/ksh^rtixn ^Vol 41, No. 3 Fleslncrton; Onr, June lO, lOlO I FINE J EWELERY Bates Burial Co. Come in and see onr fine larse stock â- of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, and wheu you have seen them jun will be sure to buy^ Watcli ix- , pairing a specialty . A fall line af Photograpliic supplies , Including developing powders. BISINE-Sij AS LSLA.L Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT CEYLON printing frames, dark lanterns, all ,'j. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, sizes of kodacks and films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. President. Manager. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS. Oiprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. House of Quality FRESH GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED Vetches, Buckwheat, Siberian Millet and lots of Dwarf Essex Fape Seed, also corn in variety. includiugCcmptous Early. Also Ilunirariiui Grass fc'eed. Car Load Of Salt Coming, Sold By Barrel or Otherwise. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flcshcrton, - Ontario Ladies of Flesherton and Vicinity Don't be two years bthinJ the times. Tjie millinery season is right on now and Mrs. Wright, with ten seasons' experience in the Millinery Business and spending a term each season m Toronto selecting an up-to-date stock, can show you what is up to-date and becoming, M) old stock loft over. Everything new and up-todato. Just give us a call and see for yourselves. Prices right according to .lualiry. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. ^^1 W. L WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton Misises Ettie Cliislett and G. Sillere who have [leeu guests -it Mr. A. \v hit- takers for the past two weeky, returned to Tor into last week. Mrs. K ft. N.'«lnuerof ChlIoii Ohio, and sister Millie, sie visi-ing their p^r- ewf, Mr. and Mrs. D. Whittaker. Mrs. Islhiiit of is orval spent the past week with iier dialer, Mr.s. O . Arrow- smith. Mr and .Mr.s. Fleichin)* of Butfalo wore visitors the past wetk 'it I'. WiJe- niau's, Messrs. T. Genoe, D. McL?od, S. Mc- f^eod, Wilson and Jaiuos McMullei], C. Muir, Kuss MLMulIeii and Chsi-s. Cliislett attended the races at Walkertuu lU Friday. Mr«. Gamble and two childri'n of the west visited her c. usin, Mrs. A. SiucUir last week. Mesdames Diunick, W. Wliite, J. Mc^tllli•a ana Miss E. Whittaker were •Jelegates to the woman'a institute at Dundalk on Thursday last. Mrs. Adiir of Ro'j Hoy is visiiiii!» her d<iUi(hter, &Ir.s. R. Laushlan. Me.ssis. Jaa. McMuilen and Snoiruen McLeod left for the city Friday. Mr. Norman McLeod it, viaitius^ a few- days in the city. Mr. and I'rs. A. Sinclair and two children and Mrs. J. McMillan ni. 'toted tj Harriston an-', f.'-' 've! fjr tlie wetk end. Mr. R. Brodie ot Turnnto spent a cjuple of daya la.st week in town. Mr. U. Wideaiau and Mrs. Kletchinu of Butfilo driive to Eluiwood and .'p.-nt th.e week end with fricud.s. A \iin reception was held at (he homo of Mr. D. Harrow on Friday sveuiu!: lor Jiis twosmiJ, liuiUer aud Frank, who have recently returned from overseas. Eich of the boys were ineseu'.ed with a purse of money as a token of appreciat- ion of their services overseas. The evening being ideal a most enj'yuble time was spent. .I.J. Pattisou who has been holiday- lug under the parental roof for a fert- iTii;h' returned to the city. Miss Ella Whittaker Itf: Monday to visit friends iu the city. Mr. A. Muir and bride returned Thursday from their wedd ng irip. Moidiy eveiii.ig their many frieuda gathered at their home to shower thein niih i;ood wishes and ciauy useful articles. A very pleasant lime was spent. Wo extend congratulations. Mrs. Leslie aud son Ross of Walker- ton, vi.><ited the lirit of the week at Mr. A. McMullens. Detective Oiecr who has been in town the past week returned to the ciiy Satui- diy. Kov. Mr. Cameron of Home Mission. Toronto, louk llie service on Sabbath afternoon. Our new pastor, Mr. I'pliain will lake the service neil Sabbath afternoon DUNDALK .\ paity took .Vilan Montt;oinerys Ford car from hts garaj^e on Saturday night or early Sunday morning;. The auto was found abandoned in the church she.i at Ventry on Sunday. Hon. Dr. D. Jimieson, M.r.R, Dur- ham. WHS in to»n Monday. While calUo); ou the Herald be had a try at the typo caae. In hi» you-.h he wis an BNpeit type sttter, leaniini; ihe trade iti the Ml. Forest Uepreseiitalive olhce, and is proud to temeinoer the craft â€" Herald. ' Farm For Sale A 50 Here farm for sale ou the East i Bi>.-.-k Line, Aitemaaia, i^rd 'tange, north ihall of lot 13-. On 2' he premises there ltkai;ood frame birn 40.^50 feet; a tsniall frame houfc ; • good drilled weil; ihen house, for particulars apply on spr/.ivse.", J H HOLLEY, Fleshorton NOTICE Heifer Strayed 4b'inti the last week in Ainil, au B^ r.tl lieifer with a little white be- !-tT«ei-n hiii front legs, and in calfâ€" 2 :ais old. Kiudci' please aoiify â€" CiiUilaud, Eugeuia P, O, Cusiom choppiiii; Tuesdays. 1 liiHS days and Satwrdays only during the tnonths of May. June aud July. Saw ing of huuber aud shingles, planin" done lo order on other days. Ge't Tour ttooriugaud house furuishines etâ€" 0. A. WAT60.N & SONS, Box 160. Priccville, Ont. Al>t24th Bull For Service Commited Suicide We re,i<vet to rtport tl\e death of SVin. Dull' of Sullivan, who conuniited suiciiio late Tuesday eveuiuj; by cintinij liia throat with a razor. Wheu found by his brother, James Duff, with whom t .leceased made his home, ho was 4yiuu in a tenco corner in a lane iu a dyins; cimdition. Medical a^d was iiunudi- ately telephoned for hnt deceased pu!<ed awsy before aid could be obtained. Tho l.ite Mr. Durt' has for soiue months been sufl'eriug from rheuniRtism which is I b.'licved to have affected hia mind. The Thoroiiishbrcd Shorthorn Bull on , ^e Mr. Durt was •! a. quiet disposition lot 5, con. 12.0sprey. Tmas 2. | ,„u ,.„ h.ved aud ren-eoled by M hi. itDtancesâ€" Chatsworth Xows. Terms 2. â€"DAVID KOBERX8 EUGENIA Pte. Wilson, just returned from France, sp^nt a week a": the home of Mrs B. Wilson. Pte. Ted Plantt. another soldier just iclurntd tiuiii overseas, lias been the guett of Mi's. Thom^a McGee. Alex. Hoy baa purchaaed a Que driver A pre.'entatioo on Frid.iy evening last at the home of Mr. Hopper was lareety attended. Mr. Ernest Hipper, another of our brave boys, who has just return'^d hone, was piesen'id with an adcrtss tf welcome arid appreciation of service, toeether with a gold waich and Bible, by. the ptoph- of Euijenia ani the 8lh iine. Everyoi.a was glad tu welcome Ernie home ilajjr aud Mrs. Sharp h:ivc returned to their ho.iie in Tocoulo nftcr spendiru u month at Eviu'' nil. iinests at the Mun- shaw House. We are giaii lo tepoil Mi.-'.'s Eta La'.i- mer much improved in health. Mr. Win. Walkt-r we.u to TorcDto last week to cnsul: a speciaiii', »u i Mis. Walker aeconipinied h:ni. Mr. Waiktr has been suti'crinft with bicnchi&l trouble for seme lime and hoj-es tu receive treatm'inc to relieve him. Mr. Jacob Parliament has purchised a McL'.Ujlilin car. The annual meeliu;; of Eui:«nia Mrth od's: SuuJay school was held 'n.the cbu.'cb on Monday. .After the election of t liicers il was decided to hold the annual picnic s>iiue time between the 12th and Stith o? July. Rev. Mr. Eagle, wife and babe, mot- ored tj Toronto la.st week to attend the coufercncj. Aui'ther old man wh" bad strayed from the Uou.se of Refuije, pnssed thiouah the vilhitce on Sunday morning. lookiD? very much the worse fir the lung tramp. Mr. Plantt looked after his comfort pending his return to the Home. !V1c>sdanies Parliament, Hny and Larye and Miss Smith attended the Distr ct W. I. couventiou on Thursday last. Tho park has undergone ' ma: ;. im- provements, and no iloubt others w. i he a"ded as time goes on. The drives were Hiiished up last week and the ligli'.irg when completed will make a great change. .A hir^e tlag pi;le erected on top of the luouutaiu with electric lights will let everyone for miles around know- where Eugeuia is by uig'it or day. The pavilion is a credit Iu the contractor, J. E. Laige. aud wheu the cock house is eoiupKtcd It will be a great conveuieiice to picnickei-s. KIMBERLEY Weather very tiry i.f late and awhile ago it was too wet. It would be a hard proucsitiiio for to get the kind that would please us all. Whiteconibe Riley hit the nad on the head when he wrote the fol owing: â€" Tt ain't mi use to grumble and complain. It's jest a* cheap and aiiiy to rejoice; If God sorts out the weather and its rain, Wy rain's my choice. A district iiieeiios .ii thi Oransje Order was held iu Kimberley L. O. L , No. 1340 on Saturdny alternoon last. A goodly number were in attendance. Refreshinema wore served after the geo.ral routine of lusitiesi*. Mis. Margaret May of Mihoa viai'ed last week with ': • -i • :â- >!:â- â- \!ex. Fawcett. Jlr. and Mrs, E^r-i Fawcet and ilrs. Wui. Fawcett visited at Ji ha Alexan- der's, Thornbury.ou Wednesday last. Ik. R. Fawcett of Toronto renewed old aciiUHiiilancea iu this part tecenrly, aud was the ;{uest of his father, James R. Fawcett. Bob is an accountant in the LlHee of the Swansea Steel Co. aud his salary runs well up in the four figures. Mr. and Mia. Wm. Seeley of Xott-^wi- 3 ige visited at Jimca Stuart's one d.ay last week, ilr. aud Mr-. i!.;*iii I. ...isay visited friends in our burg recently. Mr. Johu Burns of CJiiiet Valley u: ide a business nip to ou' burs! on Satui.Iay lasr. Mr. and Mrs. ii..,. ....,,....v:a uf t e t2i>th line, Coilmgwood, visited recent / at Mrs. J.J'. Fawceti's. David McOallum and wife of Redwing called on friends ia this vicioily one day last week. Mr. ind Mrs. C'lias. Hui.'gard aud family of Clarksburg visited with the latter's pareut", Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett, during the past week. PROTON Preparations are being made to accon>- inudate a bumper crowd 'it the Scottish Concert on Thursday ni^ht. Miss loa Ri-ome, Mrs. B. (iuest ind li--tle ioL are visiting at their home here. M'.<. Karl Whitney and httle son Har- vey, are at Mr. T. Wyvills. . -- - We are very sorry we made such a mistake ia,-t wetk with rceards to our friends with the Chevrolet. We under- stood that their sUy lasted for five hours but have been inf„r.«ed that it wa* ouly auout oue â€" uiayle seecird like live.' Of conrse bad it been any more we would h*va said so. B-irnâ€" to Mr. ai.d Mrs. Tern Wliita, a s in. -Hr. and Mrs B. Middaugh were viaic- ocs II Mr. J. Middaugh s. Mr. and Mrs. Robr. Acheson and Misses EJiia and Ada stteuded the W'llsoQ-Duncan weddin. . -^ , .:!iy last. '.ding bells ail HI- i.i.u u;, tut »!ii: u tl:e matter with Profn/ Xever mind, tr'rl«, next year is leap vc .. .Mr. I. B. White >,i Piiceviiie ii.u .\li=i» Mirgiret White of ihe. Junction were married at the bride's home ou Wi-dnea- dty of last Week. CoHgra;u!a:ioua aud best wishes for their happines.s. Private Wm. Hodiiins, who h.aa just returned Irom oversea?, visited iu our burg recently. FLESHERTON HORSE RACES Dominion Day, July 1 v)o(d day of sports, consisting of H irse rices and Ball Uaines. Fre^- For All, putsi $150 2 SO l:ot or pac>% purse Sltll. 2.50 trot o: pac--, purse §.".0 o '1 pr .'.v's will Ve given for Ball gaivis A GRAND CONCERT will be liven 'n iha Hiijh School in the fvoHin;!, for which good talent hits been ."ccured L A FTSHER, W A HAW KEN. I'lesidfiit Socretaiy PRICEViLLE Wc have had another week of un- usually warm weather and perhaps some persons would think that li hour.-? of toi: in such heat would-be suthcient to call one d.-iy. The meadows and early - .; .laiu are making ripid growth . Angui* Mc.\rthur of the glen has a number of man and teams lepairing the couu'y read systeui thiough Glebelg township. Sacramen:al services were held in the Presbyterian church last Sunday a. in. .A.' D. McLeod harbeen drawing cream ou the several routes surrouudiug this railroad station for the Walkerton cieHiiiery. Our citizens had quite a time hghting tire on Saturday afternoon. .Mr^. Mc- Lean, who lives west if the public school discovered her k'tchen ro.if on hie. but beiug alone and no water near at hand the tire gained considerable heudway before help arrived. A good norliou of the c mteiits were saved, but a lot of clothing and badding, v'so some furniture, w tie upslHii.s and could not be rescued aud to make matters worse there was no iuaurauce on house or cou'cnts. While the people were tightiug the above tire, a:i alarm was given that the school bjildinsjs were on tire and before water C'Uld be ujid the en'ire length of wood- shed tjof was burning, and no supply of water in the schoel we'l, A pail lirijiade Wis fbiined to a »-ell so ne distanee away which h.ad a good supply of water and at length the dre was extinguished. Each »eek wc take pleasure in read- in? over the iiei»8 items in this paper by a auiiilier of good correspondents, but occa.iional'y we find ,a ti»i'U»htlesa corr. calling his nice Canadiin villHgo or hamUt o«r "burg." Then we grind our teeth, ugh, bu«!ie' ROCK MILLS Ml. All.'lie . -, „a(I visited reoeut.-y a .:ii :i ; ; .ireu:s !icre. Mis.'j Aun;e Bttrs spent the past wees wiih he.- brother EJgar of Osprey. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens and babe, visited the past week with relatives at Avtning. Mr. L. Xewell returned to h>8 trome in Dutham, after spendini; a month with his brother Chas. Mr. aud Mrs. Xe,; _ ; .,a with the latter's p^trents at Feversham recent- ly- Isaac Smith lost a tine colt. Mr. Fred Bunt of Toronto is heliday- iug with bis cousin, L. Pedlar. Charlie Fisher of Tormto is visiting at present wi;h relatives it thi.s vicinity. Eldridge Phillips and lady friend of Tjronto are visiiinn with the former's mother, Mrs. J. Pfaillijs. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce DargaveJ, Mrs U. Dargavel and daughter Ivy, visited over Sunday wi;h .las. Dargavei. Chas. Best aud wife spent a day th e past week with Mr. and T â- " .-. 'â- 'â- .â- . Eachiue. In Memoriam In lovin? uieuiory of Charlie Smith, who was drowned at Bugeoia, June 'i'^. HUti- Tbree yeais have gone, and still we mias him, Never shall his memory fade : Loving thouffhrs will al«ays lingc 'Round the grave where Charlies laid. -Father, Mother iind Sisters A Becker's Reliable General Store, Proton Station WVioi, wool, wool. 100§0 lbs. want- ed. Oct our prices, Htat, heat. heat. Why aigh when we suppy the famous Florence .Automakic Coal Oil stove. One, two. three, or f.>ur burners. Highest prices for pro- duce .-V square de.«l always. .\gents for HobSerlin clothinti' tailors to Canad- ian gentlemen. The comnniuity know Proion iiisrkfis are always the heat. Have you f >und it out.' Phono 22 ma 44. Call for prices etc. EAST MOUNTAIN Held Over List Week Miss Mae Carruthers ie holidaying at her heme here. She has been learning the milliiiei-y iu Flesherton. C. Martin aud luuiily visited at J. J. Patterson's, Ceylon, Inst week. Miss Lucy Walton is visitins? her sister at Thornbury. Mrs. R.bt. McMullen has returnol home .after attending the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Chard of Rock Mills, f . r the past week Her sister, .Mrs. Huleh - inson, of the West, is now with her mother. Mr. Ames, our teacher, had the mis- fortune to get bitten ou the ear by soro.> insect. This developed int.> blood poison. Victor Ford, who is working at And. Fawcr.t's mill near Feversham, visitnl at K. .McMullen 8. ( ur East Monauiin Guild took charvo of Ihe Pre8byteria» service at Eugen u last Sunday. This Week's Item^ The cri'ps look very go?d in ci i- viciniiy. Misa AiMia Stevens of F. H. S. apen» the week end wiih Miss Mae Carruth ers. Miss M.arguerita Lever of Fleshorti i» spent a lew days wilh her sister, Mt-. C. Martin. .Mr. Th»s. Uarbottle aud nephew Ml . NMilic. are v.siu'n^ in Owea Sound. Mr. J. Simons is working at tV.o pjwer house. Mrs. Will Carruther* and children of Toronto visited relatives here. Mi.oses Viola Lewis, Eva Allen at 1 Kate Orr ot F. H. S, 8pe»t the we, n Old at home.