Canada From Coast to Coast vincial Department Other agricultural Frederick, N.B. A toHl of 28028 cm were planted to soring wheat in thte province during 1921, producing 441,400 bushels according to the Pro- of Agriculture. statistics were: Oats, 264,728 acres, yield .905.000 bushete; barley, 8.898, 175,700; buck- wheat, 49812; hay and clover, 625,- 875; 16,192,000; hay and clover, 625,- 000 tons froni 694,497 acre*; and turnips, 17,745 acres, 6.202,000 bwheVs. Halifax, N.S. The Bluenose, Nova investment of $1,000,000. Among them were factories for the manufacture of linen, gardie-n implements, cabinets, electric appliances, lamps, chemical products, radiators, wood carving, brooms, cigars and caps. The Pas, Man. Speckled trout, identical with those found in the Nip-i- gon River, have been caught in the Kettle rapids on the Nelson River. This, it is expected, will have the ef- fect of diverting some tourist traffic from Ontario to Northern Manitoba. Haill&x, iS.o. I liv uiuwruww, i 1 . ... i j Scotia's champion of the international The (fell are sid to be pfenttM and schooner race, left last week for of a good sw Ponee Porto Rico, on her first trip. Regma, Sask.-It is reported that to a foreign market, with a cargo of "heat receipts of the Sa.ka Uhewau fish. In her hold were fiOO ca.ks, eaui- 1 Cooperative Elevato^C, for Jhe past valent to 1,800 barrel* of fish. [season total 22000000 bushels. This _*~> *v. i . ' is 3.000,000 bushels more than last Sydney, N.S -It reported that a ^ at ^ ^ new and modern machine shop is to R Sask.-The area sown to be erc-cted in Sydney shortlyby the Jn Mftnitobai Saskatchewan Dominion Steel Corporation. The most A f bert:l this V6ar is anout ino per 1 up-to-<!au machinery is to be installed, adequate to p.tten.ling to all repairs vecniired in the plant, coal mines or railway. This will nraan additional industrial ac;ivit> and a volume of employment Quebec, Quo. The production of in the Province of Quebec has greater than the area sown la-t year. The figures for 1920 and 1921 are 23'S",155 and 514. 4*3 respectively. Fdmonton. A'ta.--The story of a * pronounced disability disclosing itself as a vahm-ble asset comes from the Smoky River country alon? the line ' of the" Edmonton Dunvepan and Brit- more than dmib'el in the last seven j jgh Coi utn bia Railway. Engineers of years. Frmi 1 .r.00,000 pounds in 914 ^ ri>a() ha<1 eyeless trouble in the annual output has grown to 3,800,- mam t a ining the approach to the cro---- 000 pon- 1- in 1921- There were in the firri y-'i- o<" the war only 3,200 farmers intert-slwl in the product i6n of honey whil.-"'. to-day the numlier of pnxlucers is 0,300, according chief cf the Honey Production "THE ~WEA"RIN THE GREEN." The Search for Oil ia Mackenzie District "The open season of 1921 in the remains the only one yet brousfhtjn, Mackenzie River oil flekh tea come j and in place of being a prohflc gusher, Md gone," writes Mr. F. H. Kitto of is a rather insigmnct little pro- the Natural Resources Intelligence dur. However, ,t atually does pro- nve ivaiunu nesuiMvca in^^.. ^.. Bran^i of the Department of the In- dace ar,l *^ ******? a * that, thcu-gh m limitetl quantities. It tericr, who has spent the paat two sc-aaons in the Mackenzie District. With the cessation cf activities, that repo.i-ti.vl that the Imperial Oil are installing at this well flvo storage were >uehed wit'i feverish h"*ts dur- j tanks of 4,500 gallons capacity each, rnfthe hott" mm^r month, of con- and gamine distortion plant with ttLw* .hylieht comes an opportun- a capacity of from I BO to 200 gallons S to review (he pr,*re<H and d- p^r day n^ are di 3 t,lhn f gnsolme cr velopment that has been accomplished, the local r,v,r trade, rhose flgur. ami to weigh the situation in the light j may be exaggerated. True, fo Im- of additional Unowiedge gained. On the whole, in general tern*, an atmosphere of d-isappomtment .is cw- dent. To the casual observer the held has proved below par ami therelore , fa.tare. Such snap verdict, are o be m fact they cannot H. , to ovcr-csti- ; ' mate and "boomMhat wns so rampanj * expected avoided. Tho teiv.ic-n.ey that \v last winter ar.d spring i to produce a reaction, not the field will ultimately fruitful, the facts that its local far distant from n:urkeU and The navies ing of the river sliding of whk/h vahlW to th<- continual which the banks Now it appears, after that these clays, of > an enormous quantity, for the manufacture of Provincial Department of Agriculture. | )ri(-1< ^ ti j e t ] ra i ni ^ niay i,, time Montre-'I, O"". In he total volume ,J-;VP birth to an industry, the traffic of grain in'<> Montreal port from May ,,f which should compensate the rail- 1st to December 1st, the rail r > .'to ro : 1 f^r some of the trouble it has exc-<-:!ed th? water route by eleven f experienced, million bushels in the bijrg-*t grain <"::- ry, Alta. Calgary gardeners year the post has ever c\|v-ri'-nccd. h;v.v o-nu.-^tr.-ttp'! thitthe pesvimi -- Ac(v>rdinp U> 'he Montreal Hi ,-ird of tic prophets of twenty years ago wore Trad" >;4 .".".'.'> '"'0 br Vs of grain ar- l.-ickir? in vision in n-.Mvrt to certain rived by lake hi- it? .".s romt ! a r ed with ^ M rr . ..,... c. - The usual army of cheap julventur- ; Sa]( . w . (t( , r wtis enwmn f^ed and later boM outlines of the Hughes 'the sea ba?es of to-morrow will bejera that gather on such occasions s| a gnir ;^ f,, rn riticn was reached. Bo- merge intact from the grir/1 and defensive bases. The strong hand of j been eliminated, and orrly the seas, - yon(1 ^^ <. er . th the pKWpeeH were where she is with her Hongkon-g and! go so far and no farther. *ire no..**-, Kowloon areas of defence. | of to-morrow will be defensive navies; The. plan emerge hammering of the conference. The 5- 5-3 ratio is unshaken, although Japan saves her sentiment-financed Mutsu, I they stood, will scrap sixty-eight capi- huilt from the yen and sen st-rapedjtal ships and wipe from the ocean a from tho pockets of her poor. The! total of 1,8G1,<>43 tons of fighting United States keep the North Dakota craft, and the Delaware; and England, to! This is the world's greatest achieve that ficult and expensive to establish, pro- hibit an immediate return from any capital invested. plant hut per'vups not of this capacity. There Is as- yet neither the av'aiViV.V oil to prcdiice the quantity of gas-dire mentioned nor the local (} for any sutA atr ~'.',nt. This company ia n v.- < : ,ril-!inj? on th -h-oro from Di covcry Well, T Is'ii'.id, in mvls-tream, on a xBt'.vpor. these p:, : :;t">, and at a 11- Beor rock, a few miles below Norman. A crew of drillers will winter there an-d continue opera- tions ?.s long i &3 possible. Tho Imperial Oil w >. drilling alfa hist venr at Windy Point, on the shore of Great Slave Lake ccntinuation of this well proved <l:s,- ! ".p'- i r:t ; r<r 'luring the last summer. world opinion has mr. ' telf felt andjt-d veterans or recruits with sufficient . criruiWor<ld WG ',th1e?s and the well ha;- halted the word's navies where' stamina and financial back in.? remain. th( , ro f nro ;lj bar.:lored. keep the three-Power balance true, may build two super-Hoods of a finitely limited tonnage. The r.ction of the Canadian Govern- Frirt j^ornuui Oil Co.. one cf the .. r:\r-r.t in framing new regulations that now(!r t .,,iu-erns, showed a remarkable will im-'ire the devclorment, nnd net a . bi ;j ty lo the "wiM-catting," of this resorri i locati ' on in up work, and on a vicinity of D : scovery and in authorizfng the Royal Canadian Wcl] ( i ri ji e ,| :l ] u ,; e to a depth of up- m-ent for peace in all its long and j Mounted Felice to refure crowded history. Let the pessimists' entry to croak and the prophets of evil findimo.-,ns ' Awards of 1.500 fee 1 -. An unsuspected parti-M without maU'i-Kil d - |p jn t , M format;,.,], h-js b ee n pruve-i combating the severe sle-, hB1 . p as r>j stovory i s less than 90C _ .. . JlClCfdo i^*il\. u V * J The one place where the Hughes such consolation as they can. This' ments and living conditions of ' feet deep. Indicnt' ns of bribing in plan was dented and bent is in the 'thing has been done. The Conference ' trict, or of others in- the Wi , ;l wcrc r^-t^i ? , o l. but, ow- provisio that for as' many as three, 'has justifkd the gicat hopes and mcti tontiona thr>u?h rnismg a -m ot jng to lack ()f caziny ;-. , haJ and possibly for six years, EngLnnd's t!..- gn-:tt it -lie that summone<l it into protest at the time, is proving e: - tQ }ic su ,, ;cr . CJ | f -, T :l ;,, ; ;her ;o:i.?on. T.T ."i. r i 7,0 c,;i H]sV,,; s by mi] in the panic period. Tho .' ' il of grain by bo.'it and mil r'-ac v f:l the v:ior ; HfrTrepaU' if MO 010,4-15 bu&eto f!' THirs. :. vdlmr.e in excess of all other At'-in' ; r ports c> mbined frpm Ilnlirax to 1') i an;l Xewpmt Nervy, inchi'lir.ff (he pfirt of New York. Ottawa, Ont. Canada's potato crop Piiwers. su-ch as dahlias. The (MM d-ihlla show hss jtist lioen held in the v and i:e:ir!y 2.000 blooms wi-n- c-nterod. Some of these were from six to eight inches in diameter and tht> hues were particularly vivid and gur- nuvy yards may work upon the two being. new "Hood.-." The U. S. yards may work for i-jmc months yet upon the French Doctors Sever Tie y() c . ent completed North DakoU aml 1)e | aw;irt . Tilen the htt nimer willj Ag fcr j jt wou)(1 , in Siamese Twins live. It now becomes evident to the Thi<; is ahout the extent of a:' -ml work (lore, tlvugh n few minor at- Vancouver, B.C.- -Twelve lines of nre now pass ins through ' A despatch from far:- says: vrre pear that she has buiil the last capital (ho r , ri ..s cntat i O n this week to the ship she may build other than ^r, Academy of Medi -hie by Dr. Le Filli- ajireed r.-pku-oi.Kr.ts. atre of .. St , sanne a heaithy ei B ht- the Panama Canal regularly, carrying! for the pa^t r-Hf:'n am<mnted to 110 -i British Columbia j.roduce to the At- B95,OOO bushe's. acrording to the Do-jlantic ports of the Americas and to minioa Fruit Commi4'iner's Novcm- the, Unite*! Kingdom an:l European (>er report. The total value of the ports. Two-thirds of the prairie grain potato crop to farmers was estimated arriving at the Calgary elevators dur- Ht $85,677,000. In the yield per acre ing the past w-*k were f< r shipment Ontario nveragwl 103H bushels, as via the port of Vancouver. During g..inst 1S2 bushe's last year; Quebec the whole of lust si-ason's grain ship- >62>4, 18")'*; Nova Scotia 103%, ' ping period, only 16,000 tons of grain 203&; New Brunswick 2lM%, 198; piis>?d through this port. Aliv.-uly MJiitoha, 1CC\4, 92H. Alberta and this season 50000 tons have been re- Saskatrhewar. also show mcreas*-.-*. | oeivedl anl shipped from here. Ottawa, Ont With an average Vancouver,. B.C. A timber limit at hank savings p<*r head of population f'hilliwack is reported sr>!d fur ?('()(),- in the wirtty of $170, C.-uvadn is savl 000 by Alex. McLaren, of Btu'king- lo lead the wnr'.d in this rospect. At ham, Quebec, (o Westminster Mills. rhe end of October 31, 1921, savings The property has been held by the ilcpc.'it.s amounted to $1 307,1)29,27-1. Mr-Liwen family for .'!'<! year.-*. McLaren Winnipeg, Man. Within the pt still has extens/ive hoUliivgs on Vnn- >t.r 71 different enterprises were couver Iflnnd. The <!eal is one of th? started in Winnipeg, aggregating "n l>iggest of the year. The race has stopped. Building can year . ol ,j chiM , was p rc dii.-,vl proof of a rcrcce^sfiil operation per Eff ect of Irish Free State Armaments Race Ends, on British Trade On Thursday, Dec-ember Ifi, 11(21. A despatch from London says: the Kace for Armaments came to n thinking man that the returns iVom tcnv p ts m j,,ht be reconled. Coiu' l.-r this source, if any, will be slow in ap- ab , e ,. t .,i..i nr was ,i onc ;;> ong th pearing. nr-.l that the work cf proa- ^T ac k enz ;p R,; Vl . r ;,, the Norman n," 1. A ; h t -, Par;, ,^- With ! pectin(r Rnd **** wil1 no: 1>e as wcil as on both north and ijuth A despatch from Par, Wtth sl ^, tecular . Thcre is> however . no ^^ Q{ ^^ g , aw , ^^ reason to feel disappointed. There i on ^ir.dy Point, Pine Point ami Hay no more excuse, for a re-action now p viv(?P . 'Leases aiuir.-l under the livimr than thcre W! " for a bo<>m U " t sp .'' inx ' term* of the old regulations were soM ' Tho fact is, there never was any justi- for as , hiph M $35> ooo and are stiM in form. Mght years ago to separate fic * lion for Jumping: at conclusions f (ie , |lan j llu>ugh , t re(!uced fiffurc9 . "^enormous returns. Only a beginning New , easM ari , a!most goinff a .| )eK . has been made and -serious prospecting f - mg f or p urc |, a! j er9 . is hardly yet in full swing. The field hn by no means been Siamese twins. While Miuii leine, the other twin, (iied following the opt-raticn. Dr. Le Filliatro explained that death was due, not to the severing of the connecting fQ^caat organ, but to a fatal malady. The operation, which was perform- ed three mrmths after birth, was made ***? mil1 ? "JSZT* ,-xtromely diflu-ult by the presence of 'ude of the task of develop tng numerous blocJ vessels in the connect- re^urce., as already referred ing tissue, and the fact thnt organs of ,rn Indications pctnt to an ,c-tiv, of drillin* during the season of ho itl a Ptkm to hazad a sane by the Imperiaj Oil> who may Have -eed,ngly h resulted from five to cj)fht ri at k , an ., a - the Fort Norman Oil Co. These con- cerns should prove up the Norman ft Jd next >^ r ' A ^'^^ of Munt ' rea l men who have secured extensive the oil to, and possibilities, more \vithin holdings en Hay River, a few miles thi- two infants were intertwined, the , th n-airh of the man oHimited capital, above its mouth, on tho south ' tiasui- joinin the livers of "' di.-^over:ng valuinle deposits of O f Great Slave Lake, have stated their h ;-;>:i til- each. One Country Where Lard Abcrconway, ont 1 of the most prominent figures in the British shipbuilding and coal in- dustries, says: "The Irish Free State, even end. The greatest single aim of the! Confereiu-i' on the Limitations of Armament was reached wh?n Biilfmn for (Ire:i( Hiitain, Hughes for the Un- ited Stutes jiinl Katn for the Jiipancse' p.'.:-.;er gohi, gold-bearing quart;: and intentions cf actively pru2'pe"ting silver, lead, zinc, copper and iron their ground during next season. ores. A larjre number of prospectors. There will po^ibly be a few c*her ( j _ P. , _ . p i attracted to the district by the pub- concerns represented, and more tan- U.S. Dollar Below r&t ij c jty resulting from the discovery of gible results are h-opod for inside the j oil, and finding themselves unable to , next twelve months. A despatch from Geneva says: participate in its development, !:avc! Tlvough another year is not likely Switzerland is the only coun- ; spread to the north, east and west in ' to 'be ushered in by the excitement ,_.^^..^^__; ,-.,___,_ try in the world where the j search cf min-eraJs offering quicker re- that marked 19^1, it is not improbable B* 1 JjwT' ^HS8L ' IBM United States dollar t()-(Uiy is be- turns. Already several promising dis- that it may witness material advance- ^W>^ ' ' ! low par The dollar \vasquoted reveries have btsn, reported, and it is ' ment over anythinjf yet accomplish- VlSCOl-NT MOKLKY. i at live francs 12 centimes on the J ust Possible that directly or indirect- ed. The public should not be surprised Veteran Home Uuler In the 'House of \ CJeneva IJotirse. and twi.\- Secretary for Ire- -j'he normal rate before the with an exceptionally low in- Kmpire set their -names to the text Come tHX, would DOt Offer any at- ' <)f "" Tun-.- Power Naval Agreement, traction to Uritish or forVijfn i (ixin ^ tlu> " Ilval ruli<) H ' K| ""' statlls capital. Tlu- British income tax " i'"'*''" 1 "'"' fuu "' 1 ' f '' rtllil ''' t;1( '- s in will .sooner or later be lowered,; 1 !', acl ' 1 - T i in I here nave lit-eii shillings, conipriim- while Southern Ireland will not| ises Illl(i con , l .. sions; ,,: \ ht ., IX' able to get along without a j navt , lH . en wi(hin the ;,.,, limitations ])l-etty Uff] income tax. The | of the great principles luiil down in ll> 12, As it was ,et forth on that day, the 5-B-3 ratio mtumlM. Kor so long -'is the world's three i^reat naval Powers ki-ep faith mid their pk-Hgeil word, naval forces will not be n i iva.-fd the Irish flint appe itlance. alt.-r seven ly the oil stampede may result in the or stampeded at reports of fabulous (pining up of one of the greatest discoveries, n>or di^appointtd if new .,, v- --; mining areas of the north. Among findings are not immediately furth- f I crllV il,,.',| U pil,,ii of J\ ar W . aS " Ve lralu<s . l5 centimes. these pn) ,p e , ti;rs are found sonu , ,,f ccniin . s . It is generally conceded that I'r-iii'i- Treatv It i-. ' '^' n< hljfhest 1'ate after the arm- the mcst experienced men cf the Kloti- even w!t!i tha most gratifying sue- \i-irs of i^tice was signed was five francs dike and other famous fields. cessos development of necessity Interest, of coui .-t 1 , focuses on the be. sljw. IL is also well t3 bear in Imperial Oil Di.vcovery Well, located mind th-at u scattered a<lvanc-e g-uard at a point on the right bank cf the 'of silen-t nun are searching out the Mackenzie River about 45 miles he- 1 secret hkling places of other minerals low Norman. Late last fall a gushe.r|and may be heard t'rcm at unexpected was reported to have been struck here at a d^pth cf about 885 feet. Wild stoiies were circulated as to the tre- ninetv-niiu' centimes. THE UNOCCUPIED LANDS OF CANADA Lists Available of Areas For Sale in Maritime and Prairie Prov inces. Irish Kree State will not have ; the any adverse effect upon British trade." Secretary ol t lu- ll lights United Stiil ;-.- on Noveir.ln-i- One of t'aiuida\> <-liii-f needs, in fact cmipieil laiiiU in the several prov- her must, important requisite, is tho ''" These lists give such infrrniH- lion as nmiif of owner aiul nis n<l- mendous volume of oil encountered. nla<"es ami times. An underlying tone oif conricien^e in the future of this great uKstrict is Mtf^MMd by those To be brief. :<< it now stands, this well best judgv. whose quulitications tit them to be the set Queen Mary's Card Bears Betrothed's Portraits ! above the lixed toniiHKew tliHt art A despatch from London gys: A i down in the Three-Power Ohi'iutmaf cai-d of ruther novel char-] It is mou- fHi-rnn-liing llisin that. i<-lr was used iby the Queen. Instead Japan and Hritain mid the United of taking the conventional form, thi States wil'l stop pouring millions into aid is headed "Tin- Royal Romance." the fortified islands iiiul naval liases Of buff-colored boaid, it contains por- of the Pacific. Japan will not fortify traits of Princess Mary and Viscount ( Formosa ugains>t n ultack from the t/a*ce!les, and below is attached a! Philippines. The United States will maU calendar bearing the words, I go no further with frowning Coricgi- "With good wishes, 1022. '' dor or at ('.Hvite. Britain will haW | uiun nr, uniiM* Ot OWIltl DM of the umuTUp.ed lands. , ^^ ^. K{>l , n of th( , pra perty. price now held in private ownership. | aml terms on which it can be ai-iiuiml, Due to absent proprietors, or lack I quality of soil and area available for of inforniatitiii n-> to the conditions ! cultivation, distance from railway, etc. under which the property may lie ar- 1 So far as p.->ible the int'ormatiivn has quired by prospective settlers, the been secured from the owner or the lairl continues in an unprouin-tive eon-, agent for the property, with a view to dition, notwithstanding that much of j maximum accuracy. it is more or less r.intigiious to rail-i CONSTABULARY AND SINN FEIN IN FIGHT Six Republicans Killed and Twenty Wounded While Battling With Police. ways. Londonderry, <.-a(;tiu ir.g 15 men and nuir-'hing ih^iii off. Early Wednu.-ui-uy morniji'ir special i-or:.sttbu!ry from Tyrone, while scouring: Spcriin Valley, came acrc>-\ a body of men with the i i-aptives. The police gave battle, ar.'d i-ha?eJ the Republicars int.; the motin- i tains, both sides lirii.ig ai they ran. A despatch from Belfast says: Sixi It was diirin.;? this :>n gag-erne nt that Lisis <.f unoccup'el lands have been Republicans were reported killed _and| the Republicans suffered their heavy is.-uel for Nova Scotia. New Brun-s- 20 wourded in a battle between Sinn i IOSEM. The- captives were released With a view to bringing the owners wick. Prince Kdward Island, Manitoba, I-Viners and ccn?ta'bulary in th moun-i and the police raptured five Sinn Kein- ot' land and enquirers together, the Natural Res*ourcea Intelligence, Branch of the. Interior Department is compil- ing ami publishing lists of such un- Saskatchewan and Alberta, and these, tairs of County Tyrone early en Wed- j i;ia during ihi- light. lists may be had on application to the ( net Isy morning. , <%. _ Natural Resources Intelligent Branch, Alleged Republicans Tueaday nig-htj A kindly feeling is the touch that Department of the Interior, Ottawa, 'mat':' a raid near I.imavady, County i never hurts. REGLAK bhLLEKS -By Gene Byrnes . h