Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1920, p. 1

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,•* Z-^.*-. â-  â- . ^ -J^ '^-â€" ^.'T* â€" A /lesli^rl^n %hmnce. Vol 4«, No. 43 Klcstierton. Ont, April 1 1920 n VANDELEUR â- â- Â«*- m Too kce Last WeeV Saear making is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burrell of Slign spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. GeDoe. Will Bucbauan visited friends to To- ronto lately. Mr*. M. Davidson of Paiiiley is spend- ia§' a couple ot weeks with her mother, Mrs. Davis. 3Ir. and Mrs. D. Graham and little daugrbter 8pc>nc ihe week end with friends in Kimberley. Mr. and Mrn. McMulIen of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hutchinson. The W. I. held their Msrch meetiai; at the home of Mrs, Wm. Hutchinson. The next meatini; will be held at Mrs. H. D. McLoughry'R. Program and lunch to be given by the girlx. CEYLON This Week's Items Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neeley and family are moving thi.s week to their new home near Blind Hiver. Mrs. S. Buchanan has returned to her home near Eamilton after spending the winter with friends here. The yourg people of this neighborhood spent a very pleasant social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Geiio» on Tuesday of la?t week. Mrs. Will Burrell (if Rocklyn spent a week with hec mother, Mrs. Genoe. We congratulate Mr. 0;to Biker on his election to the Board of Directors of the Kimberley Poultry Aasiciatlon. Orto is gieAtly interested in Kimberley chickens. The Aiirnr* Bnretlis on Mouil.iy even- ing of last week was a rare spectacle and attracted Considerable attention in vhi.» vicinity. ROCK MILLS Miss Lillian Park of Owen Snund is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Dick Clark •nd other friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Sirs. Sam Croft visited rec- ently with the latter's brother, Mr. J. IloUey of Vandeieur. R. Laughlin of Ceylon is busy sm ins; wood in this vicinity. George Johnson, Tiioa. Atkinson and Charles Newell e.vch bid sawini; bee.s this weok. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns «ave a parry to a ho6t of the young people on Wednesday evening of last week when all report a very enjoyable evening. Miss Sybil Collinson has relumed home after spending a few days in the city. Mr, A. S. Muir went to Owen Sound on Monday to act as juryman at the Spring A':size8. Mrs. Wm. Fietcher, who has been visiting friends on Stime'» line, returned Thursday lo the city, accempanied by her daughtar. Messrs. T. Genoe, G. Arrow smith, S. Hemphill and D. D. McLachhn had wcod s.iwing bee« and sach has a tine pile of wood foe the summer's use. We are sorry to rsport Mr. M . Archi- bald ill and under the doctor's care, but hope fer a speedy recovery. Drover Goes For Trial (Owen Sound Sutr-Times) Mr. \N m. Thompson, the drover from Dundalk who assaulted the C. P. R. conductor at Dundalk on Thursdity March 11th, was brought to Owen S.)und on Fridsy ni^ht and appeared in Police Court Saturday morning charged with " assaulting and causing grievous bodily barm." As the magistrate was ill the case was reniamled tilt Tuesday morninsr, Th'^mpaon being allowed tjut on $1000 b'iil. The case was opened in Felice Court Tuesri:iy niornicg by ihe evidence of Mr. P. J. ^-c^, the conductor assaulted. Mr. Sciiiiioii, Kccording to his evidence, w:i.s in th.iigtt of traiu 707 which left L'l ii.n Station. Toronto, at 5.?5 p. m. on Thursd.iy, Maich the llh. Thompson got on the iraiii at Patkdale and saC in the " siiiokei." As the car was full he was leiinin;j on the arm of one of the seats when Sonlon came by collecting the tickets. When asked f')r his ticket Thompson wanted to know if Scanlon would " take it now or wait till you get it." Scanlon said ho would like it then as he was busy. Thompson s«>id Scanlon knew where he was going. Scanlon said ho did but he would like his ticket. The conductor then went or. to the front of the smoker and on his way back agiin asked Thompson for hu ticket. Thump- s'. n again asked him if he would take it tlien or wait till he i^ot it. By this tmie the train was drawing into West Toronto. Miss Susie Chiird is spenamg a few ,,., , > , , , J -.1. L • ^ .1 ,-. . , "hen it stopped acmilon beckoned a d»y» with her sister, Mrs. Oeo. Johnston ,^ „ „ . ,.. , _j Ita Pedlar spent a week with her gr^ndraother, Mrs. T. Julian.Fleshertun. Herbert Betts visited a few days with friends near Markdale. Klwood Pari ridge has moved his family to the M.ulin l^illips farm. Robert Fisher has uiovecl into Thos. Atkinson's hoose. DUNDALK Harry Palmer, the local photographer, 0. P. R. policeman into the car and pointing 10 Thompson said he had refused to give up his ticket. Thompson then found his ticket and gav3"it to the con- ductor. Nothing fuvtherhappcned till the train arrived at Dundalk a)-out 11 4u. tssaulon got oil between the drst and second class passenger cars and walked toward the front of ihe train. He passed Thoinp- son near the front of the second class car, or '" smoker, " and stopped about ten yards further on at the door of the baggage car. As he was standing there he heard some one come up from behind was fortunate enough one d.ay last week \ „„ )„(, r.^ht. ^s he lurned his htad he to get six coons while nut hunting, all from one tree. The pelts were good ones and about all he wauted to carry in one trip. The previous 0*y ho get another oion in the same locality, probably of the same family. Dund-ilk Council met on Mondiy lught and unanimously adopted the bylaw granting a loan of $10,0C0 lo .'ohn J. Heimbt'ckcr to arsist in rebuilding and e:iuipping tin' woollen mills recently destroyed bj fiioâ€" Herald. This Road Is Bad saw Thompson and at tho same time received a punch in the face. The uext thing ho renieintiered is being suppoited by the I aj^g'igenien, Edwaid^ Hod Faulkner, while blood lloned duvvu Ins fice Iroui hi< nose and lip miU over ^is uniform. Dr. Mnitiu of Duiid:ilk was called and dretsed the hurt and nbiut fifty minutes later the train pulled out for Owen Sound. At the time Sc.inlon felt ii pain just above his heart but be did nut tind be had a broken rib till he .s;i..- a doctor in Tor-jnto. Dr. Howey was called and told of dies«ing Scanlon's injuiics ou bis brr.val in (.iivvu i^ound. The two baggigeuicn testilied as to the blow struck. FaulknSrsaid that Thomp- son siid after Sc:<uiou was down lliut lie could I'cU any man on the C. I'.K j This concluded iho evidence and the Assizes for Bail was renewed. To the Kditoi of The .Vdvance : Dear Sir,â€" 1 want to call the attention of those who ate responsible for the improvement »r.d rep«:r of the county road (wtween Kimberley and Eu.;enia to • the condition of that piece oj road. It is I \ I 1 i- 1 . 1 . rrk I Thompson was seut lo a mail and leadn g road to market. Ihe 1 ' <lO'.nity has had control of it for two years and I believe it is now worse than it wus before they look it over, and that was bad enough. If there <« a wor»p piece of county ti ad, 1 do not know whore it is. Hoping it will h^ attended to this summer, when we *ill hU feel very grstefi^l, -R.\TKPAYER Old Durham Road This Beats Ken Now that spring is here again, angar making ip the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. John MeKccbnia of PriceviUe called to aee Miss Margaret Curric on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver went to Toronto on Monday. Mr. OliveJ re- turned Friday and Mrs. tjliver la remain- ing for aome time. Miss Annie Knox spent the week end at her honce in Swinton Park. Jack Muir, who sold his farm to his brother, Dan, has reserved the houae for his own use. Mijaea Martha Watson \nd Mary Mc Kechnie spent Sunday with their cousin, Miss Beatrice Witters. Jimmie Oliver is engaged this week cutting wcod with Willie Meads. Lavrence Irwin of near Markdale, who is moving to his new home in Proton, haa had great c'ifiiculty in crossing our sideroads, and was forced to leave a load at Aichie Currie's. Mr. James Oliver has purchased a i.ew and UD lo date Ford car. OBITUARY PROTON Mr. J. C. W'light i" in Kincardine at present. Miss Lena Park visited in Dundalk last Saturday. .Mi&d Blakeley viaited last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Biakeley. Mr. Dal Hopkina and family are niov- iag to !heir new home near Berkeley. Mr. Woodhouse and family are moving to the house vacated by Mr. Hjpkins. Mr. John Park in ill at present. Wa hope the old jentleman will soon be around again. Mr. H. G. Becker has purchased a large stock of dry goods from a Holland Cen'.re merchant and haa moved r. down to bis store here. 51 r. Robt. Neilson of Uwen Sound visited hia purenls here last weeSt. Born â€" On March 19ih, lo Mr. and Mrs. dared Lynns, a son. R. R, No 2 wil! have a new courier after April Uf, Mr. R.i'nert Carson succeeding Mr James MeddiKigit on ihe road. FINE JEWEIERY Bates BurlalCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral IKfectors and Embalmers of Jewelry, WatcLes, Clocks, etc. DU^^^ IJr:!!-.,.-.^^* ^£.0 and »b.n ... I ..„...„ *i,.^ irhone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont Come in and see onr fiue large stock and when you have seen them } ou Watch re- will be sure to buy pairing a specialty. A full line n Fhotograpbic snpplies Including developing powders. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Address and Presentation MLSS ALICE CHERKY It IS with deep regret that we h:»ve learned of the .saJ death of Miss Alice Cherry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cherry, of Kimberley. The decea-^ed, who had been ailing for some m.>Dths, underwent a serious operation the day previous and vn "vlarch 21»t at Colling- wot'd hospital, she pai^sed peacefully away. Thlough all her -u!Teriiig« she wasaiw'iiys patient. Miss Cherry was in her 48th ycAr and her character was one that was highly res^pected by all who knew her. She was eier ready to give ;i helpini; hand to those in need. Ali who truly knew her would surely love her kind and lovinu dispositiou. In rellirioii Miss Cherry wis » Methodist and died trusting; her Saviour. The funeral took place from the home of her brother-in-law, Mr. John Brown, of Clarksburg, on Tuesday afternoon to Thornbury cemetery. Rev. Mr. St.John otiiciated at both house and grave. Amo:ig those who are left to mouru her loss are her aged parents, three brothers and four sisttra : Joseoh of Markdale, Alex of Kimberley, .lohn of Clarksburg, Mrs. Charles BrockelbanK of Duucan, Mrs. Joseph Ward and Mrs. George Cornfield of Kimberley, Mrs. John Brown of Clarksburi; and a host of relatives and friends I'he tloral offerings were beautiful, among which was a large wreath and an arch " The Gales -Ajar,'' from the family. The pall be.arers were Messrs. .loseph :ii;d John Cherry, Johi. Brown, Charles Brockelbank, George Cornfield and Gordon Ward. Mr. D. W. Cherry ui Toronto attetided the funeral. Much sympaihy is felt for th« bereaved one.-', especially the aged father and moiher. Do not »sk u.s if we miss her. There is such a vacant place ; Can »e e'er f.irget those f-iotsteps, And 'he sweet familiar face. 'Tis hard to part with those We hold on earth The heait no greater trl^tl knows, No si'rroi* more >eveie. A farmer in Albion lownsh'p. Peel County, wh-bought 100 acres for $;?,200 got S,5,200 for his crop of sweet cK>ver laat year. Dai 'd t>ava^e, of Listowel, son of Mr. tnd Mi^. W J. S.avage, forme'iy cf Clie&ley. is tho heaviest b<y in Oaoa ia wilder sixieen yi ais of ime. Hr* <*• ii: 8 y(ir> pou ds. D.»ve is'^ver fix fn t I'luh and Ntiong .is a'l ox He in hoai! c'ek n McDoD'ud's sroc-' rv s'ore in L iLow I ; d a very popular joung man, Price of Labor On Co.unty Roads At the special meeting of Co. CouncJ la'-t wetk some di.-cuseioo look p:»co with reference to the hniouiii to be pn d for v.iiiiius classes ot wo k on the r' ad cotislnicliou and uiniiiicUHUce. Mr. Uutehinsou moved that stv^ii doli.'iB shoud be paid for teams. >Mr. McTivi>h waiiteii ST.oO per I'ay lor leauis and 46 per day tor roaJ fonmeii. Oiiiors f:»v- oi%d $U.c.O |>< r d.iy an recOuimeniWd ly the report. It was hually decided that coustrucuon foreimu set So.oO. The will get tti.5U, tnctor ana steam roller oi eiafcirs will j^et 94 nO, and labiMets $iJ.oO. .Maintjuanee foicnteu ' will get 14 50. .A team on luHinieoance \ that hauls ouly a raid will bet $5 and ; gft 60 lor a yard and a half. Laliorers I on mMlltenunCO will get $3. The reft >rt as anuiuird was pa.s^ed unanimously. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiliinma of Engenia were the recipients of a rpinem- brance from their iieigu'Dors in March 22. previous to leaving for Toronto, accompanied by the following addre.«s : T) our friends and n«>is!hbors, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams and family : It is ivith regret that we have board of your intention i;> change your place of abode. We will miss you fioa: our miust, but hope that our loss oiiy prove your gain. W« have appreciat>d your sympatl-y, kindness and real practical help on many occ;isions, and your help haj always been given wi^h chcerfiilnens aud pleasure. Your kind and gei)er.)us â- â€¢pint has won for you numerous friends who could not allow you to depart with- out expressing in some way their friendly leeliiiB. We now a«k yuu to accept purse as a slisjht token of esteem and good will of your friends. Iii coi •• isioo, our earnest prayer is you aio, y. or family may have mueh happine.-.- aud prosperity in your new huu.e. S.gned on bebalt of your friends- Mrs. H. Toe- ster, Miss Kute Jamieson. printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and Sims. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES J. W. Batet, R. Maddocks, President. Manager y? Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG ''""â- '^^^''"'f For Breeding Pui eweler, p^^^^^ or. writeâ€" GEO., W . KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. ing Purpose* The cement smoke stnek is being t-iten down and will be shipped to some p' ice utai Renfrew, where it h«s been pur- chased by a saw mill company. i^incs the inti Dduction of the hydro into il;o plant- a ct-uple of years ago, the company have had no use for it and ditposed of -.t some time aec. While working at the top of it a week ago, some of the taek'nit, gave way. and a coup's of the wrko en are reported lo haye bad % narrow e.-cme f r iiu a '200 foot drop. â€" Chronicle. f two o'c'ock in "I e iiwiiig property, iiau- BOAR for SERVICE Fu rii'^-d Tain worth li<>»r lor s«>rTicB on . i »;:. S W T aud S B., ArteiiKS**,. Te ..â€" »l,on F A-> -1-, J. vriNSON.Prop MORTGAGE SALE Of HOTEL PROPERTY IN THE Village of Fevershiini Coder .lud by virtue of the Powers t.{ ^iltf contained 111 two ceriain nimtgiLe.s which will be fioiiuced .at llie tiiio- of .-al', ih<j""o will be offered for sale l-y public auciion at the premise*, which .lo kViown as " Temp^raiice Hoiul," in ihe Villiige of Fe^â- er^h»nl, in the County of Grey, on Saturday, the First Day of May, A.D.I 920 At the hour afierno II, ; 1 .â-  t .ty: YilU-'- Lot nuiu'oer One ou the S?outh side of VVel.ingtoii Street in »lie t^xi Village of KevetsliauJ. "S lain out on Lot imuiter Sixteen lo the Noilh Concession rf the said Township ot 0^p^e< . Uoon ihi.s pioOertv is said to lie a t<'.o storey hotel luiidituj. with ».'orey ai'l I'on half iidd'tioii, frame building wii h gdv^inized in.-tal Mniiig, also cenu-nt stalile aud o'hfr s'Ui.ali fi.iine uut bui.d- Uigs , This property w aiiuatcd id tlie Vtllage of Fi'vei>h.>ii), imd hits besn used for h.'ti;! purpoee.s for msiiy years. The property will be oifeteJ for sale subj 'ct to a reserve bid. TKR\iS OF S.VLE :~Teii per cent. of ihe iiu> money to be paid on the date of ^»!e, aud Ihe babince m ihirty d.tys thereafter, without iuterest. For further part iculai 8 and conditiiDS ^ of siile apply lo W«1GUT, TELFOUD A lURNlE, Owen Sound, i.>.nt.. Solicitors foe Vendor. WM. KAITTISO, Auctioneer. Seed and Feed We handle Clover Seeds. Oats, and Potatoes and we pay the highest prices for Egga and Butter. Please note -we ; re continuing the Cream bu-siness this su:;unerfor the \Valk(^rtoa Creamery. We wish to give the tarmers the very best service p issible Groceries Come in antl get your spriug ortler of Groceries before seeding. We handle all kinds o Fruit and Vegetables in season. Get your Hot Cross Buns Thursdiay auel ;^atur- day. Also an icecream cone for the children. Special attention given to all phone orders. J. R. PATTISON & SON Successors to H. Down & Son Flesherton, - Ontario Spring Announcement W. L-. WRIGHT wishes ^o minouuce to the public tb^t he has just received a spring consignment of Man's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, Rubbers to lit iny shape boot. Long Rubber Boots, Fleet Fo it While W-ire in nil styles for men, ladies, misses, boys and youths. Peabody's and Bull Dog Overalls ai;d !?mocks, Woik Shirt.«, new line of Men's ShirLs and Balbriiigau l"uderwear. Ties, Cullers, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. A freth siock ef Grocerie<i always on hand. All kinds of Canned Goods. lo the Millinery Department you will find Mrs. Wright with a complc'ostrck of Ladies' Hats, Ribbons, Laces and Veils, Call aud itispcc' our lines. Satinlsction guaranteed. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ^^^i^^^k^^^lHc:^.:: ^^ NOTICE If you want anything in the imple- m--nt line. Call on H. Knott, .Markda'e, as he sells all sells all Deering iiaple- miius. Gasoline Eugmee, Singer Scwiig' M>c'une, DeLiv:vl Ctfam Separiitoig In f«c: anything and everythirjj: in the line of Innplements at reaaouahle price*. Satisfaction guatantiCed. HLV.U KNOTT, .\geat, Markdale, >'iu. Fles]n.ex>to]T #- Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfactnoa LAUNDRY â€" B.isket we oud;»y biuht, delivery Friday ov CLK.XSING and DYEING- *V h: agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothe , eaoed and <f^ad. fvalUem rejuvenato' T FISHER - -I'IfOPRIETOIf

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