Preparing for the Perennial Flower Border. No flower garden is complete witlh- Very small s*-ed merely needs enough sioil to prevent Its blowing away, while the larger seed may be sown half an inch deep. If sown muc-h deeper most Address ....mmunlcatlcn. to Autonomist. 73 Aaelalde SL We. Toronto Our Truck Keats Horses. "What is the most profitable piece motor truck increases the value of land, for the richest soil ever createxl is absolutely without value if its pro- duct cannot be marketed at a profit. By having a reliable truck on our farm we can take advantage of a -Itharp demand for our products that of equipment on your farm':' guest-ion frequently asked by county representatives and others interested in modiern farming. After careful thought I have ar-'~. i - - w nved ai the conclusion that there is 1 may exist a hundred miles away, v but one answer to the question as try to find markets where competition applied to our farm the n'.otor truck. For thousands of years the problem of successfully marketing farm pro- ducts remained unsolved. The farm- out perennials. Kvi-n though the plot sew i W HJ n , r ,t germinate. The young: of ground be small, some of the space plants at the end or in the middle of should be devoted to this useful and the first season's growth may be, varied class of plants. Few flowers either transplanted direct from the | you afraid?" Wanted-- A Dish of Ice Cream A Hallowe'en Story By Myrtle Jamison Trachsel. "I dare you double dare you! Are had pulled off his sheet and require as little care as hardy her- seed hed to tho border or be pricked Uuccous perennials if given the pro- ou ,t about six inches apart into an- per conditions to start with. The soil other bed and left growing for the re- should be a good loam which will not mainder of the season by which time bake, and well drained, for thorough they will be fine strong pliant* ready drain.ige is very essential. When f or permanent planting, pi ir.'tc'd, most perennials should be left undisturbed for a long time, hence the soil should be well pre-j Breed for Bacon Production. case and was asking the others to pared in the beginning by trenching Prof. G. E. Day, B.S.A., in his for the products we sell exists. Having had considerable experience with various sizes and makes of farm trucks, the following things I have learned may be of some assistance to er produced with hope, but marketed you: in despair. As a rule, he was greatly In trucks, as in everything else, tl hampemi by the many miles which j cheapest in first cost is seldom thc ieparaUHl him from an active market; > cheapest in the end. the result was that he sold his stuff i When buying a truck for farm use to the nearest dealer, and often wa.s , it is wise to select one built especially neatly trimmed in the transaction, j for country roads and country loads. To a great extent the motor truck By building your own truck body on the farm has remedied that evil. 'you can save from $50 to $100, and To-day the motorized farm can re 'carry out your own idea cf what a likened to a farm upon which thc-ro' truck body should be. If you build i railroad station. ! for pertnnnen'ce, do not use a nail in The possession of a truck gives the the whole job; nails soon work loose a choice of market.-;; ho can do- or break and give a world of bother. 1 his product to th<- market offer- !!=< iiuarter-inch bolts in place of in the m<t profit. Mills. 1 two-ton truck travels four times' Pneumatic tires jrive mh bettor i '.st as the average team. One ' satisfaction. i with a tw\.-ton truck can haul j Tho .stitch-in-time polic-y is an ex- iitch in the same length of time cellent one to apply to motor trucks. a.. e-:m four men, four wagons, and Ton minutes devoted to an inspection ght horses. ' t'.ricp each day the truck is in use will Our specialty is alfalfa hay an 1 practically insure you against serious fleet!, and our shipping point is three trouble. Ninety per cent, of all truck .... . ,., f i * i roi. u. TJ. uay, D.&.t\., 111 ins and digging in a hberal supply of ...nix- a TT v i .,, . ,, ,, work, "Productive Swine Husbandry," well rotted stable manure. Most per- ., ,, it * A! . , ., . , . . , ,. ri,i. states the excellent qualities of trie ei'inals thrive best m full sunlight, v \ \.- i v A -i , , .. , .. , , , K : Large Yorkshire hog, a breed wide- ard where possible, they shrmld be . ., , , /? , t u , , , . . ., f spread throughout Canada, for bacon planted where they will get the most . f ' favored conditions A southern aspect Production in a way which must < the most suitable, and where there coition to *- is protection from the cold winds the plant do best. Planting may be done either in spring or autumn, and the month of October is a very suitable, time to plant most kinds of peren- fact that this trade has been and must continue to be the mainstay of "The Large Yorkshire is highly lued for bacon production, where a long side abounding in lean meat and Melvin Terry and his twin brother j Milton, "Mll and Mill" they were But the twins couldn't! They had called, stood on the front porch watch- come to the party unasked end if they ing an older brother walk proudly refused to unmask, the !boy would ih* across the street to Ted Bowman's sist upon knowing: who they were. Hallowe'en party, to which the twins "Come," said Mell, and th twin* had not been invited because they slipped out of the front door un- happened to be three years you n'ger noticed. % than Ted, brother Jim, and the other i "Ail of that and no ice cream," boys of that little bunch. "Are you afraid?" repeated Moll, and this time he met a flat denial. wailed Mill. "Hush!" cautioned Mell. "Let* slip around to the back. They have brick ice cream and w*e be able to sneak out half a brick." Quietly they crept around the house. j A big freezer waa beimg opened on the maid took never know we are there. We are al- most as tall as Jim, and with ghost costumes on they will think we be- m ,, . ,., . , I LI.-' | '<! ' 1L, LUC Ill.-ll'l lASUtn. \SUIt KVTV long there. I hke ice cream myself , | brickg and ^^ them ^ tha and Mrs. Bowan always gives you lota , . ., nouse. n "Now," whispered MiB, and he freezer tho maid returned. 'You young rascals, get out "Then let's be moving. We'll pre- threw his leg over the railing. Bat tend we are going to bed, then whenj before he could get his hand into the we get fixed up we can climb down the and neck i .T U,T i,, Tam^i Mrs. Terry was surprised to find! here!" she screamed, and the twins IB nvBiieu \fii\y by tne lam-: . *. . * , , The large proportion of lean ^o twins going -to bed so early on[ lost no time doing so. They ran over the thick flehv belly and i " a "' owe en > Dut s*he was only too glad .into the next yard and were greated It- i them safely out of mischief, wth a hail from an upstairs window. took sheets and pillow-oases "What do you want arc.'ind here?" In making and planting a border, a h ? h , h . uld . e , r it is most important to plant those J?* 5 **' <^? w f- kirn',, which will give a continuity of . bacon ^JjJ*^ 4 ^ bloom from early in the spring until _ late in the autumn, and to arrange" them SO that they Will be most effec-| . .. _ , , i xiit; L>uyu iuu& -;:'-,-* HUH pnn>w-u3r3 w nat ao you waiit ar;-.:u; nt?re : live. The dates of blooming, heights! Peculiarly c tne - from tfae drawer o{ oM nneDSi and be . demanded the voice. "I've had enough of the plants and color* of the flow-| era of the best known hardy peren- nials are given in Bulletin No. 5, S.S., Experimental Farms, Ottawa. In '" 1 ' and At the consumer's stand- u n * o^/vtrirvMoi i hm ** their locked door they fixed j gates walk away on Hallowe'en and if *n/e untano frovinciai . , . ... i__ *.-!.-:_' . j t. . _ T ,ii _ ii._ j Ontario, Large Yorkshires and their. r*M-'L'i , i/Bwwn. in . \ supped oui 01 t-ncnr wioaow onto tne me iwms paus Inrgo borders the best effects are ob- ? ra ; d . es ' llw ' ays take a P rom e P lac | roo f of the porch. They bad been up ! frantically trying up as they had seen their i you don't move on I'll sic the dress Jim. Very quietly they you." slipped out of thrfir window onto the The twins pauaed behind a to remove - . . ay rm<iv by massing several plants of i m the bacon carcass compel ! "^ hd down the rose trellis many times' sheet and pillow-case outfit* on tree, . the!?' one color or several varieties of one wpecie, anid also arranging for a continuity of bloom, but in smaller borders and where tho number of plants Is limited It Is often not and a half nidlon away a much short-, trouble, cnn bo directly traced to care-j thought possible to get this, and some- times one part of the border will be without bloom. Many goo.i peromviak can be grown readily from soej. These include Ice- land and Oriental poppies ; Columbine, Coreopsis, (raiF.urd'in, Campanula, figurwi, it costs us 73 cents for, ach ton handled. er haul thui tho average. By the team method of delivery it costs $1.30' If a truck meets with an accident, a ton for each ton placed in a car ' it can always Ixs made new, but you t shipping point. By motor-truck ' can't repair a dead horsti with a screw delivery, and with every item of up- 1 driver and a monkey wrench. And please rommiber this: Just be- auso your truck U a willing worker, Around a thriving city, twenty-five do not overload it. Overloading takes mile* away, there are a number of , a heavy toll in tire costs, and is never dairy farms which are always in the! profitable. market f-.r choi.-e alfalfa hay. It Is Use nothing but tho best oil in simply Impossible to deliver hay to crank case, and change often; oil soon these farms by team and rcnli/.e a] loses its lubricating qualities when profit, but with a truck it is different;; used in a heavy-duty motor pulling its twenty-five miles by truck it practi- regular load. carry off a large share of the prizes. . maturing than the fat types of hogs, . the case. From a bacon-curer's stand- point, Large Yorkshires will reach! ' " , v , i.i_ i j :_i. i . u siarce-a. ixge simru 01 . . davlight "The Large Yorkshire is spoken of; ^ ^^ , fc ^ quite commonly as being slower talj* ^ ^ to g * e ^^ waS| erin.g anything." an entirely different matter. Mell; "Yes, I will," said Mell, "bhen he'H tried St first, but the thorns of the ! teld the Bowmatia we came from " rosea would not evn let him desirable market weight and condi- get Moll's speech was cut short by the of the old man ealHng to his tion at as early an age as any exist-. e ing breed, and there are few breeds],. n ' ; which equal them in this * ' Therefore, so far as the wjro.u, '., **M.VI ,,, ... ... 1 MCU lltX! OliTTWt HKm. Platycodon, Del7>hinium. In this way, feeding hogs for the export trade is ; der3> bu( . even ^^ at n comparatively gmall outlay, and ! " >nc , er , ned ' , no bre ! d xcel f the t Lar 5 i enorugh. The thorn* scratched his in two season*, many lmn:lre,l plants! Yorkshire in point of early maturity. , ^^ man d to ^ al thc "I'll never get down with this blind- dog. he whispered, and he pulled i "Take them out, Trilby," he called, xw-case from his head and and the dog answered with a short ^"" i dropped it to the ground. He wrap- ! bark. I ped the sheet tight againat his shoul-j The twins jumped the back fence it was Iwird and ran down the alley, the dog close behind. The boys had _ no more than o&lly the same as six milea by team. By opening up better markets for ptstcticaJly all farm products, the The farther you live from market the greater your need for a good farm truck. may bo grown which will furnish i FOT the Production of a very fat car- , wa whon he ^ J Hoom from early in tho spring uwtil! CB at "* a .f c ' , the , L , arKe i , Yo " k : | trellis. Only the thou'ght of the late in the autumn. The planting of ', sKiro ls not so wel1 -lda P le 'l as the fat small clumps of bulbs between the! f ' r Iard ^P 8 " It is a special purpose later blooming perennials will furnish l>reed, and for the special purpose will mature just as early as, or earlier, than almost any other breed." no better time than now to August this year 40,000 head of cattle were shipped from Canada to Britain, the majority averaging abovo 1,300 Ibs., and many of the butcher bulls waling over 1,600 U>. Although the the houses and premises a Ui or- n htcr fa ^ ma ^ ^ncrn^y sold better, cieanmg. The yard* should be! ^ ^ stock alfio ^y we]1> up and then spaded or plowed. . e , pocia|Iy at Glasgow. Canada's chief competitor in the export cattle trade U Ireland, from whonco about throe- 'Hiarlf-rs of a million cattle are re- ceived in Britain annually. On a quality basis this country has the of the situation, but th short ho Emerald Isle, anil the bloom in the spring when flowers are most desired. Soe"d fvhould bo sown in rows about six in/chen apart. Autumn is the best time to ow the seed, as it will be softened by the moiiUire t!wn in the soil and cracked by frost before spring, and will then True Service. 'He has not served who gathers gold, Nor has he served whose life is told j at their heels they hadi just time to clamber to the top of a low shd. Not cream grave the boys courage enough 'in the least put out by the turn al to get down that prickly ladder by affairs, the dog sat down in tho alley night. j and waited. The door of Ted Bowan's home "Gee, do you suppose that 'dog to stood <^pen but there was no one froing ta sit there all night?" about. The twins disgusod by their asJced. "It looks like it," fffe cne ghostly attire, boldly entered the answer. house to which they had not been h>! Seconds lengthened into minutes A Jack-o'-lantern stood on the and the minutes became a half-hou* germinate retadily, whereas if it were j i n selfish battles he has won, sown in the spring it may lie a whole Or deeds of skill that he has done. year without germinating. The depth of sowing will depend 0*1 thc seed. But he has served who now and then Has helpod along his fellow men." an,l disinfoc-tion lo the work and add bnght ness. tho interior of the coopv November, too, IB a good time of the y*r to paint; if the outsuies of !.. houses are pamtad the wooxiwork wjU U Pervd and t ' will liave a more attractive THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OCTOBER 30. The of each house must be at non-application of tho embargo, re Strong Drink in a Nation's Life. Is?.. 28: 1-13. Golden quiring cattle to be slaughtered within I * . i- ten daya of arrival, make all the dif- . 1<M fereivoe. Tho entrance of Canadian; Time and I'lacr About B.C.72' ff"**?*^ * f * ^ ^ttle into Britain is confined to B.C. 704; Jerusalem. and " J*el of the outside ground; otherwise melting unows may cause considerable Rirkcnhead and Glasgow. Ik-fore the I,t>KHon S-ltinK The great prophets ity. The residue; not merely the rem- hall talble. Above it was a black hand , and still the dog kept guard Two pointing towards the stairs; it -bore weary boys watched from above, the worda, "This way to the GobrhYs' "If this roof didn't slant so I would Den." chance a nap. I suppose hell get tired They could hear lausghtor some- soon," said Meli where above, and they hurried up the' They stretched out as best they stairs only to come to another hand,] couid, intending to make the best of pointing toward the attic. At the top it. But the night waa chilly and in a cf tho second flight of stairs they' short time Mill sart up. The lights were n-_et by a figure dressed like were being: put out in the Bowan' themselves. | house. Already the lower floor waa "Shake, my frienil," said the ftgr.ire. ' dark. Mel!, who waa leading, grasped 1 the "The party is over, we can go hom coldv clammy hand held out to him, 1 now. Wasn't the ice cream good?" then to his surprise it swsmcii to 'joked Mill. His eyes were upon tha come off at the el-bow. He stared at 'attic window; he won-dered why they It a moment and then dropped it to had not put the Ug*hts out thero. As the floor, much to the enjoyment of ho looked the blaze flared u;>, anil ha iKint left after the Assyrian conquest. '< t!l( , other Rh(>s , ta gathered around. remembered a Jack-o'-lantern 'hod but a remnant turned to Jehovah.: ..j f . i .. ]_. i.ij <,>; r ; t r i..,i > i..i w *u,, t OTV1 > a lon ? K1 <1 meiting snows nay cause considerable i) ppl f or< i and Avoiimouth were of the eighth century B. C. (Amos, Spirit of judgment. Jehovah, the tnie ' jlh . '"i--'.^"" dampm-ss. Ventilation must also be ., , , ' ^ f , , t ., l| .sea, Isaiah, Micah) live-d in a d->- glory of his people, will guide his! *'" wet samt, whispered i- ,. , _^__ TT_I_-_ .i :. _ , ! avan - ry, o ney , .^ . A ,*j _, t r,_,_ ...j K ,.,..'_ _. ^. u n_! member the ice cream." *" nler, attcn;! to it now and make it tilloi ;ood by that wiitdowr. "R>j "Look!" he cried, "look at the attia member the ice cream." j window." A larger blare showed; There were other surprises in store perhaps the window shade had caught. I for the boys. They were asked to Mell looked over the shed roof, bh reach into the "Witches' caldron" and dlog was not in sight. "Com*.'," h take out a fortune. But when they | said, "we must spreiad 1 the alarm." , --. -,,-, - P ut their handa into the jars they! They managed to uio this without Mr. K. J. Hutchhwon, Chief of the nunmg the ; foumlatlon, of ;_ morality Judah . well .s Israel. Nearly twenty tou( , h<i tht> ^^ s< , uimiin? bodie3 ^^^^^ being kno^n and watched i from across the -*traet while t:ha fir ttaoed to, If ti^e door is not In proper i nfi i i r* i 1- __ * 11 T* vu-wt HW ni.t- anst i . UilUU Kconomic Division of the Dominion ! '""I religion. With mn came (,od; he years had passe.l since the f 1 of ,j f Tk 4 <v .Mirttoli . *!,,,* , , , I ji. ItiVi a Slntviut-K. In n " 7O> '!',,,.-. " .trl *^ * >,,-< dear ,nd easy and shut tight|~ JSfteL 1 iZ 1 n,o Vo punisi,; that ^ Y^h's i Snmaria ia ^ C ' 722. T her. " "W '. l " fl ^ 5 ' werc ** walk, froniacross the street while tha flr, M, i i.oat. If the roof is rwt tiglU and ' Kx f ' 11 . 1 ' lrms ' s " u ly ' * l ' u ; word or warning. Could the people' Isaiah to the people of Judah. "is a * )W , n " Ilarr T ""**>' anj ln <'ormr ; WM being put oat. It was a very lit- L _*_ _ *. n i__ I Imll n CnQ neaa wnm ne says in niM . .... .. _ .. , . ' m ; .. _ .. _ ... -u.,, so tfaev stumolod onto a nottl hivln-rHrt : tin fir liif t-(w Knm V^ --K-, o^f;r If the roof is not tight and AC' I, make it no before il.-i fall rains *r iik. If a lx>ard is off, or >l;i ink.-ii-<- It mado c racket to let the wind w tie through, fix them up rlgl.t re y , .. !)Ull ti ". 1 ' 1 x warning. Could the people! Isaiah to the people of Judah, "is a ' not hear the tramp of Assyrian horse- ' mirror for you to read your own char- * onto a coil bodsprirg.l tie fire, but the boys had tha satisfac- lure," "diligent and systematic de- stiniction of weeds always r|tay men? Tlin Assyrians were tho scourge acter and destiny." Judean nobles, Tha attic was lighted only by a few tion of knowing that they were the * >' ic de- in Jiliovnh'.s hand. City after city of ; prlpsts and prophets, too, were drunk- Jack-o' -lantern* nnl the boys could ' ones who kept it from beireg a big y the; Syria fell before thulr U-rribie onset, t ards (see ch. 6: 11-17, 22, 23). But in not see what it was they had come! And this thought comforted ther them awty by nailing on the board or bat-! CO(lt of th * W rk ln th * extm yiol<l i A ,' ' Hn lh , th( 'y encamped within sight their self-coiifldu-e they laughed at u,^,,, nor how to get over it. So they j they climbed up the rose trdliVarvl uy m '"If" of t]lo puKivated crop." The weeds' of Samaria, thc capital of the North- Isaiah s warnings. - niiig the emcU, | 4 injurious to tha growth and ? Kingdom of Isrwl: In these cir- m. The InHolence of Drunkenness. ha<l to flound-cr along the best they got into bed. These things can all be attended to DDtnoTortabiy thw month. It \a dis- work to be tinkering at Itibnqnmt preparation of flux and j thi' purity of any seed derived there- 1 from are Charlock, Redshank, Corn Isaiah vs. 1-4. delivered tha Vs. 9-13. They were late getting up the r-e Bindweed, Samaria fell In B. C. 1'i'l, and Judah, knowledge? for the timo, made hnr peace with the children, the drunkards , _ Invader, at a great price. But I*uiah,| dtedly, when he surprised them at a he teach o them for asked, ex- Prepare for winter now. thein in bad weather. Besides, if they ... ,, T ,, , are left till later, they are not likely , ' , .. ,' .. , . /. . , ... ~ i Max Doaan/r and Dock. to oc done, and the fowl* will suffer. Htotud b . _ . r- F __ __ o n throughout the rotation series. It of Samaria will come upon them, ttlco, i "i sa i a h turned on' thorn with a terrible j will hnvo" ice"crem. has been claimed that flax impover-j unless they forsake their (this. j threat; "Jehovah is at hand. You; i Ished the soil. This la not so if the ' '''"' l''aUe Security oi Drunken- j stammer now with your V. I. Wo to the crown of prldttt could. They're he'lrtg extra nice to us," i morning. Jim was just firtiahing r, n Mell sarcastically. "let's get ' account of the party when thay reach- out of here." I ed the breakfast table. "Oh, they all had to do these thing*;' "They had lovely refreshments, al)UIMlH , ltly m . OVO(l 1)y expert-; Hutchlivsori, in i ami fertilxers clipol , nu , nlul ,,,,, , no a wish l,u a ., lh, pro- Over-Seas C. it ' It- Trade. A (>art from the detail* of cost in transportation and hanging, which are given with exactitude, the report ma<ie by tho rt-presontativo of the Live Stock Bramh at Ottawa on his return from a visit of inquiry into the wNttibilitiHS of the cattle trade in Britain, contains much information of value to breeders and shippers. For j , )wt " yie i, 1( 1X)ta t'ion3 should extend i '"dli-tud the people of Samaria thirty tha Kng^h market, ho says the most ovpr five sjx Qr seven y ,., lr8> fl , x w ill - VBnrs lle * ovo '<"' luxury and debauch- All weeds the great prophet of Judah, warns his carousal, that ho nhould ropeat over! we just happened to be the last. Look, more ice cream than we could eat" persistently destroyed; own people that n liko doom to that an< i ovpr his preaclimonts, v. 10. | they are gv>ing downstairs now and we! "Ye*, I know," assented Mrsv Terry, I "'rhey sent over two big bowls ol They were going downstairs, sure' cream for the twins, but they were s i c i rin"""uhnv'"r-iil"^n^ .""' r.'.;," em >'JRh, but not for refreshmcnta. The! sound aaleerp I couldn't rouse them. fiMil is kpt clean, a fact that has, ., , ,., nes-i. 1-8. __ (j _ |P- (| J !* t"^,^ (ih'"^^^^*^^, ffhotly figure* .ented themselves on j Papa and I ate it all. Boys, what f Assyria). And when ho speaks to| the , ^ r arou^^an open flreplaee,! made you lock your door last night?" a list that can phot has no pleasure In foretelling the doom of the sinful people, -but, speak- ing for (Jod, lie must point out the , , ugwl> (lil , proves another! cerlaln end of their coum-. Drunkards you In 'a starrim-ring tongue, you willj an:l to tell ghost storie* of I But the boys did not answer. They erroneous idea, namely, that flax is a of Kphniim; that Is, Israel, here nam- ! judgment, decay and ruin, slow, re- non-manurlal crop. For ge,lting thd , fd from Its chief tribe. Amos had \ lentless, sure." , . remember his plain words of promise i spirits haunting lonely places; of peo- were 'coking at each other $nd think- nd cheer, v. 12. You ridicule the A.I pie being followed at nig-ht, and so on! ing cf all the things they had endured B. C. of his deeds -judgment uponj The twins listened in silence. They; trying to get the cream they could animuls aro those that weigh betw<M.-ii twelve, aiul thirteen hundrwi pouii<la, well leaned and uniler three* years < beaets fnvd favor and those running betw erii dre.1 fat is depreciative. Application. Strong drink In nil Individual's life do host after meadow or pasture. Ko- 1^^* ,'., p 1 ' tations, hdwcver, are nut ngl'.l and ., . i. .,, i wen ana ; un,.er mree, , v ,, py n ,., ori | in to conditions. I., ! tauty ; the nu'cnYh, .f ug. In Scotland heavier propurin ^ , h(l wil , p i owillK an ,i crow- SamrUl. A fndi.ia Amos 4t 1) 6, 1, 6, Isaiah saw j Is not a source of strength in any pur- for jiulgment, the ticular, but n source of weakness. Its aa ru |ned. OloriouHJ habltunl tends to diminish the ent mid luxury of, power of Inxly, mind', heart, will and wew not frig'htened, but they felt I have had 1 by staying at home. And pretty jumpy and they had to think! yet, if it had not'been for their chilly hard of the ice cream they had come flower. Tlui wreath ' conscience. The us of strong drink! plowing, nr alternate grubbing, fol-ils (ill iady withered. The head of the ! offers no substantial gain, and does | for. At last the mother of the host came m awl asked 1 the boys to come to tho dining-room; Ac twins jumped up but what was this? Ted Rwvan sojourn on tha shed in the alley, what might have happened to the Bowan house? So after all, the dish of ice cream they didn't get was well worth the trouble. thirteen and fourteen hun-ijo^j ], y pound.) sell well but there also , n(V ,, S; , :i| . y- Tht> sl>j , mllst als ,, ,, e At present, Can- firm nn .j sli ;iici,., n [ly porous. The seed diati stock i* i i,ii' '<! in Kivgland .,..,,,. .,,.,. >..,, harrowing nnd rolling are ft valley (Rev. Ver.); tho beautiful i Inflict, as a rule, untold loss. It is. Solving a Marketing Problem i ex P ense > ca9h couM " obtSired, and Tlie soil must also be' "" (l f'i-lih> valley over which Samaria | therefore, a bit of specuktivo folly to n u . vl , , regular consumers were found. This ' l ()il '''. Overcome with wine; literally | take to fttrong drink at all ns a bev- mu.-t I e of good iiuality, hc:ivy in . *iii j_t_ ll f>*'' ' "*JI ' ~* * J ' M hvy m the Ixme, rather too old. : wc! , Un if rni in pickle, plum? in too weufhty and roug-h and where |i( ., .,..,, ;|n , .. :ippM . y ta ,,. in ile> (rt, too much on the ouUide. Cattle, it , ,, n , , )r;)W|1 , .,,,,,.,,,,,.,,. come "Kosher, that is. A;V(; ,;, B ,, ., maJ , , ., v/ . >;] ( ,, ( , :u;; , , "\viiic-iituniu 1 V. 2. A is, Assyria, Jehov-ah's instrument, as! thing to gain. crage. This exp*'riiuent is altogether in ch. 10: f>, for the sinful l-i;,e'. - t e * I t i a I .*.l.i 1 _*l>lil*>.-l-l'l >-.)VlV.IHit. there bl AuM !>e no adherence of the , Tho , mUctin wferrc ,, tll ,,,, whh Ver. Inai n t/v ihn .,!,-. In I ,.; rnvniki 1 ! ' . I . tMftVU/the CHivaM. In thU regpect harve)(ti ,,, ivttir.g, scutch- \ v ^^- , >M '>' , fr !; ""' Vor.. "nrst-|hapM y cattle are reported to bo < . d ,,,,;,,,, U|>on all of which | rip. fig. which might appear in June ! algi rtrwnwly satisfactory, H they are .^' ..,..,,,. IWKl \^ to be ,..,,, *' tlw P 1 ' !' 1 ' 1 ' '' so " iv011 wns "t | lutely Judged frco from tubcrculo>i*. There'', " V< " ti'.l August. oarly figs wcro;inor,l Can octrei Judgred it a large Jewish population in tho British Isles, by whom chilled or frozen meat is unacceptable. As a natter of fact thc heavy fat steer has Bo perm . ifiil outlet either ut homo or aliro.ul. The standard n-qurement is tho young handy-weight :'.tiiinl '. of an excesfi of fat. h'rom thi> of March to the mi Idle '.f Our big problem for years waa how! method pays so well and is so satis- to get produce to town, where it wasj factory that the trucking busin-sa has nnd strong one; that : onu-sideil. Everything to lose and no-: sold to consumers. This town, which; greatly increased. Two wagons in- ' i ten miles away, is the nearest mar-j stead of one are now required. G. R. The purebred sire is here to stay, and Mr. Scrub has had his day. Do your doors stick when you shut them? Paint or varnish the edges. punkhmcnt of] What then is the true course for , kot, and the roads are not always in l's' f i 1 t y n( h t 0y th" n i l re m co r" c^f* ""1'"" ' go<xl coni - iition - Therefore, consider- tit tn- 1 fct iTvotiw* ? Soo now flthlctos, who PPT- , ,. ' ,. .' flrst-'haps make no pr*t*nco to rc-ligion *t * ******* of the "*"" *" called ' jiiformoil. * Savo your own flower needs thi i fall. Seed corn is best, chosen In the field rather than from Iho lin, but must Counted ;> during their period of training discussed. r.ler thnt they may have n better operating, give up the drinking habit abso- 1 awl a co-opemtive market system was They decided that, by co- the delivery work couW be lelicacy. Seeth . . inU'hanco of victory. Is it not a shame performed more effectively, and much hand . . eatcth it up. So swiftly i that men are not more willing to deny i time saved. By beginning alphabetic- end greedily will As:syri:i devour themsi-lves for thc sake of success ! allv tht . num wh , O8e )lanle oame firgt Samaria. i m the greatMt game of al. Uie giiiv.e Vs. 5, (i. In that day. This points 'of the life indeed the game that' to the coming Mesfiiinic age. Lord; wins thnt true cup of satisfaction 1 crown of glory . . diadem of which brims full forever. If we only i fn !i Ibalks wliirh mature na- |,-:inty. Jehovnh will replace thfi falcc from farm to farm, gather 10 produce, an! haul it to market. By method each farmer only !ost This may remedy matters. Gloves and mittens have you good supply for husking corn? And hand lotion? Be prepared. The man who wantonly abuses an animal will undoubtedly K*t what ia coming to him somewhere. If the sun were extinguished" luiw to l!imvv;-j,II\%Ul>;UV! 11 LIJ 1.1. M omit, how rich life oiw day in every twelve, as then- were denly, we should not be aware of tin .illy an I not pri' as a ro- gloiy of sp'eiul.i: :\. ..! luxury with the should become. ''I.onk not t'nou upon that many monvbcrs. They could, also m!t of rjt ducastt, I true, glory of righti-ousneaa and pur- the wine when it is red." [sell their produce every day at n[ 8 minutes and 18 a' ter ward.