f /lesh^rt^n $..*- -^1^ Vol :39, Xo. 5 Flesherton. Dnt., -July '3. 19lf> I, I 1 if A \u 1 Cl: V <- Premier Hearst And Politics At Eugenia The big political picnic at Eafl;enia un Thursday Ust was attended liy between two and three thousand p.-np,e. In the forenoon a convention was held t'f representatives from all parts of the riding when Hon. I. B Lucas was a^^in choeen aa the Conservative Ktandard bearer for Centre Grey. The convention adopted an iunuvatio:i in this ct^ie by appointing lady vioB president^ for the various townships. Mrs. J. .4. Kernahan of Feversham w*a appointed for Osprey and Mrs. A. E Myles ior Eaphrasia. The complete list haa not baeii handed us for publication. At the afternoon picnic in the new Hydro Park between two and three thousand people were present, with Meaford band, an Owen Sound bajd and Jules Brazil, the humorist, to aiuase and entertain tba crowd. Those w^ho spoke from the pavilion were Sir Wm. Hea.st, Hon. I. B. Lucas, Uon. Dr. Jamieson, Hon. H J. Cody, C. S. Cameron, M. P. P., and W. D. Cargill, M. P. P. The premier occupied an hour in delivering a moat eloquent address coverin"» the work done by his government since it came into power. Hia object had been to maintain the traditions of Sir James Whitney's idiuinistration. Amona: the most important points touched were that of his action in givint; the women votes on account of the way they ha(i woiked durint! (he war and the way they had evidenced " executive ability, good sense and untiring zeal; " good roads, the temperance measure, provincial tinanoea and hydro development. Speak- of what Outarit had done in the wir he said : "Out of 43'J,6<JU Canadian enlistments uptot^ct. ai, 1917, when the Military Service Act came into jperation, Ontario had contributed 191, C2y. With about 31 per cent, of Canada's population, the province had given over 43 per cent, of all the recruits. It had supplied half the money for different war pui poses, and nearly half the war loans had been raised iu this province. Ontario had taxed itself one mill on the dollar for war purposes. By this means a fund of S8,000,COO had been raised and the gov- etnment had already expended Sl,o(W,- 000 more ihau the revenue thus oblaiued for war purposes. " This was the first time that Premier Hearst has favored this distiict with his presence, and he produced a most favor- ^'.ile inipresiiion on his hearera. Many of the older people at this func- tion were iu a reminiscent mood, their thouglits'going back, as ihey gazed on the hundreds of autos parked all over the village, to the days not so very loiiu ago, when they I'love a few miles lo political lueetiugs with the old ox feam, later with the horse and buggy, but now they come from forty and fifty miles around m their s;as cats as easily, and ([Uickly as they came five or six lutles in t'le old days of sixty years ago. The big political picnic was a success, notwithstanding the fae; that Jupiter Piuvius aticiupted to put a damper on it the '.lay before and again on the morn- ing of Thursday. In the afternoon the clouds rolled away and ^ave everybody a pleasant journey homo. PRICEVILLE Weather 'luite cool over end of last/ week, but vegetation Is much improved by tho recent fine showers. A number of politicians were anxious tor fair weal ht^r durina their rally at Hydro Park, Eugenia, last week, and at the same time a multitude of farmers were more desirous of rain than any other blessing. The politicians saera- iogiy failed to propitiate their weather god, and down came the rain Thuriday. As we were going down Townline st. south one evening last week we noticed a fine y-junu team and nice buggy coming over the Beaver creek bridge, and the next minute we were chatting with Harry Morrow of the Xorth Line, who was returning from driving a visiting relative over to other friends on the South Line. With such a comfortable driving outfit a small farmer need ecarce'y wish for a car. John Stothart has men and teams working on the seveial streets within the villakie corporation. F. Lipperc of Wa.kertoa was here laec week cuttinii names on soma granite monumeiit.s and give orders for the placing of two cement foundations in the new cemetery, on which ha will erect monuments in the course of 4 or o weeks' time. S. H. Rutledge and assistant came up from Shelboriie on Friday ot last week with a motor truck aad erected a nice grinite mouumeut in Geo. A. Watson's plot, new cesietery. Mr. and Mrs. Payne of New York state have been visiting witii her sister, Mrs. .\rchie 5Ic.\rihur, and other friends for a few weeks. Mate Conkey. civil engineer, is takiiic a few holidays at home with bis mother and brother Robert. .\ number of pupils from surrounding school seel ions are here this week at- tending Eutiance exaius. Mr. Holland of Flesbtrton is presiding examiner. DUNDALK ROCK. MILLS Quite a number from here attended the picnic at Eugenia last Thursday aiic' all report a good time. Mrs. Root. Clark and Mrs. S. Phillips spent a week «i h relauves it Palmei- stjn. Mrs. Thoa. Beits spent a week with her son. Edgar, of ihe 8ih line. Barney Field has been laid up with neive trouble. We hope to hear of a speedy recovery. Mrs. Frank Tayior spent a faw days the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mrs. Frei Bunt of Toron'o visited recently with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. Mr. and Mr.s. Darg.-kvel visited recently with ihe former's parents at Dornccb. C. L. Jacobs of Sudbury called on friehds here last week. Mr. and Mrs. C Meldrum jf Toronto are holidaying with the lalter'a parents here. The school children here presented their teacher, Miss Thurston, with a beautiful silver biscuit cruet, on Friday afternoon at the jlosa of school. Mabel Betts read theadiHess while Delia Fisher made the presentation. Miss Thurston was greatly surprised but made a neat reply, ihankingihe children for their kindness, after which a dainty lunch was served by the parents. Mias Thurston has taught here for the paat three years and has made iniiiy warm friends here during her stay. Don't forget the big <jarden Parly a": S. Phillips' on July '.ird. Koy Phillips of Toronto is spemling a few diy^ with h.s inulher, Mrs. John Phillips. KIMBERLEY Markdale Orange Celebration .\rrangement8 are well in hand by the Markdale celebration committee for a successful 12th July demonstration. Public speaking io lo take place in Kinif Edward Park after dinner, followed by a baseball giine between the Hydro Power Home and Fleshcrtou teams. Then a big parade of automobiles three times around the track, live prizes being oH'er- odfortl^e best decorate^ auto.s, dvo, ifour, ihico. two and oiie dollar, entrance lee to this 2.">. . Instead of a "Tag Day" in behalf of the Orange Orphanage Homo Pucd an tntrancrt fee of 25c. will b» charged to the park Lodges in parade and children under 11 to be admitted l)"fre«, tho net proceeds to go lo tho Orphanage Fund. Prizes are offered of - f3 each tor lhc> lodge couing furthest' tho lirgest I'^dge, the test dressed lodg.-, tho i3eit fife and dium nni&ic and tlMi^iM-'>t mi! ,'iy niArchin:; lodge, fttuiiid' I ',. .ilk band, also Hall llro>. iiid Me- lX>n.aIA Pipers. Duui."alk DrimUio .Socioty furnidhi-s the euterluinment iu ihecf^uiug. The site for tue new Anglican Church in Dundalk has been purchased from W. T. Rundle consisting of tJO-foot frontaue on .\rlemesi,i Street next co Dr. Mc- William's residence property. Deer appear to be pleiititul around Dundalk this summer. A t Ventry two tine animals were seen a short lime ago. John Ritchie, a: the east side of the vi lage, was surprised Ou going lo the barn the other iiiorning to find a deer in the enclosure wiih his calves. It was probably Ihe same animal that was seen Ly various farmers on the outskirt3 of tho town. .-V fine dec." crossed over D. .Armour's farm near Badjeros tho other diy. The copious showers of Thursday night of last wc:k cooled oft' I he ait and re- freshed the luiisty land, but the lii^ht- iiiug which accompanied did quite a lot of damage. H. C. Claridge of this village had a valuable cow killed estimat- ed to bo worth §125 to SloO. S. Mc- Cul'ough's aram warehouse was sluick bnt the damage was slight. S. Cornett lost a horse which wag covered by lusuiauce. John C. Mc.Millen's bain at Bethel was s;ruck and i cow and two pins w.-rc killed. Jas. McMillan was in the barn milking at the time and was stunned by the shock. All eight cows iu the place were knocked down in the stalls. Wo understand tlie stock was insured. Tho building was roddcd and it is supposed this prevenl.-d further destiiiclioii to the premises.â€" Herald. EAST MOUNTAIN, Luxuriant growth. School has cloied here for the holidays acidour teacher has gone to his home. Mr. J. J. Patterson of Ceylon gjienl a few days at C. M irtin's. Mrs. Alexander of Thorobury i-t visit- ing with her brother, Mr. Hi. VValion. A, number fioni hero took in tb« monster pcnic at Eugenia .iiKi rc^ioit a good time. Mc. Humborstoiio had a veiy success- ful barn raistag on Friday last and gave a parly lu the evi»iiiug, when all enjoyed nut'Kcs, tripping I h,> light fnnt;i "stieps. Mrs. John Hunter of Clarksburg has sold her lot iu the vi'.lage to George Hutchineoii. A branch of the Merchants' bank has been opened iu our town with Mr. Smith of Tliainesville in charge. Mr. and Mrs. .Arnold Ferguson and two children of Thornbury visited at J. Caiiiack's one Uay last week. VV'e are sorry to lose Sir. and Mrs. John Kawcvtt and family frim: tne " Traveller's home." They are moving to theii farm northwest of the village this waek. During their siij"urn of four or five years in our midst they have earned the respect of everyone. We are sorry to report our blacksmith, Win. Ford, on the sick list with quite a severe attack of pneuinouia. We hope 1 1 soju see him around anain in his usual health. Win. rtiompson of Duluth, Minn ., is visiting at present with his sister, Mrs. .lolin Plewes. VVm. is prospering in Incle Sains doin.»ins. Born â€" On Friday, ,Iuue 27, to Mr. and Mrs. John Burrell of the 'Jth line, Euphrasia, a daughter. What are wii going to do about; paint- ing and renovating tho town hall i Ijci's get up a b:g baseball tournament and gaiden party to defray expcns.s for ihe same. The hall haa bceu an eycsorj for years. We want lo bo siHiiething nioro thaii barnacles ou tho ship of hunnii progress. Let us all work tojjcther for the good of the town. George Ball of Toronto is visriiig -it James Hill's. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Stuart, iic^ompan ied by Miss l\na Knott, wire pleasant callers lu this vicinity one day last wenk. Uarvey Lucas, uiauager of iho Alor- cllaiii's Bank, Markda'e, iiiaje a busi ue>s trip here on Siturday last. Liberal Convention At tlie South Grey Liberal Convention held in Durham recently the following ofhcers were elected : President, Dr. Huttou ; Isl Vice Pres., Mrs. J. S. Knecn-el ; 2nd Vice Pies., Hugh Mc- Callougli, Chatsiv^rtli ; 3rd Vice Pres., G. Geddes, Egreinont ; Sec. Treas., T. H. Binnie, K. R. 2, Priceville; .Auditor", Mrs. C. Rdinage, Mrs. Mcllraith. Municipality Kepresentatives: Artemeiia, Ji h.i Weber ; Bentiuc'»-, M. Jackliu ; Egrtiiiont, John Mc.Arthur ; Glenela, Jidin MeCiirty ; lloil.iiul, b". Hamilton , Noriuaoby, Henry McCmnon ; Ospiey, Wm. Norman ; Proton^ James McLean;; Sullivan, Doug. !\IcKinnon ; Dundalk, D. T. Wright : Durham, John Hunter ; Hanover, Chaa. Wii- thuni ; Markdale, I'. MuCullough ; Xeustadt, .Albert Helwig ; Flesheiton, Dr. J P. Otteweil ; Chatsworth, John Sudden. Delegates to District Associa- tion, John Mc.Arthur, M. Jackliu ; Delegates to Prov. Convention, John Hunter, (jeo.* othian, Mrs. Parke. Mrs. John McGowan ; Deleg.-ites to Dominion Convention, T. H. Binnie, John Mill.<, iHaiiover,*V. J. McLean, Walter's Balls. .Alternates, V. McCulIouyh, Doug. Mc- Kinnon, J. S. Kuechtel. The principal speaker whs Mr. W, H. Wrii.'hC, ihe defeated candidate in liie last election. The Duihain Review g ves the following sym psia of bis addrets : Mr. Wright, at this first opportunity thanked South Grey Liberals for the support accorded him in his 1!*17 cam paigu, and m this he could include many tones. " It was no election, it was legalized robbery '' was one of his stnuia statements. Real political issues were iu the background and too much of the race and religious cr es to d..scredit Laurier. He believed that at tho first opportun- ity the people would hurl from pi'wer the men who have allowed, almosi en- courayed grafting and profiteering. Though Liberals had been take.: into the goveriiuient it was still the BoiJen governiueul, still the old lariti", sui'piited by such nieu as Calder, tjuthie, K -ivell, etc , who, with tiie sole exception of Crerar seemed to have fallen on the breast of the Conservative goverumeut. in meek accord. returned soldier, Cemetery Meeting AiiMeting of the plotbolders of the Fleslierl. n ceinotu'y is hereby caled for the 8th of July It !l p.m. new lime iu (he town ball for the purpose of rccrit* ing report of cominittoo and reorganizing ot tho Cemetery Trust and for geneia businessâ€" Thoj. Clayfon, Sec. Fevez-Winters OirWed'nesday, June 2oth, by R. v. A. Mclliroy. of Cook's Pre,sbyten:in ih^rch, Toronto, Mary K,-^VVinfei-s,.c-lvU'St ii'M^iMtKtkMid. iMi's. D. WiutiM's of _^^ ^â- .^- I.- .\ ,), l-'t vvz, third .loii'ol D'evezof Stoby>.Cr«ek Uuion government was formed to c.induct the war. they had no mandate from the people lo carry on geiier.il government yet all must have uoiictd that the course of legislation was mainly along old Cciservative lines. The big issues in the uext election will be the (|U03tioii of dealing v. ith the system that makes the imlliouaires and profiteers abound. Ho welconiid the Giain Growtis' .Moveuieiit ill the we^t and the I'. F. (', in Ontario. â- li. was certain that next parliament would have many farmers in its make up, mid this was right in a coiintiy where tho basic industry w > agriculture. He doprecitcd the intio- dujing iiit 1 this democratic country, ol i world disiincliona and was glad tlis Commons had vetoed the bestowing ' f titles, yet he noticed among those voting to retain lilies was the name of Mr. Bull of Soul h lucy, who was also found voting ill the ranks of iiigh p.oleclioi • ills. He was not here, he sa'd, ai a candi dale nor even aa a prospective candidate. Hj had uolhing of hard feeling agnii st Liberals who, of the tank and file, ' u conscientious grounds h.i 1 opposed him. I'liey had righ: to change their mind if iliey saw fi', but be thought conditions .'ince then and u'W, should tee a:l Liberals once inure in the ranks of tiu" deinociacy, followina up the advaneid ideas for National progiei-s and unny always iiiHiutained by Sir Wilfrid 1 iiirier. FINE JEWELERY Come la and see our iiue largo stock of Jewelry, WatcLes, Clocks, etc. and when you Lave seen them juu will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full Hue Df Photographic supplic-.-^ Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all si/.tis of kodacks and films. S. S. No. 9 and Edge Ildl, near Dur- ham, prcsent,.>d gold medals totwtntr- one sokliois, ihree of wboitt*had givm their lives and tbo medals given to their pauuts. Th>) medals ate solid lOcaii.t gotfil. of Maltese Cross design, linked to a gold pin bar, a'so of beautiful design, ihi the bars aie engraved the words: •' $. S. No a, affd Edge Hill, " and . n the face of Itie Hied »1 ' proper, "Oieat Wat Duty, ^ *ly D..ue, 11U4-1'..U8:" 1 (Jn l"^' b*- '-• ' â- "<'-'- ci;o3s i^Nwjgttijiod the tuiiiiooCi. , fogwikcr INih hi •vh'ch -he ik- '.TTi- ir id h\ ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, ONT. Bates Burial Co. I'.rsiNKss A.s rsr.vL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hiilcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, Ojprey Tel. system Ma.xwell FTP- F House of Quality FRESH GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED Vetches. Buckwhear, Siberian Millet and lots of Dwarf E.ssex Pape Seed, also corn in v;iriety. including Comptons Early, " Also Hungarian Gra.ss Seed. Car Load Of Salt Coming, Sold By Barrel or Otherwise. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs ^nd Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flcshcrton, - Ontario r^- â- 'â- â- ''^'-I'^'^â€"y^-- '-'» -'â- I I '3 1 Ladies of Flesherton and Vicinity Don't be twe years btbind the times. The millinery season is right on now and .Mrs. Wright, With ten stasons' experience iu the llilliuery Business aiul spending a term each season in Toronto selecting a: up-to-date stock, can show you what is up lo-Jate and becoming. No old stock leftover. Everything new iiid np-todate. .lust give us a call and see for yotnselvc<!. Trioc-J right according to quality. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. i: W. L. WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton t â- ( » 4 1 â- < Farm For Sale -A 50 hCio f«tm for sale on tho t^sst r.acU Lino, .Ai tciiioiiin, ord Jniisjo, Qotth halt t.f lot 132. 0(1 'the promises there i!) n xood fmma barn 40 .k 50 feet ; a .small fnriie houfe ; a good diilled weil: hen house, for psrticuliira apply < u pifiniscs. .1 H HOLLJiy, Fleshciii 11 NOTICE Cusiom chopping Tuesdays, Ihn days and Saturdays only ifurin.^ t . months of May. June and Julv.'s.n lUg of lumber and shingles, plan -done to order ou other days. (. . your doorJDgand house farniulnire - etâ€" ; 0, .\. WATSON & SONS, I" â- < 1'''9, Priceville, Ont. Apr'2) Heifer Strayed • I wc.fliLi:! .\pril, ]^%^ !irtl«f^ite au he-' -Bull For Siervice 1 !'.! «»tf- -.'â- fictih- nl Shorilioru lUill tin- â- .' 4* <„