'i'- /ksli^rto %intmu Vol 39, No. 11 Fleslierton, Ont., August 14, 1919 I if k EUGENIA Too Late Lust Week Tho park was filled with autus on Ihe holiday. Peopla from all the different poiuta 111 the provinca pcii'cked and enjoyed the siglit-s. Mr. Jacob Williams and daughter. Miss Hild'i, iii-e visiting friends in the vicinity. Wedding bells are rinti; r;^ this week for some of uur mo&t popular young people. J. £. Larjje had a very succi.sntul wood bee this week. Mr. and Mr!<. Eph. Roebottotu of - Toronto are \iailing at John Williiims'. Mr.Roebottom has purchabcdthe Maitin farm »nJ iatends moTinc his family up in October. Clarence Thouipsun of Calgary is visit- ing for a few days at J. K. Jmniisons. Miss Dell Ma^ee of Vandeleur visited her aunt, Mrii. P. Munshaw, orer the holiday. Mrs. Carr has gone to the city tn visit friends fur a couple of weeks. Miss Mabel Hoy has returned home after a two week.s' visit wi:h rri2nds in Toronto There seems to be a mistaken ifiea that the pavilion in the park w»s erected as a dancing pavilion. Such is not the oas3. In the brst place the pavilion is rrither small for such a purpose. The Hydro erected this buildini; for the atcommcdatioa of picnickers and also for speakini! purposes at lai-jje gilherm^s. (This Week's Items) Eugenia is becoiniug more popular every day for picnics. There niu'it have been over two bundled cars iu uu Sunday enjoying the cool shade of the park. Sorry to report Mrs. Robt. Plantt very low at lime of writing. Mrs. Ernest Morgan and daughter have returned to their home in Toronto after spending a few weeks in the country. Married â€" At the parsonage. Maple, on Tuesday, August 12, Miss Eva Jam ie.soji, of this place, to Mr. Clarence Thompson, of C.iylty, Alta. I'ev. Mr. Campbell pet formed the ceremony. Mr. Wm. Walker is steadily improving and we all hope to soon see h'ui able to bo out once mure. Mis. Paul and Mrs. Wilson leave ibis , week to visit friends in Saskatchewan iitid .\lberta. Rev. Eagle filled the pulpil; on Sunday evening and gsivc a very able address A â- large c intjregiition was out to hear him after his month's absence, h Mr. Robt. Hogg of Winnipeg paid a "(lying visit to friends in Eugenia last week. IVrs. J. C. Thorapsiin, neii Eva Jamiesou, one of Eugenia's popular young ladies, was waited on at her falhei's resider.ce on Saturday evening last and presented with a cabinet of silver, accompanied by the fulluwing address, previous to her leaving f>r Cayley, Alberta, with ha: husband : Dear Ev», â€" We, a iew of your friends and neighbor!-, have gathered heiu ih^s evening to spend a social hour with yt u before you leave our midst for your new home iu the West, and to express our rei/ret at having to part *ith you. We will c^itiiinly rni8,s you vary greatly in evoiy undertaking m the cominuuiiy, whether church, Sunday fchool or in social life, where you have always been a cheeiful helper, and your ever ready synipHlliy and obliging disposition hnvo won f'lV you many friends. As a slight token of our esteem we ask you to vccept this cabinet of silver, and pray God's richest blessing to go with you, and may every li'ippinefs be yours in the new life y"U arc entering upon . Sitfiiod on behalf of your many friends Hi Eugtfuiik. Farm For Sale 100 acres, running water, two creeks, 3 go«U wells, oiiB at bsin, other at jiouso ; iM! acres cleared, 4 acres of bush, 5 aciCK of orchard . W'e are in tho frait crowing district I'f the Georgian Bay. Farm U well fence;', no stones, clay land and loam ; bank barn 72 x 40 ; 2 driving Hhcds, lien house and p'g pen, good, well fimsbeit bouse on stone wall 29 x 24 ; kitchen, woodshed ; all kinds of fruit- cherry, plums, pears, grapes and every kind of small fruit Oj governmen rond. Phone - ROBERr FAWCETT, 15 y, pi Ucathcote, Ont. VANDELEUR Rev. R. G. Pritchard of Winnipeg, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pritchard, for the past two week", left on Wednesday for the return trip. Mrs. S Gilbert spent the waek end at Meaford with her ilaughter. Miss Ka'c Davis of Orillia U holidaying at the old homo here. Mrs. Shields of Toronto, Miss Shields of Owen Sound and Miss Amelia Douglas ot .Maikdale are the guests of Mrs. J. M Davis. The farmers in this vicinity are ihresh- ihoirilsike. Ti m Gilray of Euphrasia IS doing the work with his new huller. The yield is good. Another boy arrived at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. N'eeley on Monday of last week â€" No. tj. A serious motor accident occurred on the mountain side near S. J. Bowies on Wednesday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright and dauphter, Jean, and Mr. and Mis. David Foster started on a motor trip lo Thornbury. When going dewn the hill the brakes refused to woik and the machine attained a high speed. Mis.-i Jean, who operated tho car, kept it on the centre of the road making the Oirvos safely. When uearly.'idowu lie tirsL hill one of the wheels broke off and the car turned turtle throwing the oectipants r)u'. Fortunately no bones were broken but iho parties received some bad cuts and bruises. Mrs. Wright and Mr. t'osfer, wlio jumped tut were unhurt. The car was iiadly wrecked. EAST MOUNTAIN (List Week's Items) Griiu i-i ripening very fa.st bore. .Mr. Ellis liai aire idy threshed some of hie grain. Misi GUdys Lover has returnel home to Flesherton after a fortnight's visit with her sister here. Mrs. Smith of Barrie is visiting her neicc, Miss Lucy WalLou. Master Freddie Ellis ha^ recovered from the bite given him on the leg by Martn's dog. The bite was not vary acrious. Mrs. Robt. McMullen visited a feiv days with her anther, Mrs. Chard, of Reck Mills, who i<> still ill. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Geuoe and Dorothy visited Mrs. llili.'ck at Ma.xwell. Messrs. Ribt. Mc.VluUen and Basil Carruthers spent civic holiday in Owen Soui.d. (This Week's Items) Mitig Delia Wilson of Eugenia has been secured as le.icher for our soh )ol for the coming ye»r. Mr. Albert E.lis had Mr. Ed. F.iwjott with his buzning oultil cutting wood for a couule of dnys last week Mr. and Mrs. D. Genoe and daughlei visited at Mr. Bart Magoo's, SUi linf, Artemosia. Fti". Ernest Kells visited with his aunt, Mrs Geo. Allen. Miss Kinnia Walton his returned to her home in Mirkdale after holidaying with relatives here. Miss (ieiCrtide Lever of Flethertoii is visiting friends heio. PRICEVILLE Two weeks i>f warm weathrr withoui. rain. Uarvestibg his become general and the crops sro fairly good. Rtispborries are a good crop and many households have .secured a good supply. Rbv. C. S. Jones is taking a few weeks' holiday and his pulnit in the FresHyteriaii church was occupied by R'V. Mr. Fraser of Owen Souhd last Sunday. Miss Park of Durhini visited her siiter, Mrs. VViii. Mather, last week. Rev. Mr. McCarten and wife returned at thd and of last week after spending their holidays at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blakeston of Stratford are spending a few days with relative'! and mcotina a host nf old friends in this vicioity. H. A. Watson and wife of Oltawa, who hive spent a few holidays wi'h relatives hero, tuok liie train last Mon- day morning on their return homo to the GovernmeiK City. CEYLON Miss Sybil Collinsoii returned to the city Monday after a pleasant week's j holiday with her mother. I Miss May Muir, who has been attend- i ir.g college at Whuhy, returned home Saturday, accompanied by hor cou.sins, J. Muir and wife. Mr. and Mrs Archer and chiidion, who have been visiting with ihe litter's sister, Mrs. W. Whiti', returned S.itur- dsy to the city. Mrs. N. Archibald and two children aie visiting her parents near H.inovcr. Ross Lesbe is visiting his wife ht re. i.,!ulle a number of men are now en- gaged on s[ ecial railway w-jrk here. Joe Collinson, wife and three ehi'dren, who for several weeks have visited with friends here, left .Saturday to visit at St Catharines. < R chard B*xter of Collingwo id, Misj Edith Baxter of Caledon, and Mr. and Mrs. Duucin Baxter, eon and daugliKr, of Winnipeg, visited at M. Ferguson's the drst of the week. Mrs Wilson McMullen is speudini; a week with her daughter in the ciiy. Miss Will.i McLeod, who has been I olidayiug with her parents, leturncd to the city last week and waa accouipanied by her mother for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Scirf and Mis, Corbtt of Toronto were ca'leis a! Mrs. G. Col- linson's latt week. Sam Chiblett of Turou u is holid tying iu town. Masto- Artie \\ hit taker of TorouN) is speiidirg holidays with his graudparenle. Miss Eshel Gilchrist visited Owin Sound friends last week. Miss Mabel TKiladeim of Mai kdale is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Andrew Gilclirist. Mrs. E. U. Newbrtutr of C iitun,tlhiO| has let urned to her h(/nie ufier several weeks' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Cohmau and other friends motored down last week fiom Oweu Sound and visited Mr. u;d Mrs. Frank Collinson. Master E den McLiuglilan, who has ! een spending a fortnight ul Wost To- ronto, and Ivan, who has been visiting Durham friends, have relumed home. Mr. McWhinney of St. Joe, Missouri, is visitiiii; his niece, -Mrs. N. Aichibald. PROTON Held Ovar List We. k Misi Lilian Wyvillu of Toronto is holidaying at her hjine here. Mr. Prin:;le, Toronto, spent the week end wilh his wife and babe at Mr. CoQsley'.". Duncan McNicol of Torontj visited wilh friendis here over the week end. W. Huzc", Toronto, is visitino fiieiica here . Misses Eiis'en and Jean Johnson of Corbeton are spending a few d lys with their cousin, Roberta .Acheson. Mr. .iiid Misi Loiisnoiy, .Merrit Lons way and Miss Talboi of Corbetlon, > is ited at the homo of J . Hodgins, A number from heie attended the Peace celebrali m at. Duiid-dk Inst Thurs- day. Miss Cla a Biiinie was aniono tlm.Me who enjoyt'd a ride in the clouds. A Wonderful Bear Wiien Ur. Erii Armstrong i.t Cobalt went overseas with his bnttalloit he totik along a baiiy bear as a iBasci>t. A dee- patch regarding this very clever uninial reads as follows : " Darkey," the biack muscul of tho io'Jih Battahon, Canadian Expedilioutiy Force, which was prestnted to llie Lon- don Zoo by Lt.-Col. Aruislroig early in r.U7, has made a grei>t leputation iis a mimic and us a dainiy spoou f.edor. His daily receptions are always well attended. At the call of bis ktep.ir lie will bark like a doii, cry like ii coild, and uticr sounds similar to those emitted by a working man who, aftjr a Wv-ary tramp, 6dJs iho sign " no bter" displayed at his locil hostelry. Bu-, his clio cest exhibition ii reserved for his keeper and those visilori who are fortunate enouyli to be neai when he is offered some syrup lu a ipooo. He ticks it clean, inside and our, and then chortles, guivles ai.d laughs. When he linds there is no *' foUlow " he uses the langu-ige of Bil- lingsgate. KIMBERLEY oil for a good rain. Everything is suffering from the drouth. Our town fathers are getting gravel drew for anitber section of c-ment sidewalk in our village. Dr. F. Thuniton of Clrcvgo is on a businetis and holiilay tiip to this part at present. Ho recently puichasod the Traveller s Home and is going to have it renovated. The Dr. iaim old Kimber- ley boy and u prospering in Uncle Sam's domains. Mr. Hud Mrs. J ilm Gibson and ihrie children ot M.irkdale visited rerently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fawcett of the V.illey Road south- They 'were accoin- paniod l.y Mis. Oil.son's broth r, Jo'cph McCIung. miss Sykes of Swift Current, Sask , is visitiir^ with her friend. Miss May Uu'eliinsoii. Mrs. Walter Burriti and sister • f Niigaia Fills visited during the pist weekatS. S. Burritt's. Herb Fawcett and twi> little .sons, WiliiuTai'.d Jhirence. visited with his brother, Saul, the past week. Herb Is an ardent disciplinp of Ika Walton ai d landad tlio finest strings if sp.xkled trout we have .seen caught in ihe old Beavor this seison. Emiiiii Smith of Toronto is holidaying at the piiental home at present. Veirun Bishop, who has been in the employ of the Hydro Electric Power Co on "power testing " work in tha vicinity of Niagara Falls fur soma months return- ed home last week. Wellington Fawcett made a business trip to Markdale one day last week. Win. McCIung lo.-it bis line collie (!og " Cas^y " in Murkdale recently. This is one of the most intelligent cattle d uys we have seen for a long time. Wmi says he knows ihe fellow that aw.pcd him isn't ill "liuinan foiin. ' FEVERSHAM Very dry hot weather prevails. Miss Gamey of Buffalo is visitii g her s .ster, Mrs. Fred Sp.fford. Miss Stewart of Creemore vifcit. d Mrs. Jas. A. DividBoii last wetk. Pte. Wilfred Whewell, who I. as recenily leturued from overseas, is visitiiia friends in this locality b.tire returning t) hii home near Areola, Sask. Mis. Ben Uyslop of ClarKsburg vi.siled with friends in lliii vill .oo on Mondiy last. Mrs. ti. Alexander and son, Ivap.havo retunifu from Port McNicoll after a Ivvo weeks' visit with tlie foiiiier's d.iuub- ter. Mrs. VV. R. Coli|Uette. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perigoe lo 1 family and Wis. Perigoo'i molher, lot- on d over from Port MoNicoU and s[ eot, Sunday at H. .Me.xaiidei's. W. J. Litilo and wife of Ctll ng'Mio.l called on frieiids in ibis village on Sun- day l.i.st. Miss Millie Couthard is holidaiin..; Willi her grandparcnis near Rcdwii;;. Mr. and Mrs. Crozier and son and daughter of L'n lied Slates are visiioin wilh Mr. and Mis. R. Alexander ;it present. Rev. and Mr!>. Scobie and family ire leiiewing old ai.(|nainlance8 in lliin locality. PORTLAW Mrs. Thoiiip-soii of Collinswuod is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. AlUrt Blackburn. Murray and Miss Vio'a Cornfield and friend of Toronto ao sptndiiig their holidays at Mr. James Cornfield's, Mr. Fletcher of Toronio is visiting Ilia uncle, Mr. Thomas Kletcher. Mr. John Cathoart, who his been vi.siilng friends here and other parts if Ontarix, has leturned to his iioine at Caiioll. Man. Alvin McKcnz'e accom- panied his uncle home for the harvest. Rev. Mr. Eagle, wife a.id little son, have returned fiom their holiday trip np north. Among the suecosi-fii entrance ciiudi- datis wo notice the names of Misses AUie Little and Annie Wilson. Wo offer uongratulalions. Mr. J. H. Wstscn is putting a new !oof c-n hii barn. FINE JEWELER YlBatesBurialCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL .Funeral Directors and Come in and sec our tine iargc stock I Embalmers of Jewelry. WatclioH, Clocks, etc, [pjj HillcfeSt 268 and waeu you have seen them 3011 *v,*»_.ji .mv^v^ will be sure to buy. Watch re- 124 AvenUC Road, palling a specialty. A full line of F'lotograpluc siipitlies - '^O^'O^t'^t O"*- Including developing powcieiH, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frame., dark lanterns, all j y^ gates, R, Maddocks, dizes ol kijdack.s and nlm.s. n â- i President. Manager. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. HOSS, Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. (>. House of Quality FRESH GROCERIES,FLOUR AND FEED Bi^' .shipment-, of Kloiir, Chop, iJiaii. >horts. Pig Feed and Hen Feed just arrived. All kind.s of Fresh Finir, in season. Car Load Of Salt has arrived, Sold By Barrel or Otherwise. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario i"^ i>.^ *A^'i. • .. I* â€" »,-^m2 "^ * â- K 4 K > : I K Si n u WE H AV E Just what you want for the warm weather. Summer Hats and Motorcars, Blouses and Waists, White S^kirts and i?ilk and Lisle Hose, Fleet Foot and f;mart Hep slices. Bathing iSuits and HalbmR Caps, "^port ^^hirtM and Coatless Braces, Creepers and Rompers for the kiddies. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. W. L. WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton |^ggggg!gS g ! g^ y^^ /^j^ ' i g<^ ' H » 2 ' i ' ,, ' v '' Farm For Sale A i)()Hcre fHrin fur sale on the Bust Bnck Line, Aitenia«i«, .'Jrd Jnini^e, noilh Imlf of lot. 13-'. On ^iho premiaos there is I ijnod frtinio barn 40 .1 .01) fstt ; a sninll f,;i!ne huutu ; a good drilliU weii; li"ii liouRu. for paitiouliu.i Hjjply ou 1 prtiniscc, J H HOLLEV, FUshorton I Ou WcdntHJajr, August (Uh, a runa- way Accident 1 ccurred on the tenth lino of jS\t,«wasii«« lo'vnship fiy which Mi.s. Chtrle.-* Hiook", foiniorly of Toronto, u-:i.-< kill<-(1. nnti hei s'ster, Miss Katie McUeimaid, seriously Injured. NOTICE Ctisiom clioppiuj,' Tticsdays, 1 hnrs- daysand Saturdays only daring tho- monllis of May. .June and -July. Saw- ing of itinibcr and .sliinglcg, planing done to order ou other days. Gefc your fioonng and bouse furnishings otâ€" a, A. WATSON & SONS, Box 169, PricGville, Out. Apr21tb Bull For Service Tboroiii{l;brcd Shortiiorn Bull on lot 5, COD. 12, 0.spiey. Terms 2. â€"DAVID ROBERTA