February 16 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE WE SELL i. '*>. FARM fM ELEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLBMENT AGENT. FLESHBRfON, Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you arc proof against it. Ash us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection* S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. i I Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship ami style. Clotliing niu<'c to orle. Serges, Worsteds and 'JVesds on haud also a good lino of Men's and Boys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All.'at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing H. ALEXANDER * Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario *-.^*'..--*^.. Flesherton Tin Shop ~~~~~- I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your nuppies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of a kin Is promptly attended to. Pipaflttiag, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for. Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRI5TOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j ONTARIO. BOAR for SERVICE | Boar For Service Purelwd Tivjn worth Bou for oervice OH lot IflJ-. 8 W T ftOfl S B., ArlenmH.a.. Xetmi 11.60. Sows not returned will W ohri?d Mm* M Uiow la ptf. Feblfi -T. J.STIN80N, Prop Pure bred Uegmterea Yorkshire Boar lor aavlw MajcwBfl Jack 69909 on 1W, 9k W. T. A S. R., Artemeiia. IU.8Q. Sown not returned will tie * Mtno M those in pig. 10,4,19 T. J. STINSON SELLING FARM PRODUCE Standardization Is Necessary for the Best Results. (traded Fruits or Vegetables Attract U hilt- Mixed i.i..;!. K.-p.-l The Kntlsttotl CiiMsMincr Will i mm- Again Quality I'ays. (Contributed by Ontario Depnrtment ol Agriculture, Toronto.) Will th"e consumer pay for Quality? Yi s, and liberally If he understands what standardization means. Criti- cism is frequently directed at the farmer producer for the lack, of attention given to grading and pack- ing of the product of his farm. Fruits in different stages of rlpenosn, differ- ent sizes, shapes and colors are fre- quently seen in the same package. Chickens of various breeds,, sizes, types and degree of plumpness are jumbled together in the same crate and form a marked contrast when placed beside a crate containing birds of the same sex, size, plumpness and color. To the well ordered mind uni- formity always appeals, while mix- tures and jumbles repel as so much junk. If a child goes into a candy store it will soon learn that mix- tures arc sold at a lower figure than standard confections. And so it goes through life a mental attitude is developed by the great majority of coiiMiiuers to regard those products that are not .standardized us being less attractive and having a lower value. The percentage of particular consumers has increased much fast- ter than the percentage of agricul- tural producers who standardize their products. In the old days the wormy apple, the misshapen potato and the old hen may not have lost their attractiveness, but times have changed, more people have more money to spend on foods than ever before. With the increase of the family Income or wealth during the past twenty years the attitude of the Vounger generation towards the foods that they eat has changed very considerably. If we refer to the good old days when oatmeal was the Standard breakfast food and citrus fruits were only seen at Christmas time, we will realize what present day attitude toward quality in food- stuffs means when compared with the past. With this advance in tastes for foods which may be largely flavor and of little value when considered from the standpoint of nourishment, the demands for foods that appeal to the eye and to the sense of taste have increased very greatly during the past live years. , People Will I'ay for Quality. Standardization of food products vill put the rosy cheeked, clean, uni- form, Bound apples in one basket and It will put the wormy, scabby, mis- Bliapen product in another. People arc willing to pay for quality pro- viding they have a guarantee that they will be handed a quality pro- duct in exchange for their money, flow many householders have had I the all too frequent experience of I , ; i in:- one-third of their purchase in I the garbage can? Inferior materials j lihould be directed Into channels I wluve they would be used to the best advantage instead of being a mill- stone or dead weisht in occupying space, increasing carrying costs in transportation and reducing tne at- tractiveness of the superior portion of the commodity. In seasons of food shortage mixed and lower grades of food products will usually sell and show a margin of prollt, but whi-ii food products are abundant the more attractive grades sell most readily and create a want for morn high-clans produce, which demand frequently must be tilled from the lower grade. This substi- tution of a low grade for :; high or standard product kills the incentive to buy. Stung once, the particular purchaser consumer will hesitate to buy. They look, but do not buy. (trading lleut for IVi islmlilc Foods. The amount of perishable food In the fruit, vegetable and poultry pro- duct classes that is now consumed, while very large, is not H great as It would be under standardization. KxperlfiircH with mixed grades, poor quality and poor packing leave an impression on the mind of the aver- iiKt- purchaser that will take Home time to erase. When the perishable food product of Ontario is standard- ized anil marketed in a way that will command the confidence of the con- suming public an Increased demand Is hound to follow. The Satisfied r<>n .I.IIKT IN ail \-.-,. i. If all the food produce offered for sale could he standardized and mar- keted In such a way as to develop the market for future crops much benefit would result. Satisfied con- sumers of this year's product will look to the same source again next year. Consumers know or should know what they want, and If given a standardized packet of food pro- duct in exchange for their money will, if suited, go on patronizing standard products. Salesmanship has been too frequently used to sell a consumer something that he did not want, material sold with the one Idea of getting rid of It and no thought of the future. If the farm end of the food pro- ducts Industry Is to develop to the fullness It merits, all produce grown for sale will have to be marketed through co-oporatl-ve marketing or- ganizations, ^tajidard, honesty pre- pared, packed and delivered produce is the only course to pursue In de- veloping a worthwhile market for form produce In our Canadian cities or abroad. Any food producing com- munity that is without a co-operative marketing organization should con- sider the establishment of such. Those districts that have such should consider expansion by amalgamating with similar organizations. Stan- dardized products, common honesty, any industry will make for success in producing and disposing of farm products. L. Stevenson. Secretary, Deoartuient of Asrlculture, Toronto. Small Ads. Try Fevemhkm Put ry Flour, (he best 1 1 r your oook. All Oaivrio wheat For Sale A few tons of good hy Herb. Corbctt, Proton, Cloverdale Farm ;.:;.>..:#: FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTHY THE BREAD PURPOSE. WITH A Chopping (li.nu on Tuagday, Thursday and Saturday Qr)tam Bros. KugenU Honey For Sale Clover honey at , reduced price G. \V . Graham, Eugenia. I Good comfortable house and stable to i rent, near town. Applt at this office. For sale A <juantity of flax seed f 2. 50 per tmshel. Peter Muir. Ceylon. Stable for sale or rent in town Apply to Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. Hay for fle Alv ut ten tons and a few loads nf straw W Johnston. Proton Sta'ion P.O. Six building lots in Flesherton t r sale on Toronto street, finest location in town Apply to B. Welton, Flesherton Cxpected to arrive thli week, one car of corn and a car of Mo. 2 C. W. ote W. C. White, Ceylon. Lin.e 2, ring 3,3 Registered Oxford Down Sheep for sale or exchange for other stock John Parker, proton Station P.O. For Sale Frame house and lot for sale n Flenherton. Apply to W. Sanderson at the Munshiiw 1 ! :-> Yes, our Pure Food Bread has a worthy purpose It brings health and strength and a meal time satisfaction to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loat forms the habit. Bread is your best food eat more of it. PHONE 3 FRED FINDER, Flesherton For Sale Birds pure wool Mackinawi In black, brown and prey, alto knit stockings. H Alexander, Feveroham. Fur Sale orient The old egg factory in Flesherton, on c i- y terms. Apply tn U. J. Sproule, Fiesherton. For Sale Dominion Organ, 6 octave*, in first clam condition, price reasonable W. A. Hawken's Music Store, Flesh- ertcn. Carefully Corrected Eaoli Week Barley 70 to 70 Peas 1 25 to 1 25 ! BoeCwheat 080 to 080! Potatoes 1 30 to 1 30 | Apples 4 00 to 4 00 | Bntter . . 22 to 24 i F,(!6s 40 -,o 40 ' Winter Wheat "f 1 05 to 1 Od ' Spring \\ het 1 00 to 1 00 Oita ..: 46 to 45: FlesHerton <T- Tonsorial V- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction ! LAUNDRY Basket dose) Monday nit(ht, delivery Fnuy ev CLEANING and DYEING- We r agents for Parker's Dy Works Clothes leaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR Notice of Registration Of By-Law Notice is hereby x' v en that a Bylaw was passed by the Council of the Town- ship of Artemesia on the loth day of December, 1921, providiri for the issue of debentures to the amount of $10UO tor the | uipo.se of paying the balance due by the Police Village of Priced!!* in installing the Bydro Electric system it* the said Police Village, and that, such i:\-U* was registered in the Registry OfHce for tha kogisi ration Division of the S-iuth Riding of the County of Giey, on the seventh day af January, 1922, as No. 135. Any notice to quash or set aside the laid Bylaw mutt be made within three weeks ot the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 12tb day of January, 1922 W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Bull For Service Pure bred Durham bull. No 140013 fuc service on lot 162. S W T & S R, Arte- media' IVn - 9~ for tirade*. $5 for thorou B hbreas. 0. AKISS, Prop mayl BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES AGENCY' Manufacturer of high class Flavorings want* local a^ent. Mu>t have lien of references. No capita required. Splendid opportunity f.ir lady ' or man of ability. Write B.n 240.", I Montreal. OKINCK AKTHL'K LODGE. No. x. [ i A U, lueeta io tht Utaonicball. Arm . i TODR'I Block Fl<wberton. vey Fruity OD or before the full mocn. Peter Muir. W. M h. O. l i- .. Secretary. Stock For Sale Team of colts four years old, weiuli about l:!00 pounds, wel' broke ; o!so twn cows, one just in, the other due in about three weeks Guy Orr. Proton Siatiin PO. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto It strictly rii-st class in all Dopart- men's and unexcelled in the Domin- ion. Students auisted to obtain Employment. Eotr any time. Write for our handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL For Sale Choice tamarack slicks tor] batn timber and wood. Orders taken! for M- mllii.- , planks and lumber, Apply Reg. S . , , i .. Proton Station. Ounii's Fertilizer For Site at Flesher- ton Station I'll".. - wisiiir . to secure II.'IIM Sure i:.mi Fertilizer csn do so by CJrreiponding with \V. J. Mends, as he is gnt for this district and keeps it on' hand. Can he secured any week day> hut l;i | .I'M day preferred. As the price j |8 grentily reduced it will be in the in' I torem ufjtliosg wanting thvse good* t" ({.t my prices \V. J. M>ail*, Fleshorton P. 0. Telephone 3 r 4 YOU CAN ENTER ANY DAY You have often told yourself that if you could be inettucted personally you would undertake additional eJuontioo- at work Personal instruction ta a special system at the DENTISTRY it fc C MURRAY I.. O. R , dcuUI largeun ** hcuarKndutto ot Toronto t'uivenlty and Hart College ot Ueuttl Surgeons of Ontario. GMiadiqlSluilBlered for tuutb extraction f&ce ti'i.Mdti ve Tozouto StreetTFIeabortor. LEGAL I L'CAb, A LENKY Barristers. (Solicitors. u etc. I. B. Lucas, K. C. ; W. D. Henry. B. A. Office*. UarkUile LUCM Block, :Phon 8A. Miancli cUiccs at Cnndtlk and Durha r. and is Urtfely responsible for the K' e *t success ! our students. Businett, Shnrthind, Fanners' and Preparatory courto*. Catalogue free. C. A. FLEMING,. K.CA. Principal since O. D. KLKMIXG, Secretary O7 KltillT. * TELFORD,Harristr, Solid. tin-, ,<.'. Qfficee. Grey x liruo* Block, . HVI..M Hound. Standard Bank .*Fltber- too. (Saturdays). \V.U. Wright. W. F. 1'elford Jr. BUSINESS CARDS iy :L KAITTINO, lcusd Auctioneer foi *' tbe counties o f lirey and Sltuooe. -"arm tad HTock sales t specialty. Terms uo.icrHtf satisfaction guartuteixi. nents (or dates may Be tuaJQBC tfm office, or CeutrtI telerbone dffice K ir by *ddre8lnit me at Ferei ham. Out. DMoPHAir. Llcrused Auctlooee for tbe County o) Grey. Texma moderate and tattKMMOB guaianteed. Tim atrapxemontii mnl flttes of sales cui b uiu1t< at Thr. ADTAN office. Reeideuoe tud P.O., Ceyloo, Telephone inonectioo. Jit. A. TL'EMIULL. B.A.. M.B.. graduate ^"^ frooi the Faculty of Medicine, C Diversity ol Toronto. Office Richard TOM Hlock, Flesh- ertou, Te)pboue J5. Better Rubber Footwear at the Regular Price If Ames Holden Rubber Footwear wasn't better -if it didn't wear longer we would not support the iron-clad guarantee thut goes with every pair. These facts hold good with Ames Holden Leather Tops. The finest chrome leather upper is sewn over, not inside the pure rubber bottom, sheds water and dirt and gives longer wear with greater comfort. There's an Ames Holden Rubber Shoe or Boot exactly suited to the work you do, backed by the unusual guarantee and sold by us. I I ** k for fhe Arr^ H<>!dtn mark on evcrypa/r AMES HOLDEN RUBBER F0OTWEAR " Every pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to . -::r r.ny pair <.' :.-:v.ilar sho.es of any othci (nuke, soiJ at the same price cr.d worn u. .. . tne :,..ii.u conditioii&" FOR SALE BY F. H. W. HICKLING Fleiherton, Ont. v s ( cm A !