Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1920, p. 8

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August 10 192* «â-  THE FLESHERTGN A D V AN G E Why We Need New Money! This year we are spending abouL ten million dollars to extend our system to accommodate new subscribers. • Year by year we must spend millions so that people requiring telephone service may be accommodated! Such huge sums of course cannot be provided out of our revenue. The only way of obtaining money in such amounts is from in- vestors seeking profitable employment for idle funds. Investors naturally won't put their money into any enterprise that docs not promise absolute security and a sure return. Now- adays security and a handsome return on investments are not difficult to find ! I'â€" . . - Our problem then is, in spite of the high cost of everything we buy in both labor and material, to pay such a return to present investors â€" our shareholders â€" us will attract new money. This must be accomplished while, at the same time, keeping 'our service up to the highest standard. If the rate of return is not attractive, then the supply of new money ceases. This is the problem of telephone companies everywhere. None of them has found any other solution than to charge a fair and adequate rate to subscribers. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPAI<lY OF CANADA Tbe cost of tho while paper on which nt)W8p<f>4rii are priutuil niuuots steadily upward. The iuoreaiied prico whinh went into forcu »ii July lit reprtsented aa added tfjrpeiiae (or Cauadiau puliliah- ur« uf uot leHB than the hugs sum of ui|{ht laillioii doUaiH. In UBceinber, I'JIO, the pricB of iiewBprint w»H f36 a ton. Kfirly ihia yi!<ir it was $80. The now priee la $110 a ton â€" an iocresne of $74 over tho pricH prevailintj up to 1916 â€" mora than 20u per cent. For the last quarter of tht) year tho pricu will he $1^0 a ton, (>r 261 per cent, over the price pruvailint; fiiur yearn ago. POINTERS JBOUT MILK information Relating to Cheese Factory and Town Supply. Wheat Participation Certificates The Wheat Board has announc' ed an initial payment of Thirty Cents Per Bushel on participation Certificates. Bring in your certificates and we will collect the amount for you. Our facilities are always at your disposal. â- ^ANMORONTO riic Percentago Composition of Milk â€" Handling Milk for the City Trade â€" Hot Weather I'oultry Cotuisi.-!. (Contributed Ijy Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) THIJ term poiccntage means so much In 100 â€" that is, in ono hundred pounds, gal- lons, etc. The composition of rnillt is usually stated as so much of each part in ono hundred parts or pounds. This varies considerably according to breed of cattle; lactation period, or length of time milking; whether first or last of the millcing, and upon many other conditions. Usually, however, in Ontario, the milk will have about the following composition: Water 87.5 Fat 3.5 Casein and albumen.... 3.2 Sugar 5.0 Ash . 0.8 "THE ELDRIDGE" jDcpciuliible Sewinj; Machines j !it Moileivite Prices. ! SOM) 1!V W. A. ARMSTRONG ' FLKSIIKUTON, (INT. I : Boar tor Service 'I'Ik- tiiiiii<rtti^iied lian n tJinn<(i!;li.>pod Ynrli.shirc Unarfor setvica on hit 11, con. jH, Osprey. IVi- ms gl.SO. Flcshcfton Garage Agents for Ford, and Gray Dort Cars Total 100 The buttermaker takes one part only from the milk, the fat. The cheeseniaker takes out chiefly tw^o parts or constituents, casein and fat. The condensery and powder milk inanu'acturers make use of all the .solids in milk for human food, hence are able to pay higher prices for milk than can manufacturers o* but- ter and cheese. Because milk con- tains on the average only about ihree-and-one-halt pounds of fat, whicli when made into butter has mixed with it from 16 to 20 per cent, of water and salt, thus making only about four pounds of butter out of 100 pounds of milk, we see why but- ler must of necessity bo ;i higli price per pound. Tiro cheeseinaker is able to make 8^.2 to 10 pounds cheese per 100 pounds milk, consequently is able to sell his product at about one- half tho price per pound which but- ter sell.s for, and yet pay ;fs high, or higher prices per lOU pounds milk than can ilie butter manufacturer. Tlie condensed and powder milk manufacturers are able yj sell their products at a still lower pi ice per pound, because they are able to re- cover fiom twelve to twelve-and-one- lialf pounds of solid food material from 100 pounds milk. From the foiTgoing we see that the cominiTcial value of milk lias a very relation to its composition. and tlie use that is luade of the var- ious parts of the milk solids. â€" H. H. Dean, O. A. College, Guelph. Try us for job printing. your next 8USINESSCARDS Societies jKINfR AKTHUK LODOK, No. :«a,A.K.A \ 6I, tlit Unsonlc li»ll. Arm a rouu« IMock l'"l<wliortoii. (iv.-rv l''rl.liiy on or boforo Uii> lull r;iocu. T.' liayton, W, .M., A. K. IlDllatnv. Secrnlftry JJentistry jr e. C MURRAY h. .). K . dent il ^<ul!;....I, lu- ni>i' Rrnilimto ot 'UoroiitJ ljiiivi'r»ity ami ».*ya! v'ftlU'Ko of Dontfil Stiri{ioim or (intniiu. lAv BiluiialDlftured for teoth oKtraotion IHob at maiduuoe 'roronio Suc«t. i-imi.iiirlou . Expert Repairing A Specialty* We have installed a complete acetyline weldini? plant and can do the most intricate work on all classes of broken metals. Batteries rebuilt and recharged. No-Knock Gas Saver on hand. NOW is the time to buy your Legalite Lens. Our large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances and we solicit your patronage. Mkdicai, J]^! \V. .1. lli'iiry. M: H„ liiiiliiatcot Kiicultj '•^ iif Mi'ilii'ino, Voroino I'hivriRitv. lUlluo -Dr. i.lttle'H latu rutitluuoo, ITleslit'riun. I !â-  OTTKWlJLli * V'oruriiiary Hur^oon »raf1nat<i 01 OiitHrio N utnrlnrwy ('o11«k« (iKideiicn â€" BQi'otuI door hoiuIi ' west ou •.jirv Mr<i«t. Thl» atrwt rana ontli '•>Bhvt»rii\i) Clmroh. f ''^Z ^^^ ^^/"^^^ ' H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors Legal FALI, TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 at the Owen Sound, Ont. The nn!y Canadian School with a practi- cal dtpartment. Op II all year. Catalogue ^ree. C. A. FLEMING, K.',C. A., Principal G. D. FLKMINU, SecraUry. Mention this p*per when writint;) x ROAD CLOSING , UTAH, A fiKNItVâ€"llarrliiter,!. rtiiUoitors, '-â-  o)o.â€" 1. U, l.tM'HH, K. l\; \V. I). Ilmiry, K. A. UIIU'OH, Maiktinlu liiicAH lllook, Phiiiio i.t\. iMaucliDlUcf 8 at l)u>iUn< aud Uu.Ua . . 1/ 1(1(4»1T. ft TKLl-'OUD.HarilBtnr, Soltoi. " torn, *o. Ortiocfl, Uriiy >: liriic" Klock, ttvvoii Homiil. Hlttiiilaril Hank cl ."KUmher- lon.tSBliinlayB). W. H. Wrl(|ht, W. K leUord Business Cards .yM. KAITTINO. Iciumo,! Aiiitltuoi.r fo> " tlui noiiiitUia <il Urnv and Hlim'oo. nrui ami Hliipk sivlos a HpaolalCv. Toinm 'DtU'rato. Natitrfactlnu piiaranteiMl. .'\rraiiKi<- lOtiCH f<)r datoi iwav iMMiindoat tbn Advntiou Hill', or t'autml tiJloplioiioollloo I'ovorHkaui • hvadilroKiiluB iiid Kt Kovarabam. Onl. DMiTl*llAIl, liioouHod Anottance tot tho • C't»i)htv<»f (lv«v. Terms inodorato aud •111 in Mixiou pM-nrantut'd, 'flui arranuatui'Dta ^11(1 datt's ot talpK can Ito nm(lL> at 'VliK AnVAiii-e -tlfloo. l(rt>iili>tUMtai)i1 I'.o,, ('tiyK>u. TeU'pliQl^o COQUUl-tiOtl. Dtri 0, TO Farm For Sale 100 acrof, 70 omNr 'cuUivalicn : hush liiiH Noiiie udDil liiiilitn'. ijood atiick or uraiii f'lrin, well wilond. Kri-o tirick house, inuiir ImniN. ]\i.iimH9i(>ii Mnich Isi, 1!I-J1 .Vpply I.' Is.VAC SIMM, .Mil, I<'ic!.h.M<m Or R-'v, W. A, .Sinchiii, Li'm"iivil!«, 2>OclS.'0 Ont. BOAR for SERVICE PiirehrRd Tamworth Bo»r for service on lot 1(>7, S W T and S E., Artemesia,. Terms--*!. 50. Fob 15 -T. J. STINSON, Prqp Farm For Sale Lot 155 snd 156, fu. li, W.T. AS.R , Arteuiesia, containino abaat 110 sorts, over 90 acres cleaifd, t;ond buildinss, (•mall orchard, well waUred. Apply f) ROD. STKWART, ,1-21 Proton K. K> 3. Notice is hereby given that tbe Coun- cil of the Township of Arteaiesia wilt, after one inooth from the first publick- liou hereof in The Kleaherton Advance, the date of which tirsb publication \» tk« 12th day of August, 1020, proceed to pass a Bylaw to cIosh up and disposing of I thu ur.dernieutioned original allowaaca ; for rcj»d, being in the Township of Arte- \ inesia, viz.. That part of urieioal altov- ancefor road lyinu be'.wcen luts 150 .tad 151, in ilio third rant's il VV 1' <t S R, I commencing! at a point in the S VV limit j for road betwpun the 2nd and .^^d } ranges S VV of the T and S Road, thence [ S W seven chains and tifty links, more or less, to the IS W limit of deviation I road over said lot 50. All persons interesfed are hereby re- quired to lake lijtice and uovein them- selves accordingly. â€" VV. J. BELL.4MT DateU AuL'Uat 12, l'.)20. For Service One^ure ored Shorthorn Bull on lot 36, eon, !), Artemesia. Terni,s $1.50 gpades. Must be pnic within 9 months from date of service. 19..Jan.9 â€" R. O. TURNER.. ESTABLISHED 1872 6fi 1 fi Jl nn5.nT^f.rif»Tc^ iNEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON Busineea was never more prosper- ous than during 1917â€" 1919. Prices unt? profits increased â€" anyone could make money. There are many indications that the next two years will see a great change. When prices decline there will be many ppportui;ities for the man with ready money. Start your savings account to- dav. BANK QF HAMILTON DUNDALK^BRANCU-A. M. Carthew, Maoager SUB-BRtNCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Man«(«r Speedy- Toueh ;i match to tht? burner and it is rt'iiily for use instantly, just as speedy as a gas stove. Q 1 J St't the Hanie v\here you want it. Yoa OtcdUy'taii always .>5eo it through the mica door .iini it stays where \ou sat it. PI 1 )oe\s not blacken potsand pans. The vlcdll"li)n^ blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. Koneof it escapes in smoKe or soot or disagreeable odor. Ij_x For every cooking purpose there w always nUl"an abundance of steady, clean, intense cook- ing heat ilirectly against the utensil. n (Ilass door, will not steam or break. UVcll'Three point lock device saves heat. Scien- titic heal circulation, all steam and nioisture'oarried away. No so^rgy food. Call and let us show them to you. Mado in '1, 3 and 4 burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON iMsda in Canada "C'lXISTI doc.1 not m.akc tlic auto- â- â- â-  mobile aiiy more than clotlios make tlio man, but the finish and oquipnient of I ho C'iievrolot "FIJ .JO" Touring Car aiv ovidonw of the can? vvilii wiiich it is made throughout to aux-t the re- quirements of the most parlieuhir motorist. D. McTAVISH & SON Fleshcrton, Ontario

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