A SON OFCOURAGE BY ARCHIE P. McKISHNlE Copyrighted by Thomas Allen. want'a nee you get beat up on my account." "WcH you ne-edn't worry; if I get beat up it won't be on your account, I kin tell you that. I don't ai:n to let anybody throw clubs at my pets, though. You drive the cattle ^ on down; I'm goin' up to the grove." A gleam of satisfaction lit Anson's shifty eyes. "All right," he Raid short- ly, and went off after the herd. Billy climbed the rail fence and crossed the basswood swale to the highland. He approached the beech grove cautiously and peered about! Tasty Saladsi. ize that If we keep the young folks on the farm we must not only elrmin- 30O MILE BREAK BY Th ued car dealer who how 7<m how they run Instead of talking about what they are U'te. USED AUTOS 100 actally In itock. 01 402 YONGE 9T.\ Percy Bfeakey TORONTO Mention thin paper. or the H * htln * plant r . KII/VC vaunuumj uuu r , , . .. .., A good little talad which the house- mint " = = ' him. Seated on e log at the lower | wife should have at her fingers' ends ! ate * , lot of the drud K erv - but w ' "5** system but you need not wait for tt S>nup*i of 1'rccwlinic Chanters. | "How did you know I was thinkin' of end of a grassy glade was a boy about! j 3 ma d e o f apr ,i C3 an d celery chopped Provide entertainment for tne * i little conveniences. . ii'v V.'.i-on who lives with his 'him?" he asked. I his own age, a boy with round, bullet , toeether and dressed with mayonnaise .i da ^ when ear 'y to b and , ea y ,:. Take for example the buacpOMM father und stepmother sn d her son Hinter. smiled. "Never mind/ 1 he head poised on a thick neck set be- Thig B , ad cfln be charmingly gerved j rise and all play and no work makes ^ drainar It lg estimated that a apples. A word about preparing Jack , a la ^ *><>*< had P cr .*? ""^ d '* h drainer wil1 Bave at leaSt thirty are long since passed. The cities with mimltes a day or a total for one yea* their dance halls and movies, or per- nf ^^ twen ty working days, of nin each. This is only one of a/ Hinter. smiled. Ansor Is "the'lcader among the boys' said gently. "And how is he standing tween square shoulders. | of Scotia, a pioneer settlement near it?" Billy, taking his measure with one | Lake Erie. Cobin Kee.lo-, one of the trustees, is telling the new Mr. John>ton, about Us predecessor - of the: A m of in crossed thc boy . s fleeting glance, stepped out from thej yo "' a jj pl " : teacher, !f ,, Lik a ' man - he answe red trees. Simultaneously the strunee boy, - - lecessor. snor ,| I rose slowly, head lowered, fists clencn-. firmest you blinded T .. *' ,!!. There was nothine antagonistic in'fullv: take < course, the prettiest and can find, peel them care- ha P s their concerts and lecture course from a' Hinter's eyes fell away A will made by a ; steady gaze. Scrogele. in Stan- ' log-span across the creek, then pausfii cxpress -j on had foo i e d mo're than one Mr. Hinter, wno nr . mnot ( tnr j n nB tic combat, and it burni 1 g liable, A i.v hermit, ....,,..-. ... h : , ' 'favor, could not be found. Billy to ark suddenly: ami Maurice Keeler plan a search lor OWHJ t!W it will. Twin Oaks store is rob- you? bed. Serogg-ie's name>ake and appar- The mun started. 'rose slowly nean lowered, lists cieiicu-. urpiicpi yuu vuu unu, JJL-CI WNVI m*p< i. f + A nuu * B c<n-n. _j , ,1, Jed. There was nothing antagonistic in fully; take out the core, and ecrape a f e to eas y to reach. Factories ana dozen oj . more aimp i ei inexpensive? from Chat - , aUitude as h e surveyed the out as much of the inside as is nos- ' stores offer to Mh ^V 8 and . glrl9 .. n ! wmvemences that will give the work- . Bjl , , uttitude ^ he gurveyetj tho out gg much of the insi( , e &g ig boy with .erious, grey That without allowing your knife to No." he answer- ed stiff," was the new boy's thought, oca. dcroggie s namoanu mm uyj'ai-. xnu n..... . t.aii' '*. AIW. n^ M ^..^ j^ foe swaggered forward to \vhere cnt htir takes possession. Returning ed, "I don't own it exactly, but I hope Billv stood. from an excursion into Lost Man's to soon. It is part of the Scroggie I "I've been waitin' for you and now earning a living easily, with < several hours of fun besides. So if , bed of lettuce leaves, wideni. Billy meets Hinter, a new ' property. I am negotiating now with j- m g om ' to lick you," he said. Qfvnmri n *o liiii** f / * if If II i ,...' I TJII1-. ,,. J L. I . . . .i>in1>r C1IAITKR X. (Confd.) Scroggic's heir for it. It is useless, 1 of course, but I desire to own it for i reasons known only to myself." Billy eyed him appraisingly. He did look like a tough proposition, no doubt about that. His face was round, flat, Hinter 'shook hiV head. "Nobody! .''But supposing oi; Scroggie's lost small-featured. "That face '11 stand - -- - 1 - --' " a lot of pummelm'," Billy told himself, : 1 1 wit i. *I-\/*^T^V j | p . would have them, they re too savage; j wl " oomes to light .' and I haven't th heart to make away "Then, of course, it will divert with them, because they are fond of Mr. Stanhope,' 1 answered _Hinter. ttve. 1 vc had those dogs a long time, L'ilh." to grape leaves, nasturtiums, or other dainty green thing. They may be decorated, too, with red beets in fancy shapes. Many delicious salads may be served in these pretty apple cups. A bit of crisp cabbage or lettuce makes a good combination with the apples and celery, and a few chopped arase noted the "1 understan'," said Biily, sympa- thetically. Hinter put his hand in his coat Mr. Stanhope, ' enswcreil Hinter. "1 ~".sui"Mjr j" '"> ,,, must confess," he added, "I doubt very , bruism' my knuckles on that, he de- ;* __ O !_ _ ' l*M\ttf\ strongly if Mr. Scroggie ever made will." "You heard what I said, didn't "I'm Billy was silent, busy with his own you?" growled Uhe challenger, thoughts. They crossed the bridge, o i n .,, to llc . k pocket and drew out an ivory dog- pas*t*i through a beech ridge and dc- whiftie. "Would you like to know ; scended a mossy slope to the Cause- them, Iklly '!" he aakod, his keen ey,es ( way fence. As they sat for a moment's j rest on its topmost rail, Hinter spoke i abruptly. "I eaw you fighting your ? to his lips way across the swamp this afternoon, H warbling call through the i Billy. Weren't you taking a useless thrust nuts are always a splendid addition. n i> 1 1 - 1 a a Kb iiu w v* m\, n_ i* j >. m i . , till U3V _ . m f L I 'antagonistically forward, "no use Different combinations of fruits may be used for variety, and a cream dressing instead of mayonnaise will be relished by everybody. To make enough dressing to serve salad to six people, pour one and one-half table- spoonfuls of vinegar over one table- spoonful of granulated sugar, flavor with a little lemon and vanilla extract, and just before serving add three tablespoonfuls of rich cream, either s-weet or sour. Mix the ingredients, Billy grinned. He had caught the gasp at the end of the speaker's words; now he knew where lay the stranger's weak spot his wind! "But I ain't wantin' to fight," Billy returned gently. "Why? Scared?" "Nice boys don't fight." Billy shift , _ that will give the work- er in the home a total of hours and Think this over and it must hustle up and establish some j way of catering to the pleasure-loving j side of normal, healthy boys and girls. A form of entertainment which is growing more and more popular in country places Is home talent theatri- cals. In communities where the idea you go to town. An Airless Earth. Were the earth deprived of its at mosphere, and existence possible un- der such conditions, we should find has been worked out thoroughly thC| that no rosy ,j awn W0 uld herald the pour over the 'fruit or vegetable mix- ; mav be utilized. In lieu of either on the boy's face. "I wouldn't mind," said Billy. Hinter put the whistle and woods. "S'.and perfectly still," he rif,k?" said, a- lie i/a -ed the whistle back in ; Billy made no reply, his pocket. "I won't let them ycu. Hero they come now." < v.^ jvui.0u un^ t O .iu lont.^!. ...... The next inhant two great dogs ; you tell me what prompted you teL ^'J 1 ' momml f, s b "^ iu)y w .?, n ^ salt and pepper plunged from the thicket, their heavy d'are what no other person in the Set- fight! taunted the eager one. But | jaws open and dripping and their' tlement would dare? Was it simplv y gollies! Im gom to ma key- deep eyes searching for their master, curiosity?" ! add ,^,' scowling fiercely, and the reason for his call. "I guess maybe it was," Billy con- Billy wanted to laugh but he was , ting them m Standing with feet planted wide, fesscd. "Anyways I've got all I want too good a ring-general to give way , them in boat shape. Then refill with, Billy felt his heart beat quickly. \ of it. It'll be a long time afore you '? h _ ls feelings.^ Instead, he shifted your salad mixture. Take some wafers ' method of organizing has been to send out a questionnaire, asking those who will join to tell what they can best do. The volunteers are then divided into scene painters, costume makers, or actors, according to individual talent To be successful the Little Country Theatre must be a real community affair, with everybody and his wife working. A one-person show will not work out. Of course, a suitable hall must be found. If you have a consolidated school with an assembly room, this ,.,., ...- u , .. .v. F .j. ^ nis fecl uneasily, the movement j t ures, and toss lightly until well com- ' hurt! "Ycu are either a very brave t>oy or! brin in K hlm a ste P or two clOlier to mingled. When vegetables are used j in very foolish one," sid Hinter. "Will , the^ther. _ th shou , d be s ii ght ly seasoned with over a stor e. or even a barn, may be you, 1 ' he To ser\-e salad in cucumber boats, ' scoop out your cucumbers after cut- rlflng of the sun in the darkened east* or gorgeous colors mark its setting In the west The sky would be dark by, day as well as by night The stars would shine brightlyi through the entire twenty-four hourJ but we should see thousands more of) them than are now visible on even the clearest nights. They would not twinkle in the least. They would be seen almost up to the! very edge of the sun Itself, but im mediately round the sun there would) be a glow having the appearance of broad wings, and red flames would or community house which is add their grandeur to the impressiTe a town hall, or unused loft; scene. The Zodiacal light would appear as a made to do, with the aid of an ingen- ious carpenter. Many manuals are published which give directions for ui *-u*_ wuu*va o ** w^- * two lengthwise, and cut bui dmg the stage, and on scenery and "Easy, Sphinx!'' Ilinter cried, as the larger of the two sprang toward the me there ag-'in.'' his feet again, thereby getting within I . biici e .u in. _ . T. . t I\ Hinter's sigh of relief was inaudible reaching distance of the one so anxi- boy. Immediately the dog sank down, to the boy. "That'H a good resolve,"! ous for battle, the personification of submission; but he commended. "Slick to it; that 'Now then, declared bcroggie, its bloodshot eyes flashed up at BiJly swamp is a treacherous nlace." tossing his hat on the sward and dry- eyes no." tied up :;t Huly swamp .= .. ...lu.^.v.^., .,...... . ,- and in them the boy glimpsed a spirit! "It's awful," said Billy in awed '"R his moist palms on his trouser- , . .._ - .. v _. .llAn I . . . . . . . i . ' 1 . . HI nrtlr \mti i* Airaa unquelled. ! tones. I got as far as the "Be careful, Biffly. Don't touch It was far enough for me." him!" warned Hinter, but he spoke I "You got as far as the pond!'' Hin- broad beam of light In the spring, up to the left of the place where the eon had set. It would be possible to study this remarkable object, and no doubt s, making up, etc. i to solve quickly the mystery which. Pageants, in which everyone can has clung to It for so many centuries. in the shape of triangles and fastjenj^e Pt. are as much a part of the The appearance of the Milky Way thorn like three-cornered sails upright rk as one - act P lavlets with a half , would be far more magnificent than in the front of the canoe-shaped cu- j doze " "/tow. Ontario, with its It Is now, seen even from tropical cumber, lay a wreath of greenery wealth of historical stories, all drip- countries. around on the plate. black your eyes For a very easily prepared dish on The last word was drowned in a re- too 'teto. Billy had bent an I laid his'ter crifd in won !<-r. The eyes 'turned ! sounding "smack." Billy had deliver- ping with dramatic interest, offers un- bounded material for pageants. Start- ing i ii: 1 fi utly mi the dog's quivering [ on Billy's face were searching. "And c( ' " c ' bark. Tl e low it row I <!:L-d in the ani-iyou found only a long shallow of stag- Punches niH;'s throat. Slowly his muzzle \vaj riant, stinking water, I'll be bound, 1 ' lifted until his nose touched Billy's I he laughed, uneasily. riing, straipht-arm and more appetizing whole tomatoes served with mayon- A big comet would be seen month* before it got to the sun, and we should wimess it sweep round the sun with and following with the many thrilling incredible speed and durt off into "I founJ " Billy commenced, his self on the defensive in time to block chtek. Then bta long flail-like tail be- 1 ... u ,... a-m> luiiiuiviu.*^, =,. g:,i, to wag. Imiirl flashing back to the bubbling ; Ul1 V s well-aimed right to the ntrk. "Uuv, you're a v.jnkr!" Hinter geysers of the pond then chancing to ' ' So that s your game, is jt 7 he Bried. "But you took a terrible chance, catch the expression in Hinter's face/ Rrunted. 'Here s a new one for you, "Dexter!" (.. >:ii--l to the c'.hcr dog, j he finij'he I, "jest what you sni 1, a big *" en - "<1< n't 3 ;.u v,,'iir to b? frit n U with this ( pom! cf stinkin 'dead water, crawlin i!<!-ai! rna: tarr.cr. ti. '.' ' j with all kinds of blood-suckers an' Billy, his arm about Sphinx's neck, things. The tomatoes are dropped in hot water to loosen the skins, which carefully stripped off. Ar-, on a bed of green, pour a spoonful of dressing over it, ; and chill before serving. he- >aid. ol' fe!! ,; rrm? here," space again. Mercury and Venus c;-u!J have their movements followed with ease, and any ether planet there might be be- tween Mercury and ;he sun would soon be discovered. Garlic Blocks Hardening of Arteries. Eat plenty of parlic and your arter- ies wlil not harden, according to a re- port just made by three Fre'.:ch dac- tors to the Riological Soc'.ety at r.sris. .The garlic treatment can be taktn in in a stiff jab to Hilly s body and i ; normal size. That meant that many j In considering the matter of home) two ways. One may eat it. or a steep- . . .... ...... ....,.. .. ,.,.. .,,,, t| c '' ivillK in rt> t u OI1L ' which promptly: emp i oyees cou u no longer be kept.: conveniences, a common tendency is ei i solution of it may be injecte 1 into Bi;ly turned the c-.:rvo in the ' c SC( ' one '!;,,. S "V|' ! >ptl '' Thc firm had given a month's notice ! to think in terms of the hundreds of the veins. The advantage .-oen in the He leaped from the fence. "Good- "new one" was a veri- "hay-maker." Had it landed where it was intended to land the fight must have ended then and there. I velopes were coming. The Blue Envelope. Kveryone knew that the blue en- Like hundreds bye," he ca'led bark over his shoul- .ducked. But it didn't. Billy saw it coming find of other firms, Copeland & Co. had doubled its business during the war; of the French and Indian coming of the War of io, there is much to be drawn upon for pa- geants with a provincial appeal. Then nearly every locality has its own par- ticular history \thich is replete with local interest. A pageant written, di- rected and acted by home talent should furnish enough entertainment to keep a neighborhood busy almost a season. live, lie ca K nac-K over i snoui-, -" ' . , : . . . . \V,,.,M v,, ;,.... i T. n M-m . ' . ml .VIPH- slowlv <1.T. "I henr old Cherry bawlin 1 fer!. Sc ^ e , rushed manapinR to set and now saw it shrinking again to its Would ~k ou .Spend len Doll, ...*. * *<T;.I,*^I>,II.,*I.,,,I. , i n^t.j xi i ..'i'.._.ji__ _*i II1J WUI I I tilt? . ,. .. , Tl 1 1 I wnd-r wh.-,t } .,' wai:i.s of struck out wildly, .at B.lly was pram'- "Oh, I'll get you," he promised. "Stall if you want'a, it's all one to me. You in rim "(,!( boy!" Billy her drink. 1 ' f..ij.ji : ln:i: i..iiff!ily on the thoulder, llintf - was still seated on the fence . v. hiru-d. : when "We! , il'.s beyond me," < infe.-se;l road. . ,,,,,,.v. .,.,,. ,. t <,..,.-, , . H;nt,r. "I've heard that you could l/ost Man's Swamp," mused the hoy . mg six feet nway. ScroKRic s swollen i . dogs, young fellow, but I di.ln't "Ami I womler what he's scared some-l ftnd Weeding mouth twisted in a grin Ih.iM then- was anybo ly in the world body '11 find there?" h myself who could bring aj v. I. , |:<-r of giadr.fss from tliat pair. Now ihen, Dexter! Sphinx! a^uy Ivifiic with you." ()!ie Iiciiily file big dogs wheeled l-ack into the thicket. Ifclly started to move away. "I must be gettin' home," h.' said. "The cows II be waitin' to be watered." "Well, 1'il just walk along with you a.- far us the Causeway,' nuid Hinter. off of the coming cut, yet when it came , dollars that are necessjiry in order to latter methail Is that the garlic sola- CHAPTKR XI. Educating the New Boy. As Billy rounded a curve in the road he met the cattle. Anson was driving 1 wary, read th tin-in. "You needn't mind turnin' ne should. OI it nevertheless seemed like a thunder- bolt. Eight of the office girls were dis- won't find me sleepin' again, I promise missed. Flarrie Evans went, of course; F.-orrie's attitude toward her never been serious. She only at her dismissal and remark- slip should not let it worry you. ; course; F Billy advanced in n crouching atti- ' wo , r ij had tude. His eyes were on Scroggie's ' l aUK hed f buy the furnace, the lighting plant. t ( on j s alcoholic. the water system or other fairly ex-! steeping garlic buibs for t'.irea mi injured eye and Seroggie, now grown j j he lie en' ' 1 1 : i i , . 1 1 r ii. 1 1 1, vi ct . i . i v . 111,1-11 i , back, Bill," he Bald. "I don't mind the same mistake that Scrogpic made. I P lacc - turned pale but said watorin' 'cm fer you." whistled. "(Josh! , , ,. . , should not let it worry at look as Billy intended I T "^ SJ" ^ ( , , 0t t I l.ler fighters have made f h f r ' Nclllc * co "' f ho a1 ?^ lost , her take that Scrogjric made. | P lacc ' turne<1 P. ale but sau) ^thing. As Billy leaped in Scroggie raised his j Others of the dismissed girls sputter- g uar( | to his face and Billy's right and ed angrily. Of them all only Gertrude for Kingold's !n;ii3nmK. H< fp'l in be.si'le Hilly, adjusting his Icj the shorter one of tho boy. In they wallii.i until they reached Ho kept his face averted. Billy, With a gasp Scroggie went to earth, , miRMunt hey read J ~ swoll , n BnJ ^^STl ,r,,e ,.f land whu-h had been cleared ( . |()SC( , ^ ^ f Ud > f ^ of an varieties of treen except nu.ph*. murk (>f rccpnl eonflict- Sap-suckers twittered M they hung .. G . c whitticker!" gasped Billy, "you Mark eyo i! 'vhwanl and red squirrels chat- mus , t ,; ccn hnv Rhrilly. In a clrnred spot in tho mu j e , who ive , lnMidt a spruig-fe:l creek, stood |m ' gpj.jt \\/n Ansc? ' a aiiirar -ahanty two K r,;-,t cauldroMs,; , ng broth ' e r hung his head. "You pvidi- down, Clwmtng ike black eyes newjn . t to rubl||n , jt , .. ho whined from itn shadowy Interior A pi e of , (J dWn . t havt> n , rhanco , vUh hfan _ n ^ VMdtl) sap-troughs stoo<l juft outside , lo(1 on mo fnim , behiml the shanty door. wasn - t lookjn -... After a time he struggled to a sitting posture. (To be continued.) 4. . Fine Weather. argument with | Wwther , 8 flno for n v ln'-and that's S S For the Doctor IWly's eves brightenH a* they swept the (UK : WKar-bush Many n spicy Bpnng ndght had ho enjoyed hero "KUg.ir.n off he- and Teacher "Who piled on you from behind?" ,, That ncw b ,, ^ m Jim s^g,,,,.. His dad's rented the Stan- , , j()l|60 on ^ m} -, _ j BUnhojie. fho lirlKlitnrra faded from ,. Ljk( ., u> lhat |lbout his , , hl 1-yc.s iind his Up quivered. Never on )U frwn beWnd scoffod Mi ,, y - W,ln would the man who wnui boy- .. You met him on tho path an' triod friimd to h m point out the frost-clear- to t wllh Mm ^ ,, k , h ed Ktarn that swam <rw dowa above , f y<)u ^ w ^ n - t hu , u tho maplM nd *Kribe to him thir troublp An80 you nm < t flght V/)U wowlers. Tho 8 stars were .hut out know it . Wna f. g thla newsboy like?" from him forever, us were the tlnte h c . ^gkod curiously you . u fln ;, that out goon enough," prpmUcd Anson. "He told flower, and all lad> lights fth world. Kknir Bflly." "Ho la w lm . n thay t*lt me, Billy gaged at him woiulorlngly. I Bi u y . "You wlt me to tell you that ho would do the ,ino thing to you first chanca he (jot." "Oh, no, he didn't neither." laughed till you ilzo him up," KIU<| Alison. "He's tallor'n you aro an' heavier, too. Oh, you'll have your hands full when he tackles you, Mister Bcrappar-BlH." Billy pinched off a fox-tail stock and chewed it. thoughtfully. "Maybe," he Bald, cheerfully. "Ho certainly tap- ped you Home, but then you'i. always h. ui in' trmnhle, an* It sei . . A you right," "litten to ma!" Ansim crle ;. "Ho in. iilr all the trouble, I lull \ .. i. All 1 did v. in- tell him not to throw rlul.- nt Ringdo " "What! VVas he thiowln' clubs nt my coon?" Billy tihouU'd. "You 'l>et ho wim. Had Ulngdo up n tree an' was doin' his heat, to knock him out." Billy spit out (he fox-tail. "Whero'a this feller Srrnggie now?" he naked in it liusiiiess-likc tone. wbat most of UB want As much as wo do the shadows of glory that hound and haunt; Weather Is flno for loving, And dreaming and sitting by Hearing the harp of tho evening wind. The lark of the morning shy. Wonther \a fine for luughln' and that's what moat of us need To hurry the heal of tho wounds we feel when the old, sore places bleed ; Weather In flue for dancing. And deJvlng with what life Beudn To help UB along to the smile and And tho boautlful fnlth of friends. Weather !- tine for flKhtln' nnd that's wii.it nuwt of IIH know As over tho hills and hollowu strug- gling for Joy we go; Ellis walked straight to Mr. Cope- land's office. She had to wait half an hour before she could see him. At the end of it she was facing Mr.Copeland across his desk. Her eyes met his steadily. She even managed to smile. "I'm one of the blue envelope girls, Mr. Copeland," she said. "I've come to ask you for a little help. I know of course that I am being dismissed because my work isn't so good as that of the girls who are staying. Would! child, and there was no doctor on you mind telling mo where I have board. failed? You see, I want to get some- Tho grey out i lne of man-of-war op- thing out of this. I may be dismissed! pt , are(1 ln \ h e distance, and a wireless somewhere- else, but I don't intend j that it shall be for the same thing." pensive necessities. Every' farm home weeks in four tlr.-e: their weight of is entitled to such moilern conven- alcohol a altering liquid is obtained, iencc? but they come only in time as am j O .v taking thirty drcps of this the purchase money becomes avail- [ daily, according to the report, a rapid able. ' softening of the affected arteries is Did you ever stop to think that for certain to result. about ten dollars you can purchase at' A any good hardware store some twenty- j five conveniences that will save you almost as much labor and trouble as the more expensive improvements? j You mav have to wait for the furnace.! Minard's Liniment used by Phvstc.ans. cp . . , , his old age at somebody else s expense. duniii 1 g'pose he's prowlin' iCOt Z No 37 '21. 'round the lieech grove, up there, lie | Raid hc inleudod lickin' every bov in j this settlement on sight. You best not go ''.inkii,' fcr him, Bill. I don't Weather IH flno for And swinging and binding awuy To tho lilt of the looms of twilight, Th bourn of tho mlllH of day. Building New Plane in Secret. Much Is expected from the Usls of (Ireut Hrltulii's new secretly construct- ed hellooiipU'r (vortical flying ma- miulu at tho Hoyal Aircraft at Fanisborotigh by a workers, uys u London fow chine). Works truuted patch. Extraordinary proc.aullons aro bolng tnkuu to in -in.' ili.u no Kpy will thn NllghttiHt InkllliK of the principles uf ri.ii inn i i.'ii The place of tho tests and th time they will occur aro kept secret and It la nut Improbable that the t'v i- may be made at dnk. A woman sat rocking her baby one i mouth carried no surgeon, but her Saturday at sundown in the steamship ! commander secured wireless cum- Venetlan, homeward bound In the Bay j munleatlon with th Allan liner Hes- of Biscay, from Alexandria For a I perlan, gave details of the man's synip- week past she had nursed her dying ' toms, and received daily prescriptions | message was Bent asking for help. The war vessel flashed back a reply. Mr. Copcland's keen eyes looked Thp Venetian stopped, the war vessel interested. He turned to his files and took out her rating card. "You understand, Miss Ellis," he' said, "that neither we nor anyone else would consider von a failure. You do ' ' from tho doctor on board the Hesperi- an. The fireman was well en the road to recovery when ho reached Mont- real. The captain of a tramp steamer ia the Gulf of Mexico was taken ill witU ptomaine poisoning. With death star- . ing htm In the face on account of In- i , .. good average work,-even above the drew to within a quarter of a mile and i .,, te medlea , ,,.. ht , dclded to in spite of the heavy swell a lifeboat ^ by wireleg9 for , steunce from a naval station ninny mi es awuy. A liner 700 miles farther away pick- ed up the call, Bud the shiy's surgeon on tho Venetian watched their progress breathlessly us tho lit- i tlo boat swung up and down In the .but naturally we are keep- . Q , Uu , sea At , ength the gldo j ing the best. "I understand. But I mean to bo made haste to reply with the neces- sary prescription, which was theo j of the Venetian was reached, and the ; n |i ed f TOm tne . tramp steamer's medl- man whose help was so sorely needed the IK-SI myself some day. and I want mm ,,, ted \ ropc u.dder prepared for to know what I have to correct." him. The baby's life was saved The Some time ago James Arthur, a flre- man of the Canadian Pnrlftc liner Mon- moutti, was attacked In mid-ocean with severe Internal hemorrhage. He owes his life to wireless. The Mon- 1 promptly attended to. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. Mr. Copotand glanced at the card. [ name of the babv wns KH zabeth. The "You aro a little slow. Still, speed Is nftmo , tho W! , r8 uip was the Queen not the first requisite. Your chief trouble seems to bo your spelling." "I was afraid so. I'm a wretched speller. I've worked and worked at It, but evidently I'll have to work harder. I'll plaster my walls with the words that trip ni till I can see them with my eyes shut! Thunk you, Mr. Copelnnit." She had risen, but Mr. Copeland de- tained her. "One minute, Miss Kllis. | Wo cannot afford to let u girl go who j Is determined to make her defects help her to victory. You arc what we con- sider to be a very good risk. You will report as usual Monday morning." And then, with a blue envelope still clasped tightly in her hand, a dazed hut smiling girl found herself out in the corridor. Start a Little Country Theatre. Moro and more since the boys came back, country folk are coming to real- clne-chest. and the captain recovered. The ruall-packet was crossing from Uateud to Dover, mid one. of the pas- sengers, donning his overcoat In halt a gale, put his shoulder-Joint out. and was tn great pain. A wireless message was sent from th vessel to Ostend and thence to Dover for a surgeon to meet the boat, and on arrival at the Admiralty Pier the passenger waa l\