Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jul 1919, p. 5

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.i* • July 17 5910 T H JS F L E S H K K T O N A D V A NC SERVICE.-This Bank, for the past k 45 years, has done its share in the development of the business of the Do- minion. Our experience and equipment are at the service of every customer. ^ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL MANAoen C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as ollows : Goini^ South Goitie; North 7. S3 a. 111. 12.01 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. ra. The nmils are osed at Fle.sheiion ss follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Miss Zilla Trimble U visiting her sister at Cadilac, Mich. MiSi Clara Duncan, milliner 'at Grand Valley, is home for hei holidays. Catherine Swift of Toronto is viaitine friends in this locality. Miss Vioa Hastle of Ottawa is the guest of i;irl friends here. Miss Dell Thurston is visitin;/ frivnds in Toronto. Mrs. R. Blackburn of Toronto spent the past week with Mrs. T. Fisher. Mrd. Charles Phillips and children of Toronto are visiting the frrmer'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bdllamy, here. Mrs. Earl Lever af Toronto ikDd Mrs. S. Henry of Mtrkdale were visitors at Mr«. W. Scewart's last week. Miss Mabel Thompson of Toiontc !â-  "the guest of relatives here for a couple â- of weeks. Mr. Joe Armstrong ind family,' of Toronto, are nccupyinj; their cottage here tor the usual summer holiday. Harry LeGtrd went to Toronto Ivst week to spent the iummer boiiiiajr with his parents there. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Uuast«dtler v'sited Durham atd Kenilwort*! friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. DeCuiImoreof Montreal are viaiting (he tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Atmstiong. Mias Helen Alton of Markdale is the guest of her cousin, Miss KUzabetb Beutham. Saturday will be Peace Dayâ€" a public hol>aay throughout the entire British Empire. Mrs. Chiicotte aad five children ot Wallacebure are visitiug her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Dngald McHillop. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. White left on Tuesday morning to helijay at their home* at Bleuheim and Port Hope. Meet me at the garden party in Flrtibetkon on Saturday. Duadalk, .Eugenia and Flesherton will play base- ball. Come and make Peace Day a re-*! holiday. All roads lead to Eugenia today, ^Thursday) for the returned soldiers' {arden party. Baseball c mptition in the afleruouii, good supper, and a great coDCtrt at Dighi with tirst class Torouto talent to supply the prcgrain. Don't fail to go. We do not know what some uf the retuintd Mjidier boys around here think •b.'Ut it, but this is ihd opinion of the Bruce Heiald and Times : " While ma'ches made is heaven may be all right, some of those made in England haven't turned out a howling success." tfatuiday cf ihi.s week has heen pro- claimed by t he governmsnt as Peace D.iy and a public holiday The ladies of Flesherton have undertaken lu give a bumper afternoon of 8ports that day, •nd you know the ladies never fail in their ciiculaiioiis. There wilt be a baseball tournamont between Flesherton, Eugenia and Dundalk teams, tug of war, footraces, etc. Supper seived from b to 7. The proceeds are to go towards a memorial and the price of sdmiss on to all will be 4U and 20c. Sec bills f jr full {Mtticulars . FleHhett' n baseball leim took a trip oiL'i- til Fi^veriham on Wtduesday of last Week an I liuit the tenm ihera by the score of 12 to ,1. Miss Susie McClocklin of Durham, who ii well known in Flesherton, where she visited her aunr, Mrs Mark Wilsou, *a8 r'cently married to Mr. Suinivy MclSeth, a young Durhann drugsrist. There are some who still d > n'<t realize our uew terms uf subscription, It your subscription goes six months overdue it will be $1.50. By laying promptly you save fifty cents. Mr, and Mrs. Frank A. Uliiijh of Cleveland, Ohio, who motored over here t) visit the latter 's parents Mr. ai.d Mrs. John Melia, Cey.un, have returned hone. Mrs. Thaler and four luetubers of her family, of Einiwood, and Mr. and Mrs. t Jaiues McKee and children of Manitield visited with Mr, an«l Mis. F. G. Kar- stedt on Frank VanDusen of Torooto was in town fur a few dvys during the [ ast week, cumbinliii; busiuesa with pleasure. Frank if> eng igod with the New York Life Insurance Company. Mr. John Cairns and aister,Mis. Alex. McDonald, motored down from McAteer Mu.skoka, last week and spent a few days with friends here. Mrs. Ge«rge Cairns, who had been vi.siting up there. relumed wish thrm. Roy McMuUen of the l.Oth battery .trrived home recently looking hale ar.d hearty. Roy had many exciting experi- ences and came ofi a lucky hero, having been wounded only once, on Aug. 19tb, 1018, after a trying period of nearly four yeirs in France. He is a brother of Mrs. Wra. Scrapie of the 12 h lite, Artemeeia. The Upper C»nada Biole Da pi sitcry kept at The Advance otiice, has just received a complete stock of Bible J, rnnging in price from 50c. to $5.2.5. Among these are sr>me beautiful things for presentiitions. There are also Bibles for old people with larj;e print, pocket testaments and I'salms. Come in and look at them. Mr. Dugald McKillop was called to Capraol near Sudbury, last week, by a telegram announcing the death of his daughter, a Mrs. Carr. The funeral took place on Friday las'. A little son of the deceased lady, Emerson, has bean living with his grandparents here and attending school. He accompanied his grandfather to Capreol. A monster garden party will bs given by the Woman's Institute, on Saturday, July 19tb. Supper will be served from 5 to 7 p. m. (new time). Three gocd baseball teams will play. Tug of war between naarvied and single men. Racing and other sports for which prizes will be given. Games to start at 3 p. m. Admission 40 and 25c. Proceeds for memorial. Mrs. W. I. Henry, Sec- Trew.- There was a verj large crowd of people at Markdale on July 12, and the affair webt off very nioely. The business people thero took in a lot of money, buf there is a hint from soma of the Orange- men that they kept it all aid did not put any out for the prices which were aiUverlised. The baseball match was one of the best aeeo around here for some time. The contest was between the Power House and Flesherton, the former winning bv two runs â€" score 11 to 9. This Sunday auto visiting is becoming a genuine hardship in many cases. We have In mind a cai,e where one woman was obliged to gee meals for eleven Sun- day visitors, and as a result her Sunday rest was an unksown quantity. How long can a woman stand that sort of thing >. If it keeps up everybody will hove to purchasfl tenta and take to the ikll timb*rs over Sunday, where their long lost friends cannot find them, but coDveoiently to town si that they can sneak in by hack streets when the church bells ring. Otherwise the women folk will have to keep on washing dishes instead of attending the church services. Reany-MacPhail The home of Mr. and Mrs, Donga'd MacPhail, 3r(l Cull. Arteiuesi.i, wnu tie scene of a quiit weddiLg on Wednnsday, July t), when their becond daughter, Ofrtha, became ih'j bride of W. Mere- dith Reany, son of J. W. and the !ate Mrs. Reany 1 1 Port Elgin. The bride entered the parlor on the arm of her father, weuirin;^ a baiin cbai <ieuse dies* carrying a shower ljou>|uei of white, aid took her place lieniue the groom, while the wedding n'urch whs ben g played by Mr. Bob Biack, cou.'^in cf the bride. The marriage was performed by the Rev. .). Matbesoi) til Mono Mills, until very recently of Pticeville. After the cere- mony lunch was served to the iinined.ate relatives who witnessed the c<-rHm>iny. Mr. and Mrs. Reany lett on the at'ter- noun train for Belleville ar.d Montreal, the bride wearin;? a suit of Navy French serge with geoi^ete blouse and leghorn hat. Amonij the ni^iiiy handsome gifts was a mink cape, tue uift of the proora. On their return they will reside in Southampton, Ont. Victoria Corners Mr. Stevens, rr., and Mr. Joe Stevens and daughter, of Tillsonburg, visited the former's son, Albert. Mr. Scevens, Sr., is remaining fur a time. Miss Beiyl Heuuie of Dnanore is visiting at James Best's. Mr. and Mrs. Jiiiiies ^LudluW visited Mr. Ludlow'o mother at Shelburne. The neighbors luts^ly enjuyed the celebraticns on Saturd^iy al Markdale. In the absence of uur minister, whiie on his holiday, the Sunday service waa taken at Inistio^e by ihe Epnoitb League. The topic was ably taken by Miss Marjory Achsson. A reading was given by Johnny Dune n, " Keeping the Sabbath." .A. very appropriate solo was rendered by Miss EJca Acheaon. r NEW MUSIC STORE I bare opened up a Masic Score iu the Old Armstrong Block, wbere 1 will carry a complcie stock of Columbia Grafonolas and Records, Imperial OrafoDolag, Gerrard Hointziuau and New- combe Pianos, and bheet Music. C<ill aud let us sliow you our stock. We feci sine you will be pleased. "I Bob Cook Complains Bob Cook has uutered a complaint with the Oraugeville Sun that the people are not keeping the promises they made to the boys befura they went to pght the Hun. Bob's kick is that he applied fur the overseership of .i Dufferin c unty good roads job and failed to eec ir, and he feela aora over the fact that promises made to soldiers are treajed as scraps tf paper. Bob want to Fran,ce and fought in the front trenches until ha was blown up with shrapnel. The scars on his face and a mutilated right hand, once so powerful and nii^hiy, are abuut all Bob has to show a grateful country for what he made out of the war. Last Friday, between C and 7 pm. fire broke out in a building nt the rear of the home of Colin McMillan, Dromore, and inspite of steps to stay its C( uist the fine hrick rssideuce was destroyed, also harness shop, furniture store room and hearse nrar by. The loss is i heavy one as an insurance uf j;^)00 will not begin to cover the loss on the valuable prop- eity. Other buildings near by were in much danger and their safery had to be strenuously fought for. The origin of the lire is not clear, but a supposition is that it sprunx from children playing with matchesâ€" Review. " To the glory ot God and iu loving memory of eight Teeswater boys who save their lives for iheircuntry in the great war of 1914-18 " â€" thui reads the inscriptiod on a tine maiblo memorial tablet which has been erected in the vestry of Knox Church. Treswater ; aa a tribute from the living to its heroic dead. il J. H. HALES (Old AsMStRONo Block Flesherton, - Ont. u Magnet Cream Separators S<{uare gears â€" no tiction ; double supported bowlâ€" cannot rr>cl'; perfect skimmer â€" one piece : easy to turn a child <Hn operate; cipacit> chanae â€" saves the buyer $60.00 ; p.itent brake- "Magnet,' patent ; striinw'. rijjid c 'nstructioii â€" inechani:aliy crrect ; sanitary strainerâ€" germ proof ; easy to cleau â€" a child cleans it in » few niinutcc. G. B. Welton Flesherton. Ont. Aluminum Ware Best For Cooking Purposes It does not chip, Hake, rust nor corrode. Cootcs evenly and does not scorch readily. Bright and handsome, anornauient for any kitchen . Particu- 'arly suitable for wedding present-s. We are showing a complete assortment. Tea Kettles from .$:i.r)0 Preserving Kettles from ^2 '2.') Lipped Saucepans from $ i.'2o Cereal Cookers $2.7-') Tea Pots from $.?.25 Covered Saucepans from $1.50 Double Boilers '$:5.50 Pudding Dishes from 75c. Water Pails from $2. "25 Pie Plates, Muffin Pans, Dippers. Cups, Bread Pans. SALMON SPECIAL A good sound salmon, pound tins, fully guaranteed. Just the thing for sandwiches or salmon loaf for the picnic season Special 23c. per tin. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO J^2^^ FURNITURE 1' I I I i All kinds ot turniture iu our showrooms. Call and see | (n our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large | l! range of prices tc suit your pocket book. i Phone 30 r 11 | i iiiri^ UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day W. H, BUNT Flesherton, Ont. iiL=. New Bakery For Flesherton Having purchased the bake shop in Flesherton I have fitted up the same and am now pre- pared to cater to the public iu first class Bread, Buns, Biscuits and Pastry. My Rreatest effort will be to please tl;e public, and your custom is respectfully solicited. F. Pinder, Prop. =,-=Jn=i,=Jl^'^ â- T. SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers iilectlic and gasoline power washers . ; ALSO for McCorniick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford duuble geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills, Bea'ty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when tit.ted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. ,1 >> Chard & Fisher losurance Ageats Flesherton, . Ont. Life, Fire, Automobile Animal Insurance. and Renfrew Machinery and Mason Bisch Pianos For Sale. \V Office I.v k RICHARDSON BLOCK (S(.fi,LY'.s Oli> Stand) Farmers Attention I Make moBey in yonr spare time \ during the coming Fall and Wintet ; months by soiling Lardy Canadian I nursery .stock. British and European markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is the time to order for spring planting. FALL TERM OPBNS SEPTEMBER 1st at Canada's Best School of Business OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Calendir free. C A FLEMING. F. C. A.. Principal. 0. D. FLEVIING. SeorHarr. (Vlention this paper when writing) For Service One pure nred Shorthorn Bull onliit :J0, con, ".». Artemesi*. Terms $150f. r 9. grade Must be paid within 9 months data fromcf service. au.l9. -R.O.TURNER. Tenders Wanted Tenee's wanted for paiating school house in S. S. Nj. (5. .Xrteaiesia, inside, wood wcrk outside. â€"GEO. MELDRIM. Sec, Treas. R. K, No. I, Ciylou. Ont. OaretuUy Corrected Each Wee Butter 39toO .â- Â» Bugs 42toO 4» Wheat .". . . 2 00 to 2 11 Peas 1 40 to 1 50 • ^ata 70 to 75 Barley 78 to 80 Largest list of Fruit and Orns mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, eto. grown iu Canada. Write for particulars. Stonft & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. (Established 18.37.) TORONTO . ONTARIO I BOAR for SERVICE I Purebred Tamworth Bo<>r for service on lot 107. S W T aad S E., Artemesia . Terms â€" (1.50. ' ( Febl5 9 -T.J. STINSON.Prop. -. JW=

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