ovembor 25 l'.)20 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE -BW^^SHH â- â„¢9! War Bond Coupons Cashed Free The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, ,>'.. Hithout making »ny cljarga <mat«ve5 for ^e service. If you ^ve not a Savings Account, iray not use your interest jX tQfi^y to op«n_one with this Bank ? MS TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Off.c«: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 18M» CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY. .... Mui«««r. THE Flesherton Advance An independent newipaper pul)li»lied every Thursday at the oQiee, CulliDgwoud Street, FltHhertoo. Subircriptiun price f 1.6U per annum when paid in advaace ; $2.00 when not bu |>aid. 92.00 to I'niteil States. Advertiaiu^ rates on appliculion. Circulation ovor HOC weekly. W. II. THUKSTOy, KoiTOK Stuartâ€" Booth SBR WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN Now lubulai- Sfiar{iles Separators JOHN HEARD, MPL.EMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. ^^§^#^^^^^ Flesherton Tn Shop. I have jUst placed on the shelves a full line of Tiuware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Fnrnacos. m De McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. m^^^^^^^^^ Children's, LidieV and Gents' .Sweaters andjSweater Coats ill all sh idos. Sweaters with or without collar.s ran.;ing at <litt"dreiit prioes. Men'8 Xew TwQod an I Ftjlt ilats forj Fall. Sizes iVi to 7^. FALL OVERCOATS -Call and .soo our full fAOge of Lvlies' and (lants' Ov^ercoats in colours of gray, brown and twead. Ev.M-y garinont is made in the very latast designs -w,iist lint' co its for men, jroy ulsters chimois line', imitation hutlalo and Iamb 00 Its, otc. We have just received a full assortment of or ticelli fingering yarns lor .sweaters find scirfs in all the now season il)le shad js. , F. G. K ARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario At. Paul's Cliurch, ni(,'g*r, Sask., was tliencBMe of iin Ariiiistico Day wedding Tburediiy, Njveinoer 11. <vhen FranceH Dora, eldrNt dauglilcr of Mr and Mrs Thuinas Booth, of tha^ place, became the biide of Mr Douglas J Stuiirt, second son of Mr iind Mrs J H Stu.irt, of Tiay- nor, SaHk., and formerly of Artemcsia. The ceremony was performed by Rev A U C Douihwaite, in the prosenca of ihe immeditte re'ativea and a few intimate friends. The 1:1 ide, who was given away by lier father, wore a ch&iming gown of African brown tricoleUe and hat of black and old rosi' pirnR vplvet trimmed with OfiUich feaiheis. She was attended by Miss Lillian Stuart, of Seattle, Wash., sister of (he bridienn m. Mr Kaden R 'oth, a !)rother of iho bride, was bei^l man. After till' ceremony Ihe biidal parly and gue8'.s went to the honm of the briie'.s parents for luncheon, afler which Mr iind Mrs Sluart left on the Canadian National for eastern points Upon their return they will reside al Yorkcon, Sask., where the bridegroom i^ a member of the mechanicil s all of the Yorklcn Enterprise. Osprey Council BOAR for SERVICE Purebrwd Tarn worth Boir for service on lot 1()7. .S W T and S E , Artemeaia,. TJorrns-f.l.SO. Sows not returned will be cbHrged same as those in pis;. Fab If. -T. J. STINSON, Prop. For Service One puiv bred Shortburn bull on Lot 28 and 29, ConosMion 3, Arlemeaia. Terrasâ€" $I.oO for undM if paid iaf<<le of 9 manths â€" i/ net ii. Piun hnda fS.M. loot â€" ROBERT OSBORKB. Bull For Service Pure 'bred Shorthorn Bull of the Villiitfe Family"f.>r service on lot 10, con. 10, Osprey. Temis 82 50 for xrkdes. $5 fur pure bieds. .) nly 15 * â€" Mort. Sayers, Prop. On November 13ih a regulkr meeting of the Oitprey Council was held at 8ing- hamptoH, The members were all present. After the adoptiof; of the minutes of the previous meeting the following accounts were ordered to be paid : Municipal World, accoun's of «:i 48 and $7 15 for stationery ; Wm Heirmai', 75(! for cartage on machine gun ; Mrs D McMillan, gravel account 8ft 50 ; D WooJ, gravel account 75c ; A C McDonald, $80.00 for cement for bridge on 20th sideroad. Bylaw No 681 to pay schcol rates, school debentures, telephone and drain- i^H debentures and county rate for the year 1920 was read the required uuniber of times, signed and sealed. Bossâ€" Arnott â€" That on tho petition ofreriain ratepayers of the Municipality of Osprey for electrical power and light, that this Council lequest the Hydro Couirnisgion to make the necesf^ary es- timates under Part 2 of Ihe Power Com- m'ssion Act, to provide power and liKht to municipalities. Arnottâ€" Ross â€" That the Reeve be paid the sum of 920.00 for time and mileage in connection with the draicaee system of this town.ship. Kaittingâ€" Arnollâ€" That the Clerk cotivey the appreciation of this Township Council to U.J. Ball, M. P., through whoso ai^ency a war trophy in tho nature of a German MacJiine Gun was secured for this township. On motion Council adjourned to meet in Maxwell on December 15th. -H. W. KERN A IJ AN, Clerk. Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE is heretjy given that Robebt Ikwix, of the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex, in (he Province oi O.itario, Salesman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, st the next Session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, AfxRV M.\rtiia Burnett Ikwis, of the VilUiie of Flesherton, in the Counly of Grey, in the Province of Ontario, on tho ground of Adultery. DATED at the City of Wiudaor, iu the County of Essex, Pmvioce of Ontarir, this lac day of November, A.D. 1920. Frederick C, Keriiy, 211 Davis Build- ing, Windsor, Ontario, Solicitor £or the Applicant. Oarefully Correoted Eeeh WeeJ( Unller 48 to 50 F.ufia «0 le 60 Wheat 2 20 L> 2 26 Pees 1 40 to 1 09 Oats 60 to 60 Barley 1 20 to 1 20 PoUtora 1 10 to 1 10 Boar For Service Pure bied Kegistecea York Kb ire Boa for seivrcii â€" Maxwell Jack 62903 â€" on let 1117, S. VV. T. & 8. R., Anemeeia. 'JWins fl RO Sows not returned will b« charift'il sHnie as those in pig. 10,4.19 T. J. STIN-sON. "THE ELDRIDGE »» Dependable Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. DOWN WITH THE HIGH COST=OFtLlVING 1 hiid that with elimatiiH? the middliMniMrs imdit I am ahle to uivo the people of Flesherton ami vicinity tdioaper hread. Therefore on and afler Soptomhor 1st all bread will ha .sold at tho B:ikory for •'.> per loaf. Any. (customer dtisivini,' hrt;ad dpliv(?rcd ii»c. piT loaf. MY MOrrolISCASU ANIi OAUKV ^ FRED PINDER, FleBherton Sett Lions Hear Submurlnes. In the late mouths of the war some wild stories were published to the ef- fect that the British naval uuthorttlps were tralnins sea lions to calch Oer- nian submarines. Of course, this was ridiculous, but the story was based upon a fact, and that fact has only just been revealed. It was at the recent meettnE of the ni'itlah Association for tho Advance- ment of Science, when Sir Charles Parsons, the president, delivered an address on Scioneo in War and I'eare, .says the Detroit Kroo Press. In It he described the development of the bi- naiirnl hydroplane, with which sub- marlms are located by the sound they niak(^ Karly In the Kaino It wa.s dls- rovered that Ihe tlrst forms of these itiBlnimonts were useless when the vessel bearing tlvein was in motion or when the sea was rough, because the noises made by the vessel's motion and by Ihe waves drowned the noise of tho submarines. This is where the sea lions came in. Sir Itlchard Paget, tho eminent bio- logist, made experiments to learn how far these interesting animals could hear under water and at what speed their directional lioaring ceas- ed. These proved that the directional hearing of the lions was good up to six knota an hour. Dr. Arthur Keith informed the naval experimenters that whales' ears are loo stnaii to receive sound waves In the usual way, but that the ani- mals' heard under water by Ihe trans- mission of sound waves through the bones of the head. Now, the whale's organ of hearing reaenthles the hydrophone. So the de- sign of thl.s was changed, ond those used In Ihe lust yeai- of the war were hollow bodies iu the to- of (l.sh or porpoises, mado of celluloid or var- ni.-'h<*d eanvii.-i. SOU) BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON, ONT. Depositing Money Your money is the result of , successful effortâ€" the effort, per- haps, of vears. You do an im- portant thing 'when you deposit your money in a Bank, and you express high confidence in the Bank. The people of Canada â€" business men, city workers, farmers and others â€" for Sixty-Five Years have shown their confidence in the Bank of Toronto by depositing their money with us. Our growth is the result of this con- , fidence in our Bank and of the willing Feversham Branch and capable service given by our R. P. Bellamy, officers. Man'tger Your banking connection is invited. "BANK-TORONTO 46 BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits TEA Bulk Tea (black) 50o Sslada Tea (bisck, green or mixed) 55c FLOUR Cream of the West, Purity, Buckwheat Flour, Osprey Will- ing Co. (pastry) Graham Flour. CANNED VEGETABLES Corn 20c Peas 20e Tomatoes 20o Special prices on quantities . ONIONS Spanish Onions. . . .3 lb. for t5c Yellow Danvers (cooking) per sack . . . (3 50 Silver Skin (picklers) per lb 10c FISH Sockeye Salmon per tin.. 30 & 55c Fneat Red Spring per tin 26 & 50o | Choice Cahoe Salmon per tin 20 & 35c 1 Ctioice Pink Salmon per tin 13 Jt 25c Sardines per tin 10, 15 & 23c | Kippered Barring per tia... .25c Chicken Baddies per tin .... .85c Fresh Qualla Salmon CANNED FRUITS Cherries Strawberries and Raspberries per tin .50c Plums per tin .40c An up-to-date stock of Cereals, and Fresh Fruits always in stock. EXTRA SPifi3IAL-ll B.4RS POLAR SOAP FOK «1 00 Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call aDd soe these high grade instruments AT mtm' Hiffkdn's Photo Qallery and Musio Stor FLESHERTON Winter Storage of Cars When yon store your ear this winter you will drain your radiator, jack the tar jft'the tires and put it in prapor shape lor the "long winter's nap." , Hut don't forget your Battery. , Unless kept fully charged it may freeze and frozen batteries are not worth repairing. The " safety first " thing to do is to have us store it under proper conditions. It costs only a little, but it means thab you will get your battery again in the Spring in the best possible condition. A little forethought NOW may save a repair bill or the purchase of a New Battery in the Spring. a McTAVlSH & SON. CHEVROLET DEALERS, FLESHERTON, ONT* ^ r^*^.^*;'>\*s*.^