i t BRITISH DOMINIONS ALL EXCLUDED FROM ANGLO-FRENCH TREATY ^ v ^ - Q^T New Departure in the Constitutional History cf the Empire. Canada and the Other Dominions May Contract Them- selves in if They Wish to ?o so. A despatch from London says: , d-Ei.erto to att?n I the Genoa cor.'ar- Carjadia and the other Dominions will : enco and 1 should sMhe awl the other Da- be specifically excluded from the ifrncona exprev* a wish to pai'H'C.i'pate, Anglo-French pact, the negotiations they will all be formally iv./rtsd. As fcr which are now toeiiag comiiKted by tfca principal objejt of lJw mctir.i;j Lloyd George and Poirurare. This step wivl lie tto economic rej^n&'.ructkn cf marks a departure in' the constitution- , Russia, Canada wcth her direct ocean al history of the British Empire. ,commtirr nation with Si l b.!u 1 has a Oid'inaivi'y, in tlhe conclusion' of treat- rmach more vital interest in it tl.un ies <JT agreements of this kind, the have most of the smaller European Dominions are automatically included, cour.triea who wi.l be rc-nresente-i: If Britain, for instance, signed an J^f-an will be there ar.d so will the agreement to-morrow with An-gora. United' States as a luirge creditor of | Canada waukl be understood to be Eurc.pe. Canada h aho a cre-libcr to committed. In the pact which LLoyd tme extent of about $50,000,000-owe 1 George and Briaoid ahnos't signed), ' by France, Helium,, Greece and however, the Dominions are specific*!- Roumanoa in trade credits. Canada, i 5 ly left out until the vontraict them- ' moreover a large pupplietr cf food- mlvea m if fihey wish to do so. This ytuffs raw materials and even inian-u- U believed to constitute precedent, ! factored articles to the countries cf and is logical consequence o>f laotj post war Europe. A Russian, trade Huimmeir's coroference of Empire Pro- dlsJegation will shortly visit the Do- mier's in LenJkzn, when the feeling of minion with the object of re-e-stafaMoh- the Dominions was tested as regards! ing commercial relations and ultinvato- many iasuea of foreign policy aradj ly Canada wild be asked for Ru'oian ome cf them were ra*her critical of I credits. On !! these jprwunds, bhe course ft-hioh Prance was Canauia has been asked whe; hr She ada is deeply coiwerned in 1 the .Genoa meeting. GERMAN PAYMENT EVERY TEN DAYS Reparations Commission Also Wheat Wizard to Produce New Type A despatch from Saskatoon says: Dr. Seager Wheelsr, wheat wizard of Rosthern, GANAUA'S WINTER PASTIME The young lady in the photograph is making a speedy rush down the ice. novice at it either. She does- not appear to be any Canada From Coast to Coast Char!ottetown, P. E. I. During the, were re-elce^ad. The financial reports past year fox pelts valued $1,000,000 wore soid t.n total prohts while the, Changed System of Coal Delivery. j gp^^ng h ore on Thursday, inti- A <Jee^atch from Paris say*: Ger- mated that he is working; on a many feas imdc her fiKst payment of. new type of wheat free from Hi.ooo.ooo gold marks, in accordance; ru . st affection. Dr. Wheeler gave with the recent decision of the Rep- j an interesting account of how he i b ^ . the rir:rr ir.T't4 ( j*rmi>,'.i~i,}T> n-r I t*'m,.\a n^_ I I Phi.. >i of tha fur farming ir. 1-ustry. j are reported to be $5,975,000. Halifax, N.S. The population ofi Regir.'a, Sask. On the whole the bag ! NOVA Scotia is est'inatrjd by the Hali- ' ge ?a.on in Saskatchewan has I fax Board of Trade at 524,833, com- l) ee" rather disappointing, only a few) pared with 429 338 in 1911. The indus- 'hundred mowa being killed in com- 1 trial population is divided as fol'lows-: parison with twelve hmrdred last sm- inanufacturing 35 000, compare:! with son . according to line chief game 31,251 in 1910; mining- 16,400, com- warden, pared with 14,977; farming 34,000, Edmonton, Alta. Twenty thousand males long, will be at Vermilion Sum- mit, just south of Castle, 5,W4 feet above sea level. Victoria, B.C. At the present time British Columbia supplies 37 per cant, of the lumber used in Canada. This industry produced nearly $93,000,000 worth of commercial material, and It is expected that production In 1921 amount to $100,000,000. The gov- SOUTH UNIONISTS TO AID FREE STATE Fredericton, N. B. Two thousand F of New Bruiwwk-k potatoes 81-rivedi in Cuba from St. John " SPH. ju .nroag^il .ue ; Will Give Support to the Dub- lin Provisional Govern- ment.. A despatch from Dublin says: The Ir:ih Post Office is m>w in the hamdw cvf the Provisional Government, J. J. Wt*lri, Minister for the Powtofflce, having formally assumed control on ThurciAny afternoon of the General Postoffice in SckvHl street. Walsh has had a good fes'l of postaffiee ex- perience having been for some years a postal official in Cork. Shortly after the outbreak of war lie was dismissed! fro.711 the postal Bcrvi'oe because of his poKtioa.1 vi*ws. In 1916 he fought in Dublin and wa* sentenced' to dmth, the sentence beintg commuted. He wiw elected for Cork City in 1918 and again in 1921. To Walsh win fall the task f a--r-, :;'/ the issue of th Irish Free State postage sttaanpe. A meeting of Unionists of the Soutli an i West of Ireland, convened by the Earl of Mayo, was held 'Tiiuraiay afternoon in Du'bim. Tht-ne was a represerrtetive attendance. Lord 1 Mayo pointed out that their duty WBB to take their part in building up <--r aountry amd to take part in tbe affairs of the country. With the new Govern- ment the Castle htui been Driven over in its entirety to the Provisional Gov ernmwt, and there could be no fatting during the period back or sharking 1 . $3,500,000 in direct! The Earl of Dunraven moved "that timber dues and in addition to this a } we, the Unionists of South and West large proportion of the $2,750.000 re- j Ireland, revttfmiziirg tliat the Provi- ceived from inconi* and personal taxes , aional Govenmient -lias been formed; is derived from the lumber industry, desire to support our fellow-count ry- Forka, B.C. An initial ship- .. rnt:n in thi* Government, in order that from Gnaml Forks to Vancouver: welfare of ti>e community secured." hand-rub- fleeted gram. days pemiir.g a decision on the whcie|5 "^ , reparutknw issue. heads ol The Raparati'on.? Commission an-| ~* nouuaed payment, iul:'Ang that it ws ' Rumored Betrothal of paid in foreicsi arrrenx-y to l>ankai |L > by the Committee of Guax- 1 Ving A despatch from London says: At Mary Pacific service. This week an additional eijfht thou- sand barrels liavc left fur the same destination. Boyce an:l Company, whs are responsible for the shipments, state that Cuba is- invpurting potatoes cf tile i which ha,m:*s:l 40,000 p:.ur.i er of the s urplas turkeys Alberta farmers. Ca'gwry, Alta. The last 50 miles of un automobile route whic-h wil' con- to Gkj w - ^nd, by way of the PaTm Canal. University Tutorial Classes. t at the rate of from twenty to twenty- "-t ''* -' natural parks and l.nk MM ** ti, D The figurations Conrniis'sion has-j decided to change the system of the | mootbly prryi-am of cowl and coke 1 for a total ta be deiivered in five thousand bushels per week and that, a third of the total puivha-:e has ibeen promised New BrunjvviL'k. Montreal, Que. In al! probability proposed 1 $:),000,lM)0 highway, months, namely, 5,750,000 toiM. The German delejcation has formally cepted this charge. 4 i engajpement of thx? Duke of York to; Sr^J !u C ' through the Island of Montreal, to ex- i tend from the bridge terminal ai motor tourist the Grand Ydiiuwstoive and Glaci'T Parks with Banff and Southern Cali- Huge Whale Severed by Ship S Prow O f Toronto is the commencement of a fortnightly class in community : A despatch from New York says: in Beeton.. The plan arranged for Dominion Parks Bnim-h. The highest j Lady Mary Ashley, daughter of Lady I ^^ ^ * Sha.ftes i; >ury, who is La.ly in VVaitiiu? . ta tha Queen, perj'ons in hag^h tan<l- iRg at the court say. losdy Mary is I a great favorite of the Queen. She is a beautiful brunette and is tr.verrt.y >' x * ar9 <>H The approachir.j betrothal Dllltc of York is n'lieunt because it shows an hair to t(Tr&ne mar a irl cf the H. R. H. Well Received at Bangalore A despatch from Bangalore. India, says: The Prince of British nubility, Wales reached here Wednesday from Madras. The town was IIe: , If wc Ket marriedi , WOIlder tote . ls 7(5iB7 5, f whom 35 941 axe Brit- prof usely decorated, and great if ycu can make pies like mother Mfti Mi, 23,27!) from the United States and' crowds every Where attended the to make?" She: "And I'm wondering 1 17,355 from, other countries. ., :_ H<J j e f t jf you t . au make m oney like father i Ottawa, Ont, A new five-cent He I'lle, to St. Anne d,? Bel'.evue, will thor- w(Jrk oughfare i& exij>ecte!l to begin early this year. It is to be built in sections nnd will be 150 feet wide. Ottawa, Ont. The total immigra- tion to CanatUa for the month of No- vember, 1921, was 4f>4;0, 1,404 being from the British Mes, 1 ,747 from the United States and 1.400 from other countries. Immigration to the Do- inindun for the first eight months of the fiscal year, April to November, Passengers on the Italian liner Presi- the district of which Beeton is UIB dente Wii^on, which has just arrived , centre rs to have the tutorial class , here, were thrown into a near panic j meet every Tuesday evening, the forma wih be completed during 1922, | when . mld . (>coall M<i whUe makilvg study of English literature alternating accordmg to a statement made by the sevt?lllteen knote> the ve!3el bumped mcli second week with the practice of into a sunken object, trembled and ; gi-oup sin^iiyg. It will be an irrterest- stoppad. ' in % experiment and one that would When the ship was backed away not have been possible, were it not i from the obstruction it was fcund to i that the Toronto Conservatory of be a huge bull whale which had been , Music is af ftliated with the provincial cut almost in two by the t/harp prow, j uruvemty. numarous ceremonies. in the evening for Mysore. ; ured to make!'" NEW FRENCH PREMIER STATES POLICY IN STIRRING SPEECH A despatch from Paris ?ays: Ray- mond Poincare, President of the Re- pubiac during th war, aid now Pre- mier of with the French Chamber practically unanimous be- nickel for Canada hi:-* just been mint- ed at the Royal Mint here. Of pure nickel, the new five-cent piece will have a diameter of .8!)5 of an inch awl be of seventy grains in weight. The new coin wild be issued as requisition- ed, the older coin rcn.ainiiiK in cir- culation. pose any and ail French Governments, Winnipeg, Man. Five hundred dele- the French Parlian:nt was ais solid 'gates, represent in'g 30,000 ptoai^ehold- behin.i its Government at the present ' ers, were present at the annual meet- Weekly Market Report miainer.t as when the Germans the frontier in 1914. Alert and active, all the pent.-upj ing of the United Grain Grovel's, he!di in thi city. AH the retiring directors: nipeg recently. Mrs. James Elliott Of Oiirdale, Man., wlio was elected President of the United Farm Women of Manitoba for Hi is year at a Conven- tion of that (irganiKiition held in Win- hind him, served notice on Germany j and suppressed energy stored up dur- i jn Thur.-d'ay that, so Icn^ a s he held! ing .-^ven passive years in Eljsi'e' >ffice in camluctin^ the deL>nies of | Pal-ace radiating from his physi.villy Ws country, Gcirmany must fulfill the j small frame, M. Poincare in;til!eJ into' obligations entered upon at Versailles, ami may expect no lenie-ncy. "The Versai'Mes Treaty binds tw to Mr allies," he said, 4t but it bir..d Gef- to u all. It muist be carried out." These were his fiiml words l>efoTe leaving the tribune after replying tu various intenpcltotiora. His pro- r.ouncenint summed up the whole TWO AIRMEN ESCAPE JN WAI TO MEET COMMONPLACE ENDS Toronto. Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern, $1.28%. Manitoba oats --No. 2 CW, f5c; ex- tra No. 1 feed, 53c; No. 1 fee.1, 52v. Manitoba uarley Non.inal. All the above, truck, B;i;. pcrts. American corn 1 No. 2 yi-'.low. (!0c; I No. 3 yellow. r.8c; No. 4 yrilow, <<",\-\ ' track, Toronto. Ontario oai 1 - Xo. '2. wiiil-.-, Itoniinal. Ontario w h c-:i t Norn in i '. . Barley No. .'? extra, test 47 !bs. or Iwtter, 57 to tiOc, aci'orditiiC to freights otitsi-ic. Buckwheat No. 2, 78 to 80c. Kye No. L', 8(5 to 88c. Man. flour First pats., $7.JO; sec- ond pats., $().'.)(). Toronto. M;m. flour '.HI per cent, pat., bulk, I seaboard per barrel, Si>. Millf^i Del bags ir. 1 . Index! I shurtj, f. IT ton SI. 70 to SI. 80. Un'e;l hay Traik, TorciUo, piT ten, No. 2, S21.50 to S22; mixt ! : ; 1^. Straw Car lots, per ton, $12. Cheese New, large, 20 to 20 '-ic; twins, 20 Va to 21c; triplets, 21 to Honey 60-30-1'b. tins. 14Ms to 16<J per Ib.; 5-2M:-lb. tins. It! to 17c per Ib. Ontario comb honvy, per dozen, $3.75 to 34.50. Smoked meats Hams, mod., 25 to> 27c; cooked ham, 30 to 40c; lonkadl ro'.ls, 2U to 24c; oottzge rolls, 25 to 2v; !ir<.-:ikfast bncon. M to 30c; spe- cial brand breakfast bacon, 30 to 35c; backs, 'honefess, 32 to 3d. 1 . Cured meat' Long v'u..r !>-. MV.. 1.3 to 20c: clear belli'js, 18 ',4 to 20".-c. Lard Pure tierces, )3'-fe to 14c; hubs, 14 to 14'ic 1 ; pails, 1-iir" Ui I"). 1 ; prints, 16 M. to 17c. Sboctenme tu-.'i*Pj_ 13c; tubs, 13'io: pai!.-. Uc; print*, Choice lieavy steers, $8 to S8.25; do, goud, $7 to SS; iiutcber steers, choire, $0.75 to $7.511; do, tfooil, (! to ,.w. . 50.011; no, men.. ?> 10 w.n>; <io, ctnii., barrel, So. 34 to $4.25; Imtchi-r heifers, choice, si. Montreal freight., 75 U) ?7 or,. (lo> , n(V ,| sr , - ^ Sfi50; : Bntn, per ton. SL8; ^ 0< com ., $4 to $4.25; Imtcher >-ow.s i. $30; gojd feed flour, ohaic^ to $11.50; do. imt.. *3.50 to s air.! lvi , tt .), or | m i| f . cutters. to to $0: the Cliamher the spirit which has been I lacking sir.ve Clumenceiu's departure. | Germany must honor her signature at' ..\ despatch from London says: Uritith war p;i.:<. althoiiffh h \va _., .. ^ /4 ^. Versailles, declared the Premier, n>o>t; Two famous British nirnren notwl aai Pi'aeticsT'y iinkmnvii to tte f?em>i al ton's 'new' If)' to !iiv. on..v with respect to reparations, 1 - .. , ..j public. He bail been made pcrma-n- Butter Frcih il.iiry. which was a matter of "life or dth stunt fllers anJ Wal P " ts Uy ^i entiy hitiic by a 2,000 foot fall, but|35c; rvoanwr. V . piJnU, _ , .. ., . . ,.. _ to France," but also disarma-iiient and , irony of fate, met de^th this week j k ej ,g, , \ to i,e placed in active service! 4Bc; No. 'i, "(i to 38c; cookiivjf, 25 to $1.50 to $3; hogs, foil and \vaterrd. tJO $0; do, fair. S4 to $">; stockcrs, go!>d, $4 to $5; do. fair, S3 to $4; milk- ers, $<0 to $80; springers, $70 to $'JO; 0:.l, !.irge, ^5 to 2Gi-; twins. | calves, choice, $12.50 to $13.50; do, 25'^. to 2(> 1 /4c; triplets. 20 to '^7c; StiK mwd., $9 to $11; do. c.-.m., S3.50 to ^7; I lambs, chckc, S12.50 to S13.50: do, i:ice, 28 to ! com., $7 to $8; .sheep, ihoice. $0.50 to t'r--:h, 40 to $G.5(); do, good, $4 to $5; do, com.. Never simee the Germans threaten- ed Chateau Thierry, when CieineiKwu appeared before the Chamber to tell France that the war was not yet lost, and the pimii.-'hmien.t of the war criminal*. 1 through causes far removed from j and becnmo a comnvan<lr in The Premier openly declai-od that | their dungeroiis t ailing. M. G. Smiles, ' gixti't'th Squaiirnn, with the two fa- slmii'M Germany fail to carry out who before the ws>r was one of thelmc.u? a^i -, \\ r ii':aiii A. Bishap and either of the latter undertakinig, it '. chumpion trick aviators at Hendon, ' Albert Ball under him. He is extclfed would b considered as a violation of , \vas killed at Edgevvare on Thursdny.j ^s- -t :vi> .Major" hy Bishop in his bock, the Versailles Treaty, giving Frwr-ce : when he Mi from the window at his! Capt, Scott bad survived so many complete freedom of action. He advo- ' place of business. He once held the I cabed the virtual elimination of the j loop record ami was a flying instruc- Dressetl poultry Spring chkkciM, $11.75; do, f.o.b.. $11; do, country poiwts, $10.75. ws stiffl a hope of victory,! Supreme Council, with reversion to has a French Premier received such an ovation as greeted M.- Poincare on Thursday, when he presented 1 before the Deputies the Ministerial Declara- tion. He ptouded for tTitional union, dtplomiatk channels in deal- ings between nations, with the Su- tor during the war. Recently he had been cond'uetimg a chocolate factory. Group Cajptaiin Allan "Jack' 1 Scott, prem Council "cfilled upon from time who during 1 tht> war lived an "Odys- to time to confirm agreements, rather than to negotiate them." and, except for the Socialists and I another radical departure Connm<uni.st9, who automatically op- France's Foreign Policy. This was from sey of hazard," was buried on Wcdnes- that it was said that prac- tically no part cf his body was mi- scarred. Lately he liad 1 been secre- tary to the Air Ministry. .Among the mourners woie a Icirge nunrber of members of the Royal Air Force, as well as Lonl Birkenheiad, who \vas 30 tx> 38t; nKinters. 20 to 25c; fowl, 28! " Montreal, to 32c; ducklings, 32 to 34c; turkey,! Oats, Can. West., No. 2, 59 to 60e; 50c; geese, 30c. I do, No. .'!, 57 to 58c. Flour. Man. Live poultry Spring chickens, 22. Spring whoat pats., firsts, $7.50. to 28c; roosters, 18c; fowl. 20 to 28c; 32c; turkeys, 40 to 45c; geese, 20c. Margarine 23 to 25c. storage, 40 to 45c; . 50 to 52c; new laid, in cartons, 52 to 55c. Beans Can. hand-picked, Inishul, ed oats, bag 90 2.85 to $2.9fi. Bran, $28.25. Shorts $30.25. Hay, No. 2, pel- ton, cur tote, $27 to $28. Butter, cLuictst oroamr>', 33 to 36c. Eggs, selected, 42c. Potatoes, per bagy car lot, $1.05 to $1.10. Com. diry cow?, ?:i.50 to $4.50; com. dairy bulls, $3.50 to $5; oannersy s $3.30 to $3.50; primv?; S2.80 to $3.10. $2; veal ~ calves, '$10 to $11; betton day. He caught cold while on a visit: Capt. Scott's perso'twil friend an.H Maple products Syrup, per imp. | quality, $11.50 or better; good lambaJ to Scotland and pneumonia ensued. I called him the bmvp-'t man he bad j gal. , !?2.tiO; pr 5 imp. gal.-.., $2.35. j $U.50; mod., $8 to $8.50; sheep, goodi Capt. Scatit was* one of the greatest, ever known in or out of fiction. Mnp'e sugar. Ib., 10 to 22c. 1 young ewes, $5; , selects., $13. REGLAK fiLLEK By Gene Byrnes