Vol 42, No. 15 Fleslierton, Out., September to 1921 CEYLON J Gibson, John Muir, J McMullen and Maggie Ferguson were among the visitors tn the Toronto Ex. . Gearge Deadman of Toronto visited his uncle, Quo. McKenzie, last week. Cameron Wheeler, who h been at F D Cairns' for several mouths, returned to his home in King. Miss Helen Gibson spent the waelc eud with Owen S^und friends. Jean Collineon, E Stewurt, Mrs Gole- mm, F G Gollinson, wifa and chiMren, visited Owen Sound friend* last week. Meusra D D McLauchlan, H Piper and J McFaddeu all threshed Monday with the new company machine and are pleased with the workjt is doing. Eighth Line, Osprey The Misses Margaret and Ade'.int* Murphy Itft this week tu attend Toronto Normal School. A large number from here attended the Toronto Bx. Bertie Hawkens and Vern.i Hubert* are attending Fevershvm coot, school. Mis Sadie Hawkeni left Monday to teach school near Burks falls. IN MEMOR1AM Iu Invin. 1 remenjbranc* of our dear mother, Mrs. William Findlay, who du- parted this life September 14th, 1920. She suffered patiently and lung, Har hope was bright, he faith was strung; The peace i Jesus tilled her traast, And in His mini she eiuk tu rest. We who love thee sadly uu thee, Aa it dawns another Tear ; In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of thee are ever n*'ir. Si u ,J jiui-s, ^ .-U:r* ttud Brollier?. Ivan, the younu sun of Mr. and Mis. Walter Cargon, bad a aeriou* niish*p <<n Tuesday evening when he aitempted to board a creamery motor truck driven by decried Duncan. The boy missed his footing, although the truck wai guing slowly Ha fell and the rear wheel passed over his breast and shoulder. His chest ia bid!y bruised and Wi.^ulder also injured. The doctor ia not sure as to other intern*! injuries. He vvtis taken into A. D. Cuban's, rear where the coident occurred, and later was removed to hishome in the suburbs. If is hoped no serious complications may urise and tbst the young lad may soon lie on his feat again. He was feoliiikt little belter on Wednesday Durdalk Ill-raid. On MmcUy morning about 1 1 > V-l. ok the home of Charlos Uoherty, llth line, St. Vinceu', was c mplettly dcjtruyed by tiro. Mr. Doherty was absent .t the tune and in st'.einiitiu:; to exiinyuish the flames Mrs. Doherly who, with her young fcor, were the only occupm'.*, guatained beveral severfl burns n lu-r hands and face, which uccesitaiid the calling in of a physician. Practically nothing, we understand, was suved from the dwelling. CARD OF THANKS VVe desire to express our thanks to friends and neighbors for kindnesses and sympathy in our bereavement oter the death of our dear father, John Hales. --The Family. - ROCK MILLS Mrs Robert Clark returned Saturday ifter spending the past thrse weeks with relatives in Toronto. Mrs W Pedlar visitsd the past week with her daughter, Mra C Meld rum. T Whitmore and J Henry of Duham spent a da/ this week with C Newell and wife. School opened last week with Mr Ryan in charge. Boyce Bros are busy threshing in this vicinffy. The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mrs W J Chard on Wed, Sept 21. Visitors are nvitcd. Lewis Pedlar had one of his horses jadly kicked while running loose in the field. Walter Akitt and wife, Robert Akitt and Miss Edith Robertson motored to Toronto la--t week and attended the Ex. Mrs Isaac Smith is visiting with rela- ;ives in Toronto. Edward Prou-J, wife and sun, Harold, of Toronto, vi-ite.il wi.h the latter's sister, Mrs James Milne. Miss L-.'tta Partridge left this week to visit with friends in Toronto. Cecil Mooaghtn. wife and babe, visited with Mr anii Mrs Juhn Purteous. Mis James Stone and son, Albert, of the Sault, are guests of their cousin, Mies Jean Milne. Born Sept 9, tu Mr and Mrs Elwood Partridge, a daughter. Victoria Corners IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear wife -i mother, Mis. Hugh Waters, wh> died Sept. 12. li'14 Seven years have pasted since that sac day The mother we loved so dearly was called away. (od loon her hum* it was His will But in our hearts she liveth still. She suffered with patience, physicians were in vain. Till God above in Hit great love. Relieved her of all pain. Peacefully sleeping, ever at rest, And all earthly troubles and soirows are past. Jesua has takeli her home to His breast. Sleeping so sweetly, ever at rest. Husband nnd F -unity. Farm For Sale Lot 2, con. t, ArtemeBi., cuutaininr 100 acres, 75 acres cleared and nude: cultivation, 17 acres hardwoml bush first class spring, also good well ; clay and s-uidy soil ; solid brick house, ten rooms, furnace heated : bank barn 62 by 4u feet ; sheep house, hog pen. This farm is 2J miles north of Priceville oil a RII d read. Apply to D HARROW, Ceylon P O. School opened on Tuesday with Misi R"Uche of Markdalo as our new teacher. Mr and Mis Herb McMullen and :uily of Toronto visited at A Stmsun's and G Ludlows. Mis Morrow, Beeton, is viiitmg her siaUr, Mrs Jas Beat, also her brothers, A and J Stmson Mrs Good of Dundalk ?isitiid at Milton [launon's, returning with Mrs Robinson to her home at Bethel. Little Doris Banuon accompanied them. Wog'riy to report th dentil of Mrs SViu Moore (Eva Gallagher) who passed away on Monday night af:er a lingering nines* of heart failure and dropsty. Am ;iig thooe who attended the funeral were Jas Gallagher and son, Charles, of Toronto, also J Juckscu uf Hamilton and Mrs Lawrence of liornin^ Mills. Mrs Thos 11.. rni n bus betn liiu up but n improving. Too Late L ..si Week Miss Wallace of Uuneywood visited her uncle, U Galltglier. Miss Dot Stevens visited a few days with her friend, Allie Liule. Burrows Heard of Mukdale vi^itid in the neighborhood. Ernie and Edkh Slinson attended the exhibition and visi'cd friends in Toiontu. Otillie Li clihatt spent a few days in Markdulo. 51rs Jrtuiej Lockhsrt w,is called early Sunday morning to see her sister, Mrs McCuunel, Dni.dalk, who was ill but is improving. Dunrg tho Kbsence of cur minuter, Kev Mr Kippeu, who is in Toronto undergoing X ray treatment for his throat, Mr Woods of Corbettou b!y tilled the pulpit. FEVERSHAM Th grim reaper has agiin visited our neighborhood, this time claiming Stanley Wrii-h', the 9 year old sen of Mrs Elijah Wrighr, who died after a few days' illness of pnen -luni i, and w,n buried at Bethel cemetery on Sunday afternoon where :* large crowd assembled to pay iheir last respects to the little chap. The sympathy of the who'e ueighboibond ia extended to the bereaved mother, brother and sister. Mr ai>d Mrs Chris Thomson and some others of the family are attending the Thomson reunion in Scarboro township, a great uncie and aunt of the Thomson uil'fl-i here being the tirst white pep e to .settle in that township, and we believe Mrs Thi ruson did cot see a white w, man [or months after they came '.here The :o*nsh'p is honoring their memory by erecting a memorial and having a reunion of their friends on the 100th nnniversny of their arrival in Scarboro. A goodly number of our citizens were at the Toronto Ex last week, Me>s Paul, McLean, J'liiauand Ali.-ter bring among the number. Mrs Allan ftlcLeau has rtturn-.d from Toronto, where she attended the Ex ind visited friends fur a few days. Mr and Mrs Hugh McLean have now jecoine residents of our village. This poung cuuple hive recently formed a life partnership and we welcome them. Our teachers have again returned iheir dutien, and the continuation Fchool has got away this year to a good start. Eleren pupils are in attendance and we are glad to repoit that S S Nos 7 and 5 contribute their quota. At So 7, here, all Sims July's entrance class of five p*sed, and also Miss spei.cer's class at Xo 5 over- came the hard papers of the entrance. Leila Hawkens of No 5 was the only one who won hc'iiori and is to be congratu- lated. Mr Morris continuation tchx'l teacher came off with dying colors too, t.u[>'ls a!! passed the exams A gi)i d evidence of the ability of the teacher*. Sir McGee <>t Toronto is relieving manager in the bank here, while manager Bellamy is away > i, his holidays. Mr \Vods. ou and daughter of Forest attended the tunernl of the f. rnift's nep- hew, Stanley Wright. Fred Hiiwtun of Siayner spent the week eud with his brother, Em , of the suburbs. Mr and Mis Frank Currin uf Mclntyre "pent Sunday with the tatter's mother, Mrs U H Ileudersuii, Urre. CARD OF THANKS We be !o convey our thanks to fiiends and neighbors for kindnesses and sym- pathy dtuinij the illness *nd passing of our dear mother, Mrs. T. Holman. The Family A sudden death occurred at Orchaid when Mrs. Sam Morrison of Durham was found dead in her bed and no immediate cause can l^e given for her sudden taking off. Her husband died s--me yeals ago, shortly after returning home from the West. A family of three sons and two daughters survive her. Farm for Sale Lot ItlH and 107, S \V T * S Road, containing 100 acrei, about 55 acres under cuttiva'ion and in pasture, balance timbered : biick house, bank barn with L, with well at both house and barn. This farm is n good road and convenient In market. This f.irm lies in Artemesia, one mile from 1'roton Station. Apply to U. J. VAUSE, Oct 10 R K 3, Proton Station. Artemesia Council \r on ii i T.>.v:.:;hip C.,'uno.l 111 n : . l!: 1 numbers nil pnse.ji, th.; Reeve ii 'in- chair. Minute* of laat meeting were rend and *uue.d. Me>M > Hogarth and Latimer presenud IV|-.ITI- of expenditure for August. A ieiier from the Departinfi.t of Publ : c Uighwnys re provincial subsidy WHS read. Accounts for gravel used fey overseers on r ads were ordered to be paid : H AkiU ?'-', T Irwin 32 W, .) McLeod J3 10, R Mar- grave 7.50, John Oliver 4 30. F Pedlar 40c, F Cairns J!.IW, T Atkinson SS :in. G Mooro ?8 70, G Binuie $:! 30, W Little $8 70, J Carson 53.30, W Blnck- burn ")0c, W McCutcheon $6.50,3 Martin $8, F T Hill $5 50, H Wslker $13 .-. R Walker 11.80. Other accounts F G Kura'edt, blasting powder and fence, 92.0,") : W H Tluirstun, collector*' rolls and advertising, $I'S ; Dr Guy, med: attendance on Mi-s Cooper, $11: J A Heard, wire for temporary fei.ee Burnett's bridge $13 11. Shfep killed by do^s- Miss James $5, B Wickens for lamb 57", C Newell $i. (.'has SteffH carting grader, J3 ; for work on culverts on wait back line and 4th con, E Dull 54 00, J Watson 51 50, J Stewart ?7, N Archibald $S>. II Patton S'J.C-0, A Harri- son, timber, 813 ; Durham Furniture Co, timber, $10 90. Bylaw I J cf 1920 to levy rates for 1U21 was read a thin! 'line and passed. Mathewst'D- Burnett That Mr H garth's report for Auyust, showing an expenditure of ?48 be received and he be piud J4.MJ coiumission and $18 fur four and a ha'f days overseeing work Carr'd. Burnett - Mathewson- That Mr l,.t.i- mer's raport for July cxpeudiinre, S.S 1 ", be received and lia bo paid $820 cum- mission on the same Carried. The Roeva and Messrs Matbewnon and Burnett were appointed a commiUee to prepare a statement of expenditures let li>20 for the Department of Pubic Highways. Council adj urncd. PRICEVILLE L Frook took a car load of cattle tu the city on Tuesday of last week . The depart menu of our public school opened on Tuesday of last week with Miss Kidd of Chatswortii as principal and Miss Smith of Markdale as assistant, and <re think they Will be active and successful teachers Are you preparing for our fall fair October 6 and 7 .' Mr aLd Mrs Fred Harstedt visited it few days last week at Grimsby, Out., with friends. The brick work on Harold Karstedt's hou.se looks well auu seems to be done in a workmanlike manner. Th* masons wurj H R McLean and D McDonald of to.vn and J Thist'ethwaite of Fleshertoii. The soldiers' memorial, composed of granite and surnn unted by a statute of ['ulim marble, was. erected last week r y some workmen from Oranqeville granite and iiurble works. Messrs Colin and Archie McL-in have )een ihreshiric; for so:nu d.iys mi grnvel rod west of th village and are ni>w mi the east side working eastward. Many ofoui citizens hat the pleasure jf meeting for the n'rst time the new >ublic school teachers at the churches rm Sunday morning and evening. Several companies in Toronto and 3ttnwa are in communication with the secretary of our fall fair seeking to plate game*, etc., on ihe midway Oct ft and 7. Robert Mclntoh. section foreman, has jeen on a month's holiday visiting in western Canada. He is nicely bronzed jy the western sunbhiue and wind. EAST MOUNTAIN Threshing now, then fail fairs. School opened Tuesday uf last we<-k with Miss Armstrong ( i Huntaville still wielding the birch. Her two entrance cndidte both passed this yer.r and we wish her tvui success the coming year. T. A'lcn was a visitor at C Martin's one day last week. David > ; 'ioe, wife and dau^hcer Dorothy visited L ylon and Flesherton friends recently. The Misses Annie and Pe;ul Allen hive gone to their schools and Mi.-s Ka'e Orr back :o Blesherton high school. John \VuUh ia on the s'ck H.-t. Mrs. P. Holman Dead Hi, An.islacia l>, n-nr, nl.,' cf the e IV-ti'r H'llimn, pissed awiy *' h.v home in ihis vlla^e on \Vedn-.-iiiy . vii.- iiii;, "lii iiHi., at ilu 1 :iye uf . S L ( \ ir^. Mis. II iliirtn hud i;ll'-red fruui t' ",1111,1- t;-.m fur m tny yc;ir.-, but duiiu;; '.. lit year o'ii<'r C'lOiplicatii ; < M'! ::i fi 11 which she suii'ered ktcnly. I was bom in Pickering townabip mi April JO, 1839, an! in 1858 slid m:irn," : . IV'.a- Hulman. lu 1870 Ihi-y cama ' .Vrt- nK'-';> ,inci in ^^4 in ived ti FU-sli TIOH. ll.-ro Mr. Hulnian died in 1901. Threo daughters und three sons were i>rn to thorn, vlx , Mrs. H. Stone of ''>!. >n. Mis. Strain of Mintu, Man.; Mis. John Chard of New Westminster, B .(' ; KJV. David Holm.in uf Ilc'pkiiis, Sl!'.-hi-.':in ; Henry if Toronto, and Geciryo whn died in (iranil Rapids som-) years mi. The remains were interred in the Fiohcrton ceineteiy on Saturday Uir, liin. pall be* rets beiiii; Messrs. H. Down, D, Uovv, 11. Waller, John Pedlar, F. Chard und \V. Simiiions. Mrs. 1|, 1 i. 1:1 was cf a kindly imposi- tion, a devoted mother, a faithful friend and a chmtian who lived her rrligicn. She was a regular attendant a* church, and when she could no 1'iruer wt'k she w.uld prepare herself for tho rervicr and wail, hnpii g 4. me friend would think ! her. NVhen this became known fu y>-'Ui;g men arrangad lu tnka her in their autos, for which she was very grafef Hrs. Holman will be missed, nut >o much for what she did as for whttt f w.is NuriHii, tho two year old daughter o Elmer G.iUaughor of Allistun, received punful injurits to her neck, faae, arm and chest wlieu she upset n dish cf scalding water over herself. DIAMONDS Bates BurialCo. NOTICE Our selection of bijiniomls just now is at its best. Prices ro suit everyone. Each stone is of excellent cut. and design and the the quality absolutely faultless. Your inspection is invited . W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTO?, 1 , - ONT .BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmerc Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. WE Sell Foreign Drafts and Money jj Orders payable in all parts of the world. issue Letters of Credit. Remittances by Telegraph. TH MCIH HANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANAJDA Established 1864* CEYLON BRANCHES FLESHERTON H. P. FERRIER Manager House of Quality TWINE! TWINE! We handfe the best makes of twine, both the 600 and 650 fett. PRICES RIGHT. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We arso handle Royal Household. GROCERIES We carry a full line of Groceries. Flour and Feed. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario WATCH ! for this space Next Week Remember (lie Old Reliable Singu- Sewing Machine. You can buy m terms to suit ycu al a very reasonable priee>. 10 year guarantee. HUGH KNOTT, A^ent, M'arkdalf, Out, W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton