Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1921, p. 7

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WOULD SOT BE TOttWT BABY'S m TABLETS Mrs. W. Beesley, Mllle Roche, Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tab- lets for the past eight months and would not be without them. I used them for Indigestion and teething and my baby is cutting his teeth without any trouble whatever. I can highly recommend the Tablets to other moth- ers." What Mrs. Beesley says thous- ands of other mothers say. The Tab- lets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out consti- pation and indigestion and making teething easy. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Good Luck Follows Thrift. Dead-in-earaestness. Downright hard work. The cheerful mind, the pleasing per- sonality, the accommodating, genial nature. The fellow who is willing to pay the price for the realization of his dreams, who isn't looking for success bargains, short cuts to Ms goal. The man of grit and stability who sticks to one unwavering aim, whose motto is, "This one thing I do." The man who is all there, all on the Job, who regards his work as hds best friend, and flings his life into it. The man who looks after the man at the other end of the bargain, who demonstrates that honesty is the best policy. The man who dares to undertake th6 thing he longs to do, who believes -in himself and in the message he has been sent here to deliver. Those who take no stock in "luck" as a factor in their success, but pu>h ahead and do the best they can under all circumstances. The man who cultivates tact, court- esy, courage, self-confidence, will power, optimism, health and good will to all men. The Wonders of China. The dikes of China have a total bulk ' beyond that of the combined railroad [ embankments of the entire world. The total length of China's canals would be sufficient to cross Canada forty times from uarth to south. The number of boats in China ex- j ceeds the number of boats in all the i rest of the world. There is coal enough in the province ' of Shansi, in north China, to supply ( the world for 2,000 years, -and vast! iron deposits close by.^ The Yang-tse-Kiang River pours, ! when high, a million and a half tons of water a minute into the Yellow Sea. The great cause of the famines east Hers and There in Canada. . A plant has been secured at St.' Thomr.-?, Ont., by the Orange Crush , Company. They wiil commence opera- j tions this month, manufacturing j orange crush, lime crush and lemon j crush from pure concentrated juices and oils. The plant has an estimated j capacity of 24,000 bottles a day. This ! plant is one of a string which will be j operated in Ontario by the Orange ] Crush Bottlens, Limited, organized un- i der a provincial charter, with a capi- tal cf $2, PAINFUL NEURALGIA TORTURING SCIATICA Both Come From the Same Cause Thin, Watery Blood. Most people think of neuralgia as a pain in the head or facs, but neuralgia may effect any nerve in the body. Dif- ferent names are given to it when it increased production from No. 1 col- a . ffe f c . ts cert * in nerves ; Thus neuralgia iiery is expected by the Dominion Coal ' th * 8Cl " lc nerve !. called sciatica, Company L a result of the opening of ! bu the ( ?- a ct " f the pa "! a tUe a new shaft known as No. 26, which j ture of the dlsea ? are the s * m . e ' of Pekin and north of the delta of the ! will tap the famous Phalen seam near- ^SLSj^SffSJi ?ff. DRUG CLERK PUTS TEST Yellow River is a westerly gale that may blow night and day for four whole mouths without ceasing. The fertility of China is due to the loess constituting the soil of the Great Plain from Pekin to the Yang-tee- Kiang basin. This loess is a yellow soil. Loess has self-sufficiency oi fer- tility beyond any other known soil. The loess can be powdered in the hands, but is firm enough for entire communities to carve out apartments in which they live comfortably. Cliffs of loess occur. A single mile of loess soil in Shan- tung province wil support 3,072 people, 256 donkeys, 256 cattle and 512 p4gs an average of twelve individuals, one donkey, one cow and two pigs all on a single farm of two and a half acres. er to its working parts, greatly reduc- ing the haul to the surface, says a de<3- His Greatest Ambition. "Johnnie," said the teacher, "what is- your greatest ambition?" Johnnie considered briefly. "I think," he said, "it is to wash mother's ears." Couldn't Face Her. Doctor "Tell your wife not to wor- ry abcut her deafness, as it is merely an indication of advancing years." Mr. Meekmau "Er would you PUT ME IN SPLENDID HEALTH, HE SAYS. ries nourishment to the nerves has patch from Blace Bay. N.S. The new i ^^^1 *5UM '" "^ tel " Ug "" *"""* ***? mine will be in operation early this cry ^^ nerveg thejr Mtnpa , 1 ' food. You may ease the pains of neur- 1 The two shipments of Canadian chilled beef which recently left the port of Montreal for England with the idea of trying out the British market, are now reported from the other side to have met with a splendid recep- tion, the meat being found to be in ex- cellent condition and of first-class algia with hot applications, but real His Exact Words. Office Boy "The editor says h? .? Feels It His Duty To Tell Others How It Has Helped Him. "Tanlac has been of such benefit to me that I feel it my duty to make the facts known to everybody," said Her- bert H. Kuapton, well-known drug clerk, 15 Epwnrth Ave., London, Ont. "As the result of an accident about three years ago I was laid up for seven weeks ,md got into a very run- down condition. My stomach was so upset that I had to go on a special diet , relief from the trouble comes by en- n! " ch obliged to you for allowin L m because of indigestion :ind was also riching and purifying the blood. " quality. A considerable trade was j dreaded of trouble3i or any form o( done in this business prior to 1914, nerve trouble give these pfUs a fair p or to see your drawings, but much it this purpose Dr. Williams' Flak Pills ' S* s ne is uuable to use tllem '" are strongly recommended. These pills make new, rich blood and thus act as a -most effective nerve tonic. If you are suffering from this most Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend Ralph Waldo Emerson Said Whenever you are sincerely pleased, yen are nourished. All healthy things are sweet-tem- pered. Genius works in sport. The best part of health is a flne dis- j position it is more essential than I | talent, even in works of talent. It is fine souls that serve us, not what we call tine society. Mankind divides itself into two classes benefactors and malefactors. The second is vast, the first a handful. The frost that kills the harvest of a year saves the harvest of a century, by 1 destroying the weevil or the locust. j We acquire strength from the forces i we overcome. Surnames and Their Origin O'SHAUGHNESSY Variations O'Shaghnassy, O'Shaunes- now spelled Kinelee, way. In County Gal- Racial Origin Irish. Source A given name. Like virtually all of the Irish family , names, the first u?e of this name as . a surname was to designate a clan. The Gaelic form cf the name is . "O'Seachnasaigh." And what is the proper pronuncia- j tion of this? Well, it's difficult for an English-speaking tongue to get it ab- solutely, but "O'shaw-nesch." with the accent on t^ "shaw" and the flnal syllable a rather vague one. somewhat between the stund of "sen" and "say." An "s" before an "e" or "i" In Gaelic takes the sound of "sh." The- "O'Seachnasaigh" became a clan about the year 1100 A.D., becom- ing known by that name as the follow- ers of a chieftain of the O'Connor line named "Seachnasach.'" The O'Connors of Ireland held a po- sition in the ancient history of that land not dissimilar to that of the Clan Aplin in Scotland. So- many of its di- | visions became full-fledged clans them- j selves. Thus, as many of the Scottish clans trace back to the Clan Alpin, so In Ireland there were many closely as- | sociated with the O'Connors, including ; the O'Dowds. the O'Colmans, the , O'Cahills. the O'Row-ans, the O'Scan- lous, and the Irish Forbes, not to be | confounded with the Scottish clan of j that name. The stronghold of the j O'Shaughnessys was "Clneol Aodha," CULLEN Variations O'Cullen. Cullin, O'Cullin. Racial Origin Irish. Source A given name. "O'CuMin" id the Gaelic form of the clan name from which the Anglicized family names of Cullen. O'Cullen, Cul- lin and OYullin have been developed. The founder of the clan, a chieftain by the name of "Cullin," was a great- grandson of "Core," a contemporary of St. Patrick. Hence it will be seen that this family or clan name is of great antiquity, much older than the bulk cf the family names of England, Scctlaiid and the Continent. Indeed* the ancient Irish records give this chieftain "Core" the credit of being the ancestor of the Scottish Stewart clan, and hence of the Stew- art line of English inonarchs. According to the fragmentary his- tories this "Core" fled to Scotland in his youth, where hf married a daugh- ter of the Pietish king. One of his sons, "Main Leiinihna." remained in that country and founded the line of the "Mor Mhair Leamhna," the "uior- maors" or the "Great Stewards" of Lenox. Core returned to Ireland, but was never converted to Christianity, though he was appointed to a commit- tee of scholars, including the High Monarch, the saint himself and a num- ber of bishops, to codify and classify the historical records of the High Kingdom of Ireland. but during the war only frozen meat was carried by the British Govern- ment, and the success with which this renewal shipment was met augurs well for future trade. A farm, comprising 1,120 acres, growing crops and machinery, situated in the Gull Lake district, Saskatche- wan, sold recently for the sum of $84,- 000. It was a typical example of agri- cultural progress in prairie districts. Since the district was settled the gos- pel of mixed farming, scientific dairy- ing and pure bred stock raising has been preached, and has made the dis- trict a leading one in Saskatchewan. Canada's wheat crop this year is es- timated at 288,493,000 bushels, based on conditions of July 31, against 263.- 189.300 bushels last year, according to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Other estimates are: oats. 457,544,000 bushels: barley, 58,027,000 bushels: rye, 11,707.100 bushels; flax seed, 6,- 930.000 bushels and potatoes 99,937,000 bushels. The sum of $50,000 has been ad- vanced by the Dominion Government for the completion of the Banff-Wind- ermere road. This means that work will be rushed so long as weather per- 1 mils, and that by the end of the year 23 miles will have been completed, leaving twenty miles to be finished in 1922. About five hundred carloads of graded potatoes will be sent to outside markets from Edmonton and surroun- ing country this season. The potatoe crop for the entire province of Alberta trial, and note the ease and comfort that follows their use. troubled with constipation. I had so much neuralgic pain in my shoulder Artist (eagerly) "Did he say that?" tnat I conld get no rest at night with- Office Boy (truthfully) "Well, not oll ; taking sedatives to induce sleep. "I must confess that I did not think Tanlac cou'd help me, but a friend ol mine was so benefited by it that I gave it. a trial. I was both surprised and gratified by the result. "It quickly gave me an excellent ap- exactly. He said, 'Take 'em away, tiev make me ill.' " Reality for a Cheese. Little Freddy came home one night with his elcthds full of holes. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ! "What !a the world has happened to ! petite and so improved my digestion from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 you?" cricj his mother. "Oh. wt've just been planin' grocery from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. ! store an.l everybody was something." Brockville. Ont. Laughter. I replied Freddy, cheese." "And I was the Nothing there is more varied or apart ! No Need for Thanks. Henry had alwavs been kept up to Than diffrent peoples laughter; , the ^^ jn the ^^ Q( gnce ^ seine young girl s mea , s aR( , M e tlon was ^^ That like a rippling silver streaimet w , ]en he was uken to a restaurant for pu '. tea one afternoon. A hypocrite s that makes one writhe After tUey Uad been served Henfy . g i mcther said: "Now say grace. Henry. ' Henry looked up in surprise. "But." he objected, "we're paying that I could eat whatever I pleased without suffering any Bad after ef- fects and it also relieved my constipa- tion. "I haven't an ache or a pain in my body now and ever since I finished the third bottle of Tanlac I have enjoyed splendid health. I've been praising and recommending it ever since." Taniac is sold by leading druggists even-where. Adv. and start. So plainly it reveals a crooked heart: ! A lover's, breaking on a whispered word ; A young wife's, lyric as a mating , 1 for this, aren't we?" An bird; actor's, art. subtle with consummate His Contribution. A clergyman was making the rounds of a certain industrial town on behalf of a deserving charity, when he en- over thrifty merchant. The Flanders Poppy. The F'.anders poppy. W'.iieh became i so well known through Colonel Me- ("rae's poem. "In Flanders Fields." has been declared to be an undesirable im- migrant to Canada. Beautiful the flower undoubtedly is. and for many Caradians so full of sacred associa- tions that we should be glad to see it growing everywhere here. But In- vestigation has shown it to be an ob- The bubbling mirth of some gay tem- pered child I uun"fd an That finds the world constructed for' u P n whom ajl the clergyman'* elo- . jeetionable weed, difficult or impos- 1 quence was wasted at first. | sible to control, since it sows itself persistently, and is therefore likely. .; introduced here, to become as ob- I can't afford to his play: The nervous giggle of gray With wondering ho^ guiled. And saddest, covering feara. The little smile that is tears. a spinster, ' >I oelieve tais is a deserving chari- ty," admitted the merchant. "It de- give a mother's 3od *''?" ih. "aw*- However, you have my weed or the thistle. + near kin to "Thank you, sir:" said the clergy- Ask for Minard's and take no other, man. "If that is all you feel you are i able to give, just sign your naaip here. Have You Two Frienos? Some fifteen or more years ago. is expected to be the largest of any whgn a k;d at coUegei L neard provmce in the Dominion this year in ; poor speaker make what l considere d proportion to acreage planted, which a very very pocr remark Uuu , ,, ave is estimated at about 43.SOO acras. | never ' forgotten . s . lia , hl , (lub ct - a Four tons of raw furs with an ap- 1 proximate value cf $350.000. have ; Die when I may. I wan: it said of aad write 'gcod will' after it. and then me by those who knew me best that I .the towr.rpecple will know what ycur always packed a thistle r.n-i planted a S.;t is." flower where I thought a flower would The paper was signed, but the mer- a very chant put something more than "good w-;:." against :iis name. grow.' Abraham Lin.-oln. -if ycu reach the age of forty You canr.ot divorce the two (Treat Commandments. Forgetting God is and have as many as three Mends on the straight way towards for S e:tir.r j reached the Edmontca headquarters wllom you can really bank, you will be >' our neighbor. And ignoring the | of the Northern Trading Company. , iucky men .- and the rights of your neighbor is an Why, suffering cats! There easy wa >' cf forgetting Gtci. The furs constitute last season's catch ' of (hat company's posls in the far j j north and are one of the largest ship- j j ments to reach Edmonton for some considerable time. Trappers report that the fur outlook is very promising ! ' and that business at the posus has : ! doubled during the past twelve ; months. Plans are under way by the Quebec was Harry. Bill, Jack, Charlie, Tom. George and dozens of others we thought of ia a Hash, without even en- 1 tering the realm of the uttermost sex. Well, the contributor cf this space- filler has not yet reached the pre- two score years, but he is ready to say that he 11 have to At the Yarmouth T.M.C.A. Boys' Cam;;, held at Tusket Falls in August, I found Minard's Liniment most bene"- ficml for sunburn, an immediate re'.iet , step pretty lively or he'll be at least , Division of the Manufacturers' As- 1 two " , hort ' cf tno ;l!loted thrce wacn fer colle alul toothache, sociatln for a "Made-in-Canada" cam- be paign, to be conducted at the sixty , local fall fairs, and the four provincial fairs during tlr'.j autumn. A member of the staff of the provisional division will visit the fairs, distributing "Made- in-Canada" cards, with literature show- ing the advantages of buying . First on the Appetite List ONQE the crispness and charm of Grape-N uts hsve been tested by the family, there's one item that stands prom- inently out in the marketing list thereafter. That's Grape-Nuts. The twenty hours of continuous baking have produced, from the natural richness of wheat and malted barley, a food that is uniquely sweet with su;jar developed from the grains themselves, and whose crispness arid flavor make a delightful appeal to every member of the family. And Grape-Nuts is soundly nourishing a great builder of health and strength. Served with cream or miik, as a cereal for breakfast or lunch, or made into a pudding for dinner. See that your marketing list includes this delicious, economical food, today. All grocers. "There's a Reason" for Grape -Nuts esj^^ dian-inade goods and furnishing em- ployment for Canadians. Your Tell-Tale Thumb. The shape of a person's hand is an Index to his character. What men are so fond of calling a "useful" girl one who is capable in the domestic sphere often has by no means a pretty hand. It is broad In the paelm, with strong heavy lingers and a thickset thumb. On the other hand, the girl whose hands are pretty, wltii delicate taper- forty rolls around. And he is not sure that he is fair in making this state- ment, for the one he can bank cn is not a man. Take an inventory of your real friends. Not those who call you by ycur first name and fuss over you when you do them favors, pay their Alfred Stokes. General Sec'y. bills, or give them business, or contri- i''cs bute to their pleasure, but folks who come up to the delinltion of old Thei>- phruiitus: True frteuds visit us in prosperity only when Invited: but in adversity they come without invita- tion. New Success. \V T * x; "" V'.TNi; 1.AP1F.S OF T T Komi education to train as nurses Ai.'l>Iy Wellan.ira Hospital. St. Catlmr- Keep Vimy Ridge Pact. Threo modern musketeers on Sept. I 1st kept a pact made on Vimy Ridge I on Christmas Eve of 1916, says a Win- nipeg despatch. That night, In a little Hit hack of Doc HunwllM Book on OQG DISEASES iuid How to Feed Mailed Free to itny vj- dresa by ;h Author. H CUT Olo-.-Kr Co., In* 11) Wnat 31st Strt New York. U.S.A. Cufisura Keale "Eczema oti-.rt--d cn my f-ra around my chi--.. It can-.c cut in biic'.cra end the il.-'.;:':-.~ ar.d bun.i;:g were \v:y dicagree-blj. Sleep v.vs cut f ^ :0 qucr'.icn :ir.d ir.y facs was C-c.'r^' so I were a veil. "I waotrratedtr.di:. .; dif."erc::t remedies hut ncthing woul.'. ,: a ' xA. I. -- cured a (X.kc if Cuv;--a Socp -' ' biwrtCudeuwCfatnieatv/hichiK -.- healed me." (C-; " C:.:::; H. Frisbic, Gr_y, Dry rr.iUs, IT.t. Try to prevent further trov.ile by using Cuiicuia for ali icilct purposes. So>*2Sc. OitiMt2S450<. TilcnmZSc, Sold throuehoutthe Dominion. Canndicnpepot: . Liniti. 344 $. PISl., VV.. Montrtal. 't Soap fthftvc* without mug. be the kind who does nqt make a suit- able wife for the average young man. The girl with plump, dimpled hands has a warm and affectionate disposi- tion, but is not always capable. A man's hand may betray him, es- pecially if he has a thumb that Is Hat on the palm side. This denotes fickle- ness. The man with a broad hand and thick, short fingers is persistent and practical, while men with long angers are declared to be unreliable. *_ s apt to ; t | Je front ]jne |m nrttiierynian, a bom- Mooring Mast for Dirigibles. The mooring mast for dirigible bal- Prison camp. bardier and signaler Inscribed on the back of a photograph of one'.- father* the following pledge "\Ve solemnly pledge on our word of honor to meet at Winnipeg on Septem- ber I, 1921 if alive, to renew acquaint- ances." A few days later the comrades. In Paris F. U. Yeomans, of Belleville. ' Ont.: J. J. Crilly, of Saskatoon, and G. H. Sealy. of British Columbia- - were separated. In the next few weeks all were wounded and Yeomans passed fourteen months in a German COARSE SALT LAND SALT Balk Cariots TORONTO 8AJ.T WORKS 9. * OUT? TORONTO ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genuine locus removes the chief expense of operating them. Instead of the two Scarcely ;v letter had the comrades exchanged since the war ended, but or three hundred men heretofore need- bri S ht and e - tr 'y tlle MrBttH of ed to handle an airship ten are re- Se P<- l < 1921 ' the: '' al! showe:1 P i!1 quired with tho nid of the mast, which Winnipeg to attend a baseball game is a web-steel structure perhaps a him- and th :ltrt? I mrt - v and to lli! "- ' !t tno W:iini!'.g! H'.i i: chance on any ? iminul tj iiuu 1 a for genuine dred feet high. As the airship ap- f x e ns e of Crilly. For Crlll.v had "Bayer Tablets cf Aspirin," preertbd proaches the mast it pays out a steel cable, which when it touches the ground is connected with another cable that nine through the mooring apparatus at the top of the mast and ' to a winch operated by motor. When . the connection has been made the air- ' ship is slowly drawn to tho mast, ! where the steel nose of the craft is agre7JV root' the' bilis'Vf tho'war ,lid v !*Jlc!8M for twenty-one years and not end within a year. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Kxpress Money Order for live dollars costs three cents. proved safe t'v million.?. Unless you see (he name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin at nil. In '~>vry Haver package aro directions for Colds, Headache, Neural- gia. Rheumatism. Earache, Too that 1 !<?. I.umbngo and fi'r Pain. Handy tin The population cf the world is about boxes of twelve t".b!ets cost few cents 1,600,000 COO. It has been estimated Druggists also sell larger packages. ., "iJiU|i0,i;vr'i'v*3 ti^vi4/v i\ .1 ^ ( .- nued into the nicoring upparatua and that the er.rth can maintain a popula- Made i:i Canada Aspirin Is the trad locked. A swivel arrangement allows fan of G.000,000 000, a total which wi'l mark (registered in CanadiO. of Haver the airship to roll and swins with to le reachcl in ^ year 2100 at the Manufacture o Monoaceticu-trlester of , win ' . preteut rute of increase. Salicylicacid. | LIFE WAS A MISERY TO HER Says this Woman Until Re- lieved by Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Owen Sound, Ont. "1 suffered for ten years with female organic troubls, neuralgia and Indi- gestion, and was weak and had such bad pains I could hardly walk or stand up at" times. When 1 would sweep I would have to go und lie down. I could not sleep at night. and would wander around the house half the rinw. 1 tried _ everything but.ncth . did me any good, and the last doc- tor I had told mt> he never expected me to be on my feet again or abic to do a day's work. One day one of your little books was left at my door and my husband said I should try a bol.tio of Lydia E. Pinkh-un's Vegetable Com- pound. I thank; Jodldld/fer it relieved tne, and I am no-.v well and etromr. I think there is no remedy like the V ege- table Compound for anyone who has tny troubles, and have recommended it to my neighbors. You can publish my letter for tho benefit of thosu 1 can't reach. " Mrs. HENRY A. MITCHKLL, 17b7 7th Ave., East, Owen Sound, Ont. If you have any symptom about which ypu_\voiiM like to know write to the Ly<ii Medicine Co.. ISSUE No. 38 '21.

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