.-'jtOimsiavniae* August ^(i 19^ THE FI.ESHERTON ADVANCE The Farmer-Banker Alliance You go to your lawyer for legal advice ; to the doctor for medical advice ; why not to The Merchants Bank for financial advice? If you want a loan to buy cattle, hogs or equipmentâ€" if you want information as to how to invest moneyâ€" come to those who make a business of financial matters, and are in a position to give you sound and impartial advice. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK HMd Office: Montreal. QV CA.MA.DA. Established 1864* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY. .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMI^LEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tnliuliir ISli:ii-i)le.s Scparalors JOHN HEARD, AGENT FLESHERTON. Flesherton Tn Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tiuware, Nickelvvare and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Ropairiny ufull kinds promptly attended to. Pipetittiiig, including [tunip work. l""iu-naces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D, McKILLOP CHRISTOB BLOCK ,| FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. THE Flesherton Advance All iiiilepHiidL'iit nowrp'pfi' pulilislx d every Thursdiiy .it the ofliee, ColliugAoid Stroo^ Flkshertiju. Sulucripiiun price 91.50 pel ttiiituin wlii^ii pti 1 in ndvitiice ; 92 UO when not so paid. 82.0i) la United States. Advortming r»te8 on «pplic»tioii. Circulation ovor HOC weekly. W. H. THUKSTON, Editor M 1 ' 111 I I m ^\ ! 111 m BLOCK THE WHEEL TIte ceaselosa g/rom»ter of rising prices has Bgaiii struck the telephon* anh rtiilway intereitf, and this rerolutioD of the wheel is likely to cause a ({renter dit^'uster to the buiintss world than anything hereto{i>re encountered. The public uiiiities controllsd by private iiiteieits have diacovnrod a wonderful secretâ€" one which they hopa will iu future Kivo them a bed of roses whereon to lie. This wondoiful secret is merely the discovery ihal they can grant with impunity any dmiaiidH luado on thorn by labor or by manufacturers of coin- iiio.iilies U'ied by them and pass the added cost on to the public. Ail they have to d.) if. to prove to a Commission lh.it their expenses are no and so, and they are [â- iHiited the privilsj^e of sticking their hinds in the pockets of the public ami extr.iciing eiiou(;h to reimliur>;e ihenmlves â€" and ii httlstvrri to piy for a caiupai;;ii of persuaaiou. Ir is hig^i bimo that the Railway fioiird and other Commissions got wise to this new and easy method of Snarcins, and put a block in front of the wheel. It is high time the big corporaliims were told to gi homo and (i(;ht tlio h'gh cost of living; as pmall companies and individuals have to light it. When a privaie company ia formed for the development of any line of business it sells Us stock to those who will buy. When funds run low it should go to its shareholders and tell them Ihiit they must put up more money, as in the case of banking institutions, oi else cut the dividend. There should be no thought of au'in'j to a Cjinmisj:on for privilege to r'iso r.s pricas. Sacih a condition would be productive of all manner of extrava- gance. If the company <lesires tfJ extend its plimt it should not ask th^ public to make it a present oF tbL> extension, but g.) about it an any busimss enterprise Bhou d when it wshes to rasa funds. In the c.tse of the telephone the point ha.s already bei n rcdchtd whtro many liBill ))Usinesa mtii and private ludividu- I als retain it merely »s a luxury and not asapiyiiig inve.stment. If ihi ant'ci- patcd raise iu granted many tolephnnrs will go out of commission, as the luxury wi I iheii become too great a luxury to be inlulpcd in. f^T^ DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE NOTICE To Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers i\I(ynOK is lieieby given to all ooiioofuol. tU;it LlDlunu aoooinpaniflil by remiitancc of tjnxnry a.m\ Fixmso^TaxtB, mint ba luftlo as fjliowi ti tli-! G)llectof of Inl-unl Hovontu'. Owrsii Sound, from wli mi any iiifDi'in.itioii do.siic.l miiy bo obtainod. Rotiinis of Lnxni-y Tax mml bu nrvlo on tlin fiiKt oiid lifkoeiith day ofMcb mr)ntli. RyturnsofJowellera' Tax, M inuUottirar?' Tax. "iid Saloa Tax mu3> ba undo not later than tbolii^tday of ilu iiDiiib follow- ing tho month ojvered by ibc I! luii. Rotiirna for Taxi^fl in Ainarfl rntiHt be inado forlliwitli, otlior- wisoolbc penalty provided by la\y will bo enforced. Ily Older of I he DEPARTMtNT OF CUSTOMS AND INLVNl) RHVENUl: N. P- HORTON, ColUclor of Inlhnd Revenue, Owen Sound, Onl. UKI'AkTME.NT ok .vIIL1T1.\ DKKENCK. AND Nolioi) to ' X. members of the Canadian KxpedllioiiHry b'oree. Notice is li.'ieby given to all concerned ih'it ox -uii'inbers of tlia Cinidiaii Kxpeditionery b'orce who 1110 entitled to .111(1 who recpiirj post discbar^j do'it.ii 'reitiii.'iit must Hiibniil their applications to ilm ])i«trict Ueiitiil Ollicer at tliH ll.i.'nl(|U«rteis of the District in whieli lliey rosiilo on or before 1st September, l'.)20 Applieaiions for dentui treatment received after 1st September, 11)20, tti'l not bo uunsidored. (Sgd)EUOENB KI.'^Kr, Major Oener il, 1). pB'y Min sler. Militia and Defence. Ottawa, August ."!, 1920. For Service Bull For Service One pure brfd Shorthorn bull in L..t I'""' '"«' «h .ii;. ..n IJull of the 28 and L'!l, Conofssion 'f. Arleineiia. ' Villaae Is.n.ily f.ir service on lot 10, c p Terms- #1 .'^1(1 for ..rados if 1 sid invde of 1'^ « 'N' ")'â- Tn'"'" ?2 50 for gndes. fS »m)ntl»H-ilnot$2. I'ur« br.'ds $:i.CO. f'r p.iio bied-, loct - ROHKUT OSKOUNE. , In'y lo Movl. Sayars, IVoj VOTERS' LIST 1920 TOWN-SllII' Ol'' OSl'UEY N'olioe is hereby given thit 1 have triiisinit!t d or delivered to the jiersons mentioned io sections 8 ai.d !( of the Oiil'iii'i Voters' L'st Act, 1887, and the iiiioodiiio lis thorelo, the eiipiei rii|iiireil to 1k> Iriiosmiito 1 or delivered of the List, niide pmsiiunt to tho said Act, of all [i.Tsi'iis appe.uiti'; by "lie la-t revised Assessiiioot Roll of the stid inunicipaliiy to be entitliil to vote in the municl|;aliiy at elect ii.ns fnr membiMS ot the Le^iis- la'ivi^ .\s-iem'r!y and at niunieipal elic- linii", and thai said list was liist posted ii|i ill my I tlici' it Ma>nell on the 20 h iliy if .\u'.!us',l!t2l),iind rnnainK there fur iiispeetion. Kleeters are called upon to exiiiiiiio Niiiil list, and if any omission or other errors are poieeived therein, to take immediate prncooilingH to have the waid errors corrooted according to law. -II. W. KKKNAHAN, Clerk of Osproy Maxwell, August 21. IH20. Farm For Sale Lots i;.!t, IGO, Sfiid K»nge, \V T and 8 R, Artuiiu'sia, llM) aeies, good outbuild- ings, fiMiiie house, well watere.I, orchald, fairly good bush and well fenced. Small p-ymoi.t down. - MARK STEW.xUT, Xwnio f R R ;5, I'r. Stntinn I* I' BOAR for SERVICE "I I'll rebi .â- ,! Tani Worth IJnr for s. rt ice on lot ll>r. ^- W T and S E , AiteiiietiiB,. Tonus tl ;â- -'. Fob.Ui â€" r. J.^STINSOX, Prop Gas At Meaford From the Meaford Bx press TliH gas pietsuie in the Doran Oil Fluids is still improving and the well known as No 11 has gained prtvsure iinc* our last Lsbue. Well Na 1 baa been shot and a gUas flow opened up that is tz- pect> d to eclipse tint of No 3. Oil in small quantities has been taken from tl.« wellF, and Mr. D.-jrar. feels assured that the < il supply will iucrease as does tb« gas presture. A singular thing abgut the gas preiuie is the fao> that when the prebsura la fully turned ou the Irenaor uf the earth eta be felt on the farm of Mr. Allan Eagles, 11th iins, nearly foui miles away. This fact is vouched for by Mr. Eagles, who claims he can tell when the promoters are burnini^ the gas at fill pressure. Tha field has bden visited this week by Mr. Combs of Kansas City, who offered to purchase strck and is arranging to do so if it can be procured. It is hoped to interest more capi at and enlane the held of options, and the promoters are q'.iietlg talkiig of incorpoiating and placing a limited number of shares ou the market. To be ot important com- mercial value several more wells will hare to \)Q drilled to increase (be gas supply. There are many visitors to the fields every day and the amount of gal pr>t- su'e ia a surprise 'o aM who have visited the plac. Fall Fairs FLESHERTON Sept 23â€"24 Chesley S- pt 3')â€" October 1 Collingwood Sept 14 â€" 17 Dundalk Sept 30-Oct 1 Durham Sept 28 -29 Feversham Sept 20 -30 Han.'ver Sept 23â€" 24 Markdale Oct 5 â€" 6 Meaford Sept 30-Ojt 1 MouOi Forest. Sept 15 â€" 16 OraneeviUo Sept 14 â€" 15 IMceviile Sept .30-Oct 1 Sholburne Sept 21â€"22 FALL TERM OI'ENS AUGUST 30th ELUOTT,^:?-, - Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto The salaries oft'jred our graduates durina the last two years have been j^ieitei- th.in over before. Il is no trouble for our graduates to get positions becau<j they are pro|)erly trained. Wiiie for Catalogue, W. .1. EFJJJTT. PuiNciPAL CHAs. DOUPE Dynatnite Bluster. Hock and Stump Pilisting. Phone 32 r 14. Proton Station P O. Farm For Sale 100 acre?, 70 undar 'cultivation ; bush ha.s some ^cod timber. (.Jood stock or grain birm, well watered, lait-o brick h- use, iraiiic barn.s. Possession JNLireii Isl, 1021. Apply to I:sA AC SINCLAIR, Klesberton Oi Rev. V\'. A.Sinclaii, L-iiieiiville, 22().-l20 Out Hor Service One'puro iired Sliorth.irii liiill on bit 30, con, 0, .\rtemesia. To;iiisSI oO f,r grades. .Must bu pnic wilhiu 9 niontlis from date of service. I9..lan.!) -R. O.TURNKF.. Notice to Creditors In the miilter of the estnto of Robert H. Heiider-son lato of the Village nf Foversliain in tho County of tirey, mer - cliaiil, d< ceased. Nolieo is lierehy given, ijiirsuanf. to "riie Trustee Act" and aiiioiidineols thereto that nil creditois ai:d o hers havini; eliiiiiia aijainsl tile Chlilo of the said RoSerl II. TIeiider.soii, who died on oi al.oiii 'be lOih day < f dune A D., IK'iO, arc re.juired on or beto.e the 20lh Uay Sepleml'er .\. I).,19ii0, to send by post prepaid or deluer to Messrs. \Vrii;h', Telfoid it liiinie, of the City of Owen Sound, Sulieitois for the Adiuinis'iaiiix of the estate i>f the siiiii dt ceased, then Cliri..tiiiii and Sui names, iiddre>.ses and deseriitioiis, the lull pii tieiilirs of their cbiiiiis, the sla'euieiit of their accounts, and the nature uf i be securities, if any, held by them. .And further tiKe nolieo that after such last mentioned ilate thesuid Ailn.iiiistrat- rix will pidceid to distribute the assets of the deceased among the piiiies entitled thereto, having regard only lo the claims of which she shall then have notiee, ,iiid that the said .Administratrix will not be liable for lliu said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose cisiiii notice shall not. have been received liy hot at the liin'e of such distribution. Dated this 23 h day of August, A. D. 1020. WRU.UT, TKLFORD* niRNIE, ()*eii Sound, Out. Solicitors for the Administratrix. IH[M(il[[S i)arefnlly Corrooted Knoh Week BbKbt 4f. 1,1 4ii Hkjis (I (.8 u. 68 ^vln at 2 2<) to 2 V.) Pes I 40 to 1 01) <*at« 1»|> f„ )M) IV.rtoy I 40 lo 1 4,") Try us for your next job printing. .V yk^aU^^fll Dancing at your own home, any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a I Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONT r^ ^ ^. -ri SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers aud wringers £leetiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCor,uiick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, I'lows, Sleel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Hrantford doub'o geared and auto oiled airniotor Wind IVlUls, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Howls, Wu'er Tanks, I'unip and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZJSAWS One third more wood cut with same piv.ver wlion li'ted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. HSH^JHWIHH FOR VACATION-Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks. Now is th^ time to get your now Suit Cases or Chib Bags before going on your vacation. Call and see them, ranging at ilitlereut prices. Harvest Gloves and Mitts, with or without cuff\ Harvest Boots, nmleskin, with a heavy sole, !i^2.50. Wirti Fencing in stock, 10 wires and 8 wires high. Linoleum and Gilcloths in the one, two and four vanl width, both in hloek and Howered designs. SPEe lAI â€" Five Rose Flour, S?7.4r) a bag. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario DR. F. C. NIXON Oplometrist and Optical Specialist Uuroutaiio Street, near Thud Sircot, (\)llingwoo(l, Ontario Appointments : â€" Daily â€" 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged. IVIephoue (UIW. Box lOCC 1 Jly 20 Boar For Service ruro bred K»'U strrcn V.,iksliire Boa for s.rvicc-MaTwtJl .l.tck B290oâ€" on loH67, aw. T. AS. K., Artemesia, Terms tl.iiU, 10,4, ll> T.J. ST1N»0S. ! NOTICE I As it is Cream Separator season and you want tho best and most reliable Separator on tho market renieuiber the Dd I^aval was the Hrst invented and stil thtf loadiiis aspirator. More o thenj iu usj than all other maohiuef, Sold by Hl'GH KNOTT, Aijent, Markdale, Ont, i Boar For Service j Ut-Kiticred Clieslvr White haf for larvioo RiU'ickMills The father won, t tirst at Ohi«}af;o Fair. Terms tfl.AO. 'decilO -I. SMITH Prop.