as?" '^% /ksh^rtutt ajtwrnc^ I Vol 3», No. 18 Fleslierton, Ont., October :? 1919 I r»?- Big Conflagration Narrowly Averted Wright's General Store Saved From Destruction An exciting honr wm pRKsed in Flesh erton on Sunday foranoon when it was learned I hit W. L. Wright'^ lari;e store WM on fire. Smoke was seen prmriti^ oat of the upper slorpy about 1U (I'vluck . A crowd soon gathered and a pail brtii:ads WM formed consistinx of men, women and chitdien, and a 6jihi wait put up to save the building such ns is rarely seen. The fire was in the third storey. Ai it was iiupojsibld to mount the stair'Viiy to get at the fire a hole was sm:tshud throuiih the <:eihn<! with % Udder snd mtn mounted and iashed water lliruu^^h the opening thus made, and in this way ICrr^dually fought back Ihe tin-, wliicli had gained considxrable headway, :ind erent- uilly eubdued it. The roof was an tiro in oile placK and a hole burned thruugli, buc this Aas alxo extioKuisheJ, and the building was saved. A large aieii of the upper tloor was burned and co.iNiderablu damage resulted to the stock billow from smoke and water. The stock was insured m two companies and the buildiu); in another. The work done by both im-n and women>on this occasion standK out na a bright spot in the history of lire fiuhtiiig ill thjii town. The team wurk was splendid, aud some of the retutiicd iimn especiaHjr distinguibhed themjolvefi in fighting the hre at close (quarters. Some of those who were first on the ground aud saw the e.xient nF the blaze, consider it atinoat a miracle the Luildin;j was saved. Mai kd lie ladder truc'.c and a Uij-e number of Maikdale citizen.s caiiiu d iwn expecting to witness a big contljgr*tior), but they were happily disappointed and did nob arrive in time to be ot any assiatance, but here we are grateful fi>r their good intentions all the same. The building, whi;:h is a thiee ttorey sjlid brick, alio contains Mr. Duncan's hardware store, and had the building gone the Iukj to &11 parties would tutvo beea very heavy. The cause of the tire is a profound mystery. There was no stock, only Voso papers, where the hre started. Mr. W'rigilit was in the buildini^ an hour before Ihe tire started- and saw or sniellud no tiigu of tire, acd there had been no tire in the furnace, while defectivu wiring is not to lie considered, a» there was no wireiiig on that storey. Spontaneous combustion or mice aud matches arc the only plausible theories. This is a case <ihore the chemical tr.gine would have done ^ood service had it been prepared tor the work, Imt it was not, and no further comment is necessary. The negle«t i> patent to all. VVe have had ttiiee fires since this iu.^l^umellt wu.s purchased aud at not on'j of ihein was the cbemical engine ready for use. EAST MOUNTAIN Alma Humberstone hai returned to resgiiM her dut:us as teacher at Nitbelle. Tbo company thrc<>hing ninohine dues Hue work and threshing in thi.s patt i^ jUHtabout completed. MisH Young of LaJy Bauk vist'cd with friends heie. Wedding balis arc riiigii<g. 81)«rnian Bradbury and family of Toronto yi8it>>d at David Uenoe's. Mrs. Hutchinson (nee Mabel Cha>d) of Sisk. (pent a few days with he'' sister, Mrs. R. MoMullen. Uu Ifriday evening lust a iniscellaneoi's showei' wtis given to the bride to be, Miss Mildred McMulUn, by her many friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft and little fous, Harvey and Kverett, of ttick Mills, visitod'With Mr. and Mrs. C. Mertin. I A stranger giving the uanio of Taylor caoio into town last week aud after a brie( stey took a notion to leave town again. There is nothing exceplionnl about bin niovenieuis, but wlih him disttppeared about 9oOU from a boarding house and Chief JShaw is busy trying to lo3atu t'le man and the money. Taylor ii(ave hie address as Midland, and infornatiou received from there in to the tflfic" that the young man is welt known ',i> the police. Towns along the lino have Iweu warned to keep an eagle eye open for th^ mil) aud townspeople are anxioua tiiat ha be acprthendedâ€" .Mtafoid Ex- press. PRICEVILLE Mr. W. Large of Eugenia, assisted by several local carpentets, is lilting up the Karstedt residence on Durham Uoad S'. The pls*» and stained glass windows arc receiving favorable comment. Misi Julia McKinni.n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKiomm, and Mr. Angui McLaohlan were married in Tironioon Sept. 20tli, by Rev. Mr. Gjggio. The young couple will rc^iide a short lis!/iinc3 nor hwe>t of the village an 1 will have ihu best wishes of tlie comuunity . Hector McKinuou of the Globe staff, an i brother, Neil, of Toronto, have b.'cn spending a few holidays in town. Jo'in McTag^ett of Toronto was home here last week. AUx Stonehouie of the C. P. R. bee b !en ill for it coup'e of vteiks and is u idci Dr. McFdiIune'a care. We understand that Thos. Fisher is seriously sftecled by blood poison in Ins hand. Mrs. A. Ivory of Tonuilo has been on a visit to her parents, Mr. aud M's. R. Alcliitosh. Postmaster K. Jonkuy was in the city a d-iy or two Inst week. KIMBERLEY Mjrl!e Fawcett of Colliaswood visited at the parental home here over the week end. Revs. Gotf *nd St. John of Thornbury delireied two liuhtiug addressee in favor of the Ontario Tjiiiperance Act in the Metho list chnr h mi Tuiseay evening last. Both b'it-«o gentleuipii lauded S;r Win. Htisrst for h s slia ghtfiaward atliiuie on the temperance {ucstion. Oliver Iiw.ii of the Tiavuller's Hjuio viii ed w:tli Ins brother, Samuel, at Flesherlon one I'ay last week. Saul Fuwoeit made a business trip to Fevcrsh kin on Wi dnesday last. Andrew Wallace has i u chateu the farm of John near Flesherlon. Miss Rachael Hutchii.son of Clierry Grove visiicf ai the parentnl home here recently. Mr. Kd. Baker of Vandeleur visited at ThoK. .\ uerciombie's during the past week. Ml. John Welsh of liast Miuiiliiiii Imd the stone inuchinc operating un the tariii of S. S Buiritt for llireo days last week. Mr. Burritt »iU soon have his oO aire farm free of liou'deri DUNDALK Oeo'ge, tho ihirreeii year old sun of Mr. and Mis. Fred (irecr, had his right am broken wiiile crtnking an auto on Saturday. A tierce explosioi, of tiro damp coal gas or siimething of tiiat nature maimed for life Wm. Maxwell if Maple Grove d f-t:ict, Me'.aiic'hoii. II i was +ie>»ling an iron rod in a forge at lii.s homo for ihe puipfse of tixinij his auto. Tl.e forj^e, \vh ell is in a log outhuildinj, e.xploded aud blew out the wall and put a h lie through the roof. Blr. MjxweH'n Ifg was broken and Da lly shattered and he is bli::ded for the present and it is feared he may be poriiianeiuly so. The unfortunate man is lying in a critical condition. The cause of tlis explosion is a mystery. Mrs. Chris'ophor Irwin nu't with the misfortune t f having her hip bone broken when she fe!l from a phactiu Tuesday at the 0. P. U. dipot. .\ii Overland approaching Dundalk fr jin the east, aud a Ford going south on the gravel road cime into collision at the intersection at McDowell'^ coiner on Sunday. The Ford was tcjipled ovir but ilie occupants- a lady ,ind gentleman from Toronto â€" luckiiy esca£>ed unhurt. Tho building on thi! northeast corner obscured tlio vie*. .\.s the Ford was makinj speed on the good ttrelch of road an acolduut cou!d not be avoided when th3 two cirs re cheJ the crossiu; at the »am.' lime. â€" Herald.' Church Notes Anuivcrsiry services wilt be held in Fleslierton Methodiht uhurc'i next Sun- doy, Oct. 5. .it II a.m. and 7 o'clock p lu. Rev. W. T. And;ew,s of Dundalk Will sp.'ak at both services. Tliere will be no service in ihe Metlio d^stchurih, Ku4cuia, ne\t Sunday, the aervije beinu withdrwn for the Iiiistioijc anuivei'my at 111 :I0 an 1 7 .'iO by Urv. Forth of Ma.xwcll, and 2 ;iij by Mrs. (Rev ) KmiU: Keep Thanks.;. viiig Sunday open for Eu'.;Bnia church annivjrsary services at Ham. au i 7 ty Uev. Thos. (iraudy. Afternoon rnlly service for .Sunday school at 2 30. Rjv. Pett'r Oainp'iell, a former paslur, will preach at Mt. /ion Me:liodi5t church morning iioJ evening, Sunday, Oct. l".t,at 11 and 7.30, afternoon by Ilcv. \. J, Ea-le at 2 S'J. FEVERSHAM Mt'Fsis. Jo'in Thiiuison and C. JNichol of .Aginciiuit are visiting I lie foriners lirnllitr and ai.ster lioro. Of course Jiiliu is renewiii".' old hc»(U liiiiancos in oilur places and by :hu smile tonio of Ihe ladii-s have on when tliey meet hicn we think John is in dnnger of oillicr tiikiiig to himself a wife or having to buy .several new silk d|cs>es. Next year ia leap year John, So look nut. Mr. Uil)>. Heilaniy of ilia Bank of Tciront') hole made a bu^inefs trip to Collingwood onediy last week. Mrs. Win. Brown and dauphtor, Mr«. T. VV. Coiiioii, hnve ruiurned from Souris, Ma'i , after a 1 wo months' visit with fiioiids our theio. Miss >iichol of .^uincouit ii visiting her (ousin, Mr. Chris Thtmisoii, and o: her fiiends ia this lucalitjr. Mis. Henry Ii:t.Tt<>ii and daiinhtMr, Irene, of Weyburn, visited wiih Mes.sisi. Sam aud Ern Hawton week. Mi s Franuie Alexuidcr has returned home after a ilireo week's visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, D. K Wood of Mount Fonst vihited »'. fied Spofl'ord'a here lecently. Mr. and Mrs. D. McMullin and \ daugliter, Maiiel, vis tod with Mr. ani Mrii. Idle of Clarksburg on Sunday, Mr. Fred Long of Maxwoll ia decorat- ing the Presbj torinn church here. (- IJlad tarepo.t Mr. K. Uoi.derson I recovering from a severe illucis, McAuley-Henry The iiiiiriiage of Oiive Ida, daughter ot Mr. aid Mrs. W. 1. Henry, tn Mr. Howard \ iM3.\ul»y, look place at the here on Wednesday, Sept. 24, at high MO 'h. The bride, n Im »iiH yiren a»ay by her f».,her, was altind in .v gown ot Fionch ivory tatl'etn with silver triinmint'.i an.i em'iroidered veil and orange blo.ssoms and cairied a shower boUi|iict of Ophelia roses. The ceiemniiy look place under a l.ittice a cli while .MeiidelUoliii s inirch was played by Mr. C. E I'enllim!, o usiii uf ihe bride. Hev. r. W. K. I'unt:aiid of Maidslnnn i.liicii.t«d. Durii g signing nf the le^ister Miss Olive l*«oll.>iid .<ung " '.)li, piomiie .Me.' After paitiiking if a nedding dinner Ihe h«('py cnupl! left fur Toronto anil ither point.", ihf linde irave'ling in a suit of ngg-r l)ro« n ve;our with black velvet lint and weuring the gromns gif', a liHud«onie set nf black fn.x furs, 'iuots were present trnm 0«en S'uhc, Ijod- ericli, Duiigannun and LiicKmnv. MAIL CONTRACT SKALKD TK.NDKItrS aildr, to tJ I'niili.iaBUi- lli'iiiral will bf iTCfivoI at Ottawa until nnmi nii l^'riilny, iln; :il»t nf Oetiiber, Itll'.t, fnr tlm cniiveyai.ct nf His Majesty 's Malls, nii a p;npii,"ed Cniiiract for fniu years, nix i!m(H|i«r wfrk nii lie route KIMIJKKI.KY 1!. U. I (via IbatlRntri frniii the I'nstiiiiiB'.er timoral spltnsiiie nnx'. dinted notices cnntainliiK fmtlier inforiiia- tiuii as tn cnnditinus nf )irnpn»ed ooMtraet may l># seen and blank fnims nf I'eiHlpr mny Iw nbtained at tho Von (tthe-s nf Kinit>eiley, He«tlicot», and at ihu nOic* nf th« I'o'st Ufhce tiiK|iectni, Tnrniitn. .\. .â- <i:rHKKb.\M). I'ost Ofhio ln«pi.cti)r Post Ollice Iiijpeetor's Oftice. Toroatii, Sui>t. Kith, l«;!t. Came Astray Came to ihe premises of the under- signed on or about September 10, one Gow. Tho owner is re>|ucsted to prove property, pay e>:pef>4e.< and ^.ako the samo awiy. FUEL) Di;CKK'n\ I Eiigenia P <.> , Got. Farm Â¥or Sale Good farm, about half mile from the Village of Fleshertou, «on ninitg lit) acres, 40 acres cleare I and the balance har Iwnnd bush. On tho property is a good frame Imi'n nitli sh^J totiealh. JOHN HKARD, Fleshett. n. STRAYED On Lot 15, C'nii. U). I isproy, on or about the middle of .\Ui;u^t, niio t)xford lamb. Ttio owner may have sa.ue by . Oallin)) and luiving expeiisO'i KUNAST HAW TON.Fevcishain S'fe,W 3 CEYLON FINE JEWELER Y Bates BurialCo. Mr. and Mis. John Nixon, who have been visiting their nuaernus frienU^ here for seveial weokf, returned to their home in Calndon this week. Mr. George Sirtiii called on old friends here last week. .\11 were pleased lu see him. Mrs. RnsB Leslie and babe of West Toronto spent a couple of days tirst of the week with her mother, Mrs. A. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair and two children left on Mondny for a two week's trip to Toronto, Uarrietoii aud other | points. Mr. Thomas McArthur of Niagara E'alls visited the p^st week among his friends here. Mr. Reed of Toronte is relieving agent hero in Mr. Sinclair's absence. Mr. Wm. White had a bee cutting wood on .Saturday. The ladies intend holding their Institute meeting at Mis. D. D. Mc- Laughlan'.s nn 'I luiiaday. October 2iid, at 2 o'clock, when they hope to .'oe a yood turnout. Miss.i. Harrow returnnl nn Monday from a week'o visit with Clia swnrih friends. Mr. and .Mrs. Hank Jiyiie.'*, who have been visiting Mr.s. A. UulKdge, left on Thursday to visit fripEds at Newcistle before taking up their rtsidence in the West. Their little .son, Un.ipe, who has been livinit with h's grandmother here, Hceeinpaiutd his parents. On ttie eve of their departure Master George was very kindly remeiiiliered by liis schoolfellows with a grip and 8e^en^l other iirtioles as a slight token of tlieir good wishiK. He Hill be missed ii. the Sunday schoo', where lie wr.s a regular attoiidani. The good wishes of all go Willi hini to his new home. Who was Ibo gentleman that took poasusbioii of tlu! lady'.s cushion at the Flusherloii fair. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie nf Walkerloii .ire visiting at .A. McMullen's Miss Maud Hemphill has returned luKiie .ifter a vi.sit of several weeks with frieuds in Toronto. Edward McCallum The lato Edward McCaIIuih passed away at his lesideuco near Maxwell in his 7*)tli year. Ho was born in Ki.ig lowiisbip in ihe i uunty of York.«!iere he spent the Hrst 20 years of b > life, coming to (Jfprcy township -.ii the y^ar l!ib7. He marriu.l Margaret Hamhoii. taking up farming on the towriliiie of Osprey and Nottawa.saga, whore I hey lived for twelve years and llien moved to hislatu residence, 4th eon. (Xsprey. Ha WIS a lifelniiB member of the Presbyter- ian church, in which he took au active part. Besides his widow he leaves a family of two boys and four giik Walter of iidmonlon, Harry <if Wynyaul Sask., Mrs. James Inkster of Luselann, Sask., Mrs. S J. .\rnott of vVaiehum, Mr". (Dr.) tiuy of Maxwell, and AliO! at home The reniHins were interred in llie Maxwell Pieabyteiiiiii cemetery nn Sept 22iid. East Grey Fall Fair The fall fair ha.s cuiiio and gone again, and to .5ay Ike least this year's fair was a black disippuiiitnieut to the directors. Tho day wag an ideal fair day, the inside f.vhibit was a splendid one, as it nearly alway.s is -unue beticr in tho county- but for Some leason uuuy of ihj fanncis in tUib section fail to take any inicrct in thoir fall fair. Why this is so only they themselves know. Other fairs aio well attended, while nuis goes begging for patrons. Can anyone exp'ain the reason fnr tliiii condition ijf all'iirs ( This year t be gale receipts amounted to al nut ijloti, while the concert netted 81"<:' â€" §170 for amusement, SloOfor purposes. Comiiicnt is uniiuctbsaiy. S<Miie fins lior.5es and catile wire shown, but the exhibit of both « is scarcely up to that nf last yenr. Pnnltiy was slishlly b:tier lust year. Kinil llowifi.s and roots wore up to the stand- ard. .1, U. Fawcett nf Kiuiberhy showed a .^ipHsh weigking l.'lt) pounds and another wei^fhinK 122 pou.rds, whi.h attiacted much attention. Tho fanner's 1 a :e resulted as fii'low.s ; Isl Wm. McCulcheou, 2nd F. Tajior, 3rd W. Pnolo. For bmt 8 ngle turnou', H. Cullitoii. Lady driver, Mrs. F. Taylor, Miss .^manda Stewart. The prim list will appear next week, or as much of it as wo cm spare space for. Cattle Came Astray Caino to ilio premises of tho under. 8 gned, lot 17H and 17!l. S W T S R, .AitenieNia, alout Sofit. l.'t, eight youi.g C'l^'le. The owner is rti|ueste(l to prove properly, pay expeiisea and tako the Htime away.i ; C. HINDLK. Septiio R R a, Ptotuii Bi:SlNESS AH USUAL Funeral Directors and Come iu aud sec our line large stock j Embalmers of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, 'du^^^ ILi:ii ^ '^ y o and wlien you have seen tlim 3 ou < ^^^^^ HlllcfeSt 26 8 will be sure to buy. Watch re- 1 24 AvcnUC Road, pairing a specialty. A full line ol Photographic supplies j Toronto, Ont. Including developing powders, j MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all r xjlt d^,.^. d m jj i sizes of kodacks and films. i ''• ^ °*'^'' ^ Maddock»,^ President. Managed ISSUER OF j MARRIAGE LICENSES ! Yorkshires Tarn worths j For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, â- Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system .Maxwell P. O. Hou se of Quality Al! kinds of Fresh Fiuit in .-reason. FLOUfi-We cairy a large supply of Eoval Hou.selioltl, Five Ko.'^os, Purity an.) Eclipse Flour. Wehavca.inantity of First Class Machine Oil. 1 All kinds of Grain Chop antl Pig Feed IuukI. on Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flcshcrton, - Ontario THANKS! I desire to express my very great gfiititnde totlie lailii-s and gentlemen who so nobly came to the rescue of my premises from fire on Sunday last. Their aid was timely and well applied. Yours vefy gratefully, W. L. WKIGiiT. W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton -*- '^ T^ â€" "^ "^^ JS** •^â- ^^^fc' * -^. -A . ^fc._^ J^ .A^ ^ â- ^^__^_ -'W â- *' -^ -J^" '•^ - Farm For Sale | Possession thi.t full, KH) acres, iiii the j Toronto Gravel, a^'oil county rond, soil good clay loam, 8 sores bush, 10 mmiiea brick venocreil house, soft water inside, â- g( well, never f«ihiii{ spriiiL's, creok i oloieioout iMiiUliDg and house, lArg«< b-iiik bun ."jO.\tio, I'O ft. posts, well i lighled, jjood scahling, Jjive house, ; picgeiy, lieu house. k mile from 8. S^ I No.a piibhcschool inj Ij miles from | FIcshetton. A| ply to ' WE>i. IJRKEN', F'.oMioit II. . Boar For Service I'mo bred Uegistcred Yorkshire Boat for serviceâ€" Ma.xwell Jack f{2W3â€" oi» lot ItiT, S. W. T, it y. R., Ariorac.ia. I'erniB^l.riO. 10,4,19 T. J. SmSSON. FARM FOR SALE 50 acies on lot 127. 2iid oonccssioft north cast' of Toronto and Sydonhano Uo^ii, Aitcnie«iH. .\piily to \V. •\.\I!n.>, Flcsheii.ui. :f ,*:^