I t 4 I I * t 4 /Ieshert0tt Vol. 43, No. 9 Flesherton, Ont., August 2, 1 922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. CEYLON Mrs James Patterson and daughter, Gladys, of Toronto, visited at J Mc- Lean's and other friends last week, returning home on Saturday. Mrs G Collinson and Misa Collinson, who have been visiting western friends, have returned home. Misses J and M Smith of the Sault, who have visited friends here, left to visit friends at other points. Hazel McLeod is visiting frienda at Mono Road. John Gordon and wife of Manitoulin Island, James Qordoa and Airs Hill of Oaprry, were visitors with Mrs Boltou ladt week. Mrs Wm Neely of Owen Sound vialted Millie Cook last week. Joe Uemphill, wife and three children, of Toronto, ind C Irish of Wareham, visited at S Hemphill'e. Goldwio McMullen of Toronto ia holidaying under the parental roof . W J Cook and wife, and grandson, Howard, of Ebordale, visited at li Cook's on Friday. Master George Jaynes is visiting with Toronto friends. Mr Bender, wife aod little daughter, Fred Chislett, wife and son, Claud, of Listowel, spent the week end here. Mrs Chislelt rendsred two beautiful solos at the afternoon service on Sunday. The Sabbath school held their annual picnic at Eugenia on Friday afternoon, when ; most enjoyable time was spent. Mr McKenzie and wife and Miss Agnes Lever, all of Toronto, were week end visitors .it 31 ! !-::-.- Mn McKee .inl brother and Mrs Winiski and son of Toronto, visited with Miss Collinson. Miss McHhiiT, M P, ww visiting with friends at Newmtrket this week. Vandeleur Mr Wni Gilbert of Wisrton apent a few days with Mr and Mrs Ge<> Warling. Mr and Mrs Harry Garner and daugh* ter, '.)f Toronto, are visiting with Mr Sam Gilbert aud wife. Miss Wilson of Owen Sou ad spent the week end with Jos Buchanan and wife. Miss Atkins of Owen Sound spent a few days with Mr Frank Davis and wife. Mrs Guy, and the Misses Warling of Sask., are visiting their ^rand parents, Mr and Mrs John Warling. The Ladief)' Aid uiet at the home of Mrs Johnstou on Wednesday afternoon of last u "k. A ten cent ten was served by the In lies. The Wo man's Institute held their July meeting at the home of Mrs Jacob Holley, Friday afternoon, July 21st. Miss Agnes MePhail M. P. waa present and delivered an address. Came Astray Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot 13, con. 18, Osprey, abouo July 1st, one two yeir old heifer. Owner prove property, pay eipenses and take same away. -JAMES THOMPSON. Opera House p H O T O P L A This THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock First Class Program KIMBERLEY The village ia very quiet these daya with everybody bi^sy. The secoud cutt- ing of alfalfa is on. Wheat threshing has commenced and it is turning out grand. John Boland was in cur burg last week. John has a great m my friend* here, notwithstanding that he seems to hive neglected our road between here and Eugenia. James Johnston and family cf Proton have b^en visiting frienda here late'y. The coal strike is likely to imke wood dear this winter. It would be a blessing if all the unions, combines, and secret docilities were legislated out of existence and men once more made ftee. I am not a weather prophet nor a prophet cf any kind, but I have noticed that we have had cold north winds in the spring, warm south winds in tee fall, and generally a warm spell about the litre spring giain begins to ripen, forcing it to ripen before it is properly filled. Fruit of all kinds here is abundant, wild and tame. Beech, elm and maple nuts are plentifuland squirrels, chipmonks no other creatures of the foreat will not starve thu coming winter as they did last wh*u starvation took a great many of them, so that there are very few to en j ^y the present crop. A cow belonging to Wm Ellia got .into the archard and ate too many green apples with fatal Feversham The Ladies Aid of the Methodiit church, FeVerahiiiu, will hold a garden party on the Agricultural grounds, Feverehjm, on Thursday, Aug. 3rd. There will be a football game be> ween Cree,inore vs. Fevershim, aud a con- cart in the evening. Mr A AlUton.'ind Miss Aliston, aid Mr and Mrs Johr. Conn, if Collingwocd. were Cillers in our village last week. Thos Bristow.wife and son, Gordon, o' Stiyuer, visited last week with T W Cjnrou. C Derosbery, Mrs T Downing, and Hui;h D-ividson of Toronto, visited with the letter's parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Dividsou, Sr., recently. Tho Periuo, wifa and family, nd I Harvey Perigo, wifa aud family, of Tor- onto, are visiting with Mr and Mrs Ira Perigo iu tho village. Mr Powers, wife and son, John, Mrs W G Dand and son, Herbert, t^re visiting with K J Colquette and wife. Miss Etta Brownridge aud Lawreuce H L ! n o' Stavner am visiting with their uncle, Ern Uawton, in the suburbs. Mrs Jag Smith, and two children, of Lidy Bauk viailea with the former's sister, Mis Clarence Semple, last 'week. Miss Maty Julian of DuutrooD is ro- newiug'old aquamtunoes iu this village at present. Botn- Ou Wednesday, July li)th, to Mr aud Mrs J A Davidson, a daughter. VVa wish to otFer congratulations to Miss Dolly Pedlar, who has been sue- successful in two music examinations this summer, liking first class honors in both exams, making 90 mirks out of a possible 100 in her Theory of Music. Wo understand she has stalled a class in Feversham and we ish her every suc- cess in her career. Mrs James Armstrong and three chil- dren of South Porcupine are visiting wilh the formei's brother, E. C. Pedlar. Card of Thanks Wo desire to txpreas our thanks to iuuy fiieuds for their assistance and sympathy during the illness aud death of our wife t and wjthor, Mis. Joseph Oiiuton. Joaephr-W'ill And Due. Price* 30 and 15c. including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER 42nd Successful Year PRICEVILLE Many heavy crops of hay have been gathered in this season hereabout. The people of town and vicinity are preparing to receive a large gathering of visitors on Monday, August 7. The hotel and eommittees of both churches here will be prepared to furnish lunches or good mealf, and various other re- freshments fur old and young Rev C S Jones preached in College street Presbyterian church, Toronto, on Sunday, July 23, to a good congregation, and naturally enough numbers of former Pricevilleites living in the city were attracted tkere to meet him, Mrs N McKicnon and daughter*, Ella and Laura, of Toronto, also U B >!- Kinnon of the Globe statf, am summer- ing here for a time at thoir country home. Postmaster R Conkey has be ju in one of the Toronto hospitals for a few days. Hid overseas injuries occasionally require expert attentien. Bert Auseeru makes a genial and expert assistant in the poet office, Mr 1:1 1 Mrs Phil Scbryers of Cheboygao Mich., have been spending a few days A ivfi the latter'a friends here, they will also visit her relatives in Owen Sound, Toronto and Huntsville before returning to their Michigan home. J VV Fleck of Shelburne erected * granite , ii ;.;: i.t of very neat design Ust week in the public cemetery heie foi Mr and Mrs K : ;' u McKinnon and family, in the plot where their son an I brother la Uid. G'Jflss une of the buys w u poking the " putt adder '' t Riverdale. He was ipittiLg out mutilated dictionary last we,?k. Victoria Corners Intend*! for Last Week Miss b'losay Acheson is visiting her sister, Mrs Newton Bannon. Mrs Thompson and little daughter, Mary, of Shelburne, vieibed her aunt, Mrs Jas Laidlaw. Winnifred and Beth Talbot ate hol- idaying with their grandparents, George Moore's. Marguerite Stinson is spending a couple of weeks with her sifter, Mrs Bcsrt BaJgero, Saugeen Junction. George Ludlow has purchased a car. We are looking for lively times for the " Speed cop ". Mrs Hicks of Clinton is visiting her niece, Mise Susannah Ludlow. We were more than pleased to have Mrs Etgle with us at Inistioge last Sun- day. Her sermon, though made to hit no oue, could h.iully pas.s one by. Congratulations, Uttilla, on passing musical exam. Practical courses Expert instruc- tion Individual instruction Kmployment department 0. A. FLEMING. F.C.A., Principal since 0. D. FLEMING, Secretary. PORTLAW Mr and Mrs Edward Watson and three children of Toronto vwited recently with theii home folk here. MisiSusaa Taylor of Oweu Sound visited with Mrs Thos Taylor. Mr aud Mts J Tryon of Akron, Ohio, are visiting with Mrs Thonus Fletcher. Mr Btutham of Flesherton conducted th service here a week ago Sunday. Rev Mr Wakefield of Holland} Centre preached in the chutch last Sunday and will bav<) charge ef the service for the uexc fuw weeks. / Miss Pearl Watson of Toronto is huli- dy'mg at th>; paivntal home. Jumes Bitchelor aud WG Acheson, contractors, aru bu.<y building the Morton bii i^e. Ceil . - e Lice J H Jinveson i.-f Toronto visited L-ufc w^,-k wrth his brother and friends of this part. Mr and Mrs R Uatinah, Mr and Mis W G Jainieaoti and Mit>s Lillian, visit'.d with frienda at M.irktlale. Card of Thanks My grateful thanks >re extended to the many friends whose assistance waa so freely given during the illness of my wife, and for practical sympathy ex- tended. H. Wlsou An auto waa 9(ohn froro S,J. Simons of Dnndalk. Later it was found aband- oned beside the rod two miles wett of Shelburne. EUGENIA The firs r anniveisary of the dedication of the Memorial was held on July 21st. Rev Oke of Flesherton took charge of the short service, which was held in the early afternoon, assisted by Rev Bowes of M.irL ;>!... A number of those invited to issist in the ceremouy were away tin their vacations, therefore unable tJ be present. Although the nutnbar that turned out to the most important pail of the day's program was uot great, it should me*n more to the general public than any other part of the day's [.roceed- ii. j\ liowever, another year the com- mitctu will arrange a Decoration 1 ' -y, and a.s a means of raising funds for the upkeep of th2 plot, tnere will be a sports day set apart for that purpose wheu the season is not so busy, ana both days will be enjoyed more thoroughly by all. The baseball boys did well, the prize being taken by the Kimberley team and second plate by the Fleshertou .'ii'j-. All four teams pUyrd i xo'.id, clean gtrue. The Seylon boys bad but half their team in the Held. Howerer, they are always uu hand to do their bit in the way of trying to make H successful day, and we appreciate it. We also appreciated Miss McPhail's adilreas in the evening, and, although it w*s rather a difficult tank foi- Miss Mcfhail to tind suitable theme, she spoke ->s she felt herself uu the subject of the returned men, ani gave some tacts which, allho' they did not meet with the approval of some present, were tacts just the same As statid in last week's Advance. M;-- McPhail .u,igtsted during her address that we should hold our anmvers-iry i iy every thrao or four years instead of trying ti make i successful day each yeai-, which was bound to b<* a failure more or less. If the day were left for three <>r four years inetliinks it would not be lung until the people had forget tea altogether what the day should reilly mean to u?, and so each year the t > ' days will be set apart ai.d the pro- grams for each will be easily arrangtd by those who have the wurk in hand. Mrs Jacob Williams mou'i-'d to U*m- 'It ! and St Catharines with friends and enjoyed a week's holiday. Born Ou July ilst, to Mr and Mrs John Campbell, a ion. We aru sorry tn report Mrs Al*x Oarruthers under the doctor's cute al present, sufleriug from a severe mtack of quinsy. Miss Marjory Liitimer and friend, of Toronto, are visiting with this farmer a ancle, Leonard Lttimer, for a cuupla of weeks. J J Magee and wife, Mr tUdolitfo and wife, of Vandeleur, Mr Thoru'cn Teeier and wife, Markdale, alsj Miss Gcorgiua White of Sarnis, visited nt the Munshaw House the past week. BUnche Hammond aud Ruth '.,.: Kirnbealey, are visiting withjthvir grand mother, Mrs McMullen, at preset.1 Mrs II limiii ml aud Uussetl McMulleu also spent the week end with Mrs Mc- Mulleu. Miss Lily Campbell andCnid Graham J ih.i Wickans and wife, spur a iy at Wnsaga Beach recently. Wm Williams and Mies Viola, of Tor- onto, are visiting with Mr? Ptrtridge this week. Mrs Armstrong (uee !'..: Pedlar) ind ahiidreu of Bailebury, visited with Fred Pedlar the pist week. Leonard Latimer aud son, \\'e-=, visit, ed friends in Orillia, Barrie an 1 AIMstou rajeiitly. Congratulations to Miss Pea'-i Latimer in Hie high standing she took (his yenr i:i her exams. R J Pojlar and daughter, Mrs Dixon, spent tha <vek end with friend* S'.iiynor. Mrs Wilson and Miss Addie, left tli past week to visit with llie f"nne^-< Jiu^hter m B C. Mi?s Etta Latiinei- U tc be 03QgOttul*t- ed in p.issing her entire clans at the Ent- rance Exams this year. Lodge Regalia Lodges in this district con- templating the purchase of Sashes, Aprons, etc., will do well to get our prices and estimates. A complete line of Masonic and Orange jewelery invites your inspection. "Tell Us Your Needs" Armstrong's Flesherton, Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* :s and Embalmera Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. T MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to _ Ont. ) The Advance " ?r If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need of, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from us. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. "Shop where you are invited to shop W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario i Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all fast colors '20c per yd. Factory Cotton T2c per yard Ladies' Vests 25c. Printed Voiles 3i5c per yard and up Organdy in ,all shade ?3.~> Printed Organdy .ibc. and up White Canvass shoes $2. 90, were $4.75 Fleet Foot Shoes from $1.00 up Men's Balbriggan underwear per garment 75c. Peabody make Overalls $2.25 Peabody Smocks $'2/25 Heavy linoleum li^tt. $4.00 per yard Came Astray Oarae to the premises of the uuder- signed about the 19th day of July, two yearling animals. The owner i* request- ed to prove property, pay expenses and take same away. R. Parslow. Prioeville P. 0. Highest prices paid for Produce I W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON, ttO J' B" , 1 Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food to Broad in food v.due A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton