Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1922, p. 6

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A SON OF COURAGE BY ARCHIE P. McKlSHNIH Copyrighted by Thnm.-is Allen. NURSES The ToronJo Hospital for Jnrur- ablr.M, In atllll.iti :: \viin f>lleuio and Allied lio.'i.ilHls, Nw Yul It City, oftei-a a. thre years' Oouiee of Train- IIIK to jyiin" women, huvIiiK the n- f| II I Toil " : i ;it|,,M, aU ...::.. ...|.| lif I ? <-01ll!tiJS in:;'!!"- ThU Hospital hOB dented th* i I-.--..I iin;-r syatem. Th pUpilx I . >;ui M I!'., I nr. of II.:' S,:hOOl, a monlhly lillowan^e and iravelliuK .x pr,:.-.;. i to and from New York. For further Information apply to i Superlntendtnt. . , r 'sm&:l him that lie woulil sc;- to it that Mai doe wa* si'ent for a moim .it. , h hist , ))cncath ion n:* sni-a>v chin shut forward. , . sqraro cin sut torwar. lu ,., an ,j. s skil , s bcfore arnt hei- autumn Ja,>ba," lie saxl, crisply, "1 11 g'c ( ;. iwne d. CHAPTKR XXV. (Cont'd.) "Then come ck-an. Jacobs. Now tlu-ii, viwt's your KIUW?" . "I came here after you drove me : you twenty-four hours in wmcn^to j t was a wor ij O f silence, ;i woi'tl from the Pennsylvania oil fields," said , hse yourself. You carft stay hove. the other, realizing the uso!essne.<s of Something like a sigh e-t pi I the num who listened to this edict. H lyinjr. -Why?" "To prospect; to look for a ni-w fiel.l vc- extir. 1 bathed in jfo!dc:i hr.ze, (>:) St:i rA : ;.; up3-:i with the restoration ' h A tens thr.* his cyc.i dwelt i took a 1'igging step or two forward. jiipon the visl . Lcfora him, with its aw "Wait," said the lawyer. "Tell mo, naked trees pkrjir;? the mauve-Iir.? ieltl. 1 fi*ui<i *at '.he Pennsylvania Jacobs, is there anything in this world of raorninjr mi-t . himim-rni;? above. t'_e ,-tin \v,-u!d com-e out about here and you curi' for outside of yourself air! yellow wccd-fTnaku. M girl besile octir. 1 northward." i your imihitir.n to climb to fortune over him km-w freiii tr- tuffiti run/ hand "S oT.ili iason-ab'.. And you sliH UK- m-cks of others? I'm curious to on nc-rs and tba awe thai jm.i- i Ka : know " quivering i-.iee tb the silence p;-l "Yes," answered the other, .without a thankfuhie.^ which mere won! jail-wail hesitation. "There is sometime; there ccuM never express. So she wait* i are dogs ami children." \W* lilfteT :<yn tinu ' h f turn?: i s:ow. think s-o. eh?' 1 ; know.' 1 "Yes." "Is that your well with the bout it, yonder?" "No, I bored it but it belongs to ; Perns\>ni Scrojrifie, the man whom lawyer. "Dogs aivJ children." - - -- He f-J down into her eyes. ....,, "And you, too, he whimpered. "With "Ye?, about an eight-a-chy we!-!." **'' ' to i think of you?" he asked, abruptly. i n<)W ; ">' th n ever l necd I' "- *' no ; "Both trust me," .--aid Jacobs simply | I'e MM earnwtly, "are you WlBUK t "No/surface." ; ami Ma<kloc kiww that he spoke the ; ii=>vry me right i way- Tiext week ? "Ac-1 SrropRie -ilot-s he know your tiuth. He strode across anil put his! "Oh Frank she betori. but . h ,. . , r . halvds (xn the s hou!dcvs of the man I chcckH her utterance with his lip*. "Cenaiiriy not. Oh for God's sake from whom he had wrung confession. | "The Reverend Reddick is available top probing me thus way. I'm will-- "Listen!" he said harshly. "You ' at any <f*y, any hour, Lighthouse ing to tell all theie is to tell." , know me and you know I don't Oftwf"^ "* "** <~<' , conducting- revival services in the "That suits me, Jacobs. Go on." ' give a man like you more than a sec- "As 1 i>ay, I came here to prospect, ond chance. You Ivave ha-1 your MM*d I found plenty of surface evidence of chance and failed. But sse here, I'm If dogs and chil.nrn Valley church. It will al'I b simple. *?* >1&u ^\ "? "52? \ t -ti, She gazed into his radiant face with serious eyes. ''But Frank she whis- oil an I gas but without ruprtul I was not infallible. * >/ K a . !...-.>.. , - hrlplc.--.'. 1 !e.n:ed that a thousand- trust you there must lie some good in Pfi'wl, "it may he cold and dismal next Here tract of woods, rich in oil irvrli- ' yea ami by (Jeorge! I'm goinz to Ho|we^k, I I n Iw ay s thought that 1 cations, was owned hy Pennsylvania something wfeh is either goir,g to *>ld like our wedding to 1- Scrojnric. 1 kni-.v th,t lie wai a lioj? ! prove the bi wrest piece of damn fool- ! . Her OH went down to hide against and that if I showed my h*rd too ' i.hiy>s, or the biggest coup 1 have "' rm - . otearly bs wou'.d kk-lt me under ind 'cvir pulltd off in my life. I'm going "<'O en, Lij;htnoi;- i girl. \ on always ;o it a!on. Thro..jrh u frit-nj who to take my grip from your thraat,' ''ought you would like cw wedding 11 j . i I / -ho \vh>l" owned a lake schooner I nm<le S,TI>K- Jacobs, and leave you to the dogs and pic a proposition. I guaranteed to the chi'.'dren. nhow him a virgin oil ti-rritory HIM! "Now, here's some news for you. operate h rijfs for a certain percent- '. The wKl has been found and Frank to -be when?" "On a golden. Indian summer tky like this," she finished and closed her! eyes as his arms went about her. Wof rhe^uTputr'lhis'lVe'aKree'dtoJStai^ipe "is" heir "to the Strocgie '"''-, ' "A lid ut's married they were thisj Then heoamean-J when I,,. fr>un.l that ' <sl Ian.*?. But if there is oil here ! mormn . whilst the dew still rfun: to: *e vein lay on his own laml IIP was and there isboth you and Pennsyl- 1 the moreea, ad uls meelf was wit- furious aivi trwJ to break the con- ! vania Reggie will be iveeJed. I have '-;? to the j mm av two av U>e| tract. i no dto.ibt but a satisfactory arrange- j tnidereat hearts in all the wurruld. j IV 1 ^ ftiwt lie i i \i\j Tt unii A n&n j^i * t /> i . wrUl. bi-<iu-.athins all he owned to a : <uitof a lather tight hole and I gup?* ,*" > il fiwt palli. ycurqr man of this di.-trk't, Stanliope' he won't h:ive forgo tU-n. C-cme over), '"".X s-Ured at t!: old man; thc.n hi * ' j - fc. 1 1 n 1 1 \. i - i : i, i , ..-i MUDHVWD *'* wwii i. IHUI u*m^ri i.vit. >.-'\,PII i.^ti - - . /\ Vl i* r ' by name. S.-n.v.j. :-. I k.-n-.v, v.'.s : to Stai.!: fi's e.-.tlsgf in the moiiiing. , '; <* into a grin. 3 Gee. he of the wiH con>:n< to lit-iil ami I work- 1 Now mntir'jor wl-at the eiiKdn-n and "ifi'hed, and sinking on a log, OOMO ed on this feir. , It was known' dogs e^i-.'t of you, my friend; pcod- ; }"* cy'- ! - ".<' I "-! 5J t _W?* e fe throi.irh,/.a fh;.. ,- . nmunity thnl the bye to-mon ow. rl Iwping to h: ? fcft ar.d- tbrowiiijr bis. Iii S.-r-.R-^ie li:.-.l tru-teJ : ' He smiled and hekl oal his Hand. ' " r ", ! i ' U :" t Il1 f n(vk . cf *'"' hay ,H n<l , the -tarc-keeper, whj ! The other man tiuk it <*a/.e;Hy, then !>''"" ml) th:>t aiiniral s tuitehmgl I wiJi the elder Stan- slowly nJ with head lifnd toward ' "' "Hi-iu that, yju Ihoiiui.* .*, sur-.i-y of pn,j;-.!.v, li.M'tl-t <'^.i !; inr.^ *kie*. he |is--e.l down ir. irrud hru- an rMber Htufttvffpet . . i _. - I ... _ .1 n 1 ji-ru'd* .i ; friend olii Scrog^gl* h.v.l trurtedj wan SpT-;ter IKI-. n / ifi.n i. ho'fie over a a se-c-ret gr;i:lgt> aj-jiiift 1ii< son.j the r:'a;l. rrank." "And," taid the lawyer a JHCO'DB paused to wi;is' iiis beailcil brow, "you ttiought tihe w!!! lay in Spenr-er's safe, nd that he was hold'irg il away lie- I-HII-I- of petty malice?" "Kxactly." "\iifi ki'c-A i'>;f t'h-it in (iit<' rf many >!iort-a)ining-s I'frn ;\lvania ScroR'^JM wouldn't delilx-'al i iy rol .\<oiiiur Hliitihopc of th<; |ii,i,i rlv. pro- thro,:gii .111 1 iibnvc the eternal weaving VKlini; he hi.'.vv for sure ttrat his nnicle . of (Is-i's shutt't- -at tiimes <-lea.r. The Stcsm Pressure Cooker. Those farrn women who have gene; into canning commorcially, and nuiny. who can on u large scale for them- telvcs, have lon^ knvwn the merits of ?lca.m pressurn cannera. Not so many,; however, have considcTei using the same )'.rin;!ple, steam pressure for! conlilTi-f. The few v.h'j h >ve experi-j nientp;! with s^eam pressure cookery ai'v' enthusiastic .ib;,ut it for many, reasons, chief of which are the sav- ing in time and in fuol. Consider, for inst"i:;e, cooking a pat; roast or a tough fowl in forty-five! minute.;, and the vegetables which go with it in ten. Best of all, co-nisider cooking them a'l in the same utensil over one flame and you see how the | pressure cooker saves time and fuel. ; To further illustrate, the time-saving,; consider couking corned beef, which' takes four hours on the stove, in one' and a quarter hourj, a ham in sixty- 1 five minutes, baked beans in twenty-j five minutes after they have been > parboiled in soda water anxl prepared, for the final cooking, beets in thirty! minutes turnips, potatoes and cab-i bage in ten, and oatmeal, which calls j for three hours cooking, in fifteen minutes. To the housekeeper who is used to, the old way of cooking the?e things' seem incredible, yet the -women who ( have used pressure cookers claim it' c:m be done. There are several makes of cookers on the market, but the most common type looks not unlike a big aluminum kettle with a steam gauge and pe 1 .- cock on top of a tightly fitting lid. A small quantity of boiling water is put. in the bottom of the cooker, a rack' inserted on which to set vessels coti-j tainitsg the food, the prepared food is put in, the cover adjusted, and the cooker get over the fire. It in then a matter of "getting up steam" andi regulating the quantity for the re-j quired number of minutes. Full di-| rectk-.iis for using the cooker go with, each make, as weM as a cook book giving recipes and exact time to allow for cooking. j Aside from the saving in time and fuel there are several other points to recommend the cooker to housewives. For one thing, there is a labor-saving CORNS Lift Off with Fingers , jj i. m when it comes to dishwashing. Foods cooked in the j>n--:surc cocker do not burn on, nor stLk en, so there is none of tho disagreeable scrapifi'SC and scouring to do. Then, as the dishes are not in contact with the stove, there is no soot on cooking dishes. Strong flavored vegetables, as onions an-d cabbage, may be cookod in it without having the house filled with odors. As no steam can escape, the odors, of course are all retained in] the cooker. When reidy to open, the j cooker may be taken out of the kitchen- er stood by an open window, and the petccck opened to aiiow all steam to. escape. In this way the odor goes j outdoors. Besides, the vegetables may be cooked at the same time and in the same dish with potatoes or other vege- tables an<l they will not impart their taste to the other vegeta-ble, except where the two may come in contact. | Not the least of the reeommenda-' tions of the pressure cooker is the fact that foods cooked in it do not lose so much in shrinkage as when cooked in the oven or by boiling. Thej woman who has seen a good-sized j roast shrivel up to nothing in the oven on company day will appreciate! this fact. Then, too, all the juices are; retained in the cooker, and may bei served as a sauce with the meat or! vegetable. The pressure cooker is a labor- ' saving, time-saving and fuel-saving; household appliance, but do not make, the mistake of trying to cook a!' your! foods in it. Of cc/urse, it will not fry! foods nor broil them, and every family [ wants well broiled steak or chops at times. While frying ; s not the best form of cooking it ban its place in the economy of cooking. If you buy a cooker do not tire the family out by serving nothing but steamed mea's Vary the menu occasionally., reserving! the cooki-r for a stand-by. Roasts may be done in the cooker, however, Tf they are put ir. a hoi oven to brown for f-fteen minutes auer removing from! the cooker Or il-ey may b<? browned' iirst, and then t,' earned. If you do your fruit and vegetables ; ly the co'd pack method tV, cooker j tray be utir;v<l :..< H c*n:ier The fam-| ily size coo!-c" v i li haid ftrVt-outt cpn or five pint.-, ard < it nufds only' Uoesnt Hurt a bit! Drop a llttii Treezone" oa an ach!ng corn, Instant- ly that corn stops burling, then short- ly you lift U right cB wlih finger*. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" (or a few cents, aufflcfeist to remove every hard corn, soft con, or corn between the toes, and the eel- lasee. without soreness cr irritation. ore flame, ?n i th > time of processinf :5 considerably less than for the hot water bath met'iod. much labor, fnW and time are svcd by its uso. Th^ .ink.' j Kme in vsvioa; sizes, family size, mwK'.iw and hot^l "-!(. fuct which must be remeivbere.1 in ordering. Many families wit'n thi camping habit are ulili/.irn? (He cooker for camp fire meals. It :!"; give M good results over the c*mp fire, ti when used with a rarge/.or with oil or gasoline, gas or electricity. To Finish Doily Fdge. Instead of working the pcnilops be* fope they are cut, take sharp scissors and cut around just omsifie t'hp lim of scallops; turn the edge under, ba*t down with short stitchtt.'antftTSen but- tonhole the scallops thus prepared. Or you can work double crochet *'-OUIM> the scallops. This g!ves a no - eige which will not pull out when Vaun- dered. The doctor's c'aim rn the es> ( .-!c of a deceased patient rp.nk : f->.^i in France. CHAl'TKK XXVI. Golden Wedding Gift. Had news tiavels fast but BMd | *\5L t Sfc!Jt" news^.i its way quite a>n ppeedily. Li-fe tc<u'hei! the human heart to HC- ept the OIK- bravely and to 8" "Billy, M tit dune crazy yo've Rone?" chidfil the old nwn, '-that ye'd j be afther deafeniji' the poor steed \vid yer vellin'? Listen IKHV, Tr'r lit.':' more Billy kivki I his Iwt high in'air and! it. ii n (Ji v ciuii v*-' mrMmu . . . _ ,. H-hspnily wil'i the othor. for after all ,''"' , vo . 1 ' J ., I. lifpi- ju.:t a rin*iw? n.-.te th-at sounds! "''"''i" ", n<l ' llul ; ,. \J'i ' Hai-.ry. - thi-d-,:gh and the eternal weaving i"^dp!ay< ; iii a weddm march on me| v,,.,,m , 1C ,._ n>r s .-c- ,n ral n, s un-.-ie ' of Cod's, shutt':' -at tiiws olea,r. , ^* lc l (l " ' M>ft !1S a . '***& rat "! 111 hod n . Ic the youn K m-.n his heir, you ; ie.-.:-hiiL K t> the hin'heM stars; at other W**, a : s . tl! |' ver >: W " , do , "? IB -in >-rur mind to lilow Sperwei-'-s tinv.< mirnr wail ,f pain. But the'SSf" 1 b rf'. day .- J A kmg h . e l 20 ^- and get hn'd of flic wiM yotirsr-lf . v.i *. n - RUCB on dra-b threads mingl- Billy, and hin lividi- a qu.inp, ivery irwn '.[..Mining it was then.. ,,md *o nv.iKe in with the brifihter ones; ami so the , a . v hpr ' ".V 1 " moi ' A " v vollr n "'* s - fi>r>' if your own litt'i? rake-off." jheait Icarm t;> wit'liftaiwl, and better tions now, he Ja<-i. .- ^:i/.efi nt the lawyer wonder- j still to li^pi. It may be, when the " on * must, si But no more v your broke off, "fer step singin' me tJHUlkfldTMM irncly. -llo did you kniw?" he stiim- ' .-huttlc run* slower aiid the fribri.- is ' f Ff: 11 ' ' nle w j|i.'tle. and siskin' the good; mcid. I all i,, lt woven, if the weaver is brave j "'? u> * j m '^ "** llu> WH - V ' "I km.w. .Jacobs, ihat you and vour and ftraiig he is able to iK-ipher the! , Bll 'y atohe.l the old man move, henrhnn-n. Tom Stan-li'h ard Xit-k i id "e of it all. "If you would expor- 1 <}*'? the I 1 '? 11 '' tl:? i!d strains of the BLske. --oblied Twin Oaks store and ic-i :.-e happitK's.. find' it in the happi- ! ' ris ' h tul ?"* he vy is playing iMmg on blew the "fe; al-o that you were iiis- ntff i,f others." ; nls V;" 3 K ?" K aftl '',' Ule P; ay \ r had ^ en yfoit I. There was no will there. Now ami uncertiiinty W"" W 1 u l> '" the goMen haze. Then Where you mrule yoitr big mistake my which had overshadowed Scotia fo ',. he too p?wl on bay rhcmas wailkirrg friend, w-as in misjudging -Pennsyl- mor.tli.H IM.-CII miraculous! v lifted *fl'aiely Iwhirri. As he rounded a bend variia Scroggi*. For imtance, when nd in it place was rest and ,-e'rtainty. j >'? n " -t Mam-ire Keelcr and .lun Scrog- ! you lied to him and told him that you Son. w mid pity for the- man who had]?. 1 !: h , < ,'. aiis <* rwl ' had found the wiM, and threatened to hci-n stricken with bliiidiu-.-s gave turn it over to the rightfirl heir, pro- pkioc t:i joy iinrl ccnxr.itu'atinii. vid-ing he did not give you a clear Swifti-i -willed than tht- harliiii;;i'!- nf deed t') Lost Man's Swamp What dkl OM-HW, v. iiii-li sometimes falters in its he say to you ?" | flight :i* though loiith to f-iiisc a jr- Thi- question stung the other n! a ring n itc <lotp xvibhin God's harmony, leather l-ash stings quivering flesh. the joyful news that Frank "What did he say to you?'" repeated Stanhope- had come into his mherit- the lawyer, und the wretched man on ance mri wiaild tye again. Kor a weak How Unlvtrtilly Popular Arc the Movie *tar*T I ' i II i 1 ,. .,,., . .,i .!.,, tin Mnrlt Keillor or II,. i'*' M'HV FAI1MKR . ir>lni , ...',- We IxMtn I'm i|. e M ,> - .-. tn in u >11 mm IP rntj inn. rMtif md r.-rmti,c .. n f Mi* i" iiiin i. an in the hif cltlM and JIIM u prore It, our artlit i " .'riljl I ttlll pualf. How To Solv* The Puizl* In .!,: i/i, mi. 1. 1!> i,n iKpivud il,t iiultli *' Mnlt Tliir. Tin pr:or of Hi* Mofl* auelilm lu tbto thuu* J- rlilrd la ,,-? . juke mi hli tsdlnm , bt '/-. thMt r , _r : uioTi* tuafrt' ,.,..., mi ib* . .,n. T> t"i>c ib i ui/ 1 , <:l ou 'r* riM'ntr'i t* ,(', i. ,o .1 '^ 'ff tli* l*ttcn ,' Mi.- -iipy ni I 5S"! fe.W I *J "'""' <" r.iirmn' m:r, rur rwii> - N. ' ! Ibiriu fhipiin. Cin ji mm tin !** IT j-.u nn. M I.*" "I!.' 1 !! 1 " '" C "* 1 ' "' '"' ""Btttal" lITf.tllKl TOMlfnf Clf wMrh wnuia <Hkfii>lM . t ynu |.ll. Uoo't t'n in. UK, .Mll> * M flat jtn iMi It t nun bird. l>o rat tat .,! ln ih. h"t pnj'. H~ in. fall 11.1 <* WlMI MOW. '" r __ I KNOW rcr iwcr m m MwrnnAwsoME HY IDLE R/8T CAR. FIND PURE m L4KEDRY HOG [5 HOT PORD IPR0)CHAttailff nwtedly, .(To be coiu-lude<l.l Dye Any Garment or Old Drapery in Diamond Dyes . rtiy "Diainond Dyes" and follow the the rack answered hr>pclesly: "He following- the wonderful news tin- pen- simple (llrections in every package. toM nw thttt if I didn't give the will pie of the Settlement did little elfal jjoa't wonfltr whether you can d up to Stanhope he would have me ar- , than iliMOM it together. Man, win,in L, , HUPCP!(l , fn , !v restiMl jinrl sent to the pen. and i-hilil they came to Inc vine-cover- . . ' pen. A little mil* curled the corner, of ed collage to tell Stanhope they were ' . . ' lj ' einf > ia > rcs PVen lf dye or | perfect home ... nlom -..j ; *' !>''>'>' . liave never llye<1 be ' Maddoc's stern mouth. "Well, that's ' gW. Pemisylvanki Scroggie," he said, an ', F'emi-ylv-Hnia Scroggie bad been one r " rp - Worn, faded dresses, skirts, thoug-h to himself. "Hard, bull-he i-k I of tin- Brill to offer his eongratul.i- ! waists, coaUs, sweaters, stockings, nd a S'horper in every legitimate tions. "Young man," he said to Stsn- 1 draperies, hnngincs, everything, be-' Mnr> but s<-|iiiare as they make 'cm. , hope, "I'm some rough on the out- cx>me like new again. Just tell your: And you," he asked, pointedly, "what ! ride birt I reckon I'm all right inside. | dnigglst whether the materlnl you, did you do?" i You've got your *ight back and you've. '; wish , o dye js woo) or s n k- or whether ' "Of cmirse I had to own up that I got, in Mm fine piece of tend my old ; |t , g , inen cotloni or mixed goodfl i fc!" ^i -Uf* i * i"* i wi "K i i*2 $"'** pr Tr <l t0 ^ R iDImoml nyw, never Mreak, Hpot. fade' k.nt'1- aM right, but I was viewable to rpal oil field. Ilinter and I are going} fcim rtg-ht then. We had started bor , ty develop it for vou^ If vou'vq njo r : bvg on his kind. He csiid that h? would ol>jcotion j And you've got a wihok 1 ' * ~ give me anot*ver chajKe byt tht I lot mor.- tbnn that," g la IK- ing at Krie, Now We Know Why Pork is Expensive have to keep Iwiiest." i w)w flood nej.r. And Btafltiop*, sen*- 52V12! a T 11 *" - " f i \ IK / ? ^ aWo to rtAA crimmils unerring- sh<mk Ivandu gjjuily. ly gfcmced kex'itly at the man's fuce. Lnwyer Muddoc i.nd Doctor Gavin- "And MarJor , B . who for Wle fl rst time had j , wlth h t8 to , coun . i M,v Pllim | tx. enlov all Live various I tr >' sftemeU *W . i " aboul the farm. Romewbai. to . . fowl thg coiwlitkm too ' alt bud gone back to (Mcvokml. prom- ^euos aboul the farm. Romewbai. to difflcuM: Isn't th{ so" hankod. ! ifina to .-.lurn every fall so long n t "ori-or of her motlior wbe even took "No, Mr. Mwldoc, a God is my wit- their welcome hld out and Billy was ; a kwn interoat In the butc.nerinB of a [ MM, I w keeping bonort and in- j Uhero to guide them wboiit and iavo hog. timiexi to go oni" Jacobs hH drwn , iheir liv<, if iieces.^ury. "Fntlior." she nkl Hftr slie had seen ' Ml drtxupinig form erect and iwiw i Old H-any O'Dule's dream wan' the hon cut lip, "I bet yon never knew , poki- with n certain dignity. ; i.lwut to Ix 1 renlixM, StnnhoTip h;i I us that. H pig has an inner tube." ITZ-CARITO 1 ilfc. NKWEST HOTEL AT TUB WORLD'S MOST FAMOl )S RESORT Futopfjn plan. Novel Ritiiiuiovalion; unique color chtmr throughout; Restaurant overlooking Beach ndOt'tin. C/incing in TrrllixRoom and RitzGrill. Sinfllr Roorni <s..u> up DnuMc Koom* jtK.fin up All tetmi H'iih I 'iif a Ir I 'mill and full Ocian i'lnr *. AIHKIM KM ui: OUNtAVK Kin :- M>mi|ii, 1 1!,., i, ll..,,i. , MiufKK, Mlnird'i Llnlmont for Colds, (to. - Be what your friend* think you are; i Hvoid being what your enemies say! I you HIO. go straight forward mid Iw J 1 h>Hppy.-~M. M. Fonioroy. Th* t lifter Parliament. hi fixed the j pi-eiiwer's salui-y at $lfi,000, while mm- j i'!i is K*t .* Id (Hid, mill pH,rlinieivtTy necretwriof Ifi.OOO a year wtch, Smni hs a contingent of (tirl Guide*. ISSUE No. 6 '28. The Big Prize Lisl! $2,200.00 in all 1t Prize "Spe- OvtiUnd Aute or 2nd Prize 3rd 4th " 6th " th " 7th " h " th " 10th " 11th " 12th Uth Hth " 15th " 1th " 17th _..^ lth " 19th " SOth " 21st " 22nd " 2Srd " 24th " 26th ^ tt All Ties Receive Duplicate Prizes 1 1 .000.00 600.00 250.00 100.00 35.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 j 15.00J 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ^"; l'f ,?','' s ,'!! e . A?!?? t -'. Prtvtti&tfSftW , Mary Plckford. Charlei Ray, Fatty Arbuckla, Norma Talmage, Frd,rirk nin, i y Bnyn - T ^<""a Melghen, Mabel Normand, Dorothy Gish, Pauline p.7nchI, C 8wTe,?T r ?e V d*a n B , n r', DOU9la ' Fairba " 1 "' Allce *** Durt '" F.rnuln, P..V. White. Coate Nothing to Try in,;?" 1 *"!.?,' '!. ^- U !^l l *''P& t . p ' rao "> * world If you were the winner of the Anil It won't rout you one oent. Only 185 Polntt Win* Jl.OOO.OO Tlv unswer Bftlnlng- 1ST. points (wlilHi la the maximum) will win the 11,000 In cash (or Hi* heamifiil "SpiK-lnl" Ovtrland). hecona highest will receive 1600.00 and so on down the UNI of ?6 Drllttk, Km- each Mnvle Name Uiat you vurrei'lly arrange you will receive II point*, or 100 Polntl In all If yon Hi-raiiBe ull .ten nunirs correctly. 'I'lit-ii you .-sin Re t 8u nun o -polnl.i !>- "<|iiallf.vln|i" your nnawer. That Is, by proving llial you IIHVC shown copy of the CANADIAN FAKMKR to three people during this UiK Publicity A. Boost r (^mniialifii A qiialirtcatlon lilank will be mailed you on receipt of your aiiBwor. The "ui:' i as poliuji will h \var<li1 liy Ihrrr iiionilnent mirl Independent judgMi e Hie ri UN,- ,. st.-lrt. lianihvrlti'i.v ,ii!il t.;iini,' of your Hnswpr. Sirlke wliile th Iron In hoi, iinrt m-ril In your :insr today. Rules of Contest 1. Wrhe all ton M,,-,l.- N';nii > i> on one side of n slieet of paper. 2. Write your iiume and Hddi-ecs ]>lulnly lu the "upper rlfht hand eeratr of tie arne hert. 3. If >ou wish to write anything I'lse, use a separate aheet of paper ami lgn your name .tnd ooifiplat* addrtn on It also. *. Three nvomlncnt. jiul|io.s-. haviiij; ii oonnm-tlon with the CANADIAN KARMRn, -i will Judge the qualified nnswci-s ami award the prizes. 6. The answer Kainimr IS" imiuf>, uhli-h is (lie highest number obutlnnlilr,' -win* Fh-Bi I'l-l/.e. 1>n points ulll t>n given for eni-h correct nume you gend. or 100 points If you ifcl all t*n n.imcui correct. " Sixty additional points ar trained by qualifying your tinswer, aiul 25 point' will be riven for ncatnetB, et>le. hand- writing and apejuna; -. 6. When the Movie Kdilur if.'pives your )lution. lie will send you letter telling jrou Just, exactly lm\\- many points your nonttlnn earned and al*o send you a ample ropy of the i'AN.\MAN l-'AHMKH lo lulp you in "iumlifying." 7. 1'n* Contest c-lof.i i>u Saiurtlay. M:in-li 11. HC2 and aniio.incetnent of Prlxe Wlnnei-H will be inii.lo in ihe CAN AIM A.V KAIiMKH nhortly after. R. W. HAMILTON, Movie Editor. CANADIAN FARMER c '

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