Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Sep 1920, p. 1

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'WW '^m wtmm /lesh^rt^n %imxitt. Vol 4J, No. 14 Klesherton. Ont., Septerqber O 1920 CEYLON Mr and Mrs R Gibson and dau)/htur, Helen, spent the past jreok in the Queen City. Mr Thos Gilchrist took in the Toronto Exhibition last week. Mr S Hemphill anH daughter, Reta, are Imlidaying with Toronli) friends. J C McLtiuchlan of Anincourt spent the week end with his parcni.t here, Mr H Fisher of Toronto spent the week end with hia wife here. Mrs Robt Warling and two dauijhters of Moose Jaw visited with Mr S Hemp, hill and family here week. Cecil Cushnie, who has been visitini; at R Cook's, has returned to the city. iVlr and Mrs J Cunimins are visitiDg with Toronto friends. Mr Mcllhargey has returned from a two weeks' visit with relatives near Kitchener. Mrs Lee returned on Friday to her home in Markdale after spending a week with her brother, Mr Jas Patterson. Miss Muriel Spicer returned to the city on Monday lifter a two week's holi- day under the parental roof. She was accompanied home by Miaa Dottle Whit- taker foi a fortnight's stay.* The Misses Sellers of Toronto spent the week end wich Miss Effie Chislett. Mrs P^ McLeod and daughter, Edna, are visiting this week with friends in T'lronto. The following have returned to take charge of their schools : Miss May Muir at Dundas, Miss Agnes Harrow near Toronto, Miss Ajnes McPhail at New Market and Miss A McMillan at Fort William. Miss Gladys Oliver left Monday to visit with Toronto relativf s. Miss E Campbell of Montreal was a guest of Mrs L'kicd here fer a few days the past week. Messrs J PaUison, A Whittaker, W McMullen !>nd C Chislett are attending the exhibition this week. Mr Jas Watson of Normanby was a caller at R Cook's the Ist of the week, luapector Beckett of Owen Sound had Angus Tuohy uf Eugenia up before Magistrates M';Mu11en anc McKenzie tor a breach of the OTA and lined «200 and costs or 3 mouths. VANDELEUR ROCK MILLS Mr and Mrs Dei<z leturned to iheir home in Cleveland after a fortairht's visit with the latter'p parents here. Mrs Dick Clark and two children spent a week with relatives in Uwen Sjund. Mrs Sam Croft spenk a few days the past week with tier brother, J Holley, of Vandeleur. Mr and Mrs Elwood Genoe are holi- dayinif with the fonnoi's parents, Mr and Mrs Jas Genoe. Miss Holley of Meaford visited recent- ly wiih her aunt here. Mr and Mrs Robt Clark are visiting this week with reUtives in Tornnto and taking in the exhibition. Mr and Mrs Gus Richard nf Detroit and Mrs Jas Park of Uwen Sound visited recently with the lalter's daughter here. Will Newell spent the week end with friends in Durham. ' Mr and Mrs S Phillips visited with Mr and Mrs Jas Dargavel. Mrs John Hargiavo and son, Fred, returned home after a week's visit with friends in Toronto. Frank Davis had a barn raising last Tuesday. Alf Dunlop and Cecil Teeter attended tliu exhibition a couple of days last weok. Mr and Mrs Ed Holley and children of Meaford are visiHng the former's brcther, Jake, here, prior to taking up residence in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Georae Warliug md Elmer visited with friends in Durham over the week end, Mr and Mrs Ben White of Orange Valley Kpeut a day -;> ith Mr and Mrs J. I, Graham and family. Miss J. Sinclair of Uwen Sound visited with Mr Wm Buchausn and family recently. Mr and Mrs M. Davidson uf Paisley motored over and visited the latter's mother, Mrs Davis, one day last week. Jack and Jim Gilbert of Toronto are spending a few days wiih friends here. Mr and Mrs Magee and family spent a day with friends at Euuenia recently. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Buahanan. Geo. knd Albert and Miss Lillian motored to Corbotton one day recently to visit friends. Mr Myles and Miss Lougheed of Clarksburg were visitors at the home of Mrs Davis one day this week. Old Durham Road Harvesting ii now in full swini;. Crops have turned out well. Hope the Z!^na weather continues unfil all is safely g'ltheied in. Mr. .I;imes Reid has been on the sick list fur u time. Hope to see him around iigaiii s.iuti. Mrs. Grace Smith has returned after spending Heveral weeks with friends at Sainton P»ik. The riiigini; of the school bell again has brought back to our minds the mem- ory of our own happy school days. Miss Edna Nicbol uf Priceville has been engaged as teacher fot the coming year. We understand that Miss Knox, our former teacher, is still under the doctor's care and unable to teach during the fall term. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Robert Patoii lefb on Monday to attend Belleville University. We wish the youm; man all kinds of success. Mr. Bob Meads returned to Ihe city after helping with the haying. Jimniie Oliver of the north land has returned to his home here. We are glad to see you back, Jimmie. A Cir load of jouDg people fioin Fleshertou visited one evening last week at Mr. Wra. Patou's. Miss Gladys Oliver is spending this week lu Toronto taking in thH exhibition. Our school section will be well repre- sented in Flesharton high school this year. The following pupils leave this week : Mabel and Allie Prirslow, Emma Oliver, Marion Muir, Ida Hincks.'Eiford Walters und R. J. Turner. We wish all the best of succei-s. Weddiui; bells are ringing. Dog Killed by Wildcat A large collie dog belonging to Mr. Jos. Chesney, southwest of Walkorton, was found lying torn to pieces in the barnyard on Wednesday mor.ning. Asa wildcat has been terrorizing that n"igh- borhood for sume time, and was seen by ' Chesney near bis farm a few weeks previous, when a number of local oim- robs went out, but failed to bag the j pussy. It is believed to have been I prowling around for Chesney's fowl when the dog attacked if, and a biitfle ensued in which tke canine met a hor_ rible death . .\s the collie was a stent scrapper, and could give any of his species a lively argument at any tim?, the prowrss of the felirie in being able to scatter him in this manner shows tke kind of menace that nuiehborhood has on its hinds â€" Bruce Herald and Times. The Moonshiner Bolted Whiskey stills with a capacity of a g'lUon an hour were sezed at the faiiu of Allan Mcdonald, con. 10, Floss. Mc- Dsnald succeeded in getting away, but a W'lrrant has been issued for his arrest. Setting out from Barrie in n car, two officers reached the farm about lU o cluck McDouild, who WHS working in a tiold, cauiB to the house and when accused of having a still liniilly said he had one in the bush and offered to lead them 'o it. Inspector Fisher agreed to follow Mc- Donald while the other wtlioer look a look through the house. The farmer led the way to n cedar swamp and then he bolted. For about forty rods the otticer followed him and then gave up the chase, reali/.Ing that there was little chance of catching him in the thick undergrowth. Two olher stills wore also discovered on tka preiiiisss, a lot of mash aud five gallons of good whiskey. It is alleged that most of " McDonnld's Soecial " found its way to CoHingwood, At any rate, it whs c<>mplainls thai an unusual nun\^erof cirs from Collingwood direction wore paying visits to McDon- alds that led the innpiotors to make the search. Arnel Love Is A Mental Defective (From The Globe) The confession nf Arnel Love that he murdered his mother for which crime his father was hanged at Ow^n Sound, has been shatcered by stHtt'.neut.s made by liim since lie has beon under the observation of alienisls at the (jueeii Streat Asylum. The story lie told at the trial ha4 heeu compared with his confessicn ind with statements nindo by him since his coniinenuMit, .ml the doctors are now ci uviiiecd t'lal he had nothing to do with the actual killing of his mother. The doctors at the trial wore unanimous that the woman n'HS killed, not wi h u butcher knifi% but with a hunting knife, but Love slicks to his story that he Uocd a butcher knife. He told the doctors I hat he had revisited the scene nf the crime only once before he was brought here for obaerviition :ind that he did not think seriously of iho ciiine. From this statenieni alone the doctors are sure that the confession made to Rev. Mr. Sharpo was an " obsession whacU drifted into hie mind. There is on record a stiiteineiit made by the father to Dr. Phulan, coupling wi'h a general denial of the crime "a declaration that he hoped nobody would ever point a finger at the boy. " The father oroiested that while the lad was in the bouse at the lime, be was asleep aud knew nothing of ihe crime until the next inorniu!/, when he pressed his father to tell him where his mother was. From the confession made by the boy, and certniu peculiarities noticed since his conijnumcnt, the authorities are of the opinion that Arnel Lovu is a mental defective and must for some months yet remain under observHiion and treatment. Whether or not lit will recover aufhciently to secure his rele<ice cannot be decided now, but in any event it he is given his freedom it will ba cunditioniil upou his not returning to Grey county, where the murder was committed. The friends of Arnel Love in Grey crunty are still active in his behalf, although they have been deiiioJ com- munication with him. EUGENIA Many are taking in the X. Wes Couey and the Carruthers family spent the w«ek end with friends at Beeten. Our school opened with Miss Ellis of Orangeviile in charge. The 8ih line school has Miss Juckson of Chatsworth. Our own hoiiiu teachers are gone â€" Miss McMullen lu Mi-uico, Miss La'imer to Duudalk, Mitis Parliament to East Mouniain, Miss Wilseii to Epping, Wes Latimer lo New Ontario. Pearl Latimer, Ken Lirge. Gerald Large and Harold Tuohy rre altenr ing Fleshertou high tckuol. Wo wieh ihtnj all success. We are sorry to report Mrs J. Benson OD the sick list, T.jin Fenwick liiis bought one of Ihe t)liver Turner farms and has moved the house he bouulit from .J. Parsons to the Turner farm. He is building a kitchen 10 his house. Herb Genoo is tlio car- penter. Mr. J. A. Tuohy has bouijlit llio Vueon's hotel at Mesford and will .nove his fiimily soon. EllwooJ Purvis hiis miirod his family a d household furniture tmin Toronto ai>d purpose niaking their homo here. Mr Plant of Toronto is the guest of 'Mr and Mrs Tom McKee. CHAs. DOUPE Dynamite Blaster. Hock and Slump Bl.isting. Phone 32 r 14. Proton Stati o P O. Farm For Sale 20O acres clay loam at Shrigley, 7 miles Eiist < f Dundalk, I'iU acres cloartd j and balance in valuable soft timbor. ! Never Ruling spring creek .icross cc rner Phone, wri'.e or call for a prize o! Flesherlon fair, Sepi. 23 and ti W. A. Bawkeu, Secretary. of farm within 200 feet of buildings. Bank barn 44x70 with j<ood stabling, driving house, .S roomed brick dwelling, ph"no and rural mail. Will .lell farm wi'h or without stock and impleiiioiits. For furlhcr pirticulars aiiply to owner, A. E. HANI.EV, Duudalk, Out. PROTON Held Over Last week Miss Sadie Sprott was the guest of Miss Ada .Ache.son. John Hnnley is holidaying ut Mr. \, Shersju's. Wo are pleased to see Mr. J. C. Wiivht able to be around again. Miss Lilian Brooks, Chatsworth, is visiting her cousin, Ruby Biooks. School reopened Wednesday, Sept 1, wish Miss Acheson in charge. Gordon Wyville, Markdale, visitid his cousin, (Jiarko Wyville. Miss Florence Tyler, Warcliam, was the guest of Miss Chrisleno Wodehouse. The renovation of our Imnk has been coin[)leted, which greatly iinprovos the appeaiance of one end of oui town, Freddie Hoduiiis has rutmned to his homo ill Toronto after speiidini; vacation with fiis griudpai'onts here. The foUowiiiij teachers have left for their respective schools : Clara Binnio tw Toronto, M. Acbeson to Slu-lbnrne, M, Wyville to Veiitry, ai.d E. Aclle^on to Moiid. Jack Wilson spent the week end at Chatsworih. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B.ilts motored to Hanover and were acoompiimea home by Miss tSaker. The Misses .^dilie ;ird Alma Copeland are visiting in Dundalk. Mrs. Fry and children of Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Corlielt. Mi.-.s Ella Hemphill wa-s visitinsj Mrs. Robert Bates. Miss Ada Acheson ppent the week end ill Slielburno. Miss Amanda Whirling, Hollantl (.'en- tic, holidays with her sister, Mrs. S. Badgerow. Mrs. H. G, Becker has gone <m an extended holiday lo Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trolford weie callers in our burg. (This Week's Items) Visitors at the exhibition aro : J C Wiight, Jack and Marion Wright. R G Acheson, Billy Cade, Stanley Cmson, Mr Bates, Mr and Mrs Hergott and Gertie Lyons. Mr Guest of Toronto visited his wife here. Mr H G Becker is on a motor trip to Norih Bay. The W M S of the Presbyterian Church shipped a bale of clothing and hospital supplies valued at t$3u. Miss Cade of Toranto visited with her brother here. Mr and Mrs Bates visited with friend-^ at Sheiburiie. Reserve Sunday, October ."?, for the Presbyterian Anniversary here. Mrs Davis is visiting witli her parents here. FINE JEWELERY Secure a prize list of Fleshertou fall fair and make your entries eaily. W.,\. Hawken, secretary. Notice toCreditors (n iho mutter nf the e.^isle "f Robert H. Henderson late of iho Village nf Feversham in llio County of Crey, inei- chant, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pnr.suani to "The Trustee ."Vet" and ainendnieuls thereto that all cioditots and oilici's haviiiu claims against rile extnie of llio xald Ro';ieii II. HeiuieLson, who died nil or about the lliili day tf .luiie K.D., l!)2ll, art' iei|uirt'(l on wr before the 21)1 h iliiy Se))lemliei- .\. U., 11120, lo ."end bv pohi prepaid or deliver to Mt.sars. Wrigli', Telford iV' Biinie, of the City of Owen Sound, Solicitors for the Ailiiiiuiatiiiiii.'i of the "Slate of thf Hsid dici'iisfd, their (J^hrisliaii and Siirnaiiios, Hil(lro< and dtisuriptions, the full particiilar.s of thiiii' cliiims, Ihe staleineii' of their iiccoiiMis, and Iho iiiiluie of iho securitiea, if any, hold by tlieiu. .\nd further likn nolico that after such last inoiitloneddalo,the said .\dniiiiistrat- ri.K will pitici'ed to distribute the assets of thu liecoased amoiii; the parliiis entitled thereto, having retjard only lo the claiins of wliii^li she shall then have notice, .mil I hat Iho said .\diniiiistratrix will not be liable for the saiil assets or aiiv part I hereof to any person or i)er.>.ona of whoso claim notice shall nol^hain been received tiy hup at the lime of such aistributioti. Dated this 2;lih day of August, .\, D. 1020. WRIGHT, TELFORD A BIRNIB, Owen Sound, Ont. Si.lioitors for the AJministralrix. Come in and see our fine larRe stock of. Jewelry, Watclios, Cloclis, etc. and when yoii have soeii tlicm }uii will be sure to buy. Watoh re- paint^' a specialty. A full line n F.hotograplnc snpf lies Including developing powders, printing fran>es, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and Jrims. Bates BurialCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and I Embaltners Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG ^°""' ^'"'^'^ ^°'" '"'' j For Breeding Purposes ' Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, FLESHERTON, - QNT »>Hpi«y Tel. system Maxwell P.O. Fruit and Vegetable Season is coming in fast. Place your order with us for your Fruits for preserving â€" Peaches, Pears, Plums, Tomatoes, etc. â€" and in this way hei o us to obtain the lowest prices possible for you. We also have a ful! line of Groceries and Confectionery. Flour and Feed FLOUR â€" Royal Household and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Chop, Calf Meal, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags. TWINEâ€" Brantford. Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario Inglewood Bread for sale at 25c. a large loaf. W. L. WRIGHT, I Corner Store, Flesherton % ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^V^J^^^^J^Jl^^?,^^^^^^- â- x ^1 Faim For Sale 1.50 iineB, lots 17, 18 aaA 1!>, 2nd con. S L). R , Arteniosia, over lOO Hcres clniired, Imliinae timbered. Two novel' failing; wollf, new brick house, large bnnk barn with stnbli'S iindornuutli, new driving! shed. Phin f^nii in nearly nil seeded down Htid will bo sold w>lh a Btnall piymcnt down. Apply on the preniiKHs to â€" Wni. t'ATUN f bono R U 3, I'ricovillo 1 .Ily tf ' -^^ Tonsoriar "^ Parlors Wo Aim to Give Kiitiro Satisfacti. •. LAUNDHY-lJaskot cioses Monti... nijfht, delivery Fnaay ev CLKANtNG and DYEING- VKe ,•».•• agents for P.»rker's l>yc Works.- Clotli. denned an. 1 dyod. foathors rejiiveiiati- i TFISflBR* -PROPRIETOR

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