Vol. 42, No. 50 Flesherton, Ont., May 25, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. FEVERSHAM A beautiful rain has fallen and crop " are coming along with a rush. If thi warm weather continues the fruit treei will be in full bloom by the 24th. Our grocery mun, George Julian, has left our village, having bought a genera store business in Duntroon. We wil miss the family from our village but wish them health hiid prosperity in their new home. Howard Me Kee of Toronto is visiting with his mother, Mrs Wm Davidson sr. H. Alexander, wife and son Ivan, and Mr Morria and Miss Henderson, motored over to Port McNicoll and spent the week end with VV Colquette and wife. Mrs Robert Alexander is visiting with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs Jauies Legate of Gibraltar spent a few days with her pirents, Mr and Mis J A Kernahan. We welcome Mr and Mrs Deadmar, late of Collingwoyu, who have moved to a farm near the village. Sorry to report James Conn very ill with bronchitis and pneumonia, but hope for a speedy recovery . Mrs riionus Stephens of Collingwood is visiting with her [daughter, Mrs Krn Hawton. Hugh McLean spent the week end in Chatswofth. Born On Monday, May 8th, to Mr and Mrs James Thompson, a daughter. Vandeleur Mr aud Mrs Amos Smith of Meaford visited over the week end with the lattor's piirunts Mr and Mrs S. Gilbert. Mr and Mrs Uobt Richardscn and sou, Harold, of Flesherton, spent a day w.th Mr and Mrs Geo. Pritchard. Mr ana Mrs Will Burrell of Sliifo were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs K. Genoa. Mr and Mrs S. H, Buchanan risked the latter's mother in Oweu Sound over the week end. Mr S. Uemphill (\ud two sons were callers at the home of Mr aud Mrs J. Waning the tirst of the week. Mrs Jane Richardson and Miss Clock huvu moved from Mr Buchanan's house and are now occupying the house beloug- ing to Mr Geo. Simmers on tho town line. Tho Epwoith League and Sunday scnoo) were ix> irgtinized on Tuesday evening of last week, and have commenc- ed their services fur the summer. Come to Flesherton on June 3rd. MA Y "Little beds of flowers. Little can* of paint Make homes bright and healthy Out of them that ain't." Now is the time to clean up aud paint up with Sherwin-Williams paint. A paint or varnish for every purpose will save the surface. S W. P. standard of quality, known by everyone, used by all who want superior paint. Cheap, poorly- made substitute products cannot give you the same satisfaction. Call or send and get some color cards. Frank Duncan Hardware PHONE 24rll - FLESHERTON KIMBERLEY Dun't forget the great celebration in Kimberley on June 3. See large bills for particulars. Mias Rachel Hutchiusou spent the week end at the parental huine. At -in- tim".:il business meeting uf the Ladies' Aid the fullowinif ufficers were elected : President, Mrs W T Ellis : 1st Vice Pres, Mrs J A Stuart ; Sec, Mrs A E .Mylr.- ; Treas, Mrs D Wullace. The May meeting of tho W I will be held iu the reading room of the Commu- uiiy ll.iil Thursday afternoon of tin- week. Ruv Veales m<t Elmer Ellis have eaeh purchased au auto. We tre nine miles from a doctor or shoemaker. This ought u> be a pood location for both. We have had mure than the usual amount of rain here recently. Seeding is pretty wall through und crops will !n\v ii i{0od start. Jasper Smart htta about tii.ished a iy laige cut of logs here in his sawmill. The Donley uteam mill about three miles 1'i.ui the valley starts this week. Fishermen are plentiful aud Huh scarce. They are like the Scotchman H potatoes, 't very often iu i hill. The n'sh arc not very often in the river. Ceylon Mrs Leslii* M utiii uf Toronto visited ler jpareuts, Mr mil Mi - Wilson Me- Malleu, the past week. Miss Maud Hemphill, who has been i -it in.; Toronto friends, returned hums i- 1 wtek. .Mi - K P Legate has returned from isitiug her brother in Toronto. Mrs Win White and little daughter, .. inn, spent the week end with Toronto riends. ' Juckson ot Toronto spent the -\ > k end with his wife here at D McLcod's. Mr and Mrs H McArthur, W J Cook, mi Mrs Will Greenwood of Uburdale pent the tfrst of the week at R Cook's. Mrs U Piper, Mrs Roy Pipe; mid utle son visited thu lirat of the week with friends at beaverdale. Mis Uauey of Southampton is visiting er pu-eutM, Mr and Mrs D McPbail. The Financial Strength Of The Church Few realize the importance of the i ui'-i il side of the modern cliurcn, mscd upuu the anuuul contributiuns not nly for the maintenance of the individ- il church, but tho gifts towards thu .iiissionary, philanthropic, medical und ducat ioiial work now widely carried on u both home and Foreign fields. Totalling the sums received by the 'rotustiint Churches for all purposes, tlie arge amount of 3-i<>,000,OUO is repotted. )f this substantial nun), the Prusbyter- an aud Methodist denominations contri- uted approximately 311,OGU,0(JU each, lie other churches contributing in equa' atio based on membership. AuolUer large tiuauuial tcLiil conies rom an estimate of tbe property valuo f tho same churches which may safely estimated at arounJ hundred millions, n- Presbyterian aud Methodittt Chuiches ccouutiug for sjvtmty millions of this. t may thus be seen that the tinauoe : le modern churches are an indication f their strength and importance. Ovet in tho city of the Greys tho local jllowers of Izauk Walton ura interesting letnselves iu forming protective orga- i/.itioii for speckled trout. In the Co. I Qrey it is claimed that the fitreama re becoming depleted, and soon, if othing ia done to ward off the pour jortsmou, there will bo nothing for the eal sportsman to live for. A plan U eing worked out and may be put before ie County Council in June Colling- iM.il Bulletin. PRICEVILLE Open all year. Enter now LLIOTT bnge and Charloa Streets, Toronto -Tho high grade business school Ontario. Our graduates are in trong demand. Prepare now and be ready to accept a good position in the I 1 ' ill. .Catalogue free. VV. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL During the past week weather con- ditions have been excellent. The warm, moist weathar has advanced Ihe meadows, mid pastures greatly, and the young grain ia making a good showing. Meetings will be held this week on Friday, in the Methodist and Piesby- terian churches here, and also iu the Stvinton Ptrk, Salem. and Beihel churches, for the purpose of tiying to form a local union of the two denomin- ations. The several persons who have been (tiling for mora or lose time are all gain- ing nicely in health. The Field Crop Competition in con- nection wilh the Agricultural Society hen- haa the appearance of being quite su:ceitf ul this year. The Fox Co. are anticipating a success- ful yetr in breeding and rearing of a large number of high class animals. Mr and Mrs R Cunkey ate getting ajttl-d in the appartinents in their brick block connected with the postottice. Farmers and the Wood Lot Primps the greatest objection made to owing for tho woudlot is the time it ttkes to produce Urge fixed timber. On the farm, however, there aro nnny uses for smwll an-1 medium sized forest pro- ducts and these take a comparatively shurt tune to produce. On iniuiy wood lots a thrifty young growth already i-xists that will not rn|uire many yearn before it ia fiutticitntly Urge '.-.> use. A litile attention will shorten coiihidenibly the timo n quired to province marketable material. The use of -null dimension mutt-ml is NteaoMy increasing since the bearuity of wood iu lurge dimension has forced the attention of manufacturers lo the use of built up wood. The war hs done much lo increase uur knowledge rogardiny the pcssibilitics in tho use of lamiim-ed products, of which thu airplane ia an example The use of wood in siniill aizes mukes it possible t-, market the products of the wood lot while the trees are c >mparatively young. --Bulletin No. (50, Director of Forestry, Tumnlo. Want Streams Restocked A special meeting uf the L:icl Hoard of Trad* WHH held on Tuesday afternoon ,,t which u .icbtmiu for the estiililishinent of t lish hatchery in Grey County was put forth. Tha aim is to completely r- took thu ditl'erent streams and wati-m in Qrey County. It in plauneil to seek the aid of the QjvetunuMit und :t'.tM the ;iid of tne County Coui'cd when it meets next month. A. Committee to doal with the mutter and cuimiuinic'ttu with otliei in- bWMSMJ I'll lit- in thn county \v:w ap- pointed. Thu cuiinniitei> CUIISIHIS ol the Following nimriHls, Messrs. M. D. Loinon, J. II. Christie, A. J. Front, \\ . (j. tiny, J. C. Telford, \V. U. Smith and K. D. Bouuull. Owen Sound Advertiser What To Expect Here Engineer Geo. M . Downey of Bruce Counly, is carrying nut tho instructions of the Provincial Highway* Department in making a propo&al to the land owners along the highway to donate a strip of la-id 10 feet wido to the Department, in order to increase the width of the road (B 8l feet. The Department in return will erect a unifoim wire fence iu front of etch owner's faun, i- a cost of $1-35 pvr roJ, so that the owner will receive $108 worth of fence for three- tifths of an acre i land. South of Harnston all of tho 'armers have signed up, auil in fact fully 30 per cent, of the owners of this div- sion havo accepted thu oiler uf the Uept. ii this matter. The sides of this roiul will bo levelled otf, and a row cf orn- amental shade trees planted. Thi* will greatly boautify tbe provincial highway. More Money For The Parliament Buildings Quo of the interesting facts brought out iu last Friday's discussion of public works ostimatoH wan tho new homo of 'anxda's Parliament will cost thocouutiy eleven and a half millions when It is completed. Hon. Dr. King coufidod to the members that, up tu tno oud of March 910,275,000 had beuu spent and "about" another million would be required to complete it. The House provided $700,- 000 to carry on. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Carl Waiker of Mitchell is visit- ing with her parent?, Mr aud Mrs Dive White. We vre pleased to see Mrs Thomas Fishei able to be out aeaiu after her recent illness. Will \.>.\vell of Durham has purchased the mill from P. Loucks and will get possession early in the fall. John Porteous s-pent a day with friends in Collingwood. We are pleased to report Ernie White improving nicely. Mrs James Park returned to her home io Owen Sound after spending a month wilh her daughter, Mrs Dick Clark, acd other friends heie. Mi UK! Mrs Ce^-il &Iimaghan visited ivcemly with the latti-i's parents here. I. Newell i Durham spent the week end with his brother Charles lu-re. Susie Chard in visiting with ho; Mater, Mrs (ieo Johiibton. Agitation Will Go On In summing up its report of tlui hjdro meeting at Durham last week tho Chn>ii- clo hus tins iu My: The meeting wo believe, will bit pu ductive uf good, as the determined attitude of the useis wil) have .-ouio nrluenco on the (JjmnmMon. Tho ex- jlanation given had some influence iu ill-lying I iiu existing dUratilfaotiuu, but : ow, wu believe, are fully reconcile I to existing .mini !!*, and tho agitation will go mi till uetttu terms are si-i-un d The concensus of opinion of thu uu-etiug was in favor of a uhatige by which useis, whether from fr or near tu the source of pnwur, should get tho current on e<)uul trrnis. They looked upon it us i:il i.i fur .in, miiiiii-ip-ility to ij i\ double jr treble as ::iucb as another for the ame acme.-, and further, it w is believed )y every delagutJ thai local commissions hould l|.iVt some measure -,r' control .in he 111 iiniti'inent of thtir oivn ,cv! i!luis A 111 inch trout weighing .nvr three wuuds was pulled out of the Suigeon en he Jndcuii., 13entinck, by it Mr. Schaus if Hanover. Yottvrday morning several West Esto men went up to (ho tiMiury foi sumo tish .ni to have i little outing. The fun boy hid far exueeded their s&pvctatioQB, t h.iviug breti tho good fortune of a lumbar uf ihon to witm-t-s iw bmles with sturgeon. Both ivero secured, mm ile thu iui*n were tithing tur shad. foe other sturgeon ai>ptared >!< n.: the Jed u ! the stream -.vhvii the youiig fol- ows bud put on their boots M .1 coata and wt-ro prop-ii i-ii; to coii'>> home 1 VVitlniut heHiution tln-y jumped into <he treniu and c iptured tho ti>li, which did not come uut without a big hubs One of them wuighcd 4H pound* nd thi- ther 35 pi unds Sht'biirne E. iiuniist. :OURT OF REVISION NOTICE la hereby given tlui the tiist meeting of the Court of Kevisi"ii of the sscssment of the township of .VitomeH-i vill lie held at the Town LI all, Klrtlier- i, on the third day of June. 11122, ommenciug at 1.30 o'clock p.m, <>f which all persons interested > required o Ul:o notice. W. .1. BELLAMY. Dated May 25, 1!'22 Clerk COURT OF REVISION NOTICE i.s honsl.y given ilmt Ihe lir LTUng (if the Court of Revision of the Villttiio i'f Fltalierton for 11122 will lo leld itt the Council Chamber on Monday, the fifth day of Juno, 11)22, at 7 30 p.m. Dated this 15th Juiif, 1022. W. .1. BELLAMY, Cleik. 42nd Successful Year Practical courses Expert ini>ti-uc- tion Individual instruction Employment department C. A. FLEMING, F.C.A , Principal since 1881 . O. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Choosing The Wedding Gift Often you find i: difficult to decide upon the iovelieat and most tasteful gift for just the amount you wish to spurd. We Pin h>lp yini soK'n this problem. Lustrout lasting Stirling silver, durable silver plate, rich cut glass. There are a thousand and one gift suggestions, all reasonably f ricad. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler - Optician Flesherton, - Ont. I Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* and ^mbalraers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . .Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance TIMOTHY NO. I and 2 RED CLOVER NO. 1 and 2 MAMMC FH CLOVER NO. I & 2 ALSlKEI'iO. I SWEET CLOVER white blossom No. 1 Good assortment of garden and field seeds Our Prices Right "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Secda. Groceries iir.d Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all fast colors ^Ui: per yd. Factory Cotton ilUe per van 1 Ladies' Vests 2Jc. Printed Voiles :J.)c per yard and up Organdy in all shades ;jf> Printed Organdy :j.5<;. and tip White Canvass *lu o.s -^2.90, weie *4 7.") Fleet Foot Shoes from .$1.00 up Men'.s Balbriggan underwear per garment 7.x. 1 . Peabody make Overalls -f2 25 Peabody -SinucUs ^'2.'2'> Heavy linoleum 12tt. $41)0 per yard Hinlii-,t pi-ices paid for I'rmluvt* W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON 1 Finder's Bread" Is a sign of quality! NONE BETTER Bread is your best food eat more of it A full line of Groceries, also Canned Got PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton i