GUARD YOUR HEAITH - - Blood Rich and Red. Cure for Leprosy. News that many leper.-, cured by chaulmooffra oil, hp.vo Keen I'berated You Can Do This by Keeping the ; fJgj^Jiff'S r^rSl to the companions ri;i of -fcealty fellow- beings, excites riir.c'i sympathetic in- TOTEIt HARD OJ BABY terest- The -winter season is a hard one on the baby. He te more or less coolinftd to "Stuffy, badly ventilated rooms, it 1- m often stormy that the mother decs not get him out in tli fresh air It is useless to tell a hard working woman to take life easily and cot to worry. Every woman at the head o i home; every girl in offices, &hops covered from the dread malady, have . stomach and bowels get out of order nd factories is subjected to more or b een set f ree only 0:1 parole and with , and he becomes peevish and cross. To less worry. These worries cannot be t |, e uiiierstandirs that they are to ' ffuard agairwt this th? mother should It has not been explained, howevc", s cften as she should. He catches that t'rese perscns. supposed to be re- colds which rack his little system; his ivoidod. But it is the duty of every remain under cb. ei ration. So far, 8 keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in woman and every girl to save her ; per cent . o f them huve relapsed, with , the hrmsa. They regulate the stomach recurrence of -ymptoms, and have ; an| l bowels, and break up colds. They been sent back to Molokai for further j are sc ld by medicine dealers or by treatment. i mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. The conclusion of the U.S. Public ' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oct. itrongth as much as possible, and to build up her system to meet unusual demands. Her future health depends upou it. To guard against a break- down ihe blood must be kept rich, red | Health Sen-ice,' which rias ha;l charge *nd pure To keep the blood in this ; o f the experiments, is that chaulmco- c:ondition Dr. Williams' Pink PilU will j gru ol! cannot he relied upon a's a WayofUfe." be found most useful. They strength- j -cure" f cr leprc,y. An "ethyl ester" I To swing alcng and sins along en tiie nerve*, restore tbf appeti?3 and j derived from it is now used, by hypo- ' bring the glow of health to pal'.id ' dermic injection. ai:-l has proved mueii cheeks, and renewed energy to Unless ; m0 re efficient thj.n the oil itself. With people. Women cannot alway, rest , young people, or per.icivs in whom ihe whon they should, but they can keep ; disease has not progressed far. the sp their strength through the ^cca- treatment seems, at least in many sional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ; cases, to promise final cure. Leprosy This is shown by the case of Mr*. Min- . ls undoubtedly of Oriental origin, and e Ssnck. residing i:-ear Simcot-, Ont., jniany references to u are made in who says: "A few years ago I was in ; ancient literature. In earlier times a deplorable atate of ! -alth. My blood . the afflicted were required by law was weak a-d watery and the circula- 1 w t* a they appeared o"u the streets, to oor. M> appetite was poor and | ,-jng a bell and cry "Unclean: Un- And keep th_- vision clear, How many in the moving throng fan come -;o very near The measure of thai mighty leva Which make-; the way of life A blessed way, a happy way, A betterment of strife? Mother ! Move Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup what food 1 did take distressed me. j dean : " This, of course, because the' Hurry mother! Even a sick child ' vtas not able to do my housework, disease was supposed to he contagious, i loves Uie "fruity" taste of "California *nd often r. ; y nights were steeples*, and headache and backache added to Recent investigations have proved that it is both contagious and infec- ! Fig Syrup" and it never fails to opea the bowels. A tea?poonful to-day may , t HJ\*J (t-l.-l BOWW I UlC WV^T ^ilO, -, US.**.- (SI^U-UA. U J. HJ-UtlJ 1AJ.CJJ ery- I was finally persuaded ! t ious. It readily spread.? wherever the : prevent a sick child tomorrow. If con- to drop other medicines and take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This I did, and after taking the pills for a couple of months I could do my housework with ease, eat well, slept well and had gain- ed in weight. From my own experi- sufferers are not isolated. During the j stipated, bilioue, feverish, fretful, has last few years it has spread alarmingly cold, colic, or if stomach is sour, in Cuba, ami in Columbia its ravages . tongue coated, breath bad, remember a are a cause of increasing anxiety. The ' good cleansing of the little bowels is 2 3si v-: -.-. Vt&'V * 1i? -&} WARNING! Always say " Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" pi'.J-we which contains directions and dose years and proved safe by millions for Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Painl Pain worked out by physicians during 22 Colds Headache Toothache Neufitis ta to a bacterial j often all that is necessary. germ, Bacillus leprae, which has been Ask your druggist for genuine "Call- t " . O*-'* **! *'t*v njuo *bsi ui;, *v UAVU iitio UcCll ' * ." \j\_i i >i i iif. . iox MM ft "^ i. p t i i J v, an- 22L. - '"'' th63e PUU t00 i isolated and satisfactorily identified fornia Fig Syrup" which ' as directions | by scientists. j for babies and children of all ages o ; printed on bottle. Mother ! You must Never use water which has been j say "California" or you may get an highly. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at &0 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Handy "Barer" boxes of 12 tablets A'*c bottle of 24 and 100 All druggists. Aiplrm l> the trade rark ( registered in Canada* of Bayr M.i -.:ifa< tn of ItonoaceticacMezfr of SalleyMuacid. While It In well Itnown thai Aspirin ineana Bayer manufacture, to die public affaiust Imitations. the Tablet* of Bayer Company will be damped wiia tlulr cenaral trade mark, the "Bayer Crow." standing overnight in the teakettle. In the morning fill it with fresh water, boil and use at once. Surnames and Their Origin Imitation fig syrup. TORONTO WOMAN GAINED 35 POUNDS HAMMOND Variations Hammonds, FitzHamond, Hampson, Amundsen. which has finally been twisted into the I ' You Hamnet has also l *" last ' She'd Learned. The puppy had been punished and was sulking In a corner. To him came the small daughter of the house to ONLY WEIGHED NINETY administer, not comfort, but advice. modern Hampson. given us Hammet. Racial Origin Norman French, also to nave stopped at giving us Shake- speare's "Hamlet." The family name of Amundsen, or, as we sometimes see it, Amondson and Amondsen, 1? nearly always traceable ! Scandinavian. ^, Source A given name. Here Is another group Just a.-, well be good first Spot," she administered. "Hamelot" seems | "Everybody that belongs to mother has got to mind. I've been through it all and I know." -0- of family mes which traces back to the an- \ After the Honeymoon. "Well, well." he exclaimed, Her Martial Creed. Airs. Worth had Jusc learned that her colored workwoman. Aunt Dinah, had at the age of seventy married for the fourth timp. "Why. Aunt Dinah," sh-e exclaimed, "you surely haven't married again!" "Yassum, honey, 1 has." was Aunt POUNDS WHEN SHE BE- i Din f^ s smlUng reply. "Jes' ea afeu CAN TAKING TANLAC. Classified as de Lawd takes 'em. so wili I." as he Was So Weak and 111 from Stomach Trouble Life Was . a Burden. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. cient Teutonic given name of "Amal ." i to a development of the Scandinavian! tackled her first meat pie, "where did I I form of this ancient given name. or "Amala," though it should be re membered that the groupings in this ! rticle, the one that preceded it and PAYNE th one which is to follow, are more or , Variation Paine. less arbitrary, and for convenience of ] Racial Origin Norman French. discussion, rather than as evidence of Source A given name, rigid courses of development. Tfcese family nameg are rea]I , he As stated in the previous article, the ^^ word as our moderQ woru8 ' you get this "I made that out of Mrs. Stumer's "Daddy sent me over to e it' he could borrow cne of Mr. Smith's hoe.-." 1 "Goodness me ! Tell him he has riiem 'Tanlac has built me up from :i mere ^^ or > frame weighing only ninety pounds to c^oker^ook," replied the young wife. ; [SSS^ p^rT^^T tnde is unbounded." said Mrs. It's a "Ah!" he broke in. "This leathery part is the binding, I suppose?" Lydia Pickup, 12 Ramsay Lane, Toronto, Ont. "My stoni;t.-h troubled me so much Scientific Proof during Che paj-t three years that my ^ . _ . One day a teacher wa* having a first ' ^^ * e ? e ', 1 burden ' ?! y , appetit , e Normans brought the name into Rn S - j and p eagantt and th<>lr evohltion nas : grade class in physiology. She asked , g * entlrely ' " would form d land as "Hamo" and "Hamon." It . ^^ a peculiar and interesting one ! them if they knew that there was a ' ", y "1 ~ W th * iD ln the P " was not long, however, before the j At a Det . iod befcr( , thp Nnrman ,.; burning fire in the hodv a.n th ,. m o ot ^ y stoluat - h - The gas nearly amoth- : ered me and ray heart acted so queerly ! that it alarmed mo. I could get scarce- COARSE SALT LAN D SALT Balk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO CANADIAN MATRIMONIAL PAPER. 2Cc. No other fee. A. McCreerr. ' (i.-i;ham. Ont. MVKK.S' WHITE ROCKS. PL' I.I.KT3. 13 lu (5. Cockerels, jj A. U Ai; ITS. o',.\ tx_. r-i'.-atrorti. Out. AGENTS WANTED LIVE AGKNTS WANTED l-'nti nui. k selling household nev-s.iitle* Kepeat orders assured. Write I u.- par- ticulars for sole agency in your ;o .. 11 to Patricia Products, 86S Broad, i-.v AVC.. Toronto. BELTING FOR SALE Al.L KINDS Ok ::EW A.N^' L'aKO ltlne. pulleys, saws, cable.hose packlnc. etc.. shipped subject to approval i luwesi rr<>.-es In Csnada. YORK BBI.TIMJ CO. 115 YORK STRKBT. TORONTO. Meat persons are not frugai of their time. They use it in a mosc wasiefui manner. Mlnard's Liniment for Distemper. At a period before the Norman in- i burning flre in the body all the time given name began to develop new j Tas ion of England the root word had i One 1'ttle girl spoke up and said- forms, such as "Hamomr and "Ham- ! the ?ame meanlr ^ as ollr noju^^g,. -Yes'm; when it is a cold dmy. I can mond." Ihe latter quickly becoming : ant; taar is countrymen a.s opposed ! see t' 1 "' smoke." more widespread. In many cases the to townsman. This 'was in the dav patronymic, or family name, was form- ed by the prefixing of. the Norman when th? early Normans flrst were In-j Good Verce. troduced to Christianity. It happened i A young fellow, who is given to yer- ly any sleep and was tired and dull and worn out all the time. I often turned so dizzy I could hardly stand up, and at times my head hurt like it would .,_.. ., . . ,. . " '-"'=i.iau-n.j. 11 uuppuea i * .<uuu iciivw, wno is given to ver- hnr^t nnpn r inat -Qih ,,,,tii ,,. Z*L&Z*&* J" *,' \ amon th * nl as ** aw ther V .' -ifrmg. recently asked his fiance: , Sjt. i,u " h "!^.,,f "Dearie, did you like the poem I seni clcthes wore entirely too large and I the surname was formed by the addi- , tionalities. that Christianity made: -. - ,uu ., tne poem i sen, wa - ttor. of Mie ending "son.' But "Ham, j more rapid progress in the towns and you? Did It seem tco .sweetly tender"" * hardl y move - mond.>on ' wa a Httle too clumsy for , more ccoge^ted centres of population ! "Oh." she said, "it waa lovely the average British tcugue. and so did , than it did In the outlying districts, a! got 3.50 for it at the (hureh fair " not endure long, bemg shortened I pLenometion undoubtedly largely due ' ^ variously to Hammond and Ham- . to problems cf travel and communica- monds.. In more modern tims there tici:. has het-n a very general tendency to i Bui gradually ihe word pagan do- o.xygeu add a Imal "3" to such names, so that nutir* a countryman, .-am* to denote breathe at night" the name of Hammonds is sometime 3 ; a well, one who refused to accept! Willie "Xitrcea " till another lengthening from the Christianity, acd in the tenant s t.n^ tarrti of Hammond. j o f tic*e who resisted the new religion aa the rwult of holy lives led by some ! .' I ^ ,.'. l'llt.-< -JC u ttkcm U A . ~ * Dot Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Fad Mailed Frca to any Ad- Jres by the Author. X- Otor OIovr Co.. IB*. Ill Wcat 31t Street Nw Tork. U.3.A. "One day I saw a statement about 1 , Tanlac and I determined to try it. I j have now taken ten bottles in all and j '. * i my appetite IMS come back. I eat ' Dark ' lauythics'I waat and as much ,u I f ess or "Every day we breathe ; want at every meal without pain or, ^ ow -_Wii:io, what do we j any uncomfortable feeling afterwards . j I do not have headaches or dizzy spells any more. 1 sleep soundly every night in For Fifty Years Mother Sagel's Syrup has been the world's remedy for indigestion, and it is still the best and cheap- est of stomach and liver tonic*. The medicinal extracts of varied roots, barks and leaves restore the natural efficiency of the dig- estive organs and it has banished numberless cases of pain after eating, headache*, flatuleace, acidity, biliousness and constipa- tion. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at drug stores. ,..,. DANDERINE Rut the given name often developed ! was accepted as a term ot honor to of the converts of that ' ttte diminutive forms, in Norman i'as- ' such an extent that they began to give hton, of "Hamonet" and "Hamolet" or j It to their children as a given name "Hamelot." 'Hamonet" quickly be- came "Hamnet." producing the sur- j triumphed. I given name. In the end. of course, Christianity but the given name sur- name "Hamnetson" or "Hamneson," 1 vived and rmaind popular, probably name. At any rate, the Normans brought the name to England in the forms "Pagan." I Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. Payn" and "Pain," and there it be- came a family name in the normal course. One third of your life is allotted to sleep. Do you get your share? The most important periotl in the process of applying nutrition to the repair of the body is while you are asleep. For the most favorable trans- formation of digested food into nerve and cell tissue, so doctors tell us. sleep is absolutely essential. Is it any wonder that those who suffer from lack of proper sleep are weak, pale and lacking in energy or ambition? One of the causes of insomnia is nerve-irritation from tea and coffee drinking. Tea and coffee both contain caffeine, which has a tendency to cause undue stimulation. The irritating etiect of caffeine often results in insomnia, depression, and a weakened nervous system. You can easily overcome these troubles by drinking Postum instead of tea or coffee. Postum is a delicious, satisfying cereal beverage, and it is absolutely free from caffeine, or any- other harmful substance. Ask your grocer for Postum. Drink this delicious, refreshing beverage for ten days. Then see if you do not feel better and more clear headed, and if you do not sleep better at night as so many other people have proved for themselves. Postum comesin two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition cf boiling water. Posturn Cereal (in packages t<f larger bulk, for those who prefer to make Ihe liiinlc while the me! is being pre- pared) made by boiling for 20 tnirvii-s. Post um for Health "77/frc's u Reason'* Made by Canadian Pcr.tum Cereal Ccv, Limited. Windsor. Ont. Instruments That Measure Earthquakes. If an earthquake takes place at the otter side of the world. It writes its own record on the delicate instru- ments kept in the observatories in Bri- tain, says a London magazine. Next morning you will see in the i papers that our instruments have re- corded an earthquake of great violence which took place in South America. It may be days before news comes t?irou?!i by telegraph from the scene i:f the upheaval to confirm the insrni me nt's message. The seismograph, as the earthquake recorder is called, consists cf a volvlng drum and a tiny mirror. The latter is balanced .so delicately that fche slightest tremor of the earth's crust will set it dancing. The drum, which ts lurnpd by cloekwcrk, i* cover- ed with a roll of sensitized photo- graphic paper. The mirror focuses a llttte point of light, reflected from a brilliant lamp, on to the paper So long as nothing is happening the mirror remains at rest, and as thr drum revolves a perfectly straight Hue is traced on the paper by the point of light. But as soon as a shock occurs the mirror is agitated an, I tlio line be- i comes a zigzag. I A stone thrown into a pond sets up j ripples which reach the prtge. An 'earthquake produce 1 ! HIM same result ; except that the ripple- y.-t- fon-u-d j ;; ; Uae earth's hard Inn slightly clastic ' crust. FortuiiaMy, serious earthquakes an- rare, but hundreds of small shock* take place every day. ;UH! seismo- graphs of the most delicate type iv- cord them all. Blistered Peel. Son Fet. Tire,! res-. Burning and Aclunc Fr Aft^i- a hard ihiy's work or a long tramp and your fet are completely used up, bathe them in hot waUT, then ruh them well with MINARD'S LINIMENT. It will relieve you and you will never ba without a bottle. USE SLOAN'S TO . WARD OFF PAW LITTLE aches grow into big pains unless warded off by an applica- tion of Sloan's. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff joints. lame back won't fight long against Sloan's Liniment. _For more than forty yours Sloan's Liniment has helped thousands, the world over. You won't be an excep- tion. It certainly does produce results. Impenetrates icithotit rubbing. Keep tin's old family friend always handy re _ for instant use. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists JSc. 70c, $1.40. * _^t Made in Canada. Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 55-ceuU buys a botiie of "Damleriae" at auy drug store, -\tter one applica- tion you can not fin.', a particle ot dandruff or a falling hair. Beside*, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundanca Linimentgrj If Headachy. Bilious or Stomach is Bad, Take "Cascatets" Every' broken prcnnac left bejcmes a broken bridgv wlieari. VVhst you can do to-'.v. : ,rru\v v, tf ueptn:! on what >ou lr;uv ,i..,x t( - .:; Mlnard's Liniment for G.rget In Cowt i; n !" -com box now. Furied Tongue. Bad C'olds. Indiges- tion. Sallow Skin and miserable Head- aches coi:ie t'lvm a torpid liver and clogged bowel.-, which cause your stomach to bv'oo'.jie tilled with undi- gested tooil. which sours arirl ferments like garbasf in ;' barrel. -Thai's the Mr-; step I > u.;t '<! nii^^ry \;\'\\- lion. foul S*sB, bad brt-ath, yellow thiit ie >i'-kenlng , A to-tii^lit will sive your cou- stipated boweU a thi-:.i.^!i cicausing a:ul sii-aig!ilc;i you mil by morning;. | They warU xv'rtilf yen sl'-ep. Millions I o'.' men an;l women Inke a Cascaret 'ehiml uow aui ( ji len lo | coe p their stoiua.-h. .i'k'i and !-j,-!.- icgiilsted. anil . 'row a miserable m.nii-! t Pun't for- ' He! tht? I'hihlrcn i'u'ir liu!' ; > 'If.- ii'J a good. {:':; ' c! TRO IT Y ECZEMA InRash On Face AndL'mbs. Cuticnra Heals. "I had been troubled with eczetna on my face which took the form of a rash. Later it broke out on my limbs and they i:ched very much, causing me to scratch them until they were blmi 5. The rash would often keep me av.'ake at night. " I tried seme rerr.fdife. which failed, and ihsn thou^'it I would try Cuticx.Ta Sjap and O:i:' c-;t. It was njt long till ihe rash bepan o disappear, aid i used ;hr;j c.ikcs of Soap and four b -:: of O':i:r.>ent, which healed me." iSii-n^dj W. M. Hymsrs, Paris. Or.:., Sept. 12, 1919. Cuilcurn Soap to cicense. Cutlcur* Ointment to soothe and heal. Soap 23c. Ointment 25 and SOe. Sold thrnuijhoiitlhe Dominion. CaniidianDtrpot: mint. Limited, St. Paul St., Moalrcal. tjcura Soup ibavc* without rnui. ISSUE No. 5 '22.