Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1921, p. 1

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Vol4l, No. 40 Flestierton, Ont., Marcli 17 1921 Heavy Penalties For Two Criminals The perpetrators of one of the most revolting crimes in the his ory of Orey County.were dualt with by .Judge Suther land this morning in a manner that should discourage any repetition of ouch an offence in this district. John McBeih, 50 yeniH if agt>, and Walter Cox, 19 years uf (, were charg ed with havinn carnal knowledge of a girl of 13 years of :ige, the daughter of ^heir employer, who resided nrnr Price- ville. Tho uirl m expected to become -i mother m a few tnonthi. The ulder of the two prisoners was sentenced to five years in Kinaston Penitentiary and will receive 20 lushes, 10 to be administered at the end of the tirst mouth, and the other 10, tu months Inter. Tha other prisoner gets '.- yetirs And 3 months in the lame prisi/n aud gelR IU lashes, In giving sentence Judge .Sutherland spuka of the heinousness of the offence, particularly of the o'der man who should hve been >i protector tl the girl. There Were no p<iiliulory circumstances, and lenience given WAS imposed us a punish- ment to the offender mirt IIP a warning to others that crime of this fort, and all crime, wvuld not be alluwi-c to'ijo on in this district. To the }oung man he hoped it would be a lesti>u to him and that be might make amends in the future. Crown Atto'noy Dyre conducted' the prosecution and at tin* trial lie po:ntid out th of thu olfence and urged tor a heavy sentence. No punioh menr, could eqtul the critr.e, h said. Jusrice in thiscaso waf speedy. It in leas than three wpeks ago pince the Children's Society officer hist received a repnrt^on the case, and in that time the evidence wax found., (ha perpetatorH caught, and the .-uiiternvN given. The girl was made a ward of I he Children's Aid S ic.ety. O. 8. Sun Times DUNDALK Uerald goen to pn--- we learn vuili <t <-p re^rHt nf ihe .i i c h Ihm morniugof Mi-s. J. T, Puik uf Wnmipiv, a former eNteemttd resident of Dunddlk Dr. Mc\\ illi.iiii, the pioneer (hyaiuiaa of this district, being aliout 4i> yeHm ia IjUKiiut-s hrrc.. IMS sold his inediciil practice to I'r. Carter, of Bokon, who will tiiUi- |iu- M-.-xMi'ii in a wcuk or two. Dr. McWilliura will still retain ihn drug businettH :t8 Medical Hall. Herald. Death of Wm. B. Long Tlve funernl-of the lute Win. B. Luag, which took plnce on Suni'ity from his late hone, 12 Strathconi avenue, to Mnutii Hupecuioeior-y, WH very larjze'y attended by neitthhors >uid fiiendu and mODltmtn of the l.O.O.K'. lodgeB of the city Mr. L 'iiL' hri... been it rvHidvnt of Bmntfond for ill-.' lost ten years and .v is well knowu- at i In- rime of Ins death bv\nn c-irc taker of tli>< King Edward nciioul. Hu wu born in Maxwell, Gruy county, .">:_' ;>.-. ago, where he peat his early oys. Ii met with au uccidtnt 21 v- .. - HK<>, from which developed omnpiioatiooH nhkh cauael -mini 'n: 1 luff^rini; and only a dc- tcnniiiHi ; :i to livi- lengthened his Jay* lie is u vived Ky h' wife mid two dau^lucra, alao bin, one sinter and'six bruthfrv. T!I. sr from n .1 -i moe who aKvndud the tuueral weiv, Mrs. Thos. -Beatty and Jnait-s Lonn of fever- shaai, Mr. GiHir^e. L(UK of TormiMi, Mr. Fred Long of Mingac* Palln. Mr Will BrHoihall of Oihawa, Mr. Frank Dennis of G.uel-ph aud Mr. nnd Mrx. PHiine- becker .-f Hiiuiilton. 7 he Oddfpllows <tf which body Mr. I. HL; was a member, took chaise of the liincril, assmtt d by Ailj . Condie (it the Snlvntion Army. Floral trihuteg wero frnm many, including Bmat oooampMMnt, 1 i > ( i K , O O.K. and f. F. Adonic, No. 38. Mo- hawk Lodge., Ceutpntenaial Kebekah Lodge, Schogl and Homo A.tsocitif>n of KniL' Kdward school, teachers bf King Edwaid school. Brantford .'rXp.^i! ->i . Farm For Sale Lot 152, 2nd mne East, T. & S. U. Artemeaia, coataiaing 10U ncrus ; g.tod buildings and well watered ; stone found- ation under good baro, with ilo . small orchard. This is a good farm I. 1 miles from Plenheiton, and* bargain for some body for quick sale. Possession given firet of March. Apply to John Beeocoft, 146, 2nd Ave. , Hunt, Owen Sound, or John Pedlar, Fleehdrton. G. A. WATSON & SONS - Priceville - ' Lumber, Shingles, Planing Matching & Housefinith Order* taken tor Door*, Sash and all House Fin'sh. jj-inoli match Oak nr Maple Flooriug. Use at he famous Fiber Board on walls, it is J inch thick and wind proof. Car of B.C. XXX Shingle* on hand at lowest prices Leave your order as prices lire advancing. Let UK Bgure on your next job, it will ooat you nothing j 8th Line, Osprey Spring is almost here but watch March go out like a linn. We are sorry to report Bert Mugee on the sick list but hope for ft very speedy recovery. A number from here are attending the revival meeting! in Eugenia, which are proving a auccess. Mrs John Pureon is spending a few days with her diugluer, Mrs Jjinea Me Keuzie. Qui'e a number attended the sale "c Mr Jack (>:>.: \\ .. last week which was a nuc':ess We hi-pe Jnck will not go too hr aw:iy as he was always a good neigh- bor. but is uiviny up farming on account of his health. Tr.m Fenwiuk \}.\A thu misfortune to lone H valuable cow hist week wtrch he (un li.i-i- : recently at H siln. Miss Mry Iliipper, who has been sick vviih liiifi-jip'.' is able to b out niraiii. Minn Annie Galluw.iy ppeut the week end with her frinnd, Miss ReU Semple. Bub Osborne has rented the farm on the 12th Line buloi ginff to Tom Thorn- bury. t ikini; possession the lust of March. John Parsons in able to be out again after undergoing ;i serious operation. ROCK MILLS Mra W T Pedlar pent, a fi-w days tho piut week with l..-r dtu<:hier in Eugenia. Quite <i number from hern a' tended Dannie Cameron's culo last we"k. We re Hony to report Mrs Wnltt-r RUSKS! laid up with n very severe cold, but I:, for i spt-eily n-covcry. Little R H Hoy of Toron'n is holiday- ina with his gi:uidp;irenM, Mr ;Hd Mrs R Boy, here. W Sloildart .if Mrkdle snsnt a frw d*ys with bin sister, Mrs Herb Bettn, buiuio leaving for th *est. MJHS Alice Mclniyre and friend visited Wtlh :h fi.-r-ner's pni-n(i 6 Tiyon. Ail P.irU-oun c-f Osprey visited -with his parents ht-to. Sii'jar making has onitnenaed, Mr K CUrk i i.iii^' the lii-i to tap an/unu here. Ho had a fairly good run <m Fndy. Mr and Mrs Cecil Muldrum and son of Toronto -re spending a fortnight *ith W T Pedlar and family, and intend moving soon toiheir farm on the 4th line. Uobt Akitt is visitinp his riaughier, Mrs i: Fiuld, in Uniniford. Miss Let ta Part rirtge hug gone to the city for a time. Chas M'Ku H:i, purchased a horse from Clias >fewell for the purpose of working at thu M.I. SPRINGHtLL We wele.itne Vlr .In* Feriis and family to our neighborhood. Mr -J J Brown hue .o, >,-.: hu family to his farm jn thu Toronto Gravel Koad viiuth of the villiigD. \Ve are sorry In rppi.rt that Mildred iMoon? \i under the doctor* care. \Ve bopj for a Kpeeriy rucnveiy. Tom Orr visited recently with his sitter, Mrs Alex Cameron, Eugenia. Mrs M Ferguson of Ceylon visittd with Mis Alf llaniboii the paet wotk. Rut-sell KHis of Kiuiberley visittd recently witli tin-nil, litre. Mr and MrsClauJe Akifis nnd family attended the grilden wedding of Mis kins' parents, Mr nod Mra Geo Muore, 1'roton, on Tumdity :if IHB* week. Mips Rata Bollamy f Fleshiirton visited with bur sister, Mis Eoy I'll stle- tliiwuite. ^tjuito a uu.riber from he>r.e Aitended t In-, play given by the Liuiiu' Jbul of the Muthodist church and all report, a KOOU ir Harrison and Iiiiutbr attend- ed t hit debate held at I'nn--. ::ii! on W-sduesday laat. TbeiLadies' Aid of the Presbyterian church held their monthly meeting nt ill,, li.iii 1 .- nf Mrs Alf UirriHon ou (Cues- day last. A good attendance was present Of interest to Farmer* F. T. .hhl' A Co , Limited, are in .(,ho market for a .p mt;iy of spriiiK and vvuii.irwlmni. i luir mill for present doiiviy. .If ymi have any to srll call phone 7, M&nkdale NOTICE Registration of Bylaw if) hereby givn that a Bylaw passed by the Muoveipal Council of the Towi|.'hi|i of ( >npiey on the 14th day of Februarv, 1921, providing for the issue of debeXlturaa to ll amount of $480.00 for the- purpowi of extending the Local Municipal Telephone System in the Township of Osprey. and that suuh Bylaw was registered 4" the Registry Office of South Orey at Durham in the Oounty of G mv, on the si.sjleecih day of February, 1921. Any motion to quash or set aiido the tame or any part thvreof must be made within three nmntha after tha Brat public*tion nf this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated this 22nd day of February, 1921. -H. W. KERNAHAN, Clerk. VANDELEUR Vandeleur Farmer'* Club hold ihoir March uieelioi; on Monday evening of list ween. Quite n large number of orders were given in for send corn nnd binder twine. A spicia! meeting will he held un M:tiuh 21st. Miss Emma Colam.-m of Toronto is the guest 11 f her Bister, Mrs W R Buchanan. Mrs H.irry Gtunurund duughter Irene, have returned to their home in Tjronio after t>pom!;ni4 week with ihi foimer's parents, Mr and Mrs Samuel ijiltiutt. Mr Tlirm Abei'oromliie and daughter, Dell, of Kimberluy, visited with Air .Mrs Ed Uiikor recently. Mr Kd 1: ;!;.-'.' made u liu-innss trip to Toronto during the past week. The inuny friends of Mr Sam Gilbert iirc pie ;i3,< d to know that hu IB improving iu health. Mr and Mrs ,'ohrt Wailing r. e-ti'.ly calibrated the .~>ls( mimvorwtiy uf their marriage. Until in"- still httle and huar?y and their many friends i.\ uud tmsrtiest cnngr.1 tulatiniiK- Mr tiud Mr- limit Gnlinm entertained a K. .v of lii, ii- iiiinii li.n'i* n-lalivi'a tit their home, "KiviTside Lodge," on tho i-M-i.i)::' of Mutch "tli, tho iiuuisinii litinn the 50'h auniver9ry of tliun- -Aixlilm^ day. Mr and Mr* Graham wnt-e ururiisa t Pricoville on March 7th, 1871, by ihu Rev Chg Ctnii'niii, and t-till enjoy a fair nn'iimirf of (vuilth nnd strength, nftor lilt y years of weddud lifo. Mr and Mrs Grit- hum were: both btrn Britain, the foi-.iier m Scotland and tliu h.iit'i- in Kng- lund and l;ulh c.iiuu to C.un.iU wi'h their P.-IIVH'S in 18D4. Both em icliiLe many MiterMtitlg accounts of early uimierr life in this KLiMinii CUD a'Mu lumemljur many tlniiua which happened during their uhildhix,d ilnys un t in- i. ti., i ,iiii- of the w-iter. Mis ij riihiiiii Irti 4; ill in hor pi u i'--, it dull which Nhe puri'luiHed in London ovi-r 70 yi'tis a^o. Mi Graham reittlt'H .1 st ry wh-uli is <|ii:te itttf res'ini; in MI w of the ;>i s..|,< day power luimiag ai d kindled iipaiuiinus. It is to (he i-ll ct Mi u the In-, 1 5 -ici't'M which uie I'li'are.l on the Graham In. un (.-. .ii. h- :m t two other nifm hern uf the family unwed it with wheat by hand m. I hoi-d the ;;r,.iii in wi:h hoi'H Mr". Gi-Hhaiii WH formerly Ming June Knight und previoiiH to her man luge followed i in- teauhinu |n .if-, ., i,. To Mr and Mr (Jiaham 7 cliil<lren wt?r born, 5 of whom urvivn. They -ilso IIHVM 2.'J Kiiiiiilcllildren und emu jireat- griindchild. I'll, n mauy fiiontlb .-xtcnil heartiest oiini;r.->lu!at ioim and prny for their continued haulm and Death of Mrs. Phoebe Heath After a hliort illne-iB there |ns-i-.i away on Sunday, Fi-biunry 27ih, Mrs. Phixtl'e ll-inil.. at. her honii', Nurth Durl).v. Tim deceased w^is burn in tho yuar 1*<(13 and wan n .1 .ii-Jiii--.- <if tho late Samuel and Mr. Pedlar, f iriniii ly of Euuenin, win-re linr girlhood ditvH ore spent. In 1,-Sli she married the lnl J. W. Ho'ith, who predeteafeil her four yearn nun. Three ohil'lrcn niirvive t<i mourn 'he IODH of i kind iind lovinu imither. Mrs H. Cl'irk, Owen S'lUiid ; Mrs. U. Mellvi'en, Port, K'_"ii, ,in.l A!\ un" at home. She also leavt-H an ii;'i'ii tii.ilher, -. .-n hrnthers and t>r sisti-rs whu kri-n'y feel their loos. Her liniiht. mid ctinery jrre'ipnce \MI ho iniioli iiiissi-d by all with whom she cnme in contact. Tliu funvrnl, which waH lar^ly Ht tend- ed, tonk |i . .' on Wndnehdny, Mnrvh :.'. from her ltc home to Tara cfmetery. Th" Hi'rvices wni C'>ndiirrn<l liy ICt-v. G. I. Stpplionson, |HMt.r <rf North Dorby rlnnrli of winch the dncettHrd w,\n a fititliful iii.-in'i, i lii'lu'ivrH tiuiii a d.-i.iii,'i' who w<>rfl preSiBm nt (lie ruiiHrnl were, thre^ brni h<w, John of Kli'Hhortun, Edward of K<-vti-nhnm, unil Kr<'d of ICuijeiiia, alwi one smer, Min* Sarxh Pfdlnr nt T.iriint'i. <*lhnr friends wens Mrs. Wiilhain of Tdt'cnliiini, J Fenwii-k and S. Hiini-y, Chesloy. The ayinpiilhy nf the i-oiiiiiiiiiiiiy is i-s'rud.'ii to the bereaved ones in their (.HUH of Horr >-. Notice toCreditors Til (ho mutter of Ilie est't" nf William Parks, late of I ho Towt>Khi| f PmUm in the (,'ounty of <.Jrey, Karuer,dt!uosifii Notice ia hereby given, pursuant (o "The Trustee Act" and ameiirlinenttt thereto . lml nil creditom and oillurs havmi? claims n^aiiiRt the et>tH<e of iir Raid \Villrim 1','ul;--. who died <>n nr about the 14th day cf October. A D. 1920, arc required on or befoie the -HI h .i;iy of Mnrch, A D. 1U21, to end by pout pnopaid or deliver to Mesr9 \\'i ii;'n" IVIhird & Mil me. of the City of OWHD Sound, colicitorn for the Executorn of the last -Will and Testament of the naid deeaand, their Christian "uml Surnamei-, iuldreseii and duBcriptionn, the full pacttoulara of their clninis, the statetnent of Uiair aocouots, and the nature of 'ho m'CLMt<4.n, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such lait mentioned datn the laid Executors will proceed to distribute Iho aasots of the deceaoed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only tn the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said asaet* or any part thereof to any person or parsons of whose claim not ice shall nut have been received by them at iho time of such distribution. Dated this 24:h day of February,' A, D. 1U2J.. WRIGHT, TELFORDA BIRNIK, Solicitors for thu Executors. EUGENIA Last Wouk'p Items Mr Fiod Pedlar attended the funond of his sister. Mia Hoath, of Owen Snund, h>ch took pliice to Tula on Wednesday of last week. Miss Ettn LiliuuT jf 1 niniii.ik school stutt' visiti-d the parental homu over the week end. Tim men of tin- Pr.-f hyiuiiun Con^re- 'jiition ludd a very RUOCeuful Wood bpo mi Tiu'sdiiy lust ill tho cliuich. Mr Robt McMuilun gave the logs ^ud tho ue of inn tennig fur netting 'ho timber out, Mr ]{oht Purvis JJIIVH tho use of his gtsolme eiifjine and !-;iw and iiltiinetlu'i- i ho IIIHII hiivu a yi'iir'si supply nf wnod on li:md. Tho lidles served n hot dinner after the bee which was enjoyed by all. M'ss Achi-sun spent tint weekend with her frirnii. Mat jury F.nk. .Mia I'.-illar, HI-., IK visiting hor sou, 'il, ,.i present. Mr McMittttr of FK-sIierton viwiled ..; friends recently. \V ' ,ire i>ld to son Mw I'HU! iib'o 'o he up to t lie vilhi::e during the ptt wei^k. Tin 1 Garrutlipra fnnnlv veiled friend^ at Portlaw over thu week end. ThiH VVenls 's I' us Mr and Mrs Alrx J'dinsor,"f Meafoid, visited wi'h the foniu-r's sirtn-. Mis L Lttiinor, during the pa!-! ivi-i-k. Mr Howard L'U'g", <if Owen S .und, vinited will) li:M i/r '.in r. .1 K . for a few ys ilurinu the pist week, before leaving fur !ll H i->-:. Mr A U iy has it lust I'ecn Hiicci-ssful in landing his IKIUKU -.11 his lot in tho villHge, after nearly three weeks ot work. J*0ob Williams, l'i>tpr Munshit-^, .las F.iwcolt and ThoH i :.,.! i:n hiid very Btincuaslul wood beos roci-ntly. llaviva! nervines have uome to a close in the Methodist church and wero very ccessf-vd. Or Storey, a returned mis- i..n u; . ir*ve u short talk. Sunday eve- niti({ hi;f,.re Mr Patterson's aadrunH, Dr ori'V j{Hve a lecture writ hntein nlides In illnsirate. CEYLON Mr ll'ie of St Marys WHS a gu.-st of Melville Rmledge last <vei-k. Mr and Mrs Geo Snell entuitained tho DlUbbon >imi fi-ieni)H one evi-ning I INI wix-k whiln K c'l'.iplr of tnt'ir u.iiisinx from Vituglmn were rititing them. Mis* .loan Collincoii Bpenl i>irt of last wook in Toronto. MiHs Ruby Slon, who has been viait- in:' her iinrentN for tho pant NIX weekx, n-lunied to Toront.o on Fiid'iy Misn Martin of Owen Srunil visiturl t Mr ! .1 Patterson's last week. M* iiml Mrs J Graves of Ottorville, Oxford Co., visited Mr .!IH McMiillnii l other frnnd* here, returnin>> this week In tlifir homo. Mrs McQueen, who haw been viHiting er rlii!>hiHr, Mrs W Kawcclt. foi- n f irtmitht, liHo retuniud to her lujine in ISo^nor. Mas:er Wilfi-cd Pipur luippi'iii-d with a bud cci:leiii on Tuesday ..f lat week. Tlie little fellow wna playing in th harn with IUK hi nt her when hn fell !>' .kim; it little bone :iml a lari.'" hone ill LI- ! Dr Mol' ii I *iui WUH |MS| iiy MI I'.n ' > n>l rvducod th fntotuie. Thu litlle Mi^'jior in i|uit pat ienc *nd doing aa well n can lie utpeotw) . Mi. Win. Bellamy' pnlilic ."*$>> alirnclinu the attention of home diaAnt IliTnl I n-.i.i.'i -. One in the States wri'eK 10 know if tbr is n. r M-MIIO mi-;- :il,c IIH ten cilvH in f JUT J-OHI-M liHik* incredlbln to him. Tim atiitttment made in theKti c'liiirnns a few wenks Hgo is C'irrfct. In I'.HH Mr. BeH"mv' cw guve him t.brte calve* : in 1!H!I thone WIT two ; in 192(1 thfteanffain, and in 1H21 thi re woro two. This makci ten. Of thi'sn oOapriiitt ii: were ri"rd ir.cliniii. ' the throe, horn last ypnr. Mr. Bi'llaiuy bnlinvi's that lor fi ci.iulily ho IIHR cinv that pielly IP nt-'y Imlds 'in- mirld's record. In ve'rriiiHiy hooks tlieie r caHi'8 recorded cf aattle licoriiiK twins your nft-er yonr, hut twins and trii-let-' altrnntely in soniiMhini' out of the nnlinary Alliston Horald Boar For Service Pure hied Kctj-stereo Yorkshire Boa for HHI-VICH Mnxwnll .Iek fil'903 on Int 1J7. K W. T. AS. R.. Ar-emiwia. Terms SI .50 Sows n.>t rut urned will be clmrxd Bme <i I h.-,. in pig. 10,4.19 T. J. ST1N80N Auction Sale The umlernigned auctioneer has received instructiona to sell by public anoticn at Munshaw House, Flesherton on Saturday, March 19th A carlcad of choice Durham Cows fre^h calved and eprineis. All young cattle. SALE AT ONE O'CLOCK 'SHARP TERMS Anv time up to 10 morths with 7 per cent, interest. WM. SPROTT. D. McPUAIL, Pro^ristor, Auctioneer. JUST ARRIVED Bates BurialCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL Big Ben Alarm ClOCkS Funeral Directors and "- " '"- n - Embalmers At last we have received Ph ne Hillcrest 268 a supply of these well- 124 Avenue Road, known alarms. Toronto, Ont. ~ MOTOR EQUIPMENT Get yours now while they j w Bate8> R Maddocks> last. President. Manager PRICE $6.00 * ISSUER CF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale W. A. ARMSTRONG For Breeding Purpose. Jeweler, <. phmio Qr wl . ito _ GEO . w. K08 FLESHERTON . ONT OsproyTcl. system llBxwftll P. O ONE WEEK'S SALE FROM MARCH 1 7th TO MARCH 24th Peas, Corn and i omatoes 18c. per can Welch's Jam, 15 ounce size, Strawberilade, Peachlade and Oierilade at 23c per can. SALMON ( lover 1 eiif, tails .we. Shamrock, tails 4;")c. Suntlowur, 'Joe. lied Cros?, tails 4oc. Maple Leaf, till la .~>5c. Clover Leaf, Hats -28o Leader, rails Hoc. Cascade, '2f>c, Red Cross, flats 28c. Maple Leaf, flats -J8e- Lily White and Bee Hive syrup lOlb. pail for $1.05 COOKING ONIONS 2c a Ib. lor 10 Ibs. or over BL T LK TriA Black or Ureen, 4.K-,. per Ib. Pure Lawi bulk, at 2e. per II). W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario Millinery attended the Spring Millinery Openings last week and selected a stock of the most up-to-date Hats shown in Paris, London, New York and Gains- borough Patrons. We have them on the tables for inspection and we respectfully invite you to call and see our display. We Have Hats at all !>ri ces W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton EASTER TERM OPENS MARCH 29 Build for Success by attending Yorige anJ Charles Streets, Toronto This School enjoya a great reputation for superior work and for placing graduates iiuickly in good position). Open all year. Enter any time. Circulnrs frae. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Bntire satisfaction LAUNDRY-Basket oloees night, delivery Fmmy ov CLEANING aud DYKING We af agents for Parker's Djfe VVorfw Cloth* cleaned and dyed, ftwfher.s rB T nSMBR- -PROPRIETOB

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