T.JA .... ^.jI-3: gk^hction %hmmA Vol 40, No. 26 Keslierton, Dnt, Decerriber 4 19l{» Wind and Rain FEVERSHAM Do Great Damage Mr. lohn Scocker, of CuIfdss, M-i.;., : visind the former's cousin, Henry Coul".- The worst wind and rain s.turm ih^t \ li»r.^ orer the week end. Mr. and Mrs. this section of the country lias ever .•>een i S'jcLtfr nre enroute for their Ixiy ami in many ye:ir.s raged heie on S»iurd»y all day and until Sunday morning, when the temperature changed to much eulder and sjow accompanied the wind. The storm was at its climix Snturiiuy evening when pedes' rians nn the street felt dilK- culty in facing i',. The eltotric light system whs put out of business tempor- arily at 8.30 p.m. and all places <.f businebs in Fleshertnu were forced to close. The sjsteui was nut puc into operation until Monday. As a conse- quer.ce no chuich service was held Sunday night. The whofe Eugecla system wa» affected. Eighteen poles were bluwn down on the Owen Sound line and many short circuits *ere farmed. At tiniei in the village flashes would srue from the switches on the high tension lines le- sembling a fierce form of lightuiag, caused by the short, circuits; The wind was so strong over this «hule district that iniiumerablii barns were wholly or ptinially unroofc-d, trees turned up and fences leirelled to the ground. Few farms were lett without 8 ime mark cf the passing storm. Among the beavie-'t damage in this immediate vicinity we ni'ght mention : â€" The roof of the sawmill at Ceylon wss bluwn otf and the smokestack demolished. This is the property of the Durham Furniture Co. George Campbell, 4lh line wecit, had his barn blown down, three cattle killed aad three others injured. Ben Whitt's barn, west bttcW liie, which was erected the past lummcr, was unroofed. James Beatty and Gto. Liltlejubn, east back line, each had their barns unro<'fed. Mr. Stafford, near Kimbetley, had twij - l>arns unroofed. Andrew Gilchrisr, near Ceylon, had his baiu damaged to the extent uf about Bfty dollars. A loose board was lifted by the wind aiid blown endw.iya through his woodshed. No serious damage was doiiu in FleshcTton, but a portion of the roofing ou Mr. Down's garage was lifted uB'. No long distance phone inetsngcs could be sent as all wires were down. The storm was general throughout Ontario and portions of the United Stales and reached a .-speeJ of 78 miles an hour. The damage dune, throughput the conutry will reach ku enoiiu^uj figure. CEYLON Mr. Charles Chislett, of Niagaja, is visiting his fither and other fiiend.s here. Mr. Edw.itd Sartjeant is visiting his sous in Owen Sound this weck« Miss Edna McLeod, of Or.ingeville, i,s home attending her mother, who ha< been indisposed. We aro soriy to report Mrs. .\ ^^hittaker ill aiid under the Ooctor's care but we hope for a speedy rccorcry. Rev, Mr. Cameron, of Toronto, wil' take charge of the service here on Sundiy afieinoon in the interest of the Forward Movcnxut, nhete we hope fi>r h uood alteiidiiioe. The ladies are holdi.ig thoir bnzaar this Wednesday aflernooii and ereniug m the hall. \Vo hope it will bo yvell patronized and add a goodly sum to the building ftiud. The very heavy tale un Saturday evening did considerable dauiaga in this locality, taking tae roof (>ff and knockins down the smoke stack un the Durham Furniture Go's .nill, leaving a sad lookiug wreck. A barn belonging to George Campbell was blown dowu, three ht. d [ oatie killed and a couple injured, >el uniier!<tand pait'y covered by insuiaucr. The roof of the bain belonging to Mr. H. I MoPhsrson was blown ofT. At J. Gibtco'a ' the big plate glass window in residence Ti.e farmer*' club held their an ual '. fjirlhiHid hiiines iii merry Enylind. A few ye-ira age they came from the Old L.*i)d a.d teitled in Mauitobi with practically nothing. Today they are enroute fur their cr.ilJhood home havine mule tood in the Wett, ii'd having sold out their ho'ding there can take it ea-^y for the lesc i.f thurlive* Mr. Stocker owned 1100 acres cf land which he aold for a big price of ?5(j per acre, anc aUo ahuut twelve or lifteen ths'isaud dollars worth of pergonal prop.^rty. Who says the man and woinei wbi went west and s^uckcoudn't make good. Ml-, Beacher Julim, of Vancuver, B. C, visited with his brothers. Tin and George, here tor a few d lys last week. Be-icher is another Usprey b^ y who has made good in the West. It is nine years since be visited the home of his boyhood days before. He luokb hate and hearty .and the hand of tune his certainly tapped him lijihrly thu.s far. 51i>s Emily Shaw has returnad to har home at Port McNichcI, alter a two weeks' visit with her friend, Fran:ie Altxaudcr, here. A terrific wind scd rain storm parsed over here on S itunlay night, wrecking windmil s, blowing roofs off buildings and tossiot; things about generally. \V(» thought we were experiencing a full- tleJged western blow and I gutss it was just as bid as the general run of blizZin's out there. Mrs. R. J. Co'iiuelte has r«c3»ered from ascvtre »i-.k spell borderii'g on typhoid fertr. Mifs 5Iiiy H-ile and Mr. George Shyers aio under the doctor's care at present, iind we hope fjr a speedy recovery. D.iii't forget the school concert ou Moiida;, D,c '22. Coinu and hear the play ent'tled "Feversham auction sale.' A gieal treat awaits you. Grey County Road Making All Can't be Warden Till' wardeiiship i« a matter that is worrying a number of the council con" giderably just at pesent. As annimncea o.i Tuesday there are several who are proniyicntly mentioned fuc 'he position and at present it links as thoLgli ihe race will be amongf t Reeve Sing,Me«fc)rd ; Reeve McKenzie, of Artimeaia .md Keeve Miiirison, t^f O.-^pny. Of course th y must tit at be elected to represent their municipalities before they have any cb'ince for the w irdeoship of Grey ord it is just possible that ai.y of them iiii>jht b« ^ppo^ed and not elect."d. Mr. Sini; ha^ been m the Cuuuty Council for a number of yens and so has Mr. Mc- Kenzie. Mr. Morri.*on has represented Osprey for two years. Meesis Sing ard McKenzie have bHcti nmitioned f"r the honor levetal times previously.â€" Sun- Ti.iies, Our provincial county road construc- tion ia coming h'gh. Dur nj the pist summer some e'thc miles of whit i.s c tiled pernimenk roidwuy hvs been built at a c.fit of $49.8!»!>.(<i Tnia outlay hai no cnnictiiin with the county road and bridgi outlay, which added to ihe above uiak^s a to'al of over 8()8 Ot)0 spent ., on the ri>adsof this cuiity curinsj the pas' year '. Th â- av-rag* coit per mile has be.ii abuai fli.oOt. for the provincial way. The -â- \lleii fink h â- !» ab'-re 5iar(C- itali was estimated to cost SO.OOC' for the till, but Wo are now informed tha' it w:ll cost oier 840,UCO 1 It h.u already c-.s^ t29,(XjO and is not i;early finished. In cunntc'.ion wiih ihe road buildinu S'lUth of Klesberton, where 2^ miles was tini- shed this suuiriier at a c s: of $12,294. The buperiutendtdt thinlis that wi;h sufficient help tire or six mi es may be built next summer. Thi^ i.< a 40 mile K'rtlch to C)w;u Sound and at ih.? rate of hve iniles per year it will take eight ye.irs to complete it. There are those who think tint at the end of lli.i' lime a be- <;iniii:ig wijlhaveto bo made all ovjr again as even the piec; tirst coiifrrucied shows six IS of wear. With lUt ivar debt, taxes of many kinds and hish cost of living it 1 i.^k.s to ui as though this couliy was ijoinj: â- » pretty fast gau "ulhe matter of eipcndi' nre. Of couise, so i. ear as we can (injure i'. the uovernment pay; 6.3 per cent . of $65,579. di) or S3l»,:i47 8S. leaving the couu;y to pay S2"J,bo:i 88. DUNDALK Mr. Hanbury. i-r*, underwent a critical operation at Wellealey hospital, To:onto, last week. We understand ilie patient is makin;; g"<)d progress. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scott of Venlry ai.ncuLce the engagement of their eldest daughter, E'hel Scott, to Mr. Clieiiter F.'wlet cf V'eniy. The inarrias;e to tilie place 111 Decembe'r. Mrs. Mt<?u!lou.!li (nee Minnie Douglas) wife cf Samuel McCuUou^h, pis-sed away peacefully on Thursday last at her home 111 Dundalk. She had \«^ji in failing health for a considerable time and rt- ceived e»ery possible atiention. Her iinaher and sister (Mr". A. Hil) have be.n staying wi h her duriru the last leu weeks. On Tuesday, the 18'h iost., it was felt that tlie end was drawing near and her friends were ni>tilj>d to that elf. c. Jlrs. McCulIough w.s bi.rn at Oinannjiie in the Canity of Leeds, afterwards rem' vine with hor pirenU lo Markdaie where she pass-d ih-f are.iti-r p»r» of herhfs -jntil her mirr a.;e nea-ly three years ago. A devoied viife, she leaves her husband, agid nii.ther, fiur brothers aud two tisters to mourn her 1 SH, al.so many others who will hiug cherish the memory of one who combined FINE JE WE LERY Bates Burial Cc. m Come iu and see onr fine large stock of Jewelry, V>'atcLes, Clocks, etc, and wlien you Lave seen tliem jon ' will be sure to buy. WatcL re- pairing a specialty. A full line of Fliotograpljic snpflies Including -developing powders, MOTOR piiuting frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and films. BC^slNESS ASL'SUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmc'3 Phone HiUcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. EQUIPMENT J. VV. Bates, R Maddccks, President. Manaige r ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths so sunny a disprsitirm with ucep W . A. A RViSTRON G ^°""^ ^*°'^ ^°' ^^^^ For Breeding Purpose s Jeweler, Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. KOSS. FLESHERTON, - ONT 'M'>ey Tel. mtem Maxwell P. .. PRICEVILLE Meaford Farmer Injuied ftleafcrd, D«c. 1 â€" Charles May, swell known farm.?;- residing mi the Niiiih I/iio, south, about siy miles from here, tthiie ch'ippiutf in thj bush iu company with his son, David, su<laiu.*d serious injuries, which may prove f ital,. Mr. Mny wds felling a tree and in running to get ->ut of the WMy w,is s'ruck on the he:ul by t^ne ot the liiiibs ind ihrowii to the uround umorgst a heap of btusluvowl with the result that, his ri«ht hip was dish'Cited, h:s knee fiacturtd, his chiek bono brekeu in t*o pKices, involving the low.T part of the lipt, while a soa'p wound ovt r six inches in loogtli rendered it necetsary for the tiiedi'ul atte.idout lo put in thirty stitchet. Grave feara are Riiiertainrd that the injured man may not i\ cover. SleixliS ware on the roid last week but there was not lufticifur snow to cover some of the road I that had been very muddy. Rev. and Mrs. McCarteu and Miss V. Watson fioui ihi! .Methodist church and Kev. June* and Mr 1'. Muir from the Piesbyterian church at' ended the For- ward MiiTeuiem convection in Toronto last week. Th) Presbyterian cjngregat on he'd a banquet in the church ou Thursday eveniDii of last week and a very enjoyable .social evening was spent. Louis brook recently pu'chased the farm on the extreme nur'-east corner of E.:reuient lowrship, about I wo niilea south L'f thj villiii;e. Reeve Nicbd was in Owen Sound last week attendiui; County Ciuncil. We notice that Robt. Conley has a lot of post caid snapshots of Pricevllie vilUge.pubbc buildings and other scenery in the viciuity, on exhibition in his novelty s'ore. reIiaiou.« fervor. Always kefnly interest- ed iu church work she wa, for many yenis a Sunday School tiaclier aud in active member of (he Guild of Chriet Chuich. In Diinda'k she asjociatid herself with the lite of St. James Chuich becoming President of the Womin's Guild.â€" Hera'd. Dies From Scalds The little throe yaw old danthter of meeting Fiiday evening in the hall fur M . and Mrs Dunein McMillan, if KIMBERLEY The terriH." wind storm "n Saturdiy e/euiu.; last wrought havoc in thi* part. The two barns on the old Stati'oid f.ir-n are both utir h fe 1 bo -ides a coiiijlo of bui'giis biiHy dim.ig-'d. The east s de of iheu'iif of the birn of Andrew-fawc tt was blown < ti' .\ lot of rail felic s are levelled t,) the ground, 1: wis the w rs; itoriu uvcr csperienceJ in ihi.s part . â€" Hornâ€" At Uicklyn, on .M.mday la->t. to Mr. aad .Mrs. Joliu Tiylor, a daughter. Mrs. Tiylor was fcinir^y .\lii.s Pi-rrl LiwrenCiS of Hi s villng.». 5Io>sis. Wright and Irwin of C 'iling- woodniide ,•» bu<iue.-.8 tiip to ihii part one day last week. Mrs. James M. l-'awcett lot on Friday list "11 an extended visit wiib frunds u B. C. Mrs. .lilin Plewes ii renowii ^ old acipiaiiitaiicca iu Tmonto- Jamcs Fawcetl of Eui;eoia vis ted his aunt, .Mis. O Irwin, of Ihe Travellers Home, recently. Wui. Harrib left for Geoig«lown one day recontiy to w irk at ihj carpenteriuv'. He will be Hway until C'hrieinns. PORTLAVV Iiilei.'ded for last week, Mrs. Edwifd Hillock is iu Toronto undergtingho pital treatment. Our hunters \»ra returntd f oin lie north, each with his c Mi.plemei.t of vcni*')n. Miss Shunk spent the we>.'k ei.d at her parental home in Toronto. Lewis Hi 1 has sold his farm â- n the tourlh line to John Boyee and b. u;ht the Breeu farm iie\r Flesherton, .\lvin McKenzie arrived home last Friday after spending the piist throe or four months iu Manitoba. Mount Zion church l-iuuched into the inter-churcii forward movement and completed orgauizition for an aggrei-sive cajipaigii I) enthuse ar]d deepen the spiritual life of the couimutisty. The tpworiii League has instituted a contest which promises to greatly in- crease the attendance and interest iti the meetings kud enlais;- its nitmbership. L. Sheaidown has iiriterial oh the ground f ,r a ga'vanizeu uie'al iinpleiiieiif house. T. R. McKen/.'e i.-i in t)wun S..ui.d this wtek attending Gouuiy C'.uucil. Ho use of Quality .1 Ali kinds or Fiesii season. Fiuit in Hou.seliolt!, l-,vet\.^.:s. Purity ami Eclipse i"'lour. Farm For Sale , ,„ , , '-'O0acio.>«, bcini; Iota 1, con. .><, and t.ied Monday niornini: as , lot I, con. 9, Ospr.y «,.,d biiild:ng« the result of scalds the i*eceiv«d wh«it on each farm, a good wril on each with she fell ii.to a pail of hot water with I ''"'lâ„¢'" "O ""<â- . wate* in barn an.l j house, s Kood orchard on each fanr, ' ""â- _.â- â- â- " . "" "" ~ ""â- "â- * " ! well fenced with wire and rails, in g.Hxi town had the window panea blowi. to â- on Saturday atternoon. The irarentc ars sUte of cukivaliou. For terms and atoms. Sandy MoUon»ld» barn was ' diatract«<l with ijrief as this la the particular* api.ly to blown down and t<c<7 Pip«t bad a number j »«J-nd child they hare io«t in three I D. W. CLINTON, of apple trees damaged. month*. ^ j^ oitctinn of otticois. A full lopott will bj Shallow Lake. seen on another page of this issuA. «M amavhed io pieces and the wiodmill torn down, besides other reiidonces iu | which hor mother was washing the flcor One Examination For For Normal and Mat-ic As a lesu't ot n.'gotiaiMu-' w th ih,. I'niversity authori;;es. H.in. Dr. Codj i;i making bio U.-^t ithciHl aiiuoui.ceiueut as Mi ii>ier of E lucatioii,WMS ab'o to iinp.it the good news that airaNg.'uieuts htv« been imde fur joii.t examinations for uutriculatiou aud fi^r cutriiice to tie Xjru'al Sch ol and Faculties of Eln.\- tion. In thj pasi the h gh s..hooU ha\e been iMiuiro ! to prep.tre caniid<wtes for two types and standard! of txamination.a b.ised oil the sam^ co jrs s. By the u â- .v a;T.iug.-me:it the wok ol tde schools mil be nueriu'ly lessened, and the pupils will hive the oppoitunity of i(i(ilifying at the sime exam;u>tii.>iis for frntr.ii!ce to the Noimal i>choolsand to thn tniver- s Lii's. I'ndtr the old system exaininxlions were under s*>^iaia'e centnd, but in accrrdance »ith th i »rrini;ement just cim|dt.-d the supervising bond of et<iiiiiiers who r.re t â- preparw ihe eximi> nition pa[ ert and the ague ite erami* ners who are to ri'ad the p»pirs of lie cindidates, are Id b« acminated by a joint couimittee rt'piesen'inii the De| t. cf Educktion and the Matriculation Ek>ard representing the universities. We have a <|uantity of First Class Machine Oil. All kinds of Grain Chop aud Pig Feed on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Prints. Eggs and Pound W e are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario ii ^c^^ 'M £riodale Are., Toronto. Farm For Sale A OOnore farm for sa'c on the Eas. Back Line. AitenniHia, tird ^r.an^, north half of lot 13^. C>ii ^the pr«mie«s there is a good frame barn 40 x &0 feet : a small frainj hoiire : a ^oihI dnlltd weil hen house. Kor particular* ipplj ou piem;9e», J H HC>LLKY, Flesherton For Fall & Winter , We have jiist opened np a ftne assortnieut ot Men's Feh Hat5, Fall and Wiurer Caps, Sweater Coats, Wool and Fteece Linctl Unilerwear for men and boys, Lailies' Mantles und Sweaters and Woollen Setts. Linoleumsâ€" four and two yards wide. Get our prices before you buv. i I W.L. Corner Store, when, by applyln* this ..own siaudard remedy you can .») iheni In tha best .if condlUont I'hls rem«l> la eaay 'J .ipply an» too per cent, efflclwnt. PRICE 60c. and 85c. Farm For Sale .^" ^ â- >. ^ ..Medical Book Sent Free. COMPANY Boar For Service Pure bred liegiaterea Ynrkabirr r. 'for -service-- Ma.x well Jack 629; r. lot It?:, S W. T. & S. R.. Artei.. L ^t d3, cun. 4, Artenicsia, cjotaiuiogi'rerms $1.50. fifty acre^ in good ohaie There is » i W,<19 T.J. SlINSOX gixid frame hou?9 with Jti'iic foundation, , Farm Wanted barn with stone f"undation and driving: .•ihed. There i« a good drilled well at | house. For particulars apply to \ J. .\ LEtl.\nD. Flesherton, or i, "'»• '"H^t'on *crwitfe. condu • Mi!« i \f ./'I leiiiv ,»nd aud outbuilding!, mortgiga ii MlbS A. MactrLASHAN. and c«h wice. Send replwT to Uo f>s Duponf St . TiroDo. lAdranee. Fleshertou.