July 29 l»20 THE FIJtSHKUTON ADVANCE A Bant Account For Your Wife More and more, are the wives of today running tlieir homes on a business basisâ€" Bystematically and efficiently. Many wives have a monthly allowance for household expenses. This, they deposit in a Savings Account in The Merchants Bank â€" settle bills by cheque â€" and thus have an accurate record of bills paid. Such a business-like method also gives a woman the feeling of happy independence In having a bank account of her own. TH€ MCRCHANTS DANK ««»dOfncarMontreaU OV CANADA. Established 1864. THE Fiesherton Advance Aa iiideperidcnt newspaper puliliHhid every ThumdHy at the oIKee, Collingiroud Stioet, Flitihortdii. Suljicripiion price 91.BU per annum wheu ptid in ndvancit ; when not so* p»id. 92.00 lo .Statei. Advert'sing rales on ap.icttio.i. Circulatiuii urur 1100 weekly. W. H. THURSTON, Editor CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY. Manager. WE SELL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tuhuhir Sharpies St^paratois JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Fiesherton Tn Shop I have jiist placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. (ill 4 m Small Ads. FOR SALK For Saleâ€" Good oct»ve organ. Mrs. II. I'edUr, Fiesherton. Fur Saleâ€" Nice driver and rutilier tired bugxy with top, also hariietf. Apply at this office. Julyltf Fur Siloâ€" Cliost of carpenters' tool also II complete picture framing ou^tit. I'hoiU! or write â€" Win. Slcwn, Kiiiiberlcy. 50 fi hay track and car for sile, in ijood order and cheap. Also one KOiid working mare. Apply to H. C. Radloy, Flesherloii. MISCELLANEOUS Hiahost prici for butter and eega at Graham Bros. Eueenie. June 26 Try Feversha.n Pastry Flour, the best or your co >k. All ()iit«rio wheat Private funds to loan on real ontate security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply tc R, J. Sproule, Kleiherton Bept 2317 Chopping every SiturJay only â€" Qra ham Bros., Eugenia. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros, Furnaces. D. /VlcKILLGP m if I 'ill I m I CHRISTOE BLOCK i FLESHERTON J? ONTARIO. 1 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE NOTICE To Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers lOOTICE is Iieieby given to all concorned, thai RoturiiB Bccompaniod by remittance of Luxury and Exii so TaxtB , tnaat be made qh follows to the Collector of Inlund ilevenue, Owen Bound, from whom any information desired may bo obtained. Retnrna of Luxury Tax must be made on tlin first and ijficeulli day of<>ach mouth. iJeturosofJewellerB' Tax. Manufaclurera' Tax, andSalesJ'ax mosTbo made not later than the last day of the month follow- ing the month covered by the lUlnin. Belurns for Taxes in Arrears must be made forthwith, othev- wiseotbo penalty provided by law will be enforced. l»y Older -.f Ihe DEPARTMENT OF CUST8MS AND INLAND REVENUE N. P HORTON, ColUctor of InUnd Revenue, Owen Sound, Onl. Entrance Results FLESHERTON Batchelor Ila, Oari<o Luui.se (hon ), Djw Peter, Fenwick Martha E, Fisher Orrol, Heard Uurrows, Large Kenneth Q., Loucks Cecil, Martin Wildv (hon). McKee Mary, Moore Eli7.»beth, Pedlar Arthur, Teeter Annie, Tuohy Ilaiold. KIMBERLKY Abercrombie Lillian (hon), Clu(;sfon Staiik-y, Gilray Is.-\bell, Lewis Jean, Myles Ruth, Myles Teddy, Stafford Bf.saie (hon.), Thompson Luella. PIUCEVILLE Maclean Donald, Maclean Eithei(hon). Nichol Donalda (hon. ), Turner Robert John, VVatiOii Ethel, Wallers Elf jrd M. FKVERSIIAM Oiimcron Uub.sell, Henderson A!m«, KnuffJean, Lawler Walter, Wc.\rthur Ida, U.lewell Lillian, Shorlt R-n, Wids- man Au^ttin. IJI NDALK Annie Abbot, Elva Abljot (n), Llujd Acheson, Uiuce Arnott. Hobert Black, iMar;{ueriio Bolder (li), Aruella Brouka, Irene Brnughlon, r^tluur Carson, Marie Connor, Kiinicu Colitaii, Iiuz Colgan (h), Frank Foj-arty, Evans Orier, George lireer, tin/.A Inkater, Miliou Irwin, Ethel Jack, Earl Little, Wilfrid Lock- liarUb), Annie McCaniiel, Marjsrie Mc- Lean, Myrtle McLean, Marjjarot Mulhall, Neta Mill.s, Irene Mitchell, Alma Mit- chell, Alma Winnifred Porter, Delbert Wraiijct, Berta M. Weholer, Emma Wright (h), Percy White, (vhrislena WoodhousB. I MARKDALE [ Irwiu ArniBtroug, Doria Boyd (h), Coohy U jwca (h), Helen Davis, LeUad Foster, Verda Freeman, William Lee, Manloy LiUlrjohns, Kdwin Mat.son (h), Auiiie McLoughry, Ullie McDonald, Mauiie Mitchell, Howard Moore, M«r- ({aiet Nob!e, Frank Norrin, Patrick J. <VUoBnor(h), Pearl Parker, Ivan Per- kins, Durcaa Purvis, Ray Sparling, Fred Stephenson, Helen Sullivan, J»au Wal- ker (h), Muriel Walker (h). S. Walters, Edna Williainsnn, Olive Witson, Russell Wilson. Haitel WyviUe (h). In Memoriam In loving mi'moiy of our dear son and broilier, Fred Smith, who died in Switzerland July 22. lOlrt Sweet u the memory dear to our heart ; Our love ai.d his muniory never will part. Throui^h the years, bo they many or few. They'll bo years of remembrance, dear Fred, of you. â€" Father, Mother and Sisters. ( For Service One pure bred Shorthorn bull on L<.t 28 and 21t, Conceasion *<. Artenifsia. Termsâ€" 81 50 for uiades if paid in« d.> <.f 9 rosntha -if not »2. Pure bred, 13.00. J pct â€"ROBERT OSBOHNK. Bull For Service Pure lire 1 Sh irtliorn Bull of I lie V.llaue Fanily firscivice on lot 10, eon. 1 ), Ci-p ey- reinista 5l> for i;ride», $5 for pore bredn, Jnly 15 â€"Mori. Sayers, Prop. Auto Accident At Ravenna Specitl to The Advance Ravenna, July 24â€" Mr. James Mo- Gowan was run over by an auto in a rattier unusual manner en Thursday of ihii week. He waa in the car with his brother, Melville, who waa driving it. Melville stoppid and James got out and went bdhind the car. Melvills did not know James was btthind (he oar ai>d backod it up riifht over his body. Ilia baik, «pine and n(ck were so badly huit that It WIS ih'U^hi i>l liist thar hu vnu'd not recover, hu' now he is somowliat improved and bet'er hopea are enttr- t'liiicd, a'thnuKh lie is not out nf danKi'r, The injured ma i hx.s a.ieiit auvtial ytais *n the West and hid just ruhirned l:one on a viait a few days pruviuus. Good Lacrosse Game One of the beat games of lacroase over witnessed in these parts waa played in Mai kdale on Thursday last when Durham a-ii Markdalo met in the final game for the district championship and which re aultod iu a «in for Durham by the score of 7 to 6, giving them the district. A large crowd of spectatois were pres- ent to witness the game and they ct-ilain- ly g' t their moneys worih. Durham acored the first goal and Markdale the second. The two teams scored iu turn until llie end of the third period, when the score stood 6â€" 5. Markdale scored the first goal in the final period and Durham came back and scored two, when the joy* of the Durham supporters knew no bounds. The game was incliuod to be a little r <ugh in places and several of the players bore evidence of slicks being used for a wrong purpose, bat altogether It was good lacrosse and we believe the beat team won. A very regrettable feature of the game was an accident which befel W. Uurnside of the Markdale team. In aome manner he fell acrosa his stick when checking a player and broke his leg just below the knee. .The loss o' " Nick " was a handicap to the Markdale team. Durham will likely play Uarriston in the next round. Deputy Reeve Arrested A well known county councillor ot Grey, Mr. Hugh McLean, deputy reeve of Collingwood township, was placed under arrest. Hois charg.d with de- frauding several inaurance companies, The arrest created a big Deueation, espec- ially around ths village ' f Ravenna.where McLean lives. It is alleged that three tires have occurred recenily on McLean's farm, on each occasion the damage amounting to considerable It is understood that an investigation followed and the circum- stances led to the arrest of the young man McLean is a yi ung farmer and his farm is at Ravenn.i, ab ut six milea from Thornbury. This was his hrst year as member of the county counc 1. At the mag'strate's trial held in Mea- ford on Friday last McLean was comittcd for trial_on sever'il charges, two of arson, two of obtainiBg money from insurance companies under falxe pretences and on* of cffiirinf a bribe to one of his neighbors to put a man uaiiie.l Legale out of buji- nea<. McLean's huuse was destroyed by fire on October 2, 1917, between 7 and 8 o'clock in the morning, and the smoke was fiist said to have boon seen uboat five minutes after McLean had left the premise:* iii an automobile. I {Williain L-Jgatu testified that {McLeaft told him he set tire to his auto by pour- ing gasoline uvor the cushions and nuL*' iiig a short circuit. A Criminal Motorist The Owen Sound Sun Times says : A very so.iuus accident occurred on Sunday night about 10 ;iO o'clock, when Stanley Miohtwl, son of Edgar Michael of the lOih line of Sydenham, was severely ahaken tip and his horse was killed, Mr, Michael was going home, driving ea^t on Oth street. Ha saw a car come down the hill from the Lime Kiln Rock and turn west on (M\ street. Ha pulled w«ll cut onto the grass, althimgh at that point the street was very wide. The car came on at a fast rate on the wrong side of .he road, and titruck tiM front of the buggy with such force that the hor.sa was jerked around and wtten found was lying facing the west. Tlia breast collar and whii" pletree were broken and the arteries about the luu?s of the horse were so badly rupturd that the aniiaal died in a few luiuuttn. Mr. Michael was thrown from the rig to the road and had his clothes badly torn and was badly bruised and shaken up. The front o( the buggy is u complete wreck. The driver of il • car did not stop but krpt rieht on. There is litilj doubt that the diiver of the cir will be apprehended, and when he is there is ftill less dcubt that he will be given ths limit of the law. A iluubia drowning accident nccurred at Mount F'orest recently. The victims were Dorothy Maxwell, aged four years, and Reta Cook, aged fifteen years. Wbile crossing a foot bridge over the river, Dyrothy Maxwell fell in, and Reta Cook hastened to the rescue, bat the current proved too strong and over- powered her. A third little giil went iu after them, but the water being ho de.-p and swift, she waa of no aasiiiance, and acrambled back to shore. WESTERN CROF It is eaiimatad that alout :{0,OCO men will hp rii|uired tn work as firm labourers to assist in harvesting'^the cops in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Canadian I'^cific has arraut^ed and ia advertising usual special fares of 915 OO to Winnipeg an I Will run special traina from Toronto on August 'J, 11, IG and 18. mm ,'ii^v;>*' ncttfuxvu Dancing at your own home, any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have aj Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERT jN ONT SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers Electric and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormiok Binders. Mowers, H-ay Rakes, Hay Loaderf, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and auto oiled airniotor Wind Mtils, Bealty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Watsr Bowls, Water Tank.s, Pu^np and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZfSAWS One third more wood out with siinie power when tiMed with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. CLEARING SUMMER SALE Come early and see our table of real values lasting ONE WEEK only. There are muslins, gingbanos-, waists, ladies' sweaters, all at half price. Ladies' high cut lace canvas boots, leather and rub- ber soles, white enamel and rubber heels, Cuban aaid French styles, regular from $2.50 to $4. 15, cleafing at $1.98 and $2.95 Specials in White Footwear Ladies' white oxfords, leather sole, cubau heels, regular $3.75, special $2 50. Men's summer muleskin boots with a heavy leather sole for $2.50. Men's- suits going at a special price of ten per ceat. off retail price. Grocery Special Kellogg's Toasted Corn Hakes 2 packages for 25c. 10 ounce GrifHn Brand Seeded Paisins 20c a pkg. 9>Ul99BflvSac9S339aSffis9 F. a KARSTEDT, Fiesherton, - Ontario DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist a>d Optical Specialiat Hurontario Street, near Third Street. Collingwood, Ontario Appointments : â€" Daily â€" 9 a. ra. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged. Telephone tlll-W. Box 10«0 1 Jly 20 Boar For Service Pure bted Uegsterea Yorkshire Bia for serviceâ€" Maxwell .lack H2903 â€" on lot 167, 8. W. T, AS. R., Artemeaia. Ternas 11.50. 10,4,tV T, J. STiySOiJ. NOTICE Aa it ia Oream Safiarafeor aeason and you wank tho bast and most raliabTa Baparator on the market tamenitar the Da Laval waa the flrat iavantad and atil the leading sapanktor. More o them in use than all other maahtnes. Sold by HUGH KNOTT, Agent, Markdale,Ont, Boar For Service lUgistered Chester White h}g for arvMe atRock Mills The father won. tirst at Chicago Fair. Terina tl.60. dec 619 -I. SMITH f top.