/ gk^\\tti0n Vol 39, No. 7 Fleslierton, Ont., July 17, 1910 More Glenelg Barns Fall to Incendiary Two more barns liavQ been burned in Glehelg. On SundHy nuTuing nbout 2 o'clock, Jerry McKay's harn, iM.e of the largest in (JU-neli;, im iil KJ, cuii S, was 61 t on liie ami buiiied to tlie (jruund. Constable Cook was immediately notitiid by telephone and went at xiicu- 1 1 the eceno. He fornied a party on ditt'erent lots and proceeded to look for tracks, which they found near the barn. The tittck was of onH man who came aid went ill the same diiectioii. (jnok, J. MacKiaey, G. Campbell and others followed the tracks throuijh tield and bush for two and a half miles, which was no joy trip I hi uuijh the loni^ Kmas and bushes wet wltli dew. Three of the meu dropped out after fulluwit.^ 1\ miles. Uook aud McKay followed to ihe end. There will be something doiny in the near future. The lots is a big one, the season's hay crop beini; destroyed. On Monday motning another hara was set on tire belongiiii' lo Mrs. Connelly, <5lh con. Glenelg, and burned tn tho ground. This makes six incendiary lirts sines the end of April as follows : Hugh Firth's barn burnt April 22. John ()'Neil'» barn bur.it May 24. John Beaton's barn burnt June 7- Patrick Flaley's barn burn< June 28 Jerry MacKasey's barn burnt .luly 13 Mrs. Connelly's barn burnt July 14. DUNDALK Thtre's lot.s of rags in this district. S, Goldman, thu junk dealer, shipped away on Monday twelve tons of this commod- ity. This is probably an evidtnoe of prosperity rather tlian poverty. Captain Doui^las McAlister, V. S., who returned from overseas, i.s openiiig up a veterinary ohics in Duudulk. Capt. McAlister ie a graduate of the Toronto Veterinaiy College and was in the 'Veter- inary Corps in Friuco. Roy Rowe, the implement aijeiil, met with a bad misfortune on Thuradiyof last week when he fell from the peak of the bar.i acThos. Ludlow's, 14tli con., Pioton. He wa< pulled up by lope and pulley to fix the hay fork and 'rack which needed repairs. By some means tho rope became detached letting him f ill to the barn tioor a distance of about thirty feet, fclis leg was broken at tlie auklo and be will bo .laid up for some wejka m what is usually tho agent'.s busiest eeasoD uf the year. The Herald's attention has been culled to recent thieving from autos in UundalU. One miin had a jack and a pair of pliers tiken Saturday. Another had a fairly good tire taken by a boy from his garage and sold to a junk dealer for .'Ju ciiits. The boy will probably be tauyht a lesson at the hands of the law. â€" Ueia'd PROTON Intended for Last Weik We extend a very hcirly welcome to Messre. Dalton Corbttt and Uuncnn McNicoll, who returned last week fmm overseas. Proton hasnuico more all her boys back. Miss Wilina Tnlfoid of OranueviTo cilled on friends in town. On yundav last Uev. Mr. blnckwell preached an imprtssivu Orange sermon t) Proton and Inislione lodges. A union choir assisted in Ihe service. Mis.s Louie Kooine of Toronto visited w th hir parents here. MiUU'..d Binuid aud pupil, Marion Wr'ght, have tried Ihtir music exams, the foiiiiur her junior «nu tho latter her piidiaiy. Wo wish both girls the best of suciuss. Mrs. Carl Whitney and babe, who have been visiting the former's paiental houiP, returned to Toronto last week. Oh for a Ford 1 Kvrn though tho o'laufJeur were an amateur, anythins< would be better than a stationary Chev- rolet ul .supper time. Mr. D. J. Bienmun is going about with his left arm in a si n;; as a result of a littli! scrap he had with a two year o'd heilet Uat Thursday evening, On going iiitij the .stall of tho stable adjoining tho slaujjhier house, the beifei, which was tied with a chain, made a lunge at Mr. Biomann aud caught him in tho I iiinavh, l)iiwling him over. The heifer tramped on bini, and when ho was getting away, bunted hiiu into the wall} breakiiu his 1> ft forearm. â€" Post. PORTLAW Intended for Last week Haying will bo general this week. Crops of all kinds »ro looking well.ihankb to the copious rains. Mr and Mr.s. Middleton wf Toronto are visiiinsi with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Shier. Mrs. E»gle nave a very inierosiing and inspiring talk uii Missions last Sunday during Sunday school. The Oia'iKemen of the fourth hue lodge attended Mount '/.'uu church on Sunday and listened to a good sermon, which, although particularly addressed to then), was much appreciated by all. The members of the lodga are mostly young men and they presented a good appearance at the service. Mrs. Duckley and daughter of Winni- peg are vititiny the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McNeviu. Mr. Archie Fisher has sjld his farm to Mr. Joseph Shiur »nd will probably remove in the near future to the vicinity of St, I'homas. Mr. and Mrs. E Montgomery ol To- ronto motored up aud aio vIsitiuL' at F- Thompson's. S. Pedlar haa purchased a new Chev- rolet car, and T. Phillips has invested in a new Baby Grand. Mrs. Wm. Fisher, sou Harry aud F. Plantt and wife motored to Owen S'.und last week. This Week's Iteuja Mrs. R. Hannah was dewn to Toronto last week on business in connection with the st(.re. Miss Lillian Morton has been sulfering several ntttcks of : fippeudicilis. An operation his been decided upon to take plate on Tuesday, which we all hope may prove successful, Mr. .\lbeit Haiiey, wife and two dnughters of Toronto, are visiting wi'h Centre L'ue friends. Mr, and Mrs, J. .). Little and Mrs. (Rev.) Ciaudm visited at Hoaihcote las"^ weak. Mrs. R. Allen and two children are visiting for some weeks at her father's home in Toronto. Mrs. R, Cornbeld and diughter of Weyburn, •Sask., are visiting at Mr. Jus. Cornlield's, Wensis. George and Harry tt'isher wtnt to 'i'oioDto last week aud the former brouijht home a Ford car. Mr. W. J, Love is haviiif^ ;t well drill- ed. Mr, Boamthh is doing tho job. Mtfsrs, Herb and Albeit Walker uf '.)ih Line, Kuphrasii, visited with Port- law friends recently. The Epworlh League conducted tlu; service in Mount Zitn church on Suud"y and those who ti ok pait HCijuittcd lliein- selvea very creditably. We oniiited ill an eailier budget to meniiun the fact that Rev. and Mrs, Eigle have la'-teu up their residence in this part. We all welcome them and hope that their stay here may prove '' V ery plee; ant one. CEYLON Mrs. Coloraan and Mr. D. Coleman and friona of Owen Suuiid motored down and spent tho 1st of the week at -Mis. V. CoUlasou's. Several cable messages Ituve been received from Brainshott Cani|), Knglani', by Mrs. P letcber mi Stone's Lino rej^ard- iiig the serious illoeaa of her eon, Capt, Roy Fletcher, Wo Impe f.ir a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Kiaiik I'lrick letuined Friday to their homo in Chvelund after a pleasant t'u'oe week's vitit with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mis. J>,hu Melia. Mr. Thomas Genoe attended tho funeral of his cousin in Tuiunto on T.iursd.iy last. Cereal and H,u';)ld Wiiuht of Wiii);lirtin are holidaying with their uncle, Fred Wright. Mrs, John Wright and little daughter fpent a couple uf days visiting Mrs. Geo. Boyce and other friends. Mr. and Alr.s. .lames Patterson iiiid two sons motored to Torouto Salmday aud spent the week end there. Miss Willa ilcLeod ot Toronto is spendinu her vacation under Ilia parental roof. Mrs. AlcKiy a.id babe ot' Toronto aie holidaying at Mr. Frank JoUinaon's. Mr, and Mrs, Tennyson and babe returned to Toronto after a week's holiuays with Mr, ana Mrs. .) Curumin^'> MissLoltio Muir left: last week for her home in Toronto. Mrs. 1" letchiili; and Mis, .Abbott and dtUKhter, Berth I, who have been visit- ing ai Mr. D. Wydeman's, left Monday for their hunio in Klinwo id. Miss Southnttle, who has been a visitor of Mrs. Roy Piper, relumed on Monday to the city. Lieut. .Austin McMulIen ruturned to t le city on Mor'day after a week's holi- day with his parents, Pte, Joe Oliver and bride ai rived la t* week from overseas lo visit his parenls. .\ reception was liiveii Mondciy evening at Mr. Jas. Turin r's tor him. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sarsient and two little sons of Owen S .und spent tho week end with i lie former's parents hero . Mr. U. Sinclair and .Missus T.-na aid Minnie uf Toronto were cullers in town tho 1st of »he week, Mrs, H. Benneil and daughters, Ethel aud Mi!dred, and a fr.end motored up (I'om Sholl.'urno and spent 1st of week tailing mi their old neighbois. Misses Mary and (ieor^ina McLauglilan Si.ont tho week end with friends in Euphrasia, Narrow Escape From Death (Frum Tho Meaford .Mirror) A serious automobile HCJideiit occurred at th â- Hiiucher s r. ot rail way ero-.sng about live o'clock Tuesday evening by which Alics Elsie Bennett, on'y daughter of Dr. Bennett, sustained serious and painful iiijurios which will eoi.tine hei to •jhu hou-e for so:ne lime. Miss Bennett in compaiiy w'lli Miss E sio Brown was drivnii; liei tailur's cir along Biucber stietl in an easleily dir- ection just as a G, T, R loconmlive was Lacking down t > the station cfter t.tKinj; a "haui" of cars up tile lull. The young lidios appaiently failed to s e the engine approaciiing uiit.l tli<;y «eio within a few foet of tho tr.ick, when Mii-s Blown ju iipo I out of the auto on th^f right side aud furiuiiilely escaped witliu,,' injury. Miss Beiiuett in the exc tenieot of the m 1111111 appvrcntly tonc'ird ih^. wroi g 'ever, which c.iusai the auto to stall on the 'lack, Shu juinp.-d to the loft side, but in doinn to her dre»s cm^ii in ibo hind wheel of the auto, and as the e^ii'lne s ruck ibe cjr s-quaro in thj jeotro, her right le>» became pinned between the auto and the rail, and she ani the auto Were sh ived along the track fur severa' rods. M iss Bi nnett. however, had the pnaenceof mind to hold f.isi to the fender and by s" doing she sived hoisel from being criijlirfd to death by tho wheels of tlu locotrotive. The engineer, uu nolicini; the autrj approaching, applied the lipikos, but too late to avert the accident. Mr. tjourgo Jook, wlij happened to be working npir by, ran to Miss Benueti'o assistattce, aiid with tho a'd of one of the railway men puled her out from under the ear. She was bleeding from an ugly wound on hir right leg .ibovo the knee, another mi her ri^iht arm, while her left shuulder was torn and bnii.sed, but no bones Were broken. It re<|Uired ihiity st:tclies to close iho wound in ihe leg. Strange 'o relate. Miss Ijeiinetl d;d not lo.-'e con- sciouiiless and was able to walk lu the street with ut assistance. Miss B bluet's cundiiion is such as to warrant h ,ies for a .speedy recovery, provided no uu. te.ir- ablesymptuins duvelo|i. The aiitmuohilu w.is badly wreckot'i One bido was smabhed beyond r.piir, the front and lund wheels beiiu; wiei di- ed ull'al tho axles and ymund almo.t into splinters, while lliu seats wore tiuii i If and t'lrown to mie .»^ide. fhe eiiume aluiio remained intac. FINE JEWELERY Come ill and see our fine largo stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, auti wlieu you have seen tlicm juu will be sure to bit)'. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A lull line of r.liolograpliic supplies Iiiclinlin<,' (levolo))ing powders, printing I'lamep, dark liuitenis, all sizes of koJacks and lilins. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT- Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" (iEO. W. UOSS, O.proy Tei, system Maxwell P. O. FEVERSHAM The farmers are all busy at the hay and A fair crop is being h;;rvostod with first class we» her to sava it, Mr, Will, McGirr ct (^ookslown is visiting with his Lrothur, Kobeit in this village. Mr. and .Mrs. Brownridtio spent Sun- day with their dau(.liier, Mrs. Sherman Uttewoll. on tho 10th line. Mr, Heib Perigo of Toronto visited with his brother, Ira, here last week, Emnursou Osboine ha? returned from CoUingwoud, where he has been for the past few weeks. .Messrs. Will, am llawton and .lames ; Buckingham of Codinuwood paid our I village a visii on Monday last, I Mr. Chas, Uudson ot Collingwnod j visited with his lister, Mrs. (jeo. Julian, j 'ast Week. Mr. and Mrs. L^Blie Poole visi^. 'd at I Mr Geo, Sayers last week. j Mr. K 8. .McGirr is on the sick list at j present. Wo hope to hear of his .speedy iccove.y. I Kenneth Kailtimr, second son of Mr, ' Wm. Kaitling, is recovering from a s«vcro attack of pDcuinonia. L 0. L No, 1065 celebrated the 12il« ki Cullingwvjd tins yisr. PRICEVILLE < lur village trustees are improviuir 8)1110 ot the stroels with grader and also g'vinn tliein a good eout uf ^,'ravel. vVe undcr.stand that the S uidard Biiik will put in a branch bete ri«i t away. It Will be bciled in I ho Mc.-Xr- tliur biiiidiHi! opposi.o the hulel. Tliis is what tho pj-.plo uf the disliic. have been wi^llin^ for, so now don't foryct lo support it. Profess r Berl and .Mis. ]iu^s uf the city ar.- holiday guest.s if Mr. aiui .Mi.t, D. McLichlan. Mrs. Gibs in id 'I'orunto is visiting lur father, L)r. Mclntyte. Louise Watson, teacher at Eugenia, is holiraying at home hero with hi-r mother and other relaliv-s. Real Kdato Deal-The Braitliwaite house and lots lUi Uiuliam street weie put up at auction last week, 'I'lia bidding was brisk, lut one cf the Kirstedi Bros, secured it. This ni a nicj prr perty for a residence. ,A meinori.il service was held in the Preidjyterian church last Sunday moin- Irig for Pte. Mcintosh, who was leiiuu ly wounded at the front and lay in the hospital many months, and at last ilied at Liverpool, Eniland on his way hutne. There was no service in tho Methodist church last Sunday morning, in onlcr that tho cjngregation miuht altorid the memorial service in tho oilier church. Mis. Kat« McDonald lost a valuable cow week before last, nhich slipped on <• side hill and broke her thigh bone and had to bo killad. Toronto Line North We ar,' y'ad fj see liitlo Miss L'lola Lever buiiie after her o|i ration for apondicitis, Mifs (ji r rudo Lever spent tho pit t.vo weeiis wiili Eugenia and East Mi iiii- ta n fi lends. S. Henry uf Maikdale, ncconipaniod by Mis, E. Le>6T if Turonlo. vi.siiod friends ;ii this vicinity, Mrs. MctntyrB and tw i sons of To- ronto ate visiiiriL; •villi the fojnier's brother, Mr. R. Rcl.aidson. Quito a number fioiii sruuiui lieio celcbriud ilio Two fill in ALirkd-.lu. Misses Agnes and Flinenee Whi e uf MarUdaio spent Uu past wook wi.h M ss Ida Lever. Miss Ida U.^borne [of Mi.xwoU visilod with tier Ci usin, .Miss .\manda Slewurl, llaruld Lever vititei' (hv^n Suiiiid friends. C. Mtirliu and wife of East Mounti n visited tho lalier's parei.iai home. MARKDALE Dogs got into troublj on the east b.iek line recently, killing and worrying sheep, and one do^ cot into fun her tioultlu I'y beini! unatile to es.:tipe a f.it..il shot. A pretty woddiiii; was i,iiielly selemn- ized in Toronto on VVodiiesiiay uvcnini;' July 2iid, by tho Kev. J. MeP. S<ott, when Miss Kathboi McGrutty, of Toronto, became the biilt of Mr. Cirrol E Waldenof M*ikdde, Mr. J. U, Armstrong leturned on Friday last from a three weeks trip and visit to tho Cmiidiin West, Ue reports Dr'ghi prospects for an abundant crop tn Manitoba, while in Sa.okatcheiran the outlook is very poor in placo.s, med.u'ii in others and real go.,d in some dUtric's. â€" S andaid House of Quality FRES H GR OCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED Vetches, Buckwhe.it, Siberian .Millet andlots of Dwai'f Krisex Rd\)e. Seed, aUo corn in variety, including Coiiiptons Early. Also Hungarian (rrass > eed and Pii,' Feed, Alsu a <|uaiititv of Binder Twine which we are selling at a .special price. Car Load Of Salt Coming, Sold By Barrel or Otherwise. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flcshcrton, - Ontario rKTlui? '' â- â-¼â- '^^ ."â-¼: , "â-¼â- ^ ^^ 'â-¼' -^r -^r- -â-¼- [^ .•- -v ^' -1- •-â- • • - 'I- - •--. â- -â- -- > I ! I il y Ladies of Flesherton and Vicinity Don't bo two years btliiiiJ tlie tiaios. rite milliuery season is right on now and -Mrs. Wright, with leu seasons' oxperieneo iu ilm Millinery Business and spending a term each season in Toronto .-selooliiig an iip-to-tlate stock, can show you what is up to-date aud becoming. No old stock loft over. Everything new and up-to-date. .1 ust give us a call aud see for yourselves. Prices ri^ht accoiding to quality. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. r M! i ,; W. L. WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton 1 «: 1 . -. » , m .â- . m ,^ m ! ' i ^ |,l m , m m m a, â- ), -. Farm For Sale i A ,")!) aero faun Iiir .sale on tho Bisl Back Line, Aiteniaaia, or.l Jianne, norlli ' half of lot I. "l-i. On ;;tbe premises there j IS a aood frame iutn 40 .\ 50 feet ; a i small f .inie houfo ; a good drilled well; i h''ii house. For particulars apply on j prunisos, J H HOLLEY, Flc-horton Heifer Strayed .\bout the la.si wi-el; in Ai>ril, an all red heifer with a little wliilo bo-] t ween her fronl. legs!, aud in calf â€" 'J years old, It'iiider please notifyâ€" T. 'jilliiand, Eiigeuia P. O, NOTICE Cusioni chopping Ttiesdays, 1 ' davs and Saturdays only duriii_- o uiouths of May, ,lunouud July â- • iug of lumber and shingles, "p... g done to order ou other days. <i yotu- liooVingaud house furnii; (-9 ot â€" O, A. WATSON & SONS, Box 169, Pricovillo, Out. A\\\ u'.i Bull For Service Thorou^libred Siiortiioru \i,\ Ijt 5, con. lli, (">sprey. IVnn â€"DAVID HOBBrJ^.-i