March 17 1921 THE FIE8H1RTON ADVANCE No Man Ever Retired on the Honey He Spent If you continue to spend all that you earn, what will your financial position be when you are fifty? Build a pros- perous future by saving regularly while you are young. The advancing M years are viewed complacently by the man who has a comfortable sum in a Savings Account TH MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1364. J. C SCOTT, FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, Manager. WE SEXL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IM PLEMENT A3ENT. FLESHERTON. Flesherton Tin Shop just placed on tlio shelves a full line of Tiuware, Nick el ware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. BavetrongfaJQg, Stovepi|)e.s and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefittin^, including [)iui)p work. Furnaces installed. A^ent for Clare Bros. Furnacc.s D. WcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON # ONTARIO. !*! _ fill SSSTiZi'r^' 5 ^"^' *Ba5!!WSB5HSBBBKJB!iaBaBi ' - " 1&SSKS2 ~ :SE.*.S. 1 :Sr;MS ^2 -i 'SSf^TlKS?~eSS4!iZf*:'f<f~ffi As SPRING HAS ARRIVED earlier than usual, we received some of our new stock which we have on display at the present time, such as : All Colors in silk (Duchess, Pailette and Taffeta), Silk Crepes, Georgette, Pongee Silk, Ginghams and Voiles, Serges, Brown Broadcloth for suits, etc. HARDWARE Sap Buckets, Spoiles, Milk Pails, Churns, Milk Cans, Paints, Oils and Glass. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WOHTI1V THK WtEAI) WITH A PUBPOSK. Yes, our Pure Food Mread lias a worthy purpose. It brings health and stien^tb and a meal time satisfaction to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loaf forms the habit, Bread is your host food eat. more of it. PHONE 3 FRED FINDER, Flesherton DURHAM Just ai we no to |j.r.-H we learn r>C ihe ill-nth this morning of Mr. Thou. Mr,- Kudden, B former Rve of Glimelg. at his home hsre, ufiur an extcmled ilitie, in hia 77lh jo>tr. We have no pnrticii lau, o'her thin thitt the funernl will be held on Salurd iy afternoon, at 2 o'clock undor Orange ;i u <.-. Mr. Alexander MoEichern, a hif-'i'y C4tcen,ed mid well to do finiu-r of I'rul'ni died very BUI) Jenly on 8turd~y n'ulit near Hopnvilltt. His haul had \ivfn uivinif linn trouble for *orno tini", prd he hud tievn warned of lh danger. Ha went to lied ns U*UH|, and in very few " MI'I , #HS INK \ .!. I in n lUi' 1 - coii-!i'in !> -i- I !i.v iy ului'iM iiisUn ly. II.- was a brnthiir of M. -. D ivid Allen of (his town, nd wa KiHrried to a si'er of Mr. Dug'ild Mo Phail. the auctioneer, at. Ceylon. He ITM tbfHlt tifiy lii'e y>-nrfl of u > . and besiJt'B hJH ji"rrowins widow li-aves three Nuns, about eleven- fifteen and twenty yearn of aye, respactively. Mr. and Mrs David nd Mr. Hamilton Allen attended thu f '.metal yesterday at Hope ville. --Chronicle. CLAMERT LENS All Sizes per Pair DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist 11 nroniario Street, near Tlnr Street CoIliagwood.jOnUrio Appointment* : Daily a. m. to 5 p. m. EveniugB and Holidays arranged. TelephonB 611- W. Box 10C6 1 Jly20 WHY PAY MORE The Ulamert Lens is the ideal lens for your car, since it has successfully passed anti-glare tests all over the world with a very high candle-power rating and is therefore legal anywhere yon may care to drive. It eliminates glare and at i ho siima time gives you the greatest possible amount of road light. Abundant near and distant driving light Smooth outer surface with nothing to catch and hold dirt or snow. No color to break the color scheme of your car. An attrac- tive efficient lens at a reasonable price. Other makes with thase candle-power rating cost more money. Why pay the difference? The Ulamert offers you the best lens at the lowest price. i Passed Ontario Test Highest Rating We have a good assortment of the different sizes and would be glad to supply you. We will install them on your car free of charge and run the risk of breaking them ourselves. D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT. IGWM DORT Watchful Eyes Guard Its Quality "PHEREis much more than mere routine ^ to the elaborate system of inspection which guards the supreme quality of the Gray-Dort car. Built into every car is the pride of an organ- ization over sixty years experienced in the production of satisfactory transportation. each skilled craftsman looks upon the Gray-Dort as his personal product, by which he will be judged in the eyes of the world. The result is a carefulness a precision of construction which is matched only by the fineness of the materials with which our men work. The final result is freedom from ordinary motor car troubles and the long life which comes only with perfect harmony in every working part. Compared with other cars, the Gray-Dort is worth much more than its fair made-in- Canada price. The difficulty in securing a Gray-Dort will increase as the season advances. See the Gray-Dort dealer now. H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, Ontario * * GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED CHATHAM, ONTARIO