The Weekly Fashions I SIGNALLERS ARE e uccAu. FIGHTING ARM Quick communications both by telephcme ami Lucas lamp with all tho unit; of i the division, that js to say, 12 bat- IIM^IIWr HFRflFS-'^^'""^ ^^ infantry, or more, batteries UilljUilU IlLiilULlJ of artillery, engineers, pioneers and ____ all other arma of tha service. In thii I they had a very -difiicult task. The NERVE 'CENTRE OF CANADA'S^ units miut never be a minute out of touch with each other â€" for it miglit mean disaster. They must keep every- thing in working order. In the open warfare the Divisiooul Signallers' duties were much mora thrilling. In August and September, vrhen the Boche took to his heels and started for home, one would see the The Divisional Signallers of the! flivisional signallers galloping across First Canadian Divisionâ€" tho nerve open country with their wire limbers, centre of tho fighting armâ€" arc near- through roads and fields, laying their infe- homa. i "^''^ ^^ *'i^" ffo to keep up with the Although non-combatants, the Di-; rapidly moving front. It is in the visional Signallers have performed "pen warfare that the signallers heroic sen'ice and are an important come in for their real adventure be- cog in the fighting machina of the <'ause their whole job is one of time, Canadian Corps. Day and night they and everything depends on their worked, keening the lines of common- 'seeping up communications. It was ications open, laying out new lines not an infrequent sight to see them^ and repairing shattered lines. They racing at a. furious pace over hill and Rabbits, is far too line, alack, Work of Signallera Made; Caurcclotte Victory Possible â€" Never Failed in Duty. Man and Beast. [ am less patient than this horse, And it is fleeter far than I, Us hair ia silky, mine ih coarse; GruHses have Hhaped that larger eye. \S^lile to feed me live things must die. The birds make little darts in air. And fishes little daiU in streams, Peacocks are peacocks everywhere. And men buy too tight boots, and swear. Then sleep â€" but haven't dogs fine dreams ? ' You glow-worms, too, who to the weary Are lamp and oil and wick and friend; You bearded goat, half up the quarry â€" I am a man; yes. I am sorry â€" A clumsy man. But wait, perpend! Horse, though I'm slow; sheep, though my back Yields nothing useful; though I can't fly. You lujjky birds; and though your â- track, ITf OF HMOU y For me to follow; â- went about their work unsung and *Jale, through hedges, ditches, sunken â- unheralded, rarely getting any glory, roads, to get a direct line with the but still discharging their duty that; front of battle. was vital to the directing operations! Every battery of _ ,),„„„h T'rt rithpr not nm races "heavies" had a wireless station for -^n" t"ousn la ratuer aot run races though I'd die. If I lay long in watery places â€" howitzers or ^^^- how I envy you your rings- of the army in the field. With uor thread the Without the Divisional Signallers, seeping m touch with the aeroplanes, m^zfr" ""^^' the fighting units could not carry on. overhead and artillery he-ilquartcrs,! It was these lads who worked side ^vhich was manned by artillery or Ji- , Of ^ smooth lawn witn ants ana tnings by side with the infantry and artil- '^'isional signallers. j q yet. O yet I've more than these. lery. Hundreds have met their death The ^individual signallers attached : ^yi^j^ij they neglect ihem to possess out in the open working away on the to infantry or artillery posts lines, while hundreds have been keep tho lines open and send They do not count the Pleiades 'Ivi'cc'ali wounded in carrying on the important sages are "the lost children" of suchj trees who ; mes-, xhey do not see through glimmering ,1 The round collar and deep gauntlet fuffs add a bit of charm to this simple frock, which is so appropriately de ifeloped in soft materials. iVIcCali >â- -o - â- - . tu j *. u i <- *i.«l Pattern No 8875 Ladies' Waist, in task of keeping all the communica- """s. iney do not belong to tne jjje stars and planets numberless r sizes, 34 to 46 bust: and No. 8908, tions open between the units of the ""'t, but are away from their homej , , . ^ Ladies' Skirt, in 7 sizes, 22 to 34 division. , â€"the divisional signallersâ€" and in They do not know the leaf and stem vaist. Price, 20 cents each. In the fiehting at Ypres down to manv cases have done meritorious â- And bud and llower beneath their feet. theSommerback to Vimv, on toPas- and heroic work which they never They sniff at Stars-of-BetJilehem. chendaele, and through the Serce got cTedit for, and would have re- And Duttercups a^e food to them fighting of Cambrai, Arras and other ceived recognition of if they had been famous battles, the Signallers never a Part of the unit they were with. failed in their duty and Canada ^I'Jt'h depends on the sigjallers +n should welcome these silent heroes their work of keeping the iWes from with open arms. To them too much the various fronts open. For example. credit cannot be given for the sue-. Just before the battle of Courceiette cess of the Canadian Corps in the j on the Somme in Sei«iember, 1916, one signalling corps had 20 lines in order, buried and runring up to the different fronts. Everything v;as O. K. 30 minutes before the zero hour, j a week, showered and left to get the The next minute some Hun shells lit roots thoroughly wet; this is belter right on top of the massed wires and than just pouring water on top every tore every line. The__"show" was to tlay, although If the foliage is dry they start in 30 minutes! "^ed that, too. Where roots protrude Communications had been cut. But from the bottom of the pot, repotting the signallers hustled out and in the is necessary; use some fresh soil and ^2f:!_ .f^i':''?^'^.*!^'' _^'""^^ commum- ^j^^^ ^f ^ devastating shell flre ran be careful in the handling, out new lines, repa'rod all communi great w-ar. "Communicationa." "Communications â€" communica- tions!" or ''Give us a line!" was the often-repeated cry of the infantry or artillery when the Canadians raced into action, made an advance, or pul- led off a trench raid, or when the Boche hit back and laid down a bar- No more than bitter food, or sweet. I, to whom air and waves are sealed, I yet possess the human heart. better beasts, you now must yield! 1 name the cool stars of the field, I have the Uowers of heaven by heart. -* . Care of Ferns. Ferns should be set into a tub once cation wires to tatters. To the divisional signallers fell the' ..^tions, and completed the task just^ difficult task of always keeping the ^5^),^ ^i^^tes before the Can^dian3; bnes of commumcation open from di-,.^^^^^ into - action. Two of the men visional headquarters to brigades, ^^^^^ gassed and thence on to battalion or artil- 1 j^^. y-^^ {^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^he lines were! lery lines. The different branches of ^^^ 07 ^^^s during the fighting, and; the fighting machine had to keep in ^.^^ signallers worked heroically to! touch with each other, the mfantry ,^g ^^^-^ comrades in touch withi calling up the artulery, the artillery ,, „_:jg talking to the front lines, divisional signallers are composed of line- Printed crepe and ii„ured silks will staffs directing battles and brigade ^^^^ telegraphers, operators, cable- le popular for afternoon wear. .This staffs carrjnng out orders. It was all ^^ drivers and despatch riders. choice design is developed in figured part of the machine, and it was the, ,,„ silk. McCall Pattern No. 8901, La- signallers that kept each unit in MONEY W.\S NOT NEEDED touch, whether in the front line in, __ trench warfare or out in the open. i„ xhese Times of Soaring Prices We The First Divisional Signal Com- Envy the -Barter" Days. pany is made up of four sections, each : Wq a^e very apt to accept gold, one attached to one of the three gjiver and bronze coins as being brigades, and the other with head- nioney, â- without thinking of some I quarters . They Civrry wireless equip- ^ther objects fulfilling the same pur- ment, signal lamps, flags and wire. : p^^e. It might be interesting to They also had "listening .in" ap- readers to state a few of the differ- paratus. This i« an instrument that g^t things that have been used as House plants repay the little care required. dies' Dress. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 25 cents. '• These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. I â- was very sick â- with Quinsy and thought I vs'ould strangle. I used MIN.A-RD'S LINUMENT and it cured me at once. I am never â- without it now. Yours gratefully, MRS. C. V>. PRINCE. Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st.- Oxford Revisited. Back to these weather-beaten walls. And the scent of i{iy Oxford rose. Where many a ghostly footstep falls And a kindly soft wind blows! Blasts of an icy gale were mine In the blood-stained years outside. Far from the gates of luy Mother Shrine. is put out in No Man's Land and monev, or a method of exchange, m Charlie Made a Hit. "Charlie is simply wonderful!" ex- claimed young Mrs. Duke. "1 never dreamed that any one could run a motorcar the way he can!" "What has happened?" "We took a ride yesterday and went along beautifully in spite of the fact A Break. Farmer â€" "Do you mean to sfay that it has taken you a -whole day to do that?" " Hired Man â€" "There's no such thing as a whole day; it always begins by breaking." How It Happened. Owner â€" "How did you come to punc- tiire the tire?" Chauffeur â€" "Ran over a milk bottle." Owner â€" •'Didn't you see it in time?" Chaulleurâ€" "No; the kid had it un- der his coat." The Lost Cord. The ways of economy will apparent- ly die hard, says a London writer. The other day a lady entered a aur- burban laundry oflice and asked very earnestly for tile return ot a cord with which her last consignment of wash- ing had been secured. The amazed oflice girl's conciliatory remark that the request was rather impossible roused the good ladys indignation. "But I must have it, " she insisted. "I use it to tie my curtains back with. " j Just Like It. I -â- Uine and her brother attended a ' birthday party of a playmate. Ice- i cream, cake, and lemonade were ' served. The boy asked his hostess for a glass of water. "Drink your lemonade," Aline said interrupting. i "I don't want lemonade. I want water." said the boy, looking pleading- ly at his hostess. j "Don't be silly. Drink your lemon- , ade." said Aline, "It's just like water." ' Promised to Send Him Over. Mrs. Gordon had just moved into the neighborhood. One morning a ; neighbor called and said : "I thought i I would come and ten you that your ! Jimmy has been lighting my Teddy. ' and I should like to settle the matter ' if I can. " 'For my part," said Mrs. Gordon, haughtily. "I have no time to I waste over the children's quarrels. I consider myself above such trifling matters. ' "That's all right, then," was the reply. "I'll send your Jimmy over on a stretcher as soon as he can be moved," A Question. It was in a military hospital. ".\nything I can do for you?" asked a surgeon as ha passed the bed of a smiling but badly-wounded soldier. "Yes. doctor. Perhaps you can tell me something I'd very much like to know." "Fire away!" replied the doctor. "Well, doctor, when one doctor doc- tors another doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor the other doctor like the doctor wants to be doc- tored, or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor the other doctor like the doctor doing Uie docioring wants to doctor him?" LPMBZm SAVE Bli; MONKV lis LT'MnBR. Write to-day for our ".Mni-Dlrfcot-lo- User" prices befora .ordKriiiK eiaewUere. .Satisfaction Kuuranteed or money back. Shipped anywhere. Davieii ConntrucUoD Company. Vancouver. B.C. trvB P0U1.TBT WAirrsD. \(\f r.\lH OK PKIEO.NS A.N'D T.'P. '•''•'''• Any fancy poultry to »i-ll? Write for Prices I. Welnrauch & Son. 1\'-1S .St. Jean Baptists Mari;et. Mout- r-n!. Que. .V WEEK. IB liome. Send for free booklet. Royal College ot Sclencp. Dept 4fi Tnrnnt'i. Cnn-iiia "V'l'R.^ES EARS »1S TO SHo Xl Le«rn without leaving In FOB SA.L2. WKLI^ EijriPPED .N'EWSl'Al'ER and job printing plant in Eastern Uiilariu. Insurance carried tl.SuO. Will go for J1.200 on iiuick Jialu. Box 02, â- Wilson Publishltuf Co., Ltd.. T'lronto. &uscEisi.Ai)rsons. CASCKH. interna TUitcRS. I.l.-ilP.S. ETC.. lal and external, cured with- out pain b.v our home treatment. Write us before too laf. Dr. liellman Medical Co.. r.lmlted. Collinswood. Ont "VK''\' I.NVENTIO.N- of SCIENCEâ€" j.^ Wonderful Compressed-. Vir Cheini- ca! Fire Extinsulsher: weight but 1' lbs. charged; imts out fire in ten seconds; e.scels work of hcaiy hlBh priced de- vices. Lasts a Ilfo time. Every home, every automobile or motor boat owner, every factory and oiTlce buys one. Sell- 1ns price 'Snly $1-50. A sale every ten minutes and a cash profit of 200% for you. Our money-makers earnlnjf $35 to S75 weekly. Secure your territory. In- vestlftate. Write now. Heney Co., 778 Bank St.. <5ttawa. Ont. The Stool VVss All Right. Down on a southern plantation the dairy hands â- were accustomed to do the milking squatting down in primi- tive fashion, until the owner imroduc- od milking stools with oUier improve- ments. But Uie first experiment waa hardly a success. The darky who tirst sallied forth with the stool returned, bruised and battered, and with an empty pail. "I done my best, sah," ha explained, "Dat stool looked all right to me, but de blamed cov,- she wont sit on it. " Ast for Uinard'B and talte no otliar. Great Britain is the only European coun:r\' in which food production in- creased during the war. In all other coimtries. combatant and neutral, it decreased. Laugh When People Step On Your Feei 1 Try this yourself then it along to others. It worksl pass otncV ^n +I10 o.rniin,i fo iionr wVint tVie 'V â€" "^" ', i â€" that he had forgotteu somo ot thc ma- stuclc in the ground to hear wnat tne ^\^^ pagj;^ j^jj^i ^[^q^ ,„ some cases m v,nM-v" Huns are talking about, that is, if the nresent ! „ ^' . they talk too loud. These -Hstening i„%he e:tr!-est dav« calt'e weie' S"""'^,^ '"k i" â„¢^''^'^"'«'"y ' , 1 i„"\,i,.,„o= o,.,. „„(• nnt „t r,;o.l,f yZ e>iT..est trajs, caiL.i. weie ..y We had gone at least eleven m phones are put ot^t at night by y^^y commonly used for this purpose. , , . oharlev discovered that With the shadows of Death and 1 signallers and run through barbed p^ payi.-.g for things yo.i bought ""'""* "'''"'^'' <-'^'"^"^>' discovered that Pride. wire and placed as near the Huns' ^^^^^ ^g^^t d, j^ad its disadvantages,! IIS engine was missing. And God be praised that the vessel , line as possible. It is an excellent naturally, for if you wished to pay I built I device for detecting conversations, ^^j. gomsthing of less value than your ' Koep Minard's liijament la tie homie. «y the banks of our hallowed stream j and often works as a safety valve ^.^^y^ Jjq^ .^vere vou to settle things?, „. „ "TT . . , Has weathered the jagged rocks and | for the Canadians in catching their Necessarily, you were not trading! ""-" *" ""^ favor askco. silt. own men who talk too freely or too ^jji, ^ jead animal, and could not! O" ^^^ occupation of Cologne Gen- And the gusts of an ugly dream. loud in the front lines. For instance, ^.^^^ ^j. yp t^ ^^^ y^ju^ requirements. eral Sir H. C. 0. Ptumer was assigned On your lawns to-day are the loving j once a man â- was asking a certain bat- Therefore, you would have' to buv in ' » splendid villa belonging to a weal- arms f' tery to send up ammunition and he ]jj,.gg quantities. " i ^^^ German. .Aiter the General's Of the old unchanging trees | spoke so loud that he was l^eard on; gyj ;„ those days of little trans- 1 arrival the owner of the villa got That take no count of the hurts and i the "listening in" phone and could no ; pQ^t vour money being cattle was ^"•'^ °^ ^^^ A.D.C. and to him, â- with harms '"^ '" "-â€"" - "â- •- "-'- "â€" " " ' ' ' " '""'° ""'^ *' .\nd the worlldly fickle breeze. >^hen the sun goes down, I am Home "^ â€"thank God! With each dear unchanging thing â€" The tower, and the trees, and the old gray (juad. Where my heart and the ivy cling. Away from the long grim trench I trod, And the song that the bullets sing. _ « . Recompense. t saw two sowers in Life's field at morn, doubt be heard on the Hun's line if he had one out, thus the location would be given away to the enemy. "Wig-Wagging" Seldom Used. The signallers did little work with the flags, "Wig-Wags" as they are very useful, as vou hadn't got to "lany bows and flowery wonis, ex- carry it. You could drive vour money. Pressed his deep sense of the honor when you wished, without much, "f '^^ving so great a soldiewmder his trouble roof. Had the General any com- i mands for him? He hail but to ex- .1 wish for it to be fulfilled. 1 will see," said the A.D.C, who girls: LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER \t one time in Switzerland eggs were used as money, and dried cod Pres calleil in the army. This visual sig- was used for the same purpose in ^ , , *i «♦ 1 ! nailing was rarely used on the western Newfoundland. Nails have been ; departed and presently returned. front and only frequently when em- quite a usual form of money in vari-i Has the General any ordeis for iergencies arose through heaw fight- |0U6 places, especially in Scotland ; j me"? cried the eager Teuton ing or when the troops got out into! rice has been used in India, tobacco ''es, said tne a.u.\. . at leasc I the open in the closing montlis of the in Virginia, dates in Northern Africa, , the General desires something, i war. Signallers with flags are a' and skins in various places. ,,-'^""- !;°' '^ "' ^""^ '* "^ ; {good target for the Hun and would,! Even at the present time hoops of| '"^^ Generals one and only de- ''•" r?.r..?r" ""' '° "'^«'' ^'"''' if lighted, give away important hid-'' metal are used by Ihe natives of | ^;' ^±1 Z7Zt.tlt''fl. and said "Is it for labor that a man is bom? Lo: I am Kase. Come ye and eat my bread!" Then gladly one (oreook bis task un- done And with the Tempter went his slothful way, The other toiled until the setting sun With stealing shadows blurred the dusty day. Cre harvest time, apon earth's peace- fnl breast Kach laid him down among the un- reaping dead. ''Labor hath other recompense than rest, Else were the toiler like the fool," I 8aid: Siod uieteth him not less, but rather more Because he sowed and others reaped klB store." â€" Lleut.-Col. John McCrae. ing posts for observation work. At West .\frica as currency, but in | that during his occupation of your the Vimy Ridge show visual stations those portions owned by tho BriHsh, | ''"» V"" ^.11 be neither seen nor were erected and manned up to the coins are gradually being introduced, heard, front line, but were not used as the In West Africa it is a tiring job to wire communications were kept go- carry much of the rmtive money, for ing. Uuurd's xanlmaat oaad by niyalolaaa. / Tli« Society Island^ lie in the Pa- jtfflc Ocean between latitode 19 aad i» south, longritude 148 to 150.SO J^QMi. They Wlonc to Fr»ac«. the hoops of metal are very much } The story is told where a signaller like crochet hoops, though not so in a tower near 'Vimy was "getting heavy. The coins being introduced in touch" with his flags just before there now have a hole through the the zero hours when the Huns spot-"^entre, so that the natives can string ted the flags and â- wnped the party out. ] their money together and carry it The chief signalling done was over ^ round their necks. telejAones, telegraph and wireless, j I have seen a whole string of these The signallers had to run theif lines coins, and they are quite weighty, out up to the front line many times! but fall short of the burdeji formed under heavy shell Are. The biggest by the hoops of metal when carried trouble was that the commttnieations in numbers. were constantly shattered by enemy k When fBeUl began to be accepted MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies witli Dominion Express Money Orders. Fi^ve dollars costs three cents. A Former Name of Long Island Long Island, now part ot New York, How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents. The Juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces oC orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re- markable lemon skiu beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a line cloth so no lemon !«ilp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes ns freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, â- whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store ;uid two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. Ouch !?!?!! This kind oC rough talk will be heard less hero in town if people trtntbled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezom? when applied to a tender, aching corn stops soreness at once, and soon the com dries up and lifts right out without pain. • Ho says treeioue is an ether com- pound which dries imiuediately and never tntlames or even irritates iha surrounding tissue or skiu. A quarter of an ounce of treezono will cost very little at any dmg store, but is suiB- cient to remove every hard or soft com or callus from one's feet. Millions of American women will welcome this announcement since the inauguration of the high heels. DON'T NEGLECT A RffiOMATiC ?m Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets danjjerous eiRlS! HAVE A MASS OF BEAyiifUL iilll!, SOFT, jLOSSy, WAVY A small bottle destroys dandruff and doubles beauty of your hair. within ten minutes after an appU- cation of Danderine you can not find a single trace o( daudriiff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few was at one time known as the Island , "oeks' use, when you see new hair, fine , ^^^^ downy at first â€" yesâ€" but really of Matowack, and afterwards as the Isle of Stirling, with reference to the ; Earl of Stirling, Viscount ot Canada. Lord Alexander of Tullibody. The , Earl of Stirling was a man far in ad- Apfdy a liStic. don't rub, let it l>ette* truic, aud â€" jood-by twinge I Same foi external aches, pains, strains, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises.' fiistanf relief witliouf niussinef? or soUed clotliiiig. Reliable â€" the biggest selling liniment year after year. Hco- noinical by reason of enormous sal.'^.t. Keep a big bottle ready at all liniesi. Made iu ('anada. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment SIoMi^ : ICjaiiS;Paj^3El;>3J** 30c, 60c, $1.20 I vance of his time who attempted tho fire, and the signallers and linemen as the general method of exchange,! ^,^,lo„izat,lon ot Nova Scotia in 1821. had to go o«t and fix up the lines ofj in^ts were used, sometimes shaped, I ^„j ;„ January. 1635, obtained from string ont new wires, and many met| but often a rough piece of whatever tj,g council ot New England a grant new hair growing all over tho soalp. A Itttle Danderlne immediately doub- les the l)enuty of yonr hair. No dif- ference how dull, faded. Ijrittle aud ecniggy. just moisten a cloth with Danderinc aud carefully draw It through your hair, taking one 8Diatt< strand at a time. The effect Is ama*- ing -your hair will be light, fluCfy and wavy, and have an apj)eorance of abundance; au incomparable lu.itre. their death from shell and snipers' , metal it was. In Egypt they adopted • „f e(,rt;Un lands in America, hicluding _ .... bullets. I the habit of stamping on the ingots j Long island. Argyll's Lndghig (now softness and luxuriance Each battalion has iWty-six sig- j a likeness to animals, which had been ^hj, Military Hospital-, near Stirling; Got a small bottle nailers under a signal officer and arei one of the former methods of ex- fnstle, was built by htm. It Is said of responsible for keeping up communi- change. him that ho thought imperially and Coins have been made of various uved imperially. He died in 1640, and motals. Some were once used inUva.s buried In tho family vault in the headquarters. In trench | England made of tiji; and, of course,; parish Church of Stirling the divisional signallers | nickel is used now in various Con cAttons between all parts of the bat taUon and with flank battalions and brigade warfare nuintain aa elaborate system of tinental countries. lUnard's Linimant Iiiunl>«ntt»a'i TrtwuL of Kiwwlton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as JTuy â€" that it has been noglactod or Injured by careless treatmont -tha't's all â€" you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It If you w\U Just try a little Danderlne. The Kiddies Eigoy Cuticura Soap Tlii-s pure, fragrant craoUitiit jsjost anited to the tender^ skins vi iorants and children. Mdlians'llaTe kncmn no other since btrdi. Tlie daily usft of it, whh toucheS'uf Oiniutent n>)w .md then to little sion and sc^p ticubles, twids tu innre a healthy Sfcfn, a dean acalp and good liai* through life. Soap, Oiitfuient and Talcnm sold everywhere. t^T'Bm atae t* tMt tin iMdaMina {r*- gT«a£e ot Cirticiftm Tafenm vm yamr tkin. ED. 7 ISSUE U-'X%