayton Bulton ... Chatsworth Colling wood Duudalk Durham Fergus Fevertham Flenht-rton Grind Valley Hanover .... Ho'sti'in Kilsyth Kemlile Meiiford Midland Mount Kiiri'Ht Onllia. . Owui Sound >ltiiwH(Centrl Cnml:i). . Pricorille i'll>ui tit* Para rWoiilo (Cm. National) ,Vlter Falls Wiartnu. . ..Oct.. . Sept. . .Sept. ...Oct. ....Oct . Sept. ..Sept. ..Sept. .Sept. .Sept . ..Sept. . ..Oct. ..Sept. ..Sept. .Sept. .Sept. ...Oct. ..8ept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept.. .Sept. . ..Sept. . .Oct. .5. ..f .19.. .20 .14.. 15 .29.. 30 .12. .W .28.. 28 .19 .20 .12.. 13 .26.. 27 .14. .15 .21. ..22 ..H....4 .28.. 29 .26.. 27 .21.. 22 .20.. 27 .....(> .28..21 .21. .22 .28.. 30 .20.. 21 II.. .1:1 14. .K> 12. .14 . K...18 .r. . ..ik". ..3. ..4 Aui(.2fi Sept.'.l .Sept.. LY.. .'.'7 Rock Mills Krrl Kl-l'l, if- nrd son, (jin.r^e, utui-ned i heir Lome in Toronto nfter spending u inrtnitfKl with n>llut hen/. Mrs U A'. ill ncci'iii|i>nifd them I ',-k fut A visit. Born ')n .S'lturrisy, July 'J'.HIi, to A r iiiulMr- ^mnufl Kishi-r, on. Misw t'.illie BobtttlOO Hpuiit I)IB ptft week wi li hnr ftitmd, MIHH Tio'-r, ne-r Muikdul . Mrs I,yon, two son* nd cl>iMi(hi aln Mn. Tucker of Toronto |> 'tit the w 'i'l; i 11 I with Mr Lcvi BoltH. Mimti- Dick Hoy i.f Tor.intu 's holi- dyiii)i ith tux unuulp iren;, .Mr ;md Mrs Kit 'mil Hoy. J Kh in of Turonto is hn'.i Inj ing w tl IIH ).! iila'unliiw, J U Dtriwe!. Ali-x Mi'Kui-huii.' iul wifu visited with This Fislior nd wife. Hurb UctlK and wife litie mov. d i* their ftrm on the 4th line, ClmluH MclCechnie intoada luovin^ lo hw now hiunu in Kleshi-rtoii this week. Mrt \V Kennedy of Toronto visited MTH l.uvi Hi'tts. Warm Weather Is here at last bringing with it the ice cream season. We sell the famous Neilson's Ice Cream, none better, and our menu has been prepared to satisfy all tastes A visit to our parlour and a dish of ice cream will "hit the spot." Ice Cream, Sundaes, Sodas Fresh Chocolates, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, Phone 30J . ONT. - Cream - Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Test- ing Station Come and see it tested. JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON WE SELL l p5T fUff^T^TTO t^LEM EN T5 CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Farm For Sale Lot 23, liHlf 24, Con. lo, Proton, ICO acres, tfU mirex of crop, buy in twin, 7 acres aweet clover, farm implements, large him, up to dtte; nover falling .priii;; creek through centre of farm, over (iU iii-i .1 tillable land, imitll orchard, brick veneered house and woodshed; IS head fat cattle, 3 ctrwg and 4 calvea, 2 yearlings nnd 4 head oT horses Wi I sell en bloc or separate. Must be gold owing to illness. Immediate poMussiun. H J' Ooheen R.K 1, Dundalk New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY -Touch H match lo the burner nnd it ih ready iu- stanily. STEADY- Sat (ho llnne where you wtnt it. It s'ays there. CLEAN Does not blacken pots or ^.nis. The long blue chimney turns every drop of oil iuto cooking hot. HO T -- Km- cveiycool.ini! purpose there is always abuunauce of steady <!>> ten so heiit. OVENS- X. 1>. overs are fU{K-ri.,r t . thu ordinary ovens, quicker and more nnilorm results in bat log und r< lf ntiun are secured with them. Come in and see them, or better still, ask a user. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton . 'Phone 24 r 11 In the Estate of Henry Alex- Good Stock Farm For Sale ander Weber The Markets Oarefally Corrected Each Week Barley 70 to 70 Peas 1 25 to I 26 Buckwheat 80 to 80 Bntter 25 to 25 Kggs li is-,, (i is Winter Wheat 1 05 to 1 05 Spring Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats... 45 to 45 Tenders nil! be received r.y the under- signed Administrator of the E-itate of the above named Henry Alexander Weber up to the ,'lOih day of Auut, 1022, for! tlie purchase of the following land, viz: Lot No. 24 in ihe 10th Con. of the Town- ship of Arteaiesia, 100 acres. There is fiiid to be about 30 screw of good fire wood timber on same, 7 sores of cedar, a young orchard nf appler, petra and pliiim, A food frame barn 40x60, a fnirly good house, also H hen house and pig pen, well watered and fenced. It is a good farm for pasturing cattle. A'si three town L ts on Kugenia Town Plot, HS follows: Lot 10 on North Street and IX nd lt> on Xoimte Street, aid lots are said to contain three xcrea e<tch more or lei's. JOHN WKBKR, Administrator, 63 K R No. 4, Markdale, One 165 acres, will tAcrifice for cash or sell cheap on reasonable terms; with or with* out crop. Situited \\ miles from Pro'on village and C.P.R. station, near Sougeen Jet. On farm is rough-cast house; barn on cement wall; pig house; hen house; driving shed; drilled well excellent water with wind-mill; and a nerer failing stream crosses back end of farm. Excellent soil and in good state of cultivation. It is going to be sold at once. Kor particulars we Win. Black^ burn who resides acroea from farm. Write to, phune, or call on J. C. Wright, Dundalk, the owner. H. A. McKEE Chiropractor Specialist At Park Hotel, Kleahwtou, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 8 p.m. Fevertbam TWdy, Thursday and Saturdays 7 t > 9 p m. ComulUtioD free t