Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1919, p. 1

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/ksh^rtxrn "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR ' - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 51 Flesherton, Ont., Xlay 2 J 1'.>I5) A EugenialJCitizen Crushed By Roller Mr. Solomon Turner Run Over and Injured. Un Mondity morDint; last Me. Solonaon Turner, a hi(}lily respected resident of Eugenia, went out to hli) suii's fiirm to assist in the seeding. Be h.d hitched his team to a steel roller tiid when Attempting to turn around the tongue broke and Mr. Turner was thrown in front of the heavy roller, which piissed over the lower part cf hts body. He was picked up Hnd carried to the house and a doctor suminOQed. No bones appeared to be broken, but Mr. Turner is so seriously injured that he is unable to mnve himsaif in bed aad it is nut know n what the outcome may be. PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson and little daughter, Kathleen, visited recently at Geo. Fogarty's, Dundilk. Albert Smith made a busint.'is trip to Markdale on Saturday labt. Mrs. John fiurns and daughter of Quiet Valley visited with the former's sister, Mrs. >Vm. Harris, on Saturday last. IVlisi Nellie Camack left on a trip to the Queen City on Thursday. Moore* sawmill on the Valley Road North has suspended operations for the summer. ' Messrs. Milton Hutcbiu.°t)a and James UiU visited relatives iu Markdale oue day last week. 1 The pastor, Rev. Lane, occupied the pulpit, in the Metliodisi chuich on Sunday iuoniin){ last and preached an excellent Rcrmoo . I^jj , The Annual Sunday School Convention of Euplirasia will be ^held in Kiinberley Methodist church on Thursday, .'uue .')th. Ml. Jasper Stuait brought heme a car load (.if cattle and hogs recently which he purchased in the Parry Sound district. Mri. Geo. Siuart and three children of Pow«»«en are renewing old acf)uaintou;es in our bur^;. A bob tailed collie dog blew into our bufg last week .«ud stayed al a certain man's house for a few days. Not having â- fny use for the don he gave it to a young man who advertised the strayed canine in one of the l.jcal papem. Now auolhei paity, who had uo authority whatever, unlooned the dog and locked hiiu up iu his stable. If this man harbours the di >» wiihout idverlisiiig him he will be in for astiti'liue I'.'t as natural for some morttls to be mean aud contemptible as ic is fur a do^ to return to its vomit aud a hog to his walluw. M '.s Maudf Hlewis of Vandeleur visited at the parental home over the week end, A meeting of the Police Trustees was held un Saturday evening last. The township bylaw f rohibiting cattle, horses, etc., from running at larce will be strict y enforced. One of our respected citizens was attacked by a cow the other d-iy and had he not been good and active would have come off second best. This is the thud or fourth time that this bavine has assuniei a warlike attitude. Kev. Lane was appointed District Secretary at a meeting held in Owen Sound on Friday Isst. PORTLAW Seeding ha.s been progressing slowly owing to the fre(|ueut showers. Congvaiulatiout to Miss Gladys White in successfully passing her Kual exami- Datiou at McMaster I'uiversity. Har mother Ka<i down to Toronto as a h<ippy spectator of the graduation exe.cfes. On Woonetday of last week a hipi y event took place at tlin Methodist par- Skuage, Flesherton, when Kev, Mr Belfrey united in marriage Mr. David Janiiesun and Misi .\lela Lyons, both of t'lis c> mmiiuity . The erooiu is the e'dect ton oF Mr. J. H, Jamiexm of T^)ronto and the bride is the sec )i d diughter of Mr. and Mis. J. W, Lyonii. We wish the young couple a long, happy a id ducci'ssful wedded lile. Belletby Utok. have fin shed drilling a wjU for Mr. John McLennan and are moving to Mr. Bnyce's, 4th line. The majority of barns have Tery little, if any, rough feed left from winter feediii',' and to make matters worse the grass i.t not improving vviih any haste. Whilo dnitig a litile gardepin;; one of th |tine days last week we were pleaned to heir and SIB 'ho return of a Baltimoie o iole iu the trees overhead. Harrison's mill is supplyinif the C.P. K. with several car load'* of ties. On Thursday of last week Rev. S. Jones was duly installet' the Uflw pas^tor of Pricevilleand Swinton Park Presby- terian churches. J. Stoddard shipped a tine car load of hogs last week. H B. McLean loat. a tine mare last Saturday luornin.', oue of a fine mi Iched team. It seems a pity to lose a tine auiuial ihis time of year eipec ally. We know of at least two returned soldiers, who talk of crossint; the bis " hsh pond " again to take home a bride, one from England and th« other from France, Karstedt lirus. expect t*'o cars vl coal this week, both furnace and nut coal. The public school, Presbyterian church and a number of private homes will be supplied Akh at least part of their winter fuelT R. Coiikey has brightened up the front of his post ofhce with a couple of coa:s of paint. Karstedt Bros, are also using the brush and .several dwelling houses will have the brush applied as soon ,is the weather turns tine. If you wish to win of the seven prizes in the staudiui; field crop competi- tion drop a cird to the Secretary, Fall Fair, Pnceville, aud he will &atid you b' .ink tnry forms thar you will retuiu by .May L'.jih. MAXWELL Mis. Ivibtrl Wellar and friends of Nobletoii visited with hnsJU, K»yiuoud Wei ar, for a short time during the past week. ..â-  Miss Alice Feiiwick, who is now oue of the Oraugeuille hospital stall, is visiting at her pareutal home at present. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kerton, a sou. Mr. aiiil Mrs. Fisher, Rock Mills, .opeiil Stiuday with tlijii daughter, Mrs. Mrs. M. Kertou. MisL Haitie Cimeron, Newberry, Michisjaii, visited with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Guy. We are glad in eed to welcoiiie home Pte. Joo Phillip) aud wish to coiigratu- lats .Mr. and Mrs. Phillips on the return of their third sun from overseas. Don't inijs the big ice cream social iu the Methodist hall. Ma.\«el, M:iy li-t. Special feature of the evening will be a debate '• Ueso!r-d that mixed farming IS preferable to speciallz ng " Coaie and brii.g your Iriends. PROTON Mr. and Mis, H. G Btc'<er aad Utile Jack returned un Moiid%y from a Irip to Owen Sound. Mr. Fred Ficemaii if Toronto, who ia ou a fishing expedition, called ou some of his old Proton friends, and while lu town was the gue.--t of Mr. .\rchie Neilsoii. Rev. Or, aud Mrs. Armstrong are visiting their daughter, Mrs, Cade. Mrs, John Eddy, who has spent a inonlh with her parents, returned to Toronto on Saturday. J Kindly reiiieinbei' the annual nueting of ;he Women's Instil utj will be held in the Presbyterian church next Tuesday afternoon. May i7tli. Mrs. M A. Tomlins m of S mcoe will lecture on dillerent interesting and taluabic sub- jects. Court of Revision Township of Artemesia The fits' sittins! of the Court of Re- vision of the .\k50jsment cf the Township of .\vlemosia will be held in tha Town Hd', Flesherti D, on S.i'urday, the 7lh diy of Jufic. 191!), at 10 o'clock a. ni., standard time, of which all persons interested are ie<iuiri'd to take iiotios. -W. J. Bellamy, Miy lOt''. liU'J. Clerk. CEYLON Mrs. Archie Sinclair, wh i has been in Owen Sound hospital for sevural dayi>, returned home Monday. Mr. Thos. Gilchrist sp-ut a few days in Toronto lust Wfeb. Mr. aud Mrs. Bell have returned to their home in Paisley after spending a form ght with frienilB here. Mr. and Mrs, S. Thoinpsen of Orang-i. Tille vLsiied Mrs. A. Rutledge here Usi week. Pte Boowie of the 48ch Hielauders. who has just rclurnrd Irom overseas, is visiting at Mr. D Stewart s. Mr. E. Sarueaiit has got moved into his residence t n the farm. Miss W. Patterson, teacher at Temple Hll!. visited her parents here over ;he week ei.d. Mr. T. Genoe, Mr. J. McMullen, Mis. Archie McMullen an I Mr. and Mrs. D. Wydeinan motored to Elmwood the 1st of thp week. Pie. James Oliver, sou of ftlr. and Mrs. Joseph Oiixor, arrived from over- seas on Mondiy and was sjiven a hearty welcome home at the depot. Mr. T. MoArthnr and Miss Edi.a Mc- LaoJ visiied .Uclntyre friends the 1st of the week. Bornâ€" Ou .-Saturdiiy, May 17l1i, to .Mr. and Mrs. Norman Archibald, a siu. CongratuUtiiiiis. Rev. Ashtou of Bentinck preacheil a very edifying seruion on Sabbath after- noon, which was much enjoyed by those present. It is understood thai lh.» W. I. will hold a in.eliiig in cur villate in the afiernoon and evening of May 30th, when Mrs. Tomilason wiil iddres.s the uieetini.8 on diB'erent subjects. Financial Statement Of Flesherton W.I. In our hurry last week the reading of these figures by copy was over.'.ioked and sjveial errors crept in. Following is the corrected statement : For the year 1!)18, ending May 31, I'llII, RECEIPTS May 31 1918â€" Cash on hand.. $11 06 Receipts ^ardeu parly in June. . o'J 25 Baicaars, etc 8(5 7.5 (lovernnii'iit grant :5 00 27 members at 7dc (J 75 Bulk Interest 55 Total $107 ;j(; EXPEXDITIRK Exp. delegates aud meetings.. Sl'.l SO Garden party and bazaars 18 38 Priming, etc . . 01 Sijc.Treas. salary 5 00 Comforts Sent to Suldie's TOiiinsiif hi'Uey 20 24 Maple butter and cocoa 17 75 Postage on sidJicrs' boxes 15 00 Total $102 IS Rsoeipts $li!7 3li Expenditure... 102 IS C.ish on hand iJo 1 8 MRS, E. U'ICKENS, Sec. Tieos, Hal B. Watson, son of the la'.e A. H. Wats, ,11, publisher of the Creeniore S ar h s bought out ihe Bowumuvillo Rev cw. Of Interest to Hor;e Breeders The Imported Peichoron S-a litn Nignot and in Imported Clydesdale Stalliun will be at the stables every Monday nixht during the season. It will be to jour inter es> to sr o them before breeding your niaiei". JAS. CROWSTON, Prop Bull For Service Thoroughbred Slrorihorn Bii'l on lot 0, con. 12, Osprey. Terms $2. - DAVID ROBERTS. Court of Revision Village of Flesherton Tho first sitting of Ihe Court of Revui ion of the AssiS'xnent Rull of 1919 ,f this municipality will be held at the Tiiwn Hall on M.m.lay, tho 9rh day «f June, 1919, at 7 o'clock, standard time W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. M »y 22, 1919. The Gravel Pit May Be Expropriated From tha O. S. Sun Tim.s -A ratner pecjliar wiUi reference to the provincial county road c instruction near Dundalk has arison. A farm r wh i Resides on the road iu question is the OHuer of a L'lavei pit, the mily cue for miles around that was sifted to the ruiuirements jf luad hui diuu. Ex- Waiden BuyJ, cliaiiiiian of ihn t.'.mii'y Roids Jiiuiinittee, secured an agreemeiic friiiii him uiving >he big pit for die sum of §400 But in drawimi up ihe option Mr. Boyd, not beini; a lawyer and versed in such matters, ue,;lected to state who the purchaser was, and the properly lo b; conveyed. He went back t> g- 1 a proper option, but in thu meantime |i he farmer was told that ha was loolisb to H 11 at such ii price and refused to sue another option at all, but wou d sell ll e coniiniLtee gravel at 25 cents per cubic yard. He tinally came down to 10 cts. per yard, but the coinmitteo was only prepared lo otl'er him rive ceii's. He was adamant, liciwevcr, ai.d nfufeJ to accept this The Oiiiiimiltie thereupon wrote him, L'ivitiu him three days in whieli to agree or they «i>uld coniineiice expropi- ation proceedings. It is state! that Mr. Farmer has been sailing the gravel for 5c per load but when he found that his pit was ,so niucli in deniaud f ^r road con- struction, that ho raised the prico. An amendment to the Act gives the county the right to expropriate giavel pi.s where ueees^ary, and it b.oks as thcujli lli 8 would have to be done. POWER HOUSE Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Smith spent a day at their home in Hopeville. Messrs. Pace, Hogg aud Tumble of the Hydro oftine, Toronto, were visitors at the t'DWer Hoose recently, Wilfred aud liovvaid Graham ind si»ter, of Vandeleur, and Miss J jlinstoa of Rocklyn, '•pent an evening «ith relitives at the Power House. Kev, Mc^'lcar of Flesliertou rii.i ii' his pastoral visit in this neigh I. m hood recently. Miss Minnie Graham is .ipenaii:; a few weeks ii. Toront/o, Elmer Smith and friend of Hopeville spent the wetk end her* with the foi- iner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J <cob .Snath. Pairolurau Waller Thompson made a business trip t j Toronto. Not iniiiy speckled beauties have Iten cauabtas yet th s seaain. The wa^r is very high and cold. Fred (Jraham has purehosed a Ch.Mi - et/ car. A new addition of »u i dice has b. > n added to i!r. Berry's residence. Mr. Hicking, cirpeutor, and his \«ue have returned to their home in Toron'o. The population at the Power Hou.s .f about fifty â€" aud growhig. DUNDALK grading and leveling is be ng done this wetk ou the roods on the Eist aal West sides of Dundslk by rbe Couniy Good |'{oad,s machinery. This is but preliminary work lo the Coiin'y bi.iilding. The limestone ipiarry un J IS. Lousway's farm will supply stone for the crusher which will start Mmk soon. Lieut, Wih Grjinmeit, son of Mr, and and Mis, John Giumraett, N\arehaiu, arnvid home from overseas Friday uuhi aud a largo number of friends were at Iho depot to greet He enlisted froia Toronto Cniver>iiy ,ind went to Engiai.d wirh lllo Kitir.i Balteiyatihe beLMiiiiii ({ of the war. He was delayed in England for from getting to the froiii Finally iranefe.-iiiui to the Imperial .\rmy he was sent t« Mesopjtarna liy way of In li.i an 1 Persia. Here he was stationed when the Turks threw up the r haois. Se had a rtinarkable experienie in the far East among the strange' i:eoples. Ho is glid to gel back to the hoiiiiland ; agriin and aiprt-cratcd very m icli the in formal nception at the depot iu Duudalk â€" Herald. \Vm. Tipping of tholburoe has a Durhini cow which -urprised her owner >ie other day l.y guiig bi.ih to twi» Ol've«, and jut recent'y a iiiaie belong- irix to Mr, Tipping uave bi;th to tw n coit-i Both pairs of iwins are do'nij well and are well devtlopid and hoi by #i'- lee Pies.s. Bates Burial Co. IM SINK.s.v, A.S r^L.vL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Fine Jeweiery Cuuiu in aud Bee onr fiue ]&ige si ] j of Jewcleiy, Watches, Clocki etc.,â€" aud wheu you Lave seen them you will be sure to buy. Watch repairiug a .specitiljy. A full Hue of Photographic "-uppiiea including developiuf,' powders, priming frame?, dark lamerus, all sizes ol Kodak.s aud films. YnnLok: T . ISSUER OF Yorkshires Tamworths marriage licenses Young Stock For Sale* | For Breeding Purposes, W, A. AriTlStrOng Phone or write. _GE( ). \V. ROSS, 0.-*prey Tel. System. Ma.xwell, P.O. Je'weler FLESHERTON, QNT. House of Quality Cream- - « "„'''"'â- â-  'â- "'" ^'pp"'"t«' Asem, f^r tbo ,:,„, , ., ,, " •'Kerion Cieainoiy and are iu a posi- i.on o liaiuiie ,.11 y ,ur crer. n to the very oest advantage. We Instead of ..hippinu away a.,! havim- t. wait two or three weeks a e ,?.rr'"i ,'""""-'â-  '"^"^'' ," ''• »"'' ^^<^ome convinced that you "irt gcttini,. a deal all .round. Cans supplied free to Ire returned "hen through selling. Corn-- ^^'^ ''=»" ^"P.'y your wants, Cmi- in and -" see our seed corn Our prices are rii:ht and our stock i* the best. Chicken Feed-- ^'a '',*'* â- * ""'"^ =""* chickp,. f...r) vv r ^^~* hrgh class assort m.'nt ..f cil.cken fe.d. W „h eggs at .he present price there rs n.tbinu too good tor Ihe chickeii.s. We have the best. JBulk Tea-- y*'^"^ iuttiugonaspcial.aleof v^i* bulk lea. We have lire best and "o«- Ls the best t:me lo buy. Lay in a slock now. Seed, Onionsâ€" *^'^'" ""»''s the time t I plait . -""^ y<ui onions. We laien ,, , â€" J. ui oil excellent lot of set d ..nins in .stock. Get yours miw.a Ll2'a,r-- ^^'^ "•â- *''« j""' rcceivta anooiher car load of O sugar. This IS a good lime to buy. f^ay IU a stock for your summer's use. -*^^^W^% %^^ ^^^ H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario Ladies of Flesherton and Vicinity Dout he two years behiud the times, The milliuery season is right on now aud Mrs Wright, with ten seasoub' espeiicuce iu the MiUiuerv Busiuess aud speudiug a term each season in Toronto selecting an up. tc-date stock, can show you what is up-to-date and becomiu-. iNo old stock left over. Everythina new aud up-iodate. .Just give us a call and see for yourselves. Prices right according to quality Highest prices paid for produce. W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton â- â- ^::^gk"^^^:^L^:^^g?^^^;g^:Tj ^j ! ^^ia^^ NOTICE Custom chopping Tuesday.*, Thutsdnys and Saturdays only duriui? the momhs of May, June and .July. Sawing of lumber and shingles, planing done to order, .11 I'ihor iliys. liotyour flooring and h.mse farnishiugs at (J, A, WATSON &SONS, B.rx 16!) Priceville Ont, .\pi24tf Farm For Sale A5l),icre farm for sale on the F Bick Line. Artemesia. ard range, n- litdf of lot l,i3. On the premiMw 11 IS agcod irariie barn, 40x50 fee' small frame house ; a good drilled »â-  , ben house : the fall plowing is d. .. , Por particulars apply on premises. .IJuneâ€" .J. H, HOLLEY, Fleshert. n Auto For Sale Chevrolet Runabout auco for sale, only u^i-d .1 few weeks, property of the late Dr, Li'tle. .A bargair. Apply tr C, N* Richard.40D or Thos. Blakeley, Kleiher- toli Bull for Sale .«!horih.rn!)ul!, f .u-reuu m inths â-  1 for sale. Apply „n l..t p.>, com • C)spr.'y. or telephone GEi). lUllKK, Er-rnm P. (1

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