Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Aug 1922, p. 2

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The Gates of Hope _ BY ANTHONY CARLYLE Th Beginning of the Story. I Rosslaer stared at her for a minute, Marcia Halstead. secretary to Mrs. I then h came quickly to her aide. Alden, is entrusted with some jewels; "What in the name of Heaven," he [her eyes. She was oonciou of a, (certainty that Marcta had something, to do with her stepson'* decision. Latterly iuro mancc had brought him a good demit In contact with th* girl. Lady Rooslaer had not failed to ii- >ti' it, to connive ait nomc of their meetinifa. am} to secretly congratulate' herself that Kemp waa Indeed {frow-j ing interested. Yet *he wa puzzled, too. She did not quite know what to make of thei." at- Woman's Sphere , . vhile her employer goes out to lun- ' flunjr t her ha-arsely, "does it mean?" titude toward each othar; she knew ' ~ -" -- Sanctified. When Baby came a guardian angel bent Ms shielding wings Kempton Kosslaer, hU She made a slight movement of her tlvait peop'e stiM coupled hi name and ., ' t u ' T .h,,t n,Tr n rlid <iv Rosslaar and her son u M<1 ,,,,, ^w ,1,1,1, not Hn swer. Acain Ar^hv Vrnak'a- nWnti,.l*H. that! About the house ' and ** out 80riJia thing*. cheon with __ stepmother Lady rtosslaer and her son ] h*ad ( but she did" not answer. Again Araib'y ^Trask's: nevertheless, that| Gordon Ruthven. Marcia puts the sne was / ac j ng . the complications there was something 'between him and jewels in the safe but fails to nnd the wn i c }, Waldron's love for her had Marcia she was convinced. duplicate key. She consults a noted brought, about, awl deep in the soul He was never wholly at ease in her; The race for wealth, position, place, physician who tells her she cannot of har fho wag gick e , nd afraid- " preeence . ag f ol . th e girl herself, shoi nva longer than lx months; n-aj -H e can ' t marry you," Ro-s&laer be- always seemed to -wish to avoid stp-eak-' answers the call of a nolicitor to nna g&n ^.^ anj thjg tim<j she gilenced ; 1)(f to him Ruth ^ notic<!d Jt re _ i heir to a large 'wM.wi him wjth R vio , ent g^^re. peatddly and found it very perplexing. We longed to set sweetly wise, some standard, Grape-Juice and fame Seemed such a paltry thing: when Baby came. that she marries be/ore she V, ; . \<_- | "i Know we DOiin KIHW -ywu uu nowever, u Bwcniruiveneu ner ci/n- AM* I" "*' A R< urnln * i a 7r I that that i 9 impossible!" ' viotion tint, were they to be fjhrown firtin rl?f,? !IH.?i? tr , Araby 1 Her voice was hard. The eyes that together frequently, their friendship I r7Yk> repkcfnL the ms <?blcb his he turned upon him for a minute would ^row wanner. And A* fin- Of life before those innocent bte eyes. tep-brother ha<f stolen relieving him | were burning. Her face was no longer cerely hoped so. A rich marriajge on to be the thief Marci* promises sil- ! that of a irl. It was. tragic, set. Kempton's part would make all the ence if he will 'marry her within two Rosalaer turned away and took a difference in the world to the fortunes days. To shield his father's name ] few rapid strides up and down the of the RossHaers. ar.d in consideration of release within room. At the window he paused; ho , "I wondered," he went on a little ix months, Kempton consent*. At a spc/ke with his back to her-^s>omhow quicWty, "if he had taken you Into his est work and by active loving. Expect- ing to be happy because you don't do wrong things Ls lake expecting to get a potato crop merely because you've bought the seed. The seed has to b planted, and the vines have to be cul- tivated and the field weeded before your harvest comes. That's the treat- ment. But you've got to give it to yourself." restaurant Marcia faints and i assist- .the sight of the slender figure in/ the confluence at all. He he g<>*ms to ed by three strangers, Araby Transit, i deep chair brought a choke to his like you be interested in you, you her father, who is an artist, aiul a throat, a sick feeling of pity to his know." wealthy young man, Jasper Waldron. heart. j Marcia flushed brightly. For a mo- After the secret marri.-ge ceremony j "But something must be done," he ment Jier eyes were almost startled. Punch and Recipes. Other Good Grape-juice punch is very refresh- ing. It requires two quarts of grape- Wo aimed at leading toddling feet juice, one quart of water, one quart of RADIO through fair And holy lends the angel helped ug there. And somehow every little meaner place Within our souls took on a higher grace; Rosslaer and Murcii. go their several ventU red hesitatingly. Marcia made a Lady Roaslaer did not fail to notice it, ' Our spirit music thrilled with grander ' ways; her improved "mode of living benefits Marcia't health; she rttractt the adn.iration of her new friend* and j the love of Waldron. He pays a large turn for Marcia'i portrait, painted by Trask. Lady Rosslner claims rela- tionship with Mrs. Halstead and in- sists upon a rUit from Marcia which anger:; Kernpton. The young heiress discovers that she loves Waldron but keep* him at a distance. Waldron dis- covers the penniless state of his life- long friend Roes-laer, offers him a partnership, uhen announces htm inten- tion <*f marrying Mario. CHAPTER XXXVIII. Wu'lldnK home that night Kempton movement of her clasped hands. ! and again was asaafld by perplexity. I know!" ehe said, tone'-easily. I mean," Rosslaer persisted dog- J me about it at aW!" Marcia'a voice was 'h* Waldron is too fine a ] cold. She turned slightly to where the man to i tonily. And he would suffer, damnably if he came to care too much!" Marcia'a Una twitched. "I know!" she said again. The soft expresiionJessness of her voice jarred Kempton, beyond; endur- He swung round upon her cl- ance. most Good God!" he cried. "The whole business is is ghastly! It's im- po&siWo! If Waldron care like this you can't goon seeing him, meeting him, letting him believe." P. - ...r i reflected thinking upon an [ He stopped short. The girl had old adage thai he had indeed set his swung suddenly to her feet and wa hands to the weaving of a tang-led, facing him. In her white face web when he had on to AHUs Man- ' eyes locked abnormally large. her sions with Mrs. Aldwi'e jewels to re- pair the wrong that his half -brother had done. Th quit certainty of Jasper Wal- "I ted! you," she cried, and he saw that her lips were quivering piteousiy, "that I know! Do you suppose," with a sort of broken fierceness, "that I am sound; "Mr. Rosslaer has said nothing to Our feet climbed Godwards in the daily round When Baby came. Lillian Card. suffer wan- car was waiting. "Were you coming to see us?" sihe added, "Or can I drop you anywhere?" Lady Rosslaer bit her Kp. Then she smiled! charmingly. "Ifa awfully sweet of you, I was _ _ just going to inquire after your jM Wha at last she" Criterion, I promised to meet Gordon there.' (To be continued.) dron'* announcement had stunned him. blind without sense understanding? H feJt sick to the soir! of Mm with a Do you suppose that I do not shall despairing bewilderment. Never in not suffer too?" aS his who,Vwottie, happy-go-lucky, | The torment of her soul had foimd careices Hfe had he been face to face 'sudden, unexpected) utterance. Ross- with such a px>bi*m ; never had he laer stared at her, flushing deapty. b**n l*s his own man, so much Involuntarily he mad a gesture to- puppet in the clutch4 of a maMgn and ward her. michMvoue Fte. You mean?" he half whispered, His brala waa reeling in hi per- and she laughed under her breath, pifexity; but <rf on thing he was clear- 1 "I mean," she said with a sort of to conscious. JasptT Waldron, his dreary simplicity ,"uhat I love him!" friend a friend dearer to him thani "My God!" Rosslaer said, softly, even that friend kiww was in danger under his breath. "Oh my God!" of loainsr his happine*-. He, too, had Sho heard, and smiled, infinitely become hopriesaly involved in this weary. strange, pkiable fare* of which Mar- "It can't go on," she said slowly, da wa the central figwek i "I reatize that. I ouirht to have real- Th* night Roawlaer lay for hours izd It before. I've been thinking ieepless. t.-j fal* flnaSy into a heavy, 'all night. I I'll have to KO away. where he won't I can't see him I'm not strong <!-.TI, . . 'lumber from which he after eJi for for the time that is awaked unxefrsaked, but urlth a grow-j left. Right away, In* determination at the back of his know where I am. mind. | again. I oVare not! At noon Marda's maid brought her enough !" Kempton Rc*lar' card. Arrow the back of It was scribbled 1 : "I muat see you. It is urgent." The girl looked) down at it with bent Man vs. Brute. A horae can gaillop twloe ae faat as a man can run, and can beat a human rival In any race up to about sixty mUes<. Beyond that distance a well-trained athlete begins to hold 'his own, and, when it comes to distances above a hundired miles, the horse Is simply not In It. A man has ccvored a hundred miles on foot in rather leas tl.nn i.T = hours. No horse has equalled this feat. Much less has any horse, or, for that matter, any land animal over touched such a performance as that of the English- man, P. Fitzgerald, who, so long ago as 1SS4. did 500 miles In 109 hours. 18 minutes, 20 seconds. Then there was another Englishman, William Gale, who walked 1.500 miles In the Doctor's Office. The young woman in the expensive furs had been talking for a long time, shed the doctor, had been listening intently, nod- ded his head slowly. "You are right, Mrs. Royal," he said gravely, "you are a very sick young woman. But you can be cured if you are strong enough for heroic treatment." "What would trembling. it be?" she asked, j ginger ale, juice of six orarges, juice of six lemons. Make a syrup of one pound of sugar and the water, squeeze the juice from the oranges and lemons, and place the rinds in the syrup. When the sugar is dissolved, remove from the fire. When cool remove rinds, add remaining ingredients, adding more sugar if needed. Pour over ice and serve cold. An attractive salad is mcde by lin- ing a salad bowl with lettuce leaves. Shred two or three lettuce leaves and place in the centre. Over this place a layer of radiflJiej cut in very sihaU dice. Cover the radishes with a layer of sliced tomatoes, and over these place a layer of thinly sliced cu- cumbers. Cover with French dress- ing, dust lightly with paprika and serve very cold*. Stuffed beet salad makes an appet- izing supper dish. Boil medium-sized beets until tender, plunge into cold] water and remove the skins. Scoop j out th centres, leaving the shells to, be stuffed with cooked peas, chopped) Hear Toronto and Montreal Radio certs every night, jutt a* though you were In one of these great eltlea, with our Mareonl Radiophone (Model C). Write for full Information and prloe*. Tha AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES and TIMS RECORDERS TORONTO CANADA ""Vaseline*-* CARJPMTED A VERY efficient antiseptic when used as a first-aid dressing for cuts, scratches, bruises, in- sect bites, etc. Keep a tube in the house for emergencies. CHESEBROUOH MFG. COMPANY 1880 Cbabet Avt. "I anTgoing to give you the first' English walnuts and a little - , dose now. After that you can decide! chdcken, veal or lamb cut into dio*.| for yourself " Place on lettuce leaves, top with may-| Startled, she looked round the room. nnaise dressing and serve with rye or, It was a pleasant place, and there was no medicine in sight not even a bot- tle. Reassured but still anxious, she looked at the doctor inquiringly. "The first thing always," he said, "is to discover the trouble. Frequent- j ly the trouble, you know, is not physi- cal, but spiritual." "Psychoanalysis," he murmured. He made a careless gesture. "If you. . . ., . will; that's the fashionable label. The' ? one pint of ,ce-wat- and one quart fa OTeam thing it^lfUas old as^firstunder-;?Lf^^y_ t .P^? d . f r m * rSn mixture, add Mantnal brown bread and butter sandwiches^ Pineapple fruit punch is particular- 1 ry good. Place in a large mixing bowl one cupful of strained tea, one large ^^ cupful of finely diced pineapple or a mixtu ^,~ dr,"bahi eawfnTiot to ^ f<jur tabl H>0<)nful , adding a few ^^^ ftnd ^^ untll can f o^hed pineapple, the juice of cnA ^ ^^^ w}li i e .tirring. Add two > mo n. one ^f!lf ed *S* 1 three-quarters of a cupful of sugar, sugar to taste. Chill on the i f or ^^ frwn ^ ftre &nd kepijlg two or three hours and just previous mHxtnre covcred gtand aaidf to to servmg, stir in one quart of cracked Whl standing man or woman, trouble is older than that. And your ' height. If carbonated water t not cupfuls of in tho teaspoonful lu 1.000 consecutive hours This again ; 8Umi that Eve wg particularlv was a feat which no four-legged crea- ture could poesibly match. The fact of vanfHa extract, then freeze. * CHAPTER XXXIX. For many minutea after Rosskuer | cotorless, her whoie figure drooped. last Her own words were ringing, persist- INK! ently, half- mock ingly, In her ears. _ brown. She was lunching out, and , had left her Marcia sitood quite still wa already dreaaed for the street. I in the centre of the room, looldng Under the wide brim of her hat her ; straight before her. Her face wa face looked pal*. She, too ha.! been sleplss night. She, too, had Ivad her hour looking ahead at the oonsequenc- 1 "I mus>t go right away somewlve-re of the bargain he had struck wit.h where he cannot find me." Kempton Romlaer. Hi oontlng this ' Presently ahe lifted hr two bands morninx startled her. For a moment ' and laid them over her ayes. "Oh, he waa inclined to deny herself to Gtxt!" she whispered. And in her him. ' voice was a curious mingling of re- Then ohe laid down hhe card and sontment and resignation, deapalr arid nodded to the maid. , a du-H acceptance of th> inevitable. "I will see Mr. Romhter in flv mln- ; Presently, at the entrance of her Utes," .-'In- said. When, presently, she maid, she rouxtid horself. Mochunical'ly entered the eunny room in which he the clipped Into her wrap, bagan to was waiting 1 she looked at him quick- ' pull on ner gloves. Mechanically she ly. qu-a-stioningly. i called a I'ijfht good-bye through her He turned eagerly at her entrance, mother's open <kn>r. tame 8wifl!y forward an-1 ii. >K hands As she ;.-..-..! out of the flat and with her perfunctorily. He was obvi- went down in the lift she ruflected, ously uncomfortable, and thi're wus a wonderiiiig a Mtti'.e at herslf. that in a Httle of the old, half hitter n-wntment ' f*w minutest sh>? would l>e laughing ki the g!an<- that mt>t hers. i and talking with her friend* at a Marria was conscious of it, but she crowded, luxurious lunoheon ta'ble, as i that mail has powers of endurance which are unmatched by any other liv- ing creature. The mere muscular strength of the does not count lower animal simply agalcst man's dnter- initiation and brain-power. In swimming ''.. sanw thing holds good. Although a dog can boat a man lu a short-distance swim, where would you find a dog that would even attempt to swim say, twenty miles? Thorn Is Indeed no uuid anlma' which can com- pare with lu the aiattor of swlm- mmg. A man cuii walk (aster than a horse, for whereas four mllr^ an hour Is quite a good gait for any horae, a man has understanding; but she wasn't to blame; she hadn't had much exper- ience," he added whimsically. But the young woman only looked at him blankly, and he at once became grave again. "The real trouble with you," he said, "is that you want to be: happy and are not." She gasped with 'astonishment. 'How did you know?" T ; available, use three pints of ice-water. 1 am as-. -. ... . - ... i Fruit ice cream can be made of milk, if cream is not avaikWe. Use flve' The Minister's Victory, cupf uls of milk or one large-sized can A Kentucky clergyman, while tra- of eva-porated milk, the juice of one vellng through his State, put up at a lemon, and three cupful* of sugar., town tote, much frequented by praotl- Add six large peaches, peeled and- cal Jokers. During dinner these worth- mashed, or three cupfuls of straw- let opened tire on the minister, who. "My dear child," he replied, smiling/ c ' "it's what eve^body wants, whether Irjto ju " ket he knows it or not. We want it be- 1 ? lpe wil1 make about *'** qxmrti <* minutes. Jumping in strength than causr it is something God meant us to have; until we are at least begin- ning to reach the things that God means for us we are always miserable. You are in trouble because happiness w neve 1 ** A irift.* it nlwi\-j hae t., K.. Juice earned. berries or red raspberries, washed and however, sood their Kibes with calm crushed, or a can of crushed pineapple. | iadjfference. At '.earth a fellow-diner Mix fruit, sugar and lemon-juice, add: satd to bun: the milk, then freeze. A richer ioej "I wonder at your patience. Have cream is obtained by making the milk you not heard all tfcat has been said The re- ; to you ?" "Oh, yes 1 , but I am usoj to it." re- plied the drgytiin.n "I am chaplain many, i of a lunatic asylum and such remarks e cup- ; nave no effect upon me." ice cream is new to _ J. < f ' rv r / > f>\ , a- i ii .LU UCtO . , . , ' JU1CM? wadked over eight miles within sixty w nev 1 " T f ? ; L * Iwav9 has l ^i covered * onrruwl Ami vnn havo rw\t oara^.1 ; "I w*^i rather a matter of enduranoo, yet, taking a woighit at h<>r heart that made seem suddenly gray and waited silent/ly and after a moment though she had not a care in the world he [>oke. "I saw WalJrrm last night!" he said, the w<.rld He *:.'-- (juii-kly, roughly. Marcia colorless. drew a caught little breath, but she What a mockery -what n pretense ber ure | n was still silent. Ht> went on: "We life wa* after all! Shu laug-had under hadn't .MIMI each vtlier to talk to for her breath s she pnsscl out into the some time I didn't know I'd never sunshine. Then he paused. A taxi guen&cd that he'd <t>me to know you- had drrawn up to the curb, a woman Intimately." ! was gobting out of it. As she turn<ad Again Marcia's breath caught. A Marcia reootrnized Lady Ross'.aer. As relative size into consideration, a man can beat a horse at Jumping. Many men havo Jumped heights exceeding alx feet, and widths exceeding twenty- four feet. Bight feet is. I believe, something llko tho record height for a horse to clear, and twenty-eleven feet Is tho longest known Jump by a horee. As for starving, lierre again the man shows his superiority. Professional fasten* have- gono as muoh as forty days without food. No horse, dog, nheop, or ox can match thie. The only creatures that can emulate this feat ai those which hibernate during the 1 winter, auoli a the boar, badger, or! squirrel, an, I theau, we must remem- ! fiUito of suspendotl anlma- ' And you have not earned it." "Why, doctor," she protested, "you can't earn" ahe flushed a little "a! happy marriage, for instance." The doctor dropped his clenched hand on his desk. "That's exactly what you have to do, you and every man and woman who tries for happi- ness through marriage. Some one's' falling in love with you is just the seed of happiness. Life puts thou- sands of such seed* opportunities into our lives. Having done that, she's done her part. She leaves us to take care of them." "But I never do wrong things," the woman protested; "I don't see why " "Do you ever do right ones?" he and the room seemed to ring the question. understand," she said fal- one tableapoonful of lemon- Place the mixture in a closely saucopan and aimmer slowly > raisins are tender, and but cupful of water remains. Moisten one tableepoonful of corn- Winard'i Liniment for Dandruit Untl of pines and firs took 200 years to grow, may be de- stroyed in half as many minutes by a forest fire. tlon. flame of color ran up over her cheeks; they exchanged greetings she sighed a her eyes widened. Then, abruptjly, sho little. watched her sombrely, biting his Itps, together wUlingly, ehe had seen a his hnnda thrust deep into hi pockets, pood deal of Ixxrd Rosalaer'a brilliant "1 had to com* to you!" he told her, wife and her son. L<ady Rosslaer had 1 desperately after a moment or two. I..M-M charnving, perwistent in her invi- "He Waldron eaid Bomethinp; that tations. Shi- had, at th s*me time, made it imperative tih*1 "that you been careful n:H to overdo heir seem ing and 1 should talk things over." ! interest in her young relation. He pA'i!wl He was miserably con- j Nevertheless Marcia, in her pred- acious of his own embarrassment. It ewe, was always restlessly conscious! was a relief to him when at laM she of her pld, unaccountable feeding ofj puke, quickly, evon sharply, 'but with- ' antagonism and antipathy, awt QootiniK round, nt him. | She forced herself now to "Said something? What was l*T"i the other'* buHWant eyes. Ruth Ross- Her voice was stifled'. One handl lay i laer marf* a wide gesture of her hands. efotwhed over her heart. Rosliier rwide j "My dear," she criwt, "I have only a ahnrp movement, nnd ljoke.,1 away, a few moments ago mot Ke-inptun! He "He said tlhat when he came back ! tell* me that he is going away prob- from Spain he meant to marry you."ia i bly abroad. TeM m, what can it Marcia (rave a,n odd little, broken meant" ery. Again Ross-laer's teth closed al- j Maircia glancivi at her a lilt!? coldly. savagely on hks lip. After a "I haven't the slightest idea," she. -h Iwkel l>aok at her, &he returned^. "But, a-urely, there's n.v j/T^a Mo a kiw yiafr ijd v"jj ' thte.g y'^ry JSitr.njH'iii'Vy about it?" forward, ver? tffl,lier el'bmrs | ASaMi Ruth mado a ifeaturer "Th^re wouldn't b in tho ordinary way. But he says he'* going on busi- teringly. j "Happiness has to be earned; that's Business Tactics. the eternal law. Happiness has to be "You seem to have a good deal of e* 1 ** 1 b X unselfishness, by good, hon- falth In doctors," said Broneon to his Invalid friend. "1 have," was Ihe reply; would be foollnh to let a er like me die." a doctor custom- Microscopic Writing. A Frenchman has written on an or- dinary postcard 23,154 words- -125,000 i letters. The writing is said to bo leg- lbl to tho nuked eye. sning forward, ver on thn *fm of it, her lip* pruned down astaiiist her t<1a(ped Silk and Cotton Clippings Suitable for Patch-Work and Fnry-Work. I JIT;-. Parkaga sent f'.r fifty cents, or three for a dol- lar; a-lanvpa or money ordwr. M. .T. I KLLRR & CO. ."' < ii.'l'-n St. West. ToriMito It isn't where a man starts but what smilejiito p ,, mr i starts that gives him status. Lost. A silver-mounted comb by a young lady with rubber teeth. Nearly one-eighth of the surface of Sweden in covered by lakes. For sale. An automobile by an old: gentleman with a tank hcldir.g ten gallons. Chinese fishermen paint nn eye on thoir boats to enable the litter to sua SUPERIOR The Inland Sea "The Blue, the Fresh, the Ever F : ree" AH, this Is a trip to remember! 81x (lortoui days on tho Great LakMU voyaging 1.600 rnll from BarnU to Sault SU. Marie, Port Arthur. fort .'Illlajn. Duluth and return. Six dayi of fresh air. sunny akUa and blue wateri. A* long an you live you will recall with long-lna- the de- llclouii meal* they serve on board the "Noronlc.'' "Hamonlo" and "Huronlo" But, bet of all to most of us, 1 the dally life on shipboard the danoee, promenaded a,nd concerts the delightful day* on the wide, nhady decks ot a magnificent Cireat L,akea liner. And the trlpa ashore; the luncheon at Prince Arthur Hotel, Port Arthur; the trip by train to Kukebeku Falls nea* Tort Arthur; the day In beautiful Duluth. SIX DAYS ON THE CREAT LAKES Sarnla--Soo--Port Arthur-Dill uth res* that If, a fixv as I can gather , their way. Jiwper \VM.ron h* offre;l him ome , . { f,c<rt of p'3t thait wil-1 take him out ofj The look-out man on bonnl the .Ma- England n (freat deal I never was so i | es tic, the world's largest liner, Is 180 : surprise! i my life! T' h ^ ulea , f | feet above tho wnU-r level, and can sf.a i abl'jL^ Itf^Tp to now. I womlor -"" , !' wwithop his view will cover some She pav.fol. She W.H watching the , 00 "V* il< of I girl narrowly, still (mttihjr, tat with 1 peclal ratnre Dancing. every week-day evening. Refreshment!, Co&oerti. T.nnoheuit ut Prince Arthur Hotol Port Arthur. Trip by truln to Xakabcka rtUi near Tnrt Arthur. CoK mter*. Afterution Tea. "Korth- ern Kavlfator," dully n!iiptm;ird pa- per. Mile March Mui.-. MooaUfht Chorm on D*pk, Buclal HpstCES. Round trip contlnaoun cruise rate, Sam!, to ftuluth and return Includ- Inc meals berth and side trips $74.75. Noronlc Humonlc and Huronle leave Surnla i Point ICUwanl Pock) at 4 p. in. K.T . 'i' :---i(l.i\ .. Thuradaya and Suturduys. Kpeclul oteamboat truln leaves. Union Station Tuoday, Thurs- day and Katurday at 10.02 am via Hampton aJ London, direct to uinff. lluy your tlckot to the Wttt via Northern Navigation Water Wivfrom any Canadian Natlnnul-Orand Trunk Ticket Agent, or write for folder to P. D. OKOQHEOAN, Oen. Passenger Agent. , plowing perplexity nt Uw back of Mlntrd's Llnlmtn for Durn*. !> Northern Navigation Company Canadlan-National-Qrand Trunk Route N \

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