Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1921, p. 1

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Vel4i, No. 35 Flestierton. Ont., February IO 1921 ' MAXWELL A very pleasant evening <"" spent at the home of Mr and Mrs NVm Inkster, Wareham, on Tuesday, Jan 18, when a number of friends from May well congre- gation of the Preabyterian church, where Mr Inkster has been an elder for a long time, gathered in to spend a social even- ing with them before they left for their new home in Flesherton. Altar reading the following address and {..resenting the worihy couple with :i nice rocking chair euch, the evening was spent in games and music. Lunch was served by the ladiea, and after singing Auld Lang Syne all departed for their homes, wishing Mr and Mrs InKster long life and prosperity in their new home. To Mr and Mrs Inkster On the eve of your leaving the dii'rici, we, as workers of Maxwell Presbyterian church, felt that we could not allow this oppor tunity to paca without expressing our heartfelt appreciation for you as church workers. For many years you have been with us and have ever been devoted to the best interests of the church in a self sacrificing and voluntary way. You have ever aimed at the highest, not only in the chureh, but also in th everyday affairs of life, and were ever ready to give assistance and valued advice. And you, Mr Inkster, an an elder, have always endeavored to uphold the sacredness of such a high calling, so that your depar- ture will leave a vacancy difficult to fill. While regretting your leaving us, we are glad to think that, although in your new sphere of life you may enter on greater responsibilities, yet we believe you are unite IMP tlilf of discharging them with equal efficiency. Wo should like, there- fore, for you to accept this gift us a token of tbe esteem in which you ure held by the paople of the chinch, aud which is accompanied with our best wishes) for prosperity in your new life. Signed H Slwnnon, minister ; Wui. Wright, Elder ; Angus Morrison, Board of Man- gers. Mss Rose Dawson has returned home after spending few weeks with her friend, Mrs (Br) Rozell, of Caledonai. Angus Lett, a well known Sarnia business man, died suddenly at Owen Sound while vriintuising a hockey match. A most distressing accident occurred at Heaslip's mill, near Craighurwt, by which John Cahserley had one leg almost com- pletely severed. Some repairs had buen made on the saw aud it had just started running again when Mr. Casserlpy, who had just stepped off tha stage from Barrie, stooped down noar tho saw to pick up an axe. As he did so the wind blew the tail of his coat against the saw and his left leg was drawn upon the rapidly revoNiug disc. Before the saw could be stopped it cut its way through flesh, bone, nerves and muscles umil all that [remained unsevered was a strip about three inches wide at the front, of the thigh, a short distance from where it joins the body. Instead of completing the amputation the surgeon had the man taken to Barrio hospital next d.iy and it is hoped that the limb may be saved. The Taco Range A Range of pleasing and handsome appeaiance. The plain smooth castings re very easy indeed to keep clean. |Large perfect baking oven, smooth silvery nickel, large fuel saving fire box, clean dust proof warming cleset, dual pipe damper, ath pan door with slide, reservoir trnkfenclosed in cas iron casing. The " Taco " will appeal to lh most discriminating buyer as a leader in its class Don't content yourself with tho knowledge of a " Taco " superior- ity you gain in reading about it but make it a point to *ee tha value in this range with you' own eyes. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario ROCK MILLS i Mrs Joseph Croft, Mr and Mrs Mervyn Croft, and Mr and Mrs Gordon Warlinu' aud family visited recently with tho former's son, Sam Croft, here. Miss Alice Mclr.tyre ofTryon visited the past week wilh her friends in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs Cecil Monaghan and babe visited recently with John Porteous aud f;unily. Marall Bei In was home for a couple of days the past week laid up with a severo cold. Ma and Mrs J H Holley (if Vandeleur spent a il-iy the past week with the form- er's bister here. Quite a number fioin around here attended the party at Lloyd Talbot's ou Wednesday uiglu and report a aood time. Mrs B Field underwent an operation on Friday last. We hope she will be able to be around again soon, Mr and Mrs Isaac Smith visited with their daughter on the 8th line. Mia.s Tuplmg of Fevershaai is spending a few weeks wit.h Mrs Walter Russell. Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of Chalmer's Jhurch wan held ou Friday, January 28, in the basement of the Church. Reports ot the most encourauint; nature wore given by the SecrrUiics of the different organizations, and each showed a balance on hand and also of the work done duriuu the pist year, thereby contributing lo the "i-neral welfira of the Church. The Your;; Pecplc's Guild !uv been instru- mental ID tbe formation of a Dubatinu a^ux ; che Ladies' Aid have installed the liuhiM and contributed towards the renovation of the Manse ; the Sunday School and Cradle Roll gave excellent leporti of the interest taken during the the year ; the Women's Missionary Socie'y showed a very successful year hy the contributions to Home and Foreign Missions. Mr. George McTavixh, who ably rilled the poiition of Secretary-Treasurer, was auain nominated fur that office. He, however, declined re appointment and Mr. Andrew Gilchri<u was then unani- mously appointed to that position. Tho retiring members nf the Board of Management, James Hariisou, Mark Stewart, and Robert Clird wt-Te re- appointed. Mr. Malcolm FergUHon wished to retire from the Board and Mr. John McDonald was appointed to hi* place. The following constitutes the new Bo:ird : George Cairns (Chairman), JM. K. McKee, John Stewart, D McTavish. A, M. GilchriHt, George Stewart. Robert Chard, James Uairison, John McDonald, Murk Stewart, Charles Stewart and Geo. McTavish. Trustees : J. L. McMullun, D. and M. Ferguson- Mrs. Joseph UUckhurn was re-appointed oraanift and Mis* Amindi Stewart assistant organist for the coming year A resolution of sympathy was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blackburn on account of Mr. Blackburn's continued illntss, and the meeting recorded its deep appreciation of the zontributioux they have made towards the spiritual welfare of the Church, with H prayer f:>r their return to us in the near future. Wilson -Smith A very interesting wedding wns solem- ii'x.ed at tha church, KimLer- ley, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, at high noon when Mrs. Filizabeth Smith was uniled in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Thorna? Wilson of Durham, Ont. The ceremony was performed btfore a l:irgt> audience by Rev. J. S. Veales of Kiui- berley, Mrs Veals presided at the urgan. The nride was attired in brown travelling suit, lar^e picture hv and wore the groom's gift, a pendant in the shape of n horseehoc. The happy couple left the church amid showers of rice, aud repaired to the Travellers' home, whore a sumptuous repast was partaken of. Mr and Mrs Wilson ivceived in my useful Rifts. They purpose reading ut Durham. Their many friends wish thuin much happiness. EUGENIA Victor Yaten, 31 y:s of ai?e, was f .und dead at the foot of stairway one molding last week in Owen Sound. He wai a native ut Owen s. und and unmar- ried. Be had been suffering fium heart trouble for (ome tune, Tho ladies of the Prenbyterittn Church have decided 10 postpone their social indefinitely, which they intended holding on F -ihruary 15th, ou aicount of one of their number ucinx seriously ill. A sleigh load of young people drove over to the home of Win Pedlar at Ruck Mills one evening recently ami spent nn enjoyable evouing. Me Bracken bury of Fleniieiton spent the week end with hm friend, Mr Edwin Purvis. We are sorry to hear that Mrs James Walker is in a very critical c mdition at time of writing. Dr Bibby ttnd Nurse Graham are m attendance. Miss Margaret Johnson of Georgetown is visiting Mrs L Lituner, wh-> h:is been under tha doctor's care the o mple of weeks. We are gUd to hear that Mrs Latimer id impiovinii. The Methodist congregation purpose holding evanyelibtic serviceH in the near future and expect to have *ith ihcru Mr Patterson, who has been conducting services at Mt Xion for some time. Mrs Frank Foulds (nee Yeru Lutimer) of Toronto, who has been visiting her uncles here during iho pa.-t week, has returned to her hnuie. Messra John Camplwll and " Munshaw had very successful wood bees the pant week and entertained the young people of the community tu it dance in the evening. All enjoyed themselves until tha " wee sum' houis " on both of the occasion*. The Young People's Society was well attended la^t week. Rev Mr Fowler g*ve the ynuii!; people .1 U'i(-d aHress. Tim program throughout was uplendid. Rav. Mr Rumlilu will take charge this Friday evening in the Presbyterian Church. Mr Sam Pedlar of Cey'on IB visiting at Mr Thou McKee's at present. Tin; Women's Institute r'< uiauoin:; concert for the near future. Little MUh McKee of Fltuhertou is visiting her cousin, Mrs Wm Dixon. at present . Belts Stoddart A very pretty wedding took place ,\ t the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Stoddart, East Ba:-k Line. Markdale, on Jan 2(i, when their only daughter, Pearl Klizabelh, was united in marriage to Thomas Hurliert, second ami . i Mr and Thus. Betts, K"ck Mills. The Rev. I'uhain, of Klesherton, rtttciating. To tha strains of th wedding cho>-u.i the bridal ptrty entered the drawing iin. thu bride leaning on ihu arm of her father, who uave her away, and took their places beneath pretty evergreen iii h, trimmed with streamers and a laru white bell. Miss AIIIIIH Betts acted as biidesnmid aud Mr I 1 red Stoddurd as bes: man. The bride looked sweet in * gown of llesh colored mlk cnpe-rfe-chinn and Kcorgtttte crepe with pearl trimmings nd rearing iho grooms git', a goM iii'iicl.u.t, her veil being held in place by a wreath of orange blossoms and carrying a corsage lmiii|in't of catnations and sweet peas. After tbu ceremony about (JO KUrttis retired tj the dun ML.' room, when* a dainty wedding dinner was servud. The young couple were the recipients of many liemit. iful and cosily presents showing the h:;.li esteem in which ilu>y are held. The bride's going away .suit was navy blue serge with sunset silx crepe-tle-chim blouse xnd hat to match. Afler n visit with their friends the ynung couple will residu nn Kldorado Farm, 4th lii Artemosia. MAIL CONTRACT SKALKD TENDKKS addrumed to th< Postmaster Uenernl will b rroeivej at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 4th of March, 1921, fur the coDVyanc (if Hin Majesty's Mailx, on a proponed C'ontrct for four years, six tiinen per week nn the route EUUKNIA.K. H. No. 1, vrnVeversham from the 1st of April, next ) Printed notices containing further informa- tion an i" conditions of pK>|xised contract may ta neeii HIM I blank forinx of Tender may U- obtained at. th r.,n OfnoMx of Kiigeoi*, Vcveroham and ut the office of thu Poet Office Inspector, Toroiito. A- SUTHERLAND. Pout OfKoc Innptctor Post O<fice Incpector'a Office, I Toronto, January 21st, 192-L CEYLON Mr S Wright of Kincardine was in town last week. Mr Nelson Wagner of Hanover spefll tho week end ur Mr N Archibald's. MJKH Edna .Mrl. < >i lefr lust week for Tjrontu, wheru he has accepted a po.iition. Sir Noriunn MuLeod of Xianara in VIM-MIL liis muilicr here. Mrs ; Hoyden Gibson and daughter, elrne, returned on M<mday from visit- ing friends in Owen Sound. Mr W'ru Archibald and son, Willis, are visiting at N Archibald's before returning to their hnme in Manitoba. Inspector Beckett and Constable Cook were ut Mclntyre aud Durhiiin the past week. Victoria Corners Miss Otlillie Lockharl visited her aunt, M, s John McConnell, near Dnnd-i'k. Mrs. Genrue Moore mid Mrs James Laidl.iw ura much unproved in health. We are itiformrd thai our old reliable mail carrier, Mr Rmnni*, is ulianiji'd to mother route. We are sorry to lose Mr lloome but welcome Mr MeildaUL'h. Mrs Stevens itocompsmtd Uei!;;ie to Commit on Friday, wheru he expected > undergo in operwii"ii >n his spine on Monday. A. St. John of Palgrave has met with a terrible ntHiction, having Become lotully blind, lie was 11 right when he retired OIIB night recently and next morning when he heard 'he track men go >>y with their lony. Think- it ws still dark ho went back to bed and yot up again when the morninu passenger train passed through, but he was still unable to see and ihen it was borne home to his mind that he hid gone blind duriiiir the night. He is still unable to see mil will VIM a specialist in nn etT.irt to get relief which it is hoped will be possible. KIMBERLEY Nice weather at time of writing a combination of sleighing and wheeling Some cars ere running. Cutting and hauling toga in tlio order of the day. Th Stuart Brothers have purchased fifteen or sixteen horses to ship north, and Have shipped thorn via Tli<>rnbtiry thin week. Mr and Mrs Mansell Cok of W liters Kails hivo been visiting friends hrro for a few days. School Reports S S N.> 8, Arti-iiiL-Hia Clans 4 Mildred Pedlar and C.lidyN Lyon-, equal, Stanley Blackburn, \ Violet Taylor. Cla's 3 Sr Kenneth McKee. Kt'imaih B.iluerow, xGeorge Wilkinson, xMel- b mrtm Phillip*. Class it Jr nLottio Badgerow. xrU/.el Phillips. Class -J Sr Lizzie Blakoy. Clans - Jr lua Me Mullen, xF.orence Wilkinson. Clis - Lewis Fisher. Class 1 Heniy Blakey, Peri-y Me- Mullen. xL'iurenee Croft. Primer Gorloy Blnkcy, T> Tlm.-.ipion, K.iy Vic Vlu'len, (ie"i-ge Radgernw. x absent 15 N'esbitt, Teacher "THE ELDRIDGE Dependable Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLKSHEUTON, ONT. FINE JE WE LERV Bates BurialCo. ;BUSINKSS USUAL Come in and =ee nur linu large Block of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, and when you Lave seen thorn juu will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full line "> Photographic supplies Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and films. Funeral Directors and EmbaJmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddcks, _ President. Manager I ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, LESHERTON, - Yorkshires, Tarn worths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phoue or write GEO. W. KOS ONT OspreyTel. system Maxwll P. 0. Farewell Sale We are about to sell out and wish to reduce our stock. Discount of 1 per cent, for cash on all orders over $1.00 including: Groceries (except Flour,Sugar and Bread) Confectionery, Tobacco. Salt and Calf Meal. Sale opens Feb. 9, closes Feb. 23 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Watch This Space NEXT WEEK! W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton g%gyg!^'^^^ Increasa Your Utrning Power by taking a course in the Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Unu of the last two students to accept positions commenced at $22.50 per week and the other over $100 per month. Write for College Circular. Enter any tiiie. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire (MtisftotioD LAtTNDRY Basket close* Mo<i,; night, delivery Kno*y ev OUSAJS1N6 :md DYlflNO- vv,- w ageoto for I'-krkor's- Dye Works- Cloth* r li'aiuHl,and dy-d. fp>itlvi>tv rejuwnAted ^ T F1SWBU- -PBOPRIETOy

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