KELLY THROWS HIS CRUTOffiS AWAY OLD TIME STRENGTH HAS RETURNED AND HE FEELS FINE. Can Do as Big a Day's Work as Any Man, Now, He De- clares Gives Tanlac Credit. is restortd me to perfect the best I can say for it not aa good as it deserves." said India's Advocate. The imprisonment of Mohandas Kar- amchand Gandhi, the arch-agitator of India, has put a stop to the activities of one of the m->t remarkable men of the Indian Empire. Gandhi was born in 1859. He stud- ied for the Bar, to which h was cai'.edi at Lincoln's Irr., London, and after a 1 short period of practice in Borr.bay he : went to South Africa, where he be-' came the leader of the Indians wo: wished to institute reforms. In 1900 the Zulu rpbeilion found him J iii a position of great strength and the: cause of endless trouble to the Govern- 1 mer.t. But during the rebellion he did" spien/iid work in organizing an ambu!- corps. ^k :r. India, Gandhi came to be re-j L a saint wkh supernatural; Wild Gee*e Flying North. Due north they go To the wastes of snow, Or where lone poiar waters flow On a flinty, ice-gripped strand; 1 High, high they sweep Through the cloudy deep. V.'bere iwlBgtu'8 mazy vapors creep Above a rain-swept land. To pilot's cry Their shapes nie by; A wavy chain across the sky. The speedy line recedes. The April night Enfolds their flight. But of courage high, hope infinite. The heart a lessor, reads. -^James P. McFadder.. 'hi r\l U I-' TRlll'Rl N A Unique Cloud Bank. Classified Advertisements I'l'll. Mllf IllVlULlnJ >-, .-.r,iA, ^irarunsnit r, . D A singular atmospheric phenomenon CAISE m\i DISTRESS ****** d.^ *. of south America u a bank or bar..} of cloud extending for two thousand Xearlv Alwavs Due to Thin, ''<. ** Ecuador to the centre of ChiH. and following the trend cf ths 22i Water? Blood. coast rar . ge O f bills. TS* cloud ba OaC teach yon. W llu.OO TO f4.M iiaf. B* Wrt; for tartkrolar*. v--i-*ai*er. PER DAT 'i>.lf is Lrrtwccr. tea and twenty nailes broad, floats at i.i elevation of between two tfrfinp**"* and three thousand feet and h&s a vertical usurkr.e* of net than one thousand feet. . ThLs curity-s phenomenon is a- - ed to the prevalence of cool loutherty and south-westerly w:r.-is blowing ob- liquely along-shore, and having -.heir 'pick PHls bave been moisture condensed Her Reason. Dr. had responded to a note E . v power. He gave a!! his money away to John Ivelly, an employee of the Fred poor ^ Hvri th<J -. ife a shc .. left at his door by a fanner, asking maker; but a-', the t : aie he wai p'.ot-'^^s to go as soon as possible to see ting the passive revolt again*: British his ttle boy, who had a "very bad rule, vs.-hi-.-h has at last led to his ar- : >M. Construction Company. raiding at 129 Bold St.. Hamilton. Oa. "Two years ago I had a severe case of pneumonia which left me in an aw- ful weakened condition, and a few weeks later I had ac attack of grippe. . My stomach got all out of order, and I ' could soureeiy eat enough to keep me ahve. For six weeks my legs were so weak I Just had to hobble around on crotches, and my baclc ana shoa!tlers hurt awfully. I couldn't stoop over without hurting so bad I thought my back Do cot think that because your stomach, is easily upset you are the vic-tim ot *<xn<? serious malady. One of the most common causes ot Ind1- geatior. is aca^mia. or tain, watery blood. In fact it ha* become general- ly recognized teat healthy act:*."" -- the s-toicach fe iinpcrtib!* unless the blood is rich and red. Dr. W'.i!;a found valuable In case-s ot indigestion, nerroas dy??.er^:a and stomach weak- just because they are a blood builder and nerve tonic. Tbe rich, red blood following their use not only KOKTqagE rom am. SECOND M'-KT'iAJK r. -K SAl-8 on farm n**T ?ir Join Et>n -i farm. twenty-one hundred dollars i: 71 Disc - Norman. East. Toronto. BELTING FOH SALE range just suffice-: . clouds wi-;:-..ut ra:r.. ^ -- Antarctic Iron Foundry Near Shackleton's Tomb. r._-. sull7. in!c^. te~ S!pp*d nst;ct It csrovl '-! tncM la Caaa- TORK BKLTISJ CO, il TORK 1TRE1T. TOHONTOL Test of Knowledge. Hyde Park Orator 'It's knowledge we -*-a.-.t! Ak tie a.-'.-li^e man when y&grta Chart* was K.--J .'. Er j e carr.': td.1 yer." "Don't y;u know your boy is com- . .... . 'u: drugs or opiates and am thus t ' be preferred to pre-po rations that Before be w-" of the pains in my shoulders. was constipated nearly alt the time. "Well, since taking Tanlac I know I it is a wonderful builder. U gave me | a whale of an appeiite after I had only j taker, one bottle, and instead of my /tne election. Every hou^e. with the food giving me Indigestion like it used ' exception of one, displayed this card: to. it got to agreeing with me per- " Thl ~ House Is Dry." The doctor took ore look at the eh'ld Gar.ihi is undoubtedly sincere. He'*<l '-urred to the mother. his country with a passionate devotion. He is an educated man, an i :r.g down with the measles the various outbreaks arw murders severely, which have markol his campaigns can-! not be laid at fcis uoor, for he has a'.- tk ? ways advocated passive resistance. .Meanwhile, airrcugh he is a menace l^rite me that he had a very bad cold? * . pj , u to British po^er ir. India, we car at asked tk * doctor. ^ ' ( The woman hesitated for a ir.oaer;:: then, locking at her husband, she said, with sullen frankness: "Neither him nor me X.-DW how to spell mal<as." * riee coior to tbe gives rigor to the muscles. Oae im- portant point to remember U tiat E Williams' Pink Piiis cocuiit to harm- would b.-tuk. I couldn't bring . hands together in front of me be- - ea - ;t resp ct hlm fcT his cwr *Z* and , ; sincerity. Minority Expression. Duricg the campaign for proliib'tlon a litt!e tcwjl t00 * a l^ely interest ia fectiy so that 1 always had plenty of strength aid e-nergy. I Q fact. I feel fcs well to-day as I ever did in my life, and can do ad good a day's work as any TanUc cau't be recommend- ed too highly." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. AdTt. ' K For days a!l eyes watched the wic- i!ows of that one house without any _ sign. At last this p'.scard appeared: j 1 ___ _ T __!_._ J..1 , NOTHING TO EQUAL BABY'S OWN TABLETS This House Leaks a Little." Good Luck! "My hro:her has b^ea in Africa for the last year, and ha* just cv>me home, you canruH have what you like, 1 He has be*n hunt!!?* timers " "How exciting. Dfd he have luckT" Rather! He never met any " try to like what you have. Minarti's Liniment fo r sale everywhere Surnames and Their Origin TARMICHAEL Racial Origin Welsh Source A locality. The ttmt of Carmiciuel \s one of those which is mor^ widely known. perhaps, than bort:. aad you may flad It Interesting from the fa*-t that oce eJemer.t from which !t to compounded to so obricus. and tl.e other so pui- iltag For. of course, the last two y '.!.>!''< in it are from the given name of M -!:ae! Since thi? given name, of Hebrew origi'... and Indicating "one who is like Qod." was a BlblK-.U naiue of the type likely to appeal to thp imagination of the *r!> Christians c-f N'orthern Eur- ope, whatever their roc*, it spread qukk.v vxi the hee'us of Christ iaaity Into Gemsany. Frantv. England. Scot- land. lr^:aml and \Va!t. It i tbe lir.t $>:';>!>'> of the family ntttno. however. tli;it '.dentine* it as a de> eloimiwit an'.oug the Cymric Co'.:.- that is. the \Vo'h G'nuice at a map of \^ Noto the number of placo u.;;i.os which bt-pit; wit'.-. Car" or Uito a family name Just as other place names have done. Mrs G<?crges Lefebvre. St Zeaoo. ! Que . wri;--s: "I do cot ri^r.k there Is j any other medicine to equal Ba*<7 s 1 Own Tablets for little one*. I hare used them for my baby and woa'.d us* nothing eise " What Mre LWebrre 1 says thousands of other mothers say. They have found by trial stat the Tab- I lets alwa.To ilo just what M claimed for them. Th^ Tablets ar* a nii'.4 bnt thorough laxative wh'.ch regu'.ate the bowels arul -wveten the stomach and thus banish :miist!oe. cocstipatioc. colds, colic, etc They are sold by medicine tiealtrs or by aaa at 25 cts. a box from The Dr Williams' Medi- cine Co. Brockr::'e. Or.t BUXTON Rac.a' O.-lgin English. Source A locality. There is no doubt a.- to the manner in which this family name originated. It was rtrt used in reference to the locality from whioh the original bear- ers had come, and this locality was the vi'.lagt? of Bust T. ir. Derbyshire. Eng- land The first uses of * % ich surnames, of course, wen? innocent of any inter.-, to make them hereditary family de?igu - tion< IVn -j-'.e of the community in Tvtuch a man lived would simply refer to him as "WiiHam de Buxton" or "Walter of S^aforth" siaip.r to dis- tinguish item from other Williams or Walter.*; for IcsUnca, from "Wilaam ftdfretevi ir. his ,:-.iir spoke the Innkeeper" and "Walter Carter' her. She kr.- what 'was (who manufactured carts V There might be in the *irae community a William of Buxton and a John of Bux- tou. It might happen that tre Bux- ton stu.'k to WM''s s\->cs ar.d not to thoo of John, who n;ipht come to merely 5t:rn" ate for a t.n>e. you begia worrying about your st^te of health, try :h? tor.ic trvil^-:-: c-i Dr \V...:i-5 Piik Vou will be surprised to see ptdly your appetite rev-r-i i--i your debilitated system reti-e* Misf Sarah F*rqub,3r. Nortii Brookaeid. X.S.. wto has proved ti<? v^: - .'. these piste ia cases of "tie . '"For a lorg time I was a i from indigestion, which s-wtned to car- : ry -*.th it a compiler xi*r i troiibies. Erery meal brought m:stry with it. as th* *a::ig was fc'.toweC by tl ". .: - f . --^J M roxfing. and at other times i" j..u-i.'..j".:on of g*s :hit caused severe pa'.p-itatsoc of '.i* heart and a smoirier'.iis ?ec*atkm The ivsu'.: *ia that ~y ger.eral ' was ?rr --'.; aSecCed and lb rier"..vL *cld t'.re n>? out. I had taken much medicine, but did not gee more than temporary relief until I began using Dr. WU'.a' Pink P'.'.ls. I took for i considerable time. with the reeult that I r.<-w enjoy every meal and as no '.otger d'j-t :*;*? i a- tftr eating I nad mys^'.f ai eve-- way I e^jcyiEs better hal:ii acd I cheer- M . recc-=:s:e2d these pilis to s;nu'.ar sufferers." Yoa can eet Dr W.Liaaw' Pink P...* through a::y dealer Ln aiedicin* or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Ji 5t) by writing Tfce Dr. ^ Meti-.c:ne Co.. Brocsv.:.*. Oat. The I = ^a- . f S< . rsr-ryj. wkere Sir Ernest S)a:kleioc r.a - is 2.000 mi'.ea from c:vi::za:;cr.: bat it is shortly to pr-x-*** a cozr though SB-.. \ . - - " . irr. A Br sk rlrm has depa;che-i - - ' ~- is* one of its speda' const:: --- - plants for mak ._ u ~-t re>y-!r^ : :n repairirg the machinery of w'r.-. vessels. Any Re,e-- .' s'r.jjs cir. &'.-: ,-e " - trquiptrent Mir.ard'i Linlmr.t Relieves - ; . -.h* cook. r-Lrdi m- :iM tie e^^i. DOG DISEASES tad 8c :a F*i ?^'i;:eJ FTM te *ar A3- :.-* cr -.a Aut.-;r H Clj a lore C;. Iii :. ^r<-. :t v '-: X*w Ye.-k. V S A, Sar.o/ M.Xab t'X/k. a j-.t;. :::kc: in a raffle for a pony acd *Ta? He woe it. Was he p'.eaied ?.: r. - ro-L :" -- Not a bit Wher the ?:r.y and trir brought to h:m he *arvey^-i ; -r.iiy. "I :ell ye. ' H* sA.-i. "the w'- a - - matter "- * :r.? whip?" - " - eioee* of -c:->.-t aa<l of di Huge British Range Finder. TTie iarpvs: r^r.gv r.rvler in the world is over ;wioe the ? : ie of any K .. _ . ... ^.-4 ot j-^* used durir. the war. ani haj been New Vacuum-Tube Amplifier constructed ir. England for use ;n Aid to Partially Deaf, coastal defense. It was designed by c .-:-.*. -..r.i'.-.e prc->rre^s ha the two original inventors of the range made in the development of te'.er- --.. finder that ha* Seer, in ose in the hearing * -or .he ?<ir:-il".y British navy for many year*, ar.d that but" the limit had apparer.-'y ACIDS IN STOMACH CAUSE INDIGESTION C-eate GJ*. Sourreas a^d Pa -. Hew to Treat. Med-.v-il i-jtr. -- - - - :*' = ly t:s^ - Nbi ' -'. : - trouble i-.j'-,<e*; . - < ">urr.:if ootVr-.t. >-- '- ~* i:.-es Tr.s ielu-at- .itej. as*- Don't Worry Aboot Your Complexion Tib Care of !t If you cai.e the Cuticura r e'.-?ry<ay : -:>; pre^aratx Dl (OB -.- '. hive ? - --- - -. -;._ _j hair and sof- rvt::e hands. ' -'? cicarse. O.-:n^r-t to heai. 1 _:-"*a to pcwd;r a^vi p^rf^r^. . M4 St. rwfc. V *tt~ _ %: t oor.s-.s-.s of a horizons: tube carried reached a'.or.g this KB* until on a central frame, which rotates vacuum-tab* ampl'ner wss ule on a_pe l ;eiUl. Th:s tube, '.he result of the efforts of consists with the worii ni-;u.t n 'fortress" , be known by their trades or in* 1 par- ticu'.ar {mrts of town in wtich they livoo Uuxton. as .1 place ..anu\ you tui^ht imagine to be a compound of the word "buck." referring to a deer. and. let u* say. "den." meaning a wwod^n en- vlosurv. History indicates, however, a different origin of the- name. The "bux" here is m.-re ftkin to our word "book." which comes from the old Saxon word indicates the beech tree. "Ton." of tow:-. or >.-: _ i i > .Vi.i in a to tho Saxon i "burph." the Genii?.:: "burgh ' .".'. .>i-o to '\\istle." Tfcc ii'...-v k:.oi. a- Carmichael wou'.d in imxleni Kr^'ieb have bcea calle>'. .'-lichael's Fort. :\nd it also must tave received its noii.e .-ubsequent to the ChristiAniiatioi; of the We'.*h. As a #urnnue. of i\".:vs^. :t at first IndiiMtod the phuo o: -o^i-ciu-e of the individual, or mor<- I; ko'y his fonner tohx't.' of :v*Wo".x\ v .(r.d It Bone Dry. She had marked the huslur.ess :rt -is voice for the past ten mir.utes. and th ner\<ous manner jr. wh>ch he -lumes to coming. "Clara." he sa-.i. and his thrva: seemed cry :'.rd parched. "wouKi y -.-. that i*. coit'J >v.: do you thir.k that you " "Go on. George." she murnurev'.. en- courasinstly. "I am listening." "Wou'd you er do you thir.k yo.: ccuki get me a crirk of water? I am as dry as * bone." many ir.ventors, consists pn-.mar:.y of a jnta'l electric bulb having within fomiauon of it a r.'ame-.:. a sr'.ral w:re called a jr.o. arxi a metaliic finite. ..! order r.ameii. SUCCEEDS WHEK DOS The first r*\l to be grvwn in MONEY ORDERS Ke~it by Dominion Express Money Order If '.o>t or stolen you get money back. . Mistaken Identity. As -i >:o.>n-.-.-r -AUJ e^vir.i: the hsr'.vr cf Athers a we'.l-ores^evi young ia.i> ..:.- t -. ; r apprcachso the captaic pc.r.tir^ to t're .i:s\i": >..'.;>, in- Qoirtd: What is that \v'-;:e fturT cr. the liqaid or the stonmoh < \. is the tr. >' - '' . ' - - for KOMMM '."".- thousands of p*<-.p'.e wbo e^j tr.ouls. with tx> England was planted in the gardens hti-. v-ar:a:r.T" of the Manor ot' Savoy. London, in the "Th.;: "is sr.c-w. ma--arr.. " re?'.'.?' the thineertth cei.tury. captain. -We".." remarke-.: the lajy. "I At the time of the Armistice 5.000 thought so myself, but a :-.t'.er.:sr. tons of salvage from the battlefields has just told me it was Greece." was being de.i!t with each week in' * e>*tab'i'*hn i e-t< " K-^'iovi ' n * he Olziy Future. ^_^^_^ Tho ~*w era thai -.s upo^ us will be COARSE SALT LAN D SALT Bulk Carets TOROMTO SALT WOnKS C. i. CLIFF TORONTO Mr. Jenkins Took a Cracked Club To Tame Lions The exhibition ended rather badly. It very nearly was a big day tor the lions and a sad day for Mr. Jenkins all for want of proper care in getting ready. Many a man who has business to do and a living to make and a job to till is as care- less how he feeds his body as Mr. Jenkins was in picking out a club. Some foods are too heavy, some are too starchy, many lack neces- sary elements and so starve the body and many load the system down with fermentation and auto- intoxication. Grape -Nuts helps build health and strength. It contains the full richness of wheat and malted bar- ley, including the vital mineral elements, without which the body cannot b* fully sustained. Grape- Nuts digests quickly and whole- somely. Served with cream or good milk, it is a complete food crisp and delicious. Grape-Nuts is just the food for those who care to meet life's situa- tions well prepared in health. Order Grape-Nuts from your grocer today. Try it with cream or milk for breakfast or lunch, or made into a delightful pv.dvi->\:; for dinner. Grape-Nuts the Body Builder "There'* a Reason" M.uie by Canadian Ws. >". Orvai C\v. Limited, Windsor. Ontario an following Incident is not fictioc; It is a propheoT. A your.* raan ot A.P. 1?50 was gir- i leg h.Ls <nrl ail airing, #o 10 spe^k. ia : a swift ;\;-.o -.-ower:'.:! i.iVW h.p. aer\> | "That's Er.jirtan'.t e'rv a; . -,." he ^:i>i T'.-.oy tlTil : .V.istrHiia. Brit!*'.; !>><. you KDV--W. Prwty '.'.trf* croup th*y tuak^, don't they*" "I Uoc': *o^ ihoca."" sahl rio - - . ly. ' \Wiv an? tboyT* "Oh." sai*i rhe your.? nifus. nd > - . toth* tho- well w-.t!- will r*;:- without * tni Acilsc , . In hot MIX \ - M ; > - . r.-: ^.; ":1! '. Lydia t Pinkta?-.'* VegeUbie COE- poaad Often Bo^s That. Read Mrs, Miner's Testicogy .;: . N. Y. "I wa- ^*rths for crer five ; irs for .-.iche s" : had no c:r.e. *.'ce, day a --. ..;:.L-.T to!d TO* .- Vegeta- ble CVtr.rousd ir.d I took it. I- hoipednsa so r-. '-. . .- l wish to ac-. .-e r. 1 womea ttr> '.Fiak- <-" : :.T fe- - r< and r It is greet b!p in carry-..- : i? 1 hiv coucec i <:. I r> \. - r.'t take ::. 1 t;;ri . _ : . cine and it I ever c::-e to this ] ..- jj 1 do not wart to '.e -^ -- i v lc Cora- re ur.i 1 fi.'e y-u r<--r- -- a to] thi^ 1-etter *o Uat . err ao.;.-e. " Mrs. T" " . ~is. Box 1 .. QumboKO, N. Y l:'s ihe &a~e t.- ever again. ' - J-T-T .':. . ~ ; . years. Ibey try c^v:.-:s t.r -. tni .'Ines. tut :et?l no be ::.-. F.-.i .-;7 _-:- Lydia E. F - '. - Ccrspound ar.d y j .--seeitj-. - .a tie case cf Mri M That 's the truthct -. r^i-. - Ifvoa sre surTer-.r.g froci ^ :-.;.- cf t. -i vvyrcen h; - ;. ; loupittotxyt ^~ kine. It can K t,\:-v^ -f: ". su>:"y bj - < or Cvi as ii cvzusij :-.o btfauu] , Considerate'. Mi<:e*s (rvv-rvv.y.jrly 1 *: "Brxis breakfast is \vr\- ':r.e this n'.or--::-^ I uotioxsl last rsi^rht that you had com-' pny in the kitchen, and it was r.ear- !y :wt'\.' >'.-'o\'x %\'~.i-r. you wort to NM." Brivigi-:: "It was. iv.*'m. I kr.ew yvu was swako. for I h<Nrv! ye movin' about : ar.' I saM to mese'it' ye'd :-.e<f\i *Wp this morrtin'. an' I wouxin't .::*- turb ye wxl an OMir'.y breakfast Mah.o^avy co rot rv.-h thoir . full height until they arv two - r\irevl cl.i. mo*t by men' The world is j who do the things, and not by those' i who merely talk about them. . WicJow-buminjf, now virtually ex- tir.vt in India, is *a:d -.o exist stiJl in parts of Africa; w:\iows were immo- 1; tv. . -. the husband's funeral pyre s a sjjrn of virtue, and also t. provide the 5evl nva;\ \vith atterviar.ts in the cost wvrM. WARNING! S.i> "Bawr" vvr.^n \ou buy Aspirin. Unless you see the n.inie "B.iyer" on r.iK.ets, you are not getting Aspirin .u all. Why t.ikc chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of -Raver T.-bieis of Aspirin." which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during :: years and proved s;;e Colds Headache Toothache Neuralgia Earache Lumbago by milliors for Rheumatism Neuritis Pain. Pain ISSUE No. IT "22. Handy Asplrtn c*(l ir.m wtil " boxes of 12 t*blt Also lx'ttl of 24 and U trJ of <i: