t 4 September 15 19'21 THE F L E S H B B T N A D V AN C Flcshcrton Garage FORD and OPAY-DORT Sales A full line of Tires ami Auto Accessories on I: ui'i ALL MAKES OF CARS REPAIRED (iivc us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON Money to Move t FLESH ERTON BAKERY ITS WORTHV-TIIK BREAD \VIT1I A PURPOSE, Yes, our Pure Food Bread has u worthy purpose. It brings health and strength and a meal time satisfaction to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loaf forms the habit. Brea'i is your best food eat more of it. PHONE c ; Flesherton (X.-iUoiml Crop improvement ServlcuJ "Every year we see in financial IIPWS that the bankers are conserv- ing money to move the crops. " 'How does the farmer get liis money?' He has been carrying all of tho risk and the sum total of this risk by all the farmers makes the risk curried by speculators fade into insignificance," says Mr. U. S. Rider. l>r -sidont. Canadian Steel & Wire Co. "The farmer has always resented a fixed price because ho considers that his wheat, may be worth more than that at any time- when he -want:; thf full value for his property, but really the fixed price has very lit lie to do with the selling price because at no time during the war period did \vl,<>at .sell below the guarantee. "Farmers have always said I hat If UK- middleman could be eliminated , that they could get more for tho \ wheat and the public could buy it for less. "The Wheat Growers Association IK:.-; demonstrated UK ability to mar- ket iis wheat co-operatively and it has not been difficult to finance every wheat transaction when placed upon a business basis." FRED FINDER, BUSINESSCARDS ,, Boar tor Service SOCIETIES AKTI1UK LODOK. I.'o. :S. A.K..V A M nii'xtH in tbt Uasouic liall. Arui Klock PlMhertoo, vei y Kridav on or lifor the full znocn. !' * i Mtiir. W. M H. O. Hollim). Si'trotury Tho ondnraigned hus Yirrkuhirt B<Htrfor wrvioa on lut 11, o<iu. 8, C>Hpruy. T-ur III.H 81.50. UENTISTKV JuiB. C MIJHRAY I.. O. H , dental ** Ucuoi RTHcluato of Torouio t'nlvi-tmtv ami 'v&ya .' ,'.T*I of DootaJ Stiru'i-onn of Ontario. ' tdin.alnmtared for tenth extra/ lion UKu ati.niiifiiui Toronto Street, VlMtaerto i t'CAH. & hi:M<Y HtrrlHti'rx. ti.,licitoi lj < .". I. It. I.ura*, K. C.; \\ . li. II. njy II. A. ()l!lr.., ,Mik.!ii!.. l.llcil I. luck. l'i.',. i!A. i raocli oulot at Daniialk nil I"; U/ IllOIIT. * Tl I.I 01 li. I , ** l<ir^, *'. IIUi'-i '. iirrv i . Owon t-i. .n I. Him: rd 1 ton.ltialurJayi!). W. II. WnKlil. .. I 1 '. . Jr. Ifr.SINKSS (JAKI)S U7M. hMlTINd, IceiiHod Auvtic n>-r tin ' I!.. OOQBtlM of llruy >.- : : arm an-l Moi-k lalon a Hpucl'iltf. T.--:n- u. rhtf atl<iictlon puarniir.i I. A. uifDt* for ilalui may lio made at Mm A.IVMI,.-. i>Oc*, or Contra) lli i I, Mm i, !-..-. i-hni or by addrooluii uio at Kuvn limn, Out. r\ Mcl'H.MI . l.l.-i-:iiiul AuotloiinA foi tin. ** County of Grey. lYrmi unlerafi> mil >.ti'actiou Riiaiaiitou'l. Tlie ainiUKOMi. HM nil Ham* 'if Hftliwcan Im IIIH I. M. 1 1, K A 1 1\ A v , nffici). H(l(li)iico tin! !'.().. Cr) lull. Ti'li |ilioll TV!. A. TrilNIIUM,, n.A.. M.II. ,-n..l.mt.: m ^ Irtjim the Kavulty of Mi .h.-lii", rnlvi'mily til Toronto. Officu -Hlchar.l ton IHnck, Pleali f rton, Tulephoue .*".. Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock or Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write UEO. \V. KOKS OcprcyTcI. eyHteni Maxwell T. O Boar For Service Y itk>lnr,i l!nr Knr S-.-ivici 1 I/> Il'.l, con. 4. Artctnr.su . 2 "ii WAl.LU'K FISHKU. I',,,,, Bull For Service I' i; ln.1 D.iilmii luill. N . 1 '.Ml* f i S.TUCO on \i,[ IH-', S \V Tit S K, Ail.-- in-:. ii 1 T^i'lim $2 for i;f,i.l.'< s'l |.i: -i. i .'iulil.i.'d,. (.'. AKi NS, IV p in n) 1 The Cow a Food Laboratoi Bi>ar For Service I'uii' I'M il Yui^-hiii' I'n.ir for ni>rviix' in hit :!", ivin. li, Vili'in -M. Terms jl.iMl .KilIN IIAIiiill \YK. IV.|.. BOAR for SERVICE I'liri-lin-il Tiimn-iir! li H'ltr f>u- M.ITVIUI in ml liiV. S WT..!nl S K , Arleinefl i. 'IVrini- Jl.tiO. S.IWM not ri'tuiiu! 1 \vil be ell tr^i-il s lino us I IIDM* MI pi 1 '. I'Vli l.'r T. J.8TIN30N, Prop l-'or Service i IM.. I -He- tired Short hum Mull mi I HI), cull, !l, Aitenii'Hin. Tnrius 81 fit) f.u cnvli'i. Must IK* pur will.iM !l m. mill- fmiii ilsl df tuivii-c. l!..1.iii.h -l. O.TI'KM'T. i.\;itl(iiinl Crop Improvumi'iit Service-. ( How can we build a new breed nf men without we start with the babies? It is Impossible to improv,- our race unless we nourish our in- fants that they may de-velop bulb, physically and mentally. The dairy cow is at the foundation of every Industry. Sin- is a most wonderful laboratory. She fills hT ylomach hopper with grain, KrnsB and : i! ige, thi'ii she lies down and by chewinK her cud, converts this ra\v nialiM-ial into ihe most [ii-rfort food in tin- world. Dni-lor MrCalloin, nf Julius Ho]i- kins t'r.ivfrsity, tells us that tli" "v/alcr i-dlniile A" and the "fat sol- ubli' II," two i!'.vsli ions siiiiiHIiInK*. a re i..imd in mill: ;\-- no". In re ' it Ihe.sc iii.vsUTiuUH v ituinii'.i-.) rliil'Iri'M will IH. I urow. :.(> milk-fi'l liavi- the ni''ali--i I -:>--:;ii)le lyl- v;inl;u r <' over Hi.' wiilf-rrai'i'd i hihlr. n : i without milk lo chink. How are III" :! ;:;i lobics ! I? Hlack coffee. plr!(l's. imitation jni'iia mid molasxes on their l>r>';:'l. roi lute the daily rat '"'is of lli'i'i- (Mir poor families in the en : . \Vithout milk t'hildn n I; 1 ur'il- !i. ' lie vinor nf the adult declli tho \iialii\ uf the liuaian race low. Bread froi Stonei Bull For Service I'uri! I I Sli.iilliu.il [til I i.f Ihr Villni,'!' K.iinily f ir M'tvico mi lot IIP, < .n, III, (>H|i/ey. I'eiuiM $'.'.. "ill fur yrulc-. S."i fur | .urn bieilH. In'y l.'i Mini. Sity>i-H, I'mp. W. A, HANVKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PL AYEJ* PIANOS, PHOiNO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and sec rtir!-:!' high gm<l! iiistnuuenls Hiiwkon'fl I'liDto Oullery ami Mtwio Htor FLESH ERTO N l.Nllllonill I'lup Illlpl-u, i Mil lit ScI'Mil.) Uncle Henry Wallace, father of the American Secretary of AKricultnre. usod to Hay Unit you cannot expect to remove fertility year after year from the i.oil without renewing It any more than you could keep on drawliii* money out of the hank with- out making a deposit. He used to rage up and down llui land denounc- ing the muii who mined h'.y soil mid called It fanning. The line Cyril (5. Hopkins, of the (Tnlvei-Mlly of Illinois, belonged to the same school und HlnjjUt-handed he crusaded uuaiiiHt soil robbery by ad- vocatiiiK liulldiim up of a permanent soil fertility hy ihe use of rock phosphate. Ho demons! niled on Ihree hundred acres of very poor land in Southern Illinois, that he could hy uniiij; inu- nuro, limestone and rock pho.sphate, produce 3f> 'a bushels of wheat per acre, wherean on hiH cheok plots, where farm manure alone was tueil, IIP Kot but 1 I l -j hushelM. He taiiwhi lhat our niin^. u sui-i'lv can he (alien from the air und that we Kenoiiilly have enough pnta: ii. hut that we must replenish tlm phos- lillUlCH. The time will come when Can.'iiiun land muni he renewed and \vbile our I'urmern, er.pi -dally In the \V:'l, Invo never used artlfli-lnl fertlli/.ern. It iiuiHt be apparent that the ( ;-oiioiiiieal time tu lenioie fei tlllty ia before the oil IB v ....-! ,i Funny Men at Shelburne KM. in the Economist In HUSB diiys -,ili. M excitement runs otaewbat high bottt auo liandils auc 1 uch like, it inn't funny to try to " take a iie " out of people by acting in a way calculated fo mako them think yon are of the bunuli of bud men who are popularly Huppoetd to be et large. And it may easily he dangerous, 'or nervous people are ijuite liable to umko use of firMirms if they have any. Some young mm who vfero endeavor- ing to be funny with a 4th line, Meltnc- . n, farmer one night last week by Hying to ^.-l li in ...ii of the li.m-i- by a yarn that he li'ij a cow stuck in the wire fence behind his barn (when he had no wire fence behind the burn), may be tlmnkfiil ihat the fhotuun thut was fired was n<it jjomted direcily at them. The ihrei) young fellows who were I'jirL' aiouud in HI) old car without lights i.r licei so nuniler, whirling areund on oihnr cars on the roud s tin Uffh to stop llirui, |i-ihps don't yet realize how close lhi-y were to hi ing peppered from a car, the i cciipanfu of which ('nly had n OttH|)le of rilK'H and a ^Iio>f;uii. This sort of monkey business hun li'ithinu i hiil can he said in its favor at any time. l!ut it is plumb idio-y at a time when the public has a irore or le*s juntitiable attack of nerves. And, by Ihe wny, it is high time the au'.horiiifs strictly enfi rct-d the law as to automobiles having proper front ai.d re ar lilit.s and proper license platis -m front and le.'ir. When You're Away From Home Can you leave your home with the assurance that a sudden thunder-storm will not destroy it before you return? The man whose home and barns are protected against damage by lightning by the DODD System of Lightning Protection enjoys absolute freedom from worry. He stands no possible chance of loss thru lightning. For thirty years the DODD System has stood guard. It is guaranteed absolutely. The dreaded season of disastrous storms is here. Ask us today what it will cost to put your property in the "safe" class by installing the DODD System. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ont. HERE AND THERE The DBW , Roman Catholic church in Durham is now nearly completed and work on the interior is now in progress. A gun tank in Duiluim belonging to J. Lucliie A i-'uns was bn ken iu'o and a i|u:mtity if g.-in stolen Durham in grading its iitrec's Then- ih \cry little Mir in NmthGrey u\er the HpproiicliiiiK D< minion election Owing to the slump in th theatiical hiiMnriui, a numl er of acu-hi-i s of wide ri'putatinns I nvp opened ten rooms, unllinciy -h. | - or other mercantile I'Miililishiiiunts in New Yoikcity. Jacob IVrks, of Men ford, met with a pninful acciilint when lie fell n a ruck mill nutlet ed a broken kneecap Win. Kawci'tt, formerly of Dumlalk, in in H h<*pitnl .it Swift (.'uncut, Sask. with a disltcnled shoulder, having been thrown from n hone while icnmling up stock. The population uf Oiillia Ims neaily duuliled in It II Ji-.'lIT. The I I'M n Si.und litle ranees are brinu repaired find when completed they will be one .!' 111. lot l.lll'.'i >. ill C.lllHh. Flesherton Tin Shop I have just pljiced on the shelves a full line of Tiu ware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetronghiog, Stovepipes anil Stove Furnish- ings. Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to, Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clan- Hros. Furnaces. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. BENEFIT will be held in FLESHERTON Thurs.,Sept.15/21 The following teams will compete in the Tournament : KIMBERLEY, DUNDALK CEYLON and FLESHERTON Four first-class teams and a good afternoon of sport is assurred to all. THE WINNING CLUB WILL RECEIVE $25 Draw to take place at 1 o'clock p.m. First game at 1.15. Will YOU Be There ADMISSION - Adults 35c., Children 25c. The tournament is for the benefit of P. A. Beattie, who broke his leg in a Centre Grey League baseball game on May 20th last. We are counting on your support to help the good cause. If you cannot attend a contribution would be thankfully received.