/J-SS Her Housebreaker i By Florence Morse Kinsslcy. v:;=: CllAl'. I. - (Ctp.tM.) I wide. lie iceroil in at an unniffltHl| Thp pate creaked â- •olsilv under his white bed; tlu-n stepped softly inside. i hand but no barking doK opposed hi« ^'•'•'^r had he seen a room hke thisâ€" entrance. Kollow.'n);- the neat frravcl "'"â- •'«• "" w'"'e. bureau, dressinii i^^^ path he approached the rear of the t^'^'e anJ ''la'''''. "Kainst » wall of^ ho.i.sc. brushing clumps of vivid aster.-i ^l^"' •'''sh sp.<ir.sely hunjj with pictures. ; which shone pay'.y afj.iinst their dark Mechanically lie nof ced a photORraph foliairo. There were no liphts in the i" « silver frame miles away on his vapue quest. But some time, years later, perhaps, he would return and confess his theft of the pie an<l cookies. He would be a rich man by then and he would give the lady of the white beifroom a â€" a diamondâ€" as large asâ€" a brown cookie (To, be continued.) -<â- . BANKRUPTS IN GREEN CAPS. Trance Dis»ouraged Habit of "Liquidation." A curious custom was prevalent In It was that of a Franco during the sixteenth and seven- kitchen; and no answeri^ff'Vootfnli -VO"".'.' man, the frank clear eyes Raz- teenth centuries. Anyono who found broke the silence which follo...eJ his '".<: ''""% ^^ ^.m. As he softly set It necessary to liquidate Ins affairs knock. He knocked more loudly a hivans Q>pJdqpq Eiigli W. Ii. McSlsnoa Sean K. P»ttM ! Victory Bonds ! Cellers of Victory Bon-U will flu:'. flv-aalW 'â- ) rtc^» tiuc.tca on tha ftnaaclal i;air« oi tJW { Toronto uiorninir capers. i W. L. McKINI^N & CO. ' Ccc:«rs la Go7oin3i«ut and Munlcival I Bond* elementary knowledge has been rjivei the child and the child is willing:. t« work and study for an cdac.iticn, then ishwomen's Work at the Cana- should be got out of the way, plenty dian ^'"morials Kxhibit. | of white bread, half a dozen pies, a lot ' ' of beini? commissioned by the Cana- 1 'â- ^•^**- "â- â- '^^'° small ones. , jg„„ uf^ ^^ (lian Government to paint canvasses' On this day also the chickens should ; " -o- â€" •â€" â€" to be used as mural decorations for be- killed, dressed, and cut up. Thus! The Homestead. Three Kng iwomen had the honor! '°'. °^^'"[il'^^i^^*; ^ '''S '°»'' "' J^"y , need be no fear of the effect of col hirii. the Picture' in its place, he caught a was obliged to wear a green oup-a ! 'A^. •â- "'»' Y"*'' ^^'^'f'"''''' Building! the flavor of the meat will be improv- i q wanderers from ancestral soil, tnc pitiurL \n«. , _, _ .- ; which IS to bo erected at Ottawa, and ed and time and labor for the next i .„r„ I r i/Vv. . • elim .'.c of himself in the minor and humility to himself and a warning to ' T"," '* ^". "> ^'^^ciea at Uttawa, ana eu anu ume ana laoor lor ine next Bccon.l time. If h;re were sleepers f. "'';;° J '1""=^''' .",,„,, . <,„,,,,„„ others. I '''^ ^,^^ee pictures which'are the happy ^ day save.i„ Reckoning the proportion about he resolved to awaken th(-m.>''U''''ercd at the cantrast: sodden The <lull pnaw-np at the pit of his ; cl"thinf;-, dishevelled h;vr, .tnmy skin. under the vine-dad verandah, press-; It occurred to him with sudden sick ,|q^ Lea*e noisome mill and chaffering i..>.o. ..«.- â€" .. store* Those who mal;t> a hobDy of gottiuR ''^^"''^ °^ ^'•<'''° commissions hanR in" of chicken to the numher of persons, t.,,^ up your loins for sturdier toll, ^^j a con.spicuous position at the Canadian; there should be one good sired chicken , ^nd build the home once more! ,^jj War Memorials Exhibition which this j to each six persons. The number of q^^^^^ ^ack to bayberry-scented slopes, pj year forms an interesting part of thei '"en required to run a threshing ma- j ^nj fragrant fern, and ground-mal Canadian National Exhibition .it To-! chine varies with the conditions and' vine- ronto. neighborhood. Some need twenty men i Breathe airs blown over holt and ; and others get along v/ith fourteen or Each of these canvasses deoiets ai copse Sweet with black birch and pine, What matter If the gains are small That life's essential wants supply? in? c?05e aga:nst one of the darkened realization that he was, in fact, a| a' similar drastic puni.shment used ' typical scene in army life, in" which i ''f'^®"- w.ndowc. The insfnct of the anim.i tramp. He had broken into a house; („ ^^ ^^i^j j,„j ^„ delinquents in Ja- ! the figures are of heroic s.ize. desperately seekinpr .shelter prompted he was sneaking about premises he ^^^ .they are the very last picture him to try the window. The Himsy ! had no right to enter. He set his lipsj t^, j,y,,,g nearer home, one need only ' the entire collection that one would j method. This is delicious ser\-e'd with ' Your Uoiaestead's title gives you all fancning yielded to his strong upward; in a su'.len line of defiance, as he re- go back to a little before the Act of! imagine to have been painted by wo- chicken gravy. Wash the rice in cold | That idle wealth can buy. *"''^^- I called the money with which he had, union to find that debtors In Scotland men, for they are all three distinctly water over and over again until the | All that the many-doUared crave. For nn instant he stood trembling,! started on his journey. | were obliged to wear garments of ; ""i^sfuline," both in the subject and ! water runs off clear. Then add cold The brick-walled slaves of change li.=tpning intently. The words of the j "Somebody stole it," he repeated diverse colors, a suit of grey and yel- j its treatment. j water enough to stand in the pan' and mart, hotel proprietor EC'-mcd to echo , in his; doggedly. "If it hadn't been for some-' low being the most common. The most striking of the three is three times as high as tha rice, and ' Lawns, trees, fresh air and flower*, ears: "Hov/ do I know but what you body robbing me, I could have stopped; In Slam, a man unable to meet his , called "The Boxers," and was painted salt. Cook fast until nearly dry. Then! you have rernove the lid and allow to dry on More dear for lack of art. the back of the stove. Thus the grains , Your own sole-masters, freedom-willed. are a burglar!" He thrust his head ^ at the hotel. 1 shan't hurt anything." i liabilities was put In chains and com- ! by Laura Knight, a very well known into the dark square of the open He broke off the thread of his; polled to work as a slave for his credl- ; artist in England, especially famous window; a faint warm .«mell of dried, thought.s with decision. Regrets ofj tor. Should he escape, his wife, child- 1 for her figure painting. Two Canadian! will stand out white and flaky. Add | With none to bid you go or stay rose-petals breathed against his face. i any sort were useless. Besides, there ren, father, or other relative were ' soldiers stripped for combat stand out'iQ "i-Ik or butter or anythin? else,! Till the old fields your fathers tilled. Should he step over the low sill? The; were other rooms to be inspected be-! seized In his stead. | against a background of bright blue! this would only spoil it. act would brand him a criminal. | fore he could search for food. He] At one time bankrupts were con- ' sky and heavy white clouiis, surround-J The chicken should be cooked tend- Or should he clo!;e the window .ind made quick work of this: the other , sldcred criminal offenders even in Eng- ' ed by theT khaki-clad comrades. j er, boned, and made into pies because gro back to the muddy road over v.hich! bedroom v;as furnished simply in dark! '"I'l- As a matter of fact, certain cases ' Mr.';. Knight is a woman in the early .in this way it will go farthest. And As manly men are they! With skill that spares your toiling hands. And cheniic aid that science brings. Reclaim the waste and outv.orn lands. And reign thereon as kings. the night and the storm had dropped oak. There were tennis rackets on the j of fraudulent bankruptcy have Incur- thirties, whose husband, Harold! everybody likes chicken pie. But iti an impenetratablp curtain? A Ion!?! wall and a college pennant cr two. Gay red the death penalty rn this country. I Knight, is also a well known artist! should be so managed that there will; shudder pa.«cd over his chilled body.! neckties hunsc from a rack over the! A"y concealment of books or the | Their studio is in a ch.nrming, out-of-:be plenty of good rich gravy for thel "• â€" He mustâ€" -ho would go in, come what dres.':er. There was a picture of a, secreting of property by a debtor was the-way village , in Cornwall. potatoes and rice. Hotels For Babies, might. j smiling girl on the mantel. A pair of i •'^'J l'i:»isbod. Under this law a man ! If, as now seems probable, the con-' If the threshing is to be prolonged ! Th" babies' hotel is becoming a tea- Moving cautiously, his feet making pay slippers seemed wait.'ng comfort- f'll'P'l John I'errot was banged In 1761. I servative old Royal Academy decides; to the supper hour, there must be ' ture of the English national life There no sound on the carpeted floor, his | ably for their wearer beside the bcd.i It Is said tliat no bank failure has |at last to open its sacred portals to [another hearty meal. But by this' is one at Bexhill and there i-. another groping fingers encountered a table; I He thrust his aching feet in.o them occurred in China for over nine hun- \ women painters, Laura Knight is, time the housewife is very tirad. So ! at Hanipstead, and more are to follcw here were bocks, a framed photcfraph,: with a sigh of relief. No use in being ''red years. When such an event last named as the most probable candidate; , in the forenoon, while the other foods «avs the Manchester Eng Guardian' n lamp with a wither shi\de. and mat-; squeamish -.ow." The house, was ei.iplyj '"'I'PR'ied "n edict was promptly is- : for the honor of being the first of are cooking, she should have a big PaVen's are str'ctiv Excluded and the ches! The rharp spurt of the lighted of anv humr-n presence save his own;! »"«<' stating that in future any such her sex to affix the magic letters "R. match revealed a comfortable room- he made doublv .«urc of this before ho f^'bire on the part of a bank woulrl en- , A." to her name. his swift glance took ,in a p^ano a' sought the ka.hen. It he could find, tail the severest punishment on all re- 1 The "Cookhouse" of the 156th Cana- couch with gay pi:iows, books in low! -something there with whin to .sati-sfy, """'""^'e °'^"'*'''- ''''^*' ^^''^'' °' "'^ '''='" Infantry fs the second picture. ?ases, shadowy picture:, on thn walls, the intoleralle pangs -><• hunger, he* ^;^f_*'''^i';_i;^;f '"^ent and directors be- The match flared, flickered and -went would go awiy and no o i',- would know camo forfeit. out. Somewhere about the house a cf his clandostine visit A clock in the ', '•*â- ' ioo.sened shutter slammed with a muf-| h.ill struck nine, eonPrn.ing the n-.ute! August. fled thud. The unexpected sound froze ' evidence of the faded flowers that the! Shorn of their health, the harvest the i.'itrudcr int) rigid immobility. ' house had not long been unoccupied: fields After a breathless m.'nute the snimd and tlie owners might return at any, I>ie silent in the r'un; was repeated, and he recognized it moment. lie made a way of escape' Weary, heneath the languorous haze, for what it was. Grown bolder in the for h.'Piself by means of an open wiii-| Tlieir generous labor done. reassuring silence, he was about to <low in the kitchen; then fancying he' strike a second match when a soft, hear the sound of a motor far up the, "'f '"â- «'"';>' "ver trails its length light touch smote him on the hand, road he ext^ngui^hcd the light in the! ^/^'â- 'â- '""' ","' ^';^;;''"' "^'^.°'''' This picture is the work of Miss Anna Airy, another Englishwoman, whose pan of beans boiling. These can be babies engage rooms, subject to the baked for supper and if well prepared j control of nurses and governesses will be 'appetizing. The following supper menu is sug- j gested and will not require a great' deal of work: Bread and butter, bak- Slow-creeping. till it fiiid its way Lty cedars grim and old. With diffifiilty ho repres.=cd a yell, parlor. Kelurniiig to the kitchen once' The touch wa« repeated lingeringly. more be began an eager search forj He almost laughed aloud: it was only food. An odd childish fancy buzzing (jone are the lilies, but the leaves the muslin curta.'n, fluttering in the in his exhausted brain sugge.«ted thatj Flout sullen on the stream; breeze from the open v.-indow. the S'ly slippers on his feet were at_\bovc the shimmering underflow Wliore water-grasses gleam. Deliberately he lighted the lamp home here. They should guide him. nn<l closed the window. Something in Yes, the brown jar on the second shelf' the heavy warm air of the house" re- held cookiesâ€" spicy ginger cookies of | '•'•'^ flashing pickerel snaps the fly assured him. He sat down in a wicker a satisfving thicknessâ€" "the kind aj Which caroloss skims the wave; chair by the table and removed his fellow goes for when he is hungry.". '^"'' <^''''''es widenitvg to the shore muddy .chocs. j On the shelf close at hand there was! '^"'"^ '""'-^ margins leave. "No u^o messing things up." he tohL half a loaf of bread in a tin box and a^ -p,,,. ,„,.(, ^ warming on the log KV^self. j thick wedge of cheese under a wire, prolongs his length of davs; There were candles in brass scones, screen. And oh, joy! the halt of an ttnheedful of the eniptv nest flanking a dim mirror; he lighte<l one apple pie on a china plate. The slip-j -j-jn, |,„ifi„jr caltail sways. nn.d .started on a r.oi=eIf;;.s tour of pers knev. ! in:<pection. Next to the parlor was| The boy sat down on a wooden chair Now, slow before the lowering sun the dining room. Ho stared eai'ou.sly! near the table and ale till he could cat A lucid vapor spreads, no more. He had somehow lost the Drifting in luizy I'oolness o'er guilty feeling which had haunted him The mallow's rosy heads. for (lav.s past. As he swallowed the; ^, ^ , ,, ' Nature holds close and tenderly -white ""' 'Irowsy children dear; the room. All at once his sharpened bath-robe lying over a chair ii the ''"';';^ i^l^'r hour of full content- .. , 1 1 t.- ' ,. ,, â- ' 1 1 1 1 <• I .u I- I Her rest-tune of the voar! percopfiona told him of .lonietbing room where he bad found the slippers. j 1, which brought his heart to Ivs throat Sleep was already cloud'ng his senses. I Canny Finance with a bound. .A bow! in the centre' He thought diovvsily that he must re- ef the ta'.)lc contained flowers, mig-; move his muddy shoes from the parlor, nonctte and sweet peas. He decided; Someinc might find thcni there and after a brcatliless pau.se that the flow- ers had been gpthercd .some days be Value of College Training. Many parents are workiing hard and denying themselves in order to send their children to college. The sacri- fices are worth while provided the girl or boy is willing to work out ).is about him .it th.:- rpiaint. old-fashioned furniture and at the portrait of a white-bearded man over the mantel;! the old mtai's eyes seemed to foilov.-i him sternly a;; he moved sofllv about work is very well known in her native' ed pork and beans, roast potatoes with , land. It shows the huge caldrons o'milk gravy, cabbage salad w,;th sour "chow" being prepared for the soldiers j cream dressing, apple sauce, cake, tea,! by the white-capped chefs, and it is cofl'ec and milk. j nil in greys and white, with the excep- if the men with the machine stay ' t'on of here and there the brilliant all night, the breakfast may be the yellow of the flame under the kettles. \ most awkward of al! the meals. But Because of the success of this can- that is because it crowds upon so vas. Miss Airy has recently been ap-'manv other early duties of the dav. It pointed by the British Minister of , can be managed by simply expandin Mumtions to paint a series of pictures the family breakfast, showing the workers in the different' branches of munitions making for the Imperial War Museum in London. The third war canvas is by Claire Atwood and is called "On Leave."! It shows the inside of a Y. M. C. A.I hut at one of the great London' termini at the hour just before the; dawn. Hero the Canadiian soldiers have come for breakfast and a cigar- ette before taking the train. Some have a few days' leave before them and some are on their way back to the trenches. A Canadian soldier in the uniform of the celebrated Black Watch is seen in the foreground giv- ing his sergeant a light from his cigarette. only. Generally speaking, the babies' hotel is in miniature both as to beds and as to chairs and tables. The' In- dignity of the highchair is past, and it is the grownup who has to adjust herself to the new conditions. Meala are run on strictly nursery lines. last delicious mouthful of apple pie he recalled seeing a bluo-and chair Slisaxd'a Llnlnicat Cures Qlnhtlierla. •â€" - ..:_:; On the Same Job. Bill and 'Enry had not met for some time, when they quite unexpectedly came across each other in the street. Noticing that his chura was looking downcast, Bill clapped him on the back and said; "Hallo, 'Enry; how are you gettin* nn? Still working for the same peo- ple?" "Yes," was 'Eury's sad reply. "Wife, mother-in-law and ten kids." I not only enable^ .its possessor to ob- â- tain better business positions, but it' : enriches and enlarges the life in every] way, if the student has made the most' of his opportunities. But parents I should be sure their children want an; education and not merely a .rrcod time' when they send them to college. If â- a solid groundwork of character and ! Al! grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS I. J. CLIFF - â- TORONTO Cooking for Threshers. According to the testimony of the men themselves, some threshing day dinners are to be remembered for' their excellencies, and others are to be remembered for other reasons. But ' . if the energies of workingmcn are to A man from the north of Scotland \ be kept at par, thev must be well was on holiday in tJlasgow. On Sun- 1 stoked. Workingmcn appreciate 'scold. Hut. no; the maker of those! '•">' Pvcuing he was walking along plenty and a good flavor. The good I .satisfying, big cookies could never j '\'K>'» street when ho came upon a | fl;,vo," is attained bv cooking to the fore. He proceeded to inspect the up-' scobl! Still, ho would carry the .hocs/ontingeiit of the Salvation Army, and I ripht degree and sea.soning carefully, stairs room-.. By that token of the! upstairs with him. How soft and com-; JY' "'"'",', ."^..^'l'' ""'"'' '"''".'.""' I Preparing the threshing dinner is fading flowers there might be food in! fortable the many pillowed couch felt '"^ ""^^ ""' " ' ' lie dropt a penny into it. the kitchen; but fir-t he inti.'t find outl to his tired body! He would rest for; whether he was alone in tlio house. half an hoiir--not longer â€" then he TliL' door of the front chamber stood, must go on. Daylight should find him m Authors Who Wrote in Bed 'I'uriiing up Quoon Street, ho a heavy task for the housewife and ®"" i she should have plenty of good help countered another contingent of the presumably she Salvatl(m Army, and again a Hmlling Theif; is a photograph, with wliicli mo.'d of lis art! no doulit familiar, of Mark Twain at work in bed hidding his v/ritingpud (;n IiIh knees, and hav- ing the things \w needed for bis labor tfi^]>osi>(i about on tulilrs on cither â- Idc But the idea of wcukiiig In bi'il â- »Hs nof original with .Marie Many eminent men before him did the same thing. Indeed, no small part of the world's literary treasures has been produced between the aheots by physi cally indolent although mentally active m^n of genius. One of the best known llin's in Eng- Ush poetry came Into its author's head 'â- Wlien he was iiclually nslecj). While Tisiting nf Mirito. Thnmas Camplinll Cno evening went to bed early, with â- la niliid fulj[.uf a new uoem. A|jout 2 TcIo< k Til the morhlng he suddenly Vnkened repeating. "Events to come (papt their shadows before" Hinging the hell sharply, lie Humnioned a ser- â-ºâ™¦ant The man found Cniiipbell with one foot in bed and one on the floor," f , , "Are you 111, sir?" he asked. "1 was never better In my life," said the iioet, "Leave the eandle and bring me a cup of lea." S'lzinK his pen ho put down the happy tbcuKlit, chsngliiK "events to conu' ' Into "coming events." and over the noninohrlatlng cup. he llnlHhod the first dr;'t of "/.orhlel'H \Variilng." I â- â- : ,.f. " , ':, "Wreck of the Hesper- u ilin us he *'u8 sitting by' >ly sne IS informed before- hand when to expect the threshers and "lass" held a collection-bag in Iroiit of ' » i i r„- ,.• . i.f, uiMii ui (^Q make her preliminary preparations. him. "Na, na!" ho said. "I gied a penny tae a squad o' your folk roon' the cor- ner Jist the noo." •Really?" said the lass. "That was very good of you. Hut. then, you can't do a good thing too^fton. And he- you a hundredfold. •â- .\wocl," said the cautious Scot, we'll jist wait till the first tran.saction is fecnished before we start the second." Ills fireside, the iiiglit after a violent storm. He went to bed, but could not sleep; the Mosporus would not be denied; and as he lay the verses flow- ed on wilhnut let ttr hindrance until the poem was completed. One ,il least of Kossini's operas was coini>usod ill bod It was when lie was young, poor and unknown, and lived In wreK'lied (luailers. After writing a ..».,.„.. ^ , . duct, tlie c.uuposer allowed his nianu- "°*'"" ^"""= '" Trinidad scripts to slip off the sheets and fall " '** «'»teil that, for tlio last four under the hod. Koaslni was too com- ! y*"""'''' "'" IhU'ortation of motor ve- furtable to get out of hod, and more- i '"''''''^ '"'" '''rinldnd has averaged 165 over be believed it would be unlucky ' I'*"" ""'""»â- "'"' this rate Is likely to to pick the abnets up; ho he wont to ! '"I'rease, ar, not only are stocks of new work to rewrite the duet. To his dis- ''"''" I'nutically luui-exlstent in the gUHt he could not remember It It was, '•"'I'ltry. but their popularity Is grow- therefore, neeessary to write a new ' '"^ raiddly. Estate owners In Trinl- qnc. Jills he had finished when a | •*"'' '^^^ beginning to realize the ad- f'rlrti-.d entered. I vantages of motor transport for con- "I'ry that," said the composer, "and " " tell me what you think of It,' The verdict was favurable, "Now," said llossini. "look under tho bed. You'll find another duet there. Trj' that^ too " â- rhe friend ilid so and dedareil that the niiiiinal conipoHitlon was much the better. Then both were sung again â€" llosaini In bed and hi.s friend sitting on the edge. Both arrived at the same conclusion Idiichlng the merits of the two compositions. "What shall yon do with the other one?" asked the friend. "Oh, I shall turn this into a ter::ct- tu," >rUI Rossini, and he did. veying their produce to the railway or coast, and are eager to obtain com- mercial trucks for this purpose. At present about fiOO miles of roads suit- able f^)r motor traillc exist In Trinidad, and lately thri'o has been a pro- nounced inovoment towards the Im- provumont of highways. iSoak salt fish in milk to freshen it for immediate use. Then she must decide on her bill of fare. Here is one meant not to bo arbitrary, but suggestive: Bread and butter, chicken pic, ma."hed potatoes, cottage cheese, new beets, fresh or canned fruit, fresh tomatoes, fried cakes, apple pie, tea. coffee and milk. The day before the threshing all the baking except the chii-ken pie Every bean in the "Clark" can Is perfectly cooked and the Govern- ment legend guarantees absolute purity. I With Tomato, Chili or Plain Sauce. 1S9 SOLD EVERYWHERE W. CLARK, LIMITED - MONTREAL Use borax in tepid water with a I'ttle soap to wash silk handkerchiefs. When cooking potatoes for salad, cook with skins on find peel afterwards. ItUiaxd's I,luim«nt Ooris Oatfat la Oowa cnsoa's CORN STARCH Pie Fillings! A little Benson's Corn Starch should be introduced into juicy fruit pies, such as rhubarb, cherry, etc., to prevent running over. Orange Cream Pie is not difficult to make and will prove a happy addition to your dessert recipes. Serve custards, blanc mange, sauces, gravies, cakes and puddings made with Benson's Corn Starch. Write for booklet The Canada Starch Co., Limited Montreal