OF TORONTO IN WYOMING ROBBED OF $14,000 BY BAND OF FOUR Escaped in High-powered Car Driven by Fifth Thug Hold- up Occurred at 2.50 in the Afternoon Probably the Same Men Who Recently Robbed the Bank of Hamilton in Toronto. London, Ont.. the Bank of A despatch from *ays: Walking into Toronto at Wyoming, a village 45 miles west of Loedon, on the G. T. R., on Thursday after- noon, four auto bjuidits held up Manag-er H. E. Lambert and his staff end made their eaekpe with $14,000 in ^J^hJjLA/kigk-pG'wered car, the motor of which a fifth thug had kept run- ning -white the robbery was teking who stole a new McLaughlin car from Wright's garage in Thcrndale, 10; miles from London, on the same night. I When the London police receive! word of the hold-up Chief Birrell at once despatched a powerful car loaded! with detectives ami police to join in the hunt for the criminals. As the bandits had headed toward London when they left Wyoming, the local officers went out the S.irnia gravel place. The hold-up occurred at 2.50. | road in the hope of meeting them. Ronald Brown, one of the clerks,! They say that at one time they must slipped out the back door and gave, have been within a couple of miles of the alarm, firing five shots at the rob-! their quarry, but the latter were on hers as they jumped into their car a road paralleling the Sarnia gravel and drove away. The bandits, who were all armed, fired at everybody they saw, compelling many people who sought to give chase to seek cover behind telephone poles or in doorways. W. Garlick. a traveller for the In- gersoll Packing Company, was pass- ing the bank at the time, and two of j 4|__ L_^r i?t o rn i i._n l' Toad and easily avoided their pur- suers. St. Mary's, Stratford and Guelph police were at once warned to be on 'Canada's Business Conditions IN HONOR OF THE BRAVE Mr. Walter S. Allward's design for a memorial on Hill 62, overlooking the Ypres Salient. This memorial was accepted by the Canadian Battlefields Memorial Commission. It is approximately 225 feet long and between 125 and 140 feet high at its highest point. the lookout for the gunmen, as it was thought they were heading back toward Toronto. the staff, E. S. Taylor, teller, and were: Recent bank hold-ups in Ontario Show Favorable Trend. Events transpiring during the past month have been of more than usual interest and give solid ground for Thos. Scharf, hastily procuring rc-j Bank of Hamilton branch at Locke ?rcwing con fidence and optimism, volvers from a hardware store? jump- an.i Hei-kimer street?, Hamilton, ed into the traveller's car and started June; robber grt $4 WO. in pursuit. The bandits, however, had| Bank cf Hamiltcn branch at San- jinew McLaug-hlin, and, though kamp- ford avenue ami King streets, Ham- The western crop on which the NEW LINK OF EMPIRE League Defines ROMANCE OF THE WAR Great Britain's Communica- tion With Dominions Makes Progress. A despatch from London says: F. Silesian Boundary A despatch from Paris says: The Silesian boundary, as de- cided by the Council of the League of Nations, follows the River Oder from Oderburg as J. Brown, Chairman of the Postoffice, ! far &s Nibotschau, then runs eyes of commercial and industrial \ Telephone and Telegraph Society of 1 "".,,*' - ' north- pered by greasy roads, managed to distance their pursuers, until finally, nt Fernhill, north cf Parithill. Taylor and Scharf were compe'.Ied to give up the chase. It is thought that t'ttv robbers were 1 Union Bank of Canada. Locke and; ilton, Oct. 13; robber got nothing. Canada have been earnestly turned oved u-p to expectations and is rapidly garnered and Main street*, Hamilton, Oct 14; rob- Western railway mileage is already eas London, speaking before that body.'j; T"""u u* 7" , 1IT *l gular ,. , , . . . ', line as far as Hohenhnde ; thence discussed Great Britain's increased, MBBMMHWU u* OVMI *J* ii>ani ^ iufcAV*Mu i * -.-^ . . communications with the Dominion^" 11111 ? between RoBSbtUg and RAILWA IN UTU ATION Conference of U.S. Fails to Avert Strike. A <!P _-,atch from Chicago says: Efforts by the Railroad Labor Board to avert the threatened railroad strike through conference with heads of the five unions which have ordered a, waik-out. effective Ortober 30, failed- when the meeting adjourned ort Thursday night with the announce- ment by the board th-it "whale the discussions were beneficial, no definite results were obtained." "There has been n full and frank? discussion of the situation," said a statement (riven out by Ben W. Honp- er, Vice-Chairman of the board. "The La'iur Beard and the Brotherhood chiefs exchanged views in a perfec-tly plea. -ant way. The interview wus beneficial, but we cannot say that any. definite results were obtained 1 ." "The adjournment is final," Chair- man R. M. Barton ct' the Labor Board announced. "We do not plan any further conferences with the Labor leaders, nor do we plan, at present, to- call in the railroad Presidents. I can- not say what our next step might b.'' Ur.ion leaders said the board h*d~ not presented anything 1 which they looked on as in any way a tangible^ proposition. "It's somebody's next move," said) the head of one of the larger of the five organizations. "Whether it is our?, the board's or the roads', I do nor know. I only know that *'. board' brought us here and talked ft. j.: hours' without presenting anything which we 1 He s.-.id that the -Vl Birkenheim, it turns north-west- ! uld * ven <** r a * compromise. her got $2,000. Bank of Hamilton branch at College street and Ossington avenue. Toronto, feeling the beneficial effect. Farmers | a romance of the war. He said that, ward as far as Lissau. North- the same men who rcbbel the Bank | Tuesday, Oct. 18; robbers got $2,990. of Hamilton in Toronto on Tuesday Bank of Toronto branch at Wyom- last, and also that they are the thieves ing-. Ont., Oct. 20; cobbers got $14,000. U.S. MAY DEFER TARIFF REVISION Emergency R?tss on Agricul- ' tural Products to be Extended. A despatch from Washington KIJS: Some of the strongest leaders | ft the Harding adnv nitraticn are \\orking quietly but persistently and i effectively, it is stated, to prevent re-j -rii mn cf Ac tariff for another fifteen months. It is their plan tu throw j tariff revision over until the congrei- i sional elections of Noven-bcr. 1922, ' havo been decided. The impression is steadily growing | in Washington that the pro^pevts for ' passing a tariff bill this winter are' becoming remote. The resolution to : extend the emenroncy rates on agr- cultura! products will pass. showed an grain early the middle of September over 1.000 cars a day were arriving at the Was absoiutdy W!th Ut .v,.. to market their ! despite the submarine perils, the west of the latter place it follows .. We are ; b ,,.. k ^ ouf nefl(1 the result that by|f ormer German cable from Emden to 1 the old frontier of the German qua , ,^. r ^ There is nothing scheduled j New York, via the Azores was di-| Empire to a point where the t- immediately except to verted to Penzance and thence to.ter reaches the frontier already with The plans for a strike.' 1 ' of the Great Lakes; since September 1st, 1920, nearly a hundred thousand carloads of wheat had been unloaded at Fort William compared with fifty- Halifax, and that it is now workmt,- established between Germany from lonuoii to Halifax, carrvinir <ui average weekly load of 230,000 word*. Poland Mr. Brown said the PostoffiV : wire-, " K Treat y of seven thousand for the same period I i ess 3ta tion at Leafield, near Oxford, \ r jof the preceding: year. The early | had just been completed, and a cor-"-* j movement of grain hus had an excel- responding station near Cairo would n ailies. 87 of Chamberlain to Act in LJ. George's Absence lent effect on Western business and a good fall trade is anticipated. It is not without significance that the general managers of two Can- j adian banks have visited the West Indies, though the visit was osten- be finished at the end of the year, thus forming a link in the chain to Isolate A despatch from London says: It" Smallpox Germs is stated that if Lloyd Ueorge goes to Washington Austen Chamberlain will A despatch from Santiago. Chili, act us Deputy Prime Minister andj East and Sou-th Africa. Two more says: Dr. Arturo Atria, chief bacter- preside over the Irish Conference. Sir| stations are to be erected in England iologist of the Chilian Institute of PhiHp Sasscon, M.P., and Colonel! and Egypt, forming the first link in Hygiene, announces that he has sue-' Grant Morden, M.P., will be with the a chain to India, Singapore, Hong j sibly a holiday one. Sir John Aird of Kor.g ami Australia. ! the Canadian Bank of Commerce nn 1 i Mr. -H. A. Richardson of the Bank of * ceedel in discovering a mtJiod of party sailing on the Aquitaniu. isolating the bacteria of smallpox. * Dr. Atria claims his discovery w:!l! Fur 'aiming is carried on in every permit the combating of smallpox i>y province of the Dominion. There ar Nova Scotia are both heads of bank; University Class for Industrial (iirt " injection instead of through fourteen ranches in the Yukon Tc-rri- wnrisp lir:incn."'< HTM nYtunaix-n in W/*at '_- _ : . _> i whose branches are extensive in West l Indian territory. In an interview in. the Jamaica Gleaner. Mr. Richardson ! ; pointed out that it was the policy of i Canadian steamship lines to place 1 shi-ps on routes, in the interests of Workers. La^<: week the Workers' Education- al Association of Toronto commenced its classes for the season in one of exporters, to all points that promised 1 the buildings of the University of ; development in trade relations, and Toronto. The subjects to be taught preventive vaccination. Weekly Market Report | he hoped that shipping | would receive suffici Toronto. Manitoba wheat No. 1 Morthcrn, ; Maple pro<li:r;-- Syrup, ivr imp.' SlUU; per .'.imp. gals., S.'.;15. Sir Maurice Hankey Secretary of the British Cabinet, who ' ment, both from will act as Secretary of the British Indian ends, to delegation to the Washington Du- increasingly frequ i armament Conference, ha. of Uegina. . . t *" 4 *-" ***-"'** ' Jilt* L t^Vl I- . S VJ I i i 1< 111* f. interests are economics, international finance $1]6 u, nonlinal; No ., Northenli . Maple sugar, Ib., 10 to L'2c. 1921 Apple Crop. MOVIE "HERO" SANK 25 ALLIED VESSELS Captain Count Felix von Luckner Well Fitted for Role of Pirate, A despatch from Berlin says:- British Columbia- Captain Count Felix von Luckner, who ' pcr cent- ln , rommamleo 1 the Germ sea raider, ! SFSPf** 1 ? the Shadier, is about to appear in the - 7 ' (X)0 box ">- movies. He will play the role of a j , O ntJ rl - Tot pirate in a film called "Mabel and ' ' a l , vear ' or approximately Suitor," produced by the Vera Film ' oarrels - Company of Hamburg. Certainly, Count von Luckner is we;l fitted to the role. For seven he.ivy. 24 to 26c; cooked. 48 The apple crops in the Okanagnn ! ' i Valley. British Columbia, and the three vigorous classes in economic.. Am^^5U^2 wHw^ |52c; Tolls, 27 to !48c; cotttii Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia are Psychology and logic, and English nom " na " gi v por ts to 3K-; i.-eakfast bacon. 33 to ST<-; record ones. i literature and composition. In Ottawa Ontario (Mte No " Winter 40 to special hr.nid breakfast bacon. 1'J to Annual fall fairs and exhibitions ! the W.E.A. has also three classes,! ^v. I 4 " 10 : backs, ijoneless, 42 to 47c. h-ve graphioally displayed the im- i one each in economics, history, Eng-j "Ontario wheat No. 2 Winter, peri ^ure-1 niea-.s Long, clear bacon, !g ' proved qr-ility of the country's pro- '. !lh ' h literature and composition. (car lot, $1.05 to $1.10; No. 3 Winter. to ,- -\ cl r bei.ies. 18U to 2D%C. In all three cities this instruction . $1.02 to $1.07; No. 1 commercial. M Lard Pure, tieives, 17'* to "L..; , T Ontario-Total crop t,0 per Eastern Ontario, 45 of last year's crop. Spys heavy, tern Ontario, 45 per year's crop. Practically all sold. Con- months the Seeadler roamed the At- t silllirable scab and hi * h P^centage Jamie and Pacific oceans and sank 1 lower * rsul<?; - ' duce - livestock ar.d manufacture and' (3.- , . _ i other day. "The University of To- is leading the way in linking n3 less than 25 Entente vessels, ac- cording to Von Luoknr>r's claim. Fin- ally, the Seead'ler wa.s wrecked in the South Pacific. Von Lucknev was cap- tured, interned in New Zealand, escaped, was recaptured arid at last exchanged. Women Barred from Cambridge Membership A despatch from London says : Cambridge University has again voted against granting women membership in the Uni- versity by a majority of 214. Oa December 8th last the Uni- versity refused women member- ship by a vote of 908 to 1,712. It was voted, however, to give women titular degrees by diplo- mas. This recommendation was adopted by a majority of 642. President Bogart of the Canadian 'higher education to the world of af- " 40 per cent, of last year, or mately 35,200 barrels. Color and size .;_ Bankers' Association spoke confident- ly of Canadian business condition* when he said: "I think the most fair. Demand and prices good. New Brunswick-Total estimate * rat ' f >'' n * fe tur * *>' the s.tuatwn about 110 per cent, of last year, or 33,000 barrels. Nova Scotia Total crop will be 110 to 115 pcr cent, of last year, or 1,- 300.000 barrels. Royal Expenses at present is the active demand in j Reduced to Minimum Great Britain and Europe for Can- ' adian foodstuffs. For the months more space lias bee VUIIU |NMV,| CI.1V. 1U1UIIIU. j ,... . ^ Ontario flour $r>.50, bulk, seaboard. I Choice, Sf>.. r >0 to $6; Jv.iU-h:- cows, Millfeed Del.. Montreal, freight,! Choice. $4..>0 to $5.51 ; Nor aa-j^. $3 ^ bags included: Bran, per ton, $21 to'f*> < - v a""i'" <>d --tpr. $1 to $2; $23; shorts, per ton, $23 to $25; good butcher bull?, (joou. S3. 30 to $4; do, ee.l flour. $1.70 to $1.80. .com.. $2 to S2.7.'>; feeders, good. 900- Baled hav Track. Toronto nor t< i. los - * 5 to S5.75; do. fair. $2.50 tq fee Post-graduate Courses for Victorian Order Nurses A despatch from Ottawa says: Announcement is made at the Exe- cutive Council of the Victorian Order cf Nurses of Canada of the award of 31 scholarships, each amounting to $400 to nurses in the form of post- graduate public health courses in live Canadian univers-ities. Balvd hay -Track, Toronto, per ton,' No 1. $23- No. 2 $21- mixed $18 |$3.50; milkers. $00 to $80; springers^ Straw Car lots, $11, track. To- f to $<J : ^Ive?. choke. $12 to 13; ron to | do, med., $10 to 111; do, com.. $3 to Cheese New, large, 20 to 2U-;'* 7 : Ian**. gf>l- SS--5 to $8.35; do, <-om.. $o to fo.50; sheep, choice. $4 to ,vy n ^ from Canadian ports for shipment to ment for the reduction of the Tons 'new'"-';!' to ''i'-^ uaton-.!, ?'.i; ,10, , tf cars" S9 25; do, Europe than for many years past. We cos t o f living. King George has, Butter Fresh dairy, rhoicu, 33 to f - <>b - $8 -- 5: ''" -'-'ntry points. S8. should look for an early marketing na p ( j a com mittee to investi- ' :{5l- : I'rcamcry, prints, fresh, No. 1,' Montreal, of Western grain, and with the pKO-^^^Kk Anao i M .]J uvTitm^c i,, thu ' 4 - ' -l-'^': No. 2. 39 to 40c; cooking, O;its Can. west. No. 2. .">2 to .'-2 ' .-v i ceeds in circulation expect -a re<luc- ! ^ ^Tn"^ . ,.- !_ !j ^ . -'-' to 24<r. j do. N,,. 3. 51 to 51 %c. Flour, .M:.n. next two A despatch from London says: twin,, jj s to 21 ^ triple-, ^ u, ^*^*^ : *^ 122R!z*! 1 ft! ^ e v : oi : ld ^ lde l 1 ^: SS *Sh& %*,. f&\ sni: ** *&.*' * **. .**.< * tion in liabilities and an increased mess. R va ' .. v,,^. . Wages and other Dri , s " se( j I;ou it.ry-Spring chickens.! Spring:' wheat pats., firsts. $7.80. activity in nearly all lines of bus- 'tems in the maintenance of the 30c; roos.ers. 20,-; fowl. 2Sc; duck- Rolled nuts, bag 00 lh.-.. $2.'.iO to S". 'palace will be included in the in- : lings. 30 to 35c; turkeys, 50 to t!0c. Mi-in, ?L'1.25. Shons, $23.25. Hay. vp<t io-itirui Live poultry Spring chickens, 20 No. 2. per tun. car4owr*27 tn *'.! vi u "' - I'heose. finest easterns, Ludwig III., former King of Bav- aria, dies in Hungarian exile. Some 8,000 spectators watched the international plowing match at Wood-" stock, Ont. Bank of England notes are number- ed, backwards that is, from 1 to 10,- 000. Hence the number 00,091. Ipi 'i,-- L i to 25c; roosters. lii v -; fowl, l(i to 24o; The King also announced that ; tiuckljngs< 2Bc . ,. nU , vs - Oc he cannot afford to fit out the ! Royal yacht Britannia for the Mutter, choicest ere,. ir. cry, 4W Margarine 22 to 2-K-. to -tic. Kgg^, .selected, 47c. Potato^ s No. 1 storage, 45 to liu'; per bag. car lots, $1.40 to $.1.45. yacht races next year "This is ' select, storage, 50 to 51c; new laid,| C-anncrs, SI 25 up; bologr.a bulls,) " ' * 5T tu " ' ew laid ' in nr ' *!W a great disappontment." His , . Majesty says, "as there is no i Beans Can. hand-picked. sport the King enjoys more." $4 to $4.25; primes, $3.50 to S3 1226; culves. $3 to $11; med. quality; bushel, milk-fed calves, $9 to $9.50; lambs,' 3.75. I gcod. $8 to $8.25; hfgs, $9.50. REGLAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes IT PUT 50MB- ] t T