WHAT DOES YOUR MIRRORREVEAL? Does it Tell You That Your Blood is Thin and Watery? When a growing girl becomes pale, complains of exhaustiou. dizzy spells, headache and stomach trouble, she K'hould know that these things are evi- dences of anaemia or hlcodlessTiasH. A glance in the mirror will tell the story. There is immediate need for a tcnic, a system builder that will com-, pletely restore the misMng qualities to the blood that every part of the body will share in the bpnefit. A good example of th re-sult of wise treatment in cases of this kind !s given by Mrs. Gcorgo R. Smith, of Queensport, N.S.. who says: "I can- not praise Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills too highly for what they hava done for ray three daughters. My eldest daughter, Kfina. at the age of 14, became run down, and I got her three boxes of the pills, and by the time she had taken them sfcc was in good health, and is now a healthy married woman. My second daughter, Martha, at the age of 16, was awfully run down and pale. In fact she had always been a delicate child, but gradually became worse. At last she could not go up- stairs without having to sit down and real, and could not even do any kind of light work without being greatly fatigued. Finally I gave her Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, am) after taking them we found they did her more good than all the other medicine sine had taken, and she is now in good health. Then my younger daughter, Greta, now 15, became so run down that she tad to stop going to school. But after taking eight boxes of the pills she is now a big, healthy girt. I feel that after what Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla *ave done In my home there can be no doubt of tteir value, and I hope some- one else will benefit frvm our experi- snce." You can get these pills through any dealer iu medicine or by mall post- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BroekvUUe, Ont. Surnames and Their Origin MacKINLEY Variations Mackinlay. Macinally, Maclnally, MacNally, MacGinley. Racial Origin Scottish and lrih. Source A given name. The origin of these family uamea is more or less cx^nfused, concerning the clan.s from which the various forms come, so that the following explana- tion must be accepted as general, and allowances made for Bbe fact that there are numerous individual excep- tions. For the most part, then, these names are founded on the Gaelic given name of "iTindia" or "Fionniadh." which ban given rise to the Scottish family names of Flndlay, Flnlay. Finley, Fin- layson, and the like. In fact, Mackinlay is but another form of "MacFinlay" (which spelling is not to be met with, tne Gaelic form being "MacFhionnlaigfa.".! Such forms as Macklnley, Mackin- lay and Macinally are to be found mostly among descendants of Che Clan Buchanan, but there was also a small sept of this name in the Clan MacFar- lane. Sometimes, too. these names are changed spellings of "Mac-an- Leight," an entirely different name, which is found principally among the Stewarts of Appin. But Ulils name should more properly be rendered in English by MacLay or MacLeay. The forms MacGinley and MacNally (occasionally) are also derivatives of the foregoing Scottish sept names transplanted into Ireland in many cases, though there are other chan- nels through which similar namea have been developed in Ireland. DRUMMOND Racial Origin Scottish. Source A locality. Ask the average person the nation- ality of the family name of Drummond and he is likely to opine that it is Eng- lish. Tho Scot knows better, as does anybody familiar wiih tine names of tho principal .Highland clans. Still, if you want to be unusually particular, and trace the name back to its real origin, when it was first used as a descriptive surname, you'll find that it is neither English iior Scottisli, but Hungarian. "Dryman" was tle'funn in which it was brought into England from Hun- gary prior to the advent of the Nor- inaus to that island. Do you wonder what Hungarians were doing in Ang!o-S;ixon England? Royal marriage has established the connection between the two countries. The mother of Edgar Atheling, the fu- gitive Anglo-Saxon successor to the English Crown at the time of the Nor- nuin invasion, was Agatha, daughter of the King of Hungary. With Edgar In his flight to Scotland ajid the court of King Malcolm III. Malcolm Ceami- Morl went one "Maurice do Drymen." a Hungarian nobleman. De Dryman won favor with the Scottish monarch and received from him grants of land in the Highlands. From his first fol- lowers there wae formed tie clan which bears the name of a place in Hungary under the changed spelling of Drummond. This c!an played a pro- minent part in the battle of Bannock- burn under Robert the Bruce, and in the rebellions of '"15" and '"45." losing their lands and their chiefs, who fled to France until the restoration of the righU of the Scottish noble*. 81 Tf , FROM HERE STUB!! Birds Rob Chickens. Any observant person may notice that sparrows are no long<-r numerous In the streets of our cities. It U be- cause food is lucking. The sparrows, thus driven from their urban haunts, hav sought to pit- k up a living in the suburbs and outlying farming dis- tricts. They have become a very seri- ous nuiasnce to poultry raisers, es- pecially in winter, when they Invade chicken yards in Ooclu, and even make themselves at home in poultry housftj. devouring the feed provided for the fowls. It is IM trilling matter, for tifty spar- rows win eat a quart at grain per day and will spoil three times as much as they consume But the clitef trouble is that they spread dlswfl, particular- ly the dreaded chiukeii'pox. Poultry keepers tlnd themselves obliged to make their chicken houses sparruw-proot" with wire net. Many o them have resorted to systematic trap- ping. Sparrows are easily trapped and ra:i be skinned with a mere twist of the lingers. Thus dealt with, and with the wings ami leg* pulled off. they make, wlien boiled, mcst excel- lent froil for chickont. A Doll That Swims. Altogether a novelty is a swimming doll which owes Its Invention to an Illinois man. It can dive, and cut all sorts of capers in the water. In the body of the manikin (which ; Is made of wood) is a hollow cham- ber that extends up into the heed. ; Similar chambers are provided in the : upper arms, the forearms*, the thighs , and the lower limbs. In these cavities small quantities of lead shot are placed. The arms are pivoted at the shoul- ' ders and elbows; the legs likewise at the hips and knees. Thus the doll Is jointed, ami the limbs may be made to assume any position desired. They have, however, a frtdional grip suf- 1 ficte&t to liold the joints fixed when , set. If the manikin la to dive, the arms and legs are adjusted suitable for that action. Then, when it U plunged Into water the shot In the body-and'head chambor gravitate to [ the upper end thereof, and it sinks ! head foremost until, as it assumes the i horizontal, the head r i - - ; the shot presently falling into the lower part of the body cavity ajid causing the doll j to ascend on a slant to the surface like ' UHTEtt HARD <N BAliY The winter season is a hard one on the baby. He ia more or less confined to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It Is 30 often stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. He catches colds which rack his little Bye-tern ; his stomach and bowels get out of order aad he becomes peevlsfc and cross. To guard .against this the mother should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. They regulate the stomach and bowels, and break up colds. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockvllle, Ont. Blockhead. Sergeant "Now. then, don't you know how to hold a rifle?" Recruit "I've run a splinter in my finger." Sergeant (exasperated) "Oh, you 'ave, 'ave you? Been scratchln' your 'ead, I suppose!" a real diver. * Marvels of the Tongue. When we speak of the "sense of taste" we think at once of the tongue, for here is the seat of th; principal nerves of tivte. transmitting the sen- sation which we call "taste"' directly to the brain aud registering an impres- sion there precisely aj< scund or pain Minard s Liniment for Coughs and Colds Planes Hunt Fish. The airplane service c-f the I'nitcd States Fisheries Bureau has proved especially useful to locating, for the benefit of fishermen, the menhaden, which travel about in s<-hcds number- Ing millions at the surface of the sea, their presence being indicated by a widespread rippling. Menhaden are not gocd to eat. but their oil has high commercial value, and. after It has been pressed out. the residue, makes an excellent fertilizer. During the last year the production t-f menhaden oil In the United States was n.67(j,45.'; gallons. Thu; wa.s more than the out- put of whale oi:!, which was 3.073.574 gallons. The production of herring oil was 380,379 callous, aad of cod-liver oil 196,108 Ra'l'ons. Other oils of ma- rine origin, including that derived from E-hnrks-' livers (coinmcoly sold as cod-liver oH). totalled t.MO.323 gal- loon Unreasonable. Angry Customer -"See lie re. you overcharged me for tht suit and it wwn full of ninths." Tailor -"What do jeu expect for fifteen dollars. Humming birds?" A Love Feast. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is. than. ;i stalled ox and hatred therewith. The first key whioh opens the door of success i<s the trading insriix-t. the knowledge and sense of the ren.I vaLe of any artdcle. The aimua! vo;:ort cf tlu> Chief In- spector of Stook of Western Aii'traliu shows that tlu'tv are no fewer Uuui 5,995 camels in thai sis-tim of "the Coni'm o n,wea ' t h . Tlrink thi r\er. Tht (liwu War' fawted from Aujrust. 1914, to Noveni-i br, 1918. The eniraated cost (not in-' cQuding los* cf property) was $18(5.- 000,000,000. A tstn.t of U'.iUlO.OOO iren ' wwre killed ai>! j!0,300,000 mn vvcu- woundexl. And still yo:nc men refiv- bo bdievc in li'ii'triti-'M cf Grazing on Dominion Forest Reserves About one hundred thousand hid of stock cxittlo. horses and sheep - graze every season on the Dominion forPB-t reserves in Western Canada. Thi* grazing keeps down the lire luiz- ard and at the same time is of great value to the fanners and numbers in th* vicinity of tho reserves. But. in order to be apparent, the ob- ject tasted must be at l.vjst partially dissolved, fitlir-r in water cr in the na- tural fluid -saliva sesreted by the glands of the mouth, for even sub- stances with marked t.'tstes, such as salt or quinine, will not make the "tast- 1 impression" upon the bnttu un- less applied in the form of .soluticn to the nerves of the tongue or throat. These nerves are not regularly dfstrl- 1 buted through the mouth, but are closer togother at the tip of the tongue and at the back than they an? at the centre and the sides. The dioVrenc* in tastes noticeable in different kinds of mb.-:tances Is duo to the effect which tihs8 solutions have upon the brain cells which con- trol ott.r nerve-reacticus. juntas sounds Luave varying Intensities and the nerves ot' fooling indicate different de- grea- of piiin iir pleasure. MONEY ORDERS. 1'ay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. A Great Feat. Robert "Mother, was Robinson Crusoe an acrobat?" Mother "I don't know. Why?" Robert- "Well, thin book says that after he had flnuJied his day '3 work he sat down on his ches-t." Quite True. "I see that Marconi has invented a device by which you can see through brick walls." "Somebody invented that long ago." "Who was it?" "The. nwn who first thought of pul- ing windows in 'em." Unique. "The way to run this country," said Know-Stall, "is to put thoroughly wise, capable, alert and hcnes-t men In con- trol of affairs." "Yes." answered Miss Keen, "but what are wo to do there is only one of you?" Still Missing. Johnny "Say, paw, I can't get these 'rlthmetic examples. Teacher said somethin' 'bout linclin' the great com- mon divisor." Paw (in disgust) "Great Scott! Haven't they found that thing yet? Why, they were huntin' for ic when I was a boy." A Guess. A leading citizen of an Ohio town wsis stricken wil.h appendicitis and an j operation was deemed necessary. The editor of the lor-,u! paper, a p?ssimis- ; tic sort, heard cf this and priatfHl thus "persona!" about it: "Our esteemed fellow citizen. Rufus O. Get.hem, will enter the hospital to- morrow to be operated upon for the removal of his appendix by Dr. Smith- ers. He will leave a wife and two children." Her Good Idea. A little girl in a poor family has to wash a great many dishes. Someone began sympathizing with her one day, remarking what "drudgery" it must be. "No," she replied. "It's great fun. I have given each dish a nume. and they are all my children tny dolLs. I talk to them while 1 am washing them and drying them. I pretend that I am dressing them. I like to have them all nice anj clean. And I'm sure they like me for locking after them so well. It's lota of fun." The man who is not afraid of failure wldom has tt> face it. Mother! Move Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Hurry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never falls to open the bowels. A teaspoonful to-day may ' prevent a sick child to-morrow. If constipated, bilious, feverish, fretful. ' has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour, ! tongue coated, breath bad. remember ; a good cleansing of the little bowela : Is often all that is necessary Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup" which has direc- tions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup, Spanish Flu Claim:- Many Victims in Canada and should be Guarded Against Minard's Liniment Is a Great Preveutatlve, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard's Liniment has relieved thousands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Asthma and similar diseases It Is an Enemy to (ierma. Thousands of bottles being used every" day. For sale by all druggists and general dealers. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. MRS. CLARE WILSON GAINED 20 POUNDS NEIGHBORS ARE AMAZ- ED BY HER WONDER- FUL RECOVERY. Classified Advertiaeme"* EAHN J10.00 TO oO.O<> PER DAY vulcanizing. Be Independent; wo i. ... h you. Write far particular!). liirt Instructor, Canada Vulcanlser, London, ont. F- t.nipj.Hwa Fall*. Wl8. *ARM WANTEIX tlun and yrlc. SEND DE3l.'RU>- John J. black. f\ A.N'ADIAjf MATRIMONIAL i'Af'EH. \j 2on. No other fee. A. McCrcery. i Cnutham. Ont BELTING FOR BALE Many Friends of Tankville Resident Are Taking Tanlac After Seeing What it Did For Her. "My recovery by taking Tanlac was so remarkable that my neighbors ware all amazed aad many of them s-tarted . taking it." said Mrs. Clare Wilson, j Tankvilk'. West Co., N.B. "My health began t<> fai.) five years ago and I grew gradually worse right , along. To make bad ;>ia-t.~rs worse I was stricken with iiitlueii/ta and that , left me in a truly doplcrabie condition, j "It was certainly a lucky day for me , whf n my husband persuaded me to , try Taiilac. and it was no easy task, : either, for I was so thoroughly dis- couraged that I didn't believe any- thing could help me. I am like a dif- ferent person in every way, my diges- tion U perfect. I have gained twonty pounds in weight aud I am in the best of health aad spirits now." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. A<ivt. ALL KINDS Off J.EW AND USBO r*lUn pulley*. a-.vs, cable. hose packing, tic., shipped -ur.i.'"' to approval at lowei prices In Canada. YORK HELTIN'} CO. ;;6 YORK. 8TREBT, TORONTO. Pioneer Doff Stni<1!- DOG DISEASES anj How to Fsed Mailed Free to any Ad- Iress by the Author H. Cls.v QlOTCr Co., Inc. New York. C.S..V Character ;s w-hat you are; repu- tation is what you try to make peuole think you are. Mather Seigei'i Syrup ho* proved t-ffectivo in permanently baniahing i digeative troubles even j when they have been oftonffitanding. If you suffer, put it to thu tct .liter your next meal. &-, COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlote TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO Cuticura Complexions Are Usually Healthy The daily use of the Soap prevents clogging arid irritation of the poris, the usual cause of pimples and blackheads, while the Ointment soothes and heala. Cuticura Talcum ia delicate, delightful, distingue'. SoipZk. ObtnMCS.ndSOc. T.IcraZSc. Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadia Depot: LylB.M. Lusted. 344 St. Pll Jl.. W . M.rtr-.l. ticurft Soap shave* witJtout muv. WOMAN TAKES EVERY CHANCE To Recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, for It Helped Her So Much Frcderlcton, N. B. "I was weak and had some troubles women often have, and usually I was unfit for my work. I saw your advertisements and decided to try Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. I am very much pleased with th? result and recommend your Vegetable Com- pound whenever I have a chance. You may use this letter for the bene- fit of others." MBS. \VANW rt-:;. 360 Church St., Frederlcton, X. H. Mrs. Wandless. like many, many other women who have found relief by taking Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, is anxious to let other women know of this splendid medicine. So by word of mouth and by letter, one woman to another, its virtues are made known. Women suffering from female ail- 1 ments, indicated by such sv.iiptoms | as backache, nervous troubles, hot < flashes, pain in the side an<l a gen- 1 enil rim-down condition of tho whole system, should take Lydla i. Plnk- ' ham's Vegetable Compound. For nearly fifty years It !ia.; been helping women. Let It help you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Text-Bo"k upoa "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Writ* to Lydla E. Pinkham Medicine Co, Lynn. Mass. For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative in the empty your bowels completely by world to physic your liver and bowels morning, and you will feel splendid, when you have Dizzy Headache. Colds They work while J '" i'ep." Cas- Biliousness. Indigestion, or Upset, < a ts r "* y , U " P " r gripe llk * ! Salts. Pllla, Calomel, or Oil and they Acid Stomach is candy-like "Cas- cost . only ten cents a box. Children carets.' One or two to-night will love Cascarets too. Pensions are being paiil to three! and a half million men, women, and children by the British Ministry oX Pci:sicn<. Th* Cliris.tiaTi indeed is avowed to rejoice where other men rejcrce; but 1 he is also bound t-j rejoice where ' others cannot. I^eroy M. Vernon. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out: Thickens, Beautifies. USE SLOAN'S TO EASE LAME BACKS Y'OIT can't d y 0ur (^ 3t whj>n your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with- ut rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. Cioad for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprairtfand strains, aches and paiiis, sciatira, sore muscles, stiff joints and the after effects of weather exposure. For forty year* pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. Keep Sloan's handy. At all drug K ists--35c, 70c, $1.40. ^M _^ Made In Canada. SlpartS Lmiment(pj) PILES Don't suffer with this com- plaint any longer. Write and I will tell you FREE how 1 rid myself o.t' Pites by an okl family reiredy. after yerrs of suffering. :uls liuyi a at any dtug store \t:c: line applied- (ion jon cm not (in. u particle ot (iaaduiir ot ,t fi'i!. IK,., itcs.de*. Box 30WL Yarmouth. N.S. even I;.: sti. w * i.ew Minard's Liniment prs ,lsi>p*rmh Flu biilil:te<?. uio.e color an ,igor W. F. ALLEN ISSUE No. 922 WARNING! Always say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances: Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" j.\ickaye which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Pain! Pain iy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet* -Also botil,- of 24 and 100- All . Asiilrin in dip truilr mark i registered In Canada . of Wyer K, -_ ,,f Monoactlci:Wster of SIlcyl!rci.t WM!e It I well known thit A.pIMn moan. l-..yr inanntectur*. to .!.; ,! imitations, tb. Tihl.tV o t Bav-r i'omp ivht U nampcd ltii isii/lr jcncral iraU mark, tho 8yr frow."