With The BOY WHERE NATURE WE era w B.UKUIIH FIRES THE BOILERS Classifier Advertisements. 1 J LA\EU i'lANO i'Uit SALJi. Only in Rare Cases Does Back- ache Mean Kidney Trouble. B^ co ITALY'S INDUSTRIES RUN BY NATURAL POWER. i*lAi\U i. ondition, with a large number of niiisic roils, for s.i.t at a oargain. L. Costcllo, 73 West Adelaide SU-eet, Every muscle of the body needs con- Toronto. A short time aso (lie Rotarians of Owen Sound listened to a flue addrnss at one of their weekly meetings, de- livered by Mr. Frank C. Irwin, assist- ant provincial commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association. Mr. Irwin and a number of the local Scout leaders Boiling Springs and "Puffing Holes" in Volcanic Area Take Place of Coal. stantly a supply of rich, red blood in proportion to the work it does. The musdrts of the back are under a heavy strain and have but little rest. When BELTING FOR SALE ALL KI.NUS OF .NKW AND USED A Soft Answer. New office boy: A man called here belting pulleyB saws. cable.hosc.packinK. to thrash you a few minutes ago. *at*l fill t llburi Utltl1..r.t til j MEII-ll 111 -.It InVVUUt * etc., ifiippttd to approval at lo ., ., , , .. . .. . . .......i..!, ell. 1 ., smi'Jieu syunjecL 10 ill)pru\ *n in tu wewi tllfi blood is thill they lark nouilsn- prl( . eB , Canada. YORK HET.TINCJ CO, inert, and the result is a sensation of us "- T,,^^ n M pain in those muscles. Some people think pain in the back means kidney trouble, but the best medical author!- Italy and its geographical neighbor- tjos . lgrec , tll;lt backache seldom or HELP WANTED. \VA::TED--TO no PLAIN J and light sowing at home, whole or spare time; food pay; work sent any distance; charges pulu. Send stump for particulars. National Co., Montreal. The Average Man. j When it comes to a question of trust- ing Yourself to the risks of the road. were the guests of the club. Follow- j hood comprise a volcanic area within ; never | 1118 any thing to do with the kid- 1ns the address a number of Rutariaiu which plutonic manifestations are by nevg Organic kidney disease may volunteered to become interested in j no means restricted to VoiVjiivlus. llave 1,,-ogressed to a critical point the Boy Scout movement in their lo- : Stromboli and Etna the three "burn- w j(i, nl ,t developing a pain in the back, callty and the club itself will give the : jug mountains" so conspicuously as- Tllji . j, e j |Ig tne cai;e| p a j n j n the back movement hearty support. ] sociated with the history of the Medl- > s i u)u id always lead (lie sufferer to look In his address Mr. Irwin reviewed j terranean. i Io the condition of his blood. It will the splendid work accomplished by the Thug jn Tuscany (north of Rome) be found in most cases that the use of i Wnen t he thing Is the sharing of bur- Boy Scouts and told of some of their tnere ig a va ] ley >sou th of the ancient Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to build up war-time activiiies. He referred as- : Elruscan c i ty O f Volterra, where for the blood will Btop the sensation of pecially to the fine results obtained in ; a digtance ot thirty miles the land- i pain in the ill-nourished muscles of the scape derives picturesiiueness from back. How much better it is to try "puffing ; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the blood i than to give way to unreasonable puffing alarm about your kidneys. If you sus- your kidneys, any doctor can Editor: What did you say to him? New office boy: I told him I was sorry you weren't in. Praise! "What do you think?" said a little iiaiiuViicturing boy to his mother; "my teacher has been praisinp me to-day." "What did he say to you, Charlie?" "Well, he said nothing to me, but le said to the next boy: 'You're the HAMILTON WOMAN. ADVISES MOTHERS SAYS HER TWO DAUGH- TERS NOW PICTURES OF HEALTH. most good-for-nothing boy in the class i gl]80n - Ave> North Hamilton, Ont Pentang, where the Scouts had a com- munity hall and where the movement many had resulted in a much better feeling uoleg among the Protestants and Catholics of that town. The boys had taken an Important part in the Tercentenary celebration there last summer. The members of the Rotary Club are as boys' boiling .springs and that emit steam. Geologists say that these holes go down to great depths in work is one of the most important duties of Rotary Clubs, and Boy Scout work is essentially boys' work. * * * The following editorial is clipped granite strata where exceedingly high ' "like tests in ten minutes that will volcanic temperatures prevail. The '. set your fears at rest, or tell you the springs of boiling water, from the ! worst- But in any event to be per- same source, contain much boric acid, ! fectly healthy you must keep the and for a century past they huve yield- ed commercial supplies of that pro- duct in such quantity that a great deal has been available for export. An Hlian engineer named Ciaschi eon- from the Halifax Herald: This happened in a Harrington Street restaurant yesterday. A little . gentleman of about twelve years of thel 'f b f developing new ones. It wae age was noticed holding a swinging i ^J^' 1 llt f ver >' successfully . but it door open for an old lady. When she ! J"* the unfortunate man his life. He had P8 .ed out to the sidewalk, her I *> into ne , <* h artificial springs ,,_j : and was par-boiled before he could be blood in good condition, and for this purpose no other medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pilte. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 ceived the idea of drilling deep holes ' cellts il box rsix boxps for ?2.50 from in the vicinity of the springs, and ; The Dr - Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ' " "escort" saw to it that she was guided safely across and iuto an automobile waiting at the curb. One did not need to be told that the little fellow was a Boy Scout. He did Dot "up 1 dragged out. Profitable Industry. Suspended Ferry Carries Traffic Across River. A novel kind of bridge for trans- porting pedestrians and vehicles across a river, without interfering in ., UU1 UOD <l K*WT| WMMMWM *i.^i - '"O * The scheme was developed by his wlth (he pagsilge u( full rig successors, and very profitably, great ^ oce . ul . goi . lg shipping, is in opera- have, any distinguishing badges , qua-nities of_the bone acid being sold i Uon at th(J towu of Newport> Eng ., on and he had left his "Baden- to the French glass factories. It was Powell" at home but he Scout written all over him. had Boy then a much scarcer and more costly the river Usk, four miles from its Junction with the Severn. On account . product than it IB to-day. The simple ; of {Ue 9teepnegH of tne banks , tne A tnie gpnileman in the making, means adopted for obtaining it was to great rise and fall of the tides, the that is what that boy is. And if for no . evaporate the water in huge caldrons, leug(h of the span and th(J height of other ruabon than the reason supplied Uiri>ui;h tnai delightful little incident, wt grown-ups should back the Hoy Scout Movement with every means iu our power. * wood providing the requisite fuel. headway needed, any ordinary kind of Increasing scarcity ot wood made | fc was imi)racticub ie, and there- a Frenchman, Comte Francois de derel, hit upon the clever notion of j using the steam from the puffing holes All informaiicn regarding the or- to furnish heat, dispensing with fuel B:i:ii;:atiu:i ot' Hoy Scout nnd Wolf Cub altogether. The water required for (Junior Scout) Parks can be had upon ! evaporation was drawn from the application to the Field Department of springs into immense pans of lead, be- the Boy Scnuts Association Headquar- ters, Bloor aud Sherbourne Streets, Toronto. Whence Comes the Ocean's Salt? tore this special kind, called a "trans porter bridge." was erected. The stationary members of the bridge consist of a pair of supporting towers, 242 ft. high, on each bank of the river. These carry two trussed girders, 16 ft. deep and 26 ft. from centre to centre, across the span of 645 ft. The total clearance from high-water level to the underside of Uje m f , The llorizontal neuth which the steam was conducted through pipes. 1'roducllon thereupon jumped to more than '2,000 tons of boric acid a year. The industry ed irder8 are ,, ed together , lll(1 brought into being a nuiiilior of towns d ag , n oniilmrv MAgti . spalli anrt _ Vil _ la 5f 8 _ ln ,. a . r ?. BIO _" !5.t5s and their bottom chords form a trark. in each case, for 15 wheels on either veurs earlier had been uninhabited. It h.v lo,>s been an accepted theory Among the most important centres f ilde of its web . These wne ei s are ear- . that the ocean derived Its salt from il ut tlle Present time are the towns of on brackets> whic)l are part > the rocks of the land. Rivers carry i I^rderello. Serrazano and Lustignano. Qf ft , a travel i illB frame , 104 ft. salt to the sea. together with other! A few Vars aB u Io the whk . h forms th() means of trang . . minerals, and there It has accumulated ! enBineers in ch;.rge of this picturesque t : itin( , a illsl , elu ied platform or car- the ages. This refers only to j ** thttt atcam fronl the I)ufli " B rier. The travelling frame is propell- common salt, which Is sodium chloride, an element so far essential to the might be turned to profitable at count for power purposes. Engines health of the human body that we j wer6 totalled, and there was such could not survive without it. It is '^appointment when It was found that the mineral salts contained in the I vapor attacked the metal or the ma- chinery so injuriously that it soon re- fused to operate. ed by a continuous cable driven by a drum in connection with two 35-hp. electric motors in the power house near one end of the bridge. tablo salt, lacking which most of our foods would taste flat and Insipid. Sea water contains other salts, not- ably those of inaRneflum and potas- sium, both of which, like sodium, are metals. It is a fluid of very complex chemi'Mi make-up, containing even appreciable percentages of gold and silver. Which, of course. Is what might Boon to Goalless Italy. This difllculty, however, was event- A Rhinoceros Horse. The beast referred to in the Bible as a "unicorn" is almost undoubtedly the single-horned rhinoceros of Southern ually overcome by the adoption of i Asia, which, needless to say, is a very means whereby the vapor was put formidable beast. through a preliminary process of puri- At Calcutta there is a famou-; Zoo, be expected in view of the contribu- flcation, the salts being removed from which, .specializing in Asiatic aiilniuls, lions of land-detritus by the rivers. Hut. now a new theory is being put it. Turbine engines were installed, keeps on exhibition ;i number of rhin and now ;\ first-class electrical plant o.< of this species. ferw, ,;.!. lia.---ii upon the alleged fact ks supplying Vulturra and uther towns The other day a native, who had that the salts of the sea do not cone* with current, the power being derived never before seen a rhinoceros, visited of .subterranean the Zoo and. overcome witli amaze- ment was suddenly inspired with an ambition to rifle the. biggest olio w!;ii_Ii at the moment lay po'.u-efuil) pond quantitatively to th- 1 -alts of the wholly from steam laud. That is to say, ilieir relative origin. quantities do not correspond. For one The steum beiiiR supplied to the tur- Horn tlmre i.-i an enormous excess of bines free of cost, the electric power, chlorides. The backers of this theory usd for lighting ;md other purposes, do/ing In his pen. lie proceeded there- arc disposed to contend that the salts Is very cheap. In a country where upon to climb Hie iron fence, despite of the ocean are largely of volcanic coal is so scarce and dear at> it is in the protests of other persona wno oi'j'J'!, taken up in solution from ma- 1 Italy, such a source of inexpensive sought to restrain him and who lookot terials vomited up from the sea hot- energy is highly appreciated. i in vain for a guard or keeper to pro toin at a period when (lie terrestrial j To augment the supply of available vent the crazy action. globe was as yet hi the making, its steam, many deep borings have been ! Once over the fence, he boldly strad crust being In process of formation. | made, thus creating artilicial puffing ( i|e/.i the huge animal, and looked To support this idea, they say that ; boles. Eleven average borings yield around him for admiration. But the the crater of Vesuvius alter each ! power equal to I hat derivable from the rhinoceros, ama/.ed and indignant, eruption is found covered with a white j burning of ten tons of coal per hour. ' leaped up with surprising agility, crust that is in composition exactly like sea salt! It IB estimated by geo- even Charlie behaves you.' dens, The lifting the heft of a load, u the hour of peril or trial, In the hour you meet as you can. You may safely depend on the wisdom And skill of the average man. Tls the average man and no other Who does his plain duty each day. The small thing his wage is for doing, On the commonplace bit of the way. Tis the average man, may God bless him. Who pilots us, still in the van, Over land, over sea, as we travel Just the plain, hardy, average man. So on through the days of existence, All mingling in shadow and shine. We may count on the every-day hero, Whom haply the gods may divine. But who wears the swarth grime of his calling. And labors and earns as he can, And stands at the last with the noblest The commonplace, average man. "Now tell me," said the inspector, ' her morc harm than goOQ Sne waa who was the mother of our great j pale woak and easl iy tired. Three Scottish hero, Robert Bruce?" bottles of Taniac. made her well and He pointed to the top boy and then strong Her appetite returned, her around the class. There was no ans- ; sleep became restful and her cheeka wer. Then at last the heart of the j got rO8y In fact sne ls t i, e very p i<> teacher leaped with Joy. The boy who j ture of health, was standing at the very foot had held Mv daughter Ida's case was almost Energy Required in Sewing by Hand and With Machines. That there is a great difference in the expenditure of energy required with different ways of sewing, was demon strated recently by scientists. Little variation was found in hand humming on fine handkerchiefs cotton sheets, 8-oz. cotton duck, or army blankets, but when the speed of sewing was in- creased, the expenditure of energy increased in proportion. Hemming sheets on a foot-driven machine, which was discovered to be about six tirneo as fast as doing the sunn; work by hand, required six times as much en- orgy, but the energy, pur" yard of sew- ing, was hardly one-half as great. When an electrically driven machine waa used, the energy required per hour was not quite twice that used for hand sewing, and about one-fourth of that used for the foot-driven machine. Canada has most extensive fishing grounds 5,000 miles on the Atlantic 7,000 miles on the Pacific and 220,000 square miles fresh water. The postoffice pensions and labor ministry departments in Great Britaii employ 8,000 women. Feels It Duty to Tell Others How Tanlac Brought Happi- ness to Her Home. "My two daughters have been so wonderfully built up and made so strong and healthy by taking Tanlao I just feel it is my duty to let oilier mothers know about my experience," said Mrs. Arthur Sellman, 134 Fer- better than A Scottish Mother. "My oldest daughter, Amy, was In a run-down condition for three years. She had a very poor appetite and what little she did eat seemed to do up his hand. "Well, my boy," said the inspector encouragingly, "who was she?" "Please, sir, Mrs. Bruce." Lucky Beatrice. Dolly was telling the next door little girl all about it. "My sister Beatrice is awfully identical, except her condition wasn't quite as serious. Just two bottles put her in the best of health. Every time I look at my girls now and see them enjoying such splendid health, I real, ize what a blessing Tanlac has been to our home, and I feel it my dwty t talk out and let people know about this grand medicine." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. lucky." "Why?" "She went to a party last night j " where they played a game in which the j In the Bible the word "girl" occult men either had to kiss a girl or pay | but once. a forfeit of a box of chocolates." "Well, how was Beatrice lucky?" "She came home with thirteen boxes of chocolates." The more you leave things to chance, the less chance there is for you. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. If Headachy, Bilious or Stomach is Bad, Take "Cascarets** Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Tongue. Und Odds. Indiges- tion. Sallow Skin and miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi- gested food, which sours and ferment* like garbage In a barrel. That's the lirst step to untold misery indlgeo- tion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow kin. everything that !e tokening. A 1 aret to-night will give your con- stipated bowc'U a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while yon Millions of mull and women take a Caseuret now and then to ki'r;> their stomach, liver and bowels rpKulitted, and never know a mlsorabli 1 inoni 1 'il. Don't for- .;ct the children tlR'ir little inside* r.ccil a good, gentle i-\< :iii.-iiig, too. .- T TOT rOTC , , . . .-,1 . Cold in the Chest, Etc. 35-cents bu.. . . buttle of "Danderino" at any dnig store. After one applica- tion you can not II nil a particle of diindniff or a falling hair. Besides, L-M.I-.V hnlr shows new life, vigor, I brightness, mor ctilin- and abundaiico. Pioneer Bex 3e:ue41o DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mallei! I'"re* to ;iny Ad- ilr^s by tho Author. H. Clay Oloi-er Co., Inc. IIS \Vcst list Street Nfw York. I'.S.A. >t 'I'll. N. S Mather! Open Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Apparently the borings do not affect threw the man off-, impaled him with the pressure at which the steam is de- ' his horn, cast him thirty feet into the Your Uttlo one will lm-e the "frtrity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish, or full of cold. A teaspoonful never fails to cleanse Hie liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for your- self how thoroughly it works all the sour bilo. and undiKo^lod food out of the bowels and you have a well, play- ful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California legists that the common salt in the livered from the depths of the earth; air and then lay down upon him. '. Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- ocean would make 4,800,000 cubes each and tho quantity of steam, at an un- 1 Guards, summoned to (he .scene, killed spoonful to-day saves a sick child to- ono mile in si/e, which if spread over | varying pressure, is not diminished as : the beast with explosive bullets. .The Canada would form a layer one gix-tnnths miles high. and i time goes on. \VIYIER HA11D ON HABY The winter season Is a hard one on the baby. He is more or less confined to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is so often stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. He catches colds which rack his little system; his stomach and bowels get out. of order and he becomes peevish and cross. To guard against this the mother should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. They regulate the stom- man was dragged out of the pen, still J breathing; but he died a few hours later. A True Home. aor-geiieral of Canada expired and he ' Muy uiossings be upon your house, was about to retire to India, the de- ' Y our roof and hearth anil walls! votees of the sport of curling made : A)liy t |, cro be lights to welcome you A Roaring Game. When the term of a certain gover- inorrnw. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ngtis printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get un imitation tig syrup. COARSE SALT LAN D SALT Bulk farlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CUFF TORONTO ItchedandBurned, Scarce- ly Slept, Cuticura Heals, "Pimples affected my face. They were large and always festered, and \ turned uno uuuca uu ! v.-hon they f:!l cfT they V:. . l.ft big rr-t;r!:a ur.til rr.y >to4, face was i'.it .". pfA. They 'iBfr itched and burned eo that I s:c ' r'Ttat all. "I l-.r/l bec-i be : - ' 1 for i tvro ir.or/.hs t:';ra I ctartcd u t-j C :-:a,=r.'laf-r I ' In :-.! three bo:::3 of Cutioir.i C i: .lert . B the Cu-.ic-jra Sotp I ' herJ.:-J." (CijneJ) F.:: i L i-urns. St. Darile. Quo., Juno P, KIC. Uue Cuticara Goap, Cln.ineiit and Talcum for alltoiltt purposes. c op ?5c. Ointment 25 and Me. Sold throughouttheDprolnten.CanodjjmDwoK L-n-eno L r -niScJ. SL rai-.l Si.. Montreal. ~rr-(-n'i-ura Soap lavc without mui. him a farewell address. According to Lord Frederic Hamilton in his hook, "Days Before Yesterday," the govern- Wlu'ti evening's shadow falls! The love that like a guiding star Still signals while yr.ti rcuni : USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFF PAIN or-general the present Lord Lans- A | )ot ,i ti ;l friend- thn.;o bo the thing,! downe - made a very happy reply. Speaking of the regret he felt at , leaving Ottawa and : evering the tiea that bound him to Canada, he ronmrk- , ed that, bearing in mind the climate of India, ho did not anticipate much curl- TllPt lllMliP a home. -Myrtle Reni. acb and bowels and break up colds. | ing there, and that ho shi.uhl mi-s.s tho , COBts They are sold by medicine dealers or "roaring game." In fact, he thought by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- Tllle, Ont. Oan*da needs more people and capi- tal to develop her fertile lands and natural resources, and presents oppor- tunities unsurpassed by any counUy to the world. Mlnard'i Liniment for Garget In Cow*. that the only roariiiK game that he was likely to come in contact with would probably be u Bengal tiger "Lot us hope," he concluded, "that your ex-govornor-general will be found pursuing the roaring game, not being pursued by It." , LITTLE aches grow into bijj p.tins unless warded off by an applica- tion of Sloan's. Rheuimitism, neuralgia, stiff joints, lame back won't fight long against Sloan's Liniment. For more than forty years Sloan's Liniment, has helped thousands, tho world over. You won't be an cxcep* tion. It certainly does produce results. It penetrates witfi-out rubbing. Keep Canada has iho only -two coal i .- this^old family friend always handy MONEY ORDERS. !.s -ilwa; . i- .-<;if<' to send a Dcininimi Money Order. Five linllurs cents. on tho s<?a-eoast of North Am- for instant use. Ask your neighbor. ericn, ami controls one-fifth of the At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40, world's cowl ivsourees. '* -^ Mnile in Canmle - "Know Uiy work juitl <lo it," s:\ys Curry lo, "and work at it like a Her- i cules. One monster there is in the Horses, giraffes and ostrichea have! WO rld: an idls man." the largest eyes of land creatures, and cuttlefish of those in the sea. ! Mlnard's Liniment for Oistemptr. Liniment ISSUE No. 52 '21. Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," wliich contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain TIaiidy tin boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 nnd 100 All Drujwfn. \imlrln In the- trade mark > r.'tistn'i'rt In f'.inHilii) nf lla>vr Manfn<-!">. "t Mono- nrolli-atlilcstor of Snili ymailtl. Will* It Is wrii hucnvn that Anplrln in. jiu Mayer nmnutttiture. lo upeiai !']< imMic- arrilrcl iuil'nilon*. Hit Tablets of liayei Comi-O7 will be tumped wlili ihelr cnrl trade mark, the "Uayer Cro.'' i