Vol 42, No. 24 Fleshjerton, Ont., Novetriber -M 1921 PORTLAW (Intended for last week. ) Mr. Jag. Cornfield thought it about time to treat himself to a holiday and so last week he started off for Kire- vin, Kansas, to visit his sister and will likely spend the winter there. His son, Murray, accompanied him as far as Chicago, for Thanksgiving. Sorry to hear that Mrs. J. W. Mc- Kee has been seriously 111. All hope for her speedy recovery. Miss Cornfield, of Toronto, was home for Thanksgiving. Mr. William McClennan, of Toron- to,, visitsd with his sister and brother here. The Orangemen, of the 4th line lodge, celebrated the 5th of Novem- ber by a scrub hunt. Messrs. Wesley Plantt and George Fisher were cap- tains . Mr. Will Taylor, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at the parental home here. Mr. Cameron, of Oakville. visited with his cousin. J. A. Thompson, here. Mr. J. \V. Martin gave a very ac- ceptable message on Sunday at Mount Zion Church. Miss Marjurie Aches- on added inspiration to the service by rendering an appropriate reading. "Leave the .Miravln to Him." It was a delightful -sermon in verse. Mr. and .Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns. their son, Wesley, of Orange Valley. and Mr. R. Hogg, of Chatswortu. vis- ited at tho home of the former's uncle. T. 11. McKeiuie. W. G. Jamieson, Uolicrt Taylor and Elbert Cornfield attended the Kp- wortb League and Cliun-h Conven- tions at Holland Centre last week. Miss Florence White spent Thanks- giving in Toronto. Miss McPhail held a well attended political meeting last Thursday even- ing in the School House here. Mr. Harry Shaw acted as chairman. Ex- Warden Goodfellow and H. Nell also addressed the electors. We expect that now the fire IK kindled, there will soon be a Hastie move to keep the ball rolling. Mesheiton H. S. FORM :; Physics- A Stephen 84, J Kus'edtSU, A Parslow 78, K. On- 71, N Ainott <iO, K McGU-r 59, S Ludlow 09, M Achtson ."i7, H Whittuker 50, M Xuhn 4(i, M Muir 4,\ RBo>d42, G Lever.')!), J Abite :(;{. .) MLaod 32, M McLnchhin :iO, E Wilson 29, A WhitUkcr liJ, M Pvnlm, :.'!!, 8 Acheson 25, It Stevens 21. FORM U Latin K Sprott !)(!, E Winters 88, H Me Lend W, P Latiuier 85, W M ut.m 82, K Ferris 70, K Oliver 70, P M'jMasn r 64, G Akms 3H, F Mnthrwson 51, S Fiudlny 27. IN MEMOR1AM N In loving memory if Mil D. W. JninivHon who UiidKuv. 17, liUfi In "ur home she is fondly remembered' Svt'uef memory clings to her name. Thi-HO who loved her in lifa so sinceiely Still lore her in death junt tho mime. How chenlin', the ihou; lit uf a ino'ting some dity In that ble*t ImiU whicli H not fnr :iw;iy, The haven where mother in safely ;il rest And where all may unite in thu 'mine uf the bWt. The KM in !y. EUGENIA Sleigh bells are heard once more and winter has come, but we hope, Dot to stay. Anniversary services in the Metho- dist Church on the 6th inst. were well attended and Mrs. Kippen was listen- ed to with much interest in the even- ing. Rev. Mr. Kippen took charge of the service in the morning, owing to some little misunderstanding, as it had been arranged that Mr. Fowler take the morning service. The music was very appropriate and a good full choir was a help at both services. The Chorus and Quartette rendered by the .leu in the evenin;; was especially good. Too bad we could not always liave plenty of help to make choirs to help along the good work and the men's voices are especially helfful. Miss Acheson, of Bognor. visited ler friend, Marjory Park, over the loliday. Millie McMullon. of Mimico. visited her mother here over the holiday. Miss Mae Carrutliers is home from Toronto on a three-weeks' vacation. Mr. Ernest Morgan moved his fa in- ly back to tile city for the winter uonlhs. We arc very sorry to report Mr. 'arliunirni very low at the time of vriting. Mr. T. McKee receivod the very sad lews of the death of his sister's hus- jand. Mr. Will Ilavon; also their Idcsi son died with fever, both fa- her and son being buried on the same day. Their home is in Sas- iatchewaii. Miii'h sympathy i.-- I'-lt or all the friiMids. ~Hi.- I'ro.shyteriari \V. M. S. had a ery succes.-iful Thaiik-olTeriii ice i i.;i \Veil ne;-,i:;iy alternoon in the 'litircli. Mrs. Thos. McKee. the I'res- denl. occupied the ehair in her u..iial apable manner. .Mrs. Kippen. of To- ontii. gave a splendid aildress on me Missions. The address was of ler exp< riences in the work in the ity slums in Toronto, which wi-re ery intoresling. indeed. Misses Mary IcKee and Selena McDonald gave ery fitting readings and Mrs. Large uicl Marjory Park sang a duet. Also Mi-ses Mao and Muriel ("arrulhers lilda Williams and Marjory Park gave a very appropriate chorus. A lumber of the r'lusherton ladies were iresent. Lunch was served by t he adies alter the programme. Mrs. Large had the misfortune to 'all on the ice on Friday last, sustain ng a couple of broken ribs. Mr. Jones, of Toronto. Is a guest it Mr. R. Parks. DURHAM How Many Hours A Day Do You Spend IN YOUR KITCHKN Sujsly a good many when yuii get 1000 meals s yoar. Your utove is cither your best fritnd or your woint oncuiy, mid you speud it l.ii ;(; yliaro of every dc.y in its company. CORONA AND TACO UANUE hare become a big suixwss. Sat- islii il usrH nre our best adver- tUing. Come m and nee them before you buy. Alo Hentars Stove Hpes, Stove Bo;itJ^, etc. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. Flesherton Phone 24rll Mr. Nicholas Kagun had tho mis ortuni; to f;ill on this sidewalk IKMI- Smith's harness shop on Friday of ant \ve.>k and as a result has a brok- 'ii arm. KVHII at that, Mr. FaKan is lucky, as he fell on His hip and for a time it was thought that too. was broken. While a fractured arm is had enough, it is a picnic cnmpari'd with a broken hip. especially to a man the age of Mr. Pagan. Broad was away up in the air for a few minutes last week, hut soon came to enrth again. It all hiippt'iu-d when n colt, owned by C. TV Kliitii-c. and guaranteed quiet, ran away with Henderson's new bake carl, to which it was hitched. Beyond tho mussing ill} of the inside of Ihe cako and broad wagon, wo understand the damage was not heavy. In the meantime. Tommy thinks he will slick to tin legular bread wagon horse. Beside* being cheaper, it's not HO hard on the nerves. For some days there has bei-n i persistent rumor around town that Mr. W. Laldlaw, who has been act ing police magistrate for the pas three or four years, had been givei the appointment permanently, undo the new act regulating the appoint nieiit of Magistrates. According ti the rumor. Mr. Laidlaw's territor; covers the C'ounty of Grey and I ha he in the south and Mr. A. D. Creus or. of Owen Sound, in the north, wil conduct the various trials. To veri fy the rumor. The Chronicle calloc up Mr. F.aidlaw on the phone, but. h was out .<f town. Airs. Lairilaw, how ever, saul that there had been n official lonfirmation of the appoint men' .is yet. l\ - ^ v - John Harrison & Sous, of Owci Sound, have installed a wireless re ceiving station at their factory, t keep in ;->u:h -with their tug "Hai risou." Letter To the Editor To the Electors of South-East Grey Ladies and Gentlemen: In response to :i request from a ma- jority of the present Board of Direc- tors of the South-East Grey U.F.O. Labour Political organization, I am submitting a reply to a letter publish- ed in. Hanover and Durham papers last week and signed by John Cooper, who was until recently a member of that Board. Mr. Cooper has tender- ed his resignation, giving as his reas- on that he could not conscientiously i-oi' with the religious convictions of the Candidate. This, evidently, is lis sole reason for severing his con- nections with the U.P.O.-Lahour Par- ty. He says he still believes in the M-M). Platform and in its principles, )iit his actions are inconsistent with his words. The "Golden Moito" of he U. F. O. is "Equal Rights To All," in religious as well as in politic- al spheres. Let each one worship the same God n accordance with the nonest dir- ates of their conscience. \\V had a full Hoard of IS Direc- ors before Mr. Cooper 'bolted." 'hesu 1 3 men they were all men vori! adherents to at least 6 different (Unions denominations, viz: Roman 'atholic; Anglican. Methodist: 1'ivs- ivterian; Lutheran and EvangwUcan. ml all worked in harmony for I he ommon weal of tin: common people, rrespectivo of sex. race, nationality r creed. Our common aim. frnm a timanitanau standpoint, wan the I'tti-rment of the moral. :,ncial and onoinic sri"is t>f the Common Peo- le ii'-re, ami to attain the : aim- ternal soal liriv.i i i.-r. was th.> object !'-ini'-:!l to all. Our politii.al opponents charge us vith narrow, sellish. class motives, n we denied those (barges, heliev- i;; them to be untrue. Unfortunately. 'W(iv?r. we tiiul we had one individ- al on the IJo.ml. wlni.-i- in(crpria- iou of "Kiual Rights To AH" was of very commendable, to say the east. As a proof of the sincerity of ho Hoard regarding equality of jus- icf. they are, supporting a candidate, ?ho is not of their sex, nor yet their rei'il. Miss McPhail says she is a lumber of the Church of "Lattor Day Hints" and then Mr. Cooper "bolts" nd wiys he cannot conscientiously unnort any candidate professing that eligious belief. What assurance have v got that had the candidate been a toman Catholic; or an Anglican or Methodist or Lutheran, Mr. Cooper voulil not have raised the same ob- ectlon? None. So far as we con earn, the moral standard of the nenibers of the Church of "Latter >ay Saints" is equal to any of the ither religious denominations; and his letter is written at the request f the majority of the remaining 12 Directors. And all. I know, will co- ncide in expressing our confidence n our Candidate's ability, honesty ind sincerity, notwithstanding the liff event view taken by our disgrunt- ed ex-Director. 'I'litf Mini of Naxaretli, the trim inlcr- irelcr (if I,ifu, miulc lhn iiii<nsiiin ,,f r nan to c>mi*( in loviin; (Jnij m (1 "'1'hy iiri^lihoi- HS thyseil. ' We would also take this opportuni- ty of asking all Club Secretary:* to en- :leuvor to increase the political mem- bership in their respect-ive Clujis, as thorein lies oilr only source of rev- tine. \Yi? havo no "Election Sinking Fund." Sinned on bchaM of the S. K. Grey r.F.O. I.I,.r. Political organiza- ation : Pros., Joseph Good follow, Dundalk Vice-Pres., John Whiteford. Hanover Sec.-Treas., M. E. Murray. Neustadt Dated at Neustadt, Nor. 14tH, 1021 Political Acrostic Right, loyIIy you should mito the M of Uiiccinbor, Juclue for yourselriK, and renieinlrar B*ll is the cindiciiito whom ymi slioulc elect, AS his policy is the one with los defect. Let us kiKiw tbcn by your vote*, that Fiec Trado is not right, Lest 'ill the f (id a and fuldists may show their might, Aiis'in Ryan, U .cli Mill., <, Another holdup has been staged near Shelbunie. FEVERSHAM L eut. Urtge iind Sucre'aiy Stylos of the S. A. Corps at CollillgwoOd "held week end meetings in the Salvation Army hall here on Saturday nnd Suiulny. ngiiu yo S. A. olticera. weather has been mild for tlie lust week in fact spiinj-liku days with tain i'ivo l.'i-cii on dcek lliini! went wioni: with tho until tuick ti Fit-slid ton out ai Huri;inv/.s 8\vain[i hot week. Tlu-ie ivus all explm- oa and piects nf llu- machinery lU-w in ill iliieclioiis :u:cl Mr :\ time Win., tho driver, fell ve-y wiiin. He, lind Ills wnst Imilly hurt mil IIHS had it in . )lM<er uf paris CH8t . ver Mum. We uiv it .J H \v:s ao wcrsBold li>.y, and ni,w we i">r h:m liislling In ihe .! v n.'Ttinu. i'ti'llUlit now, Inn ;l iniyiii havu 1 e 1 n worse. i Intended for last week, i On going into the blacksmith shop lere on Monday. November 7Ui. we vere much surprized when the black- inith, Mr. M. Hurst, .dimved us tw aspherry brain lies, whicli had been aken from the bush the Saturday mfore. ill Thornbury, yn whicli there vere several ripe r:r plierics. Mr. Iiirsi informed us that he had rasp- lerries and cream for lea the .Sunday lefiin- al a friend's house in ihr lak>'- ile N.uii. Something 'imisual ui liis time uf the year. \\'e were very s^irry to hear (if (he ealh al liis liome in u.i.'ima, on 'iK'hdiiy. November Mb. oi an old and espected resident of Osprey T.iwii- bi|i in ;he person .if Mr. Kichanl 'inch. Til.- sympatii.v of i:n- oi.i eighbors is cxlelidfd to the liercavcil amily. Miss Sadie Julian is visiting with rinU al Duntroon. Mr. Thonu-on Alisfr :s visiting itli friends in the Qiir'-n City. Mr. lien. Conn was in Toronto ust week consulting a Dr. about his eg. which was hrok"ii, iic... the, hip, t the time he met with the accident III We.sL lust September, when he ad his foot taken off w't'i tile licit f a jirain separator, 'i Ur. told im that liis leg would be . Iriglit. Ms. H. J. Alexander and Clarence pent Sunday with friends in ColliiiK- vood. Mrs. Robert Weller. of Maxwell. isited last week with Mrs, Sam. Jrownridge and other friends in the 70 i o n n \f . Ill Bates Burjan dm i BUSINESS AS usma^ What shall I give for Funeral Directors and Embalmer** Phone Hillcrest 269 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMEN; J. W. Bates, R. Maddocki, President. Manager. Chrfstmas ? VISIT US You will find your answer here. Headquarters for Gifts \V. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to / ] ONT The Advance. Let the Bank Help Ye^ ^-""^ Tlie Merchants Bank is a successful Bank because it helps its customers to achieve success. Some of the most prosperous Farmers in this community have won their way with th > helpful assistance and sound at -ice of this Bank. They realize thi The Merchants Bank ie ready to a vise its customers on all financial mat. ^rs. TH MCHCMANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. C5 CANA.DA, Established FLESHERTC N & CEYLON BRANCHES " Mane Miss Lillian Uwitty has i-< turned lome, after a month's visit with rionds in the Queen City. Well, we are sure the Corn-. -pirn- lent, who signed himself "Ju: in e" m Die Ailvance of November 3rd must eel a lot better since he gol it out of his system. He makes \->iy free se of some letters of the alphabet ind we would advise him to 1 -c caiv- ul. He flirts around with the letter '. saying it stood for Corrc.-noiulcnt mil other words. \^e womli . il the ither words he had in mini) > ould tie Check, Coop or Cotswool a ad say. Justice, bn careful about ir ing the ettur S. because some peopi might think you meant Sand, s uics or Stockrack. Never use, the Ii'tter H. because that particular capi.al leit.'r might stand for Her').. Hoot or 11 ; if it is the hitter, better u;ci rough tread tires on your bind \\ heels, for fear you might skid. As to saying wo ridiculed one of the same sex as our mother or wife, there is no com- parison, as the women of their day knew tlioir place and kept il. Ami we have never ridiculed . on \l Md'bail or the organisation she rep- resents. but the story she luld us here in l''evershiim. m Then you know when a woman slep.s up lo lake ; man's phic". she will bavc m stain the criticism a man would he subject ed to in a like. position. When Jus tice talks about honesty and justice well, we have to smile, as there are ionic people in this world, who were behind the door when these two inn cssities were given out and did no receive any. And, Justice, thi- nex time you want to express your opin ion of the residents of villages am towns, don't use such high falutinj, language. If you do. you may open your mouth so wide you will never got it shut and that would be a :-"ri- OHS menace to your locality. CARD OF THANKS House of Quality SPECIAL IN TEA With every pound of Gold Medal Tea purchased in this store we will give free a handsome cup and saucer. Get into this . offer at once and you can soorx save a se' of these dishes. Price of I Ib. package 6~- FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co." We also handle Royal Household. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcsherton, Ontario CLEARANCE J K H""- > t. \V<- desire > lliank frinuiK anil noigli- !i<>, s for tlieir mftny kinduMtM during tlift long illtiiss nnd | iv-iiu.- of our huxl ard MM fnlhcr, tli(^ iiit W. K. Knli;,,, Wife and Kaaiilv. I Laving leasod our store to tho Merdmnfs lli lt)r ;i term of years, we are going out of business. We are clearing out our entire stock At A Big Reduction Many lines at less than half price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't niit>s these bargains while they are goiu '. w. L. WRIGHT; Corner Store, Flesherton , : -i: