communication! to AtRMMMV 73 Adelald. St West Toronto Hoggmg Down Corn. It U Dot ao much the provinces. The bulletin goes deeply into the results of the investigations, describing symptoms, the soils prin- cipally affected, and the methods that As soon as the breeding season is should be employed in checking and over tho fowl that are not intended suppressing potato diseases. to be retained for future breeders! -^ should be disposed of. The birds' Pruning Berry Bushes, should be either put into a yard or; Raspberry, blackberry and dewberry confined to part of the yard, the rest plantg are usually prune d j n the fall, being limed, plowed or spaded, and ag goon 8g the crop is h arves ted, but to green crop such as rape or it can be done any tjme tef ore co id THE SUNDAY SCHOOL SEPTEMBER 18 weather. corn appears to he the answer to the problem, especially if we consider the Large Cropt From Fall Plowing. ooinion Abstinence for the Sake of Others. 1 Cor. 10: 23-33; 3: 16, 17. Golden Text 1 Cor. 10: 31. Connecting Links Paul went on ( ence. For the Christian law of lov from Athens to Corinth. Some years | requires that we sacrifice even our later, writing from Ephesus to the I own good, our ple&aure or gain, for ! r.1 ;_A* - *i ;_ rf-f__I_Al_ L~'il... --!-_ -* _Al do or not to do is , , , , -- .. ._ ... conscience. But m tures should be taken out and the canes leaving from eight to twelve ness an< * ' n ' ear > an. 1 * ln much tremol- , this case I curtail my liberty for tha whole interior given a thorough wash- str one canes If thev are erowin* in ing '" He had travelled far in strange ' sake of ajyother man's conscience. Paul : HM.- !.!_.-.. ... j. n.:_ :_ i- .... SlrO1 " ' es> !" '' '".larvta- Ko ko/4 hivon dr-ivon hv nerwpu- rMsnns al^n rimt in this 8m Case which has been , may ba found in groups contentedly ' discussing the topics of the day and . at the same timo laying ou pork in a - . ... ..i..*-. i . , jauei-, wnunjf irom i^pneaus LU met I/WH gwu, um uic producint more pork to the acre hut most gatirfacto manor with very All litter should be removed from| If the ras pberries or blackberries Christian community in Corinth, ha the sake of others, rather one of producing the most at ( , iu , e att<?ntion from their boss- the house and the ceiling, walls and are jn hi , ls remove all the canes that recalls his first coming to that city. "My liberty" to M Joweet eoet Hogging down thej floor thoroughly swept. Movable fix- fruited last season; also, all the weak "I was with you," he said, "in weak-! judged by my own ' The best way to do this is to use thin out tho cam-s to aie-ht inch- ' 1 * rKls , ; *** had been driven by P ersCU : r?^ ons als , *** in Tmlue to the other crops of the labor' ^^ , ddfference of aved m handling the corn harvest. I ,, /_,,, ; r ffor,l tn full nlnw- the hose if you have one, after the e rmrt Tho hlr-lr' P prio rpnnirp' r ..~^ ~ r -. ',V~ * . " V" j~~ ~i ~iC~ - - "~> ^o pr. ... . . . among tarmers in regard to lau piow * es apart. me DiacK^ernes require compan y wlt j, his travelling compan- offered in heathen sacrifice, h may be Ph. advanUo. to be gained from in g. Some claim great advantages, "^e give the buildmg a good flooding more room than the raspberries; ' i n 3an a had gone on alone. It may misjudged. Although the food is good hogg-ing down corn may be bnefly while others gay ^^ 8pring p i ow ing and scrub it down with a stiff brush, therefore leave fewer canes. Be sure be that he was discouraged by the and he has given thanks to God for it, eummed up under three heada. First; ^ VC3 the beat resu i t8 Both classes thcre no hose . be even mor care -. to remove all canes that will interfere small success of his preaching in yet there are those, Christian or of all, and on* that u of utmost im- : may ^ rlght In gome cases tnere ful about the scrubbing. After the wit j, cultivation next summer. Athens. At any rate he determined to heathen, who will regard his eatlngof port&nce at the present time, 1* that n^y j, e no decided difference in re- nouse has been thoroughly cleaned Lateral branches should be short- attempt no more philosophical discus- it as a compromise with idolatry. His tbe practice it ideal from a labor-! 8ultg between fall or spring plowing. K' ve il a soaking with a good strong fnf ^ hv p,,ttino. them huMr from on ' sions, for he says, in the letter above good will be "evil spoken of." See standpoint. Kvery farmer is Th .lifffimm-e. ar ,ln<> mainlv to disinfectant. One of the coal tar pre- aware of the amount of man and > ~ a "ri a tion in soils and seasonal' con- Parations will be found satisfactory j hors* labor that is required to cut,' busk, haul and crib corn, and then feed axpense of these operations may l>e Soi , s are classified M gand , loams, silt loams, clay loams, and thpm hack from depen^gtpon' Z j , rm. ^ development The among you for this ..urno. should to an ( Him crucified ." But, after , Christian law is that of love towrds ror tms purpose, this should e ap- , dea ls to reduce the amount of fruit a while Timothy come from Thessalon- ones fellows, and to glorify God. "Do plied with a spray pump so that it to su<;h a quant i ty a s can be properly ica, bringing good news from the all," Paul says, "to the glory of God." Jt is simply a thinning' church there, and Paul was comforted "Give none offence," or, as in revised . , crevices of the building. If there is iprocess . Unbranched red raspberry i and encouraged. i version, "give no occasion of stumbl- and clays, as the case may be. As wei ' ' e manure made is returned to the, g u . a t extelit by good drainage or by is accomplished at quite an 'gravel, sand or vegetable matter which ,;e and only after many hours of they may contain, so that a well- < and not altogether pleasant drained clay-loam soil, well supplied When harvesting their own. with vegetable matter, may not clod or 'he hogs arc making manure and! bake to any great extc nt, nnd may d-Bi-oscting it directly upon the land, i be quite easily pulverized by imple- They are also leaving cornstalks j ments; another clay-loam soil un- wherc they may be turned under with- drained and low in vegetable matter given a good application of whitewash. I the brush out of t h e way. The fixtures, nest boxes, roosts and dropping boards which have been re- moved should be treated in a similar man " r the time of this annual house Quarantine of the Corn Borer. As a result of the scouting work for t hat the European corn borer carried on] * a V'. ery ' ittl , e , bad indeed, and Corinth became notor- spirit of Christ, may well be applied ious for its vices. "To accuse a man to certain well-known forms of amuae- of behaving like a Corinthian was to ment find social indulgences of our accuse him of leading a low, shame- own day. The argument of liberty ia less, and immoral life." It is probable often an argument of rank and brutal that, outside the Jewish colony, there selfishness. It means "I have a right AJ yct to do what I please, to indulge in wKat ^ t a c .,, , fences are needed and have them mad e! culture, it has been found that this | for unity> chastity &ILd temperance. : hurt by it or not." Is it not better to as soon as possible. Also clean up and, j nsect has spread into new territory , ^io : 23-33. "All things are lawful." j sa y "with Paul: "It is good not to eat aue OUt tO te ie mnv iril-n ...i ,,,,* t r,,i '.'.. ------- ~~ *" ---- """ "" -. -r i - I ,.". "" '" B= - --. , nay nikii I auj. 11, IB g nay give ious trouble burn any accumulation of rubbish, this year. On account of the danger , No doubt Paul means all thing* clean, 1 flesh, nor to drink wine, ealth of any farm anl- It is not unusual to find a sandy-, leavj nothj un{]er whjch vermin ; o f carrying the pest into uninfested \ wholesome, and useful. But of such ; thing whereby thy to be considered. In loam soil. low in vegetable matter, hide A ck>an houge f from I districts a Ministerial order was pass- | things, things which in themselves are; eth" (Rom. 14: 21). keeps them contented nnd out first being hauled out to the field. I may give serious trouble. The general heal mal U always hogging down corn tho animals re-| that will clod and bake considerably.! j!'^' a ^J"^ lt ' e " s Is^asjrto^oeDVloan'l ed on August 26, 1921, prohibiting the' not wrong or harmful, and which he ! 8: 16-17. "The temp!e of God." Paul cenve great deal of exercise which Since puddling, baking and clodding' Th fch t th mi , letg are healthv! removal of corn, including sweet corn ""^.t freely do, there are some which j 3 speaking here of the Christian com- ' -V-^- il ^" Xr.^.l" 5 '^ < lice, P l 8 th a e r y a^'S and seed corn on the cob. corn stalk, ,| ^/ j^^STOVtSA %$* % uSy^ tf/bSJS*^ ed, a may,, n> ftnd the prob , em of winter egga u etc.,_from the following townships in and for the 6ake , others that he strife g and " the puttine^ayrany- should not. Tho doing of something thing and everything which miirht dia- which might be to him quite innocent rupt or defile the pure life of Christian Townsend, Walsingham north, Wals-!and harmless, or which would give fellowship. He has laid the founda- inifham south, Windham, Woodhouse' him rea l pleasure, wculd cause harm tion; they are the builders of this in the County of Norfolk, Cayuga lto oth r s. or would not be the best house, this temple of G<x3. He would ...,,,, ..,,,.,.,. ,. Q Wn time. A.I have thorn 1 uild into its walk nnlv ten are working In clean fields which, dency of a soil to puddle is a most] as one may observe, is of no small important factor in determining the benefit to them. : host time for plowing. Before turning the hops into the Tnp Purpose of plowing must be corn ft- . ould be fed >;mc tnkcn int( > account. The principle in tl.o dry lot. At fi^t onlv a ''fnefits derived from plowing are: i., f>f the diseases t only a small anu . ; - , lually increasing the suppl;. to the fee Hogi should cover too they will not do a clean job of pastur- ing' and hence a waste of good food rt-sulti. The mini'ier of hogs that an acre ,.,... wiil carry <!epende largely upon the wl'siilm*" * 1 A f^t T.v, _i i Ml* **o Diseases of Potatoes. Late Blight of the potato is one the diseases to the grower. north, Dunn, Ralnham and Walpole i ! the County of Haldimand, and gnrds life seriously, who has high In the midst of the community, and manure so Kdwnrd Island the potato crop covers Light soils that blow, and soils on steep slopei that wash, lose fertility! ar , und ;i0 ' 000 ncre8 ' the >' leld from when fall plowed, because the fine soili whlch ls about 20 b ^e\s n acre particles are removed by blowing and; f nd ' ho total P"**I 6,000,000 yield of "' " nd I bushels. Were it not for late blight unovcn of fall-plowed th P ilcr - according to the -o 10 A fifty-bushel crop , and catchog an(J aJjMrbs water rcsuU .| writer, would be 290 bushels of sound - - i o a( ajMrs waer rcsu . corn will carry ton one-hundred- - :ng from rain nnd mow whj , , h i potatoes, meaning nearly a ^"^ "* '""" kl ~~ * ..... "' - pound pigs from eighteen to twenty third soil mulch formpcl |, y plowi , con . more. The extent of the loss at 75c *) ll-ll f\f\l\ I., V, >., ntt_ * <t * '''' iiiii,'. i Mniri'-'i uy IIJ'IA nil' ' .M lay.. Three fail shot-s and six spring servcs lhis wat( . r nRninst l cvapon . t | oni l P" buiihol is $2.925,000. In nmy t> countt-1 upon to ck-an, , ln ,i more mo j s t uro w -jn j )0 nvailuUle Sc<ltla antl New Brunswick the Nova partment of Agriculture, Ottawa. j- u*vt utvt. ttt*ii. vjj, wi w*c WWUUHMi MLCV others. Paul recognizes not only the an j bring to pass their own dcotruc- i lnw commandments and prohibi- tfon. Wliat then of the sakxm, the ftlso the higher spiritual law Ram blcr's den. the brothel? What of The A-Iva-TlAc'es of Starkincr ^l' ut ftso te igher spiritual law Ram blcr's den. the brothel? What I Ml Advantages Of Stacking <>f choice and self-control Above all the home poisoned by drunkenness, drain. Recently a test was conducted on SET* shockod-threshed and stacked grain ' bS "'ch his which had grown in the same field * "" , he would place the law of love, the the drug habit? What of the selfish and P^P 06 ' help ' greed which fattens on the misery of ' ^ * ^ fa under the same conditions. The shock- . - * * "V fctiiipri OAM.V 1O OViA- , n i.,. '? the ,. L o r d8.' (see control, guided by love, and possessed ed gram was threshed as usual, while Psalm 24). Paul applies what he has I of a sincere desire to promote the up an acre of flfty-bwhel com in for the ri fifteen to twenty (lays. One should approximate the amount of corn that 'will be hogged off and lay plans to kep them on that area until they have cleared it up. A method commonly used in the corn belt is to roil down a portion of the fiel'i. Thi- ho^s seldom bother ths landing corn as they find the knockc-.l down corn *o much oasior to procure. After the portion of the field that was r;iH down has born cleared up nn additional hinount should be rolled and the hog.n will find this new rca.iy feed in n cnr.rt time-. . .. _______ loss is, the stacked grain was allowed to stand 'aid above to a case of conscience ; common good. Some practice the system of stretch- estimated respectively at 30 per cent. for six weeks. The tests were the Corinthian , Application. water available for an oat crop than 1 "" t'rovmces. Spraying with fifty-five and a half pounds per bushel ' drink wine which had been offered' CoVinth7 wh'o' had ^insitl uponneir spring-plowed land, and the yield of, home-made Bordeaux mixture, corn-land graded number two on the mar- there. Such meat and wine were offer- rights. Of such, Paul must have been oats was increased more than nine poac(1 of two l"' unrl9 copper sulphate kct. The stacked grain had only a ed for sale in the markets or served thinking when he wrote: "love seek- Ihc way of the sprinir rush, thus jriv-' in ( ' !in:i(lil - "d tha loss fn a better distribution of labor, wuthern Ontario in one mnti'il ;il f vi'n .'inrl :i iiiiur f r m ill inn I ' ', Copper Found Shetlands. In has been dis- tland Islands, ac received In London, better control of these pests and Pl ^ M ""' k LCJf> frt "" Wnict1 Uic losses Kng. The lode was salJ to have been to decay and be changed "' o tal '' are recorded as greater | prove( , (o vlpl(1 a hlgh ... . . 7. , ^_ ^ vm *i w >o cvnitnuJULy i r,i which in cant nnd their experience must bo con- neighbor be offended or hurt, by what saying, "I'll have my rights" is not year is esti- ' sidered valuable. you have (tone. Paul ccunsela abstin- pos.'p-sod by the spirit of Jesus Christ. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR thp woods h:icl dug a hole and planted these he h:\:l had. Poor Oliver Ele- phant he had enormous tria's for a whole four weeks, 'cause he couldn't 'j hear a single thing any one said. H'.s Once upon a time, longer than loiip' '"'^T sHpr f d Up ^ efore he co>jld . ago, Oliver Elephant had ears about T v f "'T Pt ^ Ut , hlm . and his fru-nils were all mad .t _ than in the Marilinie 1'rovim-pa (wher "! to plant fooi cial.;. at first when the idea is rather as largo as a muffin, not one- hit bi- though- !>y r.i.-iny to !.o the heit. carc shouM he taken not to go too[ one' turn too much of this raw 'o tn plow ns iln-ply as the surface ^ po- or corn. .he hog., are npp.-,,,,,tly . 1 f he-opportunitj to obtain Lheir tim ,' " n ;' tur " ,V !0 liui ; h " f , t , h ! !l r;>w :n their ,,wn particular ,,-.,,n- S '' ! lp l " wnr , 11 ' U ' ""** '! w "'" The Welfare of iiie Home own ner it lias been the experience of .VL-.I- ,r -hat they should he prc,vi,l,l with W1 " P rmlt ' ^P^"' 11 !' for t !,t.. 4 i ,r cnrn Other things be.Hiog corn, which i-. Jni'ii in -iir'/i'ln !i :i!:-!, l.nt il: IT. not ITU ' '.lie protein rei|i:>e:non!.s i,f the hoc Tln.i ; r ,'c'n (lenient may upplie I J:i:.l the hog all tain it a !.;>. .-ippet ;te :in rn| ii'--'. \\V nre lil.ely t). IKIJC is mi n:iimr.l de\ r ., liowi-vor, hi- hn pearancc, well, it was just ridiculous., j v ^ n j One il.iy as he was looking *;; l!y in ,'u'...,,, , : a f >-cst pool nnd wondering why his cars were so snv.;ll for the rest of h-m, the little old man of the woods c:i:ne day they grew larger nn.l more sha;-p- wns temptp.1 two or pick them, but ro^trair.- imself because, of course, he could not put them back, and a discomie.-te-l Honey for Home Trade. ". e-ir is like n disconnected telephone Controlling Children By Margaret Wright North. | by. And the little old man of _ no (lse The nd:if*e that a nrin \.- not fit ti> diaries being "most exasperating" or woods is n second uncle to a fairy, | m." .... , n.mmand others until he can command was it just that Mother wns not in the which nmke.-, him quite mairic. "" on a journey un.i just as Ohver himself is never more true than in the mood nnd lort her patience? "What's the mutter, big Olivji !;!-' F , traininir of children. A mother who That mother was expevtinR too phant?" asked the little man of t!i,- ' fright- Tied at the size his ears \ve:e LIIU 1,U lllk 4 1 U _ better jii.lemr, t cMiu'erninK Hie cli:. ice |.ius ,>x tract iiu; e(im!>s away from the 1 j ust ,]. t j nl( , wnon I . busiest ta he '.V told him that ; he eoul.l not piny woods repented his question nnd Oliver u . .!."".'!.':_ _ "'.f. '..!".. ' next , thin S of bin l'u'>c) than st i/;c <if the -,i r ; ,|',.,| ravages of rats and mice, im.l i;ot | no m ,,..t exnspernting." What n pic- (rfi.ih. il.injfs about the, apiary an.l honey S'HiU' farmrri pl.intrd Si.y ':'ap< in hoii.iC in ships!, ajie fnr tbe winter. their i-orn laf prii x and tlni.s have By iill im;:.. . -iiltivate the li'.me and'il a very good protein sii|)|)|c- nearby ninrki;'. , rather thun to send to nu-nt for H>" mill freil vvliich .'iiy l>e rciiiin': :,ii n ireii. i\n I if nr.e prudacol ^j oni of n;Ti !'l'i:ii,'i. value th's fall in iioK- a really excellent oa ! "f hnney, 1 off the .-oni. Alfalfa (ielils an. filhrr comli >r rxtrai'tiil. a li.cnl t r.'iile the mm may be iitili::oi| to iit top-notch priern can '. cetablUhed, supply the protein. Probably one of :ind iill dispute < with far HWU>; eiun- the ii s'e:iis is ti> place n-\'' 11, . -i i. i \. ": t.i avaidcl. Joe.lrr* in the o.,rn fluids and lido Attractive illustrated folders on tho .tankage, i.horto, or oi'mral. , foinl value of hi.ney, with .'i.ime plmto Plenty of gooil fresh water should i reproductions if the 'i,iary <inil i-ro- llon! '- always b- availnW.-. Troughs mny beleeMM of exlractiiu', will ,lo mud, ta| "'"'^ '' pla<r'l at convenient places in tho ' establish n trade, fllas^ contiin'is field an>l daily attended to. Provide.! with th protein fceJ, the jprr.ilril ijjii n to balnr ti<.n. They will work in the ci,ji, llVt J>II4Y UUl Il^tilml 111 HHVVWVXI lU VilW* U 'i* 1 1 M with him any more, giving the reason, Klepl-.ant asked him how it was his e ,"' as . Slt 'i? ff ^ , ? ***** ff t trave n- of th- mother! ! hp woul 'l not 1 ' ; > V(1 h ' 1>'-P to chnnjrn enrs. were so ."mall, when all tho rest !? " SfSf nt ' a . t!a . ch <:- rile man " , couw STiii if*. SOU sit- ' 5ir ^.r 1 ^ ^ M-- Ilc m - of *. * *i thf wocx!s had Wlshod hls oars back " 9 quickly that the shock had upset Oli- u t hayricks, how h:ppy 1 hear even the grass- in the jrraw, antl as <s. well you know yoiirsolf they are. Yes, that's to h-ivp big ears. . . ... 1 <-^ n""K ".> ; ru' saui SIOHIV B . ,.,,.. ,, ., i, cc Tlu-M I could see her a httle wlu.e whi!o sho was Koti i n , suppcr; Rn ^\ tell s ;,, m p to think. After a while ho you n :lsk tho llUle man of tha ater, Imstlin^ about the kitchen (?ot- 1 n(VW n , any windows he could see in the l,e K an to .lanco around Oliver Kk-pliant woccis> if vou ll " ot ^lirve me. ', Charle-i still a After a few half-hea holl; " pa the strict; or that ho'i n excited circles. , sho\v her how nice a house he could with build with hid blocks. Hecauso the mother oxjio.'tc' 1 >hc "1 have it. 1 have it; we'll plant 'em I ? i .1 , .. , . t '*' *'ii aBain an d then when " lixty ^ iKhl cuHed "hens kept five days laid juaf. one egg. ,,.,. - -.., _ ""'.''.'"'"t. 'hnre.1, if you don t> BpcaU8t . the mother cxjuvM the enough I'll pluck them and wish thorn i 7"} ,,7', fif^Tf rC^'ri' 1 " fl^L\r . are th- best for !i,,iii,l honey, nm! for' 8tll P ' U " 1 " mi> . n'^ition, I !1 send WO cWW to have the s,l ;',v.ntrol hkh on you." | 25"* f fihof Ontar.o , flocks are e corn, water, r.nd this purpose s,.ine beekeeper* have' lo I)H ' >' ou f ''' mp W ! 1(I , s |^' v herself lacked, displeasure n.ul ro-, Oliver Klephant was a bit worried, ling* may liu .le ! foun.l it both convenient HIK! economi- 1 ft mnircn! of filen -e an.l hen another j fent ment roplacc 1 ilie sympathetic but when the little man of the woods Me their own ra- 1 oil to Be the ordinary JT8, which flft' I **" "'. "What nul Mell you . McndlineM of the afternoon, and' assured him that he could wish hi* Lower freight raU help the cattle d be Utlliied by th houiewtfo not WOther WW* Another monwnt p nsr i es was unjustly punished. ! ears off without hurting him h-; just husinesa some. Keeders, too, are _'i,i,lfhi.n 11 hnm t n n I 'S:l V Mnrhn**' T^k u._iL_i_l..lj M . .. ,. .... l\. *i.. *n 1-^1 j i_ 4 arc l heaved a lug sigh and told him to go \ cheaper "his fall, and if broad, ahort ' ahe:ul. So the little man did nnd the I headed steers are purchased, the buy- Will * HU} *!! " ,1, |'IV , I|liri\VllM I'V > I "JF * . ~ .. . nft frequent vi.sit to the watering ,t , , , -in ,' time, or for a number of an,! tben a, -Say. Mother Let us remei>.b,. r that children at trouch anl ..n-mionally drop <,ver to ,,iher |iuriio.e*. I "J harles. (,o rtgttt'ui-s, t iRc- your vory mut . M i ikp river3i it is j mpos .,ibi ih dffwder for their proUIn hand- : I clothe off mid tn I eti. ^ ^ | to g t op them, but comparatively cas put. Tli. !''iii:i;n ' T of the time tln-y j ,\ ;i . yjj b rMi I i>y a Lull? I Nuw whore was the fault? Wasj to change their course. thinur that elephant person had ) or should make out a lot better on the no ears at all and the little mna of . deal than he did a yea-