Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 May 1922, p. 6

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< , Addreit communications to Agronomist, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Picking the Good Heifers. Recently the writer had * dispute with a yoimg breeder who seemed to be possessed of more enthusiasm than experience or good judgment. We. were looking over a bunch of nis r.eifers yearlings and two-year-olds. I ar>d 192 ^K^'s that white the number Marketing of Live Stock \ in Ontario. A statement issued by the Live Stock branch at Ottawa covering the last four months respectively of 1921 THE SUiNDAY SCHOOL MAY 28 Golden Text Amend your ways and your doings, and obey the voice of the Lord. Jer. 26: 13. very valuable cheap food. In |>nse lowers their value a ren rs mentione() h f owner en- i the numl)fir snipped from points in Lea ?" F( m or another they are wanted them more susceptible to disease. *' tjre] di5a - reed ^ us H e W "', e "j Ontario was greater, the figures show- his ministry rybody's table, every day. low them to sweat in the open -and give > heifers in iues ' ^ 130 ' 861 in 1921 compared with * h \ re " .!,-._ *i u_..4. *! ^.ru;.^ them good ventilation an-d cool quar-| J T tne neiters in ques- 1 * to prophesy 101 uie iit-i> MI>U.UUB , mv urv ue was us unuu .-. a cuuu iiau for storaze Potato tubers muat tlon were "ally good milkers and!?*' 45 '' ln . 192( ?-. T s f. me was tn f of years before the exile. The political 1: 6) but at his call God assured him TT t 1 that their sire was of "cord breed- j the number shipped direct to packers, events during 'jhis period were sign!- 1 that he, having appointed has oom- ing. but bo a far less extent. The store ficant. Palestine was a buffer state misewn, was responsible for his s- are a one form on e-vorvbody .. everywhere throughout' the civilized them^good ventilation and world. Potatoes have been cultivated ***** by Europeans for a little over three nave hundred years. They now require over thirty-five million acres of land Scaly Legs How io Treat Them. Lesson Foreword Jeremiah began i diminish not a word," v. 2. He had , in the thirteenth year of , eiither to obey God or to pleaae tha reign (1: 1), and continued; people and he chose God'a service. By prophesy for the forty troublous nature he was as timid as a child (ch. Our friend, like many breeders has :Catt ' shipped in Ias>t year numbered between the rival empires of Assyria curity, ch. 1: 7. yet to learn that the breeder has not 20 > 193 compared with 31,885 in the and Egypt and was invaded first by V. 13. Amend your ways. Instead of. and produce over five billion bushels' There is nothing more unsightly in yet been born who can make every > - ame P erk)<1 of *" preceding year, one and then by the other. Josiah was continuirjg in defence Jeremiah r*- about 161 '4 bushels per acre. V. 8. Jeremiah had spoken from a V. 15. Little a* Jeremiah thought of , - , The condemn it. !a po'or milker" and "subscquenrTJndT-! ped . last , y f ^ ^ ^ ^^^ * tians set up Jehoiakim, his son, as V 14 I am in your hand Jeremiah oHowmg suggestions are given from This condition is due to a mite which tioos have very little to do v.'ith her: 1 * 101 ^ 1 " 8 but fe ^' eT sheep to Doth ' Th * king of Judah. It was at the begin- that the tribunal before experience and experiments on "Spud burrows under the scales, causing the performance. i statement also gives the number of ning of his reign that the events nar- which he stood had the fegal right to Island." j scales to lift up gradually. There is a Professor Eckles carried out a ser-i Kve s . tock sni PP ecl from th * different rated in our lesson occurred. ! judge him. Do with me, etc. His mis- Soil Potatoes do best in a warm, theory that this is due to a deficiency i es of expensive experiments covering : colnvt ' e5 f ^ch province. This sihows 1. The Threat Against the Prophet, i sion had become so absorbing that all ridh, deep, sandy loam soil. They re-; o f oil in the skin parts affecte-l, but several years, to determine the influ-! that f the 51 counties or districts of 8. 9. thought cf self had vanished. quire a lot of moisture and should I am rather inclined to believe that Dnc e of feed on the milking dualities Ontario enumerated, the largest ship- have good well drained soil. " -- Seed Like begets potato trade asks for Irish i Green Mountain. They me-nded as among the best Grow the' condition is contagious and that a while good" fee7ing"woufd 1ncr7ase''the ! c ?S<?X a ^' T rk> an< ^ * hoep> G ^'' temple and naturally resented his pre- i commission which God had given him. that people want. Get seed scaly-legged fowl will soon transmit size of dairy cattle, and therefore 55lmcx>e> Renfrew . and Wellington. On- ,ji ct i on that the temple would be de- ; Innocent blood. When innocent blood free from disease. It js obtainable, the disease to the rest of the flock; increase their capacity to handle feed' taT ' shows an lncrcase ln the hanrlling gtroyed. Jeremiah himself belonged v was shed it d-ied^ out for vengeance. things, pay back most immune hens were exceptionally vigor- 1 the heifers when they are only a few when they receive it. Plow and work OUR. And there may, too, be some- months old, taking out those that give' P ' m, make it friable, work it thor- thing in the theory that they had an little indications of milking ability, iv.ighly until the necessary tilth is ob- abundam-e of oil in skin and feathers.) The promising heifer wll early show tained. A clover sod, top-dressed with The scales become raised and losson-j mammary development and will carry tons of barnyard manure, plowed ed due to the accumulation of a crusty i that somewhat indefinite character, - -, ly autumn and thoroughly spring substance that works beneath them,' known as duiry quality; this will bel^ 6 to Change our hens from broody , the national confidence at a critical they would be resjxmsible if tbsy put -i period, and therefore he was a men-.j God's prophet to death, ace to the state. All through his car- y. 16. Not worthy to die. Tha eer Jeremiah had to face scorn and princes were more impartial a-vl un- hatred; he was the most pathetic and prejudiced as judges than the priei-ta Three days is the time we usually! the loneliest of all the prophets. He an rf pro j;hets. They acquitted Jere- b:s people deeply and it almost m j a h O n the ground that he had spoken Broodiness in Hens. makes a good seed bed for after the mite has done its burrowing. | particularly in evidence in the head, ir.lo laying hen?. Our jail has a slat- hi heart todenouce the y 9 Like Shiloh The important ' ' . , , e e o potatoes. Should your land need more A scaly-legged hen should never be When animals are older it will be tecl bottom and the hen cannot warm lemp i e ' at Shilch wh'ic-h contained the jortli * " "" 1 L * J if ~ ~ ^ 1-1-' ? A_ __ i . , ... .. i+ cu n :, ;^t-.t- n i nr ~ n *. *-U A A u4. A u!.a .... i , i i ii__ in the name of Jehovah. They were swayed by the impre?.non made <-.n them by the man himself ami by the i - - . ' out that a simiter fate awaited th Planting machines are satisfactory/ The sovereign remedy seems to bejual production, the dairy farmer wi Make the rows straight and from 30 preasc or oil. A very satisfactory! be a hi a to select fairly accurately. ! indwss apart. This will cheapen treatment is to wash the legs and feet " your cost of production. Plant the with hot water and castile soap-suds. need about 4 inches deep and from 12 When dry anoint the affected parts to 14 inches apart. j w ith a mixture of equal parts of melt- C ukivation Harrow the potato field ed lard and kerosene. Rub this in with smoothing harrow before the well. Repeat daily until cured. While young plants appear and once after l>eing treated the fowl should be kept they are up. Cover the plants with in a clean cage bedded with cut straw, three inches of soil when three inches' to keep out aJ1 dirt. Other recom- thing else to do. Result, she soon lays. ' Agnes Hilco. Writing for the Local Paper BY HILDA RICHMOND. temple in Jerusalem. The people re- garded the Jerusalem temple as a sort of fetich; as long as it stood they were safe, regardless of their mode of life. Application. The prophet's task is seldom a ^ai'e or easy one, for wrong mii'St be pijblic- ly rebuked. The Bible gives si:;me One of the pleasantest and most in-i in connection with some item, such, his address and then the people crowd , structive things a country family can as: "The children of Rose Corners; ed round the prophet and his ac- do ia to write for the local or county School delighted a large crowd with ' cusers" (Peake). Jeremiah's prophecy against it was sinking illustrations t <.t trwse in high considered blasphemy. All the people, I Positions being ccnm-mned as a pa- etr- "Apparently the priests and pro- |' tocit wl ' h soul ?" fi , r:: f OT *&*"**! 5_j T .-.I. _,. XL. -i -* ness. Hoeei risked tbe wrath o{ PS'.araoh in his desire for tha libs-ra- th n of h : s pec.ple. Nathan ha-d to say I boldly to David, "'ih-iu art the man." pheU seized Jeremiah at the close of T? fayjl V'' li K 1 f above ground. The rear discs on the mended" cures~aVe~"'>in~ alnTuart """W- This work does not al- the little play 'Red Rid-ing Hcod' on! II. The Charge Against the Prophet, j A g a "^ w ^, , potato planter do this best. Use horse measure nearly full of water with' yS pay in actual cash, but usually Wednesday evening." This combines] 1. " | in the pre^en-': of the courtif M griuity cultivator after every rain and at least one tablespoonful of kerosene oil float i th m ' w 'I )a P er w '" furnish stamps the plaw-, character cf the enter-, V. .10. The princes; the nouility , in- 1 of i n du.lgen.ce and injustice. John the %-ery ten <lay until the plants crowd imr on the wrfaw Tio or f,l\ n th J ami pnpcr for the WOTk - an<1 oftt>n l Mnmcr.t and the time, pleasingly, and! eluding perhaps the civil ami military Baptist did rat 1'JK* rsurnpe to te!il me n '^ UrfaCe ;, T lu a " ^! Kives a subscription to the paper in ' gives the reader the desire to know V" 1 ? 1 -. fhe ^* a * a **'^^ c * ! Herod that his conduct was not lawfrl. you out Throw soil towards plants measure to a box to hold it firm. Dip with each cultivation, hilling them so] the legs, both at the same time, into addition, The profit in the undertak- more about it. from the temple. Being so : j n |,jk e manner it was che ",', .""" "" ""I " ro 1V7B ' """" "" " ""? nine, inw> (, r , cii..-i- in. hand the princes couM Mav|taik cf Jeremiah to stand in uio that the tubers are aM well covered. the liquid, homing them there one! ' ,i m , th ,' att l , " r ' tmB . 13 '" . J Do not sa - v t! - a ' lhe hostess ^"'^ a the uproar in the temple or a mes- 1 court of the Lord's house and spook Spraying Spraying is safe insur- minute. Repeat "" oH "'' at '"" ""'' ll% " f ance that pays its own premiums. Start spraying in July nn.1 keep all Another and legs up , tihe foliage covered with Bonieaux and of coal-oil poin or dust fungicides throughout' portions of the season until the first frost kills cording to tho disease spore?. Harvesting Harvest miniature plants for seed. Dig potatoes in dry weather. When disease is present leave them in the ground until a fro*t occurs if possible. When the soil is very dry have Un digger move a lot of clay BO that the potatoes may not which sleeks popularity in the pre-rc-nt to be given. The larger the proportion of coal-oil the more effective is the 1 ' h 7 ',' ' Vffiilanty with * the mixture. more than half coal-oil should be used, while for cases so little developed that the treatment is as muc-h preventive aa active, one part coal -oil to two parts linseed-oil is preferred. ed mosquito wire netting. In this way die breeding ami hiding places of the fleas were eliminated, the nests *" were usu.Hy held by a gat,. society was present for the first : (S oe Deut. 21: 19; 2'J: 15; Amo 5: no re euective is the 1 ' looe Leui. > Except in hurry cases not J '" I* *?' " nd you h:1Ve many i timo in years - or tnat thew * 15: Ruth 4: U ' ^' ** wl rv:ls;nil>* \vhv if i-j -> \Io'iu>jiif irwl ,.. . f . t~*.\-.c if 11 'iu... , . reasons why ,t ,* a pleasant and pru- visitors from California, or that the V.. 11. The religious authorities Uad fitnl)le task ' First of all, th pontlent must not be satis cost of national welit'ure in Ilia future. On the surface it appeared disloyal to assert the- futility of res!--t- but Jeremiah knew . six-year-old daughter of the home re-j previously held^a court jn *Wtttjihat Israel hnd a divine mission deadly dull monotony gatherers, but must week liy wt*ek and cause people to day. was a matter for the civil authorities, look for his items the minute the' Refreshments are pretty much alike' tre prince?. IJWJJ ,, ut w , , paper is received, [f you will lake up the country oxer, and unless there is! Kl. The Defence of the I'rophrt. 12-18. 1 with' justice 'a g'.'-ry, dignity, and interest' of the na- tion, but so far as they are consistent were broken at laying time, by being dropped upon a board that had been temporarily bared. .Mrs Iron Sulphate for Dandelions. rid lawns of dandelions. The hen stood on the garden lot. Whence all but she had fled; And didn't leave; a planted spot In the early onion bed. With vim she worked both feet and legs, Ami the gardener said lie "bets She was trying to find the kind of eggs, On which the onion seU." Cremation is the best way to dis- pose of dead, diseased fowls. If buried, dogs ma> dig them up, no mutter how deeply they may be covered. My remedy for a fowl that is gasp- ing for breath is to dip its head In --,-, - kerosene oil. Do it quickly. If after! an(l ona-iurtt pounds of the iron sul-ijolm Smilh In any country newspaper, you .!! ee something specially new the vcn to cnum a iul sand Deen I, then tl-e Penroso is verv engorly read the item. spacei v. TJ. Jeremiah was allowed to I T.iis higher conception of pat.riotism neniting ' ?;pouk in bid own ilefemre. No'.ice how 'has given a r.oble IMUKI* roll of mar- dwiehee,' calm hia bearit*sr \va- althougli con-ltyp, Tlu- early Christians w-ere sab- able to serve i'ronvd with tho |inibility of ;lt-ath \ .io-.-ted to pagan persecutions and in ! i ik--; wo il 1 I 11 -' lii( ' r ' 1 ' s h':"'^- 'I ''< l--rd sent Be. I later time- the A!b ; i:>nsian.< awl Wal- Julia Tomp- dignified. The old habit of writing 1 _ on through many stanzas of poetry and long! ill at this writing," "Miss Jtsyie^Blake Death notices should lie iu'ief and tailed at the home of kins hist \voek," and so I the uninteresting list. Now it isn't flowery notices hus gone out with the. Many people are not impressed! that there are no local happenings. kp*t papers. Wedding notices should: with the Ixmuty of the dandelion in' nor that people are not interested in tell of the bride's dress, in which alii their lawns and seek its eradication.! reading rows, but that the corres- women are bound to be interested;! Iron sulphate spray is recommended to ' pumlcMit has never rat down to con- wno performed the ceremony; where! f-idei- the real value of improving his 'he .VUIIIIR folks i:re to live and the 1 '\'r.'~ v. as the warrant for his confi- der.^iar.s were brought MfOM tho lu- dence. God had commanded him "to quisition ar.d toriured. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR The spray solution is prepared by, work, dissolving in one gallon of water one 1 Suppose instead of pulling What The Hunt Hid. wedding journey, if there is one. Give' Mr. Walk ins owned some, choice' bl '?. cd . cx !-' ib; . tej - that a brief dajcripMon f the affair as-! white hogs that were regi?!eiod stock to and ho was verv would eat until fair time, when his pig not only \veighod sixty pounds more than any other pig of the saiis litter, but bro.ig-ht him three first prizes, or.e for th-e best pig in the boys' club, one for I lie largest pig for I its age, and one for the best of its Tie fec'.s that h:s success was due to of the dandelion s a new wagon , which and othei- roots which the little pig The pig had all the green food it tBTWhlng oiittit, or a farm trucl: Often it is easy U want of eggs to hinu together an<l to a good hou^e-cleaning Some of the grit our birde Iras not 111110 o it does iwt help ItouM. The sharper the grit tho bet- ter. Sharp grit aids in crushing and v curing the food into fine particles really helps thiivgs, for i..8 not twice plaoe until the feed ia > find two-thirds of an;l be careil for by Ben. .1.. . ., . i , a s:naj n, IIUM IWO-l'rirUS Ol *> ' I W9 V^lltril I.LM UV Dtrll. . keep tbe ,rh,t,on Irom wet- of the latest make. Hw>-.. things would ihe local i'tew dealing exclusively: The bey fsshionwl a small pen from; ^r^L^ ab -" " >! th * - ** *<***>** families ^e boards ,iv feet long and ,f vary- datioiis of building?, clothing, etc., as commonplace 'wagon is. Children's Activities Make ;.iod it leaves a stain which is Wttfemelyl and fine in the hen's gizzard. I difficult to remove. Feather-plucking m a disgusting' The spray should be applied* in May; , and generally caused from lckl .j ust before Ihe ii;iiuie!ioiis start bloom- 1 of exorcise. To prevent trouble from j ' n *f' f "' ( ' should Le repeated c;nco or Ht'tivilii 1 :* make loadable items. fpathr-pluckiiig put a teaanoonftil lwiil ' ' intervals of thre- or four, School children are <!elii;htH to se- of Knom salts in tlie drinking water, weeks. One or two additional appli- : their names in print, and often for every twelve lieiis in the flock,' ca: ''"'' '''' be nuidc late in the sum-; fathers and mothsrs who are unpro- and iinoint the bare 1'iiis with a mixture vas*ilina, or l>nth oluUton. while the rest r,n> ignored. .. , i .. ing widths. They wore Growing Delicious Sweet Corn. If the writer re:i!ly enjoys the work,'- in the form of a t>i a ng!e which b-e The GcWn Bantam is tiie sweetest it will not, be IOIKV nn'.ii si.iiiething' could easily move- around. It was plac-! sweet corn I have ever eatPii, and AM more ambitious will be undertaken. <xl out in tlio old orchaixl and a box forms the basis of all our planting. Al! Glut), chinch, >,,viul an.! school (< rop re parta for Ih, agru-u!iurai' was place,! in cne corner to furnish a One year I found thai by planting n papei-s, :inswei to prize conies'.s, let- warm b*<l. ' ri>w o f o ,|he.r late;- imd " larger coin ters to editors commending or criticix- Kvei-y mor-Wnir Ben wouki turn a near the Bantam the ears would be in tin- l-.on I nua! summer tronb ttiw box nests were the breeding r them. The hea'. from tha bodies tbe laying liens evidently .waa a coi.'rilniting factor. Frequent chung- liu of the nest. ing material would re- ii- the Mm bar of those |/csta, aiul e use of tobacco dust would keep n m under control. But I discovered l.iMtri way: I removed bho bottom letters* to the pig coul rel'fiious wecl.-ly. g*t f=ome (re*h roots, move the varieties and yet 1 could not see editor thjnks is worthy of p of flax^ood meal every other night, (li^appenr where the grass is ( the rimilation, for in a sense the: thrill that tliat litt'e 'slip ot paper growing rapiiliy. Hiiro spots, wbii'h' writes- of local items is a stockholder are due to the killing of the dande- in the paper. lions, should be reseeded to grass. Little novel features about the en- tertainments should be emphasized, \\ill never be forgotten, The memory of the first ohoq'ie I :M fresh ami yester.lay tlu:t for writing ','i.l t;s tlioutrh it wer To prevent crows from pulling up isther than null general statements! it came. 1 ism truly sorry I corn, put a Ublespoonful of turpentine' ils > "A very I in;? crowd was present,'' | cv.-hed the cheque, f:u- it would to into the planter box, iind stir iweh time ' "'' bonnls of tli- l.\ nests, and in their, the planter bi.s is filleil. jplaco tark.Ml .n itiatN'^: .ir (jalvaniz- harm the aeJ. klteJCeiWng exe^^:ise^ i worth far more than Us face value This will not Wl>rp ca.rii-! mil by the >vliool." It ' n* ,i souvenir of ih.rt i:aptiy hour i I ti> toll cf the crowd -rei. d have it r.ow. He began by feeding one teaspoon of be a further improvement, but it- "would to bn sure the other crop corn meal and or.e tablespoon of bran had pollen at the time as the in each feeding of milk, and lacmasadj Bantam or you mh/ht fail to g-et any the amount until he waa feeding a| corn al, all. A. If cup i t.ifni half cup of ihe corn meal artel a of bran a day at the end of two! \\\-'l sown, half grown; month?. This wns not increased until! ^ ( " ' hood, full toad. the first of September, when Bon made 1 '' a self- feeder and gave it all. of (ho " l ' c:l '- faH*. try :i small patch bran ainl, corn meal mixed that it', -unflowera for silagg,

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