Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1922, p. 5

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June 21 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE The Investor's Safeguard CAFETY is the first consideration in every phase ** of this Bank's business and we are in a position to render a complete investment service. Our nearest Manager will gladly advise you regard- ing any securities you may contemplate purchasing, Let STANDARD SERVICE lit jour Investment Safwtari THE STANDARD BANK * OP CANADA. C. T. BATTY, Manager. FLESHERTON BRANCH, Branches al*o at Wi!liamiord and Holland Centre. CANADIAN 3 PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Trains ollows : Going South 7.55 t. m. 4.30 p.m. The mails .r Qoing North 11.52 a.m. 9.30p. m. osea at Flesherton ae Mr. and Mn. Ed. Tremp visited friends in Owen Sound. Jim Stafford is home from Toronto for a nouple weeks' holidays. Sir. O. W. Phillips attended the June assizes in Owen Sound last week. Job work of any description done at The Advance office. Right prices on all work. Born In Regina, Saek., hospital, on follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and Friday, June 2, to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon maii south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Frank Thurston spent a few days of the past n-eek with hia sister at Mitchell. Young ldy open for housekeeping. Apply at this crh'ee or H. Carringtun. Mr. iiud Mrs. L. Brooks ind three children, of Toronto, are visiting rela- tives in this vicinity. Wilfred Cook of Holland Centre lost four fingers of the right hand by the hand coming in contact with a jointer. A league game of baseball will be played at Ceylon on Fiiday, June 2Srd, between the Flesherton and Ceylon slubs. Ball faced at 5 p.m. An exhibition game of baseball will be played at Priceville on Wednesday, June list, between the Flesherton and Ceylon clubs. A barn, owned by a man named Martin, of Irish Lake, was unroofed in the storm of Friday night last. The roof fell and killed a horse that was standing Paul, a son Geo. William. Dr. McWilliam of Dundaik will make weekly professional visits to Priceville on Tuesday and Friday, from 2 to 4 p.m. The semiannual meeting of the Arte- mesia District L.O.L. will be held on Thursday, June 22nd at Orange Valley. Harry Legarde Jr. of Toronto yisited in town over >he week end, and is attend- ing the Grey Regiment camp near Owen Sound. A man named Jackson, a Durham fflaauUcturer, waa found guilty of mak< ing false statements as to his financial standing, at the Atsizes in Owen Sound last week, and sentenced to not lew than three nor more than six mouths in jail. Mr. J. R. Boland of Portland.Oregon, is spending a few weeks with his brother, John, at Vandeleur. Mrs Boland is In Toronto but will later join her husband, Mr. Boland was lait here twelve years ago. The case of YVm. Bennet of Euphiasia for breaoh cf the Inland Revenue Act was tried Tuesday afternoon in Markdale before Judge Creator. C. S. Cameron appeared for plaintiff and Henry for defendant. Judgment waa reserved. In the nnal draft of stations of the Methodist conference in this district near by. Miss Marguerite Runstadlar took hon. I ReT Albett Bushell replaces Rev. ors in her examinations at the University j M c Cm en at Prioeville and Rev. Allan of Toronto on first fear Biological and j E , >uffield i a the new minister on the and Medical Sciences. Gso. Mitchell j Maxwell circuit. was also successful in first year Aita. Mr- Ed. Louoks, who has been ailing for some time, was taken to Owen Sound hospital on Saturday and operated on for a j'endir.'is. He is recovering nicely. The District annual meeting of Centre The congregations in the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, morning, afternocn and evening on Sunday last, were treated to solos by Mr. George Honer of Belfast, Ireland. Mr. Honer Is a trained singer with a magnificent Grey Board of Agrieulture and Women's , voiof) of T great compa g B and hia selections Institute will be held it Hopeville on W(JM much , ppteo i,ted by his hearers. Tuesday, June 27tb, 1 o'clock. Basket H[g brother 80CO mpnied on the organ, picnic 11. 30a.m. Postmaster W. W. Trimble received A young girl named Cook, who lives ; ;i message on Monday morning last about tour miles from Durham, was announcing that his brother, James, had playing on a bank when the earth caved : p s e se d away at Dttroit Sunday afternoon in and burled her. The spinal column ( flowing another stroke. Mr. Trimble for was fractured. She was taken to Owen Sound hospital. The high school teachers have all left for their respective homes Mr. Upshall the principal to Brampton, Mloa Holmes, assistant, to Winchester, Miss King, assistant, to Eeswick, and Mr. Fraser, assistant, to Toronto. Mr- George Honer of Belfast, Ireland, who arrived here last week, saya con ditions are very bad in tha Emerald inle. He hl.nself had been ahot at three times and these attempts were taken as a , , _ .... , j Eaan and Miss Marie Egan sf Toronto, arable hint to migrate, which he proceed- I . ,. . will ije! Mea8rS- " * WoUeloy, of Proton, Mr. and Mrs. Jag. Kelley of Markdale. Rev. J. W. Egan left on the afternoon train for Detroit, The deceased gentleman was bora on a farm near this village 69 years ago. After leaving Flesherton 35 years ago he lived In Plttsburg, Rocheiter and Mount Clemens, later moving to Detroit. A reception was given to Rev. J. ^ Egan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Runstadler on Tuesday evening wheo the following were preaent : Revs. Fathers Clonghesy of Dundalk and Me- Goie of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. O'Con nor of Duodalk, Mr. and Mrs. John ed to do. He fears conditions worse before they are better. An old time garden party will be held in the Park, Eugenia, on Friday, June the 23rd, under the auspice? of the on is locating in Hanover. Thoe from here who attended the reception in Dundalk Monday included Mrs. Runatadler and Miss Marguerite, Mrs. Dickling, Mrs, Armstrong and Mrs. Miller. Regiment At Camp Ladles Aid of the Presbyterian church. There will be n good program of sports, bill game, races, etc. Everyone come and ebjoy ;i pleasant afternoon. Tea will'be served from 5 to 7 p.m. Admis- sion Adults 25o, children 15c. The platoon of the Grey Regiment A Cyclon-3 of considerable dimensions ! went to oamp outoide of Owen Sound on parsed over in this vicinity on Friday I ^aday twenty nine strong with Lieut, nlgholast and did a lot of damage, j W. E. Car K oc in charge. _ The Fences were lovulled and orchards des- troyed. The orchard belonging to Andy Kennedy, west buck lino, was demolish- ed. One tree was literally yanked ou fc by the roots and stood upside down. Mrs. Jamieson of town had quite a family reunion over the week end, when the following members were present. Mr. and Mis Honer and babe, of Dome Minus, Mr. George Honor, an electrical engineer, who only arrived last week from Belfast, Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. SHwyn Jamison and two children, of Owen Sound, and Charley Jamieson. During a heavy eUctrio storm Friday evening lait Mrs. Wilcock'i residence was struck by lightning, the fluid enter* ing by way of the electric light wires. It singed some linoleum and blackened a door, but did not set fire to the premises. The electric light wiring was damaged and put out of business. Mrs. Wlloock knew nothing of it until morning. While doplorina; the damage she la very thank- ful that it is no worse. ordevs were for twelve men only, but the Owen Sound company was under strength and was tilled up by outside men. Those who left from here are; Capt Legard C of D company, Lieut Cargoe Sert Major, Bellamy, Cory. W A Hazard Corp G Large, Private H Bowers, J ( Humbevatone, A Genoe, S McMullen K Parsona, H C Legard. D Watson, V Armstrong, W Lover, F Bunt, J Beck H Stevens, T Fergueson. L McMullen K Large, R Prieedly, C Mims D Me Aaley, M Hsley, EJ Burk, F McDonald E Linton. The p'atoon went to Owen Sound I motor ttuck in the evening s they pr iclpated in the opeoing of the Meuioria Park here in tho afternoon. LOCALREPRESENT.ATIVE wante. to sll for " The Old Reliable Fonlliii Nurseries.' 1 Largest lUt of fruits am ornamentals to otfer, sxolusive territory highest commissions, handsome fro equipment. Write for particulars Ston & Wellington, Toronto. Formal Opening of The Memorial Park Bounty Council Graces the Occasion With Its Presence Memorial Purk WIIK well and truly ipeoed on Tuesday afternoon when elos" >n fco a thousand people were present, Deluding the Grey County Council as a )ody. The piirk hits been described in hee columns before, and on this ooca ion^received much praise from both speakers and spectators Reevo McTavish ran over the ditticul- ios surmounted and gave Dr. Jumieson iiueh deserved credit for donating the imlwr on the lot for the purpose of & >ark. Dr. Jumieson, however, in his peach which followed the Reeve's re- narks, said Unit had he known what munificent trees there were on the jroperty he might have thought again >efore making the promise. Dr. Jumieson occupied the chair uud ave H short introductory address before residing over a lengthy program. The larkdale band was present and rendered everal selections The program also, ncluded the following: Introductory rayerby Rev. Mr. Fowler, Scripture eadiny by Rev. Mi-. Vose of the Bap- ist church, a lesson from the Passover ; rayerof dedication by Rev. Mr. Oke ;| eading roll of the fallen, by Everett letiry ; sounding <>f The Last Post, by 1 Jugler Perkins ; reading roll of those ho returned, by R. Bellamy ; prnyer f thanksgiving, by Rev. Mr. Fowler ; ddroHs by Col. Carmiehael and declaring ark open ; address by Capt. Eiliott of -hven Sound, representing Col. Fleming; uort speeches by Warden Howoy, M r 'alder of Durham, George Bothwell .ml iilbert McKeohnie, representing the bounty Council ; Dr. Leeson, M. P., poke shortly and the meeting closed ith the National Anthem, The speeches throughout wore very ulogistic, especially of the energy dis- layed by the ladies in bringing the vork to its present state. Mr. Calder t was who said Flophertou has a very HIT . "lie Reeve, and he was not disap- >ointed in finding that the ladies of r leshorton were also ' energetic. Col. /armichael gave a splendid address <i dvice and comfort to the mothers of he boys who had fallen. Ho said these men died in the most noble manner in which mankind can quit life u.d it hould be no occasion for mourning. Capt. Elliott gave an eloquent address n which ho quoted McRae's " In Flan- lers Fields." Before proceedings in the park a jrocession was formed consisting of 30 olunteers and the County Council, leaded by the Markdale band. The weather was ideal and the affair a splendid success. Dundalk and Flesherton played ball n the afternoon and the While Sox nado up for the defeat at the hands of .he Dundalk Shamrocks a week ago, winning the game li to 9. One of the highest class concerts that las been held in Flesherton for some time was given in the rink in the even, by Toronto talent consisting of David Rutblhl, violinist, "Joe" Williams, comedian and Agnes A.liu, soprano. The violinist la just a bay, but bis classical playing WHS a marvel. Miss Adie has a tine voice with a large range and char* med the audience with her singing, Joe " Williams, as usual, RSVO his bett, and is considered one of the best corn" edians today. NEW PATTERNS IN OPEN STOCK CHINA We are now able to offer some new patterns in English open stock china, which have been on order for a long period, but owing to adverse trade conditions have been delayed in delivery. The stock is clear semi-porcelain, the patterns are very pretty and the various articles are quite new. The prices are based on direct import values and show a decided reduction on previous quotations. Full 97 piece Dinner Setts special $33.50 Full 40 piece Tea Setts special $13.50 Some new ten piece Toilet Setts $10.50. LADIES' SHOE SPECIAL An assortment of Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps and Strap Slippers, some Dongola, some Chocolate Kid, some Patent Leather, some with French heels, some Cuban and others with sport heels. All perfect goods, no shop-worn or defective pairs included. Sizes well assorted from 2i to 7. Regular values from $4.50 to $7.50 Clearing at $3.79 pair All trimmed and untrimmed millinery selling at half regular p rices during balance of the season.- F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO MARRIED KEARNEY-IRWIN - In Durham on Tuesday, June 13th, 1922, Miss Rita Irwin, daughter of Mr. \V-n. Irwin, formerly of Flesherton, to Alexander Kearney, son of Mrs Alex. Beggs of Durham, by Rev. C. G. Cole. The bride was well known in Flesherton and had a host of friends who wish the young couple mueh happiness. Fleslaeirfcon *f*- Tonsorial V- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes^ Monday night, delivery Friday ev CLEANING and DYEING- We ar agents for Parker's Dy Works Clothes leaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER -PROPRIETOB The Markets Carefully Corrected Eaob Barley 70 to 70 Peas 1 25 to! 23 Buckwheat 80 to 30 Bntter 22 to 24 Eggs 23-j>U 23 Winter VVhaat 1 05 to 1 US Spring Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats.. 45 to 45 Public Notice The following stores will close Mon- days and Wednesdays at 7 p m. during July, August and September : Mrs. Henderson nd Eli Kobinton, Fever- sham ; S. Osboroe and C, Heron, Max. well ; Frank Cnrran and A. Sornherger, Mclnlyre ; Jacob HnmiltoD, Bad^ercs ; H. Belt man, Maple Valley ; J. Uammlll and Thos. Hall, Sirghampton. 42nd Successful Year Practical courses Expert instruc- tion Individual instruction Employment department C. A. FLEMING, F.C.A., Principal nince 1881 . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY Touch a match lo the burner and it is ready in- stantly. STEADY Set the name where you want it. It s'ays there. CLEAN Does not blacken pots or bans. Tho long blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. HOT For eveiy cooking purpose there is always abunnance of steady clean intense heat. OVENS N. P. ovens are superior to the ordinary ovens, ijuioker and more uniform results in baking and roasting are secured with them. Come in and see them, or better still, ask a uer. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton -' - 'Phone 24 r U GIFTS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE We list here a few gift suggestions which you will feel proud in giving : Rich Cut Glass, cream and sugar - $4. Rich Cut Glass, berry bowl $7 Rich Cut Glass, candlesticks pr. $4.50 Cut Glass Water sets - - $4 1847 Rogers knives & forks set - $10 Berry Spoon, Community plate $4 Cold Meat Fork " - $3 Pierced Silver Cake Trays - $5 Silver Biscuit Jars - $5 PyrexWare - $1.25 up Also hundreds of other equally accept- able presents at very reasonable prices. Come in and let us show you them. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON, - ONT. LOTS FOR SALE Park Lots 146, 150, N.E.T. and 8.R., containing eight acres and 28 square rods. Apply to Mrs. W. B. Richardson, Flesherton. LUST On Sumlaf, May 27, on gravel road between Chatworth and Ceylon a tire rim with Goodyear tire. Finder please notify The Advance office. Re- ward. Yarn WOOL Blankets Do you want to get your Wool Exchanged for Good 8 Ib. Blankets (Grey or White) ?TAID RUGS, HORSE BLANKETS, YARN OR MONEY Wool is now ranging from 10 to 22c. per Ib. 2 and 3 ply yarn this week 85c. DEVER BROS. PHOTON 22 on 44 Dundalk Hay Rope Brantford Binder Twine

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