THE FIESHF.HTON ADVANCE TH !£• Flesherton Advance' flmri iaj kt lb' ottice CollinKwoud Streel, j tin lert >3. Hubacripciun price tl peranauni \ irtiea pkid iDiul«'>ncu :Sl.^ >whtiii nu •<> l>ai(t AdrenUinic rkteii<>ua|>plic*eiuu Ciruulktiun W. H. THURSTON, EDITOUl Baseball Friday Du'idi'k an.] fleilierloi) bk^eball tMiiis will luvet ijiintiiii Kridny, llie| oecoiid iltyof ihdfiir. Tliij in turutul be a big atiriictioii. All Moonshine From ihe Toronto \V.,rld " When I e»ni>i)t get eUctud in C*ntr» Grey I will ({0 out of po'itict," i»id H'»d. I. B T^uc«i, Attorney lienor-tKymterday when diHCUsaini; a repurt in iliu F<riiitirs' Sun, to tba efTiict thai uviii( t') th« United Farmers' opp isilion in his con- stituency ha would " Hja\i a stU riding, pjs»ibly in Toronto."^ > «« â- l " It is all moonshine," was Mr. Luctii' comnient on that point. Political Meetings In Centre Grey HON. I. B. Ll'CAS and others will address public niearinsr.s as followj A OtK R.WENNA, M'ludiy evening, Sep- tember 29. KIMBERLEY. Tusjdiy eveninjj, September liO. BERKELKY, WeduoHdiy erenin^', October 1. THORNBrUVCLXUKS B I' U G, ! Wediiesdny evening', October liilh, ClarkHbur;,' Arniouiitss. ME.VFORD, Saturday afterr.oot, Octiber 4, »' lour i>'click. J HEATHCOTE, Saturday cveiiinj», October 4. ; H 1 MEAfORD, Thursday eviiilng, Ojto- b«r !>(b. FEVKRSHXM, Friday evening, October lUrh. ROCKLV.N. Siturdty eveninL', Octo- ber 11. HOLLAND CKN I'UE, Monday ev.-., »)«!ober i:{. WALTEItS I'-AM.S, T.i-.Uiy ov.., Octobjr U. SINGUAVll'Tf)N, FriJ»y evninf, Oct-ober 'Jrd. HON. Il .1. CODY, Mioi-tei- of Eduontion, will als>. nddnsi tin; i\'o:»foid tneatiiit( on Tliiirsd'iy avenii)<{, October !(lh. .\ll i!Vi!iiin/ niio' i'<i;'< opt'ii at 7 !fO. ITALIAN IIVKPEKS will pliy pro -jiriiii bufuto each mei'tinis. Everybody w Icniioâ€" Iad;»s t'l-pi-ci illy iuvitdtl. I HvwiN Mi>i(riis >.v, I'lert. Lilicriil (y'nfBervtttivH Afsoc ation GOD SAVE THE KING Tommy Oot Apple IMe. The Salvation Army Inil beside llio VarenncB road was Just a ruined wdll and a few pieces of sunnyfiack. A loose and weary soldier was halted before it by a sign wliirh said llnri' would be nolliing doinK till the mor- Tow, and thai there was no,)'! except on huslne.sH. .So h« went In liii- inedialely. "Sorry, but our triii'lt hasn't come yet and we won't have a canteen here till fo-niorrow." "('iiio.^.s I go to bed hunKry," huUI the%lHltor, turning away. "Yon see, we don't open till morning. I haven't a ihint; hero for you except- -wait a nionieni â€"yes, I could let yon have an apple pie." The soldier gaped. "Hiil 1 vo â- only got five hundred franca." "Itnb- Ibish. Take the darned thing. We [had only enouKli stuff to cook the lone." A moment later truck drlvem 'trundling at dusk along the road .saw standing at the .side a stiinulaliii;; picture. U wa.s a raln-drenrlied Tom Ml y. Cli Ills face there was a he- atiUc smile. In his liandH there rcited (In passing) a Kwoet, warm, gener- oua, Uaky, spicy apple pie. VEGETABLEJIIARKETIN6 High Prices Are Paid for Best Quality. Provide Abundance of Coni Water for Dtilrjr Cown During Hot WeaUier â€" Shade In i'nature AIsd KiisentlAl â€" IdenI Location oa Banlu of Cool, Pure Stream. (Contrtbute4 by Ontario Uepartmant a( Agriculture. Taroato.) FEW growers realize the Im- portance of properly harrest- Ing and marketing their e*rly vegetables. The large major- ity are expert enough to produce an excellent crop, but there is perhaps onlr about one out of ten that bar- vest aod market their crop to tba beft advantage. The public Is to- day, perhaps moro ti»»n before, de- manding a high grade product. Th«y are willing to pay the price U ther get the quality, and the gardener that will make the greatest success will be the one tliat caters to this demand. There are several factors of great importance necessary to achlere tht greatest amount of success. Fore- most of these, perhaps, Is proper harvesting. Few, even of our grow- ers, realize how rapidly our vege- tables deteriorate in quality after they are taken from the ground. Much of the fine davor and crispness is lost in the case of such products as onions, lettuce and radishes in only a few hours unless special care is txercised in handling. Such crops should never be exposed to winds or the hot sun and if they can be kept in a cool, fairly moist condition, the least po.ssible loss In quality will be maintained. To market the vegetable crop to best advantage the grower must ever keep In mind the ultimate destination of his goods. Tli'j housewife is the one that he must please. It she is well pleased then she tells her neigh- bors quietly over the back fence, but if she tinds that she has received something of very inferior quality then she proclaims her grievance from the housetops and forever after will be hard to convince that there Is such a thing as high quality. The most important factors to bear in mind are few in number and are not hard to put into practice. The proper degree of maturity Is the Urst one that must be con.sidered. Carrots, hi>ets, onions, radishes and Ihe oilier hunching crops should not be pulled before they reach the proper size. They should be carefully pulled and taken to the bunching houses. There they are neatly bunehed, tied and washed and then should be prolecleil from the atmosphere as much as pos- sible by covering. Lettuce, .spinach, parsley, cabhagu and caulillower should bo carefully cut and placed in basUels or carriers. Care should bo taken that none of the dirt is taken up and allowed to fall tluough Ihe leaves, as tills Is liar<l to remove oven by careful washing and will always lower the quality. Tlu're is perhaps not more than one person in ten that can be called u really successful salesman, and hero is where a good many of our growers tall down, and after produc- ing a high grade product they ace unable to iiiark"t it lu the best ad- vantage. The tlrst requisite, a.s has already been meiitiuned, is a high grade article. An inferior grade can- not be expected lu oblain the highest price. The proper care in prepaiatiun is also important. A neat, altiac- tive package, well-packed, with high grade vegetabli'j will always com- mand the higher price, ii'urtiiermore, an attractive article will be ils own salesman, and i.o matter how uver- i-locked tlie market may be, will cuiii- inand a good price. The pioper caie in uorliug and grading Is also quite imporlanl. Vegelahle.s of poor qual- ity should never be placed on llits market. They will not only have lo bo Hold at a much lower~"price but will also have the effect of lowering the price on the higher grades, ,vlth the result that many a good market has been almost ruined by a small quantity of inferior goods. Froiu^thls we see thai the greatest lesults can only be obtained by grow- ing a high grade article, carefully harvested and attiaclively and e(h- clenlly marketed. â€" A. 11. McLennan, B.S.A., Ontario Vegetable Specialist. Fall and Winter Goods Now i.s Lilt' liiiu' tit pic|i,iic fur WiiiiiT. \\'(. h.ivc a I'liii liiiti (iC Flanellette and Wt^ol BlanketvS, Comforters, firey and white Wool Sheeting Jii>t .•irnvoil, lu-w riaiil I 'r.s.s (Jood.s- snino t^s piciiilly pood lor .school 'lrf.-.-.(s .\l| wool S(»rg<'.s in iiliii', liliick ami wine, clc All pure wool Blanketing for ChilJien's Coats, 54 inches wide, colors red and white, $3.25 a yd. Tinoe Hiilendiil viluf.s in ltur,(nii(ly, Ibenii i.n I Tueed Coi iiig, |tj T.l â-ºlid 8li a yiifil OATK-- Meii'd Cliih'ren's and Lidi s' VXiiiirr t'liis. Saeicr (' .i h, Sai'hIiis. Meii'n checked Mtcliiiie ('o,»t-i SI ' K' Every ah'tdo from 9'.' 25 tc «i| it j|ii.l. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton Small Ads. FOR SALE Vjr Sale â€" P\iurieiin well bred ewe*. â€" Jos. Feiiwick, Fletiheituu. For Sale â€" Guud thraa yeir old heavy horae, bioka douliiri or .'â- iiikU. ilar'jid Level, Fle»heiloii Five |;ood eweii and ten ewe Iambs aUo lliuroughbred Leicester ram, for aale. Apply lo â€" R. Richird.son, Flesh- erton. ForSile^l good drivioK horse, drive siiigla or double ; alro 3 thoioughbred white le«;horn cockercl.s at $1 eaih. â€" Mrs. John D md, Feveraham, Onl , R II No. 1. For Sa'e â€" On Sydenham st., Flasher- top, one solid brick buildim;, 2 rooais «ach 14 feet rquireâ€" known aa Ihe old Printing oftice â€" now occupied a» a public library For further particulars apply to Mra. Wilcox, Flesherton. Far Sitle â€" SawyerMassey threshini; oil lit, 20 li. p., 'M>-r>iJ Kepmator, now steel tank. This ouihc all repaired up for this ecason and will do first class work â€" Marshall Kerton, Maxwell. For S«le cheap and en easy terms, Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first cLiss Farm and in a i;nod state of ultivatinn. Good bank barn and new :ime dwelling. Apply en R. J. Sproule lesherton MISCKLLANEOl'S Try Fevershs.n Paitry Flour, the best or your cook. All Ontario wheat Lostâ€" On Moudiy in town, a tobacco pouch containing two ten dollar bills, two smaller bills and some silver. Finder please leave at this ott ice and get reward. Ilii'ier. p.-.o 1 for buttei iind eiigs at Graham Brcs, Bueenie . June 26 Privnte fun Is to Id m on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'ereat. .Apply to H. J. Sproule, Fjeiherton sept 2317 Magnet Cream Separators 'â- ipiure tje.irs -no fiction ; double U|ipoiti(l howlâ€" cannot rock; perfect .skimmer -mm piece ; easy lo I urn a ciii'd ciin o|)i'r.ite; C'p.uMty cliHiiL'eâ€" saves the buyer f r<0 DO ; piteiit brake "Miiyiiet,' pilont ; »tr"ni.', risiid C' nsM uction â€" niei;haiii:<iliy c rrect ; Banilary stcuuuT ijeriii proof ; easy lo cl'.'iin a child cleans it in a few niiiutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. BUSIN.ESSCARDS Societies JKINCR AUTHUU LODOK, No, :«3, A.F.A ^ A ftl. int'otH in tbt MiiHonlu hall. Arm H ronti'H illocu b'lHHliortou, every Krid&y on or heloie th« full ncci. 1. Henry W. M. 'I'. Itlaht^ly, SHCfu^ary. Okntihtrv ,r B. C MURRAY K O. S , dental mirsB ii liiiioiKmilimto of Toronto UiiivurMltv aoil wy»l (:iilli.(!« o( Diiiital Suikhohb of Ontario â- asadiuUinliiterod tor teutti oXtractlon moo at roalileucs, Toronto Street. Klaaiu rton l»' Medical J^r \V, J Hoiiry, Ml H.. craliiateof K«cnlt( *^ 111 Moilliilne, I'uruuii) T'lvriKity. ullloe -Dr. l.itttw'H late rufeiiltiiico, Kleiihurton. ' Veturlnary Hnrgoou r«(ln»te of Ontario Voti>rln»r> ('oll»({ti enldoiice â€" flucoiid door Houtii west ou Vv,try Hlront. Tlil» atrnet runt outlj roHtrturlau Uliiiroli. Legal I DCAH, HANIOV A hKNllV-liarrlHter*. 'â- â- riollcltorH.i'iti. -1. II. l.ncaa, K. ('. ; W K lanny. K. ('.: \V. I). Ilonry, II. A. Ollloea I'erontn, KKIU Tia.lim Kunk lUili;.. i.liono i:kiii m«; Mmkiialo*« lUook, I'liotio 2 A. •ranch ollloe al DuMilalk opi-n uvury Katurdav. « IIIUHT. A â- I'la.KOHn, Hanlatiir, Sollci. torn. All. (Iilli't.1. OiLv > liniia lllooh Owun SduiMl. HtaiiiUiil Hank ek "ii'leiibei lon.tHalurdaja). W.H. VVrlgbl, .v, p". relfoid ISrsiiNE.S8 ('aUI)S ly.M. KAITTINtl, liioMMed AnctioDOBr foi " Iho oonmir* of llrev anil Hliiicuu unu auil Kliuk anloii a sperulfy. Tovms â- UhlM'Ato. iiatiHfnotien Duaranli I Arrniiijn iiviiii li,r ilaiea uinv ho iuH<l«at iiib Advuiu-v rtl.i. or Ceutrnl ikIi'I'Iio'o' nll'iMi tovvrHliaui 'r liyail'lroastnri n\» at Feveruliam, Ont. "\ Mol'lIAII, l.ii'."iso<l .Xno'.lonBO fo» tlii" ''• County ol (itev. Tornis uioilerata mul I' i> hiiieii CI1KIIII ti'fii. niio arrancoiiicntj .111 (laU'R of flat - cnti he toodi* at thK Ai>v<u.'o iilftN'. )i<<iililrntri>iiil !'»<>•â- * '"5 lol'. '''e'eplioro 'uNhi'i'liou. Doo. 0, (0 FARM FOR SALE f>0 sores on lot 127, 2ud concession Qoithesst of Toronto and Sydenham Ruid, Artemesia. Apply to W. OAROO. Fleaherton. Auction Sales An auction sale uf faim etock »ud iin* pleinejts will be held on lot 164, 2nd rau;>a east, Artemesia, on Monday, Sept. 29, at 1 p ra. John Pedlar pri'prietor, D. McPhail auctioueer. Chicken Market 0*ler «fc Kellot; are paying the follow- ing prices this week : Sprintf chickens 23i; liens .V 21c Unusters. !v 16c For Service One pure Dred Shorthorn Bull onlot HG, cou. y, Artemesia. Terms $1.50 for t. grade Must be p-kid within Ooionihs date fromof serrice. -R. O. TURNBR. (Jarefnlly Corrected Esch Wre Bntter 45 to 4.'> K(jgs 52 to .-2 Wheat 2 00 to 2 11 Peas 1 40 to 1 50 tat 90 to 90 Buley 78 t» 80 Youge and Charles fcjtreets, Torouto Enjoys an excellent reputation for hiyh grade ' business training and for placing graduate? in good positions. Enter any time. Write for our Ca'.alogue. VV. J. ELLIOTT, P8i.soip.^L IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO 1 uder a Chartered .\ccountant we ass st graduates to positions. :{9th- succesf'ful year. We are training reiiirned Foldiers who are taking Vi cationai Coutses under the Department of Soldier's Civil Re- Eatablishnieiit. Catalogue free. C. A FLE.MlNr.. K. C. A., Principal. G. D. KLKMING. Secrj'ary. (VIention this jiapar when writing) Fleshertion #^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to liivo Entire Salisfactio LAUNDRY-B,i.skot '.ho Mi.nd.y night, delivery Friday ev FARM IHITEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Stiarples Separator.^ JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. SAVE TIMEâ€" LABORâ€" MONEYâ€" With Wind Power The wind is free. Put it to work oa yoHT farm. It will cut your chore- time in half â€" save you labor and time â€" make money for you. It will pump and carry the more than a Ion of water used every day on an average farm. A Toronto Windmill will put the wind to work on your farm. Not in the old-fashioned way. Toronto Wind- mills are modem â€" bi^, strong, effi- cient, requiring little attention, cost- ing nothing to run, working quietly all the time. Toronto Pumps and Toronto Water Systems complete a real water ser- vice. Gives you all the water you want under pressure 'at taps every- where on the farm. Toronto Pumps and Water Systems are also built for use with gasoUne or electric motors. We have sbme mighty interesting booklets on WindmUls, Pumps and Water Systems. We'll send these free to any farmer who sends us his name and address. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP COMPANY, LIMITED Atlantic Ave., Toronto Moatraal Wiwup«s Retina Cal(ai7 C>.TAP:;i .. i.\D tNGISc OHOn? -i F. E. SOMERS Feversham, Ont. !!';»• CLEANING and DYEINO- .Hgonts for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" C* cleaned and dyed, feathers reju"ti. T FI.SHER -PBOPRIETOK Full or Service Til oioimlibrcd Bhonlioni Rnll i n Ot 5, con. 12, Ospiey. Teiint S2 -DAVID ROBEUTS. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opeiiini! uii atoiice, a blacKHinith inj; and woodworking bu.siness in Mii.x- well, and amiiu'alling up-'.odate wood- workint; nmcliineiy. It will be my en deavor to serve tliu puhlic in a satisfac- tory inaiicerand I would solicit patroi . aae. 1 w uit yourwuik and will do it right. 7 .April 1 CHESTER LONG W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see tht'.--o high grade instruments AT wm- Hawken'3 Photo Gallery atid Music Stove FLESHERTON Boar For Service Pure btod Ueglstored Yorkshire Ui^r for service- Maxwell Jack 62!K>3 -on lot ir.7. S. W. T. A S. H., Anemeaia. Ternia $1,541. 10,4, lit T. J. SlINSON. • •••••••a ••••••••• ••••••••••••• . - - - - - - - - - - •••ft •••• •••• •••• •••• Owler & Kellogg (Old Effg House) Flesherton, Ont. Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of Poultry. Phone or Write â- ••• â- ••• ••• '•«• ••• 'â- •• :::: :::: •••I ••• ••• ?»• •••â- â- ••• â- ••• •••i • •iJiJiiliJliiSiiJi.iJii.iiii *2i' •••••••••••.â- •••••••••••â- ••••^•:; SOLID LEATHER I PLOUGH BOOTS I Just the Uinii for haril wear and ^ soliti comfort for spring and sununer SH wwir. TkY them. S Suit Cases and Trunks § If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk aiul got want sujiplied. .•all •••• â- ••• :::: K » THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO • •• •••• â- ••• â- ••• • •*••••'•••••••'••"''• ••••••?? ?!!•••!!? LXaJ£A>!?! ????? M f ••••? H •??••••• »#••. •••• ••• :::: Came Astray STRAYED > mil' to ihe premises if il c u'oU'i- Ou Lot l."'. Con. 10, Osproy, on or sii-nul 111 ( r aliMiit Sep'iiii'ifr 10, iiieisbdut the middle if .Voi;Ust, oue Oxfo'il -ri. . ._.,.._ ;„ ...<.. ,,.,1,1. <l tn »F ,vi. I.....I. '['(jp „v»iu>r may have saaie by cow. The owner is rcipiesitd to pr 've properly, pay exp»' set 'md l-«l<o the away. FUF,l> DlClvK'l'T. Iiii«fiiia r O , Out lamb. Ciiltiua and pavinv expciues KKNLST ll.VWTON, Feversftam. SeplO 3